HomeMy WebLinkAbout00 - Non-Agenda Item - HandoutMICHELLE S. MORGAN 1,q. BAHAMADEN ADVISORY INC. 24532 DEL PRADO, SUITE C DANA POINT, CA 92629 T 949.496.4732 C 949.394.2669 M MORGAN@BAHAMADEN.COM - * vc Ze�O Lt�C4Yi * - far aLegally Valid 2024 General Election w e ems It is a recognized civil right in the United States for ever citi y zen to have ree and fair elections. "And the right -of suffrage can -be -denied by a debasement or dilution of the weight of a citizen's vote just as effectively as by wholly prohibiting the free exercise of the franchise." (Reynolds v Sims, 377 U.S. 533 (1964)) r%1 QQaa It is the duty of our election officials to guarantee.our ele ctions ections are accurate and free from distortion or manipulation. "Congress seeks ... to guard the election of members of Congress against any possible unfairness by compelling... everyone concerned in holding the election to a strict and scrupulous observance of. every duty devolved upon him while so engaged... The evil intent consists in disobedi- ence to the law." (In Re Coy, 127 U.S. 731 (1888)). 1 c e�ea,-P Our constitutional system of representative gover nmentonly works when the following four tenets of an election are upheld: 1. The Voter Rolls Must Be Accurate (National Voter Registration Act, 1993). 9i. Votes Counted Must Be From Eligible Voters (US Constitution, Fourteenth Amendment, Section Two). 3. The Number of Votes Counted Must Equal the Number of Voters Who Voted. . There Can Be No More Than One in125,000 Ballots in Error by the Voting System (Help America Vote Act, 2002). -1- 0617209L CAS eWa� An open -source audit of the California 2022 General Election condi cted by California citizens has uncovered evidence of massive inaccuracies that appear to violate both federal and state laws, including: • 5,886,198 ineligible or uncertain registration violations found within the California state voter roll database. • 2,776,939 votes cast by ineligible or uncertain registrants. • 223,785 more votes counted than voters who voted. No one knows who cast them. • 2,776,849 apparent voting violations in excess of the legal standard of system accuracy for a valid federal election. Maximum allowable system_ errors for the 2022 general election in California was 90. • Certification as defined by law, an attestation of accuracy and compliance, appears to have been fraudulent and illegal. �5 erea5 These findings trample legal accuracy requirements of the voting systeduring a Federal Election. Accuracy is defined as the ability of the system to capture and report the specific selections, and absence of selections, made by voter without error. 1 eyea� The intent of the voters must be known factually before certification can be lawfully conducted. Certification of an election that varies from the -law is an abridgement of the civil rights of the citizens, a fraud ab initio. (United States v. Throckmorton, 98 U.S. 61 (1878)) "From time immemorial, an election to public office has been, in point of substance, no more and no less than the expression by qualified electors of their choice of candidates." (United States v. Classic, 313 U.S. 299 (1941)) Cw�erea!5 California's 2022 General Election appears to have been invalid, depriving us of the guaranteed protection of our Natural Rights under a government duly and provably chosen by us, the American people, resulting in incalculable damage to our families, our way of life, and the fabric of these United States. 171fte'wfufton for a Legally Valid 2024 General Election 06172024 Qe0VQ We call upon our Representatives to provide relief to the people, a the assurance of domestic tranquility, by joiningus in demanding VALID 2024 General Election that upholds these existing laws, and equitable principles of law: Proof of citizenship, identity and eligibility to register and vote, not anonymous ;I attestation. S. Voter rolls certified accurate and available for public review and challenge 30 days before the start of early voting. Voters added after that date must bring proof of citizenship, identity, and address in person to a qualified official at each polling place. 3. Hand -marked, secure ballots similar to currency. Where imaging technology is used for tabulation, the security features must be verifiable in the ballot image. . Systems, machines, security measures, infrastructure and conduct are required to. be compliant with federal law for fraud prevention regarding risk assessment, certification, testing, and implementation. 5 . Adjudication must be signed -off by party, candidate, and trained citizen witnesses_ after being given full and effective observation rights. Candidates and trained citizens must be allowed immediate access to ballots, ballot images and CVRs. %. Ballots, regardless of entry source, election operations, and systems must maintain end -to -end chain of custody from voter to vote count to final canvass, including auditability and witnessed transfer with paper records — A NIST-compliant, randomized, statistically valid end -to -end audit, with a.95% confidence level, of all elections. pursuant to the 14th Amendment, Section must be performed. These audits are to be conducted by qualified, insured and bonded security, forensics or financial auditors, not personnel from within. the: election system. Reconciliation will include the vote count, real physical ballots, adjudication, CVRs, ballot count, qualified voter count, custody transfer, and all other paper and electronic election systems, including logs. 8. If the total of all unique variances above is more than 10% of the margin of victory, a new election must be held in the state for those candidates affected, unless the issues can be provably corrected by a manual hand recount and a full review ofrecords. :� 9. Waiver of requirements is not allowed. Only end -to -end system compliance, from registration through certification, can guarantee the intent of the people is accu- rately recorded. IL - �Iewrtl *on oil jof'f'onving .gage — - j - nieaUfLllt111 for a Legally Valid 2024 General Election 06172024 That the Newport Beach City Council, Newport Beach, California stands in support with the concerns and remedies presented here. We implore the Orange County Board of Supervisors, California Legislature, Federal Legislators, Law Enforcement, Federal and State Prosecutors, Judges, and both Secretary I of State and County Registrars of Voters to cooperate and fulfill these firm requests of the people. RESULTS OF THE VOTE YEA NAY SIGNATURE Mayor Will O'Neill Mayor Pro Tern Joe Stapleton Councilmember Brad Avery Councilmember Erik Weigand Councilmember Robyn Grant Councilmember Noah Blom Councilmember Lauren Kleiman rervr&(s on (()c 4f , 2,02;4. - - "1030C 6011 for a Legally Valid 2024 General Election 06172024 17)�},VenbjX,, fo f�e �eaoffifjon Research Sources for the Open -Source Audit by California Citizens: • Data from CA statewide voter registration database, October 9, 2023. Relevant Laws applicable to an End -to -End Audit: • US Constitution; Article 1, Section 4. • H.R. 2 The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (Pub. L. 103-31). • H.R. 3295 The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (Pub.L.107-252). • Federal Election Assistance Commission Voting System Standards Volume I: Performance Standards, April, 2002. • Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-283).. Originally Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-347 (Title III). • National Institute of Standards and Technology SP 800-53: Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations. • FIPS 199 - Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information Systems. • U.S. Code: Title 52; Subtitle I —Voting Rights (§§ 10101-10702), Subtitle II —Voting Assistance and Election Administration (§§ 20101- 21145) including: ♦. 52 USC § 10101(b)—Intimidation, threats, or coercion. ♦ 52 USC § 10307(c)—False Information in, and Payments for, Registering and Voting. ♦ 52 USC § 20701—Retention and preservation of records and papers by officers of elections. ♦ 52 USC § 20702—Theft, destruction, concealment, mutilation, or alteration of records or papers. ♦ 52 USC § 21081—Voting systems standards (HAVA). ♦ 52 USC § 21083—Computerized statewide voter registration list requirements and . requirements for voters who register by mail. • 18 USC § 241—Conspiracy Against Rights. • 18 USC § 242—Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law. • 18 USC § 1519—False Records in the Administration of a Federal Matter. I 18 USC § 1028A—Aggravated Identity Theft. • 18 USC § 514—Fictitious obligations. This work is licensed to United Sovereign Americans under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. 5 - ;C dUt1Ul1 for a Legally Valid2024 General Election 06172024