HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP_010APPS.2C=1Cti FOR RES�F~::I LX:'-C�1/CC:IVEFSICy CM of NE PORT BEACH Face 1 of 3 PL %*XrM DEPARTt0=NT CURjkENT PLANNIM DIVISION 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 644-3:00 PART A (Please Print) �- Applicant — f l�[� Hailing Address R 'OE-, Z Property Owner J'Azi�--d mailing Addres � 7� � �4� Adaress of Property Involved_ZE-Z-a Application `:o. Application Fec-& by Fee_ -� - Z Phon ����00 !J Phone // a ,,� 1 �C�'� 714� 'E� , o , o al Da�c;iptiors olPra ty Iry a U 1! sr attach ate sheet � t 17 Number of Residential Units Currently Onsite Iiaxiisua Number of Residential Units onsite in the Previous Twelve-Mcnths �3 Nusber of Residential Structures onsite M i Description of the Proposed xew Development and if the structure is being emk � a vpublic those factors definednce as causing the exi ting residentialhunit Safety coda or City ordinance, to constitute a nuisance. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) (PART A NOT CCt(pL.VM WITHOUT CWNT-R' S AFFIDAVIT ON PAGE 3) • • • DO NCT CoMpLE: E APPLIC ATICN BEIZ- THIS LIRE • • • Date Filed Planning Deft- Deter=irP-1 Not Applicable ation fired Part 8 Not Ftequ Determination by El P-1 rii :icsb:e Fart 5 Fe�'sireL f499 538 1 07/15/85 750.00 TOIL rPage 2 of 3 Application pART B (Please Print) �r Nu=ber of Residential Units Proposed If proposal is for non-residential use, why is a residential use no longer foasible on this site? (attach additional streets if necessary) List of current tenants (see definition below). Dates of Tenancy Tenant Namc_^i, f l rhone Current Residence Phene Business Address K&iling Address Dates of Tend^.c� Tenant Nana Phone current Residence Phone Business Address Mailing Address Dates of Tenancy Tenant Name Phone Current Residence Phone Business Address Mailing Address ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NXESSARY For those tenants involved in an evicrovide the (seefolldefinition below) or legal action Within t-he previous twelve months, please F /tt(�11 L / C- Date Tenancy Began Tenant Name Phone Residence Address Phone Business Address Mailir.g Address court Address Court Name Case Mane Case Nucber Description of case or action taken to cause eviction Date Tenancy Begat Tenant Nar+c Phone Residence Address Phone Business Address Mazlinq Address Court Address Court Name Case Nax�e Case Nu=.be- DescriptlOn of case or action taken too cause eviction Date Tenancy Began Tenant Nassx Phone Residence Address Phone susiness Address Mailing Address Court Address Court Nasae Case N=- case Nuv e r Description of case or action taken to cause eviction ATTACH ADDI•:IcNAL 5HLr-15 IF NECESSARY pcpose of this applicaticr. the Cit?' of Peach ce"5'dQrs all ti•:w:�=== tenants- For th.e a residential rental for a fir• ti greater than.5 daYs persons and families who occur Unit be tenants. s and Eviction% The City of Newport nt cmarecognizes ket r te, lavoidance al or court state nmandated-ions such m%intenanccs rent increases beYond the Curren harzassment and other such actions which result in a tenant vacating his living unit against his will as an eviction. 0 Application No. Page d of 3 CWNER' S :+FFIDAVIT• {1) (We) �--) V -E U •f=-- depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of :.he property(ies) involved in this applicat_cn. (I) (we) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitte re in res cts true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s) •N=: An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the applicant. *"• DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATICN EE14V THIS LIhLr 0" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pate Filed Fee Pd. Planning Department Action Date P.C. Hearing Date C.C. Hearing Date .mar. Appeal P.C. Action Appeal C.C. Action Receipt No. • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH G P-1 PROCEDURES FOR CC%.V RSIOISS AND MY..OLITIONS DETERyINATIO11 OF APPLICABILITY When an application for conversion or demolition of residential structures is submitted, it should be determined if P-1 is applicable by answering the following questions: 1. Is t project in the Coastal 7.one7 Yes% See 12. Q No: P-1 doesn't apply. 2. Does it involve demolition or conversion of three or more residentiAl unit Yes: Part A of the completed Application for Residential Dezolition/ Conversion shall be filed. No Kees will be required with this portion of the application. Following completion and submittal of Part A of the application, continue to Question 43. 0 No: The conversion and demolition provisions of P-1 don't apply, however PART A of the Application for Residential Demolition/ Conversion must be completed and signed by the owner or authorized agent. 3. Is the replacement use coastally dependent or coastally related and consistent with the LCP? Q es: P-1 doesn't apply. No: See 14 4. Has the structure been officially declared a public nuisance by a public agency as defined by State Health and Safety Code or City Ordinance? V1demolitionas: The conversion and provisions of P-1 P.on't apply. o: P-1 may apply. • 0 PROCEDURES IF P-1 IS APPLTCABLE If Policy P-1 is applicable under the above critoria then procedures will vary as to the type of replacement development contemplated as follows, Non -Residential Uses Only If the new project proposed is neither residential nor coastally dependent then the applicant must provide information demonstrating that residential use of the site is no longer feasible. In addition, the applicant must provide all information, fees and other materials required of applicants for conversion or demolitions for any purpose as described in the following section. The conversion or demolition would be allowed only if the Planning Director determined that the residential use was no longer feasible. If the conversion or demolition is approved, replacement units would be required on the sara basis as for projects where the new use is residential. Residential or Non-Penidential Une Whether the proposed new development is residential or not, the property owner and/or developer shall complete and file Part B of thn Applicaticn for Residential Demolition or Conversion. The Application must ho acccnpanied by a fee of $250.00 per unit to be converted or demolished. For projects of forty units or more, the Planning Co=ission may approve a reduction in fees. Following receipt of the application, the Planning Department will, by contacting current tenants and previously evicted tenants, determine how many units are currently occupied by low or moderate income people or families, or how many have been occupied by low or moderate income people in the past twelve months. . The circumstances under which any low or moderate income people were evicted must be provided for the purpose of determining if tenants have been evicted in order to circumvent Policy P-1. If there are low or moderate income tenants, or if low and moderate income tenants were evicted to circumvent Policy P-1, then the need for replacement units will be determined for the appropriate one of the two following cases: 1. Property with more than one structure and three to ten units. Peplacement of low and moderate income units will be required on a one for one basis to the extent feasible. It will be the applicant's responsibility to provide any information required for the City to dotermine feasibility. 2. Property with one structure and three or more units. R11 Rroperty with eleven or more units. Replacement for low and moderate income units is required on a one for one basis for all units occupied by low and moderate income tenants and for all units from which low and moderate income tenants have been evicted in the previous twelve months in order to circumvent the requirements of Policy P-1. - 2 - Within ten days after determining the nuzber of required replacement units, the Planning Department will notify the applicant by certified MAU an to how many replacement units will be required and his right to appoel the decision to the Newport Beach Planning Commission or City Council. Upon final deter- mination, the applicant must provide the City with information as to how he proposes to provide the replacement units, where he proponan the units he located, and characteristics of the proposed units. The Pldnninq Department will then review the applicant's proposal to determine if the replacement units provide housing similar to what is being converted or demolished. If the applicant's proposal is Acceptable, the developer and/or property owner must enter into a written agreement with the City specifyinq the type and location of the proposed replacement units and assuring that the units will be available for occupancy within three years of project approval. -.; . 4 . 0 COMMISSKYNIM F.- 72� i s wr*w I 7 � } 0 August 8, 1985 0 ity Of Newport Beach MINUTES ROL CAII 1 _1 1 1_ III I -- - -I INDEX All Ayes . rect time and not 10:00 p.m. as stated elsewhere in staff report. Mati to deny Use Permit No. 1963 (Amended) subject to the fi ings for denial in Exhibit "B" was voted (in, and MOT1 CARRIED. fINDIHG5t 1. That the dition of live entertainment to the subject reat rant represents an intensification of use which ill require a greater amount of parking and gan to an re traffic than the exist- ing restaurant ope tion. Z. That the subject proF ty is inappropriate for the use of a valet pnrkir, is hecnrtse of the largo travel distance he\fan�the parkin+l area and the pick-up and delit. said valet service will also adveect the traffic circulation within thdinq area and contribute to the overalvolume. 3. The approval of Use Permit No. 1 IAmended), allowing the addition of a valet park g service, and the expanded hours of opera and the addition of live entertainment to the subject restaurant, will, under the circumstances this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, ca, morals, comfort and general welfare of per s residing and working in the neighborhood, and detrimental or injurious to property and improve- ments in the neighborhood and the general welfare of the City. A. Use Permit No. 1140 (Public Hearing) Request to permit the construction of a three unit residential condominiums and related parking spaces on property located in the R-4 District. The proposal also includes a, modification to the 'Zoning Code so as to allow a parking design which provides partially covered parking spaces where the Code requires one covered parking space for each unit. 0 -11- It= 11110.5 UP3140 R804 CRVP No.10 AE2roved C0,41MiS50�4R5 August 8, 1985 • s � co s c a i 0 PS s w OR City of Newport Beach ROLL CALI B. Resubdivision No. 804 (Public Hearing) Request to resubdivide an existing lot intoi a single parcel of land for residential condominium M,velopment on property located in the R-4 District. AND C. Coastal Residential Development Permit No. 10 (Discussion) Request to consider a Residential Development Permit for the purpose of establishing project covTbliance for the demolition and construction of three dwelling units pursuant to the Administrative Guidelines for the implementation of State Law relative to low and moder- ato income housing within the Coastal Zone. WCATIONi Lot 10, Block 18, Section 8, llawport Beach, located at 1818 oast Ocean Front, on the northerly side of Best Ocean Front, between 18th 3treet and 19th Street on the Balboa Peninsula. ZONE: R-4 APPLICANTS: Dave Coln and Antonio Cagnolo, Anaheim OWNER9t Howard F. and Ins M. Miller, Newport Reach ENGINEL'Ri Woolsey Engineering, Inc., Irvine The public hearing opened in connection with this item, and Mr. Thomas F. Shoemaker, Architect, appeared bafore the Planning Commission. Mr. Shoemaker stated that the applicant concurs with the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". The public hearing was closed at this time. A motion was made to approve Use Permit No. 3140, Motion x Resubdivision No. 804 and Coastal Residential All Ayes Development Permit No. 10 subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "A". Motion voted on, MOTION CARRIED. -12- MStiUTE5 INDLX COMMiSSKXIV6 A z C on # ! i A 4 a r'm � ! ! z ! ! w w • August 8, 1985 0 City of Newport Beach MINWES - ROLL CALI I J J_] Jill -- Is., rxx Use Permit No. 3140 FINrDINGSs 1. That each of the proposed units has been r1fvairined as a condominium with separate and individual utility connections. 2. The project will substantially comply with all applicable standard plans and zoning requirements for new buildings applicable to the district in which the proposed project is located at the time of approval. 3. The project lot sire conforms to the Zoning Condo requirements in effect at the time of aplrrr,val. 4. The project in Consistent with the adopt4ma goals and policies of the Ger.eral Plan and tho Local Coastal Program, Land Use Plan. S. That adequate on -site parking spaces are available for the proposed residential condominium develop- ment. 6. That the provision of only partially covered parking spaces for one of the proposed dwelling units will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use of be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, and further that the proposed mortification is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of this Code. 7. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detri- mental to the health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improve- ments in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. _13- MEN . CQAr1hN55KR5 _ F'. ooCity of Vzw« zs s a=�++ IN August 8, 1985 M{� y UFES t Beach ROLL CAL11 1 1 I III I I INDEX CONDITIONS s 1. That the development shall be in nuhstantial conformance with the approved plot plan, floor plans and elevations, except as noted helcAe. 2. That one accessible and one tandem parking space shall be provided for each duelling unit. 3. That the proposed four car garage spaces shall maintain a ninir m 17 ft.-6 in. clear width and a minimum 38 ft. clear depth and there shall be no obstructions or projections into the proposed garage spaces, except for the elevated storage area permitted by Code. This condition will require the relocation of tho proponad spiral stairway. 4. That all conditions of Resuhdivision III,, 1104 shall be fulfilled. 5. This use permit shall expire unlesn exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090 A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Resuhdivision No. 804 PINDINGSs 1. That the cap aeets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, all ordinances of the City, all applicable general or specific plans and the Planning Commission is satisfied with the plan of subdivision. 2. That the proposed resubdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 3. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. COHOI TIONS 3 I. That a parcel zap be recorded. -14- w i a ss COMMlSS�RS c. Fs Z a � r O o! o 0 2 } ���� i a = a i I w August 8, 1985 • of Newport Beach MINUTES I0I I CALI 11 1 1 1111 11NI)IX 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public works Department. 3. That each dwelling unit be served with an indi- vidual water service and sewer lateral connection to the public water and server systems unless otherwise approved by the Public Forks Department. 4. That all vehicular Access to the property shall be from the adjacent alley. 5. County Sanitation District Pees shall be paid prior to the issuance of any building permits. 6. That this resubdivinion shall expire if the map has not been recorded within 3 years of the date of approval, unless an extension is grantad by the Planninq Commission. Coastal Residential DeveloLvant Permit No. 10 FINDINGS 1. That based on information presented to the City, the proposed demolition of the three existing residential units on the subject property is consistent with the provisions of Article 10.7 of the Government Code which regulates replacement of housing occupied by low and moderate income households with the Coastal Zone. 2. That it is not necessary to provide affordable replacevent housing in conjunction with the proposed development. CONDITION: 1. That all conditions of approval for Use Permit No. 3140 and Resubdivision No. 804 shall be fulfilled. M * a Request to t the outdoor display of boats and dinghys in conju with three existing marine product sales facilities o sane property located in the C-1-H District. The propo so includes a modification to the zoning coda so as to use of compact size parkinq spaces for a portion o required off-street parking spaces. Item No.6 UP3160 Approved s� 0 -15- • Planning Commission XeQ nq Au ust A 1985 Agenda Item No. 5 CITY OF NEWPORT REACH Trot Planning Commission FROHi Planninq Department SUBJECTi A. Use Permit No. 3140 (Public Hearin Request to permit the construction of a three unit. residential condominium and related parking spaces nt, property located in the R-4 District. The proposAl also includes a modification to the Zoning Code so an to allow a parking design which provided partially covered parking spaces where the Corse requires one covered parking apace for each unit. AND B. Pesubdivinion Ito. 804 (Public Hearin,) Pequest to resubdivide an existing lot ir.tn A sinr)le parcel of land for residential condominium develolmne nt on property located in the R-4 District. AND C. Coastal ResidentialDevelopment ment Permit No. 10 Discussion} Request to consider a Residential Development Permit for the purpose of establishing project corpliance for the demolition and construction of three dwelling units pursuant to the Administrative Guidelinen for the implementation of State Law relative to low and mcdor- ate income housing within the Coastal Zone. LOCATION: Lot 10, Block 18, Section B, Newport Reach, located at 1618 west Ocean Front, on the northerly ;JAo of west Ocean Front, between 18th Street and 19th Street on the Balboa Peninsula. APPLICANTS: Dave Cole and Antonio Cagnolo, Anaheim OWNIERSs Howard F. 41nd Ina H. Hiller, Newport Beach P.NGINEERt Woolsey Engineering, Inc., Irvine TO. Planning Covmission -2. Applications These applications are a request to construct a three unit residential condominium complex on property located in the R-4 District. In accordance with Section 20.73.015 of the Newport Beach Municipal Corte, condominium projects may be permitted in any residential district, subject to the approval of a use permit in each case. tlso permit procedures are set forth in Chapter 20.AO of the Municipal Code. A modification to the Zoning Code is also requested so as to allow a parking design which provides partially covered parking spacen where the Code requires one covered parking space for each unit. Modi!ica- tion procedures are set forth in Chapter 20.81 of the Municipal code. Section 19.10.030 of the Municipal Code also provides that a parcel map (resubdivision) shall be required for all subdivinions creatincl four or less condominiums. Resubdivinton procedures are contained in Section 19.12.040 of the Municipal Cndn. environmental Si nificanco This project has heen reviewed anti it has boon determirin,l that it. is categorically exempt under Class 3 (New Coriutructior of fimall Struc- tures) from the requirements of the California Fnvironrwntal ()uality Act. subject Property and Surrounding Iand Usen The sub:iect property is presently developed with a smell three unit structure which is currently unoccupied and will he demolinhect in conjunction with the proposed development. To the north, acronn a 20 ft. wide alley, is a four unit apartment; to the east, is a single family dwelling; to the south, acroRn West Ocean Front is the public beach; and to the west is a two story single family dwellinq. Conformanen with the General Plan and the Adopted Local Coastal Program The Land Use Element of the General Plan, anti the Adopted Local Coastal Program, Land Ilse Plan, denignate thn site for "Multiple Family Residential" uses. The proposed development falls within the uses permitted. Coastal Residential Development Permit Inasmuch as the subject project involves the deax)lition of three wxisting dwelling units in the same structure, on pro"rty located within the Coastal Zone, the applicant is requesting approval of a Coastal Residential Development permit. Erased on inforpa Lion submit- ted by the applicant, ,the three existing units are currently vacant and there have been no evictions associated with said units within the last 12 months. Therefore, in accordance with Article 10.7 of the Government Code, which regulates replacement of housing occupied by low and moderate income households within the Coastal zone, the proposed residential demolition and new residential development may be approved without requiring the construction of replacement housing. s• . 70: Aing Commission -3. 0 Analysis The following outline reflects the major chararterinticn of the proposed condominium developments LOT SIZES SETRACKSs Fronts Sides: Rear s BUILDABLE AREAS 30' x 115.75' (Average) R . UIRF.D 7' W. Ocean Front 2'-5"t 2'-6" alley PROPOSED 7' 3' and 3'-A" 2'-6" (minimum) 3 x RVILDABLE AREAS (permittnd in the R-4 District excluding parking) PROPOSED CROSS STRUCTURAL APFA,: (excluding gnragprs) (including garages) 1,472.5 sq.ft. 2,677.1, %q ft. R,032.5 sq.ft. r,%ri% 1 l:q.ft. r,, 35() t sq.ft. rLO4R ARRA RATIOS 2.11 x buildable area (excludinq gnra,pon an permitted in the R-4 nistrict)s 2.37 . Imildable area (including the proposed four car gnr.�•Irf, PARY 111re s Required, 1.5 spaces/unit or 5 spaces Provided: 2.0 spaces/unit or 6 spaces (2 of the h spaces are compact spaces) WILDING H£ICHT MAXIMUM AVERAGF Permitted: 33' 28' Proposed s 30'-8" 28' OPM SPAM Required: 4,233.6 cu.ft. Proposed: 6,414 t cu.ft. The proposed development meets or exceeds all applicable development standards for the P-4 District except for the provistcm: of a third covered parking space for the third dwr►llinq unit which is discussed in the following section. Proposed Off -Street Parkin In accordance with Section 20.10.050 C, of the Municipal code, each dwelling unit smut have a minimum of one covered parking :space. Inasmuch as the applicant is proposing to use a tandem parking design, the proposed garages provide covered parking for only two units. The parking for the third dwelling unit to proposed to be located adjacent to the four car garage and will use the easterly side yard setback for parking purposes. As a result, only a portion of the parking spaces for the third unit may he covered becauNe of the side yard setback requirement. Staff has no objections to the partially uncovered parking spaces. 0 TOr Planning Comiesian - 4. It should also be noted that the parking spaces for the third unit arr compact size spaces (8 ft.-6 in. by 16 ft.) which in permitted by Code inasmuch as the third required parking space for any structure may be, in accordance with Section 20.60.260 of the Municipal Code, reduced in area to a clear width of not less than 8 ft. and a clear depth of not less than 16 ft., inside measurement. They second compact space would be permitted inasmuch as it is in excess of the five parking spaces required by Code for the proposed development. Ruildinq Code Requirements As indicated on the attached floor plans, access to the pro[A)ned third floor living areas is being provided by means of a rtandard 3 ft. wide exterior stairway and an enclosed 30 in. radius spiral stairway. In accordance with the Uniform Building Code, circular stairways which provide required access to third floor living areas in excess of 400 sq.ft. must have a minimun radius of 44 inches are well as provide an inside handrail (see Attached circular stairway standard specification sheet). It should be noted that the. proposed circular stairway will also have to be rnlocated, inasmuch no a portion of the stairway encroaches into the required area of the four car garage. Specific Findings and Pecomendation Section 20.73.025 of the Newport Reach Municipal Code provides that the planning Commission shall make specific findings in order to approve a use permit for condominium projects. In addition, Section 19.12.020(D) of the Municipal Code provides that the f:ormisslon shall make specific findings in order to approve a resubdivinion. Staff recc=wnds the approval of thin request. If it in the desires of the Planning Commission to approve this request, then the Findings and Conditions of Approval no set forth in Exhibit "A" are suggested. PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAMES D. HEWICKER, Director W. William Ward Senior Planner WWW:Ia UP31 Attachmentsr Exhibit 'A" Vicinity Map Circular Stairway Specification Sheet Plot plan, floor plans and elevations Tentative Parcel Hap « To= ding Cco mission -5. • J(HIHIT "A" FINDINGS AND C"01TIONS Or APPMVAL FOR USE P£RMIT NO. 3140, RF.SUPDIVISION to). R04 AND MASTAL RESIAF.N?IAL AF.VFJIOPMENT PrPWT No. 10 URe Permit No. 3140 FINDINGS: 1. That each of the proposed unite han been designp-d an a condominium with separate and individual utility connections. 2. The project will substantially comply with all applicable standard Plana and zoninq requirenents for new buildings applicahlo t:n th„ Tdintrict in which the proposed project in locntu{I nt the tdmo of approval. 3. The project tat. size conforms to the+ loaning Cc4f, requirementa in effect at the time of nfproval. 4. The project is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan and the r.ocal Coastal Program, Land Use Plan. 5. :hat adequate on -site parking spaces Are available for the proposed residential condominium develop- r4nt. 6. That the provision of only partially ccrrered parking spaces for one of the proposed dwellinq units will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use of be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City, and further that the proposed modification is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of this Code. 7. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for will not, under the circur►stances of the particular case, bo detri- mental to the health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improve- ments in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Tot A nin 9 Coamission -5. • . GST3 -81 &-A rd3LIC 1. That the development nhall he in nul,fltantial conformance with the approved plot pinrn, floor plans and elevationR, except as noted below. 2. That one accessible and one tandem parking space shall be provided for each dwellinq unit. 3. That the proposed four car garage wpacer shall maintain a minimum 17 ft.-6 in. clear width and a minimum 38 ft. clear depth and there shnil be no obstructions or projections into thi- proposed garage spaces, except for the elr,vntnd storage area permitted by Code. Thiw condition will require the relocation of the l,rnponed spiral stairway. 4. Thnt all conditions of Resubdivinlru, r1o. A04 shall bp fulfilled. S, This use permit shall expire ,inlenti exercised within 24 months from the date .,f approval as specified in Section 20.BD.090 A or r.he Newport Beach Municipal Code. Resuhdivision No. 804 FINDINGS; 1. That the map meets the requirements of Title 19 of the Newport Reach Municipal Code, All ordinances of the City, all applicable general or specific plans and the Planning Coemission it satisfied with the plan of subdivision. 2. That the proposed resubdivision presents no problems from a planning standpoint. 3. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not conflict with any easomentr, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. CONl7`� S s 1. That a parcel map be recorded. 2. That all improvements be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. TO: 3. That each dwelling unit be served with an indi- vidual water service and sewer laternl connection to the public water and sever ayntems unless otherwise approved by the Public Workn nnpartment. 4. That all vehicular access to the prog.arty shall he from the adjacent alley. S. County Sanitation District Fees aljnll by paid prior to the issuance of any building i,ftrmitn. 6. That this resubdivision shall expire it the map has not been recorded within 3 yearn of the date Of approval, unless an extension is ,1ranted by the Planning Commission. Coastal Residential Development Permit No. 1( F 1!rD Il1r 5 r 1. That based an information presented to the City, the propnied demolition of the t}erne existing residential unite on the subject property in consistent with the provisions of Article 10.7 of the Government Code which regulates replacement of housing occupied by low and madeCats income households with the Coastal zone. 2. That it is not necessary to providrl affordable replacement housing in conjunction with the proposed development. COMITI0Ns 1. That all conditions of approval for Use Permit. No. 3140 and Resubdivision No. 804 shall be fulfilled. t aM. as S'•.�% � S .''af � • � �i� a -JMO M. )RawlTY K4P 1 4 /y l )�,! .A 1 • a + + a ri it 12 461.a 40.9 0•al.11f.1 shot* 1-0 rl •• 1 111• /N 1N.1•.ai {iNt I r/r AI.{, i K A �f r DISTRICTING MAP NEWPORT BEACH --- CALIFORNIA ~• AiK1Af11�k At UDt I�TIAL A"� MVLrlht ltMO�rTti< "'i pWLt r aiT:aotrlw t-I caul coww.u.L t+ rur .--1 rttthwAr+u rrlfktr gbOt11TM4 11-r IWII/a4TwfM Nllq ro •i! w r,y ,yrr tyrMur►! Y.lillCTf Iwa�ltlrlq � ». ��"" • ,..rN vre OaPti- to FN♦ '!(.o. m T14H Otte OSE V%wi ar moo 3Mo� ReA1DDWKIaa No e fty *ftTAw wiw*4nj6L. mvr., Tread may be of steel, 2i 1 concrete or 211 thick o rood. u! ' 3 0" min. 01 MIN, Tread support NOTE Cantilevered type stairs may be used however the stairway viould have to be designed by a r egizitered civil or structural engineer or architect. construction Handrails -------Handrail po»tn at o.c. (see note balow) i; central stairway 011pport 1 ! I 1 J dr aw_rgs and calculations should E=-VATT__b:T Or' ol;r: 1LjjA:, be s,.tz;ttfld £arm ►nr�iiockin�;.(Other troad:L not size• for clarity) rovioc ier��c`al posts or intormediato rails so that there in a max. of 9" of clear space ! �� between posts or rails. If an overlap is desired add one inch to the width of the tread. / At leaat a 910 +vido tread must be had / at a point 12" from thgi s=all end o the tread. �r Outside handrail Wodgo shaped stair tread Insido handrail Stair tread support Minimum dimension ut small end. conter column 3Du tri n 6 u T min, This dimension varies with the nunber of treads used per quarter circle. MINIMUR GIRD LA STA Rr/A UIRgMENM CITY OF hLWPOR1 OEPARTMEHT OF COMMMITY DEVELOPMEUT ' 3300 Newport Blvd.