HomeMy WebLinkAbout00 - Non Agenda - PowerPointBURNIIAM LEA I ZP s417F https://socoandtheocmix.com/tag/arc/ 3. What do you like best about having your restaurant at SOCO and the OC Mix? Too many things to just say one! But top two —first, the ownership of SOCO, Scott Burnham and Bryon Ward are both amazing business men and visionaries. These two gentlemen have spent more time with Noah and I, going over plans, talking about new ideas, and where the business is going. They are mentors more than landlords!! �:n HeNmrt 8mc h, Celibmi a- ue( o me re:og N z e a E5 a 5ireng kV[e -r.le We51 C oB5i(Cn'n=-='^-•'�.. ..III J By SAMANTHA GDWEN I saowen Q scncl,coifi I Orange County Reclicter UPDATED: November 3, 2023 at 11:09 a.m. Tenants at 3303-3323 Hyland Ave. include Arc Food and Libations Burnham USA Equities, a sister company to the developer of the property: Burnham Ward Properties: was managing the center for Rockwood and also will run it for the new owner. the NaltfpwrdW,06 .5&M aurnharm toundwr orid CM of supah aft suE%as Burnham MA andBwdum• worwCAM Jcia<AmMNWffVM WMrdP'rapartl+!. "to� wWAlso Cmlkv)ARC. B,"a- Prom dma and Ulna irk # BakK i''d "►o'er Recording Requested By and Mail to: Driscoll Anderson Reynard LLP 5740 Fleet Street, Suite 125 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Mail Tax Statements To: Scott T. Burnham 860 Newport Center Drive, Suite 150 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Hugh Nguyen, Clerk -Recorder II I I II III I III I I I III III II II 91.00 *$ R 0 0 1 4 8 9 4 1 6 6$ 2024000093399 2:28 pm 04/15/24 480 Sec4A Q01 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.000.0075.00 3.00 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE QUITCLAIM DEED APN: 047-042-27 The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct: THERE IS NO CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSFER. Documentary Transfer Tax is $0 0 R & T 11930. Transfer is from Grantor's trust interest to a revocable subtrust for the benefit of Grantor and with no beneficial change in ownership and not pursuant to a sale. For a Good and Valuable Consideration, Scott T. Burnham, Trustee of the Keith Orville Burnham and Barbara Baker Burnham Trust under declaration of trust dated October 6, 1987, hereby REMISES, RELEASES, and QUITCLAIMS to Scott T. Burnham, Trustee of the Surviving Spouse's Trust created under the Keith Orville Burnham Trust, dated August 6, 1987, as a tenant in common An undivided 50% interest in and to the following described real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A LEGAL PART HEREOF Commonly known as 417 30th Street, Newport Beach, CA, 92663 Dated '¢J5 Scott T. Burnham, Trustee of the Keith Orville Burnham and Barbara Balser Burnham Trust under declaration of trust dated October 6, 1987 APN: 047-042-27 Page 1 SCOTT BURNHAM CEO / Partner Scott Burnham established Burnham USA Equities, Inc. in 1990 and along with partner Bryan Ward, co-founded Burnham Ward Properties in 2004. With more than 40 years' experience in the real estate industry, he has established himself as an industry leader and his artistic and contrarian approach to every project has become widely known and has received national recognition. Prior to Burnham USA Equities, Inc. he was worked at Nexus Development Corporation as a principal par -trier and later co-founded Nexus USA Equities, Inc. where he served as co - managing partner and co-chairman of the board. 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 1V 11 l2 13 14 15 Jb 17 18 19 Zia 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Dennis G_ Cosso - SB4 46624 Law Offices of Dennis G. Cosso 414 South First Avenue Arcadia, California 91006 Tclaphone: 626574.3900 Facsimile: 026.574.9081 l;mt�il; "drnniswssalr�u•��remail.wm" Ariome3^s for Plaintiff (7aptive-Aire Sy'StcmS, Inc. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR ORANGE COUNTY CAPTIVE -AIRS SYSTEMS, INC.. a north Carolina eorporstlua, Plaintillls), VS. ARC RESTAURANT LLC:, a California Jimited Ilab[]ity company; THE BURNHAM FAN HLY I-RUSt, a Cali.fixnia tm,,t entity; 4iC OTT T. Bi RNHAM, an imiividuA acting as the TruAcc for the BURNHAM FAMILY TRUST dated 4cFtember 29. 1996; BARBARA B. BURNHAM, an individual acting ag the I rustee of the KEITH ORVILLE 13URN IIAM and BARUARA 13AKER BURNHAM TRUST UNDER DECL.ARATIO2; (IF 7PUS7 dared Octnher 6. 1997: DOES 1 through 50. imAusivc, 1Defendangs) CASE N(1.3{H2Oi7-il14t134(i1-C[f-RC-CJC UNLIMITED RTFMRAWAL OF LIS PENDENS NOTICE HAS PREVIOUSLY BEEN GIVEN that an action has been commenced and is pending in the above-cxttiticd Court, upon a Complaint or the abovr-named Plainiff, CAPTIVIE- AIRE SY5TFM5, r C., against Defendants, ARC RESTAURANT LLC; THE BI:RNHAM -1 - WII'RURAWAL OF LIS PE. NDLN5 1 FANELY TRUST; SC= T. BURNHAM, an individual acting as the Trustee for the BURNHAM 2 FAMILY TRI:tSTdnted ficptemher29. 19%; 13ARRARA 13. BURNHAM, anindividml acting as 3 the Trustee of the KEITH OR' ` ]LLE BI.;RNHAM and BARBARA BAKER BURN AM TRUST 4 1,'NI )l %R I}I• I[ LAIW'J ON 01' TKJS'J' dated Oel;ober 6. 1987; thw the objcet lu said vcdvn is to 5 foreelose and enforce a Mechanic's Lien upon the premises hereinafter described or buildings 6 situated thereon, for furnishing corrtmercial vend Ia&m aguiptuent to ARC H1: STAURAV111C, 7 %0-jieh was used on a work Gf improvement upon the property owned by def'endazrts, ARC 8 RESTAURANT LLC; THE BURNH2"4 FAMILY TRUST; SCOTT T. BURNHAM, an individual 9 acting as the Trustce fur the BURNHAM FAMILY TRUST dated 5eptembra 29, 1996; BAR13ARA 10 13. B1JRNHAl41, an individual ucling as tits Trustee of the KIXI'H ORVI LLL BURNI-LAM and 11 BARBARA BAKER BURNH.AM TRUST UNDER DECLARATION OF TRUST dated Wtober 6, 12 1987, and Icascd by said owners to dcfcn&rlit ARC RESTAURANT LLC, amounting w the surn of 13 $29,727.77, togc.-thr:r with intermt and costs; nuticx and claim of said Amended lien was ticoTOW on 14 or about Nvvrnbcr 7, 2019, Ofiicinl Records of County of Orange, Goun[y C;lerks's office, 15 lnstrumeni Nu. 201 SQW402996; and thsrr the prrpnrty u[Tccted Icy said J ien and these foreciosura 16 proceedings is situated in the County of Grange, State of California, and described as follows: 17 417 3(hh St., %e-,rt Beach, CA 92663.3711. A?Nff 047-042-27 is 19 PLAINTIFF, CAPTIVE -AIRS SYSTEMS, INC., hcmby withdraws the Nolim of Pcnd=vy 20 nr .-kction recorded by ahem in the office of the County rewrder of Orsngey Cali£en,ia, " January 21 23. 2019, DoctunentNo. 2019000021981. 22 This Nouce ofWitlidrath'ttl is recorded pursonnt to Section 405.S0 of the Code of Civil 23 Procedure. 24 Dmeci February 2(i19 The Law Offroes of 17e is G. Cosm 25 26 By; 27 Cosa, Attorney for Plaintiff, CAPTIVE-AIRE 29 SYSTEMS, INC .Z. WI111JDRAWAI. OP LI4 P NlI?I?NS On Aug 19, 2D24, at 3:40 PM, Ad lever <adlever@hotmail.corn> wrote: Mr. Harp, Thankyou foryour prompt reply. I guess we'll haveto agree to disagree an this matter. I do notfeelthat your apparent efforts to trivialize, or create distance betweenthe parties (Burnham -Ward; Burnham USA; "sister companies"; "related entities and affiliates", etal.), reflectwell on the governmental procurement process in this instance. I'II oontinueto hope for better. Having heard Councilmember Blom state at two public meetings, that he would essentially like to not remain in office, I'm encouraged to learn from you, that someone else has filed. could certainly understand Mr. Blom feeling that he's had enough. Take care, Adam From: Harp, Aaron <aharp@newportbeachm.gov> Sent: Monday, August 19, 2024 2:39 PM To: Ad lever <adIever@hotmail.com> Cc: Jenn ifer@5LC <J en niter. Lu cch esi@slc-ca.gov>; Seth. Bla ckmon @slc.ca.gov CSeth.Blackm o nODslc. ca.gov>; Reid.Boggia nopsl c_ca.gov <Reid _Boggiano @slc_ca.gou>; Saha r_Ou ral i end oi. cagov <Sahar.0u ra li@doj. ca.gov>; Kate. H ucke l bridge@ooasta I.ca gov <Kate. H udre l bridge@ccastalca gov>; Ka rl.Schwi ng@coasta 1. ca.gov < Karl. Schwing@coastal.cagov>1 Leung, Grace <gleung@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone tsjurJs@newportbeachca_gov>; Finnigan, Tara <TFinnigan@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: RE: Balboa Yacht Basin - Burnham -Ward Good afternoon Mr_ Lever_ Our office is in receipt of ymu- letter alleging that Council Member Blom has a conflict of interest and should have fecused himself trotter considering matters related to the Balboa I aclrt Basta Our office has preciously discussed these alleged conflicts with Council Meinhef Blom, and he has autixg rpd oiu office to respand to these concern. ARer ewdully rec.'iewing these allegatioms (which were pm-Lously made by forme[ -Council Member Herdmaa oho is running against Coma/ Member Blom in the upcomiag election). we have determined that Council Member Blom does act have a conflict of interest. Specifically, in your correspondence you raise concerns about Are Food & Libations in Costa Mesa (Le., Arc *1 is you correspondence). As you note, Burah— Ward preriottsly developed this property- howeverit was sold. and Burnham R'afd na longer has an ownership interest ui the property. Aho, while the article you cite by Ms_ Samauth Gowen states that Bumham ;Vard Properties manages the center, the new owner actively manages all fiaencial matters im of tag the teuaats. and Bumham Ward Properties is not im ch-ed in matters that could have a financial impact on Arc Food & I.ildhona Also, you raise concerns about Are Butcher & Baker in Neuport Beach (i. e., Arc 92 in yow correspondence). I has.-e discussed this issue with Council Member Blom and Burnham Wafd does not own the property or have any interest therein Arc Butcher & Balctr's lease for the property is with a trust and Burnham Ward has no interest in the trust. In conclusion, mu- office has not ideutifred any financial interest between Burnham Zk and and Ccgmcil Member Blom that would constitute a conflict of interest. Please let me know if you have any questions. From: O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeadhca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 3:51 PM To: Ad lever =adIever@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: Balboa Yacht Basin - Burnham -Ward You are intelligent enough io know what I have said and why I said d. VWII O'Neill Newport Beach Mayor From: Ad lever <adlever@hotrnail.carry Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 10:45 AM To: O'Neill, William <mneill@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Re: Balboa Yacht Basin - Burnham -Ward Mayor O'Neill, Thank you forthe courtesy of a reply. I know that sometimes when speaking to an issue in instances where I've failed at efforts using what I'm told is common sense, I can revert to sarcasmor irony. I do not prefer that, but believe it or not, it has been successful elsewhere... at times. And when it's not, there can be value in determining where people's positions are on things. To that end here, are you contending that a Councilmember having a land Iordjtenantfbusiness relationship, as indicated by multiple news sources, does not create any conflict -of -interest, which wouldishould preclude that Councilmember from discussingfvoting on a matter, if the matter involves "sister companies"; "related entities and affiliates", et al." of the landlord/ tenant/business relationship partners? Seriously, I value your opinion, and am open to the possibility of you changing my mind on the ethics of subject. Take care, Adam From: O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.goo Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 7:35 AM To: Ad lever <adlever@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: Balboa Yacht Basin - Burnham -Ward Adam - I don't know what part of your life has been successful with this type of snarkiness, but I can assure that it is having the opposite impact that you seek in your public advocacy_ Sincerely, Mayor trill O'-Neill wonei II@newportbeachca_gov 100 Civic Center Dr. Newport Beach CA 926M