HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 37ROLL CALL INDEX xce�oti_onPF.t-mit H Item No.4 Request to permit the retention of an existing as -built sign which Ep No. 3.7 represents the second ground sign on property located 16 the M- `- 1.-A District, where only one ground sign per building site is Approved permitted. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the as -built signs to encroach up to 13 feet 8 inches ± into the required 15 foot front yard setback. LOCATION: Lot46, Tract No. 3201, located at 4023 Birch Street, on the northwesterly side of Birch Street, between Dove Street and Quail Street, across Birch Street from the Newport Place Planned Community. ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANT: George Souleles, Laguna Niguel OWNER: Same as applicant James Hewicker, Planning Director, stated that staff was not able to locate building permits for the two signs that would address the Public Works Department's concerns regarding the location of the signs. Mr. Hewicker indicated that the City Council is interested in upgrading the general vicinity where the subject property,is located. The public hearing was opened in connection with this items, and Mr. George Souleles, property owner, appeared before the Planning Commission.' Mr. Souleles explained that a permit was not granted for the Pack -Cell Corporationsign, and the second sign has been located on the property for 12 years. Mr. Souleles indicated that the Pack -Cell sign is located approximately 18 feet from the edge of the driveway where the, automobiles stop before entering Birch Street; that the signs on the .'other Sites surrounding the subject property are not conducive to the area and are considerably larger than the subject signs; and the subject' signs 'are aesthetically pleasing to the area. In response to a question posed by Chairmman Pomeroy, Mr; Soulelts concurred with the findings and conditions in Exhibits`.. „A„ and ."B". r the Public Works Department has adopted standards thm require clear sight distances at intersections and driveways 10 feet back of the .right-of-way. He expressed concern for pedestrian safety as the automobiles (approach Birch Street because of the close proximity of the sign to the driveway. Mr. Souleles agreed to move the signs back; however, he opposed moving the iigrts 10 feet from back of sidewalk. Mr. Souleles indicated that between MacArthur Boulevard and Bristol Street there are 22 signson other lots that are at the edge of the sidewalk whereas the subject signs are set back at least 5 feet from the edge of the sidewalk. Mr. Edmonton determined that the plan indicates that the existing signs are approximately 16 inches from b€�ck of sidewalk, and the sign that is 4'6" wide could be moved towards the building into the 15 foot front yard setback so as to provide at least a 10 foot clearance. Mr. Edmonston did not object if the 6'6" Pack -Cell sign was moved 8 6" from back of sidewalk. Mr. Souleles agreed to move the Pack -Cell sign adjacent to the building so as to provide as much clearance as possible. Commissioner Debay and Mr. Hewicker discussed the procedure that the. Code Enforcement Officers follow to locate illegal signs and to bring the signs into compliance with the Zoning Code. Mr. Souleles ,explained that the subject signs became an issue when Pack -Cell requested approval of Use Permit No, 3374 so as to establish a facility that specializes' in automobile cellular phones. Mr. Souleles addressed the deterioration of Birch Street and Campus Drive based on the number of illegal signs in the area.. Mr. Shiram Vosough, owner of Pack -Cell, appeared before the Planning Commission wherein he addressed the sign height requirements, and the necessity for the sign. Mr. Edmonton explained that to maintain a view corridor, the maximum height. limit of signs is 24 inches, and occasionally a height of 30 inches has been approved within the sight distance areas. Chairman Pomeroy suggested a condition that would require the signs to. be moved back or lowered to a maximum 1eight of 30 inches. Mr. Hewickcr referred to Condition Nei 3 in Exhibit "A" that requires the ground signs to be relocated so as to r0aintain at least ' 10 feet between , the signs and back of sidewalk. He; -8r 1 is 1 �I suggestea tnat the conumvcl t:uulu aiva.+=....., ... ... ­..--... -- front yard setback of T6" for the Pack -Cell sign instead of 10 feet or to lower the height of the sign to 30 inches. Mr. Vosough stated that automobiles parking in the space on Birch Street in front of the building has caused accidents inasmuch as a driver's sight distance is blocked when coming out of the driveway. Mr. Edmonton stated that if the property owner would submit a letter regarding the parking space, the City would paint the curb red so that the parking space would be eliminated. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed at this time. Motion Motion was made to approve Exception Permit No. 37 subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A", and to amend Condition No. 3 stating "That the two ground signs Shall either be relocated on the site or lowered so that the signs do not exceed a height of 30 inches. If relocated, the Pack -Cell sign shall be set track at least 8 feet 6 inches from back of sidewalk, and the second ground sign shall be set back at least 10 feet from back of sidewalk:' Commissioner Glover and Mr. Edmonston discussed requirements for consistent sight distance for all signs throughout the City. Motion was voted on to approve Exception Permit No. 37 subject. All Ayes to the findings and conditions in ExhitNit "A", including amended Condition No. 3 as suggested by Mir. hlewicker. MOTION CARRIED. ELN,DIN�S: 1. That the proposed signs are compatible with, surrounding land uses. 2. That the existing signs will not have any significant environmental impact. 3. That the existing signs are consistent with ' the character and design of the existing structures on the subject property. -g. { Vb ROLL CALL INDEX 4. That the granting of this exception permit will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code and will not be materially detrimental to the healtil, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing lit the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. 5. That the approval of a modification to the Zoning Code, so as to allow two ground signs to encroach into the required 15 foot front yard setback will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City and further that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of this Code, provided adequate sighs distance is maintained. 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plans and elevations except as noted below. 2. That the applicant shall obtain a building permit for the existing signs. 3. That the two ground signs shall either be relocated on the site or lowered so that the signs do not exceed a height of 30 inches. If relocated, the Pack -Cell sign shall be set back at. least 8 feet 6 inches from back of sidewalk, and the second ground sign shall be set back at least 10 feet from back of sidewalk. -10- SUBJECT: Exception Permit No 37 (,Public HegdWl Request to permit the retention. of an existing as -built sign which represents the second ground sign on property Iocated in the; M-1-A District, where only one ground sign per building site is permitted The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the as -built signs to encroach up to 13 feet 8 inches ± into the required 15 foot front yard setback. LOCATION: Lot 46, Tract No. 3201, located at 4023 Birch Street, on the northwesterly side of Birch Street, between Dove Street and Quail Street, across Birch Street from the Newport Place Planned Community. ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANT: . George Souleles, Laguna Niguel nformance with the General Plan The subject property is designated for "Administrative, Professional and Financial Commercial" use by the Land Use Element of the General Plan, The existing freestanding signs are being utilized in conjunction with the two commercial buildings on -site. Subject Proper and uoundine Land Uses The subject property is 100 feet wide and ?90 feet deep with land area of 29,000 square feet. The subject property is currently developed with a multi -tenant, light industrial building, a detached storage building and related parking area. To the northeast, northwest, and southwest are existing office buildings and related parking areas; and to the southeast, across Birch Street, are commercial office uses. Dackground On February 22, 1990, the Planning Commission approved Use Permit No. 3374, a request to permit the establishment of a facility that specializes in the sales, service and installation of automobile cellular phones on the subject property located in the M-1-A District. The Planning Commission conditioned the facility subject to the following Condition No. 4 related to the existing signs on the subject property: "That the existing as -built identification sign belonging to the subjee; facility shall obtain a building permit issued by the Building and Planning Departments in conformance with the Sign Ordinance of the Municipal :ode." The owner of the subject property has elected to process an exception permit for the second ground sign. the large plot plan. The City Traffic Engineer has indicated that the existing location of both signs impairs the sight distance of person:) in vehicles exiting the subject property, which creates a hazardous situation. The City Traffic Engineer has recommended that the signs be relocated to a distance of .at least 10 feet from back of the sidewalk so as to improve the visibility and to comply with the sight , distance requirements of City Standard 110-L. Staff concurs with the recommendation of the Traffic Engineer and also offers another alternative that the signs could be consolidated into a single structure which could be either relocated or reconstructed in compliance with sight distance requirements. : IMP _ s r: rrr In accordance with Section 20.00.090B of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planning. Commission must find that the granting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06, and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. findings and conditions set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" are suggested. However, if the Planning Commission desires to deny the Exception Permit No. 37 but approve , the modification portion of this application to allow the ` encroachment of a sin ie sign structure which encroaches into the required 15 foot front yard setback, the rind ngs and conditions set forth in the attached Exhibit "B" are suggested. However, if the Planning Commission desires to deny this application in its entirety, the findings set forth in the attached Exhibit "C' are suggested. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEW7CKER, Director By AVIER S. ARCIA Senior Planner EXHIBIT"A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR EXCEPTION PERMIT NO. 37 (approves application as proposed, but maintaining sight distance) EINDINGS: 1. That the proposed signs are compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the existing signs will not have any significant environmental impact. 3. That the existing signs are consistent with the character and design of the existing structures on the subject property. ., _. -, -� �;u EXHIBIT "B" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR EXCEPTION PERMIT NO. 37 (allows one sign to encroach but denies thy; exception for more than one sign) (FINDINGS: 1. That the allowance of a single sign is cons-patible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the redesign of the sign to consolidate the two existing signs will not have any significant environmental impact. 3. That the redesign of the sign to consolidate the two existing signs will be consistent with the character and design of the existing structures on the subject property. EXHIBIT "C" FINDINGS FOR DENTAL. EXCEPTION PERMIT NO. 37 (denies the application in its entirety) T IN * : 1. That the Planning Commission determined that hn this case, the existing location of the signs ' in the required 15 foot front yard setback is detrimental to persons, property and improvements in the neighborhood, and that the applicant's request would .not be consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 2. That there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances involved with the property which make two ground signs necessary to achieve the identification of the subject property or buildings. Qua d P-C p C { P' C Q? c- vg for 1 7Z+cr NO, 939a h 1 P' C I I 1 _ ,t I Jo D N $� A M � � j v r P- c Q ✓I 1 w � w ; ROLL CALL INDEX _f.Qn AuunS&s: Mquest £or James Hewi Planning Director, requested that Item No. 3, A Continuance General Plan ment No. 89-2. (D), Amendment No. 683, and Tentative Map of 'T No. 14120, Todd Schooler and Steve McCluer, ' applicants, grope ocated at 1900 West Balboa Boulevard, be continued to , th arch 8, 1990, Plannin3 Commission meeting to allow staff adds time to review the application. motion Motion was made and voted on to continue Item No. the All AY°" March 8, 1990, Planning Commission meeting. MOTI CARRIED. Use Permit No. 1314 (Public Hearing) Item No.1 Request to permit the establishment of a facility (fiat specializes UP3374 in the sales, service and installation of automobile cellular phones on property looted in the M-1-A District, Approved LOCATION: Lot 46, Tract No.3201, located at 4023 Birch Street, on the northwesterly side of Birch Street, between Dove Street and Cbmil Street, across Birch Street from the Newport Place Plann d Community: ZONE: M-1-A APPLICANT: Pack -Cell, Newport Beach OWNER: George Souleles, Irvine The public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Shiram Vosough, applicant, appeared before the Planning Commission wherein he concurred with the findings' and conditions in Exhibit "A". In response to questions posed by Commissioner Edwards with regard to, letters from the Code; Enforcement Division notifying -2- ROLL CALL Motion All Ayes �e applicant to apply for a use permit at the subject location, 4r. Vosough explained that he did not understand that the use trmit'was not transferable from his previous location at 4001 3irch Street to the `subject location. Chore being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the j )ablic hearing was closed at this time. Motion was made to approve Use Permit No. 3374 subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". Commissioner Edwards supported the motion; however, he explained that Condition No. 9 permits the Planning Ctrnm ssion to add or modify conditions of approval to the use permit if it is determined that the operation is detrimental to the community. Motion voted on, MOTION CARRIED. Fi gs: 1. That the proposed application is support service in nature' and not an intensification of use of the existing structure, and as such, is consistent with the Land Use Element ofII the General Flan and is compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That . adequate parking exists oft -site for the proposed development. 3. That the establishment of the subject business .will not have any significant environmental. impact. !� 4. That the approval of Use Permit No.;3374 will not, under !I the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safe a, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing and working in the neighborhood or be detrimental or ' injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare'.of the City. -3- : ROLL CALL INDEX Conditions: 1. That the proposed development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan and floor plans, except as noted below. 2. That should the parking lot require restriping, the parking lot layout shall be prepared and the striping shaU be marked with approved traffic markers or painted white lines not less than 4 inches wide and shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to the continuation of the subject business. 3. That all installation, testing and demonstration automotive sound, communications and alarm systems shall be conducted within the building and no outdoor display shall be permitted. 4. That the existing as -built identification sign belonging to the subject facility shall obtain a building permit issued by the Building and Planning Departments in conformance with the Sign Ordinance of the Municipal Cade. 5. That all mechanical equipment and trash areas shall be screened from Birch Street and adjoining properties. 6. That no outdoor sound system shall be utilized on -site. 7. That all employees shall park on -site at all times. 8. That a minimum of 12 parkingspaces shall be provided in the parking lot for the subject facility. 9. That the Planning Commission may add or modify conditions of approval to this use permit, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this use permit, upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this use permit causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community. -4- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HALL t'.d41:.1... ..._..�._ INDEX 10. This use permit shall expire unless exercised withli months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. it No. 3376(Public flgarj Item No.2 R est to establish a church facility including a .100t seat vP3376 san ry, a reception room and kitchen, administrative offices, bathroo s, and miscellaneous storage and service preparation r, roved areas with an existing commercial building located in the C-N- H District. LOCATION: Lots 5 and 6 and a portion of Lot 7, Tract No. 4225, located at 1723 Westcliff Drive, on e southwesterly side of Westcliff Drive, be een Irvine Avenue and Dover Drive, in the estcliff area. ZONE: C-N-H APPLICANT. So— Matthew's raditional Episcopal Church, Corona del Ma OWNER: Westcliff Center As ciates, Newport Beach Commissioner Pers6n and James Hewicker, fanning director, discussed the provision that allows a church a commercial district as long as adequate parking is provided Commissioner Glover and Commissioner Edwards dis sled their concerns with Don Webb, City Engineer, regarding t traffic congestion that could be created by the subjectchurch d St. Andrew's Church on Sunday mornings. Don Webb, City En gr r, explained that based on tic size of the church's congregau there would not be an impact of traffic on Westcliff Drive an 17th Street. -5- Nth. 2 V A J, taF►rt•iL t✓dvvrivr V,1c FIRE DEPARTMENT -PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. X PLAN REVIEW DIVISION _PARKS & RECREATION _..-POLICE DEPARTMENT ,..._MARINE SAFETY —GRADING APPLICATION OF: George Souleles FOR: Exception Permit No. 37 REQUEST TO: Permit the retention of an existing as -built sign which represents the second freestanding ground sign on property located in the M-1-A District, where the Sign Cade limits the number of freestanding signs to one sign per building site. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the as -built sign to encroach 9± feet into the. required 15 foot front yard setback. LOCATION: 4023 Birch Street REPORT REQUESTED BY: March 26, 1990 COMMISSION REVIEW: April 5, 1990 COMMENTS:_,LC% _,ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION ,,PL1i3LTC�irVO1tKS,D.EPAR I'MENT X PLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE Z2I 'TURN) .,,.,.1'II2E_DEPARTMEN'I' PLANS ON FILE IN FLANNINO i)EP'I'. X PLAN REVIEW DIVISION PARKS & RECREATION —POLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY —GRADING APPLICA770N OF: George Souleles FOR: Exception Permit No. 37 REQUEST TO: Permit the retention of an existing as -built sign which represents the second freestanding ground sign on property loeuted in the M-1-A District, where the Sign Code lim(tix the number of freestanding signs to one sign per building site. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the as -built sign to encroach 9± feet into the required 15 foot front yard setback. LOCATION: 4023 Birch Street March 26, 1990 April 5, 1990 T -t.VJP1yr PARKS & R - CR AVON —POLICE DEPARTMENT —MARINE SAFETY —GRADING APPLICATION OF: George -'.)ttleles FOR: Exception Permit No. 37 REQUEST TO: Permit the retention of an existing as -built sign which represents the second freestanding ground sign on property located in the M-1-A District, where the Sign Codelimits the number of freestanding signs to c.n%-, sign per building site. The proposal also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so as to allow the as -built sign to encroach 9± feet into the required 15 foot front yard setback. LOCATION: 4023 Birch Streei REPORT REQUESTED BY: March 26, 1990 COMMISSION REVIEW: April 5, 1990 COMMENTS: This projeci has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorlea(ly exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Notice is hereby further given that said Public hearing will be held on the a day of Argil 192 at the hour of 71M p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For information call (714) 644-3200. Janice A. Debay, Secretary, Planning Commission, City of ,Newport Beach. NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. AP: 427-131-08 Irvine.Indu�ri.al Complex 17890 S •'5ark Blvd Irv' e CA 92714 AP: 427-131-11 Irvine In trial Complex 17890 y Park Blvd Irvine CA 92714 AP: 427-131 li Irvine ustrial Complex P.O. x 10176 Co a Mesa, CA 92627 AP: 427-131-09 Irvina 1ndunti�.. bl Oonpler. 2101 ikOvp, 8 New 3each Ca 92660 AP: 427-.131-12. Irvine Industrial Comglex 4043 Birch St Newport Beach :a 9266E AP: 427-131-16 -' Irvine Indufal Ccx�plex 1100 W. can Front Bal!Xst , CA 92661 AP: 427-131-01 Irvine Indust Complex ).7890 Sk r� k Blvd Yrvi CA 92714 AP: 427-131-1 Irvine In trial Complex 17890 cy Park Blvd Ir 'ne CA 92714 AP:, 427-131714 Irvine Industrial Complex F.O. Box 10176 Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 AP c 427-141- 01 South Bay Club 2222 Corinth Ave Los Angeles, CA 9CO64 1193, 08' C 24 % 36 PRINTED ON NO. 1000N CLEARPRINT • l N�yol'G4P SO�=E /9 Rea. 3 p4chE