HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXCEPTION PERMIT 9 AMENDED-14- 3 February NERS1 C-OMMISS10.., . P 01 �� ► CIi1� OIF N 1Hat=x �. ROLL. CALL h l to recommend a sign program whicwoud address the _----- meet so as needs of The Irvine Company an.stated that d other level pnrs•rej cesentatives subsequent to said Planning Commission meeting, P and tile City Attorne 'a staff have an o£The Irvine Company and Iof Office has indicated an interest to pu s a an implementation that extensive Sign Ordinance. Mr. Hewicker cpn itiond would be that at informed The Irvine Company ed o make that The Irvine Company would be `y'Slrevised recommended Sign changes to their sign program to cumP'on with osed by Commissioner Ordinance. In response to a q. P Hewicker explained thatc ehensve sign Pers6n, Mr. stafr isonelthat has The Irvine Company submitted t program that adevelopme.s been t been in existence for a number of: years, and Irvine Company throughout the County for other sites. In response to questions posed by Chairman Debay, Robin Flory, that the Cityy's office f Abe 't attorn Assistant City Attorney, explained ld has proposed that the amended SOrd the tiubnce w .ect signs ompleted in March, 1991. Ms. Flory stated that 1 re off -site directional signs and the revised Sign mOrdinance n would would ,ot conflict with the action the Planning luring the subject pke ublic hearing. Ms. Flory explained that any A. eference to off -site directional signs with go d torequir project r requirements significance would conceivably be similarect he revised Sign Ordinance. Mr. �requiredtweithinithe tems and the discretionary approval that is Planned Community and Unclassified District s. [n response to comments expressed by Commissioner Per 6rn,wit respect to The Irvine Company not submitting a s g o p g er advised that the subject signs have been at the same conform with - ocations since 1981, and they all not roved Mr. Hewicker iscretionary permits that were originally pp on and staff, tated that The Irvine Company is willing to address the concerns I have been expressed by the Plannin w u d be recommended issi nd they would adhere to conditions that o approve the subject requests. -15- CITE 0 IE'WPORT 1�E1�H In response to.a_ tatement expressed by Chairman Dehayregarding . the four exhibits that staff recomE ,6dxhibit „ tomast closely fits CommlSSlon Mr. Hewicker stated that ion to. 0 the recommendations of the staff, with added totCondition No. 2, No. 2. He recommended first lease be Exhibit. "D" on the basis that the panels esidenttial development. not necessarilyhave to single out first ale projects roject has been sold Hewicker explained that once tnep wouldneed to I be�I removed. or. leased, the applicable palnot be Chairman Debay commented that The Irvine Company shall granted extra consideration that other developers are not given. Commissioner Glover and Mr. Hewicker reviewed the four exhibits that the staff prepared and attached to the staff reports. Commissioner Merrill suggested an Exhibit"E" that would regionalconsider only directional signs for commercial projects significance. Mr. Hewicker stated that were toan gff did oe dire t on to Exhibit "E" inasmuch as the original signs residential projects, and later panels were installe to giv direction irti n to retail and office projects. In response to a q posed Commissioner Merrill, Mr. Webb replied that the City has a policy in the public right-of-way to allow signs that only p in to churches, hospitals, libraries, and other public facilities, so as not to clutter the sites with signs, and not distract drivers. Mr. Webb indicated that most of the existing signs are located on private roperty and away from the roadway. Commissioner. Merrill ddressed the potential conflict between The Irvine Company and builder who wuuld want to market a project on Company owned and. ommissioner Person addressed. Condition No. 2'Exhibit " hie tating That the signs shall only identify resident projects first sale of residential units or lots in the City and identification of ommercial projects of regional significance loca1ed su Chested that Fashion Island, Newport Center). wherein 1 suggested commercial projects of regional significance' be clearly identified. fie public hearing was opened in connection with this item, and eare reriore Tom Redwitz, representing fhe Irvine C pany, PP the Planning Commission. Mr. Redwitz stated that The -16- February Irvine Company's comprehensive sign program is used on a County- wide basis. for all of the Company properties. He .commented.' that the sign program was given to staff prior; to the Planning' Commission meeting. Mr., Redwitz further stated that the sign requests are consistent with the sign program; that the signs are appropriate in aiding efficient and: safe direction; and that discussion needs to be continued with staff regarding - a comprehensive : sign program. He. suggest:ed that Exhibit I D" be approved. with the following modification to the aforementioned Condition No.2: ".....'."for the first sale or'first lease' of residential units....:' as suggested by staff. Commissioner, I Glover and Mr. Hewicker discussed staffs suggestion to modify ConditionNo. 2, Exhibit "D to add "first lease". Mr. Hewicker stated that the conditions only pertain to The Irvine Company. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Glover, Mr. Redwitz replied that the off -site signs would be consistent in color. In response .to questions posed by Commissioner Merrill, . Redwitz replied that the signs would not give direction to Newport Coast. Mr. Hewicker advised that the signs only pertain to development within the City and The Irvine Company would not be allowed to advertise development outside of the City. Mr. Redwitz further replied that The Irvine Company would consider, on an individual basis, if a developer would be allowed to advertise on Company owned property if the builder did not participate in the Company's marketing program. In response to questions posed by Commissioner PersBn, Ms. Flory replied that the City Attorney's. Office would recommend an added ondition to prevent the subject signs from being nonconforming, nd the condition would state that the signs would be in ompliance with any revised Sign Ordinance.. Mr. Redwitz ndicated that a sign program has been in existence with The Irvine' company for many years, and the sign program that was submitted o staff was revised approximately two years ago. - n response to a question posed by Commissioner Edwards, Mr. edwitz concurred with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "D -17- C01 )NERS ® February:lyytMINUT:ES ' '�a CITY OF' NEWPORT' , BACHI INDEX RbLL1 CALL including the',foregoing suggested . condition that The Irvine Company would comply with a future revision' to the Sign Ordinance. Mr. Edward Wale, 420 Westminster Avenue, Wale Development Company, appeared before the Planning Commission. Mr. Wale requested that the Sign Ordinance be fair to all of the developers that build in the City. and not just to The Irvine Company. There being no others desiring to appear, the public hearing was closed at this time. Motion * Motion was made to table Use Permit No. ,2018 (Amended), Use. Permit No.. 3176 (Amended) and Exception Permit No. 9 (Amended) until the City adopts a revision to the Sign Ordinance and The Irvine Companysubmits a comprehensive sign program. Commissioner Edwards considered a modification to Exhibit "D" that would require the removal of signs that identify residential projects and to support signs that identify projects of regional significance, such as Newport Center. Commissioner PersGn stated that The Irvine Company has a special interest in residential signs a. d the foregoing suggestion would be tantamount to denying the requests. Commissioner Di. Sano considered staffs foregoing recommended modified condition that would allow "residential projects for the first sale or first lease of residential units", and he aid that an added condition in Exhibit "D" stating that The Irvine Company would comply with the revised Sign Ordinance would be satisfactory. ommissioner Merrill stated that cities throughout the County have adopted a residential sign program that would allow, in the public right-of-way, small directional signs which gives all developers an opportunity to market projects. He further advised that The Irvine ompany's sign program has not been officially adopted and approved by the City. Commissioner Merrill stated that there is a need to market commercial projects. n_ response to a question posed by Commissioner Glover, Mr, ewicker replied that the property which Sign No. 2 of Use Permit -18- CONiMISSION6 S, , CITY O.NE1iYP ORT AC 13EH t DEX ROLL CALL '— - No: 2018 (Amended) is located (i.e. on the northwesterly side of Jamboree Road between San Joaquin Hills Road and Ford Road), was originally owned by The.Irvine Company and has subsequently been dedicated to the City of Newport Beach; therefore, if. the, sign remains, The Irvine Company would be required'to apply for an Encroachment Permit to the City Council. Commissioner Glover as modified; however, she indicated approved Exhibit "D'that it would not be ,appropriate to allow any of the subject signs on public property. Commissioner Merrill and staff discussed the Freeway Board Elevation diagram attached to the staff report. The panel located at Jamboree Road and MacArthur Boulevard advertises Fashion Island, Newport Cemer, Newport North, and Villa Point Apartments: In response to concerns expressed by Commissioner Pers6n regarding the proposed Sign Ordinance, Mr. Hewicker replied that th flit Attorne 's Office has indicated that there are many areas substitute Motic n Ayes No Absent 1* e y Y that need to be addressed in the revision to the Sign Ordinance in addition to what is currently being discussed by the Planning Commission. Substitute motion was made to approve Use Permit No. 2018 (Amended), subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "D", including modified Finding No. 4 and Condition No. 2 to add "or first lease", add Condition No. 6 stating that The Irvine Company hall comply with any revisions to the Sign Ordinance, and add Condition No. 7, to Exhibit "D", Use: Permit No. 2018 (Amended) requesting that The Irvine Company be required to remove Sign o. 2 or apply for an Encroachment Per to the City Council. r. Redwitz agreed to the foregoing modifications to Exhibit "D". Substitute motion was voted on to approve Use Permit No. 2018 (Amended) subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "D *rodified Finding No. 4 and Condition No. 2, and added Conditionso. 6 and No. 7. MOTION CARRIED. -19- renruary �, lyy1MINUTE5 CoMMIS510. ERS: .I CITY OF. NEWP ORT BEACH WDE t FINDINGS: 1. That the signs are compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. That . the off -site signs will not have any significant env irc amental impact. 3. That the off -site signs do not adversely impact the neighboring residential uses. 4. That the proposed. revised copy to include commercial projects of regional significance or for the first sale or first lease of residential units or lots, is necessary for informational as well as directional purposes. 5. That the approval of this use permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right and will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code (Sign Ordinance), and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved elevations, except as noted below. That the signs shall only identify residential projects for the first sale or first lease of residential units or lots in the City and identification of commercial projects of regional significance located in the City (i.e. Fashion Island, Newport Center). That the existing or proposed locations of the signs shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer for sight distance. -20- CITY ! 'NEWPORT 13EA(6.H INDEX ROLL CALL 4. That Use Permit No. 2018 shall become,null arid -void in conjunction with the approval of this application. 5. That the Planning Commission may add or modify conditions of approval to the use permit, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this use permit, upon a determination that the use which is the subject of this use permit, cause injury, or is detrimental to the. health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general welfare of the community. 6. That the signs shall conform with any revisions to Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code (Sign Ordinance) that may later be adopted by the City. 7. That the applicant shall be required to apply for an Encroachment Permit to the City Council in conjunction with Sign No. 2, located on public property on the northwesterly side of Jamboree Road between San Joaquin Hills Road and Ford Road. Substitute Substitute motion was made and voted on to approve Use Permit Motion No. 3176 (Amended) subject to the findings and conditions in * * * * Exhibit "D", including modified Finding No. 4 and Condition No. Noes * 2, and added Condition No. 6. MOTION CARRIED. Absent FINDIN 1. That the existing sign is compatible with surrounding land uses. . That the off -site sign will not have any significant environmental impact. - . That the off -site sign at the intersection of Jamboree Road and Bristol Street does not adversely impact the neighboring residential uses. -21- CITY.OF .HEWPRT BEACH' tNOEX ROLL CALL 4. That the proposed revised : copy to include commercial projects of regional significance or for t1.he first sale or first. lease of residential units or lots, is necessary for informational as well as'directional ,purposes. 5. That the approval of this use permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right and will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter. 20.06 of the Municipal Code (Sign Ordinance),' and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan and elevation, except as noted below. 2. That the sign shall only identify residential projects for the first sale or first lease of residential units or lots in the City and identification of commercial projects of regional significance located in the City (i.e. Fashion Island, Newport Center). 3. That the existing location of the sign shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer for sight distance. . Than Use Permit No. 3176 shall become null and void in conjunction with the approval of this application. That the Planning Commission may add or modify conditions of approval to the use permit, or recommend to the City Council the revocation of this use permit, upon a determination that the use which is the subject of this exception permit, cause injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general welfare of the community. -22- I 1. That the existing sign is compdLIU►%, -- uses. the off -site -sign will not have any. significant 2. That act. environmental imp - the off -site sign at the intersection noMad�rsely 3. That hway d Boulevard and East Coast Hig impact the neighboring residential uses. osed revised copy to include com or f r 4. That the prOP for projects of regional significance or for the s t necessary lease of residential informational as l as directional purposes. 5, That the approval of this exception permit is necessary to contrary sub protect a substantial property right6 of the 1l nt Mun c Pal Code to the purpose of Chapter (Sign Ordinance), and will not be materially detrimental persons the comfort or general welfare of p the health, safety, residing in the neighborhood, or nei l' borhood,l or injurious the property or improvements in theg general welfare of the City. -23- .24. mmisston�-2 p�,Planiung}ir tf x At its in of August 23, 1990 the.Planning Commission continued thist1.e inityotmct tin of February 7, 1991 so than the Irvine,Comp sn°olat nation poean �nt in he .City, mee g for dire . I , • , ,.g,. once with staff to prepare a' sign program ort Center. � Staff met with representatives.of tattcrvl However,;:no;sig►t particularly to N(. g din thi m the Irvine Company. to the City for its review to date. The subsequent to he Planning Commmssion meetin . regar , . g " `,,. 23 1990, Ghat they program has been submitted by Commission on'August , R .:: directional and ► City M. Attorney'$ Office a�spince vra h the intention of address►ng temparary were preparing a Sign Ord Attorney, has indicated;o, staff that the proposed informational ;signs The Assistant City, , review until March, 1991. • n minutes of August 23, .1990 is attached. amendment,to the SignGode will -not be ready for Commission:r exce t:of the, Planning.Cvmmiss�o An, rP x . A�; �, F i i ds to retain the.. existing; copy,on. the one.sided sign located on the The; applicant in _ .,, hwa The second corner ;of MacArthur : Boulevard ,and ; E orn ° of Eastt Coast Highway and ,northeasterly'. lication. The roved directional sign, located at the northeaster y c_, . _ _ .;app.. 3.) Big lion Island, 2.) Newport Center, Jamboree Road, has been removed, ,and is :no. longer a; portion of this app ng existing sign identifies the direction to: 1.) Fas • ,and identifies , Newport North. ,The..total square foot he f h gof 9 feet 6 inched i Canyon ;Villas, .: . , r ) off:site sign is approximately 30: ± ,square feet with a:ma�cimu g or the most part is oriented toward traffic traveling on East Coast Highway The signage f of the residential uses in the. vicinity of the project. An and poses no impact to any , included in the attached Planning Commission staff report ,dated elevation of the sign is August 23, 1990. `k ecific Findingsand Recommendations b the rove this •application as requestedY Should the Planning Commission wish to app plannin d conditions. set forth in Exhibit "A" in the attached applicant, the findings an st 23, 1990 are suggested. Should r%eferring to Commission staff report dated Augu to a rove this application, but deny the inclulicontain t e firstsale Hof Commission wish pp residential projects that no; longe . ro'ects ;or. existing ff commercial p ;� . er :the findings,,and:conditions set forth in;Exhibit.''B of the attached sta homes:or,prop tY7 roval.of Exhib►t'.'B"would not,only;eliminate','FashionI$land" and report -are suggested. App all of.;the • �� the.;si • ,but would also eliminate "BigCanyon Crilas" since the "Newport -.Center. ; from ort North ;lnasln, development is a rental project; and eli►mnate Newp ; have rein sold, at; least; once in the Planned Community Should ;the residential units ha rove, this application in its, entirety, the.findingsand Planning Commission, desire. ,to disapprove , ested. co ndition. of approval :Se forth in.Exhibit."C"; in ththis application cat on allowing only: copy However, if it is the desire of the Commission to approve i significant commercial destinations such as Newport Coent Tope Fysthe findings referring to . g ^.^^«c +i nt cnntain only the first sale of homesP 2. That the off -site sign will,not have any significant environmental impact. 3. That the off -site. sign at the intersection of MacArthur Boulevard and East Coast ghway.Aoes not advers6ly impact the. neighboring+residential uses. 4. That the, 'proposed revised' copy to- , include commercial projects of regional significance or for the first sale of residential "units " or lots, is necessary for informational as well as directional purposes. 5. That the approval of this exception permit is necessary to protect a substantial property right and will not be contrary to the purpose of Chapter 20.06 0£ the Municipal Code (Sign Ordinance), and will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing in the neighborhood, or detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the City. _ CONDITIONS: 1. That development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan and elevation, except as noted below. 2. That the sign shall only identify residential projects for the first sale of residential units or lots in the City and identification of commercial projects of regional significance located in the City (i.e. Fashion Island, Newport Center). 3. That the existing location of the sign shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer for sight distance. 4. That Exception Permit No. 9 shall become null and void in conjunction with the a INUTta COIVIMI5SIONERS.. - �, a , I,OF A. IT'S INDEK fib - ROLL CAI,L I f � j � j < h f .: �; �� r•` icn NQ 8 ' n'n 20 Permit which at'�is previously approved Use Request to amend a p cont� i u to . e installation of three off -site directional signs fied permitted the m ermit sites, all of which are located on property uest to p t lve District. The proposed amendmntlocaotedsat the southwesterly revised copy on the existing sig 3666 corner of Jamboree Road and Mac areh of Jamboree Road, corn the northwesterly side Jamboree Road); 1851 Jamboree betwee n San Joaquin Hills Road and Ford Highway, westerly - Road); and on the no side of East y The proposal also of Jamboree Road (980 East Coast Highway). )� ercnitted sign includ es a request to permit a larger and tcorner of e�R ad and MacArthur at the southwesterly rey request to ext end he period of approval for Use Boulevard, and 018. q Permit No... Properties located at the southwesterly corner LOCATION: e Road and MacArthurBoulard; of Jambore b ee Road, ZONE: APPLICANT: OWNER: the northwesterly approximately 1500 feet southwesterly of Ford Road; and the northwesterly Road of East Coast Highway an Unclassified The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Same as applicant AND previously all Use I'ermitrow which Request to amend a P fitted the installation of an off -site, directiropos d amendment ty permitted in the Unclassified District. Then the existing off -site, involves a request to install revised copy directional sign located at the southeasterlyposainc udes a request to Road and Bristol Street. Jamboree The pioposa Ite_ m No-9 UP3` 11611 cont'd to 2-7 9_--1 --- S f 'Subdivision, .located at 3501 'Jamboree Koac,i Onthe southeasterly corner of. Jamboree r Road :and jBristol' ,Street, northerly j of the North :Ford/San, , Diego.• i Creek ; Planri� c3 Community.: 1 ZONE: • Unclassified , t APPLICANT The Irvine ,Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant :AND, H,�Pn►�on Permit No-9 �AmPndedl(Co nIinued -Discus i n Request to amend'a.Previously approved Exception Permit which permitted the installation of a temporary, off- s�te'directioual sign and a modification of an existing off: site, temporary directional sign on property located in theP-C District. The proposed amendment involves a request to' install. revised: copy on; the 'existing off -site, directional° sign located •at the ;northeasterly ,corner of °East Coast 'Highway and Mac Arthur�Boulevard: The approved sign located at the 'northeasterly corner of, East -Coast Highway and Jamboree Road has been deleted -. iThe proposal also incline's a request to extend the period of approval of Exception Permit No. 9. LOCATION: ` Properry ocated. at . 5 I East Coast Highway, on . the; northeasterly ; corner of ;East Coast Highway. and . r MacArthur." Boulevard, in Corona.del .Mar., ZONE: P=C 'r APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant -33- i. i Item N0.10 NP No. 9A Cont'd to 2-7-91_ ri 'Subdivision, .located at 3501 'Jamboree Koac,i Onthe southeasterly corner of. Jamboree r Road :and jBristol' ,Street, northerly j of the North :Ford/San, , Diego.• i Creek ; Planri� c3 Community.: 1 ZONE: • Unclassified , t APPLICANT The Irvine ,Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant :AND, H,�Pn►�on Permit No-9 �AmPndedl(Co nIinued -Discus i n Request to amend'a.Previously approved Exception Permit which permitted the installation of a temporary, off- s�te'directioual sign and a modification of an existing off: site, temporary directional sign on property located in theP-C District. The proposed amendment involves a request to' install. revised: copy on; the 'existing off -site, directional° sign located •at the ;northeasterly ,corner of °East Coast 'Highway and Mac Arthur�Boulevard: The approved sign located at the 'northeasterly corner of, East -Coast Highway and Jamboree Road has been deleted -. iThe proposal also incline's a request to extend the period of approval of Exception Permit No. 9. LOCATION: ` Properry ocated. at . 5 I East Coast Highway, on . the; northeasterly ; corner of ;East Coast Highway. and . r MacArthur." Boulevard, in Corona.del .Mar., ZONE: P=C 'r APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach OWNER: Same as applicant -33- i. i Item N0.10 NP No. 9A Cont'd to 2-7-91_ ri k,�f a.{I 15S101SERS Ic V. IT I Zr CAL1 �Commiss►on address, ROLL.. u ested that the planning . r , . C6airtian DebaY:s oncurrently inasmuch as trie ithtec ti eins 9 and 10 c: ns''at vinous locations 'Ytetns'No .8+ ; I e'� fi concern Of direct►onal sig ; Attorney s, s i G stated tle City , Attorney, with the :intention; of 'Robin Flory; Assistant City: n prdina. a 4 - "' ice' is,.currently wnt►ng a Sign vent directional end informational ► j t Offanu;perm ` addressing temporary: rdinance would be intr'oducs toil rY sigma and the =proposed 10 roximately two months., , ; ommission continue the!foregomg Planning Commission Ark ir,,mssion would °avoid suggest that the Plann�b5is hat he Co •. oncoteform►ng g 5 onAhe, items for 90 day ` , sign that could potentially be n 'n Ordinance taking action on s►g ro osed S►g ; a final decision ' s► ns; acid-she`also commented that the p. ,P, g , could assist the Commission in making girding the emphasizedrns hsul m tted tiirconce 'the Planning Loma, sione_r off rTepo is that were had requested that The inconclusive st , Commission inasmuch as the Commission he April 19 19902 Irvine Company, meet: with the. staff . to discuss the Planntng Commission's recommend `dn ns as a result o Planning Commiss►on.mee g nested at the r Pomeroy.pointed out that, he ha hatnIt would be to Commiss►c ne Commission meting, planning that would April 19, 1 �9fl; Cit had a ;s►gn, program . st. He explained that as the City has the public benefit: if, the : t. would Poll ,► ; sign `,program; address major p concurred with become' a more ,tourisyrC y.-Cha rinan,Debay ' mprove'traffic'flow in.t the foregoing statement .. w►th these items; and public hearing was opened in connection • , Commission The P eared.before the Planning Nir: David Dmohowski`appHe eXplained that The Lrvme'.Comubli s on behalf. of the applicant. prior to the subject p irate occasions p met with staff on two Sep . toted that there is a need a cis tt desire tsa e hearing. ' -Mr `Dmohowskt stated to identify rental Or directional signag that the Planning for temporary and he requested er' manent currently being leased, a limited ' basis, a P Commission also consider on ort Center. d►r ctionaT signage in` a median near. .Newp -34- ININIJT S CO'IMISS`ION:�fSi1;, •� �J� � Q • �,f • e Sul I �. , CIT'Y'' ®F �rE�VP4 Y BEAM ROLL CALL Persbn suggestedthat{the applications be continued r Commissioner to February 7, 1991. or expire prior,,161; that thensubJect use'perniiions ill Ms. Temple stated ne continued from fie uje t� p pub he r ng and ththe e lus t-permits'.will be considered.: s t J p 'pending'. to D►nohowski wi`hbeSPtaking );ect n,response toa question posed by Mr 4 t. i;. fAtt6rney.s,.Off►ce the ; dir`ection .'that'';'the 'City f Ms: Flory suggested that " regarding'the'proposed •Sign�ardinance; Attorneys Office ' The`Irvirie`Company submit a letter to the.City; with'suggestionS r No. 2018 (Amended), to *. Iviot►on"�uas made continue..Use,Perin, No. *3176 � (Amended) and Exception Permit No. 9 motion ; �: Use'1Perinit: the February>7,' 1991►;Planning Commission meeting. (Amended)'to 'f Ayes Absent Commissioner Glover stated her,. support for. directional. signs,. to . Fashion Island and Newport ,Center inasmuch as there is a need to' guide the public to the businesses at said locations The foregoing motion was voted on, and MOTION CARRIED. s s s Item Noll Mod N0.3688 Requ to permit the retention of portions of an as -built 5 foot 6 (A eal) inch high ught iron fence and related 6 foot high stone`: pilasters.:.. topped with 2 t high light fixtures, which hd acentrtoach 15 Cameocet into Shores proved the regu►red 15.fo ont setback' a J Road and,wh►ch also a oach 15 feet info'the required <15:foot ; front yard setback'adjacen Hairp'den Roa`d.` The<<proposed development al-so'lncludes the c tr►iction' of a new 5: foot.6. inch high `wrought iron fence 'that ,encroa ^ u'15 fePn'Rnadh The front .. D J'.r r �'... e� z • 't /� tf , s Y1 EACH- CTI'Y OF NEWPORT;.B f • � ., . rnisston ... o. Planning i.:... 1 , F wPlanning Dep , fRUM ' in n mit which Q gUI�J roved Exceptia ;Per reviously approve n and Request to amend a P off site directional sign permitted.the►istallahon;of a, off Pt°ra emporary directional'�Si on a .modification of ,an existing a 'ro ased j amendment Th P. P 'off -site, roperty located ,:in the: P C ,District » F, oni the ? ezisti�g .t Coast P request, to install revised cQPy . , involves ,a y, located ;at the 1 sign located at the northeaste ! 1 roved sign f , �, directions g Highway and MacArthur.Boulevard. Thera and Jamboree Road has northeasterly cornerof,East C� Highway, .a iequesti to extend the been `deleted The proposal i period of `approval of Exception Permit N . 9. ON: ` . _ Proper `,located at 2500 East Coast .Highway] on the northeasterly t Hi hway ,and. MacArthur Boulevard, in Corona J�OCA corner.of East Coas g del V ar. ZONE P-C 'p,PPLICANT: The Irvine Company, NeWp°rt Beach OWNER: Same as applicant A directional sign _MAW - off site, on an existing This applica tion is are retain revised copy i hway and MacArthur Boul`ev'ardit No. per of. approval' of ExceptionPerm located' at the northeasterly uest to extend, he P has been' in existence since proposal also includes.'a Teq sand ,Section e'si is temporary in nature: (in excess of 90 day)e with 9. `ib g rt ,within.the P,C;D�stnct . In acco on shall` have the gn Comm 1981:'' The si is located on proPe rovisions of; the Sign of the Newport .Beach ;Municipal, ,Co deviations f om. any P Municipal 20.06.'60 ermits xo 'allo, .. ter 20A6.090 of -the authority to `issue 'exeepnonp y to Lion Permit procedures are outlined in Chap Code. P Code. ,d, g Commission -2Meo. `a l ex Pt . nr ntt� to o c y em ,'. '� y that it is cg g► t. n.,deternunecY; s F .a.Environmental;Quality act under,,Class:,l (Fisttngy " ro ecthas�been�.revrewed;r.and;it.l?asbee, This, p .l tints of the California from the requirem Facilities). t v't '4 t e i ;.•,�' per .)�; " :�i �t74 •�i t I } t � t t7 , 'i,t 1�} tt , 7 S. f en Space;,UK f I` d Environmental Op Spa. , subject, property, designatedfoz ":Recreational. an x�st. t b Plan �s,document,does not address the use of t. The suj P ears to, byahe:Land-Use:Element.'o£;the Genera therefore, no conflict app, r or signs in.such areas, z.l. :'�,.,t •> x T permanent.-�.r le aq i ��s. I J,�; . e Pr n .. rr n in .., The site is located in an open space green be lt area; to the north, is the Point eeso h, the east, is a Chevron Automobile d orvf�ice usesand to,the west, residential complex; to ercial IS a strip of general comet across -,East -.Coast,-.. ay, is;yacant-proPetty , " levard, .,z Bou across MacArthur . Commission approved Exception Permit " 1981, the Planning District subject to of:Se ternber 24,: m :the P-C D. At;itsmeeting P- ora of£-site.directional,sign- No,-9 thatpermitteri two temp ry,, the following Conof App roval 1, That the sign s shall be in substantial conformance with the:apg , plans except as noted below. period of one y ear, and any,.extension ' That this approvaLshall be for a p ittee 1 2 approval of the Moditicat►on Comm. ; • shall,be�subjectlo the:app ht distance is not,impaired, and ' ns ,be located so ,that ..ig i the Traffic Engineer. :..:. That: the signs ect;to future review; by locations be -subj that.the however, s as to type of copy that was allowed Ion al Srojects which This approval made no stipulation ; itted b the applicant indicated only reference to residential P the plans subm y within the City (see attached approved plan) were under construction er. A of ,one ,year, and rovat be ;for a .p royal;No: 2` provided that the: app the Modifications Committee, Condition of App rovedi.by L'cation in an extensions to :Exception Permit; No. , - be ,app roved extensions of this-app 1n -, y flee. has subsequently app. ears.. Yn September, , The Modifications Conte► ears, and in 1986 for: three y unction.with a further 1982,for two years, in 1984,for;two y ect property, in.conj ttee inspected the subj P . p n is,.currently,identifying the:Modifications Comm It was discovered that the�,sig uested;to extension.,of.Exception Permit No., uentl mailed Center, commercial sites thatwere nstaff subseq req y Fashion Island and Newport be identified on the subject. off -site sign. Planning Department t`f s ,c , ,i � S , ? ; .._, i.O TO : Planrimg Gon missioLo EXHI, BIT „a" R_ i A APPROVAL FO D S O CONITION FINDINGS ANDf NO:'9 (AMENDED) EXCEP'TION PER1 only directiohal- sign for the2. erirnts homes o rpropertY located the C'ity tf _ the existing sign is compatible with surrounding land uses. That Y gn' environmental the off -site sign will not have an si ' ficant ;That .. impact. 'That the hu off site t.. sign at „the; ;intersection of cim act 3. P rMl hwa does ad Y Bo>ileyard and East Coast Hig ,.. Y the neighboring residential' uses. royal qf. this .. exception, per to identify That ; the . approval a substantial torotect commercial; projects is<;not ,necessary P the purpose of Chapter 20.06 property ; right. and:, is . contrary. ,to Code (Sign.Ordinance), and may b Welfare lof of the Municipal. or genera detrimental to the; health, safety, comfort the neighborhood, or detrimental or persons residing in p in the neighborhood, or injurious toproperty or improvements to the general welfare of the City. include commercial projects 5, 'liat the proposed revised copy to 'Ifor informational or of regional significance is not necessary directional purposes. to identify residential That the approval of this exception permit 6. P the of homes oill . projects in conjunction with the first sale �� and is is necessary to protect a substantial City 20.06 of the Municipal to the purpose of Chapter p rot contrary Code (Sign Ordinance), and will not be maWelfareially aofrpe to the health, safety, comfort or general sons injuriousto nacrito sthe residing in the neighborhood, or detrimentao neighborhood, property or improvements in the general welfare of the City. s ., ... _ COM/MMS $ septemlier za; lse { �x� �: II`US TFx J Sy � '�qr�� • ""i J ' !.` X ��j(1 r, ?�.� r Q a, �.; c 1 '�� e�. ,. ir' jit tn'� ROLL,.CAI.�. 4kt f art, r �n?a _ •"rIT3.dsr `tt .S,vr: t�....t�a";.. �..J;(snva v., ?.Z. a7..it 't rta �v -- t .. R .. a �,.. rta.,.a.ur'� "��..;t:. l ttS� .,Yr,53 ���/�t a .,l.c.}YY...r.,.zy ZONE: R=4 f " PI;ICANTS. Sweeney,'Smith, Rosi,3Eadington, Newport Beach 5 .• v F ii n } ';' . , • .> 4 r ti ': ., fit. A OWNERS: Same "as `appli'cants j 'Staff "advised.. that-`thee,applioants +have' -requested 1that ' ., these it,-m be- `continued � to `.� the : Planning'; Commission Meeting' of' October 22 1g814. f motion X Motion "was made tocontinues these::items; ,to they Planning s Ayes X X "X' X X► Cdumii.ssion Meeting - 'of October. '22, =1981, which J MOTIAN Absent .; ,:, CAR RiED i ''Request to construct' two' new;":..temporary`, off -site Item directional' signs ' and %modify:. one . exi ting off -site ; 'directional,`''sign on.:properties -,located in the Unclassified District. f. USE .PERMIT ... LOCATION. Properties . located,,at the so�ithwe'sterly ; N0. 2018 �r corner'of Jamboree:Road:<and MacArthur` .� Boulevardi northwesterly side of Jamboree Road, approximately,'1500 ft., ' sodthwester2y'of:Ford Roads and then ,. northwestt`erly, corner; of East :Coast Highway and Jamboree'Road. j. ZONE: Unclassified s: i. y AND t AND , _,. Request to install one:. new, temporary.', off-si,tc j 'and Item N4 directionalsign,modify one existing, off-s`itc ;t _temporary directional sign°11in:the P-C District ii LOCATION:"` Properties.locate&'at the northeasterly EXCEPTION corner- ofEast Coast HighwayandaMac, PERM Arthur Boulevard; and the northerly side N0. 9 '. ..of East Coast -Highway, approximately 600 >feet; easterly of,Jamboree Road ZONE: P-C BOTH ' PROVED } -z- NDI- j TIONALLY , m ���' ���� �, �� �� a �= C� g ember 24, egt a IN �. } ` " ' ` property or itnprovea►ents' n the neighborhood, or ; F i :..- , .. "to' the'` erieral"welfare''of tine"'Citya g COcIDs I� s . r ; {, 1: That ` tfi6 p"ropo sed signs shall be in substantial r, " except as. noted roved plans -conformance with 'app r below. rod 'of one 2. That this app royal shall be'':for ;a Pe f be to the yeaz, and any'extension shall. subject approval of''the Modificatiions'.Coumuttee. i 3. That the signs be iocated so that sight1distance be sub7�sc. `and is not, impaired, that the'locations 3 to future;review by ihe'Tra'ffic Engineer ~ rewiously" approved use ;`permit Items a" P Request to'' amend 'restaurant `facility with on -sale beer ` establishing a and wine in --Lido -Marina Village so as to Pe rmitt the Pe. expansion of said restaurant facility USE PERMIT outside seating. . 15 Ameba `Parcel '1 of Parcel Map .59-17 (Resnb- y "TACATION: , located at 4320 ;Via i+{ '416)-` division No.: Oporto between Central Avenue and Via Lido, in Lido Marina .Village. APPROVED ,. C NDI- 'ZONE : c-1 x T I ON�I LLY `. - - 1 t ,. ,. APPLICANT: George's Camelot,'Newport Beach Lid©'Marinas Village ° Associates, OWNER: Newport Beach _ A opened connection with this item ublic hearing ope Brat- ris for; Lido + The p+ OP d '"Bob Inch, Director of appeared' bbfore the Cocmaission and Marina 'Vi31a "requested approval" of- Alternative No. l . 'Malcolm Geffen, ` owner of':Lugi's Pizza; appeared _ the majority of ' before'the' Comm and,:stated that -5- • x 1 1 .a 9 INUT OMISSIONERS lolls� � .n r: a n_ a �� �„ �� �� �'��,����®�a ',. �P_�•�l"If7`. ! �` � � _ r, •� CCry - '4 "t r3 The Planning" Commission agreed to addressiItems No s8 9; and �. , z , . lb 'simultaneously�inasaiuch'. asp i4r. a the item, :concern off site directional signs of . The Irvine Cocnpanyr on various sitess � s pu bl id he"'air, rig` was opened: in yconneetion; with; thisitem;, and, ' Cominissio�+ , WDavid£Dmbhowslci:appeared, before the ,Planning , Mr Dmotowslu addressed on behalf of the lapphcant: t non 4he previously reason'fo'r,}theraPPlicants'' {with approved :conditions for the directional signs: Mr. Dinohpv�i ki emits` would, I o 1 "' di, t'ed' that. the{ conditions of the subject.use pE would or;the activities ; oliserved''on the basis�'that,his office ,m&ii` �: ration of.;the sin ro ram i -an sign P, g. involved in ilie- maintenance Pe. , , " t D'mohowski'sstated thatthepurpasefAof the signs are to direct traffic to'4a Vspecific proiecvas uickl and efficiently' as possible, f 9. Y,..,, ., , for directional "signage for significant and he indicated the need commercial destinations. such ,,as ,Newport t Center, or Fashion „ :i s Island ° s Mr i Drnohowski stated that .there is a need for a sign program would ; located in' the vicinity ; of., Newport Center ."that garde -. Villa}Pointd visitors `to their destination: He indicated ,that N' rtr;North'-pare'" residential projects.'; that ;.are vurrently under co iuetion, and inasmuch as,ithe 3rental .projects includeithe C:'ity's affordable housing program, the City, cquld perform !a ? ncs: cost; to the.Cityiby providuig service= to potential + enants ,at; 'appr`opriaie-directional '"signs Commissioner Pers6n asked if The Irvine Company` intends to the City; that woiuld include a sTl e j ' r iriake a `request or;:pro I. si gn E the . y , �,. Irvine 'Company .: fundin a ;;program..:conceriung g ti�at stated .The; ' S cominercial+)developments:Dmohowski Irvine Company would be willing to. participate' financially in a sign program where the signs would be 'located fin, the; public right-of-way, similar:ta thedirectonal=signs The?Iryine Company; is Curren rcivid to. the Police Department and the', New' tly'p ing,. Pers6n suggested thai 'The Nine; Center Library. Commissioner that vl+ould be'inrtYated by mPsnY ,o '-oontri'butelci;arsip..program -the' iairman;Pomeroy. concurred;that it would be to ,the public's 'major' benefit if the City had a sign: program chat would {address points -of -interest ` „ that a line be added Mr: Hevv�cker., asked if;.as,a public service,, , s wtheiresidential directional: signs indicating "affordable housing" t E 3 g t r.'A, , U, N S , r ,,�° w. ISSi( ER r ; CAM T x 1t WP L..*.. Es : ; ,t'r`, i bhhc`o_iw.ns.lutndmgP, and root Ito ,advertise a t ly �a#; SS. 15 uld be. oOndentitent wo eXPlndresihatthe CA rojectssDmo ua" r.------- 'il'I the P t � de p r, 'eed the ; z r, Veto merit: �z F,dward"s discus . d �ongmissione'ri at 'thc ;,ubj ct ; �L Cossioner`Di Sano an directional, signs �: z �s the , ro ram oftr removing :l-6m6ntation; ,offa' s' ie Citiy� , htiiis 'until' `thee 1ne Comlmany+a'r'd s s - ICU ` [dted�lbetweent a ', ,iZ�1t:i } • ''�' t,Yf ' a arding;e , ; E ressed ; e , concerns . coedit ns of 1 .. ; t , iorier Glover add coin 1 anc� the ; n l �aied at << Comm s lack: s of. P. a �s� ny`' the size, of th i g e is a need Irvine �'�mPa cta to` -the signs,`, d fiat they • ' nPPrOv� B ule d °sand Biistol SQ .island and . N�e`vport rnte } ° Fas acAi�bur ,dtrect'uaffic to= hto { and ' to, perrni su ested , ; that tahe t as to ` alloy► the , Person be continued t so ° : a slgn y y ; . fo'niissioner lications re aiding `permit.apP to meet with staff rental' and sale exceptiono ortunity d applicant an, PP ested .that. ;:signs indicaun be' addressed an He sugg id( signs , Tutu planning ' z .r prog!r s �d .;properV , ton at ,:a re prope planning iCommass reed to the foregoing re ,by the moh°WS�° .ag e.�misston jmeenng Mr D rmmendat�oa right -of way would ; << s� in,a< publ�c,.�g b tCity ' I�ewiclter ; stated of t an; E oachment ; yerm�t he ,. reque the approval' . Council _ Pers6n addressed the i:. , .COtTlmisSiOner +for - and,' r , , an_, Pomeroy 'prea,,and the need d r. iKjo 4 Chairm the Downcast. articularly the Newpo t development:n n ints lni.the ,Csty, P to destinaUo P° ' signs" -- the, i R the, Cent area. , , and beY heard` „ to;.appW rc 'bemg`'no others{ desinng , tic Me , closed at E ptabhc heanng N°; ZOig (Amended) ,. No: 9 eontinnc';Use;. a Permit r'�Modoa pia' made �to and g�ception� , Amended), applicant mod; t No. 3176 ( to allow the .... Use Perini so as to the', taorion to August 23, 1994, a , sign °Pt°gram (Amended) a1' e, to recommend ,N sag " addition , Planning C°mm�ssio:i. ' 'use permit ended that when the, me: back, to the Plannic�g loner Glover re u l s be returned; as one Cow ion ercnit app osal t �,d except �. ew,..;that the-PrO Co° .omission for' revi COhNMISS�ONERS % V.Z MINUTES ROLL CAl1 INDEX, agenda item. , G W. Dmohowski stated that the applicants haveagreed to comply with ai requesf by ;fhe `Edison Conipany,-to reduce the si7.e of the sign located at MacArthur . Boulevard and ` JaRmbore'e Road. Commissioner:.^ PersCin suggested' that .The ;Irvine Company the concerns regarding; the sign with staff. coordinate Ayes tMotidn : Vas'!,'ti'oted on to continue Use; Permit No. 2018 (Amended), Use Permit 'No. 3176 (Amended), and ception. Absent Permit No. 9 (Amended) to the August 23, 1990, ;Planning ._.....Com�russion:'meetin�. TI oN CARRIED! �a�o , ;t ' The Plannuag Commission recessed at 8:50 p.m: and reconvened a. 9:00 pm. •S i I e Discussion Items A708 Request to ame Title 20 of :the Municipal Cade so as to establish the Retail d Service .;Commercial (RSC) District. cont d to 5-10-90 INITIATED BY: The ity of'Newport Beach ` James Hewicker, Planning ' eLtor, requested; that this item be ' P n mee continued ;to the .May.10, .1 lanrmg Commissio tmg. Motion * Motion was made and voted on to co inue Amendment No. 708 Ayes * « * to the I�iay 10, 1990, Planning Co 'on meeting. MOTION Absent * CARR ED. Amendment No. 709 A7o9 Request to amend Title 20 of the Municipal Cod so as to cons - a to establish the:. Residential Overlay-. District. s-io-90 IINIITATED BY: The City of Newport Beach -25- r . la of \ram a 714 644-32 PLANNING DEPARTMENT - ( ) c" a F ion Meeting R� - -Q- Tlannin g COminis item ,ger�da,. �i DEAVHf4 i +�r rk��CT bF �NEEW'�'OR ! � ��' � �lfs r 40 I� I.+� TY c r ts C� ii11S51onta' TOrf.,. id r n Department FROM. Ylanni g + , a Ij t�.i f`�1{��irTn�f����''""_end�c?..ftr�.ljt�lC"tS{�, ` Ai, Fx �� n a t rtwhich ; s w l_� t f C''� < 4 3 s r x SiJ�J CTI t {tt�I !rrrt !;tt4't tt',' i,xcj rrrr ri, .`, 6d ExCeptlof PE f_ 1?tf ii, reviobS1. v:aPProv £off site dlrectiol al sign 'kr r, ,'-Sits T .�.., y.. - Request, to an?end ' a P directional sig n. permitted the •`instahatian of ga it ff.siter temporaq ed ctio ndment and a modification of an existing ro os ro erty located in the;'p-C District. The propose ' `off,site; on p P on the existing uest; to install revised copy • corner of, East:` Coast — request r involves a Teq ,r s:. . ,5., ctlbnal 's gn'f located at the,enorthe erapproved jign loeated;at{ i aE Hrgrway`ariii`.Macflrtrur.Boulevard... ,1i hw tabu Jamboree northeasterly corner=of Easts'Co 'also' includes a request to the The: prop Road has been deleted Exception, 'of No. 9. eXterid the' penod' of approval of on the northeasterly t< located at 2500 East Coast Highway, QN; property Hi hway°and MacArthur Boulevard, in Corona I ,QC kTI , , i East Coast g , corner o r 4; ZONE P-C,. r Newpo .Beach, 'I'. The` �tr'vine Corimpa'r�y; rt. Ag``LICAN ,.} i✓R• ! ,t t'' Same. as aPl?licant' f 1 {'{]*T 'i 1/ N A''' lic i. n • .., off -site,; 04,e,t one on an: existing ; _ ' ' tion is` a` i•equest� to retain revised Eapstr, Coat Highway ..andl,MacArthur lice li roval . of 'i'hls aPP; , ' ; �, eriod; o aPP 1 uest; to' extendx. the p and has sign located , atl , t rb north al alsoteinc 0desaarrea lntlexcess of 90,wdays) Boulevard 'he P,, . P n is ,temporary, in nature 'I'lie si the tP : C District. ro erty: located kr► = the Planning Exception Permit No 9 g ' SBeach�Munieipal Code,, , „. xistence` since `1951 The sign is l'oetea ort p :. p viat�ons frozrs been, n e r 1 ;; wP ertnits .to allow;de In accordance :wl{ SVet�t° e20u hoj9 y`tot ssue', xceptio oPeoures are outlined in Chapter Commissioii shall ha Exception Permit p s of the Sign Code f any proyislon 1 Code f th ' `Municipa , 2006090 o e, s En�vir_onmert '1 i nit`ic rce it is categorically and it has been determined that Act underClass has beers-p'�iewed, a This project the requirements of the California Environmental Quality exempt from (Existing Facilities). �1 �r; {�,3 if l 1�rt ief l�t<'J �Lndi {"YYl il,ikl/r {:L}{if, f - ` " °"Recz'eational arid:Environmental Open Space " use The subject.property is'oes1gna�ted forsx 1 document'does noa a p Use -Element ,of the General Plan. This` ear sS to eeiust by th., Land no c nflict pp , in areas, therefore, , w _ of permanent'or temporary',signs such , c„hiPct Property �nd Is Er as `the Point,del 1Viar { tq,the{,no,�., r is located in'an°�open► s1?s C eevron lAu Servtcer5'tation; to the;'south;' The site oinobile complex, to :the ,east, a office uses; and `to the residential ercial sand "' °�''`East€Coast��IiighWayjtis w�stnp c�£ general cornrX► ..,r� , ,a 8 aC R, ,,.:,MacArt w6t, acoss hur Boulevardd P P .{r•r..:a,�. Q.s.,+,; VT �..� i');r.A �fl./ - lion {'1}s �n Yet ('1{i �.�:-i t %r ei'a.) r✓jb }9 i+,il f. i f ,', i;}; 37 a P1anYung,�Commissioh,,approve( Exception the A{� its meeting of {September 24, .1981ti `two off site direc =fl a � signs in the P• C District, percmtRNo. 9{that permitted -temporary,- , .k follownn Conditions ofY Apprava�l. sued, to the g Jb with the app royal That pthesigns shall,.be in substantial copformance plans except as noted below. ',.r { s ; y. That } this a ` royal: 'shall , be, for a : peno o£: one ear, .and any 2• .- , - L �l~ shall be subject to the a royal of the Modification . PP,. extension Committee. distal ce s no 3• That the signs be located so that sight he Traffic Engmeanea that the locations be, subject, ta,,lu;ture.revie y ,. ; L . e of , eo than <was,.allowed on the sign; This. approval made no stipulations as to type Py, ` ' '" -ference to residential indilitedeenattacheil however the 'plans submitted by. the applicant approved plan)', under construction within the City ,,, {,r, projects which were ' ' "' that,the approval -;be l;orl a.period of oneryear, and °t • •° ioval;No: 2 provided Mo nm Condition of App ; s , )r , ; 9 be s aommiti on appr,.®veP.d.liytthe � nsions�to't`Exception-P.ernut.�I�ia. afloh any extensions, roved extensio s PP has app , r „,, T „ Thee Mo ificatioins, Committee = subsequently , , ,, 19$6 far, three ears In September, and w y," (i : f ! year s1984i for, ..twa years; , r J t i 1982 for two y t roe m con unction, with `a the;subiect p p ,,J'° 19g, the Niodifications,�Committee inspected , thy ,: , the sign is current y "rtfie`r�e tension'of Exception._Permit;no:,,9 It. WasRdiscovered itbat m sites that were not oiig�nally , . _ ion Island =and'sNewrport, Center; commercial identifying Fash g Planning Department staff requested too)be 'identified ron letterbtocthe IYrvinesCompany,'informing'th'eM that'..'an subsequently mailed the attached Exception Permit No. 9 would be necessary if it°wa�h tethe o1VIr d cations amendment to the commercial identification on the .sign. It was further note the situation was ,resolved ; Committee could not act upon the extension until h 1 . ie: �e i i qs� EtS(p' i tc f. r {r. k o<, �{�°) 3¢,' t7� 13,t ie of th6,. w; %;,fx =s rt,i i� ;,� located An 1 i ,.}i yi. on the .one sided sign second.:' nds to retain the ,existing copy t Coast�Bhway anti .The applicant rote t corner,of .East licat�on `tlts r•i'nor rof ' MacArihur Boulevard; andt�Eas o, .:,;,�;..;e , t> tth northeasterly� of this aPP nnrteasferlr' gn{ located fit e e r. ortion e o �., t rt Center3f) Big a pro ed dire honal si 2 N wP ,, s �' ° , , +and is no long ,rap Qn the . ;11� Bash�on"Island; e�)�, ,6fktsignage,.c., jimboree Rod "., here direct one to ) al' s uai a :footage of g feett ;- ,. 1.sign identifies to toe 9 height existing and 4.) ` '� Newport -North: + square feet with a maximum heig art, is Canyon Villas roximately 30 sq. R 1'bey signnge for, t1l�e,mostF „ot off=site sigi? is a?P plans. _. uses no ampart to 'any existing' , as indicated . on the attached p hwaY and P 6 inches traveling on East Coast H11 { <, ,,,�+. d toward traffic _ ,of`tli`prpJect' ' r�4 F;; °s'€# f,� a��� r3.� �` ` to 3i Oriente y; ,�> rtr vicinity.; ,.)z+ the , �iises m the. ro ects; its contrary, . residential,commercial p ] of traffic . i directlon� s s�rokfadd4�deintifica�lsn.,to'be�£or the; a cyal ., ze •mon; requesting , , Ind staffs :� malappro`val 'I'. g the ,addiilonr of �? r forahe Ong ,. , , a no 'ustification €or a oftadvertising,the Io n" a i J e at f . ,�es m c �: �z e . the'austl, , `r'prects' onl ;' Staff s. , ortCenter to resrdent�al pf ] �.., n` The applicant h other ava�labl ence ° identification: of."NewP. , ecls td the', sag E ^lb6'- • romm proj .. r;., . , .., '-i projects "within=the. City and staff'•;beheves, their,p. l'ocatton df com : , , 4 , , arts? of} `the City ' cube' at the , entrances n�ficant p an Fashion I51and `are sigIj ears that, the constnctionf the enlay , `is'°fairly obvious• It apP_ Y uatejidenfification N ort' nt are adeq ° Ce er of. ewp s t ; - tatemen of r in order A li tit' t of the �?Q�,vport Beach Municipal Code,in of e' with Sectron 20.06.090B nin Commission must find.,lhriottbe, ,-contrary .•to In accordance tion'permit, the Flan g pro erty' right, :wi to grant an exeep o roteet a substantial p P ' is necessary p of be materially detrimental d ;tredetr lnhental for such permit ter 20.06, and will n hborhoo . of :Chap ersons residing in the neig r _welfare;.of ' hborhood,:or to the general . the purpose. „ or eneral welfare . of p comfort g. rovements in3he neig ryl }; r,, injurious to property or imp s: submitted the following the pity. the _applicant has ; requirements, In response to the above -req licatioz►: support of his application: statements in h i e j.. f the si n old' al n be contra o t n standards 1 Why will .thg T-�s—w—ith previous approvals and.cansistent with design tit t "Proposal is cons iste , for temporary slo.r; , . F , "None. Proposed ordin ir`cum arce are .I authorized by the City:' Wh ' zce n'al' or ex r n program pieviously 2. r ri h is consistent with temporary sign P g a Su st n ial r • h to r ect licants projects vent rmi tie ess r why it an_ exce tion potential clients to locate app 3. ermit enables P ` 1 ,Requested sign P a minimum of misdirected travel:' li I'lannin'omun�ss�on 4 s� as4 ='cGr►rrtca .t`;x#ar f,, '' s h •gin e�• 7 ai t.l t A. 1 ; ,,,..,,.►c 1 not Ue_ „e nei�hlz}14 "S18n has ben Garefu�ly.`designed to be connpatible v�nth �adJacent uses °i,, r j .g �� !t r,,eiE. 3 �j {SFr>.} ,3t,:•.lri.J 3,�� CC{A>r� r w.311w. i ell, '�,�: ` yat<:the existing, sign,iis;reasonable fof4.,jinformat}ona asp IzesrEp, It" is staffs opiwpn t� , ..,, F r ,?..� ose sod tuesg�: 1irect on�dltput°poses to': .rest el pro,ects"rinrcon}unctio with the,first� e..o �: f : pity. `°fi It< l ist:aiso `staffs` ' Earthed � opiruon, ytltntd� the . Pio os'e"c revisop� All operty �n th t �residedtial p oJects �on1y, a P,1=1� r d °, r r r olrlgi'nally"was to -direct: traffic o. mmerc�al� ro Pctsnecessary.,ij„f th'dpY°<to°<�nclude co P J, - , t r, s�.:-f *: T Yf R� 3 �+ YN t i I Find ndecQ m n at�ons'Irr ;, 2+ fln grit %Fes ���e��fic� mQsa .b �le 1 tlon as a U 'n Commission wIsh. to ,approve jlthis � aPP 'ca, t , } q -by Should the: Planru g .the findings and conditions set_ forth in the attic � non, but' de' y;the sjInC Usion appl�c wish 3tQaPProve} th.aPP t, .,,t ghp�aldzthe Planning Commiss�anu_ resitential PFoJgcts$,t ?at?no ,longed re%gin to comme clal :prgjgcts ym. existing tip coy g . , , ndi sand r�onditions set `fA th in the P f.homes or;propert3'�.the, ng tom..: .r,j� `eontain the` first sale o ,� rov Exhibit'., "B" would not only, el3mmate EXillblt:' nBtr; ,are ,suggested ppf �' „ . ,,, a{taehed ` m" thejsign, 'hut,wotild also, eliminate �$ "Nev�ipnrt Center", fro " > ' "Fashion Island" and ; " ,, ev�p" orth", �,rsince the,development:is' a,renfal ro ect,, aid elirr}inate P� �f, r,; Canyon Villas P' J Planned at `least once >id;the ietasmiich ' as all = of:: the .t residential ;units . liaye been isold, , this muni I Iowever, should the "Planning ,Commission ,desire .;to, r disapprove �'om' e the findings and condition of approval set fortis in the attached application in its enter ty, Exhibit C are sugg . , c r, n PLANNING FDEPA OJAME& D. FIEWIC R, I�irector> , By AVIER `S. GARCIA t } Senior Planner t.. Exhibit "A" Attachments: Exhibit "B" Exhibit yiciiiity, Mapr Eaccerpt of Planning Commission Minutes;, r dated September 24, 1981' Original Plan Approved in 1981 Letter _to, _ he dated February .1, Irvuie Company r d :Elevations _ ; , s.+. n E : F l 1 t 3 ;..... Plot 'Plan. an F:\WP50V AY\SR\EP 1 , Fz pa" FOR PROWy CONDI.INJADL) r,P�P8ERIVI';bBI� 'zNthI(eOA9MEN pFAF„DENUNG�5`�A plican)j requested s y atible with' 'surrounding land th`e� odsting3.c5ign� �rcoYnp _ t � [ r t , nificant ) 'signf{vtnlll =note have any g the flff 2, Tliat site envirorunenfal impact. . MacArthur 3, That the off -site sign at the in doesnotadveisely, impact BouleYard 'and East Coast Highway the neighboring residential uses. proposed: to include. commercial projects 4, That the ro osed: revised copy for informational : as well of reg*pnal significance is necessary. as directional purposes. $, That, the approval of this exception permit is necessary fo right,and will not be contrary , protect a. substantial property of. Chapter 20.06 of the Municipal Code (Sign the to the purpose Ordinance), and will not be, materially 'detrimental to welfare of persons residing health, safety, comfort or general in,the neighborhood, or detrimental ious to Pgeneral ooainjour o the ents in the neighborh , or improvemneighborhood, welfare of the City. rnNnITIONSL That development shall be in substantial conformance with 1, the approved plot plan and elevation. - 2, That the ' sign ` shall identify. residential projects Commercial proects of regional identification of Center or located in the City (i.e. Fashion Island, Newport) as determined by ,the Planning Director. r projects the3, location of the sign. shall b reviewed and That the existing sight distance.. by the City Traffic Engineer forg approved tull and void in That Exception Penuit No. 9 shall become 4, this apphcaill with the approval of conjunction t �� 4at ,gtzsii�;i � t�tx'fa�r�� Y d ' t t..•' Planning Co�ssion 8 , r: ��1�V771'�1�?��/V1i111,`�i1 Y a y--'"='r- i " i'( ys {ttSCC °3 {i t ! �f' ; ' x 4��`Fr �deve}oninenf 'shall -be in substantial confdranance with„ `�'� i 111aty 4 F: t lf' h elevation, except as: ;noted bolow. lot lan'"and the approved ,p P, F or 9i. ` only identify residenlneti ales ed 2,. `'' "That the sign shall lgca m�th of first t lots currently in the process in elude hall tt f not t ,bed S'PerQ City,,'and said sign s6 ro` erties' of any commY ercial7 pra]ects p P identification 'then existing to "cation of the sign 'shall be.:reviewednd i 3. That �ngmeer for sight distance. approved by the City Traffic No 9 shall becarn and void in . lfiat' Exception ,Permit 4. of this application., conjunction with the app roval ' ' shall for a period of. two years from t ahis a royal ,e�ctend` �' Tha _, ; PP ` royal of this application, and any extension ''the` ;.�. . date of Sapp royal of the Modificadons . app shall' be subject to the Committee. r add or modify conditions Conimis'slon may That; the an 6' `permit, or recommend to he 1 val' to =the exception of aPpro V this exception permit, upon a .. Cityouricii the: revocation of is the subject of this det wT:ich . �rminatlon that the use , ! . detrimental to the health, or i exception ,permit,; cause: injury,, ; general welfare -of the 'morals, or safe peace, comfort„ COMM I i r Jti r• 92 % �✓ . 6 P 9 (;� Irl tksi. p2t! t y ,'(s'2 )'' 6• y PJ,,p2i I Ir• rcr �, `!� �`�yL 'i .� 2 t �' ie,.2� 7�0.j�St'Si �, tr, J� ��2,}' '�"�i rt. ,f..'!'� `'• 0 ~ �w;. } .. •,oe -ro P �!➢ ," �1�,1, �y I; :� r 7/' JF1 .:,�rit �. c R•``sr a�P�P ^.! �p� }!' J !'' \ PJ�. 9? J vo .ti o 4Z •\ J G P ��\7. A2 C� a P i,z9a'�i'ry , E.s /c'a�i•P�`+} i r� 9t; j�y 2 /9? ' wq SEE n1Aa *r! DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT BEACH' — C A L I F 0 R N I A AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL R—•' -MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL - - I .• !�J--� SINGLE FAMILY RESIOENIIAL - r` J LI iNT COMMERCIAL DUPLEX. RFSIDEh HAI• E' . 6ERLltAL ,4MMERCIAI '.. �-7- E0NTL I OHO N0 CDSIA •J RESTD. MULTIPLE FAMILY R GO BINJMG DISTruci �U UNCLASSIFIED MAP NO IXi. 26, 1930 CJ 1 , ant Yard De >h In Form Shown ThoS-10- ,4 d - j } r1 i :ZONE S:I.s..;' i .At`PLICANTS ? Sweeney,,�;Smith, Rosi;_rEadington; Y Newport Beach { II ?• 145A ().1 f, f 3' .r t .;... �. `applicant,s=: OWNERS: Same as :thati .Staff <advised thatstthe.,>°applicants;rhave=�requested ntinuedwzto "the. ,Planning i.:Comissiofi these be : com ;items , Meeting,;vf: ,October 22 f 1981 MOt1On X :,r .i� :Me6';ivasrmades,to;.:continuersthese-'';items to they Planning-, MOTION Ayes X ,x X X , F (Commission ,Meeting of ,;October t22, 1981, which ; { Absent CARRIED.;- r 1 j a r j I .... S Request to_ 'construct=.:..two ::news :.temporary, )off -site Item #3 .r) .directional ;(signs';. and ,modify.:, one existing off -site drectional,..sign ,;on.::properties ;located in the k f Unclassified District. � r F f USE PERMIT ' LOCATION.. ' :Pxoperties,ilocated:.at,.the southwesterly NO. 0 asc'' corner. -.of Jamboree,- Road;,.and MacArthur :. ,, Bouleyard;i northwesterlyijside''j of Jamboree Road, approximately 1500'•ft j southwesterly-rof'q ord,.,Road;. and the` Coast northwesterl %:corner..of :East Y Highway and JamboreeS.Road ZONE: Unclassified a AND i , y AND Request to install- one ncw, temporary ofi1s�te F one: existing off -site Item #4 d -mo dif f an y . 1 .:sign:,!,, da. rectiona .1. 7 temporary directional: sign-inv,thei.P-C District I E } ?,LOCATION ., Properties :located rat the northeasterly:,EXCEPTION Highway and Mac- 4 :: ofEast:Coast; Arthur Boulevard; and the northerlyside { NO9T z of, East Goast-Highway, approximately G00 feet, easterly of ;."Jamboree Road` ZONE P. C BOTH PPROVED _2` C NDI- TIONALLY t` � -environmental: iiapact'. S has 'indicated 'thati they A. + c, 3 artment The l•i'ce .Dep � - no t;ccontemplate ;any `problems. E ct .r it"; will ino, k z,ta g i approval °of.., Use permit No. 201 case`. ,be thi's i .The I under)the..•::circum`stances °f ace;; morals;; health, safety, PF' , detrimental to the of :p ersons 3 residing, comfort and general} ,welfare _ or bez detrimental t 'L 4, in the neighborhood and working 1 F 12, M'd LN N ennypoL an, will I �i� CITY'OF: NEWPORT BEACH n PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN :REVIEW REQUEST . ` P . te• 'April 2, 1990 ADVANCE PLANNING 'DIVISION XPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT X PLANS' ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) j X TRAFFIC ENGINEER FIRE DEPARTMENT PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. PARKS & RfiCYZ'��A?'1ONk" POLICE° DEPARTMENT MARINE SAFETY. GRADING APPLICATION OF: The Irvine Company FOR: Exception Permit ��o. 9 (Amended) REQUEST TO: Amend , a previously. approved Exception Permit which permitted : the installation of a new, temporary, off. site directional sign and a modification of an .existing off -site, temporary directional sign on property located in the P-C k District, The proposed amendment involves a request to imstall revised 'copy on.' the existing off site, directional _sign located at the northeasterly. corner East Coast Highway and MacArthur Boulevard and delete the same type sign at the northeasterly; corner of East Coast Highway and -Jamboree Road.The proposal also includes a request to extend the period of approval of Exception Permit No. 9. LOCATION: 2500 'East Coast Highway REPORT REQUESTED BY: April 9, 1990 COMMISSION REVIEW: April 19, 1990 COMMENTS: C� fZlzUku � r? r-- o�j -' &I Signature: _Gt Date: