HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 7Planning Commission Meeting June 17, 1976 Item No. 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH June 11, 1976 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Sign Exception Permit No. 7 (Public Hearing) Request to permit the installation.of a 344 square foot "Bullock's Wilshire" wall sign where Chapter 15.16 of the Newport BeachMunicipal Code would allow 200 square feet. LOCATION: Lot 1 of Tract 6015, located at 83 Fashion Island in Newport Center. ZONE: C-0-H APPLICANT: Welton Becket Associates,_ Los Angeles OWNER: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach ■ Application The applicant is requesting an exception to Section-l's.'16.280 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code which states that, "The area of a mall sign or wall signs on any wall shall not exceed 200 square feet nor.." (40) percent of the exposed finished wall surface area, including openings." It is proposed to construct a 344 square foot wall.sign with 8 foot high letters 43 feet long. ' Environmental Significance The staff has reviewed the proposal and determined that there will be no significant environmental impacts. Conformance with the General Plan The Land Use Element of the General Plan..Iesignates the site. for "Retail and Service Commercial" uses. The proposed development falas within the permitted uses. Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use The sign will be placed on thenewBullock's Wilshire building which _ is under construction in Fashion Island. Adjacent are other commercial uses including the Broadway, Buffums, Desmond's, and the'Velv.et.Turtle restaurant. Analysis Exception Permit procedures are outlined in Section 15.16.060 of the: Newport Beach Municipal Code. In order to.grant an Exception Permit, the Commission must find that "granting such permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right, will not be contrary to` -the - purpose of this Chapter as herein set forth, and will not'be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general <weIfare of per- sons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental, or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general wel fare. of the City," Ltem No_ 3 COMMISSIONERS Dm \\z rCALL5. I Motion ; X Ayes X X X X Absent CITY OF N EWPORT BEACH MINUTES June 17, 1976 INDEX easement can be eliminated from the system; and tion and abandonment proceedings -can -be completed o r a portion of the public utility easement which rVed when the alley was vacated and ab"andoned'. Item 3.,:. Request to permit the installation of a 344 square SIGN EXCEPTION foot "Bullock's Wilshire" wall sign. where Chapter 15.16 of the Newport Beach Municipal Codewould PE MIT:_ - allow 200 square feet. NO. 7 Location: Lot 1 of Tract 6015, located at APPROVED:. 83 Fashion Island in Newport Center'. CONDI- TIONALL.Y°.. Zone: C-0-H Applicant: Welton Becket Associates, Los`Angele Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Public hearing was opened in connection with this matter. Gene.Jung, Hacienda Heights, appeared before the Commission on behalf of Welton'Becket.Associates, The Irvine Company, and Buliock`s Wilshire. He concurred with the staff report and answered questions of the Commission relative to illumina- tion of the sign. There being no others desiring to appear and be heard, the public hearing was closed. Motion was made that Planning Commission approve Sign Exception Permit No. 7 and make the following findings in connection therewith: 1. That the granting of this permit is:necessary to protect a substantial property right and, will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 15.16 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 2. That the granting of this permit will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety,. car;fort, or general welfare of.persons--residing ' in the neighborhood, or detrimental.or injuri- ous to_�roperty or improvements in :the neigh- borhoodi or to the general welfare of the -City. Page 6. h TO. Planning Commission - 2• submitted the following statements in support o The applicant has f the application: ved: "The orientation of the building on site needs Hardship Invol from the south." more exposure and identity "Other build- td the ro ert shopping What exce tio-nal circumstances a 1 a royal." signs are exceeding the area limitations on the existing i rig s i g The Irvine Company has granted pP center buildings. Ex e -tion Permit necessar t0 Bullock'srWilsh22 ire' is a variance ( i 4 of the recognized �n center. ri4hts? "Exposure and identity are essential to the suc-..-:::ss of the store and the shopping logo esi ned and proportioned to the Wh ti1ill ro osai not be de::.'imintal t9 the nei hborhood? ne o" ,Bullock's Wilshire sign is we building face. Additionally, it is consistent with the signing Wilshire stores of similar size iP��za�hasnaC420fsgdare Bullorni ock s t!i locations." (The Bullock.°s in South Coast _ foot sign.) would go on the south elevation owardsthe Fashiondlsgand The proposed sign Looking t oriented towards East Coast Highway. store will be visable behind _ from East Coast Highway, Adjacent and new Bullock's store with a 720 square foot sign. theffum's store with a 408 square foot sign facing to the east is the Bu East Coast Highway. - in center like Fashion that are unique when compared o other, - it should be recognized nhneedsrthat egionl shopping- .,n Fashion Island has identification The existing signs i. commercial uses in Newport Beactn the existing code in the late Island were granted excepti- 1960's. provisions sign ordinance made p The Planning Commission's Proposed During discussion of that ordinance for "Special Signing Districts." nsus that Newport Center and Fthei uniquea`ident Pica- - it was thwould e conce pistricts' because of become Special Signing tion needs and design. S ecific Findings and Recommendations ill be in scale with Staff is of the opinion that the proposed sign w the building, and consistent with other signing in Fashion Island. fore recommends approval of Sign Exception Permit findings Staff there Commission make the following and suggests that the Planning in conjunction with the requested sign exception: rotect ranting of this permit is necessary to p 1 , That the granting ft right and will not be, contrary to -- a substantial property _ - of Chapter 15.16 of the Newport Beach Municipal the purpose - Code. L he ranting of this permit will port, mateneralywel 2. Tha � t. 9 comfort, cr g detrimental to the health, safety, in the neighborhood, or detrimental fare of persons residing rovements in the neighborhood, or injurious to property or imp or to the general welfare of the City. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R. V. HOGAN, DIRECTOR B� tions y ard, R• P• l_ Attachments: plot pan.E1eva Associate Planner Vicinity MaP- RPL/sh itemNo: 1!/ MAY NO 19aaewCA fA F t 1t OH.� COH ,- � i1 \' i it - �JE zez r P-(. O , U. �C G VAC 1 _ 2 R "\ 1 �_ \ ic _1 c,� •�/�RpLLo' 1 P-0 X- �� .�'_'_'..�•�� II IOIf WAY - - COAST _ .. DQ. = BQC RBI SCE MAP NO 1+ --CALIFORNIA ACO� aY 1124 ,.4•�5 1129 S•24•°5 - ��ACM ®� R- L-, N5 pATE__ .._. � A� Y paaaw+ µj-- li v LOLATIONp pJ'ul G L 7' ... [ rn• r •... ClTe o•r[ ariuNr Aeb'r L r° �����'�/�'��._.10"LxeTn■�-� In.•n 5a.f.Yrfl. •ci n f _ •[Vl[10N[ ND No to L p'SOA(. l.•I �'Tx[t[T'` y� t• I. _ N [E p [TL � 011. •per w aL�pj[t pp[ 1p• yxp09R� — wC [ •Il• I[ 0a0 N0'`a a tlR' ON THE ,pTx pY ac•VIxG G°•S COt^ ' 100 °Fv 1 �.:a.*• LY p NaLa�V" `jjRMar rr3• o aT 0 fao too yrr TIAL yST� �' 'y �f1 �LJL K�[MT 0.0�x.MG[ IAN• [� pTM pY L.ft 1' LT 4 8 _..j ACpIfULTUfl AL-flCS10CN _ 'uOKNf xo f[[) pLwJO°tt°aif1L Afn j1101 MA v I0 Yd 1[r[v LYLNI ti0 .M'1 E t ! .. o q.� 1 TINtt ni °�M 1Lit �[n f0a a Pn• a4 p, n•a p0 gI11/1K i[.M a /o• °xlf pft. V ,Niaa T, 5.1L P^I- }INOLE nl/ILV ,10 PvltI G[fliG[[II M lPoa Gov[ pl1.,lWTN ° [!a tT GRpM[tf In utf1D xM 1. . FN° M[rr OpT G[Ml 11UPLE,} RESIOENTI AL 'I [ApN C•4k C•p•N'N••G•ft if AY pa. �l[T [axrA a••a•r• (G°MT[ 1 R•D._ HUM MULTIPLEa�A2 t: L'1T`y� + .U. TO P•L .. _ —� i piT1r 1 0 • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION`,, . 1 °��'�'� NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN 4; •r— lu � ,G►� STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange �. ...............ARV:i E. ...................... being firs «LUA� t dolly sworn, and on oath depose and say that I am the _ Printer and publisher of the Newpo*t Harbor Ensign, a weeks =4EQ�AL4lCQT�C=� Y newspaper printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, � �� & R` and that the..-i�tGl'ICE GE P'uBLI C HDAI IL � G a � , ................................................ .......».....»_.. of which copy attached hereto is a true and complete copy, was U printed and published in the regular issue(s) of said newspaper, and not in a supplement, -.» ........... consecu- tive times: to -wit the issue(s) of t ............... Jura 3� I976 r21fe�i�:t r�h�fon s��� �o .....»...............................................»..«. ...................................................................................... tli� der. oce co (Signed) (Signed)........ ».......................................,, CbamBr p e"'#s Subscribed and sworn to before me this. 3T'd» ��• of jun @ % ................................................ 19..7.... 0- AL Notary Irange, s in and for the C.iE off �� . County State of Califs 'a.� fir, r I Srnrtmmnrtrtmn,nrrnrttmmemrmmnmrmnK+rmmnn,rnnmmmmmm�+� -r, OFFICIAL SEAL = MARY A. HAAPA i.r NOURY FU©LIC CALIFORNIA FRUNCIPAL OFFICE IN \ 's� ORA NCE COUNTY — troy cmmrlission Expires Dec. 20, 1979 NOTICE `OVPUB LIC 'HEARING =0 g � � o o Q Q..f 7= 7 T 77-7,7 11 -T IoN O 2 � 4 � � � � � Z�d 71� 7- -L--mw ITT, K- 44 6�) 141 1A I _M[OZ AWE NA v T 0 11 N el o H[Ioffi WINK- 12,b 7 --7 R � p � � Q T4 JAN 2 3 Q 05 o o i I r ' . ............................ .. HL- - ---- - ---- I I 1 I I i i PSI N , 2: 7 7-- 7- 7=- 7 ---- --- r j I a ri p- p I �v"T ONE I-r OPE�' . fpfrz. T (Y*i ry cr-,i Li H45, H r) FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA WELTON BECKET ASSOCIATES ' ARCHITECTS - ENGINEERS )0000 SANTA MONICA BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA DATE I NO. I REVISIONS I BY DRAWN CHECKED; PATE SHEET NO. PROJECT, GS MR v ;I ra - _ -- - - _ .y Sir,(y - sb' Ic 2S-o° t ^ �- II � _-_ _--__—..-•-------J �i� S yTl I� C� ) 1 , t • : ` IS ou _16N gt�^ <45_c. 1 VEL1VE1T Tu F._ I � `Tt�U/lzy(NNT `� 11v�?� �N y d0�0� i STRUCTURAL �- ELECTRICAL t 0 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH • CALIFORNIA WELTON BECKETT ASSOCIATES,. ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS 10000 SANTA MONICA BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA GENERAL NOTES WALL TYPES SYMBOLS 'MATERIALS 1, •ONTRACTOR. )MALL VERIFY CONDITIONS AT THE SITE AND 17, PROVIDE OUTSIDE GAS SHUT-OFF VALVE AND SIGN, 2D SPJ.CE NUMBER ASPHALTIC CONCRETE HEPORT•ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECT BEFORE —`- GONG(Z�T� wAw PAVING CARPET AND PAD PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 18. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO BE APPROVED BY THE PLUMBING DIVISION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, O 32 DOOR OPIMC NUMBER 2, DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUDS, FURRING CHANNELS, ® BRICK CORK MASONRY OR CONCRETE WALLS, AND COLUMN GRID LINES 19. EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM, WITH A MINIMUM VALUE OF �P�GI NG r'�1�TEt�.IP�1��✓ UNLESS OTHERWISE: NOTED OR INDICATED. FIVE FOOT CANDLES, SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ALL EXITWAYS, � 4 WIfNDOiI OR LOWER PANEL ELEVATION NUMBER CORRIDORS, STAIRWAYS, AND OTHER LOCATIONS REQUIRED 4 SHEET ON WHICH ELEVATION OCCURS CEMENT TILE //llll a FINISHED WOOD 3, DOOR OPENINGS NOT LOCATED BY DIMENSION SHALL BE BY CODE, SEE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS, CENTERED IN WALL AS SHOWN OR LOCATED 5 INCHES FROML1(r{iMh�TONP/ I'hIN FINISH WALL TO FINISH JAMB, 20. ALL LE::.I, EXIT DOORS SHALL BE OPENABLE FROM THE INSIDE ---- - CERAMIC TILE, QUARRY DIMENSION LUMBER WITHOUT USE O:' A KEY OR ANY SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT, 8 INTMICR WALL• ELEVATION MMBER TILE, OR TERRA COTTA AND BLOCKING - 4. TWO-HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE PARTITIONS, AND ONE -HOUR AND SPECIAL LOCKING DEVICES SHALL BE OF AN APPROVED TYPE, m � 1G ' (SI(TERICR ELEVATION WHEN NECESSARY) THREE-HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE OCCUPANCY SEPARATION WALLS d y SHEET ON WHICH ELEVATION OCCURS 2-Holl�•whl.>„ MET^I, hTy�h c 2,4 oG wI-rH SHALL EXTEND FROM CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB TO UNDERSIDE 21. SIZE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ROOM PADS AND BASES ARE - - - - _ __-= 21�� �GJ � I�'I TY��i�xf�Y�l�%J/� I�}p��i7 �jpr� INTERIOR STRUCTURAL CLAY � WOOD SHIM OR OF FLOOR STRUCTURE :-BOVE, ALL OPENINGS SHALL BE PRO- APPROXIMATE ONLY, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY DIMENSIONS TIC BLOCKING %J ?Oi/V ®� IOR WALL ELEVATIONS NUMBER TECTED AS FOLLOWS: Wl': ii EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER. 17 (TO B1 USED WHEN MORE THAN CHI ELEVATION NECESSARY) SHEET ON WHICH ELEVATIONS OCCUR ��% •' r .' CONCRETE ( LARGE SCALE) GYPSUM BOARD - ONE -HOUR SEPARATION WALL - LABELED CLASS "C" 22. I14 TYPICAL METAL STUD 1N GYPSUM WALL BOARD OR PLASTER II J (EACH ELEVATION IDENTIFIED BY COMPASS DIRECTION) FIRE. DOOR AND FRAME ASSEMBLY, WALLS, EVERY FOURTH STUD SHALL EXTEND THE FULL STORY _ I-1'IOVFZ Whiili - �/a m�?�l� G✓rpps Z¢ v, U WITH HEIGHT FROM FINISHED FLOOR SLAB TO UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE __ - ���JI TiPf'i 'Xt 6YPhU�t� E�DP�17 !%YiTH hl��! jC e`er - DETAIL NUMBER TWO-HOUR PARTITION - LABELED CLASS "B" FIRE ABOVE, INTERMEDIATE STUDS AND WALL BOARD ON PLASTER l7LQ �((�:, �--- SHIRT CH WHICH DETAIL OCCURS CONCRETE (SMALL SCALE) PLYWOOD DOOR AND FRAME ASSEMBLY, SHALL STOP INCHES ABOVE HIGHEST CEILING LINE, SEE 5. WHERE PLASTER AND GYPSUM WALL BOARD THICKNESS DIFFER, WALL TYPES, 5 1 II IN�J�P�T� `UPI)-L- e, /�' MP.T,r AL �✓, Ui�l'1 A-r i,: a,G. BUIIDING SECTION NUMBER `r� M � � y' , CONCRETE BLOCK � SMALL SCALE PLYWOOD ��- � Q STUDS ARE TO BE OFFSE. TO PERMIT A CONTINUOUS SMOOTH 23, PIPE SLEEVES IN MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ROOMS SHALL EXTEND w(.rN 4�II �,•p�vM pJ�,,�p a�.I-H �I�� SHEET ON WHICH SECTION OCCURS _ FINISH IN ALL CORRIDORS OR WHERE SUCH CONDITIONS OCCUR, 6 INCHES ABOVE FLOOR LINE, _ 6, .FIREPROOFING OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE INSTALLED 24. PROVIDE ELECTROLYSIS PRO'I•CCT10N BETWEEN ALL ALUMINUM IN ACCORDANCE WITH FIREPROOFING SCHEDULE (SEE STRUCTURAL AND STEEL MATERIALS WHEREVER THEY OCCUR, DRAWINGS), 25. ALL FLOOR OPENINGS AT PIPES, DUCTS, ETC. SHALL BE SEALED 7, SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR TYPES OF PAINT FINISHES, ALUMINUM IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITIES FINISHES, CEMENT FINISHES, WEATHER SEALANTS, DOOR FRAME UNLESS OTHERWISE PROTECTED WITH A TWO-11OUR FIRE RE- ANCHORS, AND ACOUSTIC TILE CEILING SYSTEMS, SISTIVE ENCLOSURE, FIRE DAMPERS REQUIRED AT DUCTS NOT - ------ - ENCLOSED IN TWO-HOUR SHAFT, N, REFER TO DOOR SCHEDULE FOR DOOR MATERIAL, DOOR FRAME FINISH, AND FIRE DOOR DETAILS AS SHOWN :`: THE ARCHITECTURAI, 26. WHERE: SIZE OF MASONRY OPENING IS GOVERNED BY EQUIPMENT, DRAWINGS, VERIFY EQUIPMENT SIZE, 9, REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOOR SCHEDULE AND FINISH 27. AL.I- EXIT STAIRS AND LANISINGS SHALL HAVE MAXIMUM 7-1/2 SCHEDULE, INCH RISE, MINIMUM 10 INCH RUN, AND A MINIMUM 7 FOOT INCH HEADROOM, 10. CEILING HEIGHTS SHOWN ON FINISH SCHEDULE ARE FROM FINISH FLOOR TO FINISH CEILING, 28. EXTERIOR PLASTER SHALL !''E 1 1'' _h CEMENT PLASTER AND SIIAL.1 13E PROVIDED WITH EXPANSION JOINTS SPAC;F:D AS IN- - - -- 11, INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES FOR EXIT CORRIDORS. FFALI. DP -,A I E0 ON THE DRAWINGS OR MAXIMUM 15 FEET, -� -- NOT EXCEED AN END POINT FLAME SPREAD RATING OF•' 29. SOIL REPORT SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE AT THE JOB SITE, 12. ITEMS MARKED 'IN. 1. C. " ARE NOT IN CONTRACT, 13. LOCAT IONS OF ALL MECHANICAL ROOF OPENINGS S11AI.1, lu.: DE; EliNIINED OR VERIFIED BY MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. 1.. ACC,F:SS PANELS WHERE REQUIREDSHALL BE FURNISLIED RY 'I 11E PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND AIR CONDI'1'ONING CONTRACTORS AND SHALL BE INSTALLED BY LATII-PLASTER-DRYWAL♦I, CONT'RAC'1'OR, VF.RIFY,AMOUNT AND LOCATION WITII ABOVE CONTRACT014S, 15. 'f01LET ROOMS' SHALL BE E:,!1IPPEII WITH VENTILATIOti Sy'S'1'EM5 PROVIDING A MINIMUM OF C:.0 COMPLETE AIR CHANGE FOR EACH FIVE. M1NU'. E.i. 16. PROVIDE APPROVED FIRE: DAMPERS FOR ALL DUCTS PENS TRAT'INC', ♦ FIRE; RATED WALLS AND FLOORS. •i t r t Y t / Y f' ti u• � 1 ti s " J; •t .0 r' ;t h f r , • ✓ t • ,n t .t • 4J � : vyfl` i`�iy`Aa l`�`'7 5_, + ti ` x. c• tr4 .� a i r PRECAST CONCRETE ® ALUMINUM 13 12 f-�=lJ� EARTH �� �i �i BRASS OR BRONZE DETAIL SECTION NUMBBR /FC . _••,�y IN3 IB F SHEET ON WHICH SECTION OCCURS GRANITE / •� STEEL IN SECTION �- WALL SECTION NUMBER jSTAINLESS is f..--------------_- 10 I O SHEET ON WHICH SECTION OCCURS I I j •J.' / •�,j J GYPSUM BLOCK STAIN LESS STEEL /V MARBLE OR TRAVERTINE METAL IN ELEVATION _ NORTH ARROW reWp'um rty ^� .', .. PLASTER GROUT OR SMALL SCALE LT. WT, CONCRETE FILL SHEET MATERIAL pa NQI REMOVt wr\l,,, r,>Y OT HI r-- ✓ . .r•��;AJ STONE GLASS IN ELEVATION DATE NO.I REVISIONS I BY I �-- ' COLUMN GRID LINES �- ,'::, TERRAllO GLASS: SMALL I 1„6cT ((ON / SCALE SECTION ACOUSTIC TILE OR RESILIENT TILE ---'- RIGID INSULATION MATCH LINE 5�---- NUMBER OF CHANCES ON THIS SHEET INSULATION: WEATHER SEAL UNDER THIS REVISION NUMBER BATTS OR FILL DRAWN -'-'� REVISION NUMBER (CORRESPONDS TO SHEET DASH NO.) CHECKED 3 NO, 12 (�-'-- LABORATORY AND HOSPITAL PI%DATE ,TUBES t� t!6:7G SHEET F- -- SHEET ON WHICH ELEVATIONS OR DETAIL OCCUR "1-i� • .. ", JOB NO. ) rv, p c . Y• r .. I ': ♦ ... .. .' 1. .., Y [ f p s r- f 1 1: 9r„ 'r W�71k .:_. '.� ... .. .. ter:;-..., ., .•;,, ,.• .. '. -- •,...-..'•,. .., x - �� rt4r -Y`�. .r.1- L r, ( :d i. r O Lt .Y , •.''..� . ,_. n •...: - .a>, .. ,..v."yw =- ,.. .<....• :. . .- '.< ,,.rw,•._.�. . �- _ ,. .. wt�,• � - - i .'�'t. ! t.. t,'. yl� j. R Stlr°. J. C c :. •. .: f!' M1, ., ... _ � . ♦ ... .. .. � -. " ""C 'r. . Ti w. .. -...: J' ✓ {.� ,,, > .: ,R.- � n , '.. - : .. ': 5:.:_ ._,.,_, .J,.y,. ..�—.M A`.1:N>wswr_�....._.._•..r. _....-....r:n_ :.-. , 4 ) �. .. I - . `Ai. ,