HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 35ry Col A 1SSIC�@VEtR�" December 7, 1989�INU�ES O� WAR BEACH CITY OF NEW ROLL. CALL INN K &-gum%for Con! ' uances: Request .for James I-Iewicker, Planning Director, requested tha m No. 15, Gointinuancc Amendment No. 697, to amend the Mariner's e Specific Plan and Discussion Item No. 1, Amendment . 697, with rc ttrd to Nonconforming Structures and Use a continued w the �anuary 41 1990, Planning Commissio eeting. * Motion was made voted on to continue Item No. 15 and Ayes;ten * * * Discussion It o. I to the January 4, 1990, Planning A buent * * Commissmeeting. M011ON CARRIED. s • + Exception Permit No, 35(Discussion) Request to permit the construction of one off -site identification sign for the Villa Point Apartments on property located in Area 2 of the Villa Point Planned Community. The proposed sigii will contain 47 square feet of sign area. LOCATION: Portions of Blocks 55 and 94, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 1200 East Coast Highway on the northeasterly corner of. Jamboree Road and East Coast I-tighway, in the Villa Point Planned Community. ZONE: P-C APPLICANT: Habitat, Inc, Tempe, Arizona' OWNER: The Irvine Company , Newport Beach Mr. David McMahon, representing Regis C^litractors, appeared before. the Planning Commission. Mr. McMahon concurred with the findings and conditions in Exhibit. "A". Motion was made and voted on to approve Exception Permit No. 35 subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". MOTION CARRIED. FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed sign will be compatible with surrounding land uses. -2- Item NOA EP 35 AR ved 2. That the proposed off -site sign will not have any significant environmental impact. 3. That the proposed off -site sign is consistent with the character and design of the apartment project tinder construction; on the adjoining property. Furthermore, multiple -family residential uses are proposed on the subject property, and the proposed sign will also identify said development. 4. That the sign at the intersection of Jamboree Road and Back Bay Drive will not adversely impact the neighboring residential uses. S. That the granting of this exception permit will not be contrary to the purpose of. Chapter 20.0E of the Municipal Code, or the Willa Point Planned Community Development Standards, ,and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persona residing in the "neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. L r. j .r iln ♦ Yr k a 5 f r, t *,r` s: I >_ i TO. Plan g .�vmrmission 3 r. sign visiblelrom the street (i.e. East Coast Highway)., Ile approved sign will be located on a perimeter wall adjacent to 'Amlings Nursery, and is, identical to the proposed of(o site sign. The Villa Point Development Standards allow one identification sign per street frontage for the residential portion of the Planned Community. The applicant could conceivably wait for the final approval and adoptionof the amendment ,to ;the I'lanned:Community Development Standards and not require this discretionary approval. However, Phase One of the apartment. project is currently under construction and the applicant is concerned that identification be in place prior to completion. Aw icant' • Statement of Su ort In accordance with Section 20.06.090B of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planning Commission :must find, that the ,granting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property.: right,; will not he contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06, and will not be materially detrimental to the; health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the ne)'ghborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. In response to the above requirements, the applicant has submitted the following x T(): Planning Cornmissxo ; CoDformanm with the eneral Flan . nd the T.:ocal - Cos ; g gram Land Use Plan The subject property is designated for "Multi -Family Residential" use by the Land,Use Eletr,.ent of the General Plan and. the LDcal Coastal Program Land Use Plan. However., , the doers of the property are ;currently pursuing an amendment to the. Villa. Point Planned Community, Development Standards soy as: tochange the designation of the.site from "Commercial" to "Multi -Family Residential" to bring the P-C text into conformance with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and. the Local -Coastal Program Land, Use Plan. _These documents do not address th,e use of signs in stick areas; therefore, no . Conflict "appears to -exist: 11''rojnroundiLtg� iJses ` The subject property is vacant and is located in the Villa Point Planned Community on the northeasterly corner of East Coast Highway. and Jamboree Road. "ro the'narth, is: a` multi-unitresidentia, project;' to the east; is' Phase One of: the�<Villa Point Apartment. currently under'' construction;' tos the south, across East Coast Highway is detached single fainily residential property; and to the west, across Jamboree Road fs vacant property and .the Newport Dunes Project. nalYSls As shown in the attached plans, < 'the, proposed off -site sign:'located at the earner, of Jamboree Road and Back Bay Drive is incorporated. into me perimeter wall for the project. The applicant intends to simply ; add the signage to the boundary, wall; .and ;to light the sign externally. The total square footage. ofsignage on the proposed nff-site s gn;is? 4T` square) feet' with a maximum��height�of.7.,Ifeet ±,-,. and i5 described= mare fully ari the` attached plans. The signage for the :most part is. or�etited, owards:Jamborec . Road and poses no impact` to nioy of the residential :useb, in :the vicinity of the.;project , �. Omen ent to the Planned'Ctimmunity °I)eveld�nt Standards .t The owner of the subject property.,is currently processing an amendment to the Villa Point Planned CommunityDevelopment Standards, in. order to bring; :the; ,document into "Coastal` compliance with the Land Use Element of the General Plan. and the Local Program .Land-tUse! Plan The proposed :amendment,wall�,be..subp.,tted itol,thez Planning P Comnvsyiun early in{� .9 0 ";Aldo`;included, to the:,amendment,wtll,rhp revtstans to the secttn which regulates stgnst . Staff III,be: recommending regulattos far reigns whack ' are ;consistent4iff similar: sign, programs which.7have been :apprv;vedt ley,tlte,. City,; in: other Planned Gammunities: These requirernents will allowvaTiouspslnaary=:identification, rerlataryand directional signs:.At its meeting of November 21 1959`the Modifications Comznittee approved Modification No. 362-5 . that permitted gipq signs,,jacated )within the Villa Pont. apartment complex under construction-, (see attached .letter .from the , Mociificatians'Comttuttee) The approzved applicationfpermrtted:bA one identification i C� 0 To Plar. ng mrnission� F Highway).,; 'n sign'visibI6 frorrilhd street, (i.e.: East Coast e. approved sign will be.located wa Jac eint;.- to, Amlings Nursery, and is identical to, t. e, jyiop6se� Off - on -a OeTirneter' 11 Ad' h site sign. 'ne Villa Point Development Standards allow one identification sign per street frontage. for the residential portion of the Planned Community. The applicant could conceivably wait for the final approval and adoption of the ameiidment.,to�th.e,l)lahned.-C6mmunity Development Standards and not require this discretionary. approval, _.,W.owcvter','Plias'e',One of the apartment project is currendy under construction and the app icant is concerned that identification be in place prior to completion. Applicant's Stalfment of—Sul2port cl Jn accordance with Section 20.06.090B of the Newport Beach Muni 'pal Code, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planning Commission mustt * rind., that the ' granting,qf such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property, right'. will not be coniriat'y'to the purpose of Chapter 20.06, and will not be materially, detrimental to theficalth, safety, cAimfort or general welfare of persons residing in -the neighborhood, or detrimental or ip,jurious to property or improvements in the neighborho,od,.or tothe general welfare of the City. In response to the above requirements, the applicant has submitted the following statements in support of his application: 1. Why �will the propos I not be cofignrw to th urDose of tbc -Aign—oArinanep.? "Appropriate identification of a mulfl-family residen'tial development is allowed," 2. What exceptignal gtgxt ()r&ary,i6irctimst�ncg are, involved,2 "Leasing Office'will open for initial phase in early December prior, to amended zoning. UasingOffic'e. Will not be easily visible from iambor�e and Back Bay entry," h 3. )Yhy J ci a substantW brojjcrty ri" "If *s an exception pganit ner&ssabLta 12-rot signs.are not in place, prospective tenants will not be able. to locate or identify the apartments." 4. Why will thg proposal not be'drgrimental to jh� neighbgrliood9,.�' "Signs are in keeping with similar inulti-family developments and the design is'understated and p easing. W n e e s i zon a 'estheticilly I i The si�lis vvill be allo ed o c the parc 1. i e ed." I cirk Findin S' a,nd Recom�16diti66 Sac �sta S Opt d' sign is reasonable and is necessary,,, for It is Won -.that,. tfi 6 , propose h, h informational: a-s:, 1, as.;directi6hafpurposes. it. is stitffs! further: opinion t at mas-muC we the I sign is d , ner, Z ted tow aid Ja . �ibore'&'Road the � 'ro sed sign..will, hot ',ha%i6-.,an as T Po impao, 'on resideatia 'it across Back Bay Drive, Should the'' pl�n;iing I ies directly C onimission,wish:to approvelhis�. rth164 t app tr.4066i, the� findings atn&conditions, seifo' 1 0 By AVIER S.7bARCIA Senior Planner Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Vicinity Map Titter From Applicant Eliminating One, Sign Letter from"Modifications Committee Plot Plans and EIevation r. ;i ta% 4i ' TO:: P1 g Coinmissinn -_a' c EXHIBIT W' FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, FOR EXCEPTION PERMIT NO. 35 FINDINGS 1. That the proposed sign will be compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the ,proposed off -site sign. will not, have any significant environmental impaxt. 1 That, ti�e.proposed off sate sign is consistent with the character and design of,the apartment project under construction on the adjoining property. Furthermore; multiple -family residential uses .are proposed on the 'subject .property, rand the proposed sign will also identify said development. 4. That the, sign, at the intersection of Jamboree, Road and Back Bay Drive. will not adversely impact the neighboring , residential uses. 5...: That the granting of, this exception` permit will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20;06 of the Municipal Code, or the Villa" Point;.Planned Community Development Standards, and ,will: not he materially, detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or, generic welfare "`of persons 'residing in the neighborhood,: ,or detnmental, ' or injurious 'to property or improvements in the`neiihborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. QQ�NDITIONS; 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plans and elevation. 2. Ts'mt 'the applicant. shall obtain a building',,permit for the' proposed sign prior to installation... 3. That the location bf the 'sign : shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer for sight distance. ♦~ r Habitat November 22, 1989 Page two MODIFICATIONS COMMIT E-E PLANNINGDEPARTMENT TAMES D. HEWICKER, Director William R. Laycock, Current Planning Man�iger. r rt t fl Cam ker a omia - r �7:f1 e. OO) l�aplo tklFtnsltl Y T�rnt�f Ar��r;�x it ieE1a � >I anner > )2658;r-8915 r .. ro notifv you that thtsv wi -,h : �, I� X ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION 2LPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ,,iftETC ENGINEER '�,., ' DEPARTMENT , CX PLAN REVIEW DIVISION ...._PARKS & RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY —GRADING APPLICATION OF: Habitat, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 35 Date_&yo.UtbZ 5,1( PLANS ATT/1CIm1) (PLEASE RRIURN) —PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING blilyI'. Re4uot to permit the cop5truction of two off-site.ident�ficat:on suns fo .the Villa Foint ADartLnents on property li2cated in Area 2 of the Villa I'oint Pl_ nned ,Cum unity. The primp ed signs will contain 47 square feet each LOCATION: 1200 East Coast Highway REPORT REQUESTED BY: 11-27-$2 COMMISSION RI 2LPLA , N'REVIEW. DIVISION —YARDS & RECREATION _POLICE .DEPARTMENT —MARINE SAFETY GRADING APPLICATION OF: Habitat, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 35 PLANNING D817. Request to pecri L it the constoction of two off -site identification siga&fp -(lgVilla Point meats on properly Imled in Area 2 of the Villa Point Planned,ter. unity, - 7Dp Frol sed signs will contain 47 square feot each. LOCATION: 1200 East Coast Highway REPORT REQUESTED BY: 11-27-89 0 C ,PCJBLIC'Wo KS DEPARTIVIEI�IT' ,..TRAFFIC ENGINEER LFIRE DEPARTMENT X PLAN REVIEW DIVISION _PARKS & RECREATION _POLICE ' DEPARTMENT ._ MARINE SAFETY ,._.,GRADING APPLICATION OF: Habitat, Inc. FOR Exception Permit No. 35 X PLANS AT'rACHED (PLEASE izoruIZN) .rPLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEP'I'. 0�10 A t t I W t 1 t XUJ01. 01014/1 t I I P M 0 1 fff- a I iv. W Num u r4l V,•/rA LOCATION: 1200 East Coast Highway REPORT REQUESTED BY:11-27-89 COMMISSION REVIEW: 2-789 mate i��lvemner t�, a�,.3�;� }L ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION. WO S PART1Vi N' ' t X PLANS Kf TAC HED `TRAFFIC ENGINEER (PLEASE RlITURN) ,.FIRE DEPARTMENT —PLANS ON FILE IN X PLAN REVIEW DIVISION PLANNING :KEPT, _PARKS &. RECREATION _POLICE 'DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY —GRADING APPLICATION OF: Habitat, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 35 It=est to permil the construction of two lsitgsign tidentification s forb.. �1j�JI� �Qin [�rr�ents on properlocated in Ahe Villa Point Planned CaWMW,4 Tt ei pro o�sed signs will contain 47 square feet each LOCATION: 1200 East Coast Highway X ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION XPUBLIC: WORKS DEPARTMENT , XPLANS A'I-I''ACHED X TRAFFIC ENGINEER (PLEASE II,i!"fURN) ,XI+II E DEP,� RTMEN'f fi _.,_PLANS ON I�II.,1 IN t REVIE i D SdC? .1" PLANNING, KEPT. PARKS & RECREATION _POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFE t Y _,_.GRADING APPLICATION OF: Habitat, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 35 E&quest to hermit the constnic ion gf tw_Q !uff--site identification siZns� 0j, t �e Villa ARAdments on property located in rea 2 of the Villa Point ?Tanned Lq tpitv__, 'De =QmUggr s will contain 47 ware feet each. LOCATION: 1200 East Coast Highway REPORT REQUESTED BY, 11-27-89 COMMISSION REVIEW: 12-7-89 XFIRE DEPARTMENT ?,PLAN REVIEW DIVISION PARKS & RECREATION - POLICE DEPARTMENT _,MARINE SAFETY _,GRADING APPLICATION OF: Habitat, Inc. FOR: Exception Permit No. 35 LOCATION: 1200 East roast Highway REPORT REQUESTED BY: 1 Z 27-89 PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. 1V1 Uwl .- fx - _ •- - Jk W -�-� ✓� '','