HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-2024-BLT-AGENDA PACKETCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES AGENDA Civic Center Council Chambers 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Monday, February 26, 2024 - 5:00 PM Board of Library Trustees Members: Paul Watkins, Chair Dorothy Larson, Vice Chair Lauren Kramer, Secretary Antonella Castro, Trustee Chase Rief, Trustee Staff Members: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist The Board of Library Trustees meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the Board of Library Trustees agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Commission and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Library Trustees. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. The public can submit questions and comments in writing for the Board of Library Trustees to consider. Please send them by email to the Library Services Department at LibraryBoard@newportbeachca.gov by Sunday, February 25, at 4:00 p.m. to give the Board of Library Trustees time to consider your comments. All emails will be made part of the record. The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 717-3801 or mhartson@newportbeachca.gov. NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the Library Services Department 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV.NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The City provides a yellow sign-in card to assist in the preparation of the minutes. The completion of the card is not required in order to address the Board of Library Trustees. If the optional sign-in card has been completed, it should be placed in the tray provided. The Board of Library Trustees of Newport Beach welcomes and encourages community participation. Public comments are generally limited to three (3) minutes per person to allow everyone to speak. Written comments are encouraged as well. The Board of Library Trustees has the discretion to extend or shorten the time limit on agenda or non-agenda items. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. 1 February 26, 2024 Page 2 Board of Library Trustees Meeting V.CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. Board of Library Trustees have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending an action. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Board of Library Trustees votes on the motion unless members of the Board of Library Trustees request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward upon invitation by the Chair. A.Consent Calendar Items Minutes of the Jan. 16, 2024 Board of Library Trustees Meeting (pp. 5-16)1. DRAFT OF MINUTES Patron Comments (pp. 16-19)2. Monthly review of evaluations of library services through suggestions and requests received from patrons. PATRON COMMENTS Patron's Request for Evaluation of Library Resources (pp. 20-22)3. Monthly review of evaluations of library resources as requested by patrons with corresponding staff responses. PATRON REQUESTS Library Activities (pp. 23-38)4. Monthly update of library events, services and statistics. JANUARY ACTIVITIES Expenditure Status Report (p. 39)5. Monthly expenditure status of the library's operating expenses, services, salaries and benefits by department. JANUARY EXPENDITURES Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List (p. 40)6. List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the Board of Library Trustees. MONITORING LIST 2 February 26, 2024 Page 3 Board of Library Trustees Meeting VI.CURRENT BUSINESS A.Items for Review Library Lecture Hall Policy (NBPL 15)(pp. 41-46)7. Staff recommends that the Board of Library Trustees rescind and terminate Library Policy NBPL 15, Library Lecture Hall, as the facility will be under City management and not guided by Library policy. STAFF REPORT ATTACHMENT A Gift and Donor Policy (NBPL 3)(pp. 47-56)8. Staff recommends that the Board of Library Trustees review and accept revisions to Library Policy NBPL 3, Gift and Donor Policy. STAFF REPORT ATTACHMENTS A-C Annual Budget - Preliminary Review (pp. 57-61)9. Staff requests that the Board of Library Trustees review and approve the preliminary Library operating budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25. STAFF REPORT ATTACHMENTS A-B Arts and Culture Update (pp. 62-64)10. Staff will present the annual report on the activities of the Cultural Arts Division. STAFF REPORT Acceptance of Donation (p. 65)11. Staff recommends that the Board of Library Trustees approve the acceptance of a donation from the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation. STAFF REPORT Collection Development Ad Hoc Subcommittee Update12. The Collection Development Ad Hoc Subcommittee will provide an update regarding the process of appeals in Library Policy (NBPL 2), Collection Development Policy. 3 February 26, 2024 Page 4 Board of Library Trustees Meeting Lecture Hall Update13. Report on activities related to the Lecture Hall project. Balboa Branch Replacement Update14. Report on activities related to the Balboa Branch Replacement project. Library Services (pp. 23-38)15. Report of Library issues regarding services, patrons, and staff. B.Monthly Reports Library Foundation Liaison Reports (pp. 66.68)16. A. Library Foundation Board - Report of the most recently attended meeting. B. Library Live Lectures Committee - Report of the most recently attended meeting. C. Witte Lectures Committee - Report of the most recently attended meeting. FOUNDATION REPORT Friends of the Library Liaison Report17. Trustee update of the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting. PALS4pal Liaison Report18. Trustee update of the most recently attended PALS4pal Board meeting. VII.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited, and non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Library Trustees. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The Board of Library Trustees has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. VIII.BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) IX.ADJOURNMENT 4 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Board of Library Trustees Marina Park Community Center 1600 W. Balboa Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 16, 2024 – 5:00 PM I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 5:00 PM Chair Paul Watkins called to order the regular meeting of the Board of Library Trustees. II.ROLL CALL – Roll call by Administrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome. Trustees Present: Chair Paul Watkins, Vice Chair Dorothy Larson, Trustee AntonellaCastro, Secretary Lauren Kramer, Trustee Chase Rief Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager Annika Helmuth, Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Andrew Kachaturian, Circulation and Technical Processing Coordinator Erin Spivey, Adult Services Coordinator Staff Absent None III.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Watkins led the Pledge of Allegiance IV.NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived V.CONSENT CALENDARAdministrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome read the Consent Calendar Notice to the public. A.Consent Calendar Items Chair Watkins inquired if any Trustees had requests to pull an item from the Consent Calendar. 1.Minutes of the December 11, 2023 Board of Library Trustees Meeting Chair Watkins noted the following changes to the minutes: •Handwritten Page 11, three paragraphs up, item 10, Lecture Hall update, third line,amount by the public, please add the word through and change the Capital T in “The”to a small “t”. Further in the paragraph, three lines from the end, Please change “TheLibrary” to The City will manage the new Witte Hall. 5 5 Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 2 Chair Watkins complimented Marketing Specialist Maria Nicklin on the new Library website that has been updated, citing many areas that were very well done and encouraged everyone to look around. It is very informative and attractive. 2. Patron Comments Monthly review of evaluations of library services through suggestions and requests received from patrons. 3. Patron’s Request for Evaluation of Library Resources Monthly review of evaluations of library resources as requested by patrons with corresponding staff responses. Chair Watkins noted there were 22 patron requests for evaluations which resulted in a response from Library Services Director Melissa Hartson’s response. He has been keeping track of emails, notes, and letters to the Board from members of the public on both sides of the age appropriateness issue. The Board and City are mindful of the comments from both sides of the argument and asked that the patrons consider bringing up their concerns when the appeals and various directions are scheduled forthcoming in the near term. They are planning to approve some procedures in this meeting that will allow the appeals to proceed, and the first block of appeals can be scheduled. 4. Library Activities Monthly update of library events, services, and statistics. 5. Expenditure Status Report Monthly expenditure status of the library’s operating expenses, services, salaries, and benefits by department. Chair Watkins reported that they are 50% through the fiscal year (FY) and under the $10 million dollar budget by about 4.7%. 6. Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the Board of Library Trustees. Chair Watkins opened the item for public comments and there were none. Motion made by Secretary Lauren Kramer, seconded by Vice Chair Dorothy Larson, and carried (5-0-0-0) to approve the Consent Calendar Items 1-6 with the minor changes to the December 11, 2023 draft minutes. AYES: Watkins, Kramer, Larson, Castro, Rief NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: VI. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review 6 6 Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 3 7. Balboa Branch Library Replacement Staff from Public Works, along with representatives from COAR Design Group, will present building renderings for the Balboa Branch Library and Fire Station No. 1 Replacement Project. Chair Watkins commented that while looking through the chronological events of the decision to replace the Balboa Branch he noted the ad hoc subcommittee met several different times to discuss the project with Public Works, senior staff, the design group, and other key contributors to the project. Tonight, they will hear from COAR Design Group Principals about the design of the project, after which the public and Board will provide input. There will be further opportunities for continued public input at an upcoming Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission meeting, as well as a City Council meeting, when this project moves forward at that level. Public Works’ Assistant City Engineer Tom Sandefur expressed appreciation for the invitation to present with COAR Design Group Principals Jeff Katz and Christie Jewett and provided a slide presentation of current photos of the project, and the history of the Balboa Branch Library and Fire Station No. 1 replacement project. Parking at the facility has been a challenge, as well as keeping a storage facility for beach utility equipment to mitigate travel wear and tear. Over the next year, they will be working to finalize the design concept that City Council can approve so the project can move forward. COAR Design Group Principals Jeff Katz and Christie Jewett displayed slides with design concepts of the different layouts they have drafted after meeting with staff, Public Works personnel, the Library Board’s ad hoc subcommittee, and key fire department members. There are two different site orientations. Option 1 positions the entire project against Balboa Boulevard with the entrance to the Library on the back side, the storage in the middle and the fire department on the left side. The playground is situated in the middle and has 14 public parking spaces included. For Option 2, the entry to the Library would be from the parking lot. The renderings will show there is some visibility and continuation from Balboa Boulevard to the entrance of the Library. Option 2 puts the building more against Island Avenue and the fire station and apparatus bay is located more at the corner on the southside of the site. Public Works City storage is in the middle and the Library would be on the north side of the site. This iteration has 13 public parking spaces allocated. One of the fire station’s main criteria is where the fire apparatus would return to the bays. Ms. Jewett continued by showing slides with different exterior design concepts for each site orientation. The intent is to include a fountain and outdoor seating area for patrons while also making sure an area is built for a playground, and with sufficient room for the Library programs. Chair Watkins summarized that they saw Option 1 and 2 floor plans with the Cottage House elevation and the Natural Modern elevation for site orientation and opened the item to Public Comments. Carmen Rawson (Newport Beach resident) questioned the square footage difference in the options and expressed concern about the smaller of the two, along with a concern for having the equipment storage onsite. Mr. Katz stated that how the site is oriented would determine the amount of square footage available to the new Library. Keith Harrison (Newport Beach resident) requested detailed design models for public viewing and expressed concern regarding the current standing eucalyptus tree that is on the site. 7 7 Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 4 Assistant City Engineer Sandefur responded that as design details progress, that information will be made available to the public, and the eucalyptus tree is continuing to be monitored by the City and is in declining health. Kathy Fraser (Newport Beach resident) commented on the dangers of trying to cross Balboa Boulevard, and if they plan to have a playground or community center included in the project, there will need to be a light or stop sign for safety, particularly if you want the Library and playground to be a draw for families and children. Michelle Silver (Newport Beach resident) asked about parking on the street and expressed concern given that Island Avenue is already impacted due to street parking and commented about the welfare of the eucalyptus tree, and that it be given a chance to return to health. Assistant City Engineer Sandefur explained that there would be additional street parking where the old fire station currently sits, and there will be the removal of four driveways that will also add to allowable street parking. Chair Watkins also added that there will also be a landscape plan that will compensate for any loss of trees. Rhonda Watkins (Newport Beach resident) inquired if the fire department prefers one option over the other in terms of ease of access and return of the apparatus in relation to how it might impact the Library. The Assistant Fire Chief Justin Carr answered that they looked at both options and they feel that Option 1 may be the best but both options are an improvement to what is currently in place. Rebecca Simmons (Newport Beach resident) inquired if they considered building a second story on the library to make up for the square footage they will be losing and if they plan to keep the Newport Beach Historical Society collection. Assistant City Engineer Sandefur stated they plan to move the collection out of the Library, and adding a second story on to the Library significantly increases the cost of construction and maintaining accessibility. Eric Longobardi (Newport Beach resident) commented about the fire station having a historical significance and expressed hope that there will be a historical memorial aspect as it has been in discussion with both the Fire Department and City Council. Jim Mosher (Newport Beach resident) commented that he didn’t remember public comment ever being reduced to two minutes and it would have been helpful to have posted the presentation in advance of the meeting to allow more people to consider and review the plans and the options. The City went through a similar process for the Corona del Mar branch, and one of the main concerns was having a good area for storytimes. Neither of these options seem to have an area dedicated to that. He hopes more layouts will become available in the future. Carmen Rawson (Newport Beach resident) commented that she believes Option 1 would be more favorable for the community and Option 2, coming from the west, would not be convenient. Mike Roth (Newport Beach resident) thanked the fire chief for the fantastic work they do and commented that ultimately the fire department should be given preference of which options they prefer since it is their work of saving lives that most important. As far as the style is concerned, he preferred the cottage house style. 8 8 Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 5 Julie Masden (Newport Beach resident) thanked the fire department and commented regarding the eucalyptus tree, which is a nesting tree for the herons and has a long history with the City. The tree should be considered, and she doesn’t believe it’s going to fall. Grace Duff (Newport Beach resident) commented that Library patrons were not adequately noticed for the meeting, particularly for the Island neighborhoods who will be most impacted by the project and questioned why the valuable property is being used for a storage facility. Deborah Lucas (Newport Beach resident) commented she is a lifelong tree hugger but believes the life of the tree comes down to public safety. She trusts the professionals’ opinion, particularly when children play in the area. Joyce Flower (Newport Beach resident) inquired how critical it is to have a playground at the Library, more library space could be acquired if that wasn’t included. Mr. Katz responded that in their conversations with the Library and Public Works they have found that the playground is a complimentary feature to the Library and creates a more focused area for the community. Bernie Svalstad (Newport Beach resident) inquired about the timeline of the project as it was originally intended to begin construction of winter 2023-2024 and their presentation indicated construction beginning winter of 2024-2025. Assistant City Engineer Sandefur stated their timeline is a very preliminary depiction, it depends on what kind of input they get and how many iterations they have to create. If there is a coastal issue or access issue, that could delay construction. Unidentified (Newport Beach resident) commented that she also believes there isn’t a need for the playground. Outdoor storytime areas are great in the city, but not necessarily on the beach, particularly when the space could be used for expanded indoor facilities. Secretary Lauren Kramer stated she prefers Option 1 of the site layout and the cottage style of the building. Trustee Chase Rief commented that he liked the layout for Option 1 and prefers the beach cottage look. Trustee Antonella Castro agreed she prefers the layout of Option 1 and the style of the beach cottage and inquired if there are alternative locations for the storage of the Public Works vehicles, and if staff is aware of the usage of the Balboa branch. Public Works’ Assistant City Engineer Tom Sandefur answered there are no plans to build a new storage facility on the Peninsula. Library Services Director Hartson explained the usage at Balboa is the same as a branch library, it can’t be compared to the Central Library usage. Program attendance has gone up over the last few years and they re-introduced school programming as well in the last year. Library Services Director Hartson explained they are looking at the playground area as a complimentary item more so than for programming, but they also want flexible areas that can be used for outdoor programming. Trustee Castro asked if a community garden or outdoor programming for adults or families could be incorporated into the playground space so that it has multiple uses. Library Services Director Hartson explained that most of the adult programming takes place at the Central Library location. Vice Chair Dorothy Larson commented that her preferences are the same as her colleagues, Option 1 for the site layout and the beach cottage style. She would like to see both iterations 9 9 Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 6 continue through the process for now, if possible. Assistant City Engineer Tom Sandefur stated that was their intent, and an upcoming Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission meeting will be the next opportunity for the public to provide input. Chair Watkins explained that with respect to what the ad hoc subcommittee had requested, both Option 1 of the site layout and the cottage style were spot on. This is the first step and first iteration of this project, there will be many other steps taken before the design is finalized. Chair Watkins noted the report was received and filed and thanked the consultants for their presentation. Chair Watkins called for a five-minute break. Chair Watkins resumed the meeting with all Board members present. 8. Process for Patron Appeal of Evaluation of Library Resources The Collection Development Ad Hoc Subcommittee will provide its recommendation for the patron appeals process for evaluation of library resources, and Staff recommends the approved appeals process be incorporated into Library Policy NBPL 2, Collection Development Policy, and subsequently approved by the Board of Library Trustees. Library Services Director Hartson reported that before the Board are the process for appeals and the application for appeals as requested at the December Board meeting. The Collection Development Policy has also been amended to include the application for appeals and the appeals process for the Board’s review and approval. Chair Watkins noted that the revisions to the Collection Development Policy are included on Pages 104, 105 and 106 of the Agenda Packet. An additional change will be included on Page 105, “If the patron disagrees with the Director’s decision, the patron may appeal to the Board for final resolution”. They will change the word “the” to a, “If a patron disagrees…” that assumes that any patron has a right to appeal, not just the person who requested the evaluation. The appeal procedures in the packet, on Page 117, will allow all members of the public to appeal any of the Director’s decisions. In Section 2 of the Appeal Procedures, it states that 14 days from the date of the Board’s meeting at which the Director’s decision was made available to the public is now included. They have also indicated that the decision of the appeal will be implemented within a 60-day period from the date of the Board meeting at which the decision was submitted to the Board. If there are multiple objections to the same book, all of those appeals will be consolidated; and that item will be decided under the first completed appeal received. At that time, all the others will be allowed to comment during that appeal. The Appeal Application has not been revised since being added to the Agenda Packet. Vice Chair Larson questioned if there was any flexibility in the time constraints of the appeal decision. Chair Watkins stated that due to the large quantity of appeal requests that have been filed currently, it made more sense to consolidate those that are for the same evaluation requests. Once the procedures have been finalized, the Board will consider a grandfathering of the current appeal requests in order to set the dates for those appeals. 10 10 Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 7 Secretary Kramer suggested hearing a couple of appeals at each meeting rather than designating an entire meeting for appeals. Trustee Castro inquired if all the people who appeal one book would be included in the notification process if all the appeals are going to be consolidated, expressing concern with the policy that limits the appeal on books to one per five years. Vice Chair Larson believed the notification should go out for those who file an appeal, not everyone who submitted an evaluation request. It would also be noted in the Agenda notification. Chair Watkins explained that the five-year limit on appeals was to mitigate one book staying in the evaluation and appeals process for an undetermined amount of time. Chair Watkins opened the item for Public Comments. Haley Jenkins commented regarding the five-year time constraint on appeals and suggested a shorter amount of time for additional appeals due to the changing environment of staff and the Board of Library Trustees and suggested the appeal process be listed online. Library Services Director stated that if it becomes adopted it will become part of the Collection Development Policy that is currently posted on the website. The appeal form is a fillable PDF that can also be filed online or submitted in person. Deborah Lucas (Newport Beach resident) commented she was recently made aware of the item and inquired about the evaluation and appeals process and where to find which books have been requested for evaluation. Chair Watkins explained the process as currently written. Portia Fisher inquired if staff had considered streaming the meetings for those who are not able to attend and commented the five-year limit on re-appeals is a long time and the number of appeals on a book matters, it should be made public information and not consolidated. Evaluations are important, regardless of who requests it. She applauds the Board for creating a process in which it can be done efficiently. Vien Nguyen (Newport Beach resident) commented that the criteria the Board will be using to make decisions on appeals were not listed in the appeals process. It’s good to see that time is allotted for the Board to read the material during the appeal process and questioned if the 60 days is enough time for the Board to become experts in the fields they are approving or disapproving due to inaccuracy. Carol Hacker (Newport Beach resident) inquired how many books had been pulled from the shelves in the last year based on the Director’s decision and the appeals process that is currently in place and commented that she agreed with the comment that everyone should evaluate all library material. Gialisa Gaffaney (Newport Beach resident) explained that when a decision is made at a lower court level, and then it goes to the appellate court level, they do not make a decision on the initial merits, they look whether or not the trial court followed the proper standards and procedures, and from what she has read, the standards that the Library uses in reviewing materials for age-appropriateness is acceptable. The policy provides plenty of time for review, 11 11 Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 8 and also believes some people may feel a five-year limit on appealing the same book is too long if they don’t get the answer they want the first time. Debra Klein (Newport Beach resident) commented about the notification of evaluation requests that could also serve as notification to attend meetings for the appeals when needed. Jim Mosher (Newport Beach resident) commented about his appreciation for the revisions made to the procedure and shared Trustee Castro’s discomfort for the wording of “extinguishing appeals”, it sounds harsh and more like a punishment and suggested the wording on the appeals could be ‘if multiple appeals are received on the same item, all the appeals will be consolidated into a single appeal’ and possibly move it higher in the list. It is important for the public to understand the standards the Board will be using to make determinations during appeals and his recommendation is they base their decision on whether or not the Director made her decision consistent with the Collection Development Policy. If needed the Board has the ability to amend the Policy. Motion made by Vice Chair Larson, seconded by Secretary Kramer, and carried (5-0-0-0) to approve the appeals process for evaluation of library resources with the following change to Item 5 and Item 7. Item 5 will read as “If there are multiple appeals for the same subject item, all appeals of that item will be consolidated into a single appeal, and as provided in Section IV above, members of the public will be provided with the opportunity to be heard on the subject item”. Item 7 will be changed to four years instead of five to repeat an evaluation on an item that has been appealed. On Page 105 change the word “the” to “a”, “If a patron disagrees…”. AYES: Watkins, Kramer, Larson, Castro, Rief NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: 9. NBPL eBranch, Database and Downloadable Services Update Staff will provide an update and review of the Library eBranch, database and downloadable services. Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot reported that the eBranch is accessible anywhere and at any time, there are over 40 databases that specialize in many topics. Several databases have over 1,000 uses per month. The Library added Exploring Race in Society in June courtesy of EBSCO, a vendor that offers many educational databases. In December, the California State Library offered the addition of Alexander Streets which includes thousands of videos, audios, writings, and full performances of plays and albums from around the world. The Library offers eMagazines through OverDrive which is accessible through the application Libby. There was an uptick in audio books and ebooks in 2023 with a combined total of 164,687 compared to 154,539 in 2022. They are watching the trends for eBooks and Audio books as it suggests patrons are exploring different options versus traditional CDs as players are not as readily available. The Library subscribes to Comic Plus, which allows multiple uses of the same material at the same time, which cuts wait time on material. OverDrive acquired Kanopy and changed their model in 2022, now offering tickets rather than play credits which allow libraries greater flexibility for allocating funds. 12 12 Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 9 Trustee Rief commented he’s a big advocate for the eBranch, it is user friendly and very convenient and suggested checking the availability within the budget to allow for subscriptions to more eServices. Ms. Lightfoot responded that each year the e-budget is increased substantially for digital books, there is a program that tracks the usage of e-material that allows them focus on particular areas needed. Chair Watkins opened the item for Public Comment, seeing none he filed and received the report. 10. Acceptance of Donation Staff recommends that the Board of Library Trustees approve the acceptance of a donation from the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation (NBPLF). Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot reported that the Library received a $150 donation from the Foundation to be used specifically for Project Adult Literacy. Motion made by Trustee Chase Reif, seconded by Secretary Kramer, and carried (5-0-0-0) to accept the donation of $150 from the Foundation. AYES: Watkins, Kramer, Larson, Castro, Rief NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: 11. Children’s Collection Development Update The Children’s Collection Development Ad Hoc Subcommittee will provide an update regarding their recommendation for a Children’s Collection Development Policy. Trustee Antonella Castro reported she and Vice Chair Larson met, and it is the recommendation of the subcommittee that a separate Children’s Collection Development Policy be adopted by the Board of Library Trustees to guide the Library staff in procuring material for the Children’s Library Material Collection and further, the policy will also address visual displays and programming for the Library’s child-patrons. If the trustees vote to draft a policy, the subcommittee would then work with the Library staff to craft the policy and submit to the City Attorney if needed. Trustee Rief agreed. Trustee Kramer did not agree as there is already a Collection Development Policy in place and the books can be evaluated based on that policy. Chair Watkins opened the item to Public Comments. Haley Jenkins inquired if the policy would include teens and suggested a Development policy for teens and children, age appropriateness makes a difference between older teens and young children. Jim Mosher (Newport Beach resident) commented that he believes a supported policy isn’t needed although he’d be interested in seeing what that policy would look like. There is room 13 13 Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 10 for minor tweaks in the Collection Development Policy that could address age appropriateness of material between teens and children. Trustee Kramer agreed there are tweaks that could be made to the current policy that would address the issues of age appropriateness between young children and teens. Chair Watkins asked if it would be possible to address their concerns with amendments to the current policy. The subcommittee agreed that would be possible. Chair Watkins stated the Board had an interest in seeing what they come up with. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 12. Lecture Hall Update Report on activities related to the Library Lecture Hall project. Library Services Director Hartson reported that at the January 9 City Council meeting, Council approved the Library Lecture Hall at the Civic Center. More information will be forthcoming. The City is organizing a groundbreaking ceremony tentatively on February 27. Trustee Rief commented regarding the Public Comments received via email about who manages the Lecture Hall. Library Services Director Harson stated according to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), NBPL 15, the policy will be eliminated and that will be brought to the Board as a “receive and file”. Chair Watkins confirmed with Jerry Kappel (NBPLF CEO) that the City will manage the new Lecture Hall. Mr. Kappel stated that per the MOU, the word “Library” would be removed, Witte Hall will remain, and NBPL is no longer a consideration. The Foundation has negotiated in the MOU fifty specific events per year and will coordinate with the Library to ensure their primary dates are available and of note, they can use some of the Foundations dates. Chair Watkins noted the elimination of NBPL 15 will be at the February 26 meeting of the Board of Library Trustees. Chair Watkins opened the item for Public Comment. Jim Mosher (Newport Beach resident) expressed confusion surrounding the Board of Library Trustees not having a say in the managing of the Lecture Hall; and the MOU is with the Foundation, not the City. When he attended the meeting, he didn’t hear anyone advocating for the Library’s use of the Lecture Hall and is concerned that some donations to the Library will now be lost. The removal of the NBPL should have been a discussion with the Board, not the Foundation. He would like to hear more information on the impacts of the Council’s decision. Trustee Kramer commended the Foundation for their work in this as they did what they had to do in order to retain an incredible facility that benefits the City. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 14 14 Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 11 13. Library Services Report of Library issues regarding services, patrons, and staff Library Services Director Hartson reported she drew up a year end review and included it in the packet. It’s a brief snapshot of some of the accomplishments that were made through 2023, which includes receiving outstanding financial support from Friends of the Library and the Foundation, over $200,000 donated to the Library for programs, digital resources, and furniture. Program attendance has continued to increase. New programs are introduced throughout the year, there is a new projector that provides greater visibility and reliability for the programs being hosted. They continue to expand collections and technology and most recently added a read-a-long collection where the audio is built into the book. There is a new design for the children’s Library card. Project Adult Literacy (PAL) served 86 adult learners and logged thousands of volunteer hours this past year. Kappa Kappa Gamma selected PAL as the recipient for their annual fundraising event. They invested in staff training with the return of all-staff meetings and attendance of conferences along with subscriptions to online training. The Arts Commission has brought back the Newport Beach Art Exhibition after a three-year hiatus. This past year, they created over 9,000 new patron accounts this past year and checked out nearly 1.2 million items. Trustee Castro expressed an interest in knowing how many of the new patron accounts are for people outside of the area. Library Services Director Hartson stated she will work on putting together those numbers. Chair Watkins opened the item up for public comment. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. B. Monthly Reports 14. Library Foundation Liaison Reports A. Library Foundation Board Report on the most recently attended meeting. Chair Watkins reported NBPLF CEO Jerry Kappel did a great job in summarizing his report, and it can be found in the Agenda Packet. He noted in the latest issue of Bookmark that the Central Library is celebrating its 30th anniversary; there are great pictures. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. B. Library Live Lectures Committee Report on the most recently attended meeting. Jerry Kappel reported the first three Library Live events were sold out with a waiting list for both. They have identified speakers for next year, and they anticipate negotiations with the speakers will begin within the next month. After the next meeting, he should be able to identify the upcoming speakers. He hopes they will have contracts in place by April so they can begin selling tickets in June. Over 100 season tickets were sold, and this was they first year they were offered. They anticipate that number to increase this year. 15 15 Board of Library Trustees Meeting January 16, 2024 Page 12 Chair Watkins received and filed the report. C. Witte Lectures Committee Report on the most recently attended meeting. Vice Chair Larson reported that Witte did an amazing job and has slated candidates for speakers for negotiations to begin. There are four or five they are considering. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 15. Friends of the Library Liaison Report Trustee update on the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting. Trustee Rief reported December sold more books than they expected and are now asking for donations to increase their collection before the used book sale in February. The President of the Board has stepped down, and various people are serving as interim President. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. 16. Literacy Services Liaison Report Trustee update of the most recently attended Literacy Services Advisory Board. Trustee Castro reported she had a great kick-off meeting and will be attending their upcoming Board retreat. Chair Watkins received and filed the report. VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – Two Minutes per speaker Chair Watkins stated there were none. VIII. BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Future Agenda items included: • Sunsetting of Library Policy NBPL 15 • Draft of Children’s Collection Development Policy Library Services Director reported that the Library bistro space is available for lease and the Witte Hall groundbreaking ceremony is tentatively scheduled for February 27. The next Board of Library Trustees meeting is scheduled for February 26 in the Council Chambers. IX. ADJOURNMENT – 7:13 p.m. 16 16 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY PATRON COMMENTS JANUARY 2024 Comment #Comment Response Date Received Source of Comment Staff Member Staff Member Title Date Responded to Patron 1 01/03/2024 Email Rebecca Lightfoot Library Services Manager 01/03/2024 2 01/05/2024 Email Rebecca Lightfoot Library Services Manager 01/05/2024 3 01/15/2024 Email Rebecca Lightfoot Library Services Manager 01/16/2024 4 01/15/2024 Email Andy Kachaturian Circ. & Tech. Processing Coordinator 01/16/2024 5 01/16/2024 Email Rebecca Lightfoot Library Services Manager 01/17/2024 I am a resident of Newport Beach and wondered if the library accepts donations of books? Thank you. The Friends of the Library accept book donations on the Library’s behalf. Store hours are Monday through Saturday from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., but you may drop donations off at any location during normal business hours. If you would like to make an appointment for a larger donation drop off, please call the Friends at 949-759-9667. You can find more information about donations on their website here...Thank you. I tried calling and choosing various departments. It will state no agents available and then just hangs up on you not allowing you to hold. Thank you for writing in. It looks like you might have been trying to call us yesterday, Monday, January 15, which was the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and we were closed. The main message did reflect that, but unfortunately we are unable to change the department messages. Since no one was available to answer, the system defaults to ending the call. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any other questions. Thank you. I have many wonderful books that I would like to donate to the bookstore. My mother no longer reads or uses them anymore. Do you take book donations at this time? Thanks. Thank you for thinking of us! Yes, the Friends of the Library are accepting book donations on the Library’s behalf. Store hours are Monday through Saturday from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., but you may drop donations off at any location during normal business hours. If you would like to make an appointment for a larger donation drop off, please call the Friends at 949-759-9667. You can find more information about donations on their website here... Thank you. I am trying to find a library close to my college campus where I can go and study and borrow books from! I am not a California resident, but I will be attending college here for the next couple of years. Is it possible for me to get a library card here? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks. Thanks for writing in to see how you can apply for a library card with us. If you are currently receiving mail at your address in CA, please bring that as proof of address along with a valid photo ID and we can most certainly issue you a library card. If you are unable to provide evidence of a CA address, we do have a non-resident card that is valid for one year for a $10.00 charge, with just the need of a valid photo ID. We do require you to visit the library to apply for anything beyond a temporary library card that stays valid for thirty days and has limited access to some of our databases and catalog. We have many databases and services that should be of use to you in college and beyond. We hope to see you soon! Best regards. When is the next book sale? I couldn't find it on the calendar.The Friends of the Library’s next book sale is Friday, February 3 (members only) and Saturday, February 4 (open to the public). Here’s the link to the calendar listing for more information... I hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you. 16 17 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY PATRON COMMENTS JANUARY 2024 Comment #Comment Response Date Received Source of Comment Staff Member Staff Member Title Date Responded to Patron 6 01/18/2024 Email Andy Kachaturian Circ. & Tech. Processing Coordinator 01/18/2024 7 01/22/2024 Email Erin Spivey Adult Services Coordinator 01/22/2024 8 01/22/2024 Comment Card Erin Spivey Adult Services Coordinator 01/22/2024 9 01/23/2024 Email Rebecca Lightfoot Library Services Manager 01/23/2024 10 01/23/2024 Email Rebecca Lightfoot Library Services Manager 01/23/2024 Do you have a battery drop off there? Thank you! Yes, we do. At the Central Library, this is located upstairs near the Reference desk. Each library branch also has a location available to the public to drop off and recycle used batteries. I hope this helps. Best regards. I have a collection of books written in German that I would like to donate. Are you accepting foreign language books? Many thanks in advance... Thank you very much, Erin, for your prompt response. I will contact the bookstore and find out. Have a great day! Thank you for reaching out to us about your book donation. The Newport Beach Public Library does not have a foreign language collection for adults or teens, and only a small collection of Spanish items in the children’s collection. Therefore, we wouldn’t be able to add any donated books in a foreign language. However, we do have a robust Friends of the Library Bookstore which accepts all kinds of items. If you’d like to connect with them about this donation, please email nblibfriend@gmail.com with questions. You can also learn more about their group and donation guidelines on their website... Thank you again for thinking of us. As a Hindu American, I noticed the library stocked four copies of the book Caste: The Origins of our Discontents 305.5122. This Marxist ideology book is extremely offensive to me. The author, Isabel Wilkerson, has not made a single India trip yet she portrays all Indians, Hindus specifically, as discriminators. This false narrative is responsible for the rise in a number of hate crimes against Hindus in the U.S. (1% U.S. population) and attempting to get caste based laws passed in CA (SB-403). The author makes no attempt to discuss the truth. (A) Caste comes from the Portuguese word 'casta' brought to the Indian subcontinent during colonization. (B) The author purposefully confuses caste with Hindu 'varna' which is occupation and not birth based. (C) 1948, before the civil rights movement in the US was when the first caste based reservations were implemented to undo the effects of colonization. (D)Caste based crimes are punishable by law in India since the 1980s. Please REMOVE this book, or else place it under FICTION. Thank you for taking the time to fill out a Newport Beach Public Library Patron comment card. I am sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with an item in our collection. If you would like to advance your request for the removal of the book Caste by Isabel Wilkerson, please complete a patron’s request for evaluation. Staff will evaluate the request and bring a recommendation to our library director based on our collection development policy. The director will then respond with a final decision. If you would like to review our collection development policy, you may do so here... Thank you again for taking the time to contact us. I am supposedly subscribed to the library emailing list, but I don't recall ever receiving notices of upcoming events.I am sorry to hear you aren’t receiving the emails from us. I do see your email address in our email marketing database is active and you signed up in 2009. Is this a new issue? We did have a period of a few weeks in late December/early January where due to a change on their end our emails were not reaching people, but I understood the issue to be resolved. Have you checked any spam/trash folders as well? Please let me know so I can further investigate if the issue is persisting. Thank you. Are you currently looking to hire anyone part time? I’m a law student nearby looking for a part time job. Thank you for reaching out and showing an interest in working for the Library! All of our job postings are on the City’s website here... You’ll also notice a link to “Job Interest Card” on the left. If you fill it out, you will be emailed every time a new job is added in the categories you choose. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions. Thank you.17 18 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY PATRON COMMENTS JANUARY 2024 Comment #Comment Response Date Received Source of Comment Staff Member Staff Member Title Date Responded to Patron 11 01/27/2024 Email Annika Helmuth Branch & Youth Services Coordinator 01/29/2024 12 01/29/2024 Email Rebecca Lightfoot Library Services Manager 01/30/2024 13 01/29/2024 Email Melissa Hartson Library Services Director 01/30/2024 14 01/29/2024 Email Melissa Hartson Library Services Director 01/31/2024 I am a senior at Corona del Mar High School. At CdM, all seniors must complete a senior research project, and I am doing mine on the effects of parents' rights groups. I was wondering if any of these groups have challenged the books of the Newport Beach Public Library, and would love some information on said challenges. On top of this, I would like some recommendation on literature surrounding the current controversy around parents and schools. Your research topic is a timely one. The Board of Library Trustees has recently amended the Library’s Collection Development Policy (NBPL 2) to further address patron’s rights for use of library materials. The policy includes a means for patrons with concerns about a specific title in the collection to request an evaluation of resources. Beginning in October 2023, any received “Patron’s Request for Evaluation of Library Resources” forms along with the associated Director’s Decision are published in the monthly Board of Library Trustees agenda packets. The Library is not able to attribute the requests for evaluation to any group(s). However, to assist you in your project, here are the links to the published Board of Library Trustees agenda packets that include the submitted requests for evaluation forms and responses to the submissions.•October 16, 2023 •November 23, 2023 •December 11, 2023 •January 16, 2024I am also copying Adult Services Coordinator Erin Spivey who will be able to pointyou to library resources that will be helpful for your research project. Thank you forcontacting the Library and please let me know if I may be of further assistance. Bestregards. Do you accept donations of materials, specifically National Geographic magazines? Thanks. The Friends of the Library accept donations on the Library’s behalf, but they do not take magazines. Store hours are Monday through Saturday from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., but you may drop donations off at any location during normal business hours.If you would like to make an appointment for a larger donation drop off, please call the Friends at 949-759-9667. You can find more information about donations on their website here... Thank you. I called and left a message, but thought this may be easier. My son is 16 and a photographer. Is there an age requirement to enter this event? Thank you. The Student Art Exhibition presented by the City Arts Commission is an opportunity for students in pre-K through 12th grade to showcase their creativity. However, photography is not accepted in this exhibition. Student artists may submit one original work of art in the following mediums: painting (acrylic, oil, watercolor), drawing (ink, pencil, charcoal, pastel, marker, crayon), or collage. Here is a link to more information regarding the Student Art Exhibition... Thank you for your inquiry. I am a high school student. In order to complete the volunteer service of grade 10,…I would like to ask if there is any simple volunteer service, such as sorting books. Thank you. If there is, please contact me via email. Thank you. Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Newport Beach Public Library. We offer a variety of volunteer positions for students in seventh through twelfth grade and ages 12 to 18 years old. With your interest in helping to sort books, I suggest you apply for the Children's Department Assistant volunteer position. To apply, please compete the online application. A link to the online application is available on our website... Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have further questions about available teen volunteer opportunities, I welcome you to email teenservices@newportbeachca.gov. 18 19 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY PATRON COMMENTS JANUARY 2024 Comment #Comment Response Date Received Source of Comment Staff Member Staff Member Title Date Responded to Patron 15 01/30/2024 Email Erin Finnen Library Clerk 01/30/2024 16 01/30/2024 Email Annika Helmuth Branch & Youth Services Coordinator 01/31/2024 I am the English Language Arts teacher for New Horizon, a local private school in Irvine. I wanted to reach out and plan a field trip together with you if possible! In 7th grade, I have 41 students and in 8th grade, I have 25 students. So in total, I am hoping to bring 66 students and a few staff members/parent volunteers. I wanted the students to learn how libraries are organized (genre, alphabetized, categories, etc.), what the process is to bring in new books aside from donations (What do librarians look for when allowing a book to join their shelves? What is the process?), and anything else that students might not be aware of about libraries (special programs, services, etc.). In addition, I was hoping to have each student open a library card to check out one book each for a reading unit we will be starting. I think that my students would benefit so much from visiting your library—what do you think? Do you think this is a possibility? I would love to hear your thoughts! You can reach me at...or through my personal cell... Hope to hear from you soon! Thank you for your interest in visiting the Newport Beach Public Library. We would love the opportunity to host your students for a guided tour and an overview of library materials. The visit includes a tour of the library, a short lesson about library policies and procedures, an overview of how to use the library and library resources, and time to check out books. We ask that you please arrange to have at least one chaperone for every ten students. Tours are approximately 60-90 minutes. We do also offer students the option of applying for a library card prior to your visit. Students along with their parent/caregiver first need to complete a library card application. Signed applications must then be returned to the library at least one week prior to your visit. We offer a form online to complete your field trip request. Please complete the "Library Visit" request form found on our website... In the last question on the form, be sure to include when you'd like to visit. Once you have submitted the form, the library card application for your students will be emailed to you. If you have any other questions I can answer prior to scheduling your visit, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thanks again and we look forward to hearing from you. Do we need to make an appointment time for photos?If you need photos for an adult renewal you can get them at AAA, CVS, FedEx, Walgreens, or some UPS stores. The following are the procedures for an adult renewal: If the adult passport was issued to the applicant at age 16 or older, is not expired or recently expired (can be up to 5 years expired), is in their possession and not expired more than 5 years, that would be an adult renewal. A new photo is needed (AAA, CVS, FedEx, Walgreens, and UPS all take passport photos), fill out the attached DS-82 application in Black ink (no white-out or correction fluid), a check is required for payment ($ 130.00 for routine service which is 6-8 weeks or $ 190.00 for expedited which is 2-3 weeks) and send in your passport and the application with photo attached in a priority mail flat rate envelope - postage needs to have a tracking number. All post offices have the envelopes and postage with a tracking number. For more information, please see the DOS website: www.travel.state.gov. For any further questions, please call our office at 949-717- 3831. 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES STAFF REPORT February 26, 2024 Agenda Item No. 4 MELISSA HARTSON, LIBRARY SERVICES DIRECTOR Library Journal’s Index of Public Library Service and Star Library Ratings Library Journal (LJ) announced they are pausing the 2023 Index of Public Library Service and Star Library ratings. In reviewing the 2022 datasets, LJ discovered “wildly divergent statistics,” which relied on Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 statistics. The 2023 Index and Star ratings would have been based on FY 2021 datasets. The data elements considered for the ratings are among the following eight categories: physical circulation, circulation of electronic materials, library visits, program attendance, public internet computer usage, Wi-Fi session, electronic content retrievals, and library website visits. During FY 2020 and FY 2021, library services and outputs in these categories were greatly varied based on pandemic accommodations around the country. Over the past three years, the Library has seen steady increases in total circulation, program attendance and visits, and Wi-Fi sessions. The Library created over 9,000 new patron accounts, checked out over 1.3 million items, and made over 2.5 million patron connections through our services and offerings in 2023. The Library continues to be the cultural, educational, and informational heart of Newport Beach. WHEELHOUSE LIST FOR LIBRARY TRUSTEES •Medicine in Our Backyard: Women’s Heart Health Monday, February 26, 7 p.m. Friends Meeting Room, Central Library •Sunday Musicale: Rigby Jones, Mezzo-Soprano Sunday, March 17, 3 p.m. Friends Meeting Room, Central Library •Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 5 p.m. City Council Chambers, Civic Center •Board of Library Trustees Meeting Monday, March 18, 5 p.m. Balboa Branch •Witte Lecture: Richard Reeves Friday, March 8, 7 p.m. Saturday, March 9, 2 p.m. Friends Meeting Room, Central Library TO: BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949)717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director TITLE: Report of January Library Activities – February 26, 2024 Meeting 23 24 Report of January Library Activities February 26, 2024 Page 2 REBECCA LIGHTFOOT, LIBRARY SERVICES MANAGER Literacy Literacy Coordinator Gabriela Leman attended the Southern California Library Literacy Network (SCLLN) meeting and networked with literacy coordinators from across Southern California. Literacy Coordinator Leman and a tutor/learner pair contributed to a Daily Pilot article on Project Adult Literacy. Literacy staff attended trainings for America Learns, a new database software Literacy will be utilizing. America Learns will help streamline the reporting process required by the California State Library and allow tutors and volunteers to report their hours in an easier environment. Programming In January, the Library hosted a Storytellers Writing Workshop 3-part series. It was successful, as always, with many of the participants starting a writing group together to continue to encourage each other. We were able to accommodate a few patrons from the waitlist to join the class last minute. Sunday Musicale in January featured West Coast Wind Quintet., The performance was well received with 223 in attendance. Thankfully, with no rain and a beautiful day, the Bamboo Courtyard was available for overflow. The Quintet’s program featured all living composers, with the exception of one piece. One of the composers actually attended the program and spoke a few words, which added nicely to the performance. Training Staff continues to utilize online access to the Vulnerable Populations trainings. January’s live training featured guest speaker Karen Romero, Director of Training for Freedom Network, USA, the nation’s largest alliance of organizations and individual advocates working with survivors of all forms of human trafficking. Mobile App Library staff and City IT identified a vendor for our new mobile app and have been working on an implementation timeline. ANNIKA HELMUTH, BRANCH AND YOUTH SERVICES COORDINATOR Branch Activities Corona del Mar Branch (CdM) hosted a variety of programs and activities for children of all ages throughout the month. On Friday, January 12, CdM held their annual Stuffed Annual Sleepover. Twenty- two children dropped off their stuffed animal to spend the night at the Library. Families were able to see what their stuffies were up to by following along on Instagram that evening. In January, Balboa Branch (Balboa) launched a new weekly program, Toy Train Thursdays. Offered weekly at the Branch, Toy Train Thursdays is a creative building program where the Library supplies wooden trains, tracks, and other building pieces. Starting strong, Balboa’s first toy train program was a joy thanks to a surprise visit from a Station #1 Fire Captain, who stopped by with fire hats for all. At the January Board of Library Trustees meeting, Public Works presented a first look at the upcoming Branch Replacement Project. 24 25 Report of January Library Activities February 26, 2024 Page 3 Mariners Branch (Mariners) storytimes moved indoors and were very popular in January, with many new faces visiting for the first time. Ongoing weekly LEGO Block Parties remain well attended, and a penguin themed-craft program offered afterschool fun for families. Also this month, Brooke Pauley joined the Mariners reference staff as a part-time Library Assistant. Youth Services Storytimes and afterschool programs returned January 8, after a two-week holiday-season break. The Bookshelf Scavenger Hunt, held during the break at the Central Library and Mariners Branch, was a success with over 315 participants. Participants had fun looking for books and earning prizes. During monthly youth programs like the scavenger hunt and storytimes, staff often have a chance to engage with patrons and hear feedback. A guest comment received during such an interaction complimented staff for such wonderful programs and “noted that the high-quality programs created by staff really make our library special.” Youth Services held an all-staff Summer Reading Program planning meeting late in January to discuss programs, performers, prizes, and outreach. Programs In January, Youth Services welcomed Percy Jackson and mythology fans to our Percy Jackson Party at the Central Library. The party included a shield decorating station, complete with instructions on how to write your name in Ancient Greek; a photo op with some Greek mythology props; a Pin the Eye on the Cyclops game; a Feed the Cerberus cornhole game; and a scavenger hunt to find Zeus' master bolt. This fun event was an exciting adventure for all 53 participants. The Central Library also hosted Family BINGO. Participants enjoyed family time with a chance to win prizes. Participating families made note to tell staff what a great time they had at the event. Class Visits On Friday, January 12, Youth Services staff welcomed a Brownie Troop of second through fourth grade students for a field trip to the Central Library. The visit included a discussion of library rules, a storytime, and a tour of the children's area. The troop finished with a scavenger hunt. Many of the students stayed with their families after the visit to continue looking for books and play with younger siblings in the play area. On Wednesday, January 17, approximately 75 enthusiastic first graders from Newport Coast Elementary visited the Central Library for a tour of the children’s room along with their teachers and parent chaperones. A very inquisitive group, they asked well thought-out questions and were especially fascinated by this “behind the scenes” feature of the tour. Each student also received a bag with a Pete the Cat easy reader and bookmark enclosed, a generous gift from the Friends of the Library. Outreach Youth Services staff was invited to speak at the Newport Coast Elementary Parent Teacher Association’s January meeting. Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth presented on the Library’s resources for elementary students, provided tips for searching by Accelerated Reader reading levels, and discussed the Library’s Summer Reading Program. Approximately 25 parents attended, and staff issued seven library cards. 25 26 Report of January Library Activities February 26, 2024 Page 4 Training Several Youth Services staff participated in a webinar on the 5 Essentials for Inspiring Young Learners with the Science of Reading. This online seminar reviewed the principles of the Science of Reading; discussed best practices; and provided research-based guidance for supporting young children’s language development and literacy learning. Mariners Branch Librarian Alex Johnkins attended a webinar highlighting best practices for helping autistic patrons. On January 18, Youth Services staff attended the Orange County Performers Showcase. The showcase gives librarians and library staff an opportunity to preview new talent, learn about new shows and get contact information for performers. It is an important event that typically provides the Library with contacts for many of the Summer Reading Program and school-year performers. ANDREW KACHATURIAN, CIRCULATION AND TECHNICAL PROCESSING COORDINATOR Staffing There are currently four part-time Library Clerk vacancies, with one candidate in background. There are an additional five vacant Library Page positions, with one candidate in background. Interviews are ongoing to fill the remaining positions. Facilities The City has started an RFP process to provide HVAC services to both the Central Library and Mariners Branch. Bids will be reviewed in February. The Corona del Mar and Balboa branches are under other service contracts and are unaffected. The public elevator at the Central Library is currently out of service awaiting repair. A secondary elevator remains available to the public. Library and City staff are working with the vendor to complete the repair as soon as possible. ERIN SPIVEY, ADULT SERVICES COORDINATOR Outreach On Monday, January 22, Mariners Branch Librarian Alex Johnkins and Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth presented to approximately 20 teachers from the English Department at Corona del Mar Middle and High School. Together they reviewed Teen Services, including volunteer opportunities, college prep workshops, and the process for getting a library card. Alex also discussed the Library's online student recourses highlighting ProQuest, Opposing Viewpoints, Literature Resource Center, and CultureGrams and answering questions throughout. At the end of the presentation, 11 library cards were issued. Teens The Young Adult Advisory Council (YAAC) meeting for January had 12 Teens in attendance. Teens discussed possible programming for the group, including talking about Adulting 101, with the theme of cooking for the next meeting. Staff discussed with the Teens to see which, if any, computer applications they would like to see in the library. Some local schools recently stopped providing Photoshop to their students and the teens were excited to learn that NBPL offered it in the Media Lab. The teens mentioned they would be interested in having DJ software and/or DJ technology as well as CapCut video editing program. 26 27 Report of January Library Activities February 26, 2024 Page 5 Teens also participated in a program called "Valentine's Day Cards for Seniors", in partnership with Moore's Law and the Council on Aging. These handmade valentine's day cards are distributed to senior living facilities in Orange County. The teens crafted a total of 21 cards for seniors who might not have family support during this holiday. Also, in the spirit of the holiday, the teens selected titles for a YA Romance book display in the Teen Center. Programming Summer Reading Program planning is kicking off. Reference Librarian Laurie Sanders and Corona del Mar Branch Librarian Nadia Dallstream held their initial planning meeting for the Adult Summer Reading Program. The program will continue the practice of requiring participants to submit reviews in order to enter the prize drawings. Staff is looking at ways to conduct more interactive elements for adult participants. Library Assistant Danielle Yang met with Children’s Librarian Christine Lefter to discuss the Teen Summer Reading Program. They also discussed potential teen programs to tie into the Central Library’s 30th Anniversary plan. Programming for the 30th Anniversary is ongoing. Staff is meeting regularly to discuss both active and passive programs, as well as tie-ins for social media, web displays and more. We are looking forward to hosting an open house for the occasion on July 13. More information about the event will be forthcoming in the next few months. Training Library Assistant Janine McFarlin attended a training on data management and use. Library Assistant Chris Hennigan participated in a training about passport pictures for his work as a passport agent. Reference Librarian Laurie Sanders took two very different trainings: one on Canva 2.0 for Libraries and the other on Talking Mental Health and Addressing Challenges at Work (Without Accidentally Discriminating) from Niche Academy. Reference Librarian Jeremy Rodriques spent time completing various training for supervision and management. 27 28 28 29 City of Newport Beach Witte Hall NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ROBERT COFFEE + ASSOCIATES AMG & ASSOCIATES | GRIFFIN STRUCTURES SITE A MENITIES M odern audio visual system Sophisticated theater lighting Comfortable seating P ROJECT I NFORMATION CONSTRUCTION: Winter 2024 to Spring 2026 Construction Cost: $19,068,000 FUN FACTS: Funding - half of the total project cost will be paid by private donors Design - the design architect is an award winning Newport Beach based firm Inspiration - the curved roof takes its inspiration from sea- shells commonly found on our beaches The 54,000 SF Central Public Library was completed in 1994 and quickly became the most popular cultural facility in Newport Beach. Today it is recognized as one of California's finest libraries hosting over 1.2 million visitors annually. A 17,000 SF addition featuring various amenities was completed in 2013 linking the Central Library to City Hall. The Library Lecture Hall now Witte Hall project envisioned transforming the quality and character of Newport Beach, enhancing and adding to the existing exceptional programing and events. This is the City’s continued dedication to providing exceptional civic infrastructure and enriching the lives of all. Witte Hall is the culmination of years of planning for a state- of-the-art cultural facility / civic auditorium and a remarkable addition to the civic center campus. The Library Lecture Hall Design Committee selected Robert Coffee + Associates to design the state-of-the-art facility. The new facility will be 9,815 SF, seating for 299 and supported with sophisticated audio / visual technology. It resolves many issues limiting previous library events including inadequate size, inadequate accessibility and poorly supported technology. Witte Hall will be constructed directly adjacent to the Central Public Library in the northwestern corner of the library’s parking lot. When completed the community can take satisfaction in this dynamic architectural triumph serving the public for decades to come. PROJECT DETAILS P ROJECT C ONSTRUCTION TEAM 29 30 NEWS Empowerment opportunity: Adult learners improve English skills at Newport Beach Public Library Eun-jeung “EJ” Kang and instructor-tutor Ray Johnston, from left, practice using challenging words in sentences as part of the Project Adult Literacy program at the Newport Beach Public Library. (Don Leach / Staff Photographer) BY LILLY NGUYEN | STAFF WRITER FEB. 3, 2024 11:39 AM PT Eun-jeung Kang has aspirations of becoming a nurse’s assistant. Kang, an Irvine resident whose native language is Korean, said she took English classes at a local community college, but the lessons didn’t take. One of her friends suggested she look into Project Adult Literacy, a free program held at the Newport Beach Public Library that provides one-on-one tutoring and small-group classes to native English speakers with low literacy skills or those learning English as a second language. Kang is now one of about 80 “learners” in the Newport Beach program. 30 31 Project Adult Literacy started in 1986 with Carol Hazelwood, who has stepped back from the program in the last decade. Literacy coordinator Gabriela Leman said the project began with just one student and one tutor out of the comfort of Hazelwood’s house before she later applied for a state grant. “The rest was history,” Leman said. “The program was later incorporated into the Newport Beach Public Library, in 1988 and, since then, we’ve been serving the community.” Today, almost 40 years after the program started, Leman said it boasts a student population of 76 and about 60 tutors plus 10 volunteers. Leman said most of their volunteers come from Newport Beach, but students like Kang can come from everywhere. They just need to be able to participate once a week. “We have a whole orientation that learners are asked to come to, and they need to sign learning agreements where they commit to learning and working with a tutor for one hour a week for a year. Then, at the end of the year, they’re reassessed to see how their skills have improved,” Leman said. “There’s no one-size-fits-all approach and some learners need to work with their tutors more long-term. “We have some legacy learners that have been with the program for three to four years and some that have been with the program for 10 years because they just love the classes and are life-long learners who love meeting people that have the same goals and coming into the library to be a part of something bigger than themselves.” For Kang, a big reason she’s stayed is because she’s so satisfied with the classes that are made available cyclically by the program and the teachers. “The curriculum is very interesting. One class is on speaking, and another has a book club that’s exploring California [literature],” Kang said. “I love reading books.” She also likes the teachers. She’s been working with her own tutor, Ray Johnston, every Thursday for up to four hours a week. Johnston said he’s been a tutor since 2018 and first came across the program when he was newly retired and looking for something to do with his free time. Before he retired, he owned a company that sold materials to contractors. Previously he managed a bookstore on the UCLA campus for a number of years. He found Project Adult Literacy after an internet search. “It’s a community,” Johnston said. “There’s a sense of knowing other people, and there’s an opportunity to share some of the things about the language and the culture with someone else.” He said he’s worked with about 30 learners and that Kang is his primary learner right now. During the pandemic he taught the program’s courses and worked with people online in groups of five to six. Many of his learners are women, and the books they read tend to be by successful women like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Michelle Obama and Melinda Gates. “[Project Adult Literacy] gives them some content as a social experience. They’ll meet other people in the class, and it’s a chance to practice their English with them. There’s an aspect of the culture that they learn, whether it’s in conversation, dealing with the DMV or financial things that people need to know,” he said. He’s found feedback to be generally positive from those that he’s tutored, describing the program as a “stepping stone for them to join the larger community, getting a job or attending to a specific career objective.” 31 32 Eun-jeung “EJ” Kang and instructor-tutor Ray Johnston stand inside the Literacy Room at the Newport Beach Public Library. Project Adult Literacy has been going since 1986. (Don Leach / Staff Photographer) Leman said the program caters to a number of international learners who may be conversational in English but may not be able to read or write. They receive many referrals, Leman said. There does not seem to be any stigma attached to signing up for the program, she said. Rather, potential students might have concerns about how they are perceived in daily life because of their lack of English literacy. The program is competitive and funded not only by the state but also by the city and local businesses and sponsors. “There is that lack of confidence. Our program does a great job of building them up where they can get jobs and have the confidence to talk to their children’s teachers about challenges … and wouldn’t have had that ability before,” she said. “Getting a job, being a citizen, going to school, communicating with educators — overall, our mission, and I’m reading our mission statement, is to empower adults to achieve greater success in their lives through literacy skill development.” Lilly Nguyen Lilly Nguyen covers Newport Beach for the Daily Pilot. Before joining the Pilot, she worked for the Orange County Register as a freelance reporter and general assignment intern. She earned her bachelor’s in journalism at Cal State Long Beach. (714) 966-4623. 32 33 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 Tracked by #searches A to Z Databases 1740 1695 1229 2435 1137 878 864 9978 Alexander Street **********82 37 119 Ancestry 976 937 881 451 789 91 183 4308 AskART 55 22 71 17 18 9 17 209 Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow 82 48 43 21 37 20 21 272 Britannica School Edition 23 4 126 613 50 357 49 1222 Exploring Race in Society 2 0 14 7 2 0 10 35 Gale Archives Unbound 1977 7446 1971 2410 7450 2190 3506 26950 Gale Directory Library 17 2 0 77 9 17 5 127 Gale in Context: Biography 9 7 21 64 18 4 23 146 Gale in Context: Elementary 10 23 10 30 12 5 2 92 Gale in Context: Environmental ***12 21 1 8 42 Gale in Context: Opposing View 8 1 33 54 1078 76 129 1379 Gale Interactive: Science ***1 0 0 2 3 Gale Literature Resource Center 8 2 14 53 15 8 42 142 Gale Virtual Reference Library 46 28 12 33 209 21 33 382 HeritageQuest 224 241 140 92 233 95 118 1143 Legal Information Ref Center 72 65 25 28 33 23 75 321 National Geographic 24 14 62 38 28 21 32 219 National Geographic Kids 23 13 45 53 21 3 17 175 NewsBank 1292 1211 1634 1190 1092 1084 1992 9495 NoveList Plus 48 84 37 423 225 112 65 994 NoveList K-8 Plus 22 44 22 72 36 0 8 204 ProQuest 2587 2605 2748 3262 3259 3073 5157 22691 Proquest eLibrary 2 4 1 7 1 0 18 33 Reference Solutions Business 1883 614 389 481 337 159 202 4065 Reference Solutions Residential 91 32 34 866 19 156 14 1212 SIRS Discoverer 0 3 15 260 454 0 83 815 SIRS Issues Researcher 192 3 4 675 2331 1692 5034 9931 World Book Online 4 8 99 225 49 6 11 402 Tracked by #page views Artist Works 4 3 3 1 6 5 3 25 Consumer Reports 3496 2508 2216 2099 3030 2099 3005 18453 CultureGrams 26 45 22 224 30 34 32 413 Morningstar 5899 5543 3825 4267 4883 4093 3998 32508 RealQuest 11 0 403 5 2 0 0 421 Tumblebooks 12 24 16 89 19 13 5 178 Value Line 13295 11823 13609 15082 16193 12548 9703 92253 Tracked by courses LinkedIn Learning 349 190 200 235 162 151 264 1551 Tracked by books logged Beanstack 10374 4111 3584 3762 3903 1765 3535 31034 Tracked by Hours Used ABC Mouse 27.68 30.40 18.77 20.53 25.83 43.01 56.18 222.40 Beanstack 4603 199 103 153 142 119 129 5448 Rosetta Stone 16.12 47.18 23.15 37.60 24.80 17.23 25.51 191.59 Notes: * Began October 2023** Began December 2023 Database FY Comparisons YTD 23/24 Proquest Articles Retrieved 2023-2024 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun AVG. Business Databases 1322 943 1235 1568 1498 1756 2099 1489 Newspapers--Current 656 1022 919 941 580 805 1578 929 Newspapers--Historical 1966 3410 1962 2116 2144 2078 1914 2227 Magazines 19 22 12 36 49 1646 38 260 33 34 NBPL Website Usage 2023-24 Metric Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Total Users 23559 23192 20322 20852 19689 19396 22873 21412 149883 New Users 22806 22634 19381 19876 18796 18098 21385 20425 142976 Sessions 44852 41809 38321 39420 36151 35900 43569 40003 280022 Pageviews 97997 72390 67543 67569 62349 57142 74055 71292 499045 Sessions Per User 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -- Pages Per Session 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -- Avg. Session Dur. (min)3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 -- Bounce Rate (%)54 58 56 58 57 60 58 57 -- Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Total Data Transferred (GB) 2023-24 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 240 157 342 257 478 206 503 312 2182 CdM 220 242 144 153 108 124 175 167 1166 Mariners 1710 1500 1660 1900 1830 2810 2380 1970 13790 Central 11410 12170 12450 11900 10690 10040 11170 11404 79830 Total 13580 14069 14596 14210 13106 13180 14228 13853 96968 Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Total Unique Patrons 2023-24 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 518 445 401 377 331 333 284 384 2689 CdM 470 449 392 409 330 322 321 385 2693 Mariners 1575 1578 1679 1789 1541 1279 1267 1530 10708 Central 8775 9524 9451 9593 8811 8795 8136 9012 63085 Total 11338 11996 11923 12168 11013 10729 10008 11311 79175 Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Average Number of Patrons Per Day 2023-24 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 44 41 40 37 33 31 31 37 257 CdM 30 30 26 25 21 21 22 25 175 Mariners 124 125 139 151 128 109 112 127 888 Central 654 661 651 684 604 583 563 629 4400 Total 852 857 856 897 786 744 728 817 5720 Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Average Usage Per Patron (MB) 2023-24 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 474 361 874 698 1440 632 1770 893 6249 CdM 480 552 376 382 336 394 558 440 3077 Mariners 1110 999 1010 1090 1210 2250 1920 1370 9589 Central 1330 1310 1350 1270 1240 1170 1410 1297 9080 Total 3394 3222 3610 3440 4226 4446 5658 3999 2799534 35 JAN 24 YTD 23/24 YTD 22/23 BALBOA 2,587 15,977 18,589 CdM 3,384 25,946 21,440 MARINERS 21,196 148,807 145,286 CENTRAL 52,585 373,917 394,632 eBooks 8,207 54,535 50,538 eMagazines 6,165 31,016 14,272 eAudiobooks 7,026 44,614 41,842 Streaming Films 3,494 14,975 5,010 TOTAL 104,644 709,787 691,609 FEB 23 89,534 MAR 23 102,817 APR 23 94,662 MAY 23 96,156 JUN 23 98,173 JUL 23 104,890 AUG 23 102,859 SEP 23 100,092 OCT 23 102,739 NOV 23 98,850 DEC 23 95,713 JAN 24 104,644 TOTAL 1,191,129 12 Month Comparison NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - JANUARY 2024 CIRCULATION BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL eBooks eMagazines eAudiobooks Streaming Films 85,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 105,000 110,000 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 JUN 23 JUL 23 AUG 23 SEP 23 OCT 23 NOV 23 DEC 23 JAN 24 1,598,265 1,610,818 1,529,391 1,464,640 1,424,594 1,376,041 1,084,526 1,043,629 1,195,151 1,172,951 1,000,000 1,125,000 1,250,000 1,375,000 1,500,000 1,625,000 1,750,000 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 CIRCULATION 35 36 JAN 24 YTD 23/24 YTD 22/23 BALBOA 360 2,629 2,306 CdM 496 3,983 4,638 MARINERS 2,017 13,862 12,482 CENTRAL 6,938 44,734 41,579 TOTAL 9,811 65,208 61,005 12 Month Comparison FEB 23 8,486 MAR 23 10,508 APR 23 8,626 MAY 23 8,917 JUN 23 10,700 JUL 23 10,933 AUG 23 10,069 SEP 23 9,437 OCT 23 8,929 NOV 23 8,384 DEC 23 7,645 JAN 24 9,811 TOTAL 112,445 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - JANUARY 2024 REFERENCE BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL 6,500 7,500 8,500 9,500 10,500 11,500 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 JUN 23 JUL 23 AUG 23 SEP 23 OCT 23 NOV 23 DEC 23 JAN 24 190,391 168,496 162,510 157,149 156,521 163,392 131,445 78,088 105,958 108,242 70,000 90,000 110,000 130,000 150,000 170,000 190,000 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 REFERENCE 36 37 JAN 24 YTD 23/24 YTD 22/23 BALBOA 2,053 14,364 14,527 CdM 2,818 21,347 18,116 MARINERS 20,864 93,261 79,674 CENTRAL 37,326 252,709 236,067 TOTAL 63,061 381,681 348,384 12 Month Comparison FEB 23 50,358 MAR 23 59,398 APR 23 59,010 MAY 23 53,465 JUN 23 52,680 JUL 23 55,882 AUG 23 56,811 SEP 23 54,320 OCT 23 56,154 NOV 23 48,061 DEC 23 47,392 JAN 24 63,061 TOTAL 656,592 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - JANUARY 2024 PATRONS SERVED BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL 45,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 JUN 23 JUL 23 AUG 23 SEP 23 OCT 23 NOV 23 DEC 23 JAN 24 1,399,841 1,256,238 1,209,719 1,102,106 1,158,344 935,953 636,072 145,463 512,178 623,295 100,000 300,000 500,000 700,000 900,000 1,100,000 1,300,000 1,500,000 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 PATRONS SERVED IN LIBRARY 37 38 JAN 24 YTD 23/24 YTD 22/23 BALBOA 277 1,409 917 CdM 1,153 6,548 4,692 MARINERS 1,642 7,965 5,611 CENTRAL 5,728 41,173 33,939 TOTAL 8,800 57,095 45,159 12 Month Comparison FEB 23 5,328 MAR 23 6,022 APR 23 6,001 MAY 23 8,113 JUN 23 7,670 JUL 23 9,541 AUG 23 3,725 SEP 23 9,851 OCT 23 10,526 NOV 23 7,448 DEC 23 7,204 JAN 24 8,800 TOTAL 90,229 PROGRAM ATTENDANCE NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - JANUARY 2024 BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 JUN 23 JUL 23 AUG 23 SEP 23 OCT 23 NOV 23 DEC 23 JAN 24 49,977 64,473 67,646 69,922 70,430 68,241 68,078 52,678 64,397 78,293 45,000 55,000 65,000 75,000 85,000 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 PROGRAM ATTENDANCE 38 39 LIBRARY EXPENDITURES FY 2023-24 (February 2, 2024) ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP REVISED BUDGET YTD EXPENDED MONTHLY EXPENDED AVAILABLE BUDGET I SALARY & BENEFITS SALARY FULL-TIME REGULAR 3,156,337 3,156,337 1,735,737 354,221 1,420,600 SALARY PART-TIME 1,279,860 1,324,256 504,028 94,873 820,228 BENEFITS 2,247,901 2,371,705 1,301,813 233,839 1,069,893 SALARY & BENEFITS TOTAL 6,684,098 6,852,299 3,541,578 682,933 3,310,721 II MAINT & OPERATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICE*207,488 207,488 129,688 53,929 77,800 UTILITIES 372,933 372,933 227,754 39,931 145,180 PROGRAMMING 2,000 5,800 2,584 64 3,216 SUPPLIES**82,800 83,146 47,010 11,889 36,136 LIBRARY MATERIALS 669,740 671,087 552,931 67,213 118,156 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 250,275 260,864 138,274 26,811 122,590 TRAINING AND TRAVEL 10,681 10,681 2,433 169 8,248 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES***24,202 25,920 14,211 4,357 11,709 PERIPHERALS & SOFTWARE 5,000 5,000 28 0 4,972 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 1,693,396 1,693,396 987,814 141,116 705,582 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,000 2,000 379 0 1,621 MAINT & OPERATION TOTAL 3,320,516 3,338,317 2,103,107 345,478 1,235,210 LIBRARY BUDGET TOTAL 10,004,613 10,190,616 5,644,685 1,028,412 4,545,931 *PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - INCLUDE OUTSIDE PRINTING, JANITORIAL, WINDOW SERVICE **INCLUDES OFFICE , PROCESSING AND JANITORIAL SUPPLIES ***INCLUDES, ADVERTISING, DUES, EVENT INSURANCE 39 40 Previous Agenda Date AGENDA ITEM Scheduled Agenda Date Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Feb 21, 2023 Feb 26, 2024 Feb 21, 2023 Feb 26, 2024 Mar 20, 2023 Mar 18, 2024 Apr 17, 2023 Apr 15, 2024 Apr 17, 2023 Apr 15, 2024 May 15, 2023 May 20, 2024 May 15, 2023 May 20, 2024 May 15, 2023 May 20, 2024 Jun 19, 2023 Jun 17, 2024 Jun 19, 2023 Jun 17, 2024 Jul 17, 2023 Jul 15, 2024 Jul 17, 2023 Jul 15, 2024 Aug 21, 2023 Aug 19, 2024 Aug 21, 2023 Aug 19, 2024 Sep 18, 2023 Sep 16, 2024 Oct 16, 2023 Oct 21, 2024 Oct 16, 2023 Oct 21, 2024 Dec 11, 2023 Dec 16, 2024 Jan 16, 2024 Jan 21, 2025 LAST REVIEWED POLICY REVIEW Feb 22, 2022 NBPL 3 Library Gift and Donor Policy Feb 26, 2024 Nov 15, 2021 NBPL 15 The Library Lecture Hall Feb 26, 2024 Jul 18, 2022 CC I-1 Library Services Policy (Council Policy I -1)Jul 15, 2024 Sep 19, 2022 NBPL 9 Expressive Use Areas Sep 16, 2024 Nov 21, 2022 NBPL 6 Media Lab Use Policy Nov 18, 2024 Nov 21, 2022 NBPL 7 Sound Lab Use Policy Nov 18, 2024 Jan 17, 2023 NBPL 12 Circulation Policy Jan 21, 2025 Jan 17, 2023 NBPL 5 Internet Use Policy Jan 21, 2025 Jan 17, 2023 NBPL 11 Rules for Acceptable Use of Wireless Internet Connections Jan 21, 2025 Feb 21, 2023 NBPL 8 Display and Distribution of Materials Policy Feb 18, 2025 Apr 17, 2023 NBPL 1 Library Use Policy Apr 21, 2025 Apr 17, 2023 NBPL 13 Study Rooms/Charles Sword Meeting Room Policy Apr 21, 2025 Jun 19, 2023 NBPL 4 Children in the Library Policy Jun 16, 2025 Aug 21, 2023 NBPL 14 The Friends Meeting Room Aug 18, 2025 Dec 11, 2023 NBPL 10 Laptop Borrowing Policy Dec 15, 2025 Jan 16, 2024 NBPL 2 Collection Development Policy Jan 20, 2026 Literacy Program Update Information Technology Update Adult and Reference Services Update Branch Update - Mariners Review Holidays / Meeting Schedule Annual Budget - Approval Newport Beach Public Library eBranch, Database and Downloadable Services Review Performance Review of Library Services Director (Closed Session) Policy Review (See List Below) Branch Update - Balboa Library Material Selection Marketing Update & Social Networking Update Media Lab Update Proposed Library Closures for Winter Holidays Youth Services Update Election of Board of Library Trustees Officers/Trustee Liaisons BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES MONITORING LIST Lecture Hall Update Balboa Branch Replacement Update Annual Budget - Preliminary Review Branch Update - CDM Arts & Cultural Update Financial Report Comparison of Beginning Budget to End of the Year Amended Budget 40 41 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES STAFF REPORT February 26, 2024 Agenda Item No. 7 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Library Trustees rescind and terminate Library Policy NBPL 15, Library Lecture Hall, as the facility will be under City management and not guided by Library policy. DISCUSSION: At the January 9, 2024 regular City Council Meeting, City Council approved a Third Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation relating to the Lecture Hall. Significant changes to the MOU included project costs, financial commitment and timing of payment, controls on spending, fundraising and future operation costs, and City facility/priority of use. The City Council approved MOU changes regarding the City facility, and priority of use specify that the Lecture Hall shall be owned and controlled by the City. Whereas previously, the use of the Lecture Hall building was governed by Board of Trustees Library Policy NBPL 15, Library Lecture Hall, the City instead will manage scheduling and use of the facility. This amendment nullifies existing Library Policy NBPL 15. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the Board of Library Trustees considers the item). ATTACHMENT A: Library Policy NBPL 15, Library Lecture Hall TO: BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949)717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director TITLE: Library Lecture Hall Policy (NBPL 15) 41 42 1 NBPL 15 The Library Lecture Hall Background The auditorium at the Newport Beach Central Library is known as the Library Lecture Hall (“LLH”). The Library Board of Trustees and the Library Services Department administer the Library and the LLH. The LLH is an important source of meeting space for Library, Library-related, Library-affiliated, City of Newport Beach (“City”) and outside lectures, programs, and activities. It is not unusual for Library and City officers and employees to have a need to use the LLH for Library and City business on short notice. Moreover, use of the LLH takes Library staff away from their normal duties and, if uncontrolled, can interfere with the public’s use and enjoyment of the Library. Applicability Except as otherwise specifically provided to the contrary herein, this Policy shall not apply to First Priority and Second Priority uses (as defined below) of the LLH as provided below, although the users of such Priorities are required to complete in advance an Application For Use form for such uses. So long as they complete and file in advance the Application For Use form, such users shall be entitled to use the LLH with the permission of and subject to confirming availability with the Library Services Director. Moreover, it shall be permissible for such users to place an advance hold on recurring regularly scheduled dates of use by such users, e.g., the first Thursday morning of each month at 7:30 AM. Purpose The purpose of this Policy is to establish: A.Procedures for processing and approving or disapproving requests from applicable groups or organizations for permission to use the LLH; B.Priorities as set forth below for the use of the LLH and to resolve any conflict related to requests for use; and C.Standards and criteria for the use of the LLH to insure there is no significant impact on the workload of staff. Priorities of Use The mission of the Library is to be the cultural, educational, and informational heart of Newport Beach (the “Library Mission”). Subject to the Library Mission, to this Policy, and to all related terms and conditions, the LLH is available for use as provided herein. The fact that a group or organization is granted permission to use the LLH in no way constitutes endorsement of the policies or beliefs of that organization by the Library or the City. Even following an advance reservation pursuant to a completed Application For Use, NBPL has a right to preempt any event for a Library or Library- related event; in such rare instances, Library will use its reasonable efforts to assist the group in reserving another date for use of the LLH. The numerical listing below a particular Priority (e.g., ATTACHMENT A 42 43 2 First Priority) shall indicate the preference or priority within the stated Priority, e.g., First Priority A.1. shall have preference over First Priority A.2. A.FIRST PRIORITY 1.The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation (the “Foundation”) and, thereafter, other NBPL support groups including but not limited to The Friends of the Library and Project Adult Literacy. 2.Any official Library sponsored, co-sponsored, and/or conducted programs and activities that are directly related to the Library Mission and the Library’s functions and purposes. 3.Official business of the City of Newport Beach, including, but not limited to, City-sponsored, co-sponsored, and/or conducted programs B.SECOND PRIORITY 1.Any meeting or activity of (i) the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, (ii) the Corona Del Mar Chamber of Commerce, (iii) Speak Up Newport, or (iv) any other local non-profit organization or entity which organization or entity is based in or around the City and whose meeting or activity is primarily and substantively designed to educate and inform the local community on current issues. With respect to subsection (iv), the Director shall have the discretion to determine whether an organization or entity meets the qualifications set forth in subsection (iv) and whether a meeting or activity meets the qualifications set forth in subsection (iv). 2.Any meeting or activity by local non-profit organizations or entities which organizations or entities are based in or around the City. The Director shall determine whether an organization or entity qualifies as a local non-profit organization or entity for purposes of Second Priority status. C.THIRD PRIORITY Use of the LLH may be granted by the Library Services Director to those persons, organizations, or entities listed below on a first come, first serve basis: 1.Sponsored educational or informational programs and activities of state or local public agencies such as local public schools or public districts. 2.Recreational, social, or civic organizations and/or groups that are promoted and sponsored by City residents or City non-profit organizations that are open to the public and have fifty percent (50%) or more of their memberships held by Newport Beach residents. 3.Recreational, social, or civic organizations and/or groups that are non-resident and are promoted and sponsored by non-profit organizations that are open to the public but do not qualify under C.2. above. 4.Schools, colleges, hospitals, or other similar groups not qualifying under the definition of non-profit. Non-profit status is defined as an organization that is so defined by the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c) and has a State of California Tax Identification Number. D.FOURTH PRIORITY All other outside organizations, municipal agencies, individuals, and groups have Fourth Priority on all dates, and may reserve events on a first come, first serve basis under the terms, provisions, and documents required hereunder. All Fourth Priority users shall enter into an Agreement Regarding Use Of Library Lecture Hall For Outside Events (“Outside Events Contract”) in form and content as the Director may specify from time to time, which Outside Events Contract shall include the Rules and Regulations (First Addendum to Outside Events Contract) in form and content as the Director may specify from time to time. 43 44 3 Procedure All persons, groups or entities seeking permission to use the LLH (“applicant”) shall submit an Application For Use on the form provided by the Department. The applicant shall provide all information requested in the application and such additional information as may be required by the Library Services Director to enable the Director to determine if use by the applicant will comply with this Policy. Applications shall not be considered complete unless accompanied by required fees, proof of insurance, and any additional requested information to the extent applicable. No person, group or entity shall be entitled to use of the LLH unless their application has been approved by the Library Services Director or the Director’s designee. If an applicant fails to comply with the standard conditions of use or any special conditions imposed by the Director, no additional application by that applicant shall be considered for a one-year period following such failure. Standard Conditions of Use Applicable to Third Priority and Fourth Priority Users These standard conditions of use shall be and are applicable to Third Priority and Fourth Priority users only; with the exception of standard conditions B, D, and F, the standard conditions are not applicable to First Priority and Second Priority users; provided, however, other than in the case of the Foundation, the Director shall have the discretion to impose one or more such other standard conditions on First Priority and Second Priority users. An Application For Use of the LLH may be approved subject to the Third Priority User’s and the Fourth Priority User’s compliance with the following standard conditions of use and other conditions of use as may be imposed by the Library Services Director: A. The use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited unless expressly approved in writing by the Library Services Director and subject to the approval of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. B. Smoking, vaping of any kind, and other use of tobacco or similar products is prohibited in the LLH and the entire Library campus, including restrooms and all common areas. C. At least one (1) adult shall be present in the LLH when minors are in attendance. D. No person shall interfere with the normal use and activities of the Library by way of noise, disturbance, or other activity. E. Meetings or activities conducted in the LLH may not be advertised or promoted as City or Library sponsored activities unless approved in advance by the Library Services Director. All materials used for advertising or announcing a meeting or activity to be conducted in the LLH shall be submitted to the Library Services Director at least ten (10) days prior to the use for the sole purpose of determining if the materials comply with this condition. The Library Services Director shall notify the permittee of the Director’s determination that the materials comply or do not comply with the condition within three business days after submittal. F. Attendance for events or activities in the LLH shall not exceed Newport Beach Fire Department occupancy requirements. G. Use of the LLH is limited from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday through Saturday, and 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays, unless expressly approved in writing in advance by the Library Services Director. H. The provision of insurance should be general liability, naming the Library and City and their officers, agents, officials, employees, and volunteers as additional insureds, providing 44 45 4 coverage in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 for any claim, loss, injury, damage, or other casualty that is in any way related to the use and/or occupancy of the LLH by the permittee authorized to use the LLH pursuant to this Policy. I. The permittee agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Library and the City and their officers and employees with respect to any claim, loss, or injury that arises out of, or is in any way related to permittee’s use and occupancy of the LLH. J. Applications for reservations must be made no more than 90 days in advance and not more than once every 90 days. Fees, Deposits and Cancellation Procedures Fees may be charged for the use of the LLH. Fees shall be established by Resolution of and periodically adjusted by the Board of Library Trustees subject to approval of the City Council. Fees shall include an amount necessary to defray the costs associated with the administration of this Policy and the maintenance and repair associated with the use of the LLH. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the Director may impose fees and other charges on the First Priority Users and the Second Priority Users; provided, however, in the case of the Foundation, such fees and other charges shall be agreed upon in advance in writing by the Director and the Foundation. Use Subject to Recorded Declaration of Special Land Use Restrictions Use of the LLH shall at all times be subject to that certain Declaration of Special Land Use Restrictions, Right of First Refusal, Mortgage Lien and Option to Repurchase recorded May 8, 1992 as Instrument No. 92-304757 in the Official Records of Orange County, California, as modified by that certain amendment recorded November 24, 2010 as Instrument No. 2010-634195 and as further amended by that certain amendment (the “Second Amendment”) recorded December 5, 2019 as Instrument No. 2019000509265 (all such recorded documents are referred to collectively as the “Declaration”). The Second Amendment (which as indicated is a part of the Declaration) specifically provides as follows: 1.2 Use of the Lecture Hall Declarant expressly agrees that the use of the Lecture Hall by Grantee [City of Newport Beach, a California municipal corporation] to conduct library, cultural, training, educational, informational, entertainment, civic and community focused programming as well as for programming of library support groups, such as the Friends of Newport Beach Public Library and the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation (collectively, the “Intended Use”), are uses commonly associated with public libraries, as described in Section 2.1(a) of the Declaration, and these uses do not compete with the retail and commercial facilities in the Center [Newport Center]. Grantee may from time to time allow, and charge reasonable fees for, such uses of the Lecture Hall, and such other uses of the Lecture Hall that Grantee determines in its reasonable discretion are complementary to the use of the Land as a free, public library and will not interfere with the use of the Land by Grantee’s library patrons and available parking for such library patrons; provided such other uses, in Declarant’s reasonable discretion, do not materially compete with the retail and commercial facilities in and around the Center, and in no event shall the Lecture Hall be used as a commercial banquet hall or conference center. 45 46 5 1.3 Parking The number of parking spaces on the Land and available for public use is currently 172. Such number of parking spaces available for public use shall not be reduced without the prior written consent of Declarant as described in Section 2.2(a) of the Declaration. Adopted by the Board of Library Trustees on November 15, 2021 Amended by the Board of Library Trustees on December 20, 2021 This Policy will be periodically reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees on the first to occur of (i) as circumstances may require or (ii) every two years from the date of adoption, last amendment, or last review. Adopted, last amended, or last reviewed on December 20, 2021. 46 47 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES STAFF REPORT February 26, 2024 Agenda Item No. 8 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of Library Trustees review and approve revisions to Library Policy NBPL 3, Gift and Donor Policy. DISCUSSION: Staff recommends one notable change to the Gift and Donor Policy. The current adopted policy recognizes gifts given directly to the Newport Beach Public Library, the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation, and the Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library. Staff recommends the Board of Library Trustees incorporate the monetary gifts received from PALS4pal, which is a 501(c)(3) organization that raises funds to help support the Library’s Project Adult Literacy program. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the Board of Library Trustees considers the item). ATTACHMENT A: Gift and Donor Policy (NBPL 3) – original ATTACHMENT B: Gift and Donor Policy (NBPL 3) – red-lined ATTACHMENT C: Gift and Donor Policy (NBPL 3) – final TO: BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949)717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director TITLE: Gift and Donor Policy (NBPL 3) 47 48 1 NBPL 3 Library Gift and Donor Policy The Newport Beach Public Library Board encourages and welcomes gifts and bequests to the Library. Gifts may be given to the Newport Beach Public Library, to the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation and/or to the Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library. It is the position of the Board of Library Trustees that gifts and bequests given to the Library shall be used to supplement those funds appropriated for use by the Library and shall not in any way supplant such funds appropriated for Library salaries and maintenance and operations of the Library. Foundation Gifts The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation (“Foundation”) is a 501(c) 3 institutionally related independent foundation. The Foundation solicits funds, conducts programs, and disburses grant monies for the benefit of the Newport Beach Public Library. All donors who contribute to the Foundation shall be recognized in a manner as designated by the Foundation. All service clubs, Parent Teacher Associations, schools, or other organizations who collectively donate $2,500 or more shall be recognized by the organizational name. Dedication opportunities exist for those donors who make gifts to specific areas of the Library. Gifts to fund specific collections or areas of the Library must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Library Trustees and be compatible with the Collection Development Policy (NBPL 2) of the Library. Items purchased for a specific subject will not be kept separately but will be integrated into the collection. Recognition of pledges to fund special collections or areas of the Library shall be based upon the total amount pledged. Donors of gifts of $5,000 or greater shall have no more than five (5) years to complete the pledge. If the pledge is not fulfilled, the Board of Library Trustees has the right to rescind recognition. Appropriate recognition of items will be given to donors at the discretion of the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation Board. Any modification to the foregoing dollar amounts and exception to this policy concerning gifts to the Foundation to fund specific collections or areas of the Library will require the express approval of the Newport Beach Library Board of Library Trustees. Donor Recognition Walls At the February 4, 2013 regular meeting, the Board of Library Trustees approved donor recognition walls within the Central Library. A donor recognition wall consists of a listing of the name of a person (or persons) or a company that contributed funds to a capital campaign or other major fundraising . The fundamental purposes of a donor recognition wall are to honor the major financial contributors of an organization, and to serve as an incentive for potential donors to contribute. The Foundation has established the funding level for each designated donor wall. The donor recognition walls within the Central Library, which are still available as of the date that this policy was last amended and are shown on the attached diagram, include the following locations: ATTACHMENT A 48 49 2 •Children's Activities Area ($500,000) •Media Center ($250,000) •Sound Lab ($75,000) •Media Lab ($100,000) •Grand Stairway ($500,000) •Second Floor Reading/Study Area (East Side) ($150,000) •Second Floor Self-Checkout Area ($200,000) At the February 4, 2013 regular meeting, the Board of Library Trustees also approved guidelines for the letter size and banner length of the donor recognition walls: •Children's Activities Area: 2.5" letters up to 13' banner length •Media Center: 2" letters up to 10' banner length •Sound Lab: 2" letters up to 5' banner length •Media Lab: 2” letters up to 8’ banner length •Grand Stairway: 3" letters up to 13' banner length •Second Floor Reading/Study Area (East Side): 2.5" letters up to 13' banner length •Second Floor Self-Checkout Area: 2" letters up to 8' banner length to be located above the video screen The Board further approved a guideline to limit the lettering on donor walls, with the exception of “Second Floor Reading/Study Area (West Side)”, which already serves as a donor recognition wall and is no longer available, to a single line. The design and content of donor recognition walls must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Library Trustees. Recognition will consist of stainless- steel lettering that adheres to the parameters approved by the Board of Library Trustees (size of letters and length of single line on wall). Donors shall have no control over the size, location, materials, or any other aspect of the recognition sign. Recognition shall be permanent unless a corresponding pledge is not fulfilled over five years. Additional names shall not be added to a named wall. If a pledge payment is not paid within 90 days following written notice to the most recent address provided to the Foundation, the Board of Library Trustees shall have the right to remove the name recognition. No payments made prior to that time shall be refundable in any event. If the pledge payment is due from an estate settlement, the estate shall have up to one year from the date of the pledge payment date to fulfill the pledge. In the event the area of the library with the donor's name is significantly renovated, demolished, or is no longer used for library purposes, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the Foundation and the Trustees will work with the donor, or the donor’s designee, successor or assigns to determine another appropriate form of recognition for the support provided by the Gift. In such case, any payments not yet paid by the donor shall no longer be due. Any modification to the foregoing dollar amounts or to the letter size and banner length, or any exception to this policy concerning donor recognition walls will require the express approval of the Board of Library Trustees. 49 50 3 Friends Gifts The Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library is an Internal Revenue Code § 501(c)(3) organization. The Friends accept donations of used books to be sold in the Friends Book Store. The disposition of donated books is determined by the Bookstore Manager. Other gifts offered to the Friends will be reviewed and considered for acceptance by the Friends Board. Recognition of donations shall be recommended by the Friends Board and considered for approval by the Board of Library Trustees. Library Gifts Gifts offered directly to the Library will be reviewed and considered for acceptance by the Board of Library Trustees. Gifts to the Library are also tax deductible. Recognition of donations by plaques, signage or other permanent display shall be approved by the Board of Library Trustees. Dedication opportunities exist for those donors who make gifts to specific areas of the Library on behalf of the Library. Gifts to fund specific collections or areas of the Library must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Library Trustees and be compatible with the Collection Development Policy (NBPL 2) of the Library. Items purchased for a specific subject will not be kept separately but will be integrated into the collection. All donations of gifts and property to the Newport Beach Public Library not covered by the Collection Development Policy (NBPL 2) must be approved by the Board of Library Trustees. The Board reserves the right to decide the time and place for display and use of any gift. The ultimate disposition of the gift lies within the sole province of the Board of Library Trustees. Adopted March 11, 1991 Amended October 28, 1991 Amended February 10, 1992 Amended January 24, 1994 Amended March 9, 1998 Reassigned April 8, 2003 Amended October 18, 2005 Amended October 10, 2006 Amended August 20, 2018 Amended January 21, 2020 Amended February 22, 2022 Formerly 0-8 Formerly 1-17 Formerly I-4 Formerly I-5 This Policy will be periodically reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees on the first to occur of (i) as circumstances may require or (ii) every two years from the date of adoption, last amendment, or last review. Adopted, last amended, or last reviewed on February 22, 2022. 50 51 1 NBPL 3 Library Gift and Donor Policy The Newport Beach Public Library Board of Library Trustees encourages and welcomes gifts and bequests to the Library. Gifts may be given to the Newport Beach Public Library, to the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation, and/or to the Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library, and/or to PALS4pal. It is the position of the Board of Library Trustees that gifts and bequests given to the Library shall be used to supplement those funds appropriated for use by the Library and shall not in any way supplant such funds appropriated for Library salaries and maintenance and operations of the Library. Foundation Gifts The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation (“Foundation”) is a 501(c) (3) institutionally related independent foundation. The Foundation solicits funds, conducts programs, and disburses grant monies for the benefit of the Newport Beach Public Library. All donors who contribute to the Foundation shall be recognized in a manner as designated by the Foundation. All service clubs, Parent Teacher Associations, schools, or other organizations who collectively donate $2,500 or more shall be recognized by the organizational name. Dedication opportunities exist for those donors who make gifts to specific areas of the Library. Gifts to fund specific collections or areas of the Library must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Library Trustees and be compatible with the Collection Development Policy (NBPL 2) of the Library. Items purchased for a specific subject will not be kept separately but will be integrated into the collection. Recognition of pledges to fund special collections or areas of the Library shall be based upon the total amount pledged. Donors of gifts of $5,000 or greater shall have no more than five (5) years to complete the pledge. If the pledge is not fulfilled, the Board of Library Trustees has the right to rescind recognition. Appropriate recognition of items will be given to donors at the discretion of the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation Board. Any modification to the foregoing dollar amounts and exception to this policy concerning gifts to the Foundation to fund specific collections or areas of the Library will require the express approval of the Newport Beach Library Board of Library Trustees. Donor Recognition Walls At the February 4, 2013 regular meeting, the Board of Library Trustees approved donor recognition walls within the Central Library. A donor recognition wall consists of a listing of the name of a person (or persons) or a company that contributed funds to a capital campaign or other major fundraising . The fundamental purposes of a donor recognition wall are to honor the major financial contributors of an organization, and to serve as an incentive for potential donors to contribute. The Foundation has established the funding level for each designated donor wall. The donor recognition walls within the Central Library, which are still available as of the date that this policy was last amended and are shown on the attached diagram, include the following locations: ATTACHMENT B 51 52 2 •Children's Activities Area ($500,000) •Media Center ($250,000) •Sound Lab ($75,000) •Media Lab ($100,000) •Grand Stairway ($500,000) •Second Floor Reading/Study Area (East Side) ($150,000) •Second Floor Self-Checkout Area ($200,000) At the February 4, 2013 regular meeting, the Board of Library Trustees also approved guidelines for the letter size and banner length of the donor recognition walls: •Children's Activities Area: 2.5" letters up to 13' banner length •Media Center: 2" letters up to 10' banner length •Sound Lab: 2" letters up to 5' banner length •Media Lab: 2” letters up to 8’ banner length •Grand Stairway: 3" letters up to 13' banner length •Second Floor Reading/Study Area (East Side): 2.5" letters up to 13' banner length •Second Floor Self-Checkout Area: 2" letters up to 8' banner length to be located above the video screen The Board further approved a guideline to limit the lettering on donor walls, with the exception of “Second Floor Reading/Study Area (West Side)”, which already serves as a donor recognition wall and is no longer available, to a single line. The design and content of donor recognition walls must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Library Trustees. Recognition will consist of stainless- steel lettering that adheres to the parameters approved by the Board of Library Trustees (size of letters and length of single line on wall). Donors shall have no control over the size, location, materials, or any other aspect of the recognition sign. Recognition shall be permanent unless a corresponding pledge is not fulfilled over five years. Additional names shall not be added to a named wall. If a pledge payment is not paid within 90 days following written notice to the most recent address provided to the Foundation, the Board of Library Trustees shall have the right to remove the name recognition. No payments made prior to that time shall be refundable in any event. If the pledge payment is due from an estate settlement, the estate shall have up to one year from the date of the pledge payment date to fulfill the pledge. In the event that the area of the library Library with the donor's name is significantly renovated, demolished, or is no longer used for library Library purposes, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the Foundation and the Trustees will work with the donor, or the donor’s designee, successor or assigns to determine another appropriate form of recognition for the support provided by the Gift. In such case, any payments not yet paid by the donor shall no longer be due. Any modification to the foregoing dollar amounts or to the letter size and banner length, or any exception to this policy concerning donor recognition walls will require the express approval of the Board of Library Trustees. Friends Gifts The Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library is an Internal Revenue Code § 501(c)(3) organization. 52 53 3 The Friends accept donations of used books to be sold in the Friends Book Store. The disposition of donated books is determined by the Bookstore Manager. Other gifts offered to the Friends will be reviewed and considered for acceptance by the Friends Board. Recognition of donations shall be recommended by the Friends Board and considered for approval by the Board of Library Trustees. Project Adult Literacy Gifts PALS4pal is a 501(c)(3) organization. Pals4PAL solicits funds and disburses monies for the benefit of Project Adult Literacy. PALS4pal acts as an advocate for Project Adult Literacy to help foster awareness of the program and raise funds to support adult literacy instruction. Library Gifts Gifts offered directly to the Library will be reviewed and considered for acceptance by the Board of Library Trustees. Gifts to the Library are also tax deductible. Recognition of donations by plaques, signage or other permanent display shall be approved by the Board of Library Trustees. Dedication opportunities exist for those donors who make gifts to specific areas of the Library on behalf of the Library. Gifts to fund specific collections or areas of the Library must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Library Trustees and be compatible with the Collection Development Policy (NBPL 2) of the Library. Items purchased for a specific subject will not be kept separately but will be integrated into the collection. All donations of gifts and property to the Newport Beach Public Library not covered by the Collection Development Policy (NBPL 2) must be approved by the Board of Library Trustees. The Board reserves the right to decide the time and place for display and use of any gift. The ultimate disposition of the gift lies within the sole province of the Board of Library Trustees. Adopted March 11, 1991 Amended October 28, 1991 Amended February 10, 1992 Amended January 24, 1994 Amended March 9, 1998 Reassigned April 8, 2003 Amended October 18, 2005 Amended October 10, 2006 Amended August 20, 2018 Amended January 21, 2020 Amended February 22, 2022 Amended February 26, 2024 Formerly 0-8 Formerly 1-17 Formerly I-4 Formerly I-5 This Policy will be periodically reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees on the first to occur of (i) as circumstances may require or (ii) every two years from the date of adoption, last amendment, or last review. Adopted, last amended, or last reviewed on February 22, 202226, 2024. 53 54 1 NBPL 3 Library Gift and Donor Policy The Newport Beach Public Library Board of Library Trustees encourages and welcomes gifts and bequests to the Library. Gifts may be given to the Newport Beach Public Library, to the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation, to the Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library, and/or to PALS4pal. It is the position of the Board of Library Trustees that gifts and bequests given to the Library shall be used to supplement those funds appropriated for use by the Library and shall not in any way supplant such funds appropriated for Library salaries and maintenance and operations of the Library. Foundation Gifts The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation (“Foundation”) is a 501(c)(3) institutionally related independent foundation. The Foundation solicits funds, conducts programs, and disburses grant monies for the benefit of the Newport Beach Public Library. All donors who contribute to the Foundation shall be recognized in a manner as designated by the Foundation. All service clubs, Parent Teacher Associations, schools, or other organizations who collectively donate $2,500 or more shall be recognized by the organizational name. Dedication opportunities exist for those donors who make gifts to specific areas of the Library. Gifts to fund specific collections or areas of the Library must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Library Trustees and be compatible with the Collection Development Policy (NBPL 2) of the Library. Items purchased for a specific subject will not be kept separately but will be integrated into the collection. Recognition of pledges to fund special collections or areas of the Library shall be based upon the total amount pledged. Donors of gifts of $5,000 or greater shall have no more than five (5) years to complete the pledge. If the pledge is not fulfilled, the Board of Library Trustees has the right to rescind recognition. Appropriate recognition of items will be given to donors at the discretion of the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation Board. Any modification to the foregoing dollar amounts and exception to this policy concerning gifts to the Foundation to fund specific collections or areas of the Library will require the express approval of the Newport Beach Library Board of Library Trustees. Donor Recognition Walls At the February 4, 2013 regular meeting, the Board of Library Trustees approved donor recognition walls within the Central Library. A donor recognition wall consists of a listing of the name of a person (or persons) or a company that contributed funds to a capital campaign or other major fundraising . The fundamental purposes of a donor recognition wall are to honor the major financial contributors of an organization, and to serve as an incentive for potential donors to contribute. The Foundation has established the funding level for each designated donor wall. The donor recognition walls within the Central Library, which are still available as of the date that this policy was last amended and are shown on the attached diagram, include the following locations: ATTACHMENT C 54 55 2 • Children's Activities Area ($500,000) • Media Center ($250,000) • Sound Lab ($75,000) • Media Lab ($100,000) • Grand Stairway ($500,000) • Second Floor Reading/Study Area (East Side) ($150,000) • Second Floor Self-Checkout Area ($200,000) At the February 4, 2013 regular meeting, the Board of Library Trustees also approved guidelines for the letter size and banner length of the donor recognition walls: • Children's Activities Area: 2.5" letters up to 13' banner length • Media Center: 2" letters up to 10' banner length • Sound Lab: 2" letters up to 5' banner length • Media Lab: 2” letters up to 8’ banner length • Grand Stairway: 3" letters up to 13' banner length • Second Floor Reading/Study Area (East Side): 2.5" letters up to 13' banner length • Second Floor Self-Checkout Area: 2" letters up to 8' banner length to be located above the video screen The Board further approved a guideline to limit the lettering on donor walls, with the exception of “Second Floor Reading/Study Area (West Side)”, which already serves as a donor recognition wall and is no longer available, to a single line. The design and content of donor recognition walls must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Library Trustees. Recognition will consist of stainless- steel lettering that adheres to the parameters approved by the Board of Library Trustees (size of letters and length of single line on wall). Donors shall have no control over the size, location, materials, or any other aspect of the recognition sign. Recognition shall be permanent unless a corresponding pledge is not fulfilled over five years. Additional names shall not be added to a named wall. If a pledge payment is not paid within 90 days following written notice to the most recent address provided to the Foundation, the Board of Library Trustees shall have the right to remove the name recognition. No payments made prior to that time shall be refundable in any event. If the pledge payment is due from an estate settlement, the estate shall have up to one year from the date of the pledge payment date to fulfill the pledge. In the event that the area of the Library with the donor's name is significantly renovated, demolished, or is no longer used for Library purposes, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the Foundation and the Trustees will work with the donor, or the donor’s designee, successor or assigns to determine another appropriate form of recognition for the support provided by the Gift. In such case, any payments not yet paid by the donor shall no longer be due. Any modification to the foregoing dollar amounts or to the letter size and banner length, or any exception to this policy concerning donor recognition walls will require the express approval of the Board of Library Trustees. Friends Gifts The Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library is an Internal Revenue Code § 501(c)(3) organization. 55 56 3 The Friends accept donations of used books to be sold in the Friends Book Store. The disposition of donated books is determined by the Bookstore Manager. Other gifts offered to the Friends will be reviewed and considered for acceptance by the Friends Board. Recognition of donations shall be recommended by the Friends Board and considered for approval by the Board of Library Trustees. Project Adult Literacy Gifts PALS4pal is a 501(c)(3) organization. Pals4PAL solicits funds and disburses monies for the benefit of Project Adult Literacy. PALS4pal acts as an advocate for Project Adult Literacy to help foster awareness of the program and raise funds to support adult literacy instruction. Library Gifts Gifts offered directly to the Library will be reviewed and considered for acceptance by the Board of Library Trustees. Gifts to the Library are also tax deductible. Recognition of donations by plaques, signage or other permanent display shall be approved by the Board of Library Trustees. Dedication opportunities exist for those donors who make gifts to specific areas of the Library on behalf of the Library. Gifts to fund specific collections or areas of the Library must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Library Trustees and be compatible with the Collection Development Policy (NBPL 2) of the Library. Items purchased for a specific subject will not be kept separately but will be integrated into the collection. All donations of gifts and property to the Newport Beach Public Library not covered by the Collection Development Policy (NBPL 2) must be approved by the Board of Library Trustees. The Board reserves the right to decide the time and place for display and use of any gift. The ultimate disposition of the gift lies within the sole province of the Board of Library Trustees. Adopted March 11, 1991 Amended October 28, 1991 Amended February 10, 1992 Amended January 24, 1994 Amended March 9, 1998 Reassigned April 8, 2003 Amended October 18, 2005 Amended October 10, 2006 Amended August 20, 2018 Amended January 21, 2020 Amended February 22, 2022 Amended February 26, 2024 Formerly 0-8 Formerly 1-17 Formerly I-4 Formerly I-5 This Policy will be periodically reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees on the first to occur of (i) as circumstances may require or (ii) every two years from the date of adoption, last amendment, or last review. Adopted, last amended, or last reviewed on February 26, 2024. 56 57 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES STAFF REPORT February 26, 2024 Agenda Item No. 9 RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests that the Board of Library Trustees review and approve the preliminary Library operating budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25. DISCUSSION: Section 708. Board of Library Trustees. Powers and Duties. There shall be a Board of Library Trustees consisting of five members which shall have the power and duty to: (c) Consider the annual budget for library purposes during the process of its preparation and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City Council and City Manager. In accordance with the above statement, staff has prepared the proposed FY 2024-25 operating budget for the Library Services Department. The Library met with Assistant City Managers Tara Finnigan and Seimone Jurjis on Tuesday, February 13, to review the following program enhancement requests. The Library requested additional funding of $70,000 for new staff chairs for Central and Mariners. The chairs are original to each building (1994 and 2006, respectively). They have experienced considerable wear and tear. Fully adjustable, ergonomic chairs help align posture and reduce back, neck, and hip pain. Good chairs improve blood circulation and boost productivity. Employees who have ergonomic chairs are healthier both physically and mentally, call out sick less often, and have increased morale. There were two requests for program enhancements for the Cultural Arts Division. The Library asked for an additional $37,000 for the Sculpture Exhibition. The Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park continues to be enjoyed and admired by residents and visitors on a daily basis. The rotational nature of the exhibition lets park visitors experience a variety of art pieces without the City having the expense and obligation of owning public art. Increased funding will support ongoing phases to contract out management of the call for entries, public art coordination, site management, and installation and deinstallation of the selected works. Funding will secure artist honorariums, which would serve as an incentive for a variety of accomplished artists to commit their pieces to a two-year loan while on exhibit. TO: BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949) 717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager TITLE: Annual Budget – Preliminary Review 57 58 Annual Budget – Preliminary Review February 26, 2024 Page 2 The Library also asked for $10,000 for Cultural Arts City Grants. The grants support local organizations in promoting culture and arts within the City. The grants specifically allow these organizations to present arts programming for City residents. Increased funding will permit the City Arts Commission to recommend to City Council at least one transformational grant award. In FY 2020-21 this budget was revised from $40,000 to $30,000, and this budget enhancement would restore funding to its previous level. Revenue projections for FY 2024-25 remain similar to the previous year. The Library anticipates service levels and patron patterns will continue on a similar trajectory as the current fiscal year. The Library will work with Finance regarding FY 2024-25 projected revenue for COPIES/PLANS/SPECS/MISC, in order to adjust, and account for, higher-than-expected received year-to-date revenues in this account. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the Board of Library Trustees considers the item). ATTACHMENT A: Proposed Budget FY 2024-25 ATTACHMENT B: Revenue Projection FY 2024-25 58 59 ATTACHMENT A PROPOSED BUDGET FY 2024-25 LIBRARY SERVICES ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FY 2024-25 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 2023-24 ORIGINAL APPROPRIATION I SALARY & BENEFITS SALARY FULL-TIME REGULAR 3,346,020 3,156,337 SALARY PART-TIME 1,419,780 1,279,860 BENEFITS 2,314,293 2,247,901 SALARY & BENEFITS TOTAL****7,080,094 6,684,098 II MAINT & OPERATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICE*215,453 207,488 UTILITIES 383,009 372,933 PROGRAMMING 2,000 2,000 SUPPLIES**82,800 82,800 LIBRARY MATERIALS 669,740 669,740 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 209,698 209,698 TRAINING AND TRAVEL 10,681 10,681 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES***(8,161)64,779 PERIPHERALS 5,000 5,000 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 1,696,396 1,693,396 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 72,000 2,000 MAINT & OPERATION TOTAL 3,338,617 3,320,516 LIBRARY BUDGET TOTAL ****10,418,710 10,004,613 *PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - INCLUDE OUTSIDE PRINTING, JANITORIAL, WINDOW SERVICE **INCLUDES OFFICE , PROCESSING AND JANITORIAL SUPPLIES ***INCLUDES, ADVERTISING, DUES, EVENT INSURANCE ****SALARY & BENEFITS UNAVAILABLE AT TIME OF REPORT 1 59 60 ATTACHMENT A PROPOSED BUDGET FY 2024-25 CULTURAL ARTS ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FY 2024-25 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 2023-24 ORIGINAL APPROPRIATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 194,300 157,300 CITY GRANTS 40,000 30,000 PROGRAMMING 60,500 60,500 MAINTENANCE 4,248 4,248 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 2,340 2,340 CULTURAL ARTS BUDGET TOTAL 301,388 254,388 2 60 61 ATTACHMENT B REVENUE PROJECTION FY 2024-25 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FY 2023-24 ORIGINAL FY 2023-24 ACTUAL FY 2024-25 PROJECTION CALIF LITERACY CAMPAIGN 0 43,022 0 COPIES/PLANS/SPECS/MISC 6,000 12,432 6,000 EXAM PROCTOR FEES 1,500 2,546 2,500 LIBRARY FINES 45,000 22,946 40,000 PASSPORT EXECUTION FEE 25,000 17,600 28,000 PASSPORT PHOTOS 10,000 9,260 12,000 PRIVATE DONATIONS/CONTRIBUTIONS 0 16,050 0 PRIVATE REFUNDS & REBATES 5,000 4,821 5,000 SALE OF MAPS & PUB 1,000 466 1,000 SLS GRANT FUND OC LIBRARY 0 4,516 0 VIDEOPLAN RENTAL 1,200 852 1,200 NOTARY SERVICES 200 30 100 LIBRARY ADMIN TOTAL 94,900 134,541 95,800 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY 0 200,000 0 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION 0 40,130 0 TOTAL AS OF FEBRUARY 7, 2024 374,671 61 62 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES STAFF REPORT February 26, 2024 Agenda Item No. 10 RECOMMENDATION: Staff will present the annual report on the activities of the Cultural Arts Division. DISCUSSION: The Cultural Arts Division of the Newport Beach Public Library, with guidance and support from the City Arts Commission, hosts a variety of programs and events that are culturally enriching for residents and visitors of Newport Beach. The City Arts Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to artistic, aesthetic, historical, and cultural aspects of the City. Cultural activities are ongoing throughout the year and include the coordination of revolving art exhibitions at Central Library, the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park, the annual Newport Beach Art Exhibition, Concerts on the Green, and a variety of arts lectures and special events. The division includes one staff member, Cultural Arts Assistant Camille Escareal-Garcia, who provides administrative assistance for the program. In 2023, Cultural Arts presented the following programming: Concerts on the Green Three concerts were held Summer 2023 with hundreds of residents and guests in attendance at each performance. Concerts took place on the Civic Center lawn. Attendees were able to purchase food from onsite food truck vendors. Children’s activities included face painting and balloon animal artists to round out the family-friendly events. Concert at Marina Park In October, residents and guests enjoyed the annual Concert at Marina Park which featured Tiffany Dennis and Cruise Control. Exhibits in the Central Library The City Arts Commission maintains exhibit space at the Central Library. The Lobby Gallery has approximately 38 feet of linear wall space designed for two-dimensional pieces of art. Additionally, artists TO: BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949)717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director TITLE: Arts and Culture Update 62 63 Arts and Culture Update February 26, 2024 Page 2 may apply to exhibit three-dimensional works in two display cabinets that were added to the Central Library display offerings in 2010. The City Arts Commission’s Art in Public Spaces Ad Hoc Subcommittee meets periodically to review artist's submissions for exhibition in the Central Library Lobby Gallery. Upon acceptance, exhibiting artists must agree to the conditions and requirements detailed in the City Council Policy I-11. Artists are booked to exhibit in the gallery space through 2024. Newport Beach Art Exhibition The City Arts Commission presents an annual juried art show, the Newport Beach Art Exhibition. Residents and guests attend the exhibition to view and purchase original paintings, photography, and sculptures created by regional artists. A portion of the proceeds from the one-day exhibit benefit Newport Beach arts programs. Following a three-year hiatus, the Cultural Arts Division saw the return of the 56th Annual Newport Beach Art Exhibition. The event featured 246 pieces of artwork by 143 artists, and attendees enjoyed the art show with live music, food, and activities throughout the day. Newport Beach Arts Foundation The Newport Beach Arts Foundation, a private non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization, has been dedicated to supporting cultural arts activities of the Newport Beach City Arts Commission. Their annual Art in the Park fine arts and artisans fair took place in September 2023. Residents and guests had the opportunity to view a myriad of artists who were exhibiting and selling their original art and fine crafts. Cultural Arts Grants Each year, the City of Newport Beach awards grants to arts organizations, enabling them to expand arts programs offered to the local community. The following arts organizations received Cultural Arts grants in 2023: •Backhausdance: $3,000 Backhausdance used their grant to present a dance education partnership program called Dance Expressions: Creativity and Choreography, which was held at two different schools in the Newport- Mesa School District. •Balboa Island Improvement Association: $3,000 The Balboa Island Improvement Association was granted funding for the Balboa Island Classical Concert Series, held at St. John Vianney Chapel and Balboa Park on Agate. •Baroque Music Festival: $5,000 The Baroque Music Festival used their grant funds to bring four vocal soloists from across the country to Newport Beach for the 43rd season finale, Grand Cantatas and More. Funds also facilitated workshops by Festival musicians at local schools. •Laguna Playhouse: $5,000 The Laguna Playhouse presented the Our Stories program, a series of two- to six-week theatrical and fine-art workshops for students in schools and youth centers/shelters in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. 63 64 Arts and Culture Update February 26, 2024 Page 3 •Pacific Chorale: $4,500 Pacific Chorale’s chamber choir presented three performances at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, featuring Monteverdi Vespers and Carols by Candlelight. •Pacific Symphony: $5,000 The Pacific Symphony used their grant to fund the Class Act Music Education (CAME) program for elementary school students. This program was offered at two schools in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, Andersen and Newport Coast Elementary Schools. •South Coast Repertory: $4,500 South Coast Repertory utilized the grant funds for the Theatre for Young Audiences free school-day matinee performances of Snow White for students. Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park The City Arts Commission completed Phase VIII of the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park with the grand opening ceremony held the same day as the Newport Beach Art Exhibition. The Commission is currently planning Phase IX of the exhibition. Now through March 11, 2024, residents can vote online for the pieces they want to see on display for Phase IX. To support the Sculpture Exhibition Phase IX, the Newport Beach Arts Foundation donated $10,000 towards funding for artist honorariums. Installation will commence in June 2024. Student Art Exhibition The Newport Beach Student Art Exhibition features artwork created by students grades pre-K through 12. Young artists submitted one original work of art in the following mediums: painting (acrylic, oil, watercolor), drawing (ink, pencil, charcoal, pastel, markers, crayons), or collage. Accepted artwork was displayed at the Central Library in January 2023 and an awards ceremony for contest winners was held during the City Arts Commission’s January 2023 meeting. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the Board of Library Trustees considers the item). 64 65 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES STAFF REPORT February 26, 2024 Agenda Item No. 11 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Library Trustees approve the acceptance of a donation from the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation. DISCUSSION: The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation accepts donations on behalf of the Newport Beach Public Library. Recently, the Foundation received a $1,000 donation from the Wohl Family Fund, specifically for Project Adult Literacy. Staff recommends the Board of Library Trustees accept this donation. If accepted, the money will go into the Literacy Materials Budget and be spent on materials to enhance the Literacy collection. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the Board of Library Trustees considers the item). TO: BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949)717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager TITLE: Acceptance of Donation 65 66 Jerold D Kappel, CEO Newport Beach Public Library Foundation Memo To: Paul Watkins, Chair, Library Trustees From: Jerold D Kappel, CEO cc: Library Board of Trustees Date: February 21, 2024 Re: Library Foundation Report 1.The Foundation transferred $7.1 million to the Bank of New York Mellon escrow account asrequired by the original Memorandum of Understanding and the Third Amendment so thatthe City and AMG & Associates could begin construction on Witte Hall, the Library lecturehall. 2.The Foundation has raised $8.4 million toward its $12 million goal, 50% of the cost of theconstruction of Witte Hall. a.The capital campaign, Beyond Books, has been restructured and identified as Phase 2,to raise the remaining $3.6 million. The Foundation is required to complete thecampaign and transfer the remaining funds to the City by January 9, 2026. b.The Foundation has contracted Greatrake, McBride & Associates, Inc., experiencedcapital campaign consultants, to advise on Phase 2 of the campaign. 3.The Foundation has sent emails to its 19,500-email list regarding the restricted parking inthe front lot of the Library and include direct messages to individuals that register forFoundation lectures and programs. 4.The Foundation received an undesignated estate gift from the Michael Hirsch estate, and ithas been deposited into a board-designated reserve account. a.The planned giving campaign for the 30th anniversary of the Central Library is continuing. 5.The Foundation has made an agreement with the Realty Gift Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofitorganization, to manage all gifts of real estate to the Foundation. With the current inflated real estate market, gifts of real estate are very advantageous to a donor. The information ison the Ways to Give page on the Foundation website. https://nbplf.foundation/give/ 66 67 2 6. Program attendance continues to exceed budgeted goals. All Library Live and Witte Lecture programs have been sold out. We anticipate the final Library Live with Tess Gunty and the Witte Lectures with Richard Reeves and Dahlia Lithwick to also sell out as there are few tickets left. 7. The free community programs of the Foundation—Book Discussion Group (5), Medicine in Our Backyard (4), Financial Literacy Workshop (6), and Spotlight on Science (1)—attracted over 500 in attendance. 8. Final selection of speakers for the 2024-2025 season of Library Live and Witte Lectures are in the final stages. The speakers will be selected and announced in the June Bookmark. 9. The Foundation will present 44 programs this season, 32 of these programs are free to the community. Name of the event Dates Tickets Sold to date Lisa See Thursday, October 19, 2023 SOLD OUT Steve Lopez Thursday, November 9, 2023 SOLD OUT Michael Moore Smith Thursday, February 15, 2024 SOLD OUT Tess Gunty Thursday, April 18, 2024 174 Name of the event Friday/Saturday Tickets sold to date Fiona Hill Friday, January 26, 2024 SOLD OUT Saturday, January 27, 2024 SOLD OUT Ed Yong Friday, February 9, 2024 SOLD OUT Saturday, February 10, 2024 SOLD OUT Richard Reeves Friday, March 8, 2024 177 Saturday, March 9, 2024 190 Dahlia Lithwick Friday, April 12, 2024 178 Saturday, April 13, 2024 198 Medicine in our Backyard, Spotlight on Science and Book Discussion Group 505 Witte Lectures 2024 Library Live 2023-2024 Free Programs 67 68 3 10. The Foundation staff is already planning to move Library Live, Witte Lectures, and Spotlight on Science to another location once construction starts on the Courtyard. Once that construction starts, the Friends Room will be restricted to 49 people. The staff is looking at the Community Room in the Civic Center and Oasis event room. a. No date has been given for when the Courtyard construction will begin. In conversations with City Director of Public Works Dave Webb, the expectation is after the conclusion of the 2025 Spring program season. We have been informed that there will be plenty of notice. (One hopes!) 11. The February Board Meeting of the Library Foundation was on Monday February 12. The major topic of discussion was the restructuring of the Beyond Books campaign. 12. The Foundation has contributed $5,000 to the Library for the Mariners Library Seed Bank. The funds were partially raised in a special email solicitation on National Day of Giving. Library Giving Day is in April and the Seed Bank and other Library initiatives will be targeted in the solicitation. The Foundation looks forward to a robust spring programming season and innovative ways it can support the Library. 68 69