HomeMy WebLinkAboutH2023-0416 - MiscPROJECT SUMMARY Project Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Building Department: Permit Number: Building Energy Code: 1819_Beryl_addition_v20 - CF1 RPRF01 E- BEES 1819 Beryl Ln Newport Beach, CA 92660 Newport Beach, City of XR2023-0567 2019 Standards HERS VERIFIABLE MEASURES ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (CF1 R) Scan to Validate COMPLETE O COMPLETE O DATE DOCUMENT TITLE REGISTRATION NUMBER 08/22/2023 CF1R-PRF-01-E Performance Compliance 423-P010152628A-000-000-0000000-0000 CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION (CF2R) DATE DOCUMENT TITLE REGISTRATION NUMBER 05/08/2024 CF2R-ENV-01-E Fenestration 423-PO10152628A-000-001-E01001A-0000 05/08/2024 CF2R-ENV-03-E Insulation Installation 05/08/2024 CF2R-LTG-01-E Lighting 05/08/2024 CF2R-MCH-01a-E HVAC, Ducts and Fans 05/08/2024 CF2R-MCH-27a-H Mechanical Ventilation 05/08/2024 CF2R-MCH-32-H Local Mechanical Exhaust 05/08/2024 CF2R-PLB-02a-E Single Family Hot Water 05/09/2024 CF2R-PVB-01-E Photovoltaic Systems HVAC new 05/08/2024 CF2R-MCH-26-H High SEER & EER KITCHEN AREA 05/08/2024 CF2R-MCH-20a-H Duct Leakage - aonNnued on next page - 423-P010152628A-000-001-E03002A-0000 423-P010152628A-000-001-L01003A-0000 423-P010152628A-000-001-M01004A-0000 423-P010152628A-000-001-M27005A-0000 423-P010152628A-000-001-M32006A-0000 423-P010152628A-000-001-B02016A-0000 423-P010152628A-000-001-P01017A-0000 423-P010152628A-000-001-M26011A-0000 423-P010152628A-000-001-M20013A-0000 STATUS 0 STATUS O O O O O O O .i❑ Cam] NOTICE: compliance been generated registration platform rf using information that has been uploaded to that registration platform by thirdprties that oaffiliated ated o related toC F F RS CHEERS. Therefore, CHEERS is not responsible for, and cannot guarantee, the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this certificate. Page 1 of 3 E )O Z 96ed .aleapllian s141 ul pauleluoo uopewolul agl to ssaualaldwoo jo 6oelnooe 941'aaluwen6 louueo pue'io} aiglsuodsoi lou s! Stl33H0'ai491041'S2133H0 II\of palelai jo paleplge lou we lagj salved pjlgl Rq uuopeld uopwlsl6w iegl of papeoldn uaaq sey legl uollewlolul 6uisn SH33HO Rq papinwd uuopejd uopellsi6au a 6q paleiaua6 uaaq seg nodal /uewwns aauepdww slyl:33LLON '•', - aBed;mu uo panuquoo - O VOZW abe>leal fond H-eOZ-HOW-HEd3 VZOZ/SO/SO -V8000ZW-100-000-V8Z9ZSL0LOd-EZ17 3snOH 30 341S 1H!Dla O VEZW alea MOIJJ!V H-e£Z-HOW HEJO VZOZ/80/90 -VVLOEZW-LOO-000-VSZ9ZSLOLOd-£ZV O VZZW Aoeol83 ued H-eZZ-HOW-US=10 VZOZ/80/90 -V9lOZZW-l00-000-V8Z9ZSLOLOd-EZV O VLZW uopeool Iona H LZ HAW !i£d� VZOZ/80/SO -VZIOLZW-L00-000-V8Z9ZSLOLOd-EZV O VOZW abellealIona H-eOZ-HOW-HUO VZOZ/S0/90 -VELOOZW-LOO-000-V8Z9ZSLOLOd-£ZV V3bV N3HO-LlA O V9ZW H33'8 833S 461H H-9Z-HM-8CJO VZOZ/80/90 -VL[09ZW-LOO-000-VSZ9ZSLO[Od-£ZV MOU OVAH O VZEW lsnegx3 leOlueyoaW leoo� H-Z£-H0W-HC=10 VZOZ/80/40 V900ZEW-L00-000-VSZ9ZSLOLOd-EZV O VLZW -VSOOLZW-L00-000-V8Z9ZSLOLOd-£ZV U011elpUBA IeOlueyOON H-eLZ-HOW-U=10 VZOZ/80/90 sniv1S M3ewnN N01"HlSIMM 31111 1NMnooa 31YO (HUO) NOIlV3l=ll l3A =10 31VOl=Illa30 O 0000-V600£ZW-L00-000-V8Z9ZSLOLOd-EZV ales MOIY!V H-B6Z-HOW-HZ3o 17ZOZ/80/90 O0000-VOLOZZW-L00-000-VSZ9ZSLOLOd-EZV /oeo!43 ue3 H-eZZ-HOW-HZJD 17ZOZ/80/90 O 0000 VLOOLZW L00 000 V8Z9ZSLOlOd EZV uolleoo� loop H-LZ-HOW-HZd3 VZOZ/80/90 O 0000-VSOOOZW-L00-000-VSZ9ZSLOLOd-£ZV a6ellea-llona H-OOZ-HOW-HZdD VZOZ/80/90 3snOH 30 301S 1HJIb O0000-VVLOEZW-L00-000-VSZ9ZSLOLOd-EZV ales MOIP!V H-eEZ-HOW-HZdo VZOZ/S0/90 O0000-VSLOZZW-L00-000-VSZ9ZSLOLOd-EZV 43e310 Ued H-eZZ-H3W-HZ3O VZOZ/S0/90 O0000-VZLOLZW-L00-000-VSZ9ZSLOLOd-£ZV uolleoollond H-LZ-HOW-HZ3D VZOZ/80/90 Sfll`d1S M3eyynN N01"H1SIDBU 31111 M3wnooa 31Va (HZ=10) NOi.LNn-Id1SNI =10 3.LVOl=11la30 aleplleA 01 USOS CERTIFICATE OF VERIFICATION (CF3R) DATE DOCUMENT TITLE REGISTRATION NUMBER 423-P010152628A-000-001-M21007A- 05/08/2024 MR-MCH-21-H Duct Location M21A 423-P010152628A-000-001-M22010A- 05/08/2024 MR-MCH-22a-H Fan Efficacy M22A 423-P010152628A-000-001-M23009A- 05/08/2024 CF3R-MCH-23a-H Airflow Rate M23A Scan to Validate STATUS NOTICE: aon that has compliance uploaded to that egisb ration platform by third9parties thalt a er oatfomprovided by CHEERS using t affiliated or related to ..� C H E E R S CHEERS. Therefore, CHEERS is not responsible for, and cannot guarantee, the accuracy or completeness of the Page 3 of 3 information contained in this certificate.