HomeMy WebLinkAboutIV(e)_Additional Materials Received_MosherJune 19, 2024, GPAC Agenda Comments The following comments on items on the Newport Beach General Plan Advisory Committee agenda are submitted by: Jim Mosher ( jimmosher@yahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949-548-6229) Item IV.a. Meeting Minutes of April 30, 2024 The passages shown in italics below are from the draft minutes with suggested corrections shown in strikeout underline format. Page 2 of 7, paragraph 7: “Committee Member David Guder questioned the pollutant types impacting air quality on agenda packet page 27, asked for a source for the bottom of the City’s Charter, and inquired about the mineral extraction activity prohibited by the City’s Charter as referenced at the bottom of that page.” [The video indicates this was a question about two bullet points on a slide, evidently reproduced as page 27 of the agenda packet (not the background report – although this is difficult to verify since the materials as archived do not show the agenda packet page numbers). There was not a question about “a source for the bottom of the City’s Charter.” The section referenced on the slide was presumably City Charter Section 1401.] Page 4 of 7, line 2: “not include a restriction on the number of private aircrafts aircraft.” [The plural of “aircraft” is “aircraft.” “Aircrafts” is at best non-standard English.] Page 7 of 7, Item V, paragraph 2, sentence 2: “Acting Deputy Community Develop Development Director Murillo explained State Density Bonus laws.” Page 7 of 7, Item VI (Adjournment): So that the meeting’s length could be discerned, It would have been helpful to record the time at which it was adjourned. Item IV.c. Harbor and Bay Subcommittee Recap In the Action Minutes, my notes indicate Dudek Coastal Planner Carolyn Groves participated virtually, but is not listed among the participants. On the last page of the action minutes, under “Mooring,” I recall there was confusion over a public comment about the City pilot program to realign the mooring fields. The commenter was told there was nothing about it in the Background Analysis. However, the commenter had, in fact, seen mention of it in the second paragraph of what is now numbered Section 4.8 (Relevant Projects in Progress) on page 41 of the revised analysis (or on page 12 of 15 of my comments). Also on the last page of the action minutes, it would have been helpful to indicate the adjournment time, so the duration of the meeting could be judged. Regarding the proposed redline revisions to the Background Analysis, I have not studied them in detail, but I notice whole sections and tables have been deleted, such as former Section 4.3.1 on pages 29-30, and Table 6 on page 32. I also notice these changes do not seem to be reflected in the Table of Contents. Some of the deleted tables appeared to contain valuable (if not entirely accurate) information. Will they be replaced? Or simply lost? General Plan Advisory Committee - June 19, 2024 Item No. IV.a, IV.c, IV. e - Additional Materials Received June 19, 2024, GPAC agenda comments - Jim Mosher Page 2 of 2 Item IV.e. Presentation: Overview of Upcoming Deliverables and Objectives The County of Orange is currently pursuing a general plan update, apparently without benefit of a citizens advisory committee. Their staff-driven outreach, directed primarily but not exclusively at residents of unincorporated areas, includes a survey on their PlanOC website. GPAC members, especially Outreach Subcommittee members, may wish to explore the County survey. While it includes “what three words” question as Newport, Together, it contains many other much more probing questions, such as this with regard to satisfaction with parks: When will we be asking similar questions of our residents, or is asking GPAC sufficient? General Plan Advisory Committee - June 19, 2024 Item No. IV.a, IV.c, IV. e - Additional Materials Received