HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-2024-BLT-AGENDA PACKETCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES AGENDA Civic Center Council Chambers 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Monday, August 19, 2024 - 5:00 PM Board of Library Trustees Members: Chase Rief, Chair Antonella Castro, Vice Chair Dorothy Larson, Secretary Lauren Kramer, Trustee Meghan Murray, Trustee Staff Members: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist The Board of Library Trustees meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the Board of Library Trustees agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Commission and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Library Trustees. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. The public can submit questions and comments in writing for the Board of Library Trustees to consider. Please send them by email to the Library Services Department at LibraryBoard@newportbeachca.gov by Sunday, August 18, at 4:00 p.m. to give the Board of Library Trustees time to consider your comments. All emails will be made part of the record. The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 717-3801 or mhartson@newportbeachca.gov. NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the Library Services Department 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV.NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The City provides a yellow sign-in card to assist in the preparation of the minutes. The completion of the card is not required in order to address the Board of Library Trustees. If the optional sign-in card has been completed, it should be placed in the tray provided. The Board of Library Trustees of Newport Beach welcomes and encourages community participation. Public comments are generally limited to three (3) minutes per person to allow everyone to speak. Written comments are encouraged as well. The Board of Library Trustees has the discretion to extend or shorten the time limit on agenda or non-agenda items. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. August 19, 2024 Page 2 Board of Library Trustees Meeting V.CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. Board of Library Trustees have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending an action. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Board of Library Trustees votes on the motion unless members of the Board of Library Trustees request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward upon invitation by the Chair. A.Consent Calendar Items Minutes of the July 15, 2024 Board of Library Trustees Meeting (pp. 4-13)1. MINUTES Patron Comments (pp. 14-16)2. Monthly review of evaluations of library services through suggestions and requests received from patrons. PATRON COMMENTS Expenditure Status Report (pp. 17-18)3. Monthly expenditure status of the library's operating expenses, services, salaries, and benefits by department. JULY EXPENDITURES Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List (p. 19)4. List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the Board of Library Trustees. MONITORING LIST VI.CURRENT BUSINESS A.Items for Review Information Technology Update5. IT Manager Avery Maglinti will update the Board of Library Trustees on library information technology activities. August 19, 2024 Page 3 Board of Library Trustees Meeting Adult and Reference Service Update (pp. 20-21)6. Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot will provide the annual update on reference services, collections, and programming for adult patrons. STAFF REPORT Library Activities (pp. 22-31)7. Monthly update of library events, services, and statistics. JULY ACTIVITIES B.Monthly Reports Library Foundation Liaison Report (pp. 32-33)8. Trustee update of the most recently attended Library Foundation Board meeting. FOUNDATION REPORT Friends of the Library Liaison Report9. Trustee update of the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting. Pals4pal Liaison Report10. Trustee update of the most recently attended Pals4pal Board meeting. Board of Library Trustees Liaison Assignments11. The Board of Library Trustees Chair will appoint trustees to the three liaison assignments. VII.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited, and non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Library Trustees. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The Board of Library Trustees has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. VIII.BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) OR RECONSIDERATION IX.ADJOURNMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Board of Library Trustees Civic Center Council Chambers 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach Meeting Minutes Monday, July 15, 2024 – 5:00 PM I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 5:00 PM Vice Chair Dorothy Larson called to order the regular meeting of the Newport Beach Boardof Library Trustees. II.ROLL CALL – Roll call by Administrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome. Trustees Present: Vice Chair Dorothy Larson, Trustee Antonella Castro, SecretaryLauren Kramer, Trustee Chase Rief, Trustee Meghan Murray Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist Annika Helmuth, Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Andrew Kachaturian, Circulation and Technical Processing Coordinator Nadia Dallstream, Corona del Mar Branch Librarian Staff Absent None III.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Trustee Meghan Murray led the Pledge of Allegiance IV.ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Board of Library Trustees nominated and elected trustees to serve as Chair, ViceChair, and Secretary for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Vice Chair Larson opened the nominations for Chair. Trustee Antonella Castro nominated Trustee Chase Rief; Trustee Meghan Murrayseconded. Motion made by Secretary Lauren Kramer, seconded by Vice Chair Dorothy Larson, toclose the nominations for Chair and carried (5-0-0-0). With no other nominations, ViceChair Larson called for a vote to approve Trustee Rief as Chair. AYES: Larson, Kramer, Castro, Rief, MurrayNOES: ABSTENTIONS:ABSENCES: Chair Rief opened the nominations for Vice Chair. Chair Rief nominated Trustee Antonella Castro, Trustee Meghan Murray seconded. 4 Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 16, 2024 Page 2 Motion made by Secretary Lauren Kramer, Larson seconded by Trustee Dorothy, to close the nominations for Vice Chair and carried (5-0-0-0). With no other nominations, Chair Rief called for a vote to approve Trustee Castro as Vice Chair. AYES: Larson, Kramer, Castro, Rief, Murray NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: Chair Rief opened the nominations for Secretary. Seeing none, Vice Chair Larson nominated herself for Secretary, Trustee Rief seconded. Motion made by Secretary Lauren Kramer, seconded by Vice Chair Dorothy Larson, to close the nominations for Secretary and carried (5-0-0-0). With no other nominations, Chair Rief called for a vote to approve Trustee Larson as Secretary. AYES: Larson, Kramer, Castro, Rief, Murray NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: Final results: Chase Rief, Chair; Antonella Castro, Vice Chair; Dorothy Larson, Secretary. V. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived VI. PATRON APPEAL OF DIRECTOR’S DECISIONS Chair Rief introduced the Appeal Hearing. Chair Rief explained the appeal process and called for the appellant. Each side will be provided with five minutes to state their appeal. The information pertaining to each appeal is located in the Agenda Packet pages 5-12. 1. Appeal Hearing of “Flamer” by Mike Curato The Board of Library Trustees will conduct an appeal hearing for the Director’s Decision of “Flamer” by Mike Curato Chair Rief introduced the book and called for the appellant. Haley Jenkins cited her reason for the appeal was when a local elementary librarian was seen to have nine copies of the book and was lending them out to students at Wilson Elementary School. When the parents found out, the librarian packed up his supplies and quit before staff could investigate or reprimand him. She checked the book out because she was curious about why a librarian would quit so abruptly unless he knew he was acting inappropriately. The book is designated for the teen section, and at times pulls on heart strings. Teenagers already struggle with peer pressure, anxiety, and depression and there is a section in the book where the character is holding a knife up to his wrists to cut himself and wincing with pain. Ms. Jenkins read excerpts from the book and described the 5 Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 16, 2024 Page 3 pictures. The book normalizes pornography with images that children under the age of eighteen are not allowed to purchase. Director of Library Services Melissa Hartson provided information about the book, the intended age of the reader, the author and the multiple accolades he has received as justification for the Director’s decision to keep the book in the teen section of the Library. It is a semi-autobiographical memoir based on Mr. Curato’s own experiences when he was a young boy. The title meets several of the criteria found in the Library’s Collection Development Policy. The author had several other titles in the Library when Flamer was released. It is intended for readers from grades 7-12 and was published by Henry Holt Publishers under its Books for Young Readers in print. Twenty-five libraries in Orange County include this book in their teen collections and the title has been checked out numerous times demonstrating an interest and demand from the community. Chair Rief called for public comments and requested all comments be limited to two minutes and subjective to the pros and cons of the appeal and not extraneous arguments. Sydni Webb, Newport Beach resident, commented against the Director’s decision as it is pornography for teens. Ms. Webb commented on a recent research study on how pornography hijacks the male brain. Linda Benner, Irvine resident, spoke in favor of the Director’s decision as this book weaves together the main reasons adolescents commit suicide and could help teens with mental health struggles. The Library should create a section specific to the reasons teens commit suicide. Wendy Leece, Costa Mesa resident, spoke against the Director’s decision and finds the book pornographic and questioned the common sense of choosing what books are available in public libraries. Dianne Wells spoke against the Director’s decision due to the content of the book being crude and sexually graphic. Ms. Wells read the California Penal Code 311 for obscene material and believes this book meets that standard and should be moved to the adult section. Patty Gwin, Newport Beach resident, spoke in support of the Director’s decision and believed the book depicts accurately how teenage boys interact with each other and the struggles they go through during those formidable years. Darla Magaña, is a school librarian and spoke in support of the Director’s decision and believed the book is appropriate for the teen section of the library because it is semiautobiographical, and there are many teens who face the same struggles. Karen Clark, Newport Beach resident, spoke in support of the Director’s decision and as a former Library Trustee, believes it is up to the parents to decide what is appropriate for their families. 6 Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 16, 2024 Page 4 Joni Nichols, Newport Beach resident, spoke in support of the Director’s decision and the need for inclusion in the community by those who feel there is only a singular image of what is appropriate. Cultural understanding and empathy are important attributes of a diverse community. Bill Dunlap, Newport Beach resident, spoke against the Director’s decision and suggested the Library is acting in competition with the internet in the material children are able to access. The book should be moved to the adult section of the Library. Ann Lopour, Irvine resident, spoke in favor of the Director’s decision and read the book from the mindset of a confused young adult and not a judgmental adult. The book addresses several topics such as suicide that can’t be addressed enough and needs to be found easily by teens without relying on an adult for help. Chair Rief brought the appeal back to the Board for discussion and commented that if the book was in the children’s collection it would be an easy decision to move upstairs. Instead, it is upstairs in the teens’ collection and has never been available in elementary school aged sections of the Library. He used some of the review sites after reading the book and found over 10,000 positive reviews. Many reviews were from adults who stated they were able to see themselves in the book and found it helpful. Moving the book to a different section doesn’t prevent a teen from checking it out. Some of the content may not be to his personal liking, but he doesn’t see a compelling argument to move “Flamer” at this current time. Secretary Larson commented that some of content is not her choice in reading material. Regarding the comments about the book being pornographic, she believed some of the excerpts read were totally out of context and suggested anyone believing otherwise should read the book. The pictures are not explicit in ways that anatomy illustrations would be. The artist did a great job of covering areas that would make the book inappropriate had they not been covered. There are young people out there who would find this book beneficial for the struggles they may be going through. The final section about suicide is very important. There may be uncomfortable pictures, but it also shows the character Aiden finds out he is not alone in how he feels about himself. The book needs to remain in the teens’ collection. Trustee Murray read the book and found the content to be inappropriate, crass, and perverted. There are graphic sexual themes and illustrations, child abuse, racism, homophobia, among others. She doesn’t understand why it was written in such a manner that caters to a young audience. Teens are smarter and don’t need comic books for topics that are serious. It is a totally inappropriate book for the Library. Trustee Lauren Kramer commented she did not view the book as pornographic, however it is related sexually, but also addresses very important themes. There are other authors who address these themes in much better ways. She is not a fan of the book, but she does value freedom of choice and isn’t a fan of censorship. Vice Chair Antonella Castro commented she believes that teens do discuss these topics, and having a diverse collection of books is important. When looking at the merit of having 7 Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 16, 2024 Page 5 a diverse collection that addresses bullying, there are better alternatives. After having visited the Central Library, she found several books that were required reading in high school that were located in the adults’ collection, specifically the book “The Pearl”. If “The Pearl” is located in the adults’ collection, the book “Flamer” should be as well. She would advocate moving it to the adults’ collection. Motion made by Trustee Lauren Kramer, seconded by Chair Chase Rief, and carried (3- 2-0-0) in favor of upholding the Director’s decision to keep the book in the teens’ collection and not on display. AYES: Larson, Rief, Kramer NOES: Castro, Murray ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: VII. CONSENT CALENDAR Administrative Support Specialist Jacome read the Consent Calendar Notice to the public. A. Consent Calendar Items Chair Rief inquired if any Trustees had requests to pull an item from the Consent Calendar. 2. Minutes of the June 17, 2024 Board of Library Trustees Meeting Vice Chair Castro suggested Mr. Mosher’s written modifications to the minutes be accepted, and referred to Handwritten Page 19, top paragraph, the word “fashionable” should be factual. On Handwritten Page 20, “Appellant Beverly Betcher did not attend the meeting” because she was given the wrong time and was not able to make it at 5 p.m. 3. Patron Comments Monthly review of evaluations of library services through suggestions and requests received from patrons. 4. Library Activities Monthly update of library events, services, and statistics. 5. Expenditure Status Report Monthly expenditure status of the library’s operating expenses, services, salaries, and benefits by department. 6. Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the Board of Library Trustees. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments and there were none. Motion made by Chair Chase Rief, seconded by Trustee Lauren Kramer, and carried (5- 0-0-0) to approve the Consent Calendar Items 1-6 with the minor changes to the June 17, 2024 draft minutes. AYES: Rief, Castro, Larson, Kramer, Murray 8 Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 16, 2024 Page 6 NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: VIII. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review 7. Corona del Mar Branch Update Branch Librarian Nadia Dallstream presents an overview of Corona del Mar Branch’s activities and resources. Corona del Mar Branch Librarian Nadia Dallstream provided her professional experience and staffing information for the Corona del Mar (CdM) Branch Library, in addition to the history of the Library and last year’s stats, not including June 2024, as this report was intended for the June Board of Library Trustees’ (Board) meeting and was postponed. The Library has a collection of 12,161 total items. Over the last year 41,487 items were checked between the different collections, which is an 18% increase in circulation from the prior year. Over the last three years, there has been an increase in circulation of 31%. While the branch is small, it offers many of the same services as the larger libraries including media equipment, printing/scanning/fax services, digital catalog service, a self-check-out station, and is the only library in Newport Beach that offers test proctoring services. Between July 2023 and May 2024, the branch proctored 161 tests. This service continues to grow. Staff answered more than 6,144 reference questions in the past year, an average of 560 answers per month. During the last year, 32,601 patrons visited the branch as it serves an area with a population of 12,546. Children’s services include weekly storytimes, monthly sensory play, annual Fire Station Storytime, daily drop-in crafts and a Find Sisi the Snail game, and many more. There are programs for adults as well, and total program attendance for the year was 11,490 patrons. In 2023, the CdM Branch Open House was held in conjunction with the CdM Christmas Walk, and over 800 patrons attended the program. There was a 117% increase in adults who participated in the 2023 Summer Reading program. The Library has partnered with Newport-Mesa Unified schools on several successful events. The CdM branch provides the community with a great collection of materials, an inviting space, a variety of services and programming for all ages. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments and there were none. Chair Rief stated he had a great visit during National Library Week and loved seeing the program attendance up and system wide. Secretary Larson thanked Branch Librarian Dallstream for her report. Trustee Castro inquired about reader strategies being implemented and what would be on her wish list for the Branch. Branch Librarian Dallstream explained the reader advisory strategies are when patrons are looking for tips on good books to read for a particular topic, she has brief summaries from others who have read various topics with a couple of sentences from other readers and suggested picks. She had to get back to them with the wish list, but they have not had any suggestions from patrons for anything lacking from the Branch. 9 Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 16, 2024 Page 7 Chair Rief received and filed the report. 8. Approval of Site Placement for A Novel Idea by Craig Gray Staff recommends the Board of Library Trustees approve the new Balboa Branch Library as the site placement for the sculpture “A Novel Idea” by Craig Gray. Library Services Director Melissa Hartson provided a quick report and summary of the item which was returned for reconsideration. The piece is being offered for permanent loan to be displayed, the City Arts Commission approved the acquisition and a permanent location at the New Balboa Branch Library, per Council Policy, all governing Boards and Commissions must consider any overlapping decision, so it is now before the Board since the Balboa Branch falls within the purview of this Board. Trustee Kramer commented it was nice to have a say and inquired about the Council Policy of including the Board in the decision and if that was directed by the City Attorney. Library Services Director Hartson explained that is written in City Council Policy. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments. Nancy Gardner, Newport Beach resident, provided information about her father and the importance of him to the City and felt this was a wonderful way to honor him since his book was the top book on the sculpture. It was even better when the Arts Commission suggested the Balboa Branch because of his history in Balboa. Trustee Kramer commented that it’s a nice piece and had envisioned it in a park, but the Balboa Branch is a great location as well given the history and personal information Ms. Gardner shared. Secretary Larson commented that in the prior meeting she felt they didn’t have enough information to make the decision, particularly given the renovation won’t be completed for two years, but really appreciated Ms. Gardner’s comments and agreed with Trustee Kramer’s comments. Motion made by Vice Chair Antonella Castro, seconded by Secretary Dorothy Larson, and carried (5-0-0-0) to approve the placement of “A Novel Idea” at the new Balboa Branch AYES: Rief, Castro, Larson, Kramer, Murray NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: 9. Library Service Policy (Council Policy I-1) Staff recommends that the Board of Library Trustees review Council Policy I-1, Library Service Policy, and suggests no revisions be brought forth to City Council. Library Services Director Hartson provided a brief summary of the policy and the procedures for policies, including staff working with the City Attorney’s office to ensure any 10 Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 16, 2024 Page 8 policy newly created for the Library is in compliance with all City policies and procedures. This policy has been approved for several iterations and has not been changed, staff recommends the policy not be changed again, the submittal does not need to go before City Council. Chair Rief opened the item for public comment and there was none. Vice Chair Castro inquired about policies that have to go before City Council for approval. Trustee Kramer commented that in looking at Mr. Mosher’s comments, this policy does not require City Council approval. Secretary Larson reiterated that public comment is allowed for all items, but that doesn’t mean that action has to be taken based on that public comment. Library Services Director Hartson explained that Council requests that all Boards and Commissions review Council policies as they pertain to each Board for potential revision. If the Board wanted to make a revision to Council Policy I-1, staff would submit it to Council for review, if there are no changes to the policy it does not have to be submitted to Council for review because it is a policy that is already in place. Motion made by Trustee Lauren Kramer, seconded by Chair Chase Rief Larson, and carried (4-0-1-0) to approve making no changes to the Library Services Policy. AYES: Rief, Kramer, Larson, Murray NOES: ABSTENTIONS: Castro ABSENCES: 10. Proposed Holiday Schedule Staff recommends a proposed Library holiday schedule for the Board of Library Trustees approval. Library Services Director Hartson produced the holiday schedule for review. Chair Rief opened the item for public comment, there were none. Chair Rief received and filed the report. Motion made by Secretary Dorothy Larson, seconded by Trustee Lauren Kramer, and carried (5-0-0-0) to approve the holiday schedule. AYES: Rief, Castro, Kramer, Larson, Murray NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: 11. Lecture hall Update Report on activities related to the Lecture Hall project. 11 Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 16, 2024 Page 9 Library Services Director Hartson reported construction is progressing. They are trenching on the backside of the building. It’s slow, steady, noisy, and dirty. Chair Rief opened the item for public comment, and there was none. Chair Rief received and filed the report. 12. Library Services Report on library issues regarding services, patrons, and staff. Library Services Director Hartson reported that the Summer Reading Program is going gang busters in all locations and for all ages. It will be wrapping up over the next couple of weeks. In June, several employees hit big milestones. The list is on Handwritten Page 33, along with upcoming program events. Concert on the Green’s first concert is Sunday, July 21, at the Civic Center Lawn, followed by another on August 11. In answer to Vice Chair Castro’s inquiry, Library Services Director Hartson stated she had 28 years of service with the Newport Beach Public Library. Chair Rief inquired what the prizes will be awarded for the adult Summer Reading Program. Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot replied they receive a free paperback book of their choice, just like the Children’s program as well as a gift card for Fashion Island. Chair Rief opened the item for public comment, and there was none. Chair Rief received and filed the report. B. Monthly Reports 13. Library Foundation Liaison Reports A. Library Foundation Board Report on the most recently attended meeting. Secretary Larson reported she attended the meeting in place of former Chair Watkins, and as a former Foundation Board member, she would like to be appointed as the Liaison for the Foundation for the upcoming year. Jerry submitted great notes that can be found on Handwritten Page 60. B. Library Live Lectures Committee Report on the most recently attended meeting. Secretary Larson reported that both lecture committees have their schedules online on the Foundation’s website, and season tickets are now on sale for members of the Foundation. Library Live is planning to have a fabulous opening event on October 4. C. Witte Lectures Committee Report on the most recently attended meeting. 12 Board of Library Trustees Meeting July 16, 2024 Page 10 Update provided in previous report. 14. Friends of the Library Liaison Report Trustee update on the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting. Chair Rief reported he attended the meeting, and they are ahead of scheduled on the number of boxes they have of donated books. They are planning for their volunteer luncheon, which is scheduled for November. Chair Rief received and filed the report. 15. Pals4pal Liaison Report Trustee update of the Pals4pal Board meeting. Trustee Castro stated there was nothing to report. Chair Rief called for public comment on the Liaison reports, and there were none. Chair Rief received and filed the report. 16. Board of Library Trustees Liaison Assignments The Board of Library Trustees Chair will appoint trustees to the five liaison assignments. Chair Rief postponed this item to the August 19, 2024 meeting. VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – Two Minutes per speaker Haley Jenkins thanked the Library and Board for ordering the Tuttle Twin series and commented that when you go to suggest a title on the website it states that the library considers books that were published in the last 12 months, which may prevent people from suggesting titles that aren’t new. Newer aren’t always better, and suggested changing the wording so people aren’t limited in their suggestions; additionally, Ms. Jenkins requested consideration for placing a display in the teens’ and children’s section with a suggestion box. If there is one already, she hasn’t seen it. Possibly make it more visible and well known that they are open to suggestions. It would make teens and children feel like it is truly their library and that they are contributing to what they get to read. VIII. BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) None IX. ADJOURNMENT – 6:24 p.m. The next meeting will be held in the Civic Center Council Chambers on August 19, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. 13 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY PATRON COMMENTS JULY 2024 Comment #Comment Response Date Received Source of Comment Staff Member Staff Member Title Date Responded to Patron 1 06/29/2024 Email Annika Helmuth Branch & Youth Services Coordinator 07/08/2024 2 07/08/2024 Comment Card Rebecca Lightfoot Library Services Manager 07/08/2024 3 07/10/2024 Email Annika Helmuth Branch & Youth Services Coordinator 07/10/2024 4 07/12/2024 Email Rebecca Lightfoot Library Services Manager 07/12/2024 I am a rising 12th-grader at Northwood High School in Irvine. I recently wrote a children's picture book called "Sally Says No!", and I would love to read it out loud to some of the children at the Newport Beach Public Library. The main message of the book is to garner self autonomy in young children to teach them how to assert their stance by saying "no". Growing up in the Newport-Irvine area, I have been to numerous summer book events as a kid, and I would love to pay it forward by doing the same now to future generations of children. This would be a ~30 minute event sometime in the months of July or August, and free of charge. We will be donating one signed book to one of the children in the audience, and we would love for you guys to host this event. The book will also be available online as a PDF version for your library users to access. Please let me know if you would be interested in this event, and I would be more than happy to send you the full book synopsis and discuss further details. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I eagerly hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your interest in the Newport Beach Public Library and congrats on your new book! While we do not offer opportunities for reading at storytime (this is something reserved for library staff), we do host a variety of afterschool children’s programs and performances including author visits. Author visits are typically highly interactive and include an activity or presentation. Patrons very much enjoy getting hands-on experiences. Some of the criteria used when selecting programs for special events include community interests and demands; significance and compatibility of the work to the Newport Beach area; recommendations of references; and suitability of format, subject and style to the intended audience. We also consider program setup and space requirements among other logistical demands. Youth programs are planned with an approximate four-to-six-month lead time, which means we are currently planning programs for Winter/Spring 2025. If you would like to host a program during that time, we ask to see a copy of your book prior to the event. We also ask for at least two references for the proposed program. If you have a copy of you new book, I would be happy to review it and any references can be emailed to me directly. Again, thank you for your interest and please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. [I am] a children's book author/illustrator. My husband and I live in Newport Beach, the Fashion Island area, and are about to head off on a big world adventure. I have just over a dozen books from my publishers and I would like to gift to you to do with as you wish. 'That's MY Sweater' with Penguin Random House and 'Sprout Branches Out' with Macmillan. If there is interest, please email me back and I can drop them off. Have a wonderful day! Warm regards. Thank you for thinking of us! I would be happy to look at your books and review them for the collection. The Friends of the Library also accept donations on the Library’s behalf. More information about donations to the Friends can be found on their website at ... You may drop off your donation for the Friends at their bookstore or myself at the Library Administration Office during normal business hours. Both the Bookstore and Administration Office are located at the Central Library on 1000 Avocado Ave. Again, thank you for your email and I hope you have a wonderful adventure! Do you take book donations?Thank you for thinking of us! Yes, the Friends of the Library are accepting book donations on the Library’s behalf. Store hours are Monday through Saturday from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., but you may drop donations off at any location during normal business hours. If you would like to make an appointment for a larger donation drop off, please call the Friends at 949-759-9667. You can find more information about donations on their website here ... Thank you. The Ref staff is great. [I would like] classes for iPhone, free limited copies, and free parking for vets @ CdM and NP pier lots. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment card at the Central Library recently. We appreciate your time and feedback. Thank you for the kind words of praise for the reference staff. We will discuss your suggestions for additional classes. I passed along your comments about free parking for veterans to the Revenue department at City Hall. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any other comments or suggestions. Thank you. 14 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY PATRON COMMENTS JULY 2024 Comment #Comment Response Date Received Source of Comment Staff Member Staff Member Title Date Responded to Patron 5 07/21/2024 Email Allison Sarnowski Administrative Support Technician 07/25/2024 6 07/23/2024 Email Andy Kachaturian Circ. & Tech. Processing Coordinator 07/23/2024 7 07/23/2024 Email Andy Kachaturian Circ. & Tech. Processing Coordinator 07/24/2024 There’s one book I haven’t returned because I’m having trouble finding it. Should I go ahead and pay for it? Thank you! I do see one item checked out on your account. It looks like this was checked out in June and has been renewed once. We do have an automatic renewal system that will attempt to renew this three more times for you, provided no one places a hold on it. That would allow for more time to search for it potentially without accruing any overdue fines. In this situation, we generally recommend waiting until the item becomes overdue and is billed to you, which is likely still over two months away. If there is any chance that this turns up in this time, it would save you from any cost. If you do take some time and still cannot locate it and would prefer to simply pay for it, please let me know and I can mark it as lost and have the system bill you for it. But hopefully it does turn up! I hope this helps. Please advise if I may complete my application online. I am unable to come into the library at this time, however I am able to provide proof of CA residency. I am only looking to borrow electronic materials. Here is the number of my temporary card ... Thank you. We do require an in-person visit to gain a permanent library card. The temporary library card that you may have applied for online will remain in the system for 30 days, though it is not valid for some services such as OverDrive for eBooks as this is a limited resource. We do ask that when you stop in to please be sure to bring a valid photo ID and proof of California residence for a free library card. I hope this helps. Following up on how to donate books to Newport Beach Library.Thank you for inquiring about donating books to the Newport Beach Public Library. Book donations are accepted by our Friends of the Library Bookstore, which is located at Central Library (1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660). The store is open Monday-Saturday 10:30 a.m.- 3 p.m. Here are some additional guidelines, which can be found on our website:1. We prefer book donations to be in small or medium size boxes. 2. A maximum of six boxes may be dropped off at any one time. If you have a larger donation, please call 949-759-9667 and leave a message for Paul or Amy to set up an appointment. We have a dolly available and can supply boxes if needed.3. All books need to be in good, sellable condition. Books should be clean with no tears, foxing (spotting around/on edges), broken spines, missing pages, etc.4. Fiction & non-fiction should preferably be from the last six to ten years except for classics and history. 5. We do take DVDs, CDs, DVD games, vinyl records, and jigsaw puzzles. 6. We do not accept:•Encyclopedias unless they're 100+ years old•Reader's Digest condensed books•Magazines •Medical books, health books, law books, and travel books older than eight years •VHS or cassette tapes 7. A donation receipt can be provided upon request.We really appreciate your support. If you have any questions, please email nblibfriend@gmail.com. Thanks! 15 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY PATRON COMMENTS JULY 2024 Comment #Comment Response Date Received Source of Comment Staff Member Staff Member Title Date Responded to Patron 8 07/24/2024 Email Rebecca Lightfoot Library Services Manager 07/24/2024 9 07/25/2024 In Person Allison Sarnowski Administrative Support Technician 07/25/2024 10 07/27/2024 Email Rebecca Lightfoot Library Services Manager 07/29/2024 Do you still offer Rosetta Stone? I was unable to access my account in the normal way. Yes, we still offer Rosetta Stone. Can you give me some more details on how you are accessing your account? Are you using the web version or the app? Thank you. Four patrons visited the admin office after attending the adult SRP wrap-up party. They would really like for evening book club meetings to start up again so people who work during the daytime would be able to attend. They also mentioned an interest in Library programs such as cooking and knitting classes. We thanked these patrons for their suggestions. The feedback was passed on to Terry Sanchez, Library Programs Specialist, and Kunga Wango-Upshaw, NBPLF Director of Programs. I am a publicist and wanted to know if an email address for the acquisitions department or person could be shared with me? Thank you. We have a suggest a title page on our website where you can fill out a request for consideration for purchase, which will go to our Collection Development team. You can find it here ... I hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you. 16 LIBRARY EXPENDITURES FY END 2023-24 (August 5, 2024) ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP REVISED BUDGET MONTHLY EXPENDED YTD 2023-24 EXPENDED AVAILABLE BUDGET PERCENTAGE EXPENDED YTD 2022-23 EXPENDED I SALARY & BENEFITS SALARY FULL-TIME REGULAR 3,156,337 3,156,337 17,624 3,097,536 58,801 98.1%2,705,782 SALARY PART-TIME 1,279,860 1,324,256 4,861 899,546 424,711 67.9%820,595 BENEFITS 2,247,901 2,371,705 3,757 2,261,041 110,664 95.3%2,131,739 SALARY & BENEFITS TOTAL 6,684,098 6,852,299 26,242 6,258,123 594,176 91.3%5,658,115 II MAINT & OPERATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICE*207,488 207,488 17,780 220,074 (12,586) 106.1%212,770 UTILITIES 372,933 372,933 1,424 361,157 11,777 96.8%357,054 PROGRAMMING 2,000 5,800 850 5,118 682 88.2%2,642 SUPPLIES**82,800 84,186 3,577 86,308 (2,121) 102.5%84,476 LIBRARY MATERIALS 669,740 677,603 32,006 675,205 2,398 99.6%692,841 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 250,275 260,864 14,006 238,207 22,657 91.3%179,056 TRAINING AND TRAVEL 10,681 10,681 - 9,947 734 93.1%9,129 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES***24,202 24,920 2,025 26,617 (1,696) 106.8%26,175 PERIPHERALS & SOFTWARE 5,000 3,960 - 2,647 1,314 66.8%12,330 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 1,693,396 1,693,396 - 1,693,396 0 100.0%1,588,120 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,000 2,000 - 1,019 981 50.9%1,648 MAINT & OPERATION TOTAL 3,320,516 3,343,833 71,666 3,319,694 24,139 99.3%3,166,242 LIBRARY BUDGET TOTAL 10,004,613 10,196,131 97,908 9,577,817 618,314 93.9%8,824,357 *PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - INCLUDE OUTSIDE PRINTING, JANITORIAL, WINDOW SERVICE **INCLUDES OFFICE , PROCESSING AND JANITORIAL SUPPLIES ***INCLUDES, ADVERTISING, DUES, EVENT INSURANCE17 LIBRARY EXPENDITURES FY 2024-25 (August 5, 2024) ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP REVISED BUDGET MONTHLY EXPENDED YTD 2024-25 EXPENDED AVAILABLE BUDGET PERCENTAGE EXPENDED YTD 2023-24 EXPENDED I SALARY & BENEFITS SALARY FULL-TIME REGULAR 3,346,020 3,346,020 227,537 227,537 3,118,484 6.8%223,407 SALARY PART-TIME 1,419,780 1,419,780 64,985 64,985 1,354,795 4.6%64,636 BENEFITS 2,305,496 2,428,493 180,965 180,965 2,247,528 7.5%138,405 SALARY & BENEFITS TOTAL 7,071,297 7,194,294 473,487 473,487 6,720,807 6.6%426,448 II MAINT & OPERATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICE*215,453 215,453 6,560 6,560 208,893 3.0%17,959 UTILITIES 383,009 383,009 1,681 1,681 381,328 0.4%44,625 PROGRAMMING 2,000 2,000 476 476 1,524 23.8%326 SUPPLIES**82,800 82,800 5,166 5,166 77,634 6.2%4,226 LIBRARY MATERIALS 669,740 669,740 15,143 15,143 654,597 2.3%35,186 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 248,450 271,455 3,208 3,208 268,247 1.2%4,251 TRAINING AND TRAVEL 10,681 10,681 - - 10,681 0.0%- GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES***24,202 28,202 1,512 1,512 26,690 5.4%466 PERIPHERALS & SOFTWARE 5,000 5,000 - - 5,000 0.0%- INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 1,849,173 1,849,173 154,098 154,098 1,695,075 8.3%282,233 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,000 2,000 - - 2,000 0.0%- MAINT & OPERATION TOTAL 3,492,508 3,519,513 187,843 187,843 3,331,669 5.3%389,271 LIBRARY BUDGET TOTAL 10,563,804 10,713,806 661,330 661,330 10,052,476 6.2%815,718 *PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - INCLUDE OUTSIDE PRINTING, JANITORIAL, WINDOW SERVICE **INCLUDES OFFICE , PROCESSING AND JANITORIAL SUPPLIES ***INCLUDES, ADVERTISING, DUES, EVENT INSURANCE18 Previous Agenda Date AGENDA ITEM Scheduled Agenda Date Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Aug 21, 2023 Aug 19, 2024 Aug 21, 2023 Aug 19, 2024 Sep 18, 2023 Sep 16, 2024 Oct 16, 2023 Oct 21, 2024 Oct 16, 2023 Oct 21, 2024 Dec 11, 2023 Dec 16, 2024 Jan 16, 2024 Jan 21, 2025 Feb 26, 2024 Feb 18, 2025 Feb 26, 2024 Feb 18, 2025 Mar 18, 2024 Mar 17, 2025 Apr 15, 2024 Apr 21, 2025 Apr 15, 2024 Apr 21, 2025 May 20, 2024 May 19, 2025 May 20, 2024 May 19, 2025 May 20, 2024 May 19, 2025 Jul 15, 2024 Jun 16, 2025 Jun 17, 2024 Jun 16, 2025 Jul 15, 2024 Jul 21, 2025 Jul 15, 2024 Jul 21, 2025 LAST REVIEWED POLICY REVIEW Sep 19, 2022 NBPL 9 Expressive Use Areas Sep 16, 2024 Nov 21, 2022 NBPL 6 Media Lab Use Policy Nov 18, 2024 Nov 21, 2022 NBPL 7 Sound Lab Use Policy Nov 18, 2024 Jan 17, 2023 NBPL 12 Circulation Policy Jan 21, 2025 Jan 17, 2023 NBPL 5 Internet Use Policy Jan 21, 2025 Jan 17, 2023 NBPL 11 Rules for Acceptable Use of Wireless Internet Connections Jan 21, 2025 Feb 21, 2023 NBPL 8 Display and Distribution of Materials Policy Feb 18, 2025 Apr 17, 2023 NBPL 1 Library Use Policy Apr 21, 2025 Apr 17, 2023 NBPL 13 Study Rooms/Charles Sword Meeting Room Policy Apr 21, 2025 Jun 19, 2023 NBPL 4 Children in the Library Policy Jun 16, 2025 Aug 21, 2023 NBPL 14 The Friends Meeting Room Aug 18, 2025 Dec 11, 2023 NBPL 10 Laptop Borrowing Policy Dec 15, 2025 Mar 18, 2024 NBPL 3 Library Gift and Donor Policy Mar 16, 2026 Jun 17, 2024 NBPL 2 Collection Development Policy Jun 15, 2026 Jul 15, 2024 CC I-1 Library Services Policy (Council Policy I -1)Jul 20, 2026 Marketing Update & Social Networking Update Media Lab Update BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES MONITORING LIST Lecture Hall Update Policy Review (See List Below) Branch Update - Mariners Review Holidays / Meeting Schedule Performance Review of Library Services Director (Closed Session) Literacy Program Update Information Technology Update Adult and Reference Services Update Branch Update - Balboa Proposed Library Closures for Winter Holidays Youth Services Update Election of Board of Library Trustees Officers/Trustee Liaisons Arts & Cultural Update Newport Beach Public Library eBranch, Database and Downloadable Services Review Annual Budget - Approval Financial Report Comparison of Beginning Budget to End of the Year Amended Budget Library Material Selection Annual Budget - Preliminary Review Branch Update - CDM 19 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES STAFF REPORT August 19, 2024 Agenda Item No. 6 OVERVIEW Library patrons consult staff at service desks throughout the system for assistance in locating information. Using a structured reference interview, the librarian works with the patron to clarify their requests and determine what information sources will match their need. Assistance provided may consist of reading material in the form of a book or journal article, instruction in the use of specific searchable information resources such as the Library's online catalog or subscription databases, or information drawn from the Library's print or eBranch collections. The reference desk can be accessed either in person, by telephone, or through email. A staffed and knowledgeable reference desk is an essential part of any public library and is an important element of the Newport Beach Public Library’s strong customer service orientation. There were several staffing changes during the last year. The Adult Services Coordinator position is vacant, and the Library is in the recruitment process. A Librarian I vacancy was filled by Mary-Kay Lutgen in January 2024. Part-time Library Clerk I Taylor Stephenson was promoted in October 2023 to part-time Library Assistant at Balboa Branch. Christina Miramontes was hired in October 2023 as the part-time Library Assistant for Corona del Mar Branch. Tom Rusconi and Brooke Pauley are the new part-time Library Assistants at Mariners Branch, hired in October 2023 and January 2024, respectively. PROGRAMMING AND OUTREACH The Storytellers Writing Workshops continued this year and have been in high demand. We also hosted Genealogy Uncovered Workshops in January, February, and March that were very popular. Programming Assistant Terry Sanchez continues to cultivate high quality authors for our events. Over the previous year, we hosted Nicola Harrison and Douglas Brunt. These Meet the Author events were well attended. We hosted several at-room-capacity Sunday Musicales, continuing the standard of excellence for musicales that we have become known for over the last several years. Librarian Rosemary Hammock hosted a Zine program in July of 2024 during National Zine Month. Former Adult Services Coordinator Erin Spivey and Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth attended a Wellness and Lifestyle Expo at the Newport Beach Country Club in August 2023 to promote the Library and issue cards. In September 2023, Librarian Jeremy Rodriguez and Children’s Librarian Christine Lefter led a tour of the Central Library with members of Independent Endeavor, an organization that seeks to provide empowerment for individuals with special needs. Jeremy Rodriguez TO: BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949)717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager TITLE: Adult and Reference Services Update 20 Adult and Reference Services Update August 19, 2024 Page 2 and Children’s Librarian Jasmin Avila attended the Newport Harbor High School Volunteer Fair in February of 2024. Rosemary Hammock attended an open house for the new Clearwater Senior Center in February. TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Newport Beach Public Library believes strongly in training and staff development and offers a wide variety of opportunities for staff to learn new skills and grow as professionals. This year Library Administration renewed a one-year subscription to online training hosted by Ryan Dowd, an advocate for the homeless and other vulnerable populations. Staff have also had the opportunity to attend once- monthly live trainings hosted by Mr. Dowd. Rosemary Hammock attended the Public Library Association Conference in May along with Jasmin Avila. They were able to attend conferences, see keynote speakers, talk to vendors, and network with librarians from all over the country. SERVICES The Library added a new mobile app in April. The app is user friendly and has a strong visual interface with greater customization capabilities. The Library also added a new Special Delivery homebound service. This service offers patrons with new children to have books and other library materials delivered to them. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the Board of Library Trustees considers the item). 21 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES STAFF REPORT August 19, 2024 Agenda Item No. 8 MELISSA HARTSON, LIBRARY SERVICES DIRECTOR Central Library Anniversary The Central Library opened its doors in July 1994 and the Library commemorated the 30th anniversary by hosting an Open House on July 13, 2024. There were over 650 patrons that celebrated and participated in the Open House events. Patrons visited the information table to partake in some light refreshments and reflect on how much they appreciate all the Central Library has to offer and the impact it has had on their lives. Staff developed a scavenger hunt that encouraged visitors to discover 25 specific locations throughout the facility. Other activities included a children’s storytime and crafts, library card sign ups, and giveaways. Building tours provided additional insight into current offerings and how the facility and available resources have evolved over the past 30 years. TO: BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949) 717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director TITLE: Report of July Library Activities – August 19, 2024 Meeting 22 Report of July Library Activities August 19, 2024 Page 2 WHEELHOUSE LIST FOR LIBRARY TRUSTEES • Friends of the Library Presentation to City Council & International Literacy Day Proclamation Tuesday, August 27, 4 p.m. City Council Chambers, Civic Center • Sunday Musicale: Sophia Flores (saxophone) & Andrew Edwards (piano) Sunday, September 15, 3 p.m. Friends Room, Central Library • Library Closure: Labor Day Monday, September 2 All locations • Board of Library Trustees Meeting Monday, September 16, 5 p.m. City Council Chambers, Civic Center • International Literacy Day Celebration Friday, September 6, 10:30 a.m. Friends Room, Central Library REBECCA LIGHTFOOT, LIBRARY SERVICES MANAGER Programs The July Zine program had 31 participants of all ages. The Adult Summer Reading Program ended with a wrap-up party attended by 13 participants. Overall, we had 309 patrons register (up from 293 in 2023) and 84 patrons finish (up from 73 in 2023). Literacy Literacy Coordinator Gabriela Leman conducted learner assessments, tutor and learner conferences, processed annual Roles and Goals data collection, In Our Own Words essay solicitations, and Hoffman nomination solicitations in preparation for the International Literacy Day Celebration on September 6. ANNIKA HELMUTH, BRANCH AND YOUTH SERVICES COORDINATOR Branch Activities The Summer Reading Program (SRP) was in full swing at Mariners Branch (Mariners.) At its conclusion, Mariners had 348 participants and 411 in program attendance. Storytimes and LEGO Wednesdays remain well attended and the Seed Library continues to grow, with 215 seed packets taken in the month of July (a record for the collection.) At Balboa Branch (Balboa), the Summer Reading Challenge and Wednesday afternoon events brought lots of families into the Library. Kids got creative with crafts, performer Crazy for Chemistry presented fun with science, and a Reading Is Magic show wrapped up the summer events at the branch. At Corona del Mar Branch (CdM), July brought a full SRP schedule with 168 total in attendance throughout the month. In addition to the Summer Reading Program, storytimes were popular and Stay & Play offered a break from the heat with open-ended play. 23 Report of July Library Activities August 19, 2024 Page 3 Youth Services The seven-week SRP was another success, filled with engaging events for children and exciting prizes for reading accomplishments. As expected, summer activities brought energy and delight in abundance to all four locations. Program attendance far surpassed last year’s totals with a remarkable 34% increase in the number of participants. The reading challenge gave children opportunities to maintain and enhance literacy skills while keeping their minds active. And while challenge participation numbers were comparable to last year’s, impressively, challenge completion rates went up over 31%. Completing challenges boosts readers’ confidence as well as their sense of accomplishment, and we commend all those who finished the program by reading 600 minutes (or more!) this summer. Thanks goes to the Friends of the Library and the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation for their funding support of such an impactful community program. Special Programs Under the Sea and Forest Animal Crafts offered a “whale” of a fun and an exciting end to SRP craft events at the Central Library. With 194 participants combined, many patrons offered thanks for the programs presented and the variety of crafts available that promoted family engagement. From “baby’s first craft” moments to middle grade crafters drafting their own ideas and exciting collaborations between children and their adults, the crafts and materials received lots of compliments from guests. Central Library SRP performances were equally spirited, with 329 program participants attending the two shows, science and magic, offered in July. Overall, families were happy with the programs commenting that both were interactive and interesting. Both programs were highly anticipated and offered inspiration to the budding scientists and magicians in the audience. Class Visits The first annual field trip request for the 2024/2025 school year was received. As teachers and administrators return to their school sites following the summer break, we expect more to request field trips and other class visits. Training Children’s Librarian Jasmin Avila attended the Association for Library Service to Children’s (ALSC) Notable Children’s Books Discussion to observe the committee’s discussion and evaluation of noteworthy picture book titles released in 2024. The committee discussed criteria established as it applied to each title as well as the selection choices in general. It was a valuable to discussion to observe as it connects to readers advisory, collection development and book recommendations. Teen Services The July meeting of the Teen Summer Reading Book Club was lively. All attendees were excited and happy to be there. The group discussed books they read recently, played an emoji quiz game, and created a Percy Jackson vibes playlist for their Percy Jackson Fan Club. A bonus, parents also bonded while their teens engaged in their book discussions. Outreach On Thursday, July 25, CdM Branch and Fire Station 5 welcomed City Human Resources staff for a tour of both facilities. Human Resources were thankful for the tour and impressed with the intentional design of the facility as well as the extensive list of library services and resources. It was a positive internal outreach event. 24 Report of July Library Activities August 19, 2024 Page 4 ANDREW KACHATURIAN, CIRCULATION AND TECHNICAL PROCESSING COORDINATOR Staffing Human Resources has opened a fresh recruitment for Library Page positions, for which we have four vacancies to fill between the Central Library and Mariners Branch. Sully Jacome filled the last vacant Library Clerk position at Mariners Branch with Library Clerk Nicole Osterman transferring to the Central Library. Passport Services The Library launched its first system for online passport appointment reservations in June, so July was our first full month under this enhancement, and we are pleased to report that the transition is going well. It is much more convenient for patrons to make reservations and offers staff a streamlined way to oversee appointments and to send automated appointment reminders with links to helpful information. 25 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 Tracked by #searches A to Z Databases 684 684 Alexander Street 730 730 Ancestry 588 588 AskART 14 14 Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow 158 158 Britannica School Edition 1 1 Exploring Race in Society 2 2 Gale Archives Unbound 4163 4163 Gale Directory Library 16 16 Gale in Context: Biography 14 14 Gale in Context: Elementary 3 3 Gale in Context: Environmental 0 0 Gale in Context: Opposing View 1 1 Gale Interactive: Science 0 0 Gale Literature Resource Center 20 20 Gale Virtual Reference Library 19 19 HeritageQuest 150 150 Legal Information Ref Center 103 103 National Geographic 14 14 National Geographic Kids 8 8 NewsBank *0 NoveList Plus 81 81 NoveList K-8 Plus 41 41 ProQuest 3058 3058 Proquest eLibrary 4 4 Reference Solutions Business 325 325 Reference Solutions Residential 33 33 SIRS Discoverer 2 2 SIRS Issues Researcher 856 856 World Book Online 34 34 Tracked by #page views Artist Works 3 3 Consumer Reports 2442 2442 CultureGrams 23 23 Morningstar 5545 5545 RealQuest 57 57 Tumblebooks 3 3 Value Line 12179 12179 Tracked by courses LinkedIn Learning 291 291 Tracked by books logged Beanstack 9161 9161 Tracked by Hours Used ABC Mouse 45.00 45.00 Beanstack 5385 5385 Rosetta Stone 58.01 58.01 Notes: * Data unavailable at this time. Will add when received. Database FY Comparisons YTD 24/25 Proquest Articles Retrieved 2024-2025 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun AVG. Business Databases 1279 1279 Newspapers--Current 1285 1285 Newspapers--Historical 3576 3576 Magazines 17 17 26 NBPL Website Usage 2024-2025 Metric Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Total Users 31175 31175 31175 New Users 23890 23890 23890 Sessions 49426 49426 49426 Pageviews 106254 106254 106254 Sessions Per User 2 2 -- Pages Per Session 2 2 -- Avg. Session Dur. (min)5 5 -- Bounce Rate (%)60 60 -- Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Total Data Transferred (GB) 2024-2025 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 152 152 152 CdM 190 190 190 Mariners 2000 2000 2000 Central 12550 12550 12550 Total 14892 14892 14892 Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Total Unique Patrons 2024-2025 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 385 385 385 CdM 406 406 406 Mariners 1343 1343 1343 Central 8624 8624 8624 Total 10758 10758 10758 Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Average Number of Patrons Per Day 2024-2025 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 36 36 36 CdM 24 24 24 Mariners 110 110 110 Central 665 665 665 Total 835 835 835 Today's Business Solutions Wireless (TBS): Average Usage Per Patron (MB) 2024-2025 Location Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Average Total Balboa 404 404 404 CdM 479 479 479 Mariners 1520 1520 1520 Central 1490 1490 1490 Total 3893 3893 3893 27 JUL 24 YTD 24/25 YTD 23/24 BALBOA 3,334 3,334 2,475 CdM 4,342 4,342 4,076 MARINERS 20,312 20,312 21,895 CENTRAL 56,155 56,155 58,317 eBooks 8,474 8,474 8,521 eMagazines 4,419 4,419 1,957 eAudiobooks 7,430 7,430 6,532 Streaming Films 3,391 3,391 1,117 TOTAL 107,857 107,857 104,890 AUG 23 102,859 SEP 23 100,092 OCT 23 102,739 NOV 23 98,850 DEC 23 95,713 JAN 24 104,644 FEB 24 96,746 MAR 24 104,354 APR 24 100,244 MAY 24 98,839 JUN 24 103,516 JUL 24 107,857 TOTAL 1,216,453 12 Month Comparison NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - JULY 2024 CIRCULATION BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL eBooks eMagazines eAudiobooks Streaming Films 90,000 95,000 100,000 105,000 110,000 AUG 23 SEP 23 OCT 23 NOV 23 DEC 23 JAN 24 FEB 24 MAR 24 APR 24 MAY 24 JUN 24 JUL 24 1,610,818 1,529,391 1,464,640 1,424,594 1,376,041 1,084,526 1,043,629 1,195,151 1,172,951 1,213,486 1,000,000 1,125,000 1,250,000 1,375,000 1,500,000 1,625,000 1,750,000 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 CIRCULATION 28 JUL 24 YTD 24/25 YTD 23/24 BALBOA 450 450 424 CdM 816 816 917 MARINERS 2,284 2,284 2,250 CENTRAL 7,678 7,678 7,342 TOTAL 11,228 11,228 10,933 12 Month Comparison AUG 23 10,069 SEP 23 9,437 OCT 23 8,984 NOV 23 8,384 DEC 23 7,645 JAN 24 9,811 FEB 24 9,654 MAR 24 10,057 APR 24 9,704 MAY 24 9,602 JUN 24 11,485 JUL 24 11,228 TOTAL 116,060 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - JULY 2024 REFERENCE BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 AUG 23 SEP 23 OCT 23 NOV 23 DEC 23 JAN 24 FEB 24 MAR 24 APR 24 MAY 24 JUN 24 JUL 24 168,496 162,510 157,149 156,521 163,392 131,445 78,088 105,958 108,242 115,765 70,000 90,000 110,000 130,000 150,000 170,000 190,000 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 REFERENCE 29 JUL 24 YTD 24/25 YTD 23/24 BALBOA 2,769 2,769 2,176 CdM 3,930 3,930 3,298 MARINERS 11,221 11,221 11,297 CENTRAL 41,012 41,012 39,111 TOTAL 58,932 58,932 55,882 12 Month Comparison AUG 23 56,811 SEP 23 54,320 OCT 23 56,126 NOV 23 48,061 DEC 23 47,392 JAN 24 63,061 FEB 24 53,105 MAR 24 54,930 APR 24 56,328 MAY 24 52,357 JUN 24 55,294 JUL 24 58,932 TOTAL 656,717 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - JULY 2024 PATRONS SERVED BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL 45,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 AUG 23 SEP 23 OCT 23 NOV 23 DEC 23 JAN 24 FEB 24 MAR 24 APR 24 MAY 24 JUN 24 JUL 24 1,256,238 1,209,719 1,102,106 1,158,344 935,953 636,072 145,463 512,178 623,295 653,667 100,000 300,000 500,000 700,000 900,000 1,100,000 1,300,000 1,500,000 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 PATRONS SERVED IN LIBRARY 30 JUL 24 YTD 24/25 YTD 23/24 BALBOA 516 516 196 CdM 1,376 1,376 677 MARINERS 1,795 1,795 791 CENTRAL 10,749 10,749 7,877 TOTAL 14,436 14,436 9,541 12 Month Comparison AUG 23 3,725 SEP 23 9,851 OCT 23 10,526 NOV 23 7,448 DEC 23 7,204 JAN 24 8,800 FEB 24 9,057 MAR 24 10,506 APR 24 9,632 MAY 24 12,893 JUN 24 10,546 JUL 24 14,436 TOTAL 114,624 PROGRAM ATTENDANCE NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY - JULY 2024 BALBOA CdM MARINERS CENTRAL 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000 12,500 15,000 AUG 23 SEP 23 OCT 23 NOV 23 DEC 23 JAN 24 FEB 24 MAR 24 APR 24 MAY 24 JUN 24 JUL 24 64,473 67,646 69,922 70,430 68,241 68,078 52,678 64,397 78,293 109,729 45,000 55,000 65,000 75,000 85,000 95,000 105,000 115,000 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 PROGRAM ATTENDANCE 31 Jerold D Kappel, CEO Newport Beach Public Library Foundation Memo To: Board of Library Trustees From: Jerold D Kappel, CEO Date: August 7, 2024 Re: Library Foundation Report 1.There is no Foundation Board meeting scheduled for the month of August. a.Two new members have been elected to the Board at the July Board meeting— Megan Gorman and Dr. Andrew Gerken. b.Mireya Llaurado was elected Secretary of the Corporation. c.The next Foundation Board meeting will be Monday, September 9. 2.The Foundation’s Bookmark printing was delayed for a number of reasons beyond our control. It will go to the mailhouse on Friday August 9 and should be delivered to homes the week of August 12. The theme of this edition is creating a legacy for the Library. It features an interview with Clarence Turner, who was the Mayor when the Central Library was approved by the City Council and constructed. 3.The 2025 season of Witte Lectures and Library Live were announced to the Foundation members. It also included the opportunity for Foundation members to purchase a season pass for either or both Library Live and Witte Lecture Series. a.As of this date, 174 season passes have been purchased for the two series. 32 2 b. Individual tickets for Library Live go on sale September 1. Individual tickets for Witte Lectures go on sale October 1. 4. The Bonnie Garmus Library Live event will be held on Friday October 4 after the Library closes. It will be on the lawn for seating of up to 500 people. Kunga Wangmo, Foundation program director, is working with the Library, Recreation & Senior Services, and the A/V and event staff contractors on the details for this event. 5. The free Medicine in Our Backyard series, presented with our partner UCI Health, is scheduled for the entire 2024-2025 season. The series opens with “Seeing Clearly – What You Need to Know About Cataract Surgery” by Soroosh Behshad, MD, Associate Professor — Department of Ophthalmology on Monday, September 23, 2024. 6. The Financial Literacy Workshops begin September 30. These very popular 12 free objective educational workshops focus on personal finances in the fall and estate planning in the spring. None of the speakers are licensed to sell any financial products nor do they promote their own services. 7. The Book Discussion Group titles have been selected for the entire season. The first discussion is on September 11 and is monthly through May 2025. 8. Spotlight on Science speakers are being selected. There will be two Spotlights in the fall and two in the spring. 9. The Foundation has now raised $9.2 million in gifts and gift commitments toward its $12 million goal, which is 50% of the cost of the construction of Witte Hall. a. The construction camera video is updated every 7-10 days and is available on the Witte Hall webpage on our website. https://nbplf.foundation/witte-hall/ 10. The Library Leadership Reception will be held on Wednesday September 25. As with the Summer Solstice Celebration, all Trustees will be invited, and signage will be posted that states that no Library governance business will be discussed in order to comply with recent rulings regarding the Brown Act. 11. The Foundation’s finances are in audit and the IRS reporting form 990. As in previous years, once the audit and 990 are completed and reviewed by the Foundation board, the forms will be posted on the Foundation’s website. The Form 990 that will be posted is the publicly viewed form. 33