HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 40Motion Mb 'on was made to continue Use Permit No. 1889 (Review) and Ayes r * * * * Use mit No. 3412 to the April 18, 1991, Planning Commission Absent * meeting. Commissioner Glover suggested that Mr. Robinson's responsibilitiessh Id be clarified, and what constitutes. Pacific Avalon. Mr. Hewic explained that an intercited party, not necessarily the property wrier, can be the applicant, and the use permit runs with the land, a said if there is a problem, the ultimate party to solve the p lem would be the owner of the property. In response to a question posed by Cha an Debay, Mr. Gueola ii concurred with the findings and conditio in Exhibit "A", Use Permit No. 3412. The motion was voted on to continue Use Perm' No. 1889 (Review) and Use Permit No. 3412 to the April 18, 199 , tanning Commission meeting. MOTION CARRIED. Exception Permit No. 40 (17ismqon) Item No:?. Request to permit the installation of two free standing ground signs En40 on a site which exceed three feet in height and width, located on property Within the "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of Approved the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area, where the Zoning Code permits only one ground sign rin a building site with a maximum height and width of three feet. LOCATION: Lots I - 5, Tract No. 14025, located at 2600- 2700 Newport Boulevard, on the southeasterly corner of Newport <Boulevard (northbound) and 28th Street, in the Cannery Village; McFadden Square Specific Plan Area. 'LONE: SP-G APPLICANT: Newcomb Development, Newport Beach OWNER: N/R Marina Partners, Newport' Beach -11- ROLE. CALL INDEX The discussion was opened in connection with this hell), laud Ms. Mary Borgia appeared before the Planning Commission on behalf of the applicant. Ms. Borgla concurred with the flnding,# and conditions in Exhibit "A". Motion Motion was made and voted on to approve Exception Perailt No. Ayes {' * * * * 40 subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". MOTION Absent * CARRIED. FINDINGS: 1. That the proposed signs are compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That the proposed signs will not have any significant environmental impact. 3. That there are exceptional or extraordinary ciro:mstances involved with the property which make two ground signs necessary to achieve the identification of the subject property or buildings, given the multiple street frontages. 4. That the proposed signs are -consistent with the character and design of the structures previously approved by Site Plan Review No. 52 and related applications on the subject property. 51 That the ' granting of this exception permit will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code or the Development Standards of the Cannery Village\McFadden Square Specific Area Plan and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimenta! or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the 'general welfare of the City. - NDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan and elevations except as noted below. -]2- ROLL CALL INDEX 2. That the applicant shall obtain approval from the City Traffic Engineer, prior to issuance of building permits, of the location of the proposed signs. 3. That the two proposed freestanding monument signs be located so that sight distance is provided in conformance with the City Sight Distance Standard 110-L. "Modification No. 38Q(Appeal) (Public Hearing) Item No.3 Rey st to appeal the decision of the Modifications Committee M,)c3 • 3810 which nied the request to permit the as -built construction of a A222aI) carport ich is 7 feet 10 inches wide and 15 feet deep, where the Zoning Co requires a width of 8 feet and a depth of 16 feet, �prP oved clear inside ensions, for the third parking space. LOCATION: Lot 1, Block 15, Section 3, Balboa Island, wated at 300 Sapphire Avenue, on the n theasterly corner of Sapphire Avenue and Bal a Avenue, on Balboa Island, ZONE: R-1.S APPLICANTS: Gil and Ani Ferguson, Balboa Island OWNERS: Same as applica APPELLANTS: Same as applicants The public hearing was opened in connection ith this item, and Mr. Gil Ferguson,` applicant, appeared be a the Planning Commission, Me. Ferguson 'stated that:the; struct a wE6 -built in accordance with theplans.that were submitted to th, City and the Coastal Commission. He addressed the'activity that to place on the day that the curb cut on Balboa Boulevard was to be ' •taped, and the inspector red tagged the subject curb cut' beca a the carport was not. the required length. Mr. Ferguson stated that fter a 14 inch step was removed from the patio/parking area to e structure : they inspector did. not, approve the, carport, and th applicants were required to'apply. to the Modification Committee. -13- FRAM.' Planning Department SUBJECT: Eice ii6i bi iiiJ No _4Q_(Di5cus�ion) Request'to permit the'installatioz of two free standing ground sign.; bn a site which exceed three feet in height,and width, located on, property within the "Recreational and�Iviarine Coinriiercial""area�of the -anneal Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area, where the Zoning Code permits only one'ground sign on;a building site v�hh'ii a' urti height and width of three feet. LOCATION: Lots i - 51 Tract No;` 14025, located at 26000-2761Newpa Eoulevacd on the southeasterly cornerof Newport `Boulevard (northbound) mid 28th Street, in the Cannery; Village/McFadden Square Specific' Pitiix Area. ZONE: SP-6 T Y5 `I{ f Yr4EX:. �.Nfri, fYLi�477�anr :i/ • Con ormance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of thc, Newport Beach General Plan and the Loral Coastal Program, Land Use Plan designate the site.for "Recreational and,Marinr Commercialt'land use. T1tj4 land use designation is intended to encourage coastaWepender;t, coastal -related and vislii serving land uses. Residential development is, allowed. above ,the:.:first floor. Gencrid commercial or office land uses require the provision of a 40% mix: of incentive uses. The" proposed signs are ancillary to the proposed project currently under ,construction and are not specifically addressed by the provisions of the Land UserBleitment of the General Plan and the, Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan, land therefore, appears to be no conflict, s jr Sttblec- - t Property dS rro ng.Uses The sublect.,property for 'the proposed freestanding signs is currently. under construction with a mixed use residential and commercial project totalling 22,500,sq' of commercial space and 35 residential dwelling units. To the north of theproject site, across 28t►t Street, is the El I2anchito Restaurant, a parking lot and a marine commercial/office building; to;the east; across .The Rhine;,Channe�, are, commercial and residential uses on tI►e Lido Peninsula; to the southeast, across 26th Street is axboat .yard;; and .to the southwest, across Newport Boulevard, are retail conmie'idal and motel uses. 13ackaround On October 30, 1989, the City: Council approved Environmental Impact Report No.144ti Site Plan No., 52, Use Permit No. 3361, Traffic Study Ivo. 59, '?!'entative Map of Tract Na. 14025 and Coastal Residential Development. Permit No. 18 so as; to permit -the cox�shvetton;ot a. mixed -use residential/commercial development on the property. An' is As shown to the attached lot lan submitted b the a Iicarz there are:. two freestatadtn , sl ns , osed Si n Alocated'Auk }northwesterly corner of the subject ro a t and, Sign g p; p , ;r.. $, ,... ..,.,,r . x�, .r,.. :. 1?., I?„rtYr g.. ocated,near.;southwesterly corrner of the subject property. ,The, tot s udre ,_� q ,.,footage of; Sign A;, is appr' a amately ab4 square- feet (32'sq.ft on eich of two stes while .the �thhrci side 3. li L F t is to r main blanlc)r with,a maxirrnur :,height oi` 1S feet t and is,�ocated approximately 30. , feet from the antersectioan of 2gth Street and Newpoirt Boulevard and 4,feet from e.:bac of Sidewalk `Si, B ha`srd total"ai6a�4f approxi mteI ;i2 s uare feet �--ort± ? P q f.l,... eeti ,one,stde,Aand an overall height of approximately 4 feet `-, and is Located approximately 10; feet from the bads of sidewalk on 26th Street and 12 feet ± from the back of side" wall onmNewport Boule�rurd.: St ht Dastartce Imp, trm n _ r o.✓ r, a ,� J1t3 { ,� 00 1 1 ,f;l1{.. The scale of `zhe plot plan submitted by the:applicant does not precisely locace,thQ zo r� d; prof p signs , and the City Traffic. Engineer has indicated that the proposed location of °both 'signs J �I Traffics Engineer has, recommended: that the, signs be located 'at a distatice: adequate to comply with the sight distance requirements of City. Standard 110=L. Staff coneurs with.thc recommendation of the TrafficEngineer. The applicant has been informed of the concerns and has also agreed to conditions of approval to accomplish this requirement. Ap is na is Statement of Support In accordance with Section 20.05.090E of the Newport Beach Municipal Cock, in order to grant an exception permit, the Planning Commission mast find that the:-,- anting of such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be cpntrary' to the purpose of Chapter 20.06, and will not be materially detrimental to the health;; safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare:of the City. In response to the above requirements, the applicant has submitted the following statements in support of his application: 1. ;That -the proposed signs-are°compatible with surrounding land 2. That the proposed signs will not have any significant environmental impact: 3. That there `are eXceptional or:extraordinary circumstances involved with the property` which make two ground signs necessary to achieve the identification of the subject property or buildings, given the :multiple street frontages. 4. That the proposed signs"are consistent with the character and design of the, 'structures` .previously approved by Site Plan Review No: 52and related applications on the subject property, EXCEPTION PERMIT NO.4U FINDING�s. 1. That the Planning Commission deternuned that in this case, the proposed signs are detrimental to persons, property and improvements in;the .neighborhood, and that the applicaniys request would not be consistent .with the legislative intent of Title 24 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, 2. That there are no;cneptional ,op extraordinary circumstances involved with the property which make two ground signs necessary, to.;achievet the identification of the subject property or buildings. { t 3.: That:adegttate.:dosign alternatives exist which will allow the identification of the businesses on the subject property which :will comply ytith; the ,requirementsof the, Sign Ordinance and the:Developmeat. Standard s of:the:,Cannery Village/McFadden x Square Specific Area Plan:' APPLICATION OF: Newcomb Development FOR: Exception Permit No. aU REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of two free standing ground .signs on a single parcel of land which exceed three feet in height located on property within the"Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area, where the Zoning Code permits only one ground sign on a building site with a maximum height of three feet. 1. That the proposed signs be located so that sight distance is provided in conformance with the City Sight Distance Standard 110--•L. PLAN-CON\P-EMC40 APPLICATION OF: Newcomb Development FOR: Exception Permit No. 40 RE-QUESTTO: Permit the installation of two free standing ground signs can ti sinp-le oarcel of land which exceed three feet in heivht Inrs�ir.ri !MARINE SAFETY `GRA.DING APPLICATION OF: Newcomb Development FOR: Exception. Permit No. 40 REQUEST TO: Permit the installation of two free standing ground signs on a single parcel of land which exceed three feet in height located on property within the "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan _vic�.a�uv� APPLICATION OF: Newcomb Development FOR: Exception Permit No. 40 )ZEQUEST `1"O: Permit the installation of two free standing around signs on a single parcel of land which exceed three feet in height located on property wahin the "Recreational and Marine Commercial" area of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan Area, where the Zoning Code permits only one ground sign on a building site with a maximum height of three feet. Situated in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Lots 1--12, inclusive of block 324 of Lancaster's addition, per map recorded in Book 5, page 14, of miscellaneous maps, together with lots 1-14, inclusive of block 224, Section A, Newport Beach, per map recorded in Book 4, page 21, of miscellaneous mapa, and .Lafayette Avenue, abandoned per document recorded in Book 7170 page 617, of official records of said Orange County. TOTAL SITE AREA: 2,069 ACRES. Signface \, / Signface � I •• i V' TOP VIEW w 7'- 0' I 4'- 10% I.D. -- LD 28TH STREET AbILNA E2 EX `, Dc Retail Tenant Composite Roof M-leriai To Match Project Buildings All Trim To Be Painted White -White Signface From Painted Aluminum w! Copy Routed -Out From Background And Backed w� Colored Plex. Shiplap Siding Material From Carved Signfoam Or Other Synthetic. Paint To Match Building Siding Color. Precast Concrete Base To Match Building � 3 - SIDED IWIC-10SK, @ 2�th �T. & i�TEWPORT 1 SIGNFACES (2) SIDES, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED. �- 6'- 0" - 41- 6" I.D. A - Retail Tenant- - - - r-- — — --- --- -----... SINGLE FACE MONUMENT SIGN @ CORNER O SIGN LOCATED IN RAISED PLANTER; INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED. PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM 28th STREET MARINA mmmmmwffm� NEWPORT BEACH9 CALIFORNIA 8" High Letters F NEWPORT BLVD. & 26th ST. MONUMENT SIGN B KIOSK SIGN A a � �- /l' I I ul �. �•'--- �� G � e4 r--i. -I-- ti ` �"'-'6� � ��—� ■{ Gormerual Pierknq LN Pfau leash Is } : r•. �� M H I H AK � Commer cia l I I �` I■ I I ; tTt 1 1 0 I ■r' y__ - ■ t n,aee W.■r.T-eon0..n \ U v The Rhine 0 a a .0 e0 LJ—L—r--1 Site/Ground level Plan COnvnciclal 11.316 %J. Ccenwvcrcul Pa11in6 I 1011 ap.Ce.: 1 Site Plan NEB-�•`� BJ�. I �/f \, � � t , 'Plol•cl Srp+ saw,.. . it J