HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 8in .acictlLlom. nevr + f+caa,�i APa h"tic ca':b exiAt ng-sign: ' OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT • �.� •.. �: _; T...e.,1 e$ .J.�iaT'A �VA11'P_ lti _ _ .__.,.__......... P C Action Appeal. C. G., Hea:ri ng C.0 Ac;tion i .a .10 o�►i�iquEs �n�im.�ltc� 1610 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH, CAL 9290 ,ROLL GALL` ' S Motion..;was Mot.i:on~• X ,; ;Ayes .... the f6116w t N% i 0 1. That t the La and. i s: 2 Th P r em ro, 3.- The Po 1 n s o . -yNCKX Y , made, that Planning Commission make ing findings he''propose�d use.'is consistent with nd Use: Element of the General Plan. compatible with surrounding ' l'and uses . oject;will not have any ;si,gniif,ic.ant nmental impact. ! y - ce ,Department has ,i ndficatdd ithiat they con', emp ate any problems. pro`val o`fti,,U'se' '.Per,mi`t` No 1 1870:will Or :the crrr-umstances of this case', r.Iaienaal to the:"h'6alth,'safety, peace, comfort and ge"neralwelfareof residing and working in the, rhood or be detrimental or' injurious or improvements i r'•the rhood `or `the general. welfar.e' of the Use Permit No. 1870, subject toy~the ondition'. vel opment sha11 be i n s u b s t a n t i a ante with the approved floor plan. «.• .urm nw.....w...._«r......rau ..s r..n ^. . ..T.-_r .:D na . La. _ .. ..+L.0 n3 t ex.(ti Item #18 establ`ish'''a'5'6" X11'0" lighted,'roof EXCEP- the. Code requires an Exception Perm: t TION PER- gns.. MI1 N0. Lot 60, Tract No.:1210,,located 8 at 1610 West Coast Highway, APPROVED on the northerly side: of West. C3jDI— Coast Highway, across; West Coast —10- LLY Highway' from ;the Bat boa' Bay Cl ub. C - 1 - H Joseph and Sara Vallejo, Newport Beach Tract `1210 Ltd. , ;Newport Beach -24- i , =I -24- i , =I of: the foregoing MS'..�. vas .1 CJ U 'A approval of Exception Permit NO-`8 There being no others debi in g- to appear; and' be ,he'6rd, the dJs'c,u,sS16.n :,as closed to the:: Pd.b' ic F,ollowing di,scu'-s,s*i-:o. r 're lativ'e : to' the! hours: of signA TI-Uminati;on,wattage of the sign, and, need X forsame', motion on,, made that'P'1 anni ng motion Commission make 'the finding Ayes X X X X floe s X The location of th,e business; i;n ire 6ti-on to .'Highway �.requires a 4-�� ''t h e',: C o a st �h`e, ,bend : 1 can b'"ob's�erV'e'd ;from eithert gn es' d roof �sign would, be e propo e direction. on The Pole ;signs I pole sign. no.hig,her than z when 'n be .25 feet in height.. permitted perm can No 8, subject to eption Permit and 'approve;t xc n he following 61160ng conditions: 1. Thatthe sign be in substantialconformance, with theplansas submitted 2That' the requi r.e d'-permitsibe obtained and . —proper'inspections made. 3 That the sign be turned off' at 10:00 p.m. -25- Applicants:-Mr:.and,Mrs. Theodore L. ,Freeman, Newport.;Beach 4 t Owner: Same as,;Applicant -26- -r;, • Y Planning Commission Meeting June`15,' 1978' Agenda Item No 18 CITY OF-NEWPORT BEACH June 9, 1978 Planning_Commission FROM: Department of Community Development` SUBJECT: Exception Permit No- 8 (Discussion) Request ;to establish a, 5' 6"; x 11 ' 0 lighted -roof si gn where-th.e Code requires an"Exception Permit for - roof signs,: LOCATION: Lot 60, `Tract 'No 1210, 'located at 161`0 West Coast .Highway,, on .the northerly side of-WestrCoast Highway; across 'West Coast Highway `from the Balboa Bay Club. ZONE: C-1-N APPLICANTS.. J.oseph'and.Sara Vallejo, Newport .Beach OWNER:, Tract-1210 Ltd., Newport Beach - Application - The applicant requests `an exception'to construct an-i-l-uminated roof sign,. Regulations.,are described i.n Section 20.06,.070 BA of the City's Municipal Code: This'Section states that`' "Roo f "signs may be allowed through an exception permit by the Planning Commission onlyin instances -where the -location of a :business _precl,udes precludes -.the ,effective `,use of a pole sign, ground spar, or`projecting sign:" Further that.- "-a) the area: to .be deter,mi,ned by the :.Planning Commission -shall n.ot, exceed 200 square feet; b) 'tFie `hei ght, no `taller than the bui ding 'i s aal l ,. is not to exceed 15 feet above the main portion of the roof; c) the"'" projection is subject,;to,the same.standards.as a projecting .sign " Procedures are outlined in Section-20.06.090.. In:.order to_grant an. Exception Permit,,the .Commission must find "that' the, granting of such..."-,,. permit- i s :,necessary: to protect ,a, substantial ; property r.i ght, -;will "not _ be contrary to the purpose of "set fortes; an this`Chapter as herein d; will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, aomfort,',or'' ons_residing in-the.,neighborhood, or.detrimental general welfare of;:per,s or injurious to ro arty or im rovements in the;neighborhood,;,or to ju P. the general_welfarePof the City:": Illuminated sign criteria is stab lished in..Section 20.06070 A.2..of-the Sign Coder Background Erected sometime in, thelast two"years without a bu lding;_permit, the subject signis i nstal l ed inside and against "the; easterly` parapet wall 7'6" above .the top of the roof: This double faced sign has a. surface area of` 60. 5 square feet (5' 6 x 11''O") : Ari addi`ti onal' s� gn (with permit advertising "Antiques Unlimited") is attached onto the;' front wall of the building and has a surface .area of 73 sq. ft (2'0" x 28'6"). Other signage..on,the ,subject. _s;iae_.includes. 1) a 5' x.6" combination roof: and,,projecti,ng sign erected in .June, 197.0- 2). a 2' x 3" i"11umi�ated, projecting sign erected.,.in- September.,,-:-19�7c0, 3) a permi was approved; for _:replacement of a canvas, awning. _(a.' 6" high x 16'O" long) for the building frontage (frame. installed,8'0" and val ante 7' cl earance from si dewal k) i n. May.,:;19?4. in May 1974 a. permi t was approved and finaled for a wall •sign (see permi'ts),: Apparently, this. permitwas, used to place- the, existing canvas. overhang=sign, (to the property line) adverti sing .'.'for nail s; . hair - cut0 ng,".make_ up"„ Most of the existins g West Coast Highway signage,was..permitted,;under the old sign regulationwhich allowed (without'an Exception"Permit) one 64 sq . ft. maxi mum: area roof sign, for- a bui,1 ding 20:: feet: i n 7 he ght Y TO:.. -Planning Commission -_ 2 _ or less. Also, a 20-foot distance from walls and parapets is required when roof signs are at,a right angle to ,the face of the building. Environmental Significance The staff has reviewed the proposal and determined that -.it is categorically exempt from the requirements of `the''Califcrnia Environmental Quality Act (Accessory ,,Structures). Analysis When `the Pl anni n.g, Commi s.si on and the .Ci ty' Counci 1 _approy'ed the Sign Code in 1977, roof' signs`were' to be approved".by.-an exception permit in those instar.^es where visibility is a problem (as i`t i_s in Corona del Mar where street trees obstruct the effectiveness of wall signs)..., The applicant hkas submitted,'the 'following statement 1n support of the application: _ Hardship Involved Building is "too cl.o.se to highway to properly erect a :pole sign.".._ Lack . of height in one-story building "make 'it difficult to provid6-ade`quate " wall signing oriented towards both directions of -.traffic flow along,. Coast Highway. Erection of a''new free-standing pole 'sign would-be financially prohibitive and in view of the fact there is an existing roof sign similar to, but smaller than, the pole sign involved. What Exceptional Circumstances Apply to the Property? Building" -is "located too close to'Coast_Highway" (for erection o'f pole sign). - Why is an'Excepti"on Permit Necessary'`to Preserve`Property Rights? "In order to .provide'adequate signing similar to other 'shops`1ocated-`Y along Coast Highway:" Why will Proposal not'be Detrimental to the Neighborhood? "Existing sign has'been on premises for more than a year and:a_half' and has.undergone a"reduction in illumination. Ii-i'addiiion Y`�n6w' plastic panels to"be*inserted will improve visual aesthe-tics'of=existing sign:' _ Under the Sign_Ordinance Re ulations g (Section 20 06'.070 B1oniy "one, (l) perpendicular:sign,:(i.e.; roof, projecting.or.pole)-is permitted per"building'or building site. One of these signi-can`be: use'd°in - combination with a wall sign. A maximum of three'`(3) call -'signs shall: be permitted per building, however, a multi -tenant building may have one wall sign per business plus one twenty-five (25) square foot` building directory wall sign listing tenants. Inasmuch_as there is an existing roof, _sign__on, the westerly. end. of the building, a` second perpendicular sign, either roof projecting or pole, would require an; exception permit"and.any,additional wall signs would require a Modification Permit. - :... The permit for the existing 73 sq. ft. frontage wa`l,l sign"was isst-cd for Captain Nemo's, Water Beds', Inc. in`'August 1975.`` On th' e, it the subject roof si'gn'was '''requested and- denied (See`atta'ched copy of permit). Subsequent to that time, the sign"'was i11"egally constructed. pecific`Findings and Recommendations Staff is of the opinion that an additi,onal.roof sign would be contrary to the intent of the City's'Sign Ordinance in that':` 1) Approval _ may imply precedence for'_ future ' roof s .gns: 2):,An abrupt -open space intrusion would be created above".present structures. M Z:i : I j C! LAJ.a III' ................... lqlm� an d,,,-c a (I c I c BEACH; CACIFORNIA PHONE 640-2161 CITY OF NEWPORT DE�V I 3300 yY,tt�� vport wvd. DEPARTMENT:OF COMMUNITY 'FORLB�IL �Itl (ZIY1 PERI`It[T `. APPL.[CA-1 ASSESSOR'S - NUMHtR - PARCEL NO- LOCALITY N O DATE: . NEAREST TO FILL IN AREA WITHIN ::CROSS ST. TYPt pROC6S8ED BY GRQUP,`... . APPLICANT HEAVY LINE! ONLY. STAT. A.RZA CON3T. ..: 13UILDINO C (r�, G- r w J VACANT SITE ADDRESS I STATISTICAL GLJIS9IFICATION I 5 HLOCK TRACT - ❑ YES O CLASS NO. DWELL UN1T4.�- LOT NO- J NO.PARMDNGSPACQ �. INO.O►at.Das.. ON LOT USE ZONE MAP - v LOT ,� No SIZE O. - No.- • US G f-- I VALUATION S L CTURt ` SPECIAL ' _ 7 • t I /L NO y FtRt ZON CONDITION9S_C O B R TEL •,..`1.�� OWNER%/... �..^o0R SS Dr•DG. SeTRACK FROM - IITRLGTI fR0►. LiNL J1 / FRO`{T l../(L - -., LS.__-- (�J I.41,!-./t.. CITY OF WORK Yards: Rear--"'----� DESCRIPTION AL. Curb Cut REPAIR - DEMOLISH 20N -. ALTER FA OF EJeise Tax NO. OF . SLDG. FAMILIES FIRE A PAOYAL _. Scn. Dilt. tS 0 S FT• STORIES g=. .`GARAGE _ ' WORK TO 8E DONE HEALTH DEPI. APPROVAL*. Se.rar Conn. _ U t Water Conn. PLAN C SCItED SY 0 V - L-.SR•I �_�ii.rt- TEUl 07- 91 2- U CON57. LEN0lR a. ARCHITEI? OR N0. ENCINEER�ADDRLSSr APPR VA TO ISSUE FINAL 00 E Z r ^:. �, �.` I L VALUATION ADDRESS _��,__ i - :..INSPECTOR'S 1 t L SIGNATURE pPROV Ata CONTRACTOR STATE - /1 1iLICENSE NO•il t� FODr+DAT1ON: Z- Ot:AT10N - - ADDRESS l `�' LICENSE e— FORMS. { HATF.RIAL3 .�• .CLASS •._-------_^_ NE PORT Cl .` I I • REINFORC. STEEL TEL P LIC. — L1 % SHEATHING /•. SIGNATURE OF e.\ APPLICANT FRAMING tNSULATtON '/I�/) 1 AM A CALM ORMIA STATE LICENSED GOMTw ACTOR. ZG �L NT."TON'• "Eout.EMENT IOR' FINAL (JLAIM EIIRYTTION TO TNE- •CO - Cw LtI ORNIA STATE Lww Joel.+)• CERT. OF OCCUP. roLto WIND NEAS ON ( - AND PMT. = T(.E OTHER I AM TNC OVwEw OI TNE AEOVE Two►EwTT •cw►owM ALL wowK DEscwleso MT- FEES 5- - WITN WAGES wf P. C. S - INTENOTO_ EM►LOVCEf I SGLM Ow TNROY GN MY IY ATM Ew fTATE FEE �� TNEIR SOLE _COMfENSAT{ON. IRES /•RE M C tool r LCALII ORNIA _ J THAT THE ■wOTOiED-STRALE. TENDED TO 'I OIPCw EO I AM-TNE OWNER OI TNE ADOV i'DESCRIRED. aTATE.LAW (>►JC►{NWILL SUMM' jNSV RAN CE GOVE 1NO GAIT A WILL •[ .DON ILL ~ SATION WORKMAN S GOM 1ROf ERTT.. ALL WORK DEED ON TNiE EMTLOY STATF LICENSED CC!ONTXTRArT O. I WILL. EV OMDEV.. TNESE AM TNE SOW NER OIYTME AtlOV t' DESCRIeED LIST OI ALL SYYCONTRACTORS _ TROIECTTO TNE OEPT-- OP- COMMVNITT 1RIDR TO AND AS A CONDITION Or ANAL IN- LL WORK•1ECTIOM ~ M ATERI TMAw ete0.00 AND JO.f(C T STATl I W'&TNATI ALt AND Lw OOR WILL tl MINOw NC.Ty RE.-- IS-OI INITIAL APPLICAS` LEItOC�` J% .BECOMES UR TH.`=PE^RMIT.� ,/ _ ,i.•,�� I _ VA L IDATION SIGNATURE OF t....f-"�v F V FROM THE DATE OF_ PF.RMITTrCE :.Ub . OE 'F-ARTCO WITHIW�PERIOD.OF 12D DAYS 76647 WOUK MUST NULL ACID VOID. CK• M.C. ;CAST( PERMIT VALIDAl / s/ ✓'� Plan CHECK VALIDATION c:'• �.D. "'S" � _ _. 5�,.. �� r,L►ti ;,A,. `-t"t'% j O T'�' t,-Al1. C u'-',� f1G1.. :► 011 �+� . M-i_E r.tnN r � �v! phonn..640.2 161 NEV EERCH: CALIFORNIA '• ; CI1Y„OF MMUNiI`!:OEVELOPMCNT Cp "�rI' glvd. F..CO PERMIT •` DEPARTMENT( ��;,LEGTRICA: ,r � TION F IB , Go �PF"'�ICI�> ..BUILDING 1�70 Ft4tL'IN AREA;WITHIN +"' ADDRESS PRRMi'r • r• �•('' APP6.ICpANT.• VY, INES- ONLY ..w� ..,...FE . t. CR SST r1f .i l cS", E ARE OS r • } LOCALITY' O • CONSTRUCTION nEI IIDENTIAL: '•O, �M7. to! its ,OW .j - rlaw NE 1 76R so. j.f. (DAaRn¢I ,t ADDRES l (U.G}' GITY N N:.L.`r �y 5E RVICE''• 1.00 ! ICIAfY 1' r F _ .�.,�,��,�. sue,- ' NLNRNAN NCW R[e1PCNTiAL I ELECTfi _ _ - nC4UlAR PLLSyfOROT •,1. t 1�,' I _1 `"i Q• t K DOITIt1NR !;••i k 'AND•.►OR ALL.ALT LRATIONe AND ADD! :a ADDRESS ' •�' EACH :� .� � No. • -'.: '� � LICENSE 7 t GtTY STATED NT. pg•„ nccc�OUT'LETf>':. .. p, L,i.]° ,• ,t - s.r y, /IR►t 2 NpT. 1 1c. No :PROCESSED, BY ucNri. "ADD'r0 t'•� 20 GRQ P ZUNE .� ti oven 9w1Y TOTAL' FIRT,xo ] r } PECTION 'RECORD G L , INS -LIGIITIN AtlO 20 :k FIXTURE SgYLC 20 j l OOKING a .AND `HOIAE AP.,It41A2.00 NGE8 a'` `C r (po'mOt}ie Only): ----•- t . '0. ••OTORS- OVCR HOY.OYLw `•I Z.00 e fi K • t ' 1- 4.00 r 100 s t 80 ; ,. .. K 4 NO. TRANo. r, .. SIGNS;No. LAMPS .. .UNDERSEA© vJORK' - --^_ CONDUIT O.fioOV•Notovea 200A ERVICE a •n ]:QO ,.. - S G SERVICC 0.600V OVLR•200A•„_„_w •��;t' 6:00 IRT 7 ROUGH WERt 600V :TEMP "5E_. R •VICE OVER :1 ' .OTHER 1 aCC COMPUTE /iC •CNCDUL FIXTURES '! I UTILITY CO NOTIFIED ;- ` '•i TPr :.t�i}.c �t cwd, I 1. � ;:r � - tE R MIT ISSUING FEE { S FINAL S� "r P•, L', F EE d. i a, A licdlon, • ,_ 7��WEyL•r'..?�. p��.':S,CtNA� RE • �. ___- .` ,,• a��;'ha!r0•Isad*Ihif �opP duly 7i RM1T7 r. 4 1 hereby:icknowled9a..ifi hIr:l;am M�� nih+r�� and;/tat•j�'' �r . f lnlormalion glvtn lL colnd, and-orq fo comPly tM worl} a0lhorlLad lh•nby +! r;/ L ti; oulhorlpd a9�nl of IM: orn�r Labor Godi:.t j�pORE5S.% �. Iawl;r�qulalln colydtuclloa and ln-doing`. 'ComPantat�olYlln r no, of!ej "Cal�ornia �itina� to Wp kmotM1'tl Ih� $NN VAIIDATIONr • - t r r r I i` s +{ ;'S GK M Y �' I• ! �. , t itl"r`!Y Y st^i ';i1.�' 4 ty' ck 1 V, e� .t{ i. e► : . ,'•°.iryit`'''• fl, ! t �} T�' ,«�. :'fir lr••�°o + rl I I 4y..rf6rA� x 1. ,? .48 Jwo 1 6 Ip I +l IILK Ilr r �4jy,.��„i,'�'`,'TTr r :!`r s7� t Ira S 1 t Lfi/!N ��1 . M -..• -I � 1 cN air' ,1'•j �A t ,rlF 1 yr t � 3 )- err �� 't � 'i, r, .. . wk /Lid={,� t� r�-`�-•.• _�S�f��C, ,. 4 � t I. /.a � .. I � �I� � Y. '�i: • T :�. M.�":7F"� 1 . r ,�.�*7. 7w -""S'� . � -f•` j'� - . OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA Phorts 673-211(1 CITY W Blvd. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT : 3300 port .APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT PARC[L NO - No. 135 7 4 LO�,LIn _ 'GATE T IN AREA WITHINNKARCST � APPLICANT FILL _ CROSS ST.' PROC[ffE Y: . HL t.LIN[f ONLY. GROUP. i .SY AT ARCA CTMIS .� -. •,- O ..BUILDING - T ` ,,;- BLOCK = TRACT STATISTICAL CLASBI ICA ION VAC AN7 BI LOT NO. «� No. o► tLDos DWELL UNITE � ❑YES NO CLAfs NO ■IZ[ OF•LOT - HOW ON LOT , . NO. PARIGNG SPACER - • U9L ZONE MAP, _ 0. ; r. �4 SPECIAL kXONO. FIR[ ZONE CONDITIONS OWNER` ADDR[SB EtTEFROM r4T7K[TL ` + f r. uNc or vRor PROF. x d. CITY A /0 f DESCRIPTION. OF. WORK Yards:: Rear ` R 5- LS = - ADD 'ALT[R-REPAIR -DEMOLIBH ZO NG 1V P71 AL - Curb Cut " QOri . PT -BLOC. Tsciu Ts: y -: STORI[B : FAMIL{ES FIRE A PRO ALp :fiZt s'-GARhGE San: we#S WORKS O IIE DONS 14 LTH''OE►T. APPROVAL: SfvoCoaR o O,_ Wat{f cbee.- - a�- rw ctlEcPLAN ib1.1 0,. rn., ... CHIT[CT OR" NO. COfT: L[ND[R s ARPI [NGINEER. -. A oORKBB da 3 AOOR[83 -.. ArrROVw T ss At Ft1+AL 1 Ill 1 2_ VALUATION ,� 1 CONTRACTOR.. _ BTR"s:" ATPROVAt1/ DA1T;._.:: ..'SIGNATURE ADDRLBS�1Rply++ LICENSE NO. FOUNDATt6tli 6GT10t1 S. _- -LICENSE ' FDRMf.• MAT[RIALS + ,: CITY h '�(% -.LiC.�r� ..REINFORCE STEEL:.- NO. ,SIGNATUR[-O - SHEATHING' FRAMING ' M CALIr ORN _ ATQ LICENf ED ccNTRACV04 ' r/T10R To��9�1Q cCmTn^cTawQ ', RoulwtIRaNT rOFINAL LAly 4 OPINE RQ Af OR CAUPOAMIA OTATQ LAM . - TNo I .:i wr T/1 r oiswrR^iwM ALL �owK owsawlwa D rw' CERT. OF,OGCUP. OTH[R PMT FL[S,S. F"EE S' fEV o■ TNwouAN rT;EMrwTEEf. rITN rwowf As P. C. SI r:U wTNiw FEi S z j•� ; .,_INTENOTD oTAI TNQIw .fOLR`: C�J.IEMfAT1OM. THAT TME',rworo{{:D-lTRucTV nsf'.AwE',NOt IN- lALQ. ICAuraw NiA •fig :' �{ii{ aLJJJ �, TENDED 4R o•rtweD'►on To . - fTATE 'l •7!{{I'+I /LL fVEM/T QVIOQN CI — INfV wANGE GOVtRING Q. L ' _ •`�:{' {IORIIYAN'fCOMrNNf AT70N ,DRSCR/RED 1-:.AM TNE. orNQROr,•TMR AEOV TNt9R iMPLOV ER{. �_ PROPRwTT. . ALL WORK 'WILL EE DONE.: Er..,CALiP. .STATQ"tICQNlEOGONTRACTORl: IrILL luwMIT-A w"CONTAACTOR{ VfEO' ON TNI! OMNER OrTNE A OV t_•OQ/CRIR60 I ApTNE LIST 01 :AFL-fV ►wbrERTT ANO CLAIM QAEM►T10�YNOER {ECTION .PROJECT.' -TO "a OEPT. Or COMMUNIT. DEV- 70N ICA LIP.-{TATE. LwrITN AT ALL rOR K. MATE wI� PR10w TO AND AS A: CON OITION 0►� riNAL INS TNAN�l t00.{f-AND AL! ANO LAADRrIII,RE LE{f !►i CTION• If a! YINORNATV RQ. ,. INITIAL AP_P`ICABLE-B- _ .' - SIGNATURE OF THE DATE. OF VAL.IOATION OR THIS PERMGT BECOMiS T60' W ►� As PIrRIOO,OF 60 DAYS FROM WOflK MU9 'T I NULL ANO VOID. PERMIT. VAUDWON �R• M.O. CASH CASH PLAN CHECK VAUDOON �K. M.D. � i i e _ 'La .2110 i �. • - - P1+one b73CALIFORNIA ACH I CITY OF NEWPCO B DEVELOPMENT— portewd. DEPARTMENT OF COMM UNITY ELECTRiAL PER1�1tiT' LtGAT10IN FOR Ai G I3U ILDING. - AREA,' ADDRESS- Y .WITHIN Ft - - APPLICAHEA O MEIN S ON - .: FCC, LOCALITY _ ..ryY. „ NEAREST NEW CONSTRUCTION . 13 - CROSS- S I - REfI DCNTIAL: 10rT. hr It1 pail SO. I'T.5I wee.l OWNER -: .. • MA . 1 fii .•,a .i.[w so: R.ICAwwan ADDRESS L. so. rT. - (r L00 :.:.' CITY. _. SERVICE - `— ELECTRICIAN - ANO AOOITIONS- - GULA. IL[3 70w OTM[R THAN NEW e[eIOLNTIAL `�tilzm ANO FOR ALL J.LT6RATI DNS ADDRESS - -. No. UCH TOTAL - _ f CI ST - .LICE E OUTLETS p -; J Rcc[rt.01NOT 20 •20.. NO. BY ' ucHt wOCL ZONE . PROCESSED ov[n20 GROUP ewITCH. .TOTAL est z0• .20., .-...� ;... ? n-:. INSPECTION RECORD uaHTINo ' FIXTUII[f - oven 20 - ' 1.00 ..., •Ivy. HOME APFLIANCffi - - COOKING AND (Domestic Only) I ' OV lea OV [R N. r 1 r� • d - zz:aii C': 1.50 9 2.00 iS 13 - 2.30 too so MO. SIGNIY:.. Np•LAW Ps -� r'-':.�. UNDERSLAg CORK - - - - OV.Nat ovcw 200ROUGH CONDUIT s[RVICS q•OOA -OrLRVICE 0-600V•Ov[R 200^* ROUGH WIRING _. 1 S6RVICg-OV[R 000V .,i ....» -.. TLMP'. ►OWER.. -_,. -; - [.- ..... _ ' OTHER Is[[ cow►Lctc sc[ ecN[ouLctN-1 FjXTURE3'S - UTILITY CO: NOTIFIED ... 2-00 pcRµ1T ISSUING FEE -� s.FINAL- TOTAL. FEE - this aPPliutiow; that -Mt'. SIGN - --- .. Or the, duty' OF PERM TTEE that 1 hay lead ackno+rledge tfia goner. I `hereby •en is correct: and that I aam , .ith city and state inlormalion 9i i agra•'to co�np{t thereby. o.ner. aulhcrised agent o1 the doing vori muthot a of the las rpulatinq construction- and. iclation of the Labor on insurance. ADDRESS ..il be employed y/orkmen_s CwnD _ no; Person state of Caiitornia relating to pIIDATION -- _ • - CK MO CASHY - CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Da to -May 11. 1Q78 ADVANCE PLANNING: DIVISION XOPLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RE.T.URN) O-OUBLIC WORKSDEPARTMENT ❑'TRAFFIC ENGINEER []PLANSON FILE IN ZONING AND IRF E DEPARTMENT ORDINANCE ADMINISTRATION PLAN REVIEW DIVISION DIVISION QPARKS & RECREATION ❑POLICE DEPARTMENT []MARINE SAFETY ❑GENERAL SERVICES APPLICATION OF Joseph & Sara Vallejo FOR A []VARIANCE ❑USE ,PERMIT ❑RESUBDIVISION Q'0(6YAX'XXIKAR Exception` Permit No. 8 ON A REQUEST TO construct a 5'6" X 11'0" lighted roof sign (where 'the Code requires an Exception Permit for roof.,signs). ON LOT 60 BLOCK TRACT 12=10 ADDRESS 1610 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach REPORT REQUESTED BY ' 5/17/78 COMMISSION REVIEW 6/1/78 COMMENTS SIGNATURE -: `- DATE CITY OF NEWPORT DEPARTMENT OF COtdMUNITY BEACH DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST }? Da to May it , 1578 ------------ 5 ATTACHED (PLEASE . RETURN )OPLAN .) tjADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION QPUBLIC WORKSDEPARTMENT (]PLAN S ON FILE IN ZONING AND ❑TRAFFIC ENGINEER .ORDINANCE ADMINISTRATION tUrIRE DEPARTMENT DIVISION []PLANIEW DIVISION ❑PA ` ❑POLICE DEPARTMENT . h1ARINE . ❑GENERAL SERVICES APPLICATION OF Jose h &Sara Vallejo USE PERMIT VARIANCE FOR A (]VARIANCEPermit ©T(S(AS�XXMAR Exce ti on No. 8 QRESUBDIVISION 11'0" lig hted roof sign,(where the Code requires 1.1 ON A REQUEST TO construct a 5'6" X an Exception Permit f_ r-roof signs). TRACT T2-10 BLOCK ON LOT 60 ADDRESS__ �1610 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach RcP;,-RT REQUESTED BY 5/17/78 COMMISSION REVIEW 6/1/78 meet the City of hez„port Beach sign requirements. COMMENTS 'I. Sign shall MAY 19 1978 , SIGNATURE- ., , �.1? `._"k.vn�H.pe+ka:.:�e,.wwrr�M.o;..r SaSu««.. «.ti,.,�w , .. ,._ �._ _ �._ _ , ,. , � � _ .. .. _ _ _. ,.0 i k.. cvr1 r IH•�: .d wt�y}t ♦ 1ri.►'?hi<f� 1. Y i..�.i's„ :rtr M " o.r l �.� 1p ,� ri ':. +'p •: .. .::;:p , .i, s w o„-, 8, 1...,? ta + x f�,'}�^{k�r Y°{y.:•'5 J'" 'il't i ' ,� i}j tt'e'�.,�§"'� 7h���� �� ,��'�1 �H•t..C{- ,:`�' fi. ftrJ '� ♦ _ .. 17.E III 't"x �i � e a t f Se_ • /�t •�r f< }.r.,wy"'.�.:1 j�'S�',yJlyys��j'Y7 '? �tT+ryL��t,tt ? ,{vtFl l�r!�)%i>•r'Lj+!tnyr r„:°y� 3'Aidjt j:r r � � y�sY :•� "rid � �S� ( � 1 � � -; ! 3 t. y t r4' k'� 1•. t tt i,+, t (t Q r 1' ( ;. i }� _'_.( ...11l ..'i f� ,rVlApp . r t 4 � � S't .� ➢� +t: � J �' + _ ' � ' r �- t ' ,r�'.drr'•f�. a �i ,:?Yh�� ?..JI��! r,�a {�: !C•_r. k d � 1� �. t 1 ' !. 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