HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 - Balboa Branch Library / Fire Station No. 1 Concept Review and Approval — Project No. 23F12 - PowerPointMay 14, 2024 Item No. 11 BALBOA LIBRARY / FIRE STATION #1 REPLACEMENT PROJECT City Council Meeting May 14, 2024 Item # 11 3ALBOA LIBRAH _OCATION Jim CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 0 2 BALBOA LIBRARY / FIRE STATION 1 LOCATION u r •t• , BALBOA LIBRARY *Built 1929 - originally 566 SF (comfort station predates the library) • Expanded 1952 and 1962 to ~4,500 square feet. This includes 360 SF of Museum space • Facility Condition Index: POOR I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FIRE STATION 1 • Constructed 1962 • Currently 3,432 SF • Staffed by 3 Fire Department personnel • Facility Condition Index: POOR Total City Lot area-24,000 SF • Review Site Trees Health for determination of viability to remain • Modern Fire Facility • Modern Right -Sized Branch Library - Well designed work and study areas - Up to date technology, improved sight lines - Neighborhood Scale Library • Look to work in Neighborhood Recreation Component to Complement the Library (age -appropriate playground) • Try to find/include Additional Public Parking • Continue indoor and include Outdoor Library Programming Area • Improved access • Possibly include some Public Works maintenance equipment/supplies storage • Need to maintain the existing sewer easement PROJECT TIMELINE July 2022 Council adopts budget for facility replacement January 2023 Design Team contract awarded to COAR for design 2023-2024 Departmental and subcommittee meetings to develop starter concept design framework base on objectives January 2024 Board of Library Trustees Public Meeting and Community Input on Initial Concepts PROJECT TIMELINE March 5, 2024 May 14, 2024 PB&R Commission Public Meeting and Community Input on Initial Concepts City Council Public Meeting for Design Concept Approval Summer 2025 Final Design and Permitting Complete. Advertise Project for Construction Bids (Estimated Construction Cost: $16 Million) Fall 2025 Construction Begins Public Notification on Concept Development of Project • Posted Agendas and Notices on Public Hearings on Project • City Pushed Social Media posts (Nextdoor, Facebook, Instagram) • PB&R and Council meeting notice to 1,000-foot radius • Email list of interested parties • HOA notifications Opportunities for Public Input • Library Board of Trustees Public Meeting • Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Meeting • City Council Meeting • Contacting the City Council, Commissioner and City Staff Directly DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DESIGN DEVELOPM DESIGN DEVELOPMENT E Bay Ave -1B.ayVW i_.!- dray ve n E Bay Ave a M Three Proposed Layouts for Your Consideration • Fire station: -5,100 SF (includes Fire Apparatus bays) • Neighborhood Branch Library: -3,600 SF • Library Study Areas • Outdoor Flexible Library Programming Space • Age -Appropriate Playground Area • PW Equipment Storage: - 900 SF • Increased Public Parking by 13 to 14 spaces - 13 -14 on -site parking spaces (increase of 5 - 6) - -8 additional on -street spaces available due to improved layout CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Total Building square 9,850 SF 9,170 SF 10,025 SF 7,932 SF footage Library square footage 3,625 SF 3,620 SF 3,660 SF 4,140 SF (used as library) Museum square footage 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF 360 SF Fire Station square footage 5,065 SF 5,250 SF 51140 SF 3,432 SF Public Works Storage 885 SF 0 SF 935 SF 0 SF Playground square footage 1,500 SF 1,500 SF 1,600 SF 0 SF Landscaped square footage 2,830 SF 3,675 SF 35470 SF 65550 SF Trees 16 16 13 11 On -site parking spaces 14 14 13 8 Additional street parking 8 9 8 n/a spaces added OFF -SITE PARKING In . = -, _V, I __ w 10 won F � lit 4 � Cl*ty _iNew ort Beach �ji� AY UT OPTION 1 now r: i .: r................. �!---�- � =�::IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII — jai ij -- y .................... Im. :IIIIIIIII................ .......IIIIII r A r -lw . w W7 -""T-a 46 f N CONCER • h. ' 6% 1 A LAYOUT OPTION 1A •M4 W, I f" ri CONCEPT LAYOU TION 1A IkL �tc I CONCEP OtYOUT OPTION _wooa�,-*- gig_ I As —low, % -Mir 1 Building Look and Theme Cottage House Option �►. .. .ter is �; �'..:.. ..��' �_*'G-"'^ ...i.'-�— ,+t _ +•�a'�i••�.. . � fR: All I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 23 Cottage House — View from East Bay Avenue Cottage House — View from Island Avenue ...A% A 1' •� 1 Cottage House (lA)— View from Balboa Blvd. Cottage House (1A) — View from East Bay Avenue � 840_1..� ■11 ■� � � I i,il 10. Cottage House (1A) — View from Island Avenue Building Look and Theme Natural Modern Option A i Natural Modern — View from Balboa Blvd. Natural Modern — View from East Bay Avenue It lip. J ff � w NEWPORT 6tRCK -°�- .,-- Natural Modern —View from Parking Lot I Nib. Moog Na k. . P=W UWW% �!;7 #-N ■ Me Nor Ore, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Theme Examples: Early Literacy Elements I, i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 34 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH •� �j.12.11 ` • , V`-gyp _, *1 r • �y • , _ ; _ .::;�, ± TF- •tit �. r .,i' � ,' r. r r r '^ ► 11 Fq4F *c 44 1 s' f ,Air 4 EXISTING SITE TREES - .`fir �"y' r .■ .. mill __........................... r r.• ____ _ _ _ _--- _i �.. A b MMMI�s .� j 16. -- �.7 - —;w-- -- I- " -..L. i mp MR ■Ivim L 1* Current Site Trees and Conditions February 2 PF LO LEI LL LQ L-L ` MA A Current Site Trees and Conditions February 2024 i J ' MIN _ I F ,'• Prior Blue Gum Eucalyptus • Tested Dec 2022 and August 2023 • During a 9-month period, the detectable decay in Front 3 (ID# 351537) increased from 17% to 43% • Front 3 (ID# 351537) was presented to the PB&R Commission on November 7, 2023 for consideration for removal. • Removed on December 7, 2023 I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Follow-up review confirmed the rotten trunk section identified by the tomography was shown on images. Examination confirmed tomography is a sound/proven method in diagnosing compromised wood I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 43 0 I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 0 Blue Gum (Front 46) (ID#3517580) Examined Dec 2022 - Tomography showed 2% rot Examined Aug 2023 - Tomography showed 7% rot • During a 9-month period, detectable rot has increased from 2% to 7% • Decay will continue to increase exponentially to the point where removal is recommended (-V 5 years) • High Risk Rating / Removal Recommended = 30%+ damaged wood Additionally, construction activities will impact the health of the tree: Compacted soil from Root Footprint of new Lack of consistent heavy equipment pruning building water & nutrients Canary Island Date Palm (Front 41)(ID# 3517575) • Existing Fusarium infection will likely weaken the palm, whereby a secondary infection will complete the palm's decline (3-5 years) • Additionally, construction activities will impact the health of the tree Compacted soil from Root Footprint of heavy equipment pruning new building I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Herons are Opportunistic Nesters Many other opportunities for habitat throughout and around Newport Bay Large home/breeding range (5-30 miles) Other local habitats underutilized CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 46 • January 2024 — Board of Library Trustees held a public meeting. Trustees expressed support for Option 1 and the cottage style. • PBR Commission held a public meeting to review the proposed layouts, recreation components, and the request to remove 2 landmark trees • The Commission voted to authorize the removal of the two diseased trees outside of nesting season (no sooner than September 2025) and with a report back to the Commission regarding the health of the tree. Continue to refine the concept plans, elevations, and recreational components. • The Commission also expressed a preference for Layout 1 and the Cottage House theme 4di CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH elf approved tonight, Staff will begin final design work • Final plans and permitting ready for bid Summer 2025 • Construction begins Fall 2025 *Estimated construction cost is $16,000,000 (—$11600/SF) • AI I-i n cost estimated at $17,700,000 (includes design, construction support, other soft costs) • Cost of temporary Fire Station not included and still to be determined J, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 48 1) Review, take in public input, and approve the preferred Conceptual Design Floor Plan and Architectural Style for the building; 2) Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act because this project has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3) Direct Staff to proceed with preparation of final building and site plans, required permits, and solicit public bids for its construction I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 49 BALBOA LIBRARY / FIRE STATION #1 REPLACEMENT PROJECT Conclusion of Presentation a AT E) _s In 2005, there were 3,889 public trees... In 2024, there are 4,573 public trees... Also many more Private Trees now than 1947 Balboa Blvd (Magnolias, Palms & Firewheels) Newport Blvd (Strawberry Trees, Chinese Elms) I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • Many more Public Trees were added to the Peninsula via City Construction Project and area reconstruction • City requirements to plant during private property developments Marina Park (Palms, Coral Trees, Chinese Elms, Catalina Ironwood, Torrey Pines, New Zealand Christmas Trees, etc.) ■ BACKGROUND lox 40t Ai �l- Ott � � • Avoid overarching theme • Include understated reading/book features • Encourage learning opportunities in a playful environment • Integrate early literacy practices: Read, Talk, Sing, Write, Play - Alphabet and numbers - Interactive learning and sensory elements, such as different textures and braille - Musical elements that encourage collaboration, rhythm recognition and the development of fine motor skills - Tracing panels or finger mazes I, i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 53 • Designate areas for storytelling and reading - Benches or small stools - Mini amphitheater -like area to gather for storytime • Open area for program such as: - Sensory play - Scavenger hunts - Touch tanks - Bubble shows ji, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Playground Considerations • Theme — understated; literary and early literacy elements • Feature — program space • Layout — open, low, and compact • Color — subtle • Material — unitary I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 55 Canary Island Date Palms (ID# 3517577) (Front 43) (ID# 3517578) (Front 44) Declined from an infection of Fusarium and a Secondary Pathogen Palms usually decline very quickly (-60 days) I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 6, 2023 Front 44 Front 43 March 18, 2020 Reported to PB&R on June 2, 2020 & August 8, 2023 • During a one-year period, the detectable decay in Front 45 (ID# 3517579) increased from 33% to 47% • On February 7, 2022, Front 45 (ID# 3517579) was presented to the PB&R Commission for consideration for removal. • After approval by PB&R, removal was delayed due to migratory bird activity. • Removed on September 5, 2023 I, i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH i. NINSULA'S URBAN FOREST (UPDATE) ;• . dw _�1 ��. "��' �i ice' ••' ��r r'� 'lk. -dow { f I- Ok dn • ._ a:T - 4 M1 � i5 ,•y r • } �[ � t � � f � { _• - ,ice � � . -, • Clear sightlines to front of library - Open Structures - Low, undulated perimeter • Avoid equipment that requires a large safety fall zone • Primary age of library program participants 0-3; secondary age of participants 4-6 I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 60 Layout Examples: Open &Low I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 61 Layout Examples: Low Perimeter I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • Preference for neutral or single -color variations • Preference for unitary materials - Rubber tiles - Pour -in -place I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 63 " OFT INO "I At!% FEATURE EXAMPLES: READING AREAS I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 65 w(m,ft To I, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH