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X2021-3107 - Misc (5)
�EWP°R> CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT r BUILDING DIVISION `9�lFQFN�P 100 Civic Center Drive J P.O. Box 1768 � Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 PRE -GRADE MEETING AGREEMENT DATE: �- 2Z JOB ADDRESS: G S AVV 06 L 1. The grading plan check number for this site is and will be referred to in all reports, certifications and correspondence. 2. STOP ORDERS Whenever any work is being done contrary to the provisions of the City Codes, the Chief Building Official or his authorized representative may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on any persons engaged in the doing or causing such work to be done and any such persons shall forthwith stop such work until authorized by the Chief Building Official to proceed with the work. 3. The stamped set of approved plans shall be on the job site at all times. 4. NOTIFICATION OF NONCOMPLIANCE If, in the course of fulfilling their responsibilities, the civil engineer, surveyor, the soils engineer, the engineering geologist or the testing agent finds that the work is not being done in conformance with the approved grading plans, the discrepancies shall be reported immediately in writing to the person in charge of the grading work and to the Building Division. Recommendations for corrective measures, if necessary, shall be submitted to the Building Division for approval. 5. When import or export of materials is required, haul routes to and from the site shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer and hauling procedures shall be in accordance with Chapter 15 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). Contractor shall use Best Management Practices (BMP's) to insure that all water quality issues are addressed. 6. Between October 1 and April 30, erosion control BMP measures shall be in place. During the remainder of the year dry season wind erosion BMP's (dust control) shall be implemented. Sediment control BMP's shall be installed and maintained at all operational storm drain inlets internal to the project BMP's to control off -site sediment tracking shall be implemented and maintained. Appropriate BMP's to prevent contamination of stormwater from construction activities shall be implemented. A "weather triggered" action plan and the ability to deploy BMP's to protect all exposed portions of the site within 48-hours when the National Weather Service forecasts a 50 % or greater chance of rain. 7. All fills shall be compacted throughout to a minimum of 90 percent compaction as determined by ASTM test method 1557 and approved by the soils engineer. Compaction tests shall be performed according to the preliminary soils report 8. All trench (including interior and exterior utility trenches) and retaining wall backfill shall be compacted throughout to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction and approved by the soils engineer. 9. Whenever work on which required inspection/testing is covered by additional work without first being inspected/tested, the Chief Building Official shall require by written notice that the work be exposed for examination. The work of exposing and recovering shall not entail or be subject to expense to the City of Newport Beach and will be the sole expense of the Pernittee. 10. Landscaping of all slopes and pads shall be in accordance with 15.10.130 of the NBMC. 11. Approved drainage provisions shall be used to protect adjoining properties during the grading operation. 12- The pernittee or his agent shall notify the Building Division when the grading operation is ready for each of the following inspections: a. PRE -GRADE MEETING When the permittee is ready to begin work, but not less than two days before any grading or brushing is started. b. DRAINAGE DEVICE INSPECTION After forming of terrace drains, down drains or after placement of pipe in subdrains, but before any concrete or filter material is placed. C. d. ROUGH GRADING When all rough grading has been completed, the rough grade report shall be provided to the Building Inspector at foundation inspection or sooner based on the Building Inspector's discretion. e. FINAL When all work, including installation or all drainage structures and other protective devices, has been completed and the as -graded plan, professional approvals and the required reports have been submitted. 13. All footing excavations, slab on grade areas and subdrains shall be inspected and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist Written approval shall be submitted to the Building Inspector. 14_ Prior to the start of grading, all permanent property comer monuments shall be in place. Prior to any foundation inspections, proof of recordation of the "comer record" or "record of survey" with the County of Orange shall be provided. 15. The undersigned acknowledge a copy of the above and agree to comply with the Grading Code of the City of Newport Beach, the recommendations of the project soils report and any special requirements of the permit 16. Prior to foundation inspection a Line and Grade Certificate Forth must signed and stamped by the surveyor of record and submitted to the building inspector. A Structural Observation Report may be required. 17. All parties listed below must be present for the pregrade meeting unless approved by the building inspector. 18. All duplex construction requires separate utilities (sewer, water, gas, electrical, fire sprinkler risers). OWNERICONTRACTOR: Gohrre/LM&� DESIGN CIVIL ENGR.: ( %-It5LaEt� FA By: By: �a:l\ 1�itav� Address: 02 3&t4 51. N.6 C—+, 4j f-3 Address: Telephone: oqq- 6q-1- -NO �� Telephone: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER:��/C � SVI *6 I J GEOLOGIST.: 02 Address: 37 $ • C n JI'f Telephone: M — CAA GRADING CONTR.:-TV �Gh'1. 0 By: Address: Telephone: / 7 3 ? a /,�roo NEWPORT BEACH REPRESENTATIVE: INSPECTION REQUESTS: (949) 644-3255 Newport Beach Construction Hours: Monday through Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. No work on Sundays and Holidays By: Address: Telephone: COORDINATOR: By: Address: Telephone: 2-805L C ten: f L t } uKo Stv2[� 9q9 -t 4;,ti 6 )15 f PHONE For s�Pmgmde me fing agreement S18 z n 1 eeed NOZ-9513de l 3a0 �lV� d0 v��"� * / 99Z6 'ON Z38IWVa •a ays3 owl luawwoo s,ioAanlnS A;unoo a1A1 'ON '3'0'a to 'Sl'd psu6lS paly pue paulwexa pue panlaoal Senn plooaa lewo0 s141 1N3W31V1S smm3AanS A1Nnoo 1 99M 'ON 3'0'a l S l - pau61S uo loy ,slo (anl el leuolssalold a4l £ZOZ 'b l Inf 'a3N800 Ala3dO8d h08A ,9£'0 3.-",90.09N 'NMOO ,V-O 'OVl ON '3dld NOHI MOIIOH j 0d 9Q '£a aid 'IIVM d0 30V3 NO .£59ti Sl. 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O SET 19 IRON PIPE, TAGGED, STAMPED Z (�//' °PLS 266°, FLUSH. � NtiNrl � a d z z Q� O egg• �'n O Ei N O M O in W O Q/ \ K) q�o L6 O p11 M I Q M 00�O u7w� O O O H N CN O �QQ �NMLo V` WpoCD'--�o¢ s `6 NN NOU cn pro N 11 N n d- -d 11 0 6 o M 00 d cc O � 3 ��CL 1 �r J OO 00 - � N C O �ld� p� V � .0 bd �d ^ � z M :4- `o n cq rn N Np�� Ls�f Lo _ \ C2 O ^O \ m Cl to rnN O N N J O N O G\ N CCII II ocN000 -d� • z h�� �D ILI- 0 � pfb O N OOi L -16 gar Ao M �1?Ai�PJ�P d 00 0 0 00 cq pn N d' d' I' M (S Xcl � O p Q GO N N Lf7 J O d' lid(n In lnId I oi cV a0 CV �% w > z (n d8 0�9� ZZ L O CO LLJ `� O WZ (D M 000 3M 30(.�W O \, J o0 OMO N r W Z Lr) W O W Z Q �i Z N JlJ, E N r UFQJ W [�mzz C�oMwrl F< in F9 N M �^ Z N t UQ02J OQ aZ08og9/v U U U U U U P4 J J J M m M U 2 Z U amsGams Amu2d2 pppp _� Egg .F r Yw � n yNa a s n y ao,3 e g�� a. a' q 4 �z� m > C �5�y Q© O®O■ •�?oo��e pp zy x '"xxx W Nay pa ° m 7o tze o_ a _�bv" o�y'z zi> e S mC mmmmmm�5 ��, z^mb"m oHzO vW 8rg yp -i'"'oomozo88 mAip F a gmmm� « mz r'ami ^=i ovsp=e ma na^ea araiin 'E 'E aW g e xp z8x�:88H Spm =s $m z °OgCp1F=mQes"a $o$o COc m&'z�vC�"vo o zrn oop �Sm a Q Y o�0 >cA' g £ �m M 7 o" n��m>mm� Ta nP &�aK y v v mmF G�o3 g� g3 £3„mo i'R 'S761 0� my vWF : �F G `� o imm im Wo opp kyF i^ —� zea '" zg� Si £ 8a m m0 m p Z C z n n n n1O yy �v p 'Ly G c d^ b9 3 Bµ33 z q _ o Y R."Z, p _ y d q t pLpt 4 �PoN9. fa6,�a o� ti�ti y y v N GG- o s^ssfmi �tmmifmf ��.'� y a o 0 rn m County of Orange Main orthR 601 North Ross Street Santa Ana, CA, 92701 OC Public Works 714-607-8888 Submission Summary Project Project OCID : OC22-38872 Project Name: 20138-23 Augusta Ln-NB Project Description : 20138-23 Augusta Ln-NB Map Application SRS.20220187:Record of Survey Enter Issued RS Number: RS 2022-1167 Legal Description : N-TR 7223 LOT 23 Jurisdiction: Cities Record Of Survey Type : Monument Preservation/ Replacement Cities: Newport Beach Type : Record of Survey Processing Number of Sheets: 1 Application Comments: Location 23 AUGUSTA LN, NEWPORT BEACH - Primary Job Site. Name Paul Craft Paul Craft Elena Zaretsky Contact Phone Email (714) 488-5006 richard@apex-Is.com (714) 488-5006 richard@apex-Is.com (714) 488-5006 apexlainc@gmail.com Name Address Type 20422 Beach Blvd, #225 Huntington Beach CA Applicant 92948 19222 Parker Circle Villa Surveyor/Engineer Park CA 92861 23 August Ln Newport Owner Beach CA 92660 Attachment File Name FRP No No Yes Printed: 12/15/2022 09:32 AM Page I of 2 Zia Z aged WV Z£:60 ZZOZ/SI/Zl :Palwd ZZOZ/SI/Zl : alaQ gu.t0 Inud : amum •3utpaaooid .to uotlm `mtulo gons ,fuu jo lueotlddu aq; Xjgou l,l;duloid llugs SlunoO oqZ 'spnmt, aaj s,,Cauioule olglssod puu uotlu$tltijo not;udtat;uu ul `fqunoO ogljo uotloujst;us aql o; `,Cilmoas iag;o aptnoid io `uot;nlllsut lutouum3 pagtlunb u mosl;tpaiojo iallal alquoonaut uu ulz;go `luamaac8u motoso uu olut .ta;uo `puoq u;sod o; luuotlddV mp annbaz `uotlwostp olos sil lu `fum f4unoO aql `loofotd oq; Wm2ualluga polg st uopleih II3I u se ,iud of pannbaz oq ,Smu fimno0 oq; lugl saaj s,,iautol;u puu s;soo lmoo ,(uu ioj Iquno0 oql osxnqunai hugs luuotjddy 'uotltpuoo stq; iopun suotln$tlgo .taq/stq jo lutailddu anatlat lou llugs uotludtotlred gons ;nq `asuadxa s,;uzotlddu aq; it, `uotlou ,Cue jo osuojop oql ul aludtotlzud `uotlaiostp olos slt lie `Aum ,ClunoO aqy 'uotluotlddn Slql 5utm93una saot,uOS ;uamdojanaQ DOJO zolaanQ XlndaQ xo `MJOAk atlgnd DOJO aoloanQ `aaututmo0 uotstntpgnS `aoludlstutmpy SutuoZ `uotsstmuto0 Sutt=ld `siostezadnS jo pzuog slt `oBumi0 jo f4uno0 agl Cq `uotluutuualap luluamuortnua .taq;o io s2ulpug `sluamnoop luluamuonnua fm jo uotldopu aq; zo 'uotstoop pa;alai zo not;uotlddu aql jo lunoiddu 4ue Inuuu io `pton `aptsu las `3loul;u 04 saa,ioldma xo slua213 `mogjo slt `,Lqunoo all;;sutuOt Sutpaaoozd io uotpu `lmelo ,iuu moil sooAoldwa puu sluo& `szaogjo sit `32uutO JO /4uno0 aql ssolmzeq ploq puu Xjtuwaput `puojop `asuadxa umo slt le `Rugs;uuotlddy -V '£SO-tii# uol;nlosmd .tad pazuoglnu su aouunsst lluuad jo amtl ag;;u anp slua msn0a alai Iunuau muz3ozd aa3 puo2 Xuu `Smpnlom `.uostn.zadnS jo pzuog o0imi0 jo dluno0 oq; fq panozddu su solnpogos oaj luaztno s,f4uno0 a p ut pagtpuopt su sa5.tugo puu `sitsodop `saaj aq; of loafgns me I lugL '£ puu `.uotluotlddu slip jo stsuq agl uo ualul suouou iuu zo uotluogddu stq; to uotsstmgns ag; of pa;ulaz zo moil Butsuu uot;u$tltl io LUT1313 ,iuu ulozl sant;ulumazdai puu saa,toldwa `saaogjo sit `o2umo jo f4uno0 a p ssalwjuq ploq puu puojop `Ajtuwopm o L 'Z puu !uot;uuuojut qons Sutpiu5az suogtluosoidw ou so lam n2twjo jo Iquno0 aql puu loauoo puu anti st sluualum pagouuu puu uuoj stgl uo paluasoid anuq I uotluuuojw aq;;uq; a2palmoiq Au jo;soq oql oy -I uopu.�ulaaQ =Av I `uolluogddu stq; 2uWiugns ,Cg (O'dOomd) lvu!wgnS [etigt.a n&joed gmasai olSms se pauigmo0—sluomnaop iaglo py is lxl'ZZ-SI-ZI MfISO'(O-(S£IOZ) L9l I-ZZOZS-d samsolO asianw,y IS SIGNS MUO loAuoo leluoz oli SdO IS 3pd'l-(S£[OZ) L9l I-ZZOZSd fCa Sio pionou leulwgnS is ipd'd98-(8£tOZ) L9II-ZZOZSN sdeysl a auazaiag is 8888-L09-PIL sJllom oilgnd DO IOLZ6 `d0 `sW elneS 7aaAS ss N 109 a3wom9K A » 7® J® t4Qnoa atjs0 r Your Survey has been submitted to Orange County Subject: Your Survey has been submitted to Orange County From: myOC eServices Email <noreply-myoceservices@ocgov.com> Date: 12/15/2022, 9:32 AM To: "richard@apex-Is.com" <richard@apex-Is.com> F 12/15/2022 SRS.20220187 23 AUGUSTA LN Dear Paul Craft, Thank you for your submittal to the Orange County Surveyor's office. For status, please contact Margarita Espinoza at 714-967-0847 or email to Margarita. Espinoza@ocpw_ocgov.com Questions concerning reviews, please contact the following staff: For Tract Maps/ Parcel Maps/LLA/Certificate of Compliance/Certificate of Corrections/Annexations, and Monuments Susan Ruiz Susan.Ruiz@ocpw.ocgov.com 714-647-3997 For Record of Survey Steven Dawson Steven.Dawson@ocM.ocgov.com 714-967-0843 For Corner Records Jay Seymour Lay.SeyMour@2c2a.ocg2v.com 714-967-0830 Sincerely, Kevin R. Hills, County Surveyor 1 of 2 12/15/2022, 9:32 AM