HomeMy WebLinkAboutIVa_Draft Minutes of May 15, 2024Attachment No. 1 Draft Minutes on May 15, 2024 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES COUNCIL CHAMBERS – 100 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE May 15, 2024 REGULAR MEETING – 5 P.M. I. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER– 5:00 p.m. II. WELCOME AND ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Gardner and Committee Members Phillip Brown and Kimberly Carter Staff: Acting Deputy Community Development Director Jaime Murillo and Principal Planner Ben Zdeba III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Jim Mosher suggested a discussion about Council Policy A2 for a future agenda item. It was also mentioned that the GPAC could benefit from an overview of the Brown Act. IV. CURRENT BUSINESS a. Meeting Minutes of February 21, 2024 Motion made by Committee Member Carter and seconded by Committee Member Brown to approve the minutes of February 21, 2024. The motion carried unanimously 3-0. b. Arts and Cultural/Historical Resources Subcommittee Recap The GPAC Arts and Cultural/Historical Resources Subcommittee met on February 27, 2024, to identify a chairperson and to review the Historical Resources Existing Conditions and Background Analysis Report. GPAC Member Arlene Greer was identified as the Chair of this Subcommittee. At the regular GPAC meeting of March 20, 2024, Subcommittee Chair Greer provided an overview of the Subcommittee’s discussion related to the Historical Resources Existing Conditions and Background Analysis Report. Attachment 2 included a cover memo, action minutes from the Subcommittee meeting, the PowerPoint displayed at the Subcommittee’s meeting, Dudek’s report, and the presentation displayed at the GPAC’s March meeting. The Subcommittee met again on April 24, 2024, to review the Arts and Cultural Existing Conditions and Background Analysis Report. At the regular GPAC meeting of April 30, 2024, Subcommittee Chair Greer provided an overview of the Subcommittee’s discussion and suggested changes to the report prior to filing. Attachment 3 included a cover memo, action minutes from the Subcommittee meeting, the PowerPoint displayed at the Subcommittee’s meeting, Dudek’s report, and the presentation displayed at the GPAC’s April meeting. Recommended Actions: 1- Provide any feedback on the GPAC and GPAC Subcommittee efforts; and 2- Receive and file Attachments 2 and 3 to guide the initial outreach efforts. General Plan Update Steering Committee Meeting May 15, 2024 Page 2 of 5 Principal Planner Zdeba stated that staff believes the attachments represent a full record of what transpired. In response to Chair Gardner’s question, he noted that the minutes are prepared by City staff. In response to Committee Member Carter’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba stated that the documents are intended to be conversation starters and are not creating policy. Chair Gardner stated that she captures the actions of the GPAC and its subcommittees in her bi-monthly reports to City Council, which can be used to check in with the Council for direction. Charles Klobe stated that he reviewed the minutes and his comments have been incorporated. In response to Mr. Mosher’s inquiry about consulting with experts in specific areas, including the respective boards, commissions, and committees for each topic or element, Principal Planner Zdeba noted that the General Plan Update has multiple phases, and he will address including these bodies with Dudek. Chair Gardner thanked Mr. Mosher for bringing this matter forward and concurred that it is part of the plan. c. Resilience Report Recap The GPAC Recreation/Natural Resources Subcommittee met on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, to identify a chairperson and to review the Resilience Existing Conditions and Background Analysis Report. GPAC Member Charles Klobe was identified as the Chair of this Subcommittee. The Harbor and Bay and Safety Subcommittees held a joint meeting on Tuesday, March 12, to identify chairpersons and to also review the Resilience Existing Conditions and Background Analysis Report. GPAC Member Curtis Black was identified as the Chair of the Harbor and Bay Subcommittee and GPAC Member Nancy Scarbrough was identified as the Chair of the Safety Subcommittee. At the regular GPAC meeting of March 20, 2024, Subcommittee Chairs Klobe, Black, and Scarbrough provided a collective overview of the Subcommittees’ discussions. Attachment 3 included a cover memo, action minutes from the Subcommittee meetings, the PowerPoint displayed at the Subcommittee meetings, Dudek’s report, and the presentation displayed at the GPAC’s March meeting. Recommended Actions: 1- Provide any feedback on the GPAC and GPAC Subcommittees’ efforts; and 2- Receive and file Attachment 4 to guide the initial outreach efforts. In response to Committee Member Carter’s question, Chair Gardner stated that it has been decided that resilience will be woven through the entire General Plan. She added that there is an idea for icons to be used to notate a cross-referenced element. d. Recreation/Natural Resources Subcommittee Recap The GPAC Recreation/Natural Resources Subcommittee met on Wednesday, April 10, to review the Existing Conditions and Background Analysis Reports for both the Recreation Element and the Natural Resources Element. At the regular GPAC meeting of April 30, 2024, Subcommittee Chair Klobe provided an overview of the Subcommittee’s discussions and any actions. Attachment 4 included a cover memo, action minutes from General Plan Update Steering Committee Meeting May 15, 2024 Page 3 of 5 the Subcommittee meeting, the PowerPoint displayed at the Subcommittee meeting, Dudek’s reports, and the presentation displayed at the GPAC’s March meeting. Recommended Actions: 1- Provide any feedback on the GPAC and GPAC Subcommittee’s efforts; and 2- Receive and file Attachment 5 to guide the initial outreach efforts. Mr. Mosher noted that the General Plan provides for protection of coastal, ocean, canyons, and mountain views, yet the map only identifies coastal views. Chair Gardner suggested this matter be brought up at the Subcommittee meeting and to Dudek. Principal Planner Zdeba stated that this can be vetted along the process. e. Noise Subcommittee Recap The GPAC Noise Subcommittee met for the first time on Tuesday, April 24, to identify a chairperson and to start the conversation surrounding noise and what it means for Newport Beach. GPAC Member Jim Mosher was identified as the Chair of this Subcommittee. At the regular GPAC meeting of April 30, 2024, Subcommittee Chair Mosher provided an overview of the Subcommittee’s discussion. Attachment 5 included a cover memo and action minutes from the Subcommittee meeting. Recommended Actions: 1- Provide any feedback on the GPAC and GPAC Subcommittee’s efforts; and 2- Receive and file Attachment 4 to guide the initial outreach efforts. Mr. Mosher, as the Subcommittee Chair, drew attention to comments by Councilmember Avery regarding noise and expressed concern that there is little support for this element. He emphasized the importance for a noise consultant to assist regarding airport noise matters and land compatibility. Chair Gardner concurred this is an important element. f. Land Use Element Update for Housing Element Implementation At the April 30, 2024, GPAC meeting, there was interest in revisiting the Land Use Element policies related to implementing the adopted and statutorily compliant 6th Cycle Housing Element. Some of the GPAC members wished to discuss the currently proposed exclusion of density bonus units from the development limits in each of the Housing Element focus areas and whether it is more appropriate to include those units toward the development limits. Recommended Action: 1. Discuss and provide any initial guidance to City staff and the GPAC. Chair Gardner explained the reason for this item on density bonus. In response to Chair Gardner’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba used a slide to review the current Housing Element Implementation schedule and noted that any delay would jeopardize the schedule. He stated that the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) would need to review most any proposed changes in a separate hearing. In response to Committee Member Brown’s question about the Council’s action to override ALUC’s decision, Principal Planner Zdeba explained that ALUC puts the interest of the airport first. They do not want to have sensitive users that might complain about noise be General Plan Update Steering Committee Meeting May 15, 2024 Page 4 of 5 closer to the airport. Additionally, he clarified that any changes to density, intensity, building standards, or allowed land uses need to go back to ALUC. He added that ALUC would not call a special meeting for a reduction in units. In response to Committee Member Carter’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba reviewed the process for overriding. In reply to Chair Gardner’s questions, Principal Planner Zdeba indicated that the language for counting units in the Land Use Element is referenced in Policy 4.4. The project description addresses density bonus units and how they are treated in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which is conservatively prepared by overestimating development. He highlighted that the housing units are additive and do not take into account replacement of existing development. In reply to Committee Member Brown’s question, Principal Planner Zdeba stated that regardless of the significance of the amendments to the General Plan or changes to the zoning regulations, change must be reviewed by ALUC. In response to Nancy Scarbrough’s inquiry, Principal Planner Zdeba stated that very specific unit limits are identified in the Housing Element and proposed policies and are tied to the EIR and nothing higher was contemplated. Mr. Mosher thought it is important for the City Council to adopt objective design standards so it can be applied to by-right development and minimize the outcome differences. Additionally, should the first election be rejected, he suggested lowering the housing unit limit in the General Plan in anticipation of density bonus units, or focus on the moderate to low and very low-income units. Lastly, he noted a contradiction by overriding the ALUC and clarified that the Housing Element indicates there may be a second election if the first fails. Chair Gardner expressed concern for the Housing Element becoming decertified and, in reply, Principal Planner Zdeba clarified that February 2025 is the deadline for implementation and reviewed the Housing Element timeline. He clarified that the Housing Element provided for two ballot votes if the first vote fails; however, the language contemplated an initial ballot vote in March 2024, which was not achievable. Committee Member Brown thought the General Plan accounted for density bonus units and Principal Planner Zdeba reference the project description in the EIR. He indicated that density bonus units are counted above and beyond the base unit allowance, and shared the challenges with taking the overall density bonus units and counting them towards the overall development limit. He pointed out that the current 2,200-unit limit in the Airport Area does not include density bonus units. In response to Chair Gardner’s inquiry, he stated that City staff can look into how other cities count density bonus units and their respective interpretation of the law. Susan DeSantis suggested that staff review the alternatives on the ballot of the second election in Yorba Linda that gained community support, noted the challenges with explaining the Land Use Element, requested a chart of the differences between the bonus units counted under the cap and not counted, and thought a reasonable position for the State is to assess the actions taken by the City. She expressed that a shift in the calendar by a couple of months is not as serious as many people think. General Plan Update Steering Committee Meeting May 15, 2024 Page 5 of 5 Chair Gardner suggested the Land Use Subcommittee create an agenda item to address this matter and make a recommendation to GPAC. Principal Planner Zdeba relayed that the Subcommittee is meeting on May 23. g. Presentation: Overview of Upcoming Deliverables, Objectives, and Outreach City staff shared more information about current work, upcoming deliverables, and what to expect in terms of next steps. Recommended Action: This is a presentation item. No action. Principal Planner Zdeba used a presentation to review the outreach efforts. Chair Gardner suggested passing to the Subcommittee a game theory approach and requested that Kearns and West prepare social media pieces to help spread the message. Principal Planner Zdeba stated that graphics from the City’s Public Information Manager can be shared with the members. In response to Principal Planner Zdeba’s question regarding timing of the June GPAC and GPUSC meetings, Chair Gardner thought it would not matter to move the GPAC meeting to a week or two later. She agreed the GPUSC meeting should immediately follow so she can go to the City Council if there are any changes recommended to the Housing Element Implementation Program Amendments. In response to Ms. Scarbrough’s inquiry, Principal Planner Zdeba relayed how public feedback will be combined and presented in draft form to the GPAC. Virginia Anders-Ellmore stated that she has not seen relevant information in the HOA newsletter and predicted an increase in housing needs for mooring holders who cannot afford the mooring fee increases. In response to Mr. Mosher’s inquiry, Principal Planner Zdeba stated that email addresses are collected when people engage online, and he will report back with the number of email addresses collected. V. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION, OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) None VI. ADJOURNMENT – With no further business, Chair Gardner adjourned the meeting until June 19, 2024, immediately after the GPAC’s meeting concludes.