HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 - PSA for the Proposed Surf Farm Project at 3100 Irvine Avenue (PA2024-0069) - CorrespondenceReceived after Agenda Printed August 27, 2024 Item No. 12 From: Biddle, Jennifer Sent: August 26, 2024 8:58 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: FW: Golf course -----Original Message ----- From: Patti Ferguson <teacup1007@icloud.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 2:08 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Golf course [ EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. Please leave the golf course alone. We don't need a surf place that should be at the beach. We don't need anymore tall buildings. Leave the golf course alone. Patti Ferguson From: Biddle, Jennifer Sent: August 26, 2024 8:58 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: FW: Newport Beach golf course -----Original Message ----- From: Wendy Barton <wendybarton56@gmail.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 7:11 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Newport Beach golf course [ Q EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. Please keep Newport Beach golf course. It is one of the few affordable courses in the area. It would be so sad for it to be torn down. Wendy Barton Sent from my iPhone From: Biddle, Jennifer Sent: August 26, 2024 8:58 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: FW: Surf park in Newport -----Original Message ----- From: Jerry Lehman <usprotour@gmail.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 7:12 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Surf park in Newport [ Q EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. This is exciting and we would bring our Surfing tour event to the Surf park each year. We hope it gets approved!!! US Pro Surfing Tour Jerry Lehman, Tour Director 602-309-6419 www.usorosurftour.com Usprotour@gmail.com From: Biddle, Jennifer To: City Clerk"s Office Subject: FW: Golf course Date: August 26, 2024 8:58:43 AM -----Original Message ----- From: Wendy Arnett <touchearthgently@gmail.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 7:39 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Golf course [ EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. Please dont allow the golf course on Irvine ave to close. They are not many activities for kids these days oceans are where they should learn where their lifeguards to help protect them. Aside from that my kids learn to golf there promoted another outdoor activity in their lives instead of sitting inside looking at video games, the golf course there was always busy and many people use it, it is a great way to destress after work or on the weekends. Sent from my iPhone. Thank you, Wendy Arnett From: Biddle, Jennifer To: City Clerk"s Office Subject: FW: Surf Farm exemption from environmental review on consent agenda 8/27 City Council meeting, revised Date: August 26, 2024 9:02:03 AM From: Jim Auster <jimauster@hotmail.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 9:00 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Fwd: Surf Farm exemption from environmental review on consent agenda 8/27 City Council meeting, revised <caputogirls(c)yahoo.com>, Laurie Kelly <Laurie(c)silverliningrealty.com>, Leland Berggren <lberggren23(@gmail.com>, Louise Grimm <louisemgrimm(c)yahoo.com>, Marlene Hester <marlenehester(acox.net>, Matt Clark <milclark(cbroadrunner.com>, Matt Nestlerode <nestlerode.matt(cogmail.com>, Max Gonzales <mgonzales(dgeometricre.com>, Meleah Johnson <meleahmail(Ogmail.com>, Merrill Josh <iosh()liquidgraphics.ty>, Mickey Steinmeyer<micl<eysteinmeyer(cAgmail.com>, merrilee bliss <merritee bliss(o)gmail.com>, Andrea Dunn <apronkdunn(Oyahoo.com>, Andrea Kane <californiakane(a)yahoo.com>, Angie Vazirian <angievazirian(a)gmail.com>, Anne Ima <anneimaPyahoo.com>, Anthony Nguyen <blueporsche3(a)yahoo.com>, Barbara Sihilling <bisihilling(@gmail.com>, Beth Darling <bdarling001(cOroadrunner.com>, Bill Cope <cope2003(cbsbcglobal.net>, Brad Larkins <brad.larkins(cOoutlook.com>, Brett Fowler <pbfowler(c)yahoo.com>, Brett Mullinax <brettmullinax3(cAgmail.com>, Brian Barson <brianbarson(cbgmail.com>, Buck Johns <buckiohnsPaol.com>, Buck Johns<bucl<iohns(ainlandenerg)z.com>, Caroline Dobbins <carolinedobbinsPicloud.com>, Carrera Mullinax <carreramullinax(0)gmail.com>, Cass Carrie Spence <cspenceProadrunner.com>, Christina Larkins <christina larkinsPhotmail.com>, Cole Cannon <colepcannon(@gmail.com>, Colleen Johns <EJohns3287(@aol.com>, Curtis Murrell <curtism(cpcwservices.com>, Cyle Kasper <cylekspr(@gmail.com>, David Doyle <ddoyle(@avcity.org>, Devon Niccole <dniccole(cOgmail.com>, Diane Rinker <dianerinker(cOme.com>, Donna McMeikan <donnamcmeikan(6gmail.com>, Drew Mcallister <drewmcallister19(OgmaiLcom>, Edward Matthias <ematthiasPsbcglobal.net>, Heather Proud <hproud949(agmail.com>, Hugh Stevenson <hstevenson(amindspring.com>, Jackie Land <iackieland(@sbcgloba[.net>, Janice Burns <ianburns(a)msn.com>, Janine Mariano <ianinemarianoPearthlink.net>, Jayne Jones <caken pie(a)mac.com>, Jeff Erica Roberts <roberts4forme(@gmail.com>, Jeff Roberts <2ieffroberts(Qgmail.com>, Jeff Staneart <nonobaddog(c)rocketmail.com>, Jill Manly <iill(abiabulaniyoga.com>, Jim Glidewell <iim.glidewell(aglidewelldental.com>, Jim Panetta <ipanetta24(Ogmail.com>, Joe Travers <i.travers.design(6gmail.com>, John Chapman <iohn.chapman(dwpwm.com>, Johnson Andrews <andrewsadvisory(agmail.com>, Julie Cook <iuliecook838(ayahoo.com>, Julie Davis Dill <iulie2668Patt.net>, Julie Lowery <lowerynewportPyahoo.com>, Troy Grover <troygroverPgmail.com>, Troy Johnson <troy(cbtroyiohnsonstudios.com>, Vince Do <vincesdoPgmail.com>, ana lucia long <analong. nb(cOgmail.com>, Nick Kerr <nkerr22(@hotmail.com>, Patricia Delgado <pdelgado15(cOgmail.com>, Peggy Kerr <peggykerr22(@hotmail.com>, Ray Kang <raykang10(cOgmail.com>, Richard Abramson <rpabra mson(c�gmail.com>, Richard Dunn <dunnwriter(cOyahoo.com>, Richard Moriarty <nbvineyards(Ogmail.com>, Robar Family <robar4(asbcglobal.net>, Ron Janine Mariano <ronmarianopearthlink.net>, Ryan Schleiger <schleige(ayahoo.com>, Sandy Meadows <smeadows2412Pgmail.com>, Scott Pickard <1 scottpCabgmail.com>, Scott Proud <proud858Ca-Ohotmail.com>, Season Leech <sleech(@nmusd.us>, Shane Bradley <shane.d.bradley(Cbgmail.com>, Stephanie Simpson <kersteph(@aol.com>, Summer Ball <greylikesweddingsCa)gmail.com>, Taylor Felix <tayLorfelix90(d)gmaiL.com>, Ted Farry <tedfarry@)gmail.com>, Tim Stoaks <timstoaks(a)sbcgloba[.net>, Todd Wilson <toddmwca(a)aol.com>, Treb Heining <treb(a)glasshouseballoon.com>, mo(a)gsainfo.com, kymartin(a)uci.edu, rmeadows(a)morrow- mead ows.com, cityroofing1357(a)gmail.com, Linda Giedt <lclemensgiedt0Ogmail.com> Subject: Surf Farm exemption from environmental review on consent agenda 8/27 City Council meeting, revised Dear Mayor, City Council members, City manager, project planner, and Bayview Height neighbors, I am in Colorado for important work meeting tomorrow and cannot attend City Council meeting, please consider this email as my public comment. Consent item 12 exempts application by Surf Farm from environmental review and must be rejected. The application for surfing lagoon on the middle parcel of Newport Beach Golf Course will have serious environmental and land use impacts on the two adjoining golf course parcels which must be considered together with this application and cannot be exempt from environmental review. Surf Farm application letter (link below)does not present accurate information about the future of Newport Beach Golf Course. It will be entirely eliminated by their proposal, not just holes 1,2,9 as claimed in the letter.. There will be environmental impacts on the two adjoining parcels. Russ Fluter's plan is to eliminate this essential much loved and much used public recreational amenity for very high profit high density residential development on 14 acre holes 3-8 parcel across Mesa Dr. The application letter for artificial surf lagoon claims converting the popular driving range and holes 1,2,9, will not affect golf course operation of holes 3-8 on front 9 and the back 9 but that is impossible. Without the center parcel parking lot and clubhouse the entire golf course will no longer be viable. Lease to Surf Farm is intended to eliminate the golf course to build 690 housing units on holes 3-8 front 9. The application claims the course facility is obsolete and due for replacement but many expensive improvements have been made, it is in best condition and more popular than ever, and is used by all of NB and OC golfers, families, and their children. Surf lagoon to replace golf seems low impact and on its own may be exempt from environmental review but it will directly impact adjoining parcels and cannot be exempt from review. Without golf course clubhouse, administration, parking lot, and practice range on the middle parcel the County owned back nine parcel will no longer function as golf course and will become the long planned airport runway extension with enormous environmental impact. This must be included and studied as part of Surf Farm application which cannot be exempt from environmental review. The idea of artificial surfing in NB is absurd, will be an embarrassment, and make a bad joke of NB reputation for a great environment and great surfing. Artificial energy wasting surfing with the big beautiful beaches and waves of the Pacific Ocean nearby is the opposite of what an energy and climate aware community famous for its surfing should communicate. Please reject Surf Farm erroneous application and reject its exemption from environmental impact study. If you care about the environment save the irreplaceable beautiful green open space of Newport Beach Golf Course. If this golf course is allowed to be rezoned for high profit development it will set a precedent that could eliminate all golf courses and all that precious open space. Jim Auster 20401 Bayview Ave Newport Beach CA 92660 U View Surf Farm letter https://ecros.newportbeachca.gov/WEB/DocView.aspx? id=3041154&dbid=0&repo=CNB neighbors please email City Council members and show up at meeting on Tues to oppose exemption of Surf Farm from environmental review. This is not just about the golf course, if Surf Farm application is approved to eliminate golf course our entire neighborhood is at risk of high density rezoning Jim On Aug 25, 2024, at 12:06 PM, Linda Giedt <lclemensgiedtCg)gmail.com> wrote: Surf Farm on the agenda for Tuesday, 8/27. See attachments. What does 12 A mean? Professional Services Agreement with EPD Solutions for Environmental Services for the Proposed Surf Farm Project at 3100 Irvine Avenue (PA2024-0069) 12.E Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly: and b) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Environment Planning Development Solutions, Inc. for EIR Related to Proposed Surf Farm Project in an amount not to exceed $277,630 in a form substantially similar to the agreement attached to this staff report. Also, here is an article about the Dove St project. Also on the agenda for 8/27 Council to consider Airport Area 082324 — Stu News Newport On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 2:53 PM Jim Auster <iimauster(d)hotmail.com> wrote: Application PA 2024 0069 was submitted by Surf Farm Ltd to NB Development office to replace NB Golf Course driving range and holes 1,2,9 for wave surfing facility. Land owner Mr. Fluter will eliminate range and holes 1,3,9 to make the front nine no Longer functional under existing recreational zoning to apply for rezoning and development of 700 high density residential units on holes 3,4,5,6,7, 8 on the 14 acres across Mesa Dr. Jim Auster 20401 Bayview 9706187692 Ll https://ecros.newportbeachca.gov/WEB/DocView.aspx? id=3041154&dbid =0&repo=CNB <Staff Report (1).pdf> <Attachment A - Professional Services Agreement with EPD Solutions Inc (1).pdf> From: Biddle, Jennifer Sent: August 26, 2024 10:11 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: FW: Save Our Open Spaces! From: Carol Graves <carolanne2005@outlook.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 10:02 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Save Our Open Spaces! [ A EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. Good morning, I don't think you should get rid of the golf course and build a surf park. We need our open spaces and there is a public benefit to the gold course. There are a ton of empty building they can use. Please keep the golf course! Carol Graves Resident of Newport Beach From: Biddle, Jennifer Sent: August 26, 2024 11:55 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: FW: Newport Beach Golf Course -----Original Message ----- From: Megan Smith Steele <meganlynnsmith@gmail.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 11:05 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Newport Beach Golf Course [ Q EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. My husband and I are avid supporters and very frequent a customers of the Newport Beach Golf Course, Original Pizza 2 and the Driving Range. We do NOT support any redevelopment ideas for a "Surf Camp" - or any development that excludes any important community or land impact studies. Megan Smith Steele a 626-394-3500 Q meganlynnsmith@gmail.com From: Biddle, Jennifer Sent: August 26, 2024 11:56 AM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: FW: Please keep Newport golf course and driving range! -----Original Message ----- From: DeeDee McCrory <ddloves5@hotmail.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 11:37 AM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Please keep Newport golf course and driving range! [ Q EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. As a mom of 5 young adults who have all discovered a love for golf, I am writing to ask you to please consider keeping the Newport Beach golf course and driving range. This is an affordable course and range, where all ages can go and enjoy an outdoor activity. Many of my kids and their friends regularly visit the driving range and course. And at a time where most teens and young people are consistently behind screens, we need more outdoor affordable fun. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. DeeDee McCrory From: Biddle, Jennifer Sent: August 26, 2024 3:19 PM To: City Clerk's Office Subject: FW: Surf Farm exemption from environmental review on consent agenda 8/27 City Council meeting, revised From: Laurie Kelly <laurie@silverliningrealty.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 3:18 PM To: Dept - City Council<CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <siuriis@newportbeachca.gov>; Perez, Joselyn <JPerez@newportbeachca.gov>; Stapleton, Joe <istapleton@newportbeachca.gov>; Avery, Brad <bavery@newportbeachca.gov>; Grant, Robyn <rgrant@newportbeachca.gov>; Blom, Noah <NBlom@newportbeachca.gov>; O'Neill, William <woneill@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: FW: Surf Farm exemption from environmental review on consent agenda 8/27 City Council meeting, revised [ Q EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. Dear Mayor, City Council members, City Manager, project planner and Bayview Heights nieghbors, I concur with Mr. Auster and add that we are 4 miles from ocean, why a surf farm??? Furthermore, the community must have the right to vote on any changes to the General Plan, seven people is not sufficient to determine the desires of the entire city. I will be at that meeting tomorrow to watch all of you very closely. Laurie Kelly From: Jim Auster <iimauster@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, August 26, 2024 7:13 AM To: citycouncil@newportbeach.gov; Seimone Jurjis <siuriis@newportbeachca.gov>; Joselyn Perez <JPerez@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: M. Smith <mws.aspenroval@gmail.com>; Neil Treffers <ntreffers@ptats.com>; Allisonpanettal7@gmail.com; selmersax55@gmail.com; cello1933@gmail.com; mzmegan02@vahoo.com; mauicat40@gmail.com; eigoodl@hotmail.com; bha11949@gmail.com; bpoundersl9@gmail.com; imiller2411@gmail.com; jsalvo2105@aol.com; sbkim213@gmail.com; pdunn5000@aol.com; Christina <dcmcreynolds@yahoo.com>; Romin <rominrad@gmail.com>; nm.gallogly@gmail.com; k9carrie@yahoo.com; anu sona@hotmail.com; I.escalera@columbiasinks.com; crncable@gmail.com; cyla@mac.com; devonwortmann@yahoo.com; heimalrl@gmail.com; heleyak@gmail.com; iacable@gmail.com; ighall@fea.net; ioepennino@gmail.com; iordanpaigefelix@gmail.com; brynnedunn@gmail.com; kh@sureboard.com; legitsound@yahoo.com; lucianicolai@me.com; marlenahamilton@bhhscal.com; mboltiones@gmail.com; mollyimagnuson@gmail.com; robert@onetrustlegacy.com; sarateag@hotmail.com; savannahoehn@yahoo.com; spdemille@roadrunner.com; tdwinc@att.net; wagoring@aol.com; annchat@sbcglobal.net; blueberriekids@gmail.com; brad@matchgradeinsurance.com; istuckhardt@gmail.com; bspackard@gmail.com; craigima@vahoo.com; Justin Cable <icable@gmail.com>; Kady Carson <kadycarson@yahoo.com>; Kathy Dugan <kdugan@dslextreme.com>; Kerry Simpson <ksimpson@moffattnichol.com>; Khyber Zaffarkhan <khybs@hotmail.com>; Kimberly Wright <kimberlycabo09@gmail.com>; Kurt Kawczynski <kurt kawczynski@yahoo.com>; Kyle Robar <ktrobar@gmail.com>; Laura Caputo <caputogirls@vahoo.com>; Laurie Kelly<laurie@silverliningrealty.com>; Leland Berggren <lberggren23@gmail.com>; Louise Grimm <louisemgrimm@yahoo.com>; Marlene Hester <marlenehester@cox.net>; Matt Clark <milclark@road runner.com>; Matt Nestlerode <nestlerode.matt@gmail.com>; Max Gonzales <mgonzales@geometricre.com>; Meleah Johnson <meleahmail@gmail.com>; Merrill Josh <iosh@Iiquidgraphics.ty>; Mickey Steinmeyer <mickeysteinmeyer@gmail.com>; merrilee bliss <merrileebliss@gmail.com>; Andrea Dunn <apronkdunn@vahoo.com>; Andrea Kane <californiakane@yahoo.com>; Angie Vazirian <angievazirian@gmail.com>; Anne Ima <anneima@vahoo.com>; Anthony Nguyen <blueporsche3@yahoo.com>; Barbara Sihilling <bisihilling@gmail.com>; Beth Darling <bdarling001@roadrunner.com>; Bill Cope <cope2003@sbcgloba1.net>; Brad Larkins <brad.larkins@outlook.com>; Brett Fowler <pbfowler@yahoo.com>; Brett Mullinax <brettmullinax3@gmail.com>; Brian Barson <brianbarson@gmail.com>; Buck Johns <buckiohns@aol.com>; Buck Johns <buckiohns@inlandenergy.com>; Caroline Dobbins <carolinedobbins@icloud.com>; Carrera Mullinax <carreramullinax@gmail.com>; Cass Carrie Spence <cspence@roadrunner.com>; Christina Larkins <christina larkins@hotmail.com>; Cole Cannon <colepcannon@gmail.com>; Colleen Johns <EJohns3287@aol.com>; Curtis Murrell <curtism@pcwservices.com>; Cyle Kasper <cvlekspr@gmail.com>; David Doyle <ddovle@avcity.org>; Devon Niccole <dniccole@gmail.com>; Diane Rinker <dianerinker@me.com>; Donna McMeikan <donnamcmeikan@gmail.com>; Drew Mcallister <drewmcallister19@gmail.com>; Edward Matthias <ematthias@sbcglobal.net>; Heather Proud <hproud949@gmail.com>; Hugh Stevenson <hstevenson@mindspring.com>; Jackie Land <iackieland@sbcgloba1.net>; Janice Burns <ianburns@msn.com>; Janine Mariano <ianinemariano@earthlink.net>; Jayne Jones <cakenpie@mac.com>; Jeff Erica Roberts <roberts4forme@gmail.com>; Jeff Roberts <2ieffroberts@gmail.com>; Jeff Staneart <nonobaddog@rocketmail.com>; Jill Manly <iill@iabulaniyoga.com>; Jim Glidewell<iim.glidewell@glidewelldental.com>; Jim Panetta <6panetta24@gmail.com>; Joe Travers <i.travers.design@gmail.com>; John Chapman <iohn.chapman@wpwm.com>; Johnson Andrews <andrewsadvisory@gmail.com>; Julie Cook <iuliecook838@yahoo.com>; Julie Davis Dill <iulie2668@att.net>; Julie Lowery <lowerynewport@yahoo.com>; Troy Grover <troygrover@gmail.com>; Troy Johnson <troy@troyiohnsonstudios.com>; Vince Do <vincesdo@gmail.com>; ana lucia long <analong.nb@gmail.com>; Nick Kerr <nkerr22@hotmail.com>; Patricia Delgado <pdelgado15@gmail.com>; Peggy Kerr <peggykerr22@hotmail.com>; Ray Kang <raykang10@gmail.com>; Richard Abramson <rpabramson@gmail.com>; Richard Dunn <dunnwriter@vahoo.com>; Richard Moriarty <nbvinevards@gmail.com>; Robar Family <robar4@sbcglobal.net>; Ron Janine Mariano <ronmariano@earthlink.net>; Ryan Schleiger <schleige@vahoo.com>; Sandy Meadows <smeadows2412@gmail.com>; Scott Pickard <lscottp@gmail.com>; Scott Proud <proud858@hotmail.com>; Season Leech <sleech@nmusd.us>; Shane Bradley <shane.d.bradley@gmail.com>; Stephanie Simpson <kersteph@aol.com>; Summer Ball <greylikesweddings@gmail.com>; Taylor Felix <taylorfelix90@gmail.com>; Ted Farry <tedfarrv@gmail.com>; Tim Stoaks <timstoaks@sbcglobal.net>; Todd Wilson <toddmwca@aol.com>; Treb Heining <treb@glasshouseballoon.com>; mo@gsainfo.com; kymartin@uci.edu; rmeadows@morrow-meadows.com; cityroofingl357@gmail.com; Linda Giedt <Iclemensgiedt@gmail.com> Subject: Surf Farm exemption from environmental review on consent agenda 8/27 City Council meeting, revised Dear Mayor, City Council members, City manager, project planner, and Bayview Height neighbors, I am in Colorado for important work meeting tomorrow and cannot attend City Council meeting, please consider this email as my public comment. Consent item 12 exempts application by Surf Farm from environmental review and must be rejected. The application for surfing lagoon on the middle parcel of Newport Beach Golf Course will have serious environmental and land use impacts on the two adjoining golf course parcels which must be considered together with this application and cannot be exempt from environmental review. Surf Farm application letter (link below)does not present accurate information about the future of Newport Beach Golf Course. It will be entirely eliminated by their proposal, not just holes 1,2,9 as claimed in the letter.. There will be environmental impacts on the two adjoining parcels. Russ Fluter's plan is to eliminate this essential much loved and much used public recreational amenity for very high profit high density residential development on 14 acre holes 3-8 parcel across Mesa Dr. The application letter for artificial surf lagoon claims converting the popular driving range and holes 1,2,9, will not affect golf course operation of holes 3-8 on front 9 and the back 9 but that is impossible. Without the center parcel parking lot and clubhouse the entire golf course will no longer be viable. Lease to Surf Farm is intended to eliminate the golf course to build 690 housing units on holes 3-8 front 9. The application claims the course facility is obsolete and due for replacement but many expensive improvements have been made, it is in best condition and more popular than ever, and is used by all of NB and OC golfers, families, and their children. Surf lagoon to replace golf seems low impact and on its own may be exempt from environmental review but it will directly impact adjoining parcels and cannot be exempt from review. Without golf course clubhouse, administration, parking lot, and practice range on the middle parcel the County owned back nine parcel will no longer function as golf course and will become the long planned airport runway extension with enormous environmental impact. This must be included and studied as part of Surf Farm application which cannot be exempt from environmental review. The idea of artificial surfing in NB is absurd, will be an embarrassment, and make a bad joke of NB reputation for a great environment and great surfing. Artificial energy wasting surfing with the big beautiful beaches and waves of the Pacific Ocean nearby is the opposite of what an energy and climate aware community famous for its surfing should communicate. Please reject Surf Farm erroneous application and reject its exemption from environmental impact study. If you care about the environment save the irreplaceable beautiful green open space of Newport Beach Golf Course. If this golf course is allowed to be rezoned for high profit development it will set a precedent that could eliminate all golf courses and all that precious open space. Jim Auster 20401 Bayview Ave Newport Beach CA 92660 View . — Document • 676 KB Surf Farm letter https://ecros.newportbeachca.gov/WEB/DocView.aspx?id=3041154&dbid=0&repo=CNB neighbors please email City Council members and show up at meeting on Tues to oppose exemption of Surf Farm from environmental review. This is not just about the golf course, if Surf Farm application is approved to eliminate golf course our entire neighborhood is at risk of high density rezoning Jim On Aug 25, 2024, at 12:06 PM, Linda Giedt <lclemensgiedt@gmail.com> wrote: Surf Farm on the agenda for Tuesday, 8/27. See attachments. What does 12 A mean? Professional Services Agreement with EPD Solutions for Environmental Services for the Proposed Surf Farm Project at 3100 Irvine Avenue (PA2024-0069) 12. a) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly: and b) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Environment Planning Development Solutions, Inc. for EIR Related to Proposed Surf Farm Project in an amount not to exceed $277,630 in a form substantially similar to the agreement attached to this staff report. Also, here is an article about the Dove St project. Also on the agenda for 8/27 Council to consider Airport Area 082324 — Stu News Newport On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 2:53 PM Jim Auster <jimauster@hotmail.com> wrote: Application PA 2024 0069 was submitted by Surf Farm Ltd to NB Development office to replace NB Golf Course driving range and holes 1,2,9 for wave surfing facility. Land owner Mr. Fluter will eliminate range and holes 1,3,9 to make the front nine no longer functional under existing recreational zoning to apply for rezoning and development of 700 high density residential units on holes 3,4,5,6,7, 8 on the 14 acres across Mesa Dr. Jim Auster 20401 Bayview 9706187692 ecros.newportbeachca.gov https://ecros.newportbeachca.gov/WEB/DocView.aspx?id=3041154&dbid=0&repo=CNB <Staff Report (1).pdf> <Attachment A - Professional Services Agreement with EPD Solutions Inc (1).pdf> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. When in doubt, call the contact directly! From: City Clerk's Office Sent: August 27, 2024 7:41 AM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: Replacing the public golf course with a surf park From: Biddle, Jennifer <JBiddle@newportbeachca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 7:40:48 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office Subject: FW: Replacing the public golf course with a surf park -----Original Message ----- From: Sandy Rettig <sandyrettig@gmail.com> Sent: August 27, 2024 6:38 AM To: Dept - City Council <CityCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Replacing the public golf course with a surf park [ Q EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. As a long time resident of Newport Beach I am against ridding any part of the NB Public golf course; the city owned 9 holes or the other leased 9 holes. There are very few public courses in our area but plenty of private. Keep Newport available for all , not just the wealthy. What a great affordable outdoor use of space for ALL. Sincerely, Sandy Rettig Dover Shores Sent from my iPhone 25 Subject: FW: Council Meeting-08.26.24 From: isalvo2105@aol.com <isalvo2105@aol.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 7:11 PM To: Dept - City Council <CitVCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Fw: Council Meeting-08.26.24 I[ Q EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: lsalvo2105(a)aol.com <4salvo2105(o)aol.com> To: citycouncil newportbeach.gov <cit council newportbeach.gov> Sent: Monday, August 26, 2024 at 06:40:37 PM PDT Subject: Council Meeting-08.26.24 Dear Mayor, City Council members, City manager, project planner, We agree with this email & Public Comment: Consent item 12 exempts application by Surf Farm from environmental review and must be rejected. The application for surfing lagoon on the middle parcel of Newport Beach Golf Course will have serious environmental and land use impacts on the two adjoining golf course parcels which must be considered together with this application and cannot be exempt from environmental review. Surf Farm application letter (link below)does not present accurate information about the future of Newport Beach Golf Course. It will be entirely eliminated by their proposal, not just holes 1,2,9 as claimed in the letter.. There will be environmental impacts on the two adjoining parcels. Russ Fluter's plan is to eliminate this essential much loved and much used public recreational amenity for very high profit high density residential development on 14 acre holes 3- 8 parcel across Mesa Dr. The application letter for artificial surf lagoon claims converting the popular driving range and holes 1,2,9, will not affect golf course operation of holes 3-8 on front 9 and the back 9 but that is impossible. Without the center parcel parking lot and clubhouse the entire golf course will no longer be viable. Lease to Surf Farm is intended to eliminate the golf course to build 690 housing units on holes 3-8 front 9. The application claims the course facility is obsolete and due for replacement but many expensive improvements have been made, it is in best condition and more popular than ever, and is used by all of NB and OC golfers, families, and their children. Surf lagoon to replace golf seems low impact and on its own may be exempt from environmental review but it will directly impact adjoining parcels and cannot be exempt from review. Without golf course clubhouse, administration, parking lot, and practice range on the middle parcel the County owned back nine parcel will no longer function as golf course and will become the long planned airport runway extension with enormous environmental impact. This must be included and studied as part of Surf Farm application which cannot be exempt from environmental review. The idea of artificial surfing in NB is absurd, will be an embarrassment, and make a bad joke of NB reputation for a great environment and great surfing . Artificial energy wasting surfing with the big beautiful beaches and waves of the Pacific Ocean nearby is the opposite of what an energy and climate aware community famous for its surfing should communicate. Please reject Surf Farm erroneous application and reject its exemption from environmental impact study. If you care about the environment save the irreplaceable beautiful green open space of Newport Beach Golf Course. If this golf course is allowed to be rezoned for high profit development it will set a precedent that could eliminate all golf courses and all that precious open space. Regards, Joseph & Shella Salvo 20352 SW Cypress Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: FW: Against PA2024-0069 From: cashwho@aol.com <cashwho@aol.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 10:17 PM To: Dept - City Council <CitVCouncil@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Against PA2024-0069 [ Q EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report II phish using the Phish Alert Button above. I am writing to express my great dissatisfaction with the proposed surf park request to replace a portion of the existing public golf course. I live in the adjoining residential area and have lived in this community since it was Santa Ana Heights, I was involved in the community when the Santa Ana Heights specific plan was drawn up and when our community was annexed to Newport Beach. I attended the city of Newport meetings where we were guaranteed that Newport was adopting the specific plan and that it would be adhered to for our neighborhood. This assurance was part of the reason we were agreeable to the adoption of our neighborhood. Time and again that has been proven to not be the case. The city did not follow through with continuing the multi use trail that is called for on the plans along Mesa Drive and a number of other items. These items were not only specified, but at the time there was also money set aside for our area that was never spent on our area, but just absorbed into the general fund. This latest request for the surf park project violates so many guidelines of the specific plan. For the city to ignore these guidelines, along with the city's own general plan, and move forward with this project is an affront to our community. The sheer size of the project, the violations in height requirements, and many other items specifically not allowed is really unconscionable. This public golf course has served the city and community well and provides recreation for many of our youth at a reasonable price. The proposed surf park would served a limited audience at a high price point. It additionally would be an unsightly project violating the height guidelines for the area. Why should this project be allowed a variance? Will every building in the area then be granted a variance? Also, a 16 foot retaining wall would be patently unsightly and a blight on our community. I also own commercial property in this area and am vehemently opposed to this project, both as a residential property owner and a commercial property owner. Please represent your community and not the developers and vote no on this ridiculous project that violates so many plan guidelines and zoning restrictions. Sincerely, Holly Jarvis From: City Clerk's Office Sent: August 27, 2024 4:47 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: District 3 Councilman Weigand's conflict of interest From: Perez, Joselyn <]Perez@newportbeachca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 4:46:41 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: FW: District 3 Councilman Weigand's conflict of interest Correspondence received earlier this morning, after deadline. Sincerely, Joselyn Perez Senior Planner Community Development Department Office: 949-644-3312 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 From: Weigand, Erik <eweigand@newportbeachca.gov> Sent: August 26, 2024 9:43 PM To: Jim Auster <jimauster@hotmail.com> Cc: Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; Perez, Joselyn <JPerez@newportbeachca.gov>; M. Smith <mws.aspenroyal@gmail.com>; Khyber Zaffarkhan <khybs@hotmail.com>; merrilee bliss <merrileebliss@gmail.com>; Jim Auster <jimauster@gmail.com>; Carrera Mullinax <carreramullinax@gmail.com>; Neil Treffers <ntreffers@ptats.com>; Brian Barson <brianbarson@gmail.com>; Caroline Dobbins <carolinedobbins@icloud.com>; Sandy Meadows <smeadows2412@gmail.com>; Merrill Josh <josh@liquidgraphics.ty>; Ryan Schleiger <schleige@yahoo.com>; Kurt Kawczynski <kurt_kawczynski@yahoo.com>; Dan & Christy Walker <cityroofing1357@gmail.com>; bspackard@gmail.com; kh@sureboard.com; crncable@gmail.com; Bill Cope <cope2003@sbcgloba1.net>; Barbara Sihilling <bjsihilling@gmail.com>; Julie Lowery <lowerynewport@yahoo.com>; Jeff Roberts <2jeffroberts@gmail.com>; Richard Moriarty <nbvineyards@gmail.com>; Buck Johns <buckjohns@aol.com>; Buck Johns <buckjohns@inlandenergy.com>; Cyle Kasper <cylekspr@gmail.com>; Edward Matthias <ematthias@sbcglobal.net>; wagoring@aol.com; Kyle Robar <ktrobar@gmail.com>; Robar Family <robar4@sbcglobal.net>; Treb Heining <treb@glasshouseballoon.com>; Troy Grover <troygrover@gmail.com>; Louise Grimm <louisemgrimm@yahoo.com>; Andrea Kane <californiakane@yahoo.com>; Johnson Andrews <andrewsadvisory@gmail.com>; Rob & Sandy Meadows <rmeadows@morrow-meadows.com>; Vince Do <vincesdo@gmail.com>; Shane Bradley <shane.d.bradley@gmail.com>; Cole Cannon <colepcannon @gmail.com>; craigima@yahoo.com; Summer Ball <greylikesweddings@gmail.com>; Jill Manly <jill@jabulaniyoga.com>; Jeff Erica Roberts <roberts4forme@gmail.com>; Colleen Johns <EJohns3287@aol.com>; Anne Ima <anneima@yahoo.com>; Christina Larkins<christina_larkins@hotmail.com>; Scott Pickard <lscottp@gmail.com>; Ron Janine Mariano <ronmariano@earthlink.net>; Karen & Gary Martin <kymartin@uci.edu>; Richard Dunn <dunnwriter@yahoo.com>; Brad Larkins <brad.larkins@outlook.com>; Romin <rominrad@gmail.com>; Kathy Dugan <kdugan@dslextreme.com>; Devon Niccole <dniccole@gmail.com>; Scott Proud <proud858@hotmail.com>; Donna McMeikan <donnamcmeikan@gmail.com>; Kerry Simpson <ksimpson@moffattnichol.com>; Mickey Steinmeyer <mickeysteinmeyer@gmail.com>; Janice Burns <janburns@msn.com>; Justin Cable <jcable@gmail.com>; Anthony Nguyen <blueporsche3@yahoo.com>; Season Leech <sleech@nmusd.us>; Jim Glidewell <jim.glidewell@glidewelldental.com>; Angie Vazirian <angievazirian@gmail.com>; Meleah Johnson <meleahmail@gmail.com>; Kady Carson <kadycarson@yahoo.com>; Leland Berggren <Iberggren23@gmail.com>; Marlene Hester <marlenehester@cox.net>; Cass Carrie Spence <cspence@road runner.com>; Christina <dcmcreynolds@yahoo.com>; Curtis Murrell <curtism@pcwservices.com>; Patricia Delgado <pdelgadol5@gmail.com>; Diane Rinker <dianerinker@me.com>; Peggy Kerr <peggykerr22@hotmail.com>; Beth Darling <bdarling001@road run ner.com>; David Doyle <ddoyle@avcity.org>; Andrea Dunn <apronkdunn@yahoo.com>; John Chapman <john.chapman@wpwm.com>; Stephanie Simpson <kersteph@aol.com>; Heather Proud <hproud949@gmail.com>; Taylor Felix <taylorfelix90@gmail.com>; Ted Farry <tedfarry@gmail.com>; Troy Johnson <troy@troyjohnsonstudios.com>; Julie Cook <juliecook838@yahoo.com>; Ray Kang <raykangl0@gmail.com>; Brett Fowler <pbfowler@yahoo.com>; Kimberly Wright <kimberlycabo09@gmail.com>; Todd Wilson <toddmwca@aol.com>; Matt Clark <mjlclark@road runner.com>; Jackie Land <jackieland@sbcgloba1.net>; Brett Mullinax <brettmullinax3@gmail.com>; Max Gonzales <mgonzales@geometricre.com>; Drew Mcallister <drewmcallister19@gmail.com>; Nick Kerr <nkerr22@hotmail.com>; Laura Caputo <caputogirls@yahoo.com>; Maureen & Pat Peters <mo@gsainfo.com>; Jim Panetta <jpanetta24@gmail.com>; Allisonpanettal7@gmail.com; Matt Nestlerode <nestlerode.matt@gmail.com>; joepennino@gmail.com; mollyjmagnuson@gmail.com; legitsound@yahoo.com; jacable@gmail.com; brad@matchgradeinsurance.com; Joe Travers <j.travers.design @gmail.com>; bpoundersl9@gmail.com; lucianicolai@me.com; k9carrie@yahoo.com; devonwortmann@yahoo.com; jmiller2411@gmail.com; jordanpaigefelix@gmail.com; nm.gallogly@gmail.com; brynnedunn@gmail.com; mboltjones@gmail.com; robert@onetrustlegacy.com; jghall@fea.net; bha11949@gmail.com; annchat@sbcglobal.net; Hugh Stevenson <hstevenson@mindspring.com>; mauicat40@gmail.com; Richard Abramson <rpabramson@gmail.com>; pdunn5000@aol.com; Tim Stoaks <timstoaks@sbcgloba1.net>; cello1933@gmail.com; I.escalera@columbiasinks.com; heleyak@gmail.com; spdemille@roadrunner.com; selmersax55@gmail.com; sbkim213@gmail.com; heimalrl@gmail.com; jsalvo2105@aol.com; anu_sona@hotmail.com; Laurie Kelly<laurie@silverliningrealty.com>; savannahoehn@yahoo.com; Jayne Jones <cakenpie@mac.com>; ejgoodl@hotmail.com; blueberriekids@gmail.com; ana lucia long <analong.nb@gmail.com>; mzmegan02@yahoo.com; cyja@mac.com; Julie Davis Dill <julie2668@att.net>; tdwinc@att.net; sarateag@hotmail.com; jstuckhardt@gmail.com; Jeff Staneart <nonobaddog@rocketmail.com>; marlenahamilton@bhhscal.com; Janine Mariano <janinemariano@earthlink.net>; Linda Giedt <Iclemensgiedt@gmail.com> Subject: Re: District 3 Councilman Weigand's conflict of interest Hello Mr. Auster, Thank you for writing. My conflict was that I received campaign contributions exceeding $250 during my campaign for City Council. Pursuant to the Levin Act, I am required to recuse myself if I receive a contribution over $250 from any party related to the Pro or Con of an item before the City Council if it falls 12 months before and/or after a vote. https://www.fppc. ca.gov/learn/pay-to-play-limits-and-prohibitions.htmI, In fact, the contributions I received, which caused the conflict, were by several folks on this email chain who supported me. The 12 months have lapsed since then and I am free to vote on items moving forward. Since I have an opportunity to write to the group, I would like everyone to know I am planning on conducting a town hall meeting in early October to update the community on this project, the future of housing in Newport Beach, as well as crime statistics and traffic counts in Santa Ana Heights. Thank you for reaching out. Sincerely, Erik Weigand Sent from my iPad On Aug 26, 2024, at 8:27 PM, Jim Auster <jimauster hotmail.com> wrote: [ A EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. Dear Mr Weigand, Last year you recused yourself for "conflict of interest" from votes related to Element Housing development on Newport Beach Golf Course, noise map revision, etc. Do you still have this conflict? Can you disclose what your conflict is and why we are not being represented on this most important issue to our neighborhood?. If not, should we assume you have a personal financial interest in this golf course housing development and if so, please consider your resignation from City Council. Thanks Jim Auster FYI Community Development Manager Seimone Jurgis said tomorrow's vote is to approve $277,000 EIR environment review contract for Surf Farm's application and does not exempt that application from EIR environmental review. The confusing language about exemption from EIR review is just for exemption of the issuing of the EIR contract from environmental review, go figure!? I responded by still opposing approval of EIR and instead to reject the Surf Farm application because it intentionally submitted false and misleading information about the future of NBGC. Hi Jim, Item 12 is approval of the EIR contract. The EIR contract is exempt from environmental review not the surf farm. Seimone Jurjis Assistant City Manager / Director of Community Development Community Development Department Office: 949-644-3282 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 On Aug 26, 2024, at 8:55 PM, Linda Giedt <lclemensgiedt65bgmail.com> wrote: Hi Guys, The Surf Farm is listed as #12 on the Regular Session agenda, which begins at 6:00 PM I really think we need some professional help to combat what is happening with the golf course and ultimately the 690 units on Mesa Dr. Have you seen the report for the Surf Farm dated 8/15? This project is massive. Please read it if you can. Unfortunately, I think we need an attorney to help with all this technical/legal stuff. The city could care less about us. Newport Golf LLC owns the center parcel and the southern parcel (Mesa Dr). The northern parcel by the 73 freeway is owned by the County of Orange. The main building is 49,000 sq ft and 48 ft tall so 3 stories. The second building (for overnight facilities for athletes (if you can believe that one)) is over 9,000 sq ft and 38 ft tall so 2 stories. 50 employees 6 am to 11 pm 7 days a week 12 events per year. So basically once a month they have some kind of event which most likely brings more people to the site. They want a driveway/parking on Mesa Dr. as well as Irvine Ave which they claim will support "golf operations" 18 months to complete! Thus, construction employees and equipment clogging Irvine Ave and Mesa Dr for a year and a half - most likely longer The project is requesting an amendment to the General Plan because of the square footage of the project - see page 8 This report specifically mentions the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan - bottom of page 8 They are looking for a bunch of waivers so they can build these buildings because they are over 20,000 sq ft - page 9 Surf is tricky because they are aware of the requirement for a vote by the people and reference it in the report a few times. It will require review from the Planning Commision, ALUC and FAA because of its proximity to JWA - page 9 Additionally, the report references a few times that the golf course has three parts. Thus, it is hard to say that building this project will not affect the rest of the golf course (north and south parcels). ill require a major Site Development Review (SDR) permit because the proposed building is greater than 20,000 square feet. maing will be a three-story building, approximately 49,000 square feet in size and 48 feet in height, The main building will be a three-story building, approximately 49,000 square feet in size and 48 feet in height, You can see all the plans for the Surf Farm on the link below. Just zoom on the area and click on the dot. Attached is the 8/15 report. https://nbgis.newportbeachca.gov/gispub/Dashboards/PlanningCasesDas h.htm Thanks, Linda <image001.png> <image.png> <image.png> <01 Snug Harbor Project Description 8-15-2024.pdf> From: City Clerk's Office Sent: August 27, 2024 4:46 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: District 3 Councilman Weigand's conflict of interest Attachments: image001.png; image.png; image.png; 01 Snug Harbor Project Description 8- 15-2024.pdf From: Perez, Joselyn <3Perez@newportbeachca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 4:46:17 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: FW: District 3 Councilman Weigand's conflict of interest Correspondence received late yesterday, after deadline. Sincerely, Joselyn Perez Senior Planner Community Development Department Office: 949-644-3312 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 From: Jim Auster <jimauster@hotmail.com> Sent: August 26, 2024 8:28 PM To: Weigand, Erik <eweigand@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov>; Perez, Joselyn <JPerez@newportbeachca.gov> Cc: M. Smith <mws.aspenroyal@gmail.com>; Khyber Zaffarkhan <khybs@hotmail.com>; merrilee bliss <merrileebliss@gmail.com>; Jim Auster <jimauster@gmail.com>; Carrera Mullinax <carreramullinax@gmail.com>; Neil Treffers <ntreffers@ptats.com>; Brian Barson <brianbarson@gmail.com>; Caroline Dobbins <carolinedobbins@icloud.com>; Sandy Meadows <smeadows2412@gmail.com>; Merrill Josh <josh@liquidgraphics.ty>; Ryan Schleiger <schleige@yahoo.com>; Kurt Kawczynski <kurt_kawczynski@yahoo.com>; Dan & Christy Walker <cityroofing1357@gmail.com>; bspackard@gmail.com; kh@sureboard.com; crncable@gmail.com; Bill Cope <cope2003@sbcgloba1.net>; Barbara Sihilling <bjsihilling@gmail.com>; Julie Lowery <lowerynewport@yahoo.com>; Jeff Roberts <2jeffroberts@gmail.com>; Richard Moriarty <nbvineyards@gmail.com>; Buck Johns <buckjohns@aol.com>; Buck Johns <buckjohns@inlandenergy.com>; Cyle Kasper <cylekspr@gmail.com>; Edward Matthias <ematthias@sbcglobal.net>; wagoring@aol.com; Kyle Robar <ktrobar@gmail.com>; Robar Family <robar4@sbcglobal.net>; Treb Heining <treb@glasshouseballoon.com>; Troy Grover <troygrover@gmail.com>; Louise Grimm <louisemgrimm@yahoo.com>; Andrea Kane <californiakane@yahoo.com>; Johnson Andrews <andrewsadvisory@gmail.com>; Rob & Sandy Meadows <rmeadows@morrow-meadows.com>; Vince Do <vincesdo@gmail.com>; Shane Bradley <shane.d.bradley@gmail.com>; Cole Cannon <colepcannon @gmail.com>; craigima@yahoo.com; Summer Ball <greylikesweddings@gmail.com>; Jill Manly <jill@jabulaniyoga.com>; Jeff Erica Roberts <roberts4forme@gmail.com>; Colleen Johns <EJohns3287@aol.com>; Anne Ima <anneima@yahoo.com>; Christina Larkins<christina_larkins@hotmail.com>; Scott Pickard <lscottp@gmail.com>; Ron Janine Mariano <ronmariano@earthlink.net>; Karen & Gary Martin <kymartin@uci.edu>; Richard Dunn <dunnwriter@yahoo.com>; Brad Larkins <brad.larkins@outlook.com>; Romin <rominrad@gmail.com>; Kathy Dugan <kdugan@dslextreme.com>; Devon Niccole <dniccole@gmail.com>; Scott Proud <proud858@hotmail.com>; Donna McMeikan <donnamcmeikan@gmail.com>; Kerry Simpson <ksimpson@moffattnichol.com>; Mickey Steinmeyer <mickeysteinmeyer@gmail.com>; Janice Burns <janburns@msn.com>; Justin Cable <jcable@gmail.com>; Anthony Nguyen <blueporsche3@yahoo.com>; Season Leech <sleech@nmusd.us>; Jim Glidewell <jim.glidewell@glidewelldental.com>; Angie Vazirian <angievazirian@gmail.com>; Meleah Johnson <meleahmail@gmail.com>; Kady Carson <kadycarson@yahoo.com>; Leland Berggren <Iberggren23@gmail.com>; Marlene Hester <marlenehester@cox.net>; Cass Carrie Spence <cspence@road runner.com>; Christina <dcmcreynolds@yahoo.com>; Curtis Murrell <curtism@pcwservices.com>; Patricia Delgado <pdelgadol5@gmail.com>; Diane Rinker <dianerinker@me.com>; Peggy Kerr <peggykerr22@hotmail.com>; Beth Darling <bdarling001@road run ner.com>; David Doyle <ddoyle@avcity.org>; Andrea Dunn <apronkdunn@yahoo.com>; John Chapman <john.chapman@wpwm.com>; Stephanie Simpson <kersteph@aol.com>; Heather Proud <hproud949@gmail.com>; Taylor Felix <taylorfelix90@gmail.com>; Ted Farry <tedfarry@gmail.com>; Troy Johnson <troy@troyjohnsonstudios.com>; Julie Cook <juliecook838@yahoo.com>; Ray Kang <raykangl0@gmail.com>; Brett Fowler <pbfowler@yahoo.com>; Kimberly Wright <kimberlycabo09@gmail.com>; Todd Wilson <toddmwca@aol.com>; Matt Clark <mjlclark@road runner.com>; Jackie Land <jackieland@sbcgloba1.net>; Brett Mullinax <brettmullinax3@gmail.com>; Max Gonzales <mgonzales@geometricre.com>; Drew Mcallister <drewmcallister19@gmail.com>; Nick Kerr <nkerr22@hotmail.com>; Laura Caputo <caputogirls@yahoo.com>; Maureen & Pat Peters <mo@gsainfo.com>; Jim Panetta <jpanetta24@gmail.com>; Allisonpanettal7@gmail.com; Matt Nestlerode <nestlerode.matt@gmail.com>; joepennino@gmail.com; mollyjmagnuson@gmail.com; Iegitsound@yahoo.com; jacable@gmail.com; brad@matchgradeinsurance.com; Joe Travers <j.travers.design @gmail.com>; bpoundersl9@gmail.com; Iucianicolai@me.com; k9carrie@yahoo.com; devonwortmann@yahoo.com; jmiller2411@gmail.com; jordanpaigefelix@gmail.com; nm.gallogly@gmail.com; brynnedunn@gmail.com; mboltjones@gmail.com; robert@onetrustlegacy.com; jghall@fea.net; bha11949@gmail.com; annchat@sbcglobal.net; Hugh Stevenson <hstevenson@mindspring.com>; mauicat40@gmail.com; Richard Abramson <rpabramson@gmail.com>; pdunn5000@aol.com; Tim Stoaks <timstoaks@sbcgloba1.net>; cello1933@gmail.com; I.escalera@columbiasinks.com; heleyak@gmail.com; spdemille@roadrunner.com; selmersax55@gmail.com; sbkim213@gmail.com; heimalrl@gmail.com; jsalvo2105@aol.com; anu_sona@hotmail.com; Laurie Kelly<laurie@silverliningrealty.com>; savannahoehn@yahoo.com; Jayne Jones <cakenpie@mac.com>; ejgoodl@hotmail.com; blueberriekids@gmail.com; ana lucia long <analong.nb@gmail.com>; mzmegan02@yahoo.com; cyja@mac.com; Julie Davis Dill <julie2668@att.net>; tdwinc@att.net; sarateag@hotmail.com; jstuckhardt@gmail.com; Jeff Staneart <nonobaddog@rocketmail.com>; marlenahamilton@bhhscal.com; Janine Mariano <janinemariano@earthlink.net>; Linda Giedt <Iclemensgiedt@gmail.com> Subject: District 3 Councilman Weigand's conflict of interest [ Q EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. Dear Mr Weigand, Last year you rec used yourself for "conflict of interest" from votes related to Element Housing development on Newport Beach Golf Course, noise map revision, etc. Do you still have this conflict? Can you disclose what your conflict is and why we are not being represented on this most important issue to our neighborhood?. If not, should we assume you have a personal financial interest in this golf course housing development and if so, please consider your resignation from City Council. Thanks Jim Auster FYI Community Development Manager Seimone Jurgis said tomorrow's vote is to approve $277,000 EIR environment review contract for Surf Farm's application and does not exempt that application from EIR environmental review. The confusing language about exemption from EIR review is just for exemption of the issuing of the EIR contract from environmental review, go figure!? I responded by still opposing approval of EIR and instead to reject the Surf Farm application because it intentionally submitted false and misleading information about the future of NBGC. Hi Jim, Item 12 is approval of the EIR contract. The EIR contract is exempt from environmental review not the surf farm. Seimone Jurjis Assistant City Manager / Director of Community Development Community Development Department Office: 949-644-3282 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 On Aug 26, 2024, at 8:55 PM, Linda Giedt <lclemensgiedt@gmail.com> wrote: Hi Guys, The Surf Farm is listed as #12 on the Regular Session agenda, which begins at 6:00 PM I really think we need some professional help to combat what is happening with the golf course and ultimately the 690 units on Mesa Dr. Have you seen the report for the Surf Farm dated 8/15? This project is massive. Please read it if you can. Unfortunately, I think we need an attorney to help with all this technical/legal stuff. The city could care less about us. Newport Golf LLC owns the center parcel and the southern parcel (Mesa Dr). The northern parcel by the 73 freeway is owned by the County of Orange. The main building is 49,000 sq ft and 48 ft tall so 3 stories. The second building (for overnight facilities for athletes (if you can believe that one)) is over 9,000 sq ft and 38 ft tall so 2 stories. 50 employees 6 am to 11 pm 7 days a week 12 events per year. So basically once a month they have some kind of event which most Likely brings more people to the site. They want a driveway/parking on Mesa Dr. as well as Irvine Ave which they claim will support "golf operations" 18 months to complete! Thus, construction employees and equipment clogging Irvine Ave and Mesa Dr for a year and a half - most likely longer The project is requesting an amendment to the General Plan because of the square footage of the project - see page 8 This report specifically mentions the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan - bottom of page 8 They are looking for a bunch of waivers so they can build these buildings because they are over 20,000 sq ft - page 9 Surf is tricky because they are aware of the requirement for a vote by the people and reference it in the report a few times. It will require review from the Planning Commision, ALUC and FAA because of its proximity to JWA - page 9 Additionally, the report references a few times that the golf course has three parts. Thus, it is hard to say that building this project will not affect the rest of the golf course (north and south parcels). ill require a major Site Development Review (SDR) permit because the proposed building is greater than 20,000 square feet. maing will be a three-story building, approximately 49,000 square feet in size and 48 feet in height, The main building will be a three-story building, approximately 49,000 square feet in size and 48 feet in height, You can see all the plans for the Surf Farm on the link below. Just zoom on the area and click on the dot. Attached is the 8/15 report. https://nbgis.newportbeachca.gov/gispub/Dashboards/PlanningCasesDash.htm Thanks, Linda Conclusion The Newport Beach Golf Course was developed in the 1970s, and the i-Mprovements associated with the facility are approaching the end of their useful life. The Project represents a substantial investment in the Project site in a way that benefits the community and "v-ill provide a nekv recreational facility in the City while also maintaining golf on the remainder of the golf course. The proposed Snug Harbor facil-ity would offer an iconic gathering spot in the City of I e,,v,vWrt leach, increasing local property values, contributing substantial tax revenue, encouraging tourism, and benefiting the community by providing an opportunity to participate in safe and unique Joselyn Perez August 15, 2024 Page 10 of 10 recreation. The proposed facility will also provide new opportunities for surfers of all ages and abilities, local schools, surf teams &. clubs, corporate events, and community engagement. Table 3 — Building Area Summary Main Building Basement Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Athlete Accommodations Level 1 Level 2 Total Total Building Area 4,085 sf StaffArea, mechanical 17,830 sf Surf academy, change room and locker roam, food and beverage service, surf shop 15,324 sf Fitness, members locker room and lounge, spa 11,982 sf Operations, recording studio, VIP suites 49,221 sf 4,716 sf 10 units 4,716 sf 10 units 9,432 sf 58,653 sf 20 units CAA PLANNING August 15, 2024 Ms. Joselyn Perez Senior Planner City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Snug Harbor Planning Application — General Plan Amendment, Site Development Review Permit, Use Permit, Modification Permit, Traffic Phasing Ordinance Application for 3100 Irvine Avenue Dear Ms. Perez: On behalf of Back Bay Barrels, LLC, CAA Planning Inc. (CAA) submits this project description for an amendment to the City of Newport Beach General Plan, a Site Development Review Permit, Traffic Study under the Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO), a Use Permit, and a Modification Permit to allow for a new recreational use to be located at 3100 Irvine Avenue within the City of Newport Beach. The proposed Snug Harbor project contemplates the replacement of the existing driving range and three holes of golf which are a part of the larger Newport Beach Golf Course, with a new surf lagoon and ancillary uses (Project). The remainder of the Newport Beach Golf Course will remain undisturbed by the Project. Background The Newport Beach Golf Course was developed in the 1970s and comprises a driving range, a golf pro shop, a restaurant, 18-holes of golf, and accessory support structures. The golf course is separated into three physically distinct land areas identified herein as the northerly property, the central property, and the southerly property. This application pertains only to the central property (3100 Irvine Avenue); however, the northerly and southerly properties are referenced herein for context and to describe the regulatory setting. Project Location The Project site is located at 3100 Irvine Avenue in the northern boundary of the City of Newport Beach, near the California 73 Toll Road (SR73) and the California 55 Freeway (SR 55) as shown on Exhibit 1, Regional Map. The Project site is part of the larger Newport Beach Golf Course. The Newport Beach Golf Course includes the northerly property with 9 holes of golf located between CA 73 and Irvine Avenue, the subject central property is located between Irvine Avenue and Mesa Drive, and the southerly property with 6 holes of golf located south of Mesa Drive. 30900 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 285 • San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 • (949) 581-2888 • Fax (949) 581-3599 Joselyn Perez August 15, 2024 Page 2 of 10 A commercial business center and a residential apartment complex are located to the west of the Project site across Irvine Avenue. Commercial office buildings adjoin the Project site to the east, and the Newport Beach Santa Ana Heights Fire Station and Training Center is located adjacent to the southeast corner of the Project site. The immediate surrounding area is largely built -out with low-rise office and commercial development with apartment complexes and single-family residences located in the vicinity. The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is located approximately one -quarter mile to the south. The John Wayne Airport is located approximately 1,000 feet to the north, and the Project site is within the John Wayne Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP). The surrounding area is depicted on Exhibit 2, Vicinity Map. Project Setting As detailed above, the Newport Beach Golf Course comprises three distinct land areas. The central property, which consists of approximately 15.38 acres and is the proposed Project site, contains 3 holes of golf (identified as holes 1, 2 and 9) as well as a driving range, putting green, pro shop, restaurant, and a large surface parking lot. The golf course and the driving range are lighted for night-time play, and the driving range is surrounded by approximately 40 net poles for safety purposes. The Project site has gently sloping topography generally from east to west with elevations ranging from approximately 56 feet to 17 feet and including a fairly high berm at the center of the property that delineates the driving range area from the putting green area. The berm is highest at the southerly boundary of the property and tapers toward the northerly boundary of the property. The Project site has approximately 75 trees on -site with a majority of the trees growing along the perimeter of the property. The Santa Ana -Delhi Channel is located along the westerly Project site boundary. An aerial view of the Project site is provided as Exhibit 3. The northerly property is approximately 21.28 acres and contains 9 holes of golf (identified as holes 10-18), a water feature, course lighting, and maintenance areas, and is roughly bisected by the Santa Ana -Delhi Channel. The majority of the northerly property is located within unincorporated County of Orange outside of the City's planning jurisdiction. This property is owned by the County of Orange and subject to a ground lease administered by the County of Orange. A small section of the golf course nearest Orchard Drive and Irvine Avenue is within the City's jurisdiction, owned by Newport Golf LLC, and is generally used for golf course maintenance. This portion of the Newport Beach Golf Course is not a part of the proposed Project site and will remain undisturbed as golf following Project implementation. The southerly property, also owned by Newport Golf LLC, is located south of Mesa Drive and is approximately 14.51 acres. The southerly property contains 6 holes of golf (identified as holes 3- 8) with the Santa Ana -Delhi Channel located to the west and south. This portion of the Newport Beach Golf Course is not a part of the proposed Project site and will remain undisturbed as golf following Project implementation. Table 1 below describes land uses surrounding the Project site. Joselyn Perez August 15, 2024 Page 3 of 10 Table 1— Surrounding Uses Location Description North Newport Beach Golf Course, office and commercial, John Wayne Airport, 73 Toll Road South Newport Beach Golf Course, single-family residential, Newport Back Bay East Fire station, office and commercial West Office and commercial, multi -family residential Existing Use Existing uses at the Project site include an approximately 38-bay partially covered driving range, a putting green, three holes of the golf course (holes 1, 2, and 9), a pro shop, a restaurant with a full bar with a Type 47 liquor license, and a large surface parking lot. The building housing the existing pro shop and restaurant was built after 1976. The golf course holes are located westerly and down -slope of the driving range, adjacent to Irvine Avenue and Mesa Drive. The approximately 1,050-square-foot putting green is located between the golf course holes and the building. The table below details the existing development at the site. Table 2 — Existing Square Footage Use Area (square feet) Driving Range 38 Bays Building Restaurant/bar 4,965 Pro shop 4,010 Service building 2,782 Driving range building 2,664 Total 14,421 The existing development also includes a 280-space surface parking lot and a driveway on Irvine Avenue. The site is accessed via the driveway on Irvine Avenue, south of Orchard Drive, which allows for right turns only exiting out of the parking lot. Vehicles entering the Project site can either turn right if traveling northbound or left if traveling southbound on Irvine Avenue. Existing hours of operation for the driving range and golf course are 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. with night lighting in place to allow for continued operation during the evening hours. The hours of operation for the pro shop are generally 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The restaurant generally operates from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. General Plan The City's General Plan designation for the Project site is Parks and Recreation (PR), which applies to land used or proposed for active public or private recreational use. Permitted uses include parks (both active and passive), golf courses, marina support facilities, aquatic facilities, tennis Joselyn Perez August 15, 2024 Page 4 of 10 clubs and courts, private recreation, and similar facilities. The Project site is identified as Anomaly Number 58, with a development limit of 20,000 square feet. Zoning The Project site is located within the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, which provides the zoning regulations for the property. The zoning designation for the Project site is Open Space/Recreation (OS/R). Permitted uses, subject to a use permit, include golf courses and outdoor commercial recreation. Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a principal permitted use on the same building site. Use Permit Use Permit 1594 was approved by the City in 1972 and allows for a night -lighted 9-hole executive type golf course built to country club standards, including a driving range, restaurant, pro -shop and associated support uses. Use Permit 1594 pertains to both the proposed Project site located at 3100 Irvine Avenue, and southerly section of the golf course, located south of Mesa Drive. The use permit specifies that the hours of operation and illumination are 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Proposed Project Project Description The Snug Harbor Project proposes to replace all improvements on the approximately 15.38-acre Project site, including the existing Newport Beach Golf Course driving range and golf course holes 1, 2, and 9, with a surf lagoon, associated outdoor recreation, and ancillary uses. The Project will maintain primary vehicle access location from Irvine Avenue and proposes secondary access from Mesa Drive via a new curb cut. The attached architectural plan set details the proposed surf lagoon, as well as the size and location of the parking area, proposed buildings, and outdoor shoreline areas. The focal use of Snug Harbor is a 7-acre surf lagoon. The lagoon will be divided into four distinct areas including two outside surf breaks for left and right experienced surfers as well as two inside breaks (smaller waves) for left and right beginning surfers. The maximum number of participants in the lagoon is assumed to be 72 people with an average hourly usage of 35-45. The wave mechanics can be changed at any time to alter the wave experience of the lagoon. A web and application -based calendar will be available for reservations and posting of public versus private operating hours. The wave making machine is made up of a series of interlocking modules driven by energy efficient motors. The wave is created as a wall of actuators undulates back and forth in a harmonic snake -like action that forces the water to swell. The machinery is housed both above and below grade in two locations at the apex of the wave lagoon. The technology recovers power for additional use on the opposite side of the pool, and an energy management system reduces the peak flow of the motor action by storing power during low use cycles. The wave making machine generates very little noise and the facility will operate well below existing surrounding noise sources (e.g., Irvine Avenue and John Wayne Airport). Joselyn Perez August 15, 2024 Page 5 of 10 A collection of solar panels located in the major parking areas (as carports) and on the building and patio shade structures will provide power for the wave machine as well as water heating for the lagoon. The current wave making technology can be consistently powered mostly by solar power during daylight hours, while supplemental power will be provided for non -daylight operations. The planned wave technology is currently being used successfully in eight different operating lagoons around the world. Snug Harbor includes a variety of amenities ancillary to the surf lagoon such as health and fitness facilities, a surf -related retail store, locker rooms, storage lockers, and food service. The main building will be a three-story building, approximately 49,000 square feet in size and 48 feet in height, located at the southwesterly corner of the Project site. Certain ancillary uses such as maintenance equipment, supply equipment, and restrooms are considered incidental to the PR land use designation and not included in determining intensity limits. The building will be slightly curved along the perimeter of the surf lagoon. The ancillary amenities will have public components and member components. The amenities that are open to the public will be primarily located on the first floor and a portion of the second floor with the third floor reserved for staff and member use only. The basement level will contain maintenance and storage related uses. The site plan is detailed on Sheet A0.2 and the building elevations are detailed on Sheet A2.0 of the architectural plan set. The first floor will include a reception area and the surf academy for introduction and safety instruction. First-time surfers will learn the mechanics of surfing in the surf academy which also provides a space for veteran surfers to further their knowledge and hone their skills. Changing rooms and storage lockers for patrons to store their surfboards and wetsuits, as well as a surf- themed retail store for the purchase of surf apparel and accessories will be located on the first floor. The first floor will also have food service with a sit-down restaurant and a full -service bar that will be open from lunchtime through the evening for sit-down dining. Quick serve food service will be provided at a coffee bar and shake and snack shack that will be open in the morning serving coffee and healthy food options such as smoothies and acai bowls. The floor plan for the first floor is detailed on Sheet Al.1 of the architectural plan set. The second floor will include a spacious fitness facility and a yoga center with an outdoor yoga and fitness deck. A locker and spa will provide an area for members to shower, change, and receive treatments. Also located on the second floor is a member's lounge. A wrap around -style lanai will extend across the building fronting the surf lagoon and around the corners of the building for outdoor enjoyment and views of the surf lagoon. The floor plan for the second floor is detailed on Sheet A1.2 of the architectural plan set. The third floor of the building will include administrative offices and an operations center. Also located on the third floor will be member suites and a music recording studio. Similar to the second floor, a wrap around -style lanai will extend across the building fronting the surf lagoon and around the corners of the building for outdoor enjoyment and views of the surf lagoon. The floor plan for the third floor is detailed on Sheet A1.2 of the architectural plan set. Joselyn Perez August 15, 2024 Page 6 of 10 The basement level of the building will include equipment storage rooms, a staff area, and a room for member board storage. The floor plan for the basement level is detailed on Sheet Al.1 of the architectural plan set. The outdoor areas of Snug Harbor will include seating and lounging areas around the surf lagoon, wave viewing platforms for spectators, private cabanas with bathrooms and showers, and three warming pools and a spa. The warming pools range in size from approximately 640 to 1,600 square feet and will be located around the perimeter of the surf lagoon. The spa and one of the pools will be reserved for members and the remaining pools will be open to the public. All areas of the surf lagoon and warming pools will be monitored by trained lifeguard professionals from lifeguard towers and water safety platforms to ensure proper use and safety. The shoreline floor plan is detailed on Sheet ALO of the architectural plan set. A second building located at the southeast corner of the Project site will house 20 bungalow -style athlete accommodations. The athlete accommodations building will be two -stories with a height of 38 feet and approximately 9,432 square feet in size. The athlete accommodations will allow visiting surfers a place to stay while they train in the surf lagoon and utilize fitness facilities. The athlete accommodations floor plan is detailed on Sheet A1.3 and the elevations are detailed on Sheet A2.1 of the architectural plan set. The table below provides a summary of the proposed building area. Table 3 — Building Area Summary Main Building Basement 4,085 sf Staff Area, mechanical Level 1 17,830 sf Surf academy, change room and locker room, food and beverage service, surf shop Level 2 15,324 sf Fitness, members locker room and lounge, spa Level 3 11,982 sf Operations, recording studio, VIP suites Total 49,221 sf Athlete Accommodations Level 1 4,716 sf 10 units Level 2 4,716 sf 10 units Total 9,432 sf Total Building Area 58,653 sf 20 units Facility Operation The facility will employ approximately 50 full-time and part-time employees with a range of responsibilities from executive management to water safety to custodial duties. In addition to lifeguards, there will be water safety specialists to guide participants on the technical aspects of Joselyn Perez August 15, 2024 Page 7 of 10 the facility. Trained surf professionals will provide onsite instruction for surfers of all levels to advance their knowledge and abilities of surfing. The surf-themed retail shop, restaurant and bar will staff additional employees based on volume and standards consistent with a high -end recreation facility. It is estimated that the average total personnel number on site will be approximately 35 at any given time of day or week. The proposed hours of operation for the surf lagoon are 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., 7 days a week with ancillary amenity hours varying based on demand. The surf lagoon, restaurant, bar, and retail store will be open to the public during most normal business hours however the lagoon will be closed for members -only usage during certain hours of the day to accommodate member peak demand. The facility is anticipated to host approximately 12 events per year. Visual Character The three-story amenity building has been designed to minimize height impacts by utilizing the sloped nature of the Project site. The proposed beach theme native planting surrounding the wave pool and in adjacent outdoor areas will complement the parking lot and exterior landscape areas, which will use a planting palette as required by the Specific Plan. The Specific Plan provides for a building height maximum of 18 feet unless a use permit is approved. The proposed Project would have a maximum main building height of 48 feet and the proposed athlete accommodations building would have a maximum height of 38 feet. A use permit will be required to address the proposed heights. Finally, the Specific Plan requires a minimum setback of 20 feet for front, side, and back yard setbacks. The following table details Project compliance with the Specific Plan. Parking and Circulation The site will be accessed from Irvine Avenue in the general location of the existing driveway and will provide left/right access into the site, and right -turn only access out of the site. A secondary driveway is proposed along Mesa Drive. An internal drive aisle will provide internal circulation from the main driveway, through the site towards Mesa Drive. A designated drop-off/valet area will be located in front of the proposed building. The Project will provide approximately 351 parking spaces within two parking fields to serve the Project and also the golf operation. A 207- stall parking lot will be located just inside the main entrance off Irvine Avenue with a smaller 144- stall parking area located nearest Mesa Drive. Signage and Deliveries The Project proposes on -site signage. The Project signs would be informational and directional and advisory, and subject to the City's discretionary approval process. Entry signage will be positioned at the Project entries on Irvine Avenue and Mesa Drive. Delivery and service parking will also be provided for oversize delivery and maintenance vehicles. Joselyn Perez August 15, 2024 Page 8 of 10 Construction Schedule Construction of the Project is anticipated to take 18 months to complete. During project construction, parking and warm up hitting bays will remain available for golf course use, as well as continued golf on properties to the north of Irvine Avenue and south of Mesa Drive. A detailed phasing and construction management plan will be provided under separate cover. Required Actions General Plan As discussed above, the proposed Project requests an amendment to the General Plan to allow for an increase in the development intensity associated with Anomaly Number 58. The proposed Project requests an increase from the current development limit of 20,000 to a maximum less than 60,000 square feet. The Project site is located in Statistical Area J5. There has been one General Plan amendment within Statistical Area J5 that did not result in a change in intensity but added one peak hour trip. The proposed outdoor recreation use is consistent with the Parks and Recreation General Plan land use designation, which allows for public and private recreational uses. Charter Section 423 - Measure S Compliance The City's Charter Section 423 (Measure S) requires voter approval of any major amendment to the Newport Beach General Plan. According to Charter Section 423, a "major amendment" is one that significantly increases traffic, intensity, or density of allowed and proposed uses. In this case, a major amendment would be a project that would increase the floor area for the property by more than 40,000 square feet, or that would result in an increase of more than 100 peak hour traffic trips. The General Plan allows for a development intensity of 20,000 square feet on the Project site. A General Plan Amendment is requested to increase the development intensity for the site. The project proposes approximately 58,653 sf of development, and includes uses such as maintenance facilities, supply storage and restrooms that are considered incidental in the PR land use designation and not included in determining intensity limits. The proposed increase will be below the 40,000 square foot threshold established by Measure S. The proposed Project will not be subject to voter approval due to the increase in development intensity. Related to peak hour traffic trips, Measure S allows for an increase in 100 peak hour traffic trips based on the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) trip generation rate for a proposed use. The ITE has not established a trip generation rate for a surf lagoon. As such, it is anticipated that the City will identify an appropriate trip generation rate for the Project based on traffic data for similar facilities located nationwide. Once a trip generation rate has been established, the City will perform a traffic analysis that will take into account the traffic trips associated with the existing development and the proposed traffic trips. If the Project generates fewer than 100 additional peak hour traffic trips to the existing trips, the Project would not be considered a major amendment, and would not be subject to voter approval. Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan As detailed above, the Project site is located within the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan zoning district, which provides the development regulations for the property. The Specific Plan indicates Joselyn Perez August 15, 2024 Page 9 of 10 that the OS/R designation for the Project site was established to ensure the long-term use and viability of the Newport Beach Golf Course but allows for development of other outdoor commercial recreation as a principal use. Use Permit The Project will require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) consistent with Newport Beach Zoning Code §20.52.020. The use permit will identify the operational characteristics of the proposed Project. In addition, the Specific Plan requires a CUP to allow for the construction of a building in excess of 18 feet high. Draft findings will be provided under separate cover. Modification Permit The Project will require a modification permit because the proposed retaining walls located along the roadways near the intersection of Irvine Avenue and Mesa Drive will exceed 8 feet in height. Due to the existing topography, proximity to Santa Ana-Dehli Channel, and proposed site elevation, retaining walls in this area are proposed to be up to 16 feet in height. The proposed retaining wall heights are detailed on Sheet C-05 of the civil plan set. The City evaluates each modification permit application through a set of criteria established by Newport Beach Zoning Code §20.52.50 In addition, Zoning Code §20.52.50.E requires five separate findings related to the Project. Draft findings will be provided under separate cover. Site Development Review The Project will require a major Site Development Review (SDR) permit because the proposed building is greater than 20,000 square feet. The City evaluates each SDR application through a set of criteria established by Newport Beach Zoning Code §20.52.080.C.2.c. In addition, Zoning Code §20.52.080F requires three separate findings related to the Project. Draft Findings will be provided under sperate cover. The Project will require review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. The Project will also involve review by the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), given the proximity to the John Wayne Airport. It is anticipated that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA §21080. Conclusion The Newport Beach Golf Course was developed in the 1970s, and the improvements associated with the facility are approaching the end of their useful life. The Project represents a substantial investment in the Project site in a way that benefits the community and will provide a new recreational facility in the City while also maintaining golf on the remainder of the golf course. The proposed Snug Harbor facility would offer an iconic gathering spot in the City of Newport Beach, increasing local property values, contributing substantial tax revenue, encouraging tourism, and benefiting the community by providing an opportunity to participate in safe and unique Joselyn Perez August 15, 2024 Page 10 of 10 recreation. The proposed facility will also provide new opportunities for surfers of all ages and abilities, local schools, surf teams & clubs, corporate events, and community engagement. We look forward to working with you on this exciting project. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, CAA PLANNING, INC. Shawna L. Schaffiier Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Architectural Plans Civil Plans Landscape Plans From: City Clerk's Office Sent: August 27, 2024 4:45 PM To: Mulvey, Jennifer Subject: FW: District 3 Councilman Weigand's conflict of interest From: Perez, Joselyn <]Perez@newportbeachca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 4:45:07 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) To: City Clerk's Office <CityClerk@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: FW: District 3 Councilman Weigand's conflict of interest Correspondence received earlier this morning, after deadline. Sincerely, Joselyn Perez Senior Planner Community Development Department Office: 949-644-3312 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 From: Matt Nestlerode <nestlerode.matt@gmail.com> Sent: August 27, 2024 10:47 AM To: Christy Walker <cityroofing1357@gmail.com> Cc: Laurie Kelly<laurie@silverliningrealty.com>; Jim Auster <iimauster@hotmail.com>; Weigand, Erik <eweigand@newportbeachca.gov>; Jurjis, Seimone <siuriis@newportbeachca.gov>; Perez, Joselyn <JPerez@newportbeachca.gov>; M. Smith <mws.aspenroyal@gmail.com>; Khyber Zaffarkhan <khybs@hotmail.com>; merrilee bliss <merrileebliss@gmail.com>; Jim Auster <iimauster@gmail.com>; Carrera Mullinax <carreramullinax@gmail.com>; Neil Treffers <ntreffers@ptats.com>; Brian Barson <brianbarson@gmail.com>; Caroline Dobbins <carolinedobbins@icloud.com>; Sandy Meadows <smeadows2412@gmail.com>; Merrill Josh <josh@liquidgraphics.ty>; Ryan Schleiger <schleige@vahoo.com>; Kurt Kawczynski <kurt kawczynski@vahoo.com>; bspackard@gmail.com, kh@sureboard.com; crncable@gmail.com; Bill Cope <cope2003@sbcglobal.net>; Barbara Sihilling <bisihilling@gmail.com>; Julie Lowery <lowerynewport@yahoo.com>; Jeff Roberts <2jeffroberts@gmail.com>; Richard Moriarty <nbvineyards@gmail.com>; Buck Johns <buckiohns@aol.com>; Buck Johns <buckjohns@inlandenergy.com>; Cyle Kasper <cylekspr@gmail.com>; Edward Matthias <ematthias@sbcgloba1.net>; wagoring@aol.com; Kyle Robar <ktrobar@gmail.com>; Robar Family <robar4@sbcgloba1.net>; Treb Heining <treb@glasshouseballoon.com>; Troy Grover <troygrover@gmail.com>; Louise Grimm <louisemgrimm@vahoo.com>; Andrea Kane <californiakane@yahoo.com>; Johnson Andrews <andrewsadvisorv@gmail.com>; Rob & Sandy Meadows <rmeadows@morrow-meadows.com>; Vince Do <vincesdo@gmail.com>; Shane Bradley <shane.d.brad ley@gmail.com>; Cole Cannon <colepcannon@gmail.com>; craigima@vahoo.com; Summer Ball <greylikesweddings@gmail.com>; Jill Manly <iill@jabulaniyoga.com>; Jeff Erica Roberts <roberts4forme@gmail.com>; Colleen Johns <e6ohns3287@aol.com>; Anne Ima <anneima@vahoo.com>; Christina Larkins <christina larkins@hotmail.com>; Scott Pickard <lscottp@gmail.com>; Ron Janine Mariano <ronmariano@earthlink.net>; Karen & Gary Martin <kymartin@uci.edu>; Richard Dunn <dunnwriter@yahoo.com>; Brad Larkins <brad.larkins@outlook.com>; Romin <rominrad@gmail.com>; Kathy Dugan <kdugan@dslextreme.com>; Devon Niccole <dniccole@gmail.com>; Scott Proud <proud858@hotmail.com>; Donna McMeikan <donnamcmeikan@gmail.com>; Kerry Simpson <ksimpson@moffattnichol.com>; Mickey Steinmeyer <mickeysteinmeyer@gmail.com>; Janice Burns <janburns@msn.com>; Justin Cable <jcable@gmail.com>; Anthony Nguyen <blueporsche3@yahoo.com>; Season Leech <sleech@nmusd.us>; Jim Glidewell <jim.glidewell@glidewelldental.com>; Angie Vazirian <angievazirian@gmail.com>; Meleah Johnson <meleahmail @gmail.com>; Kady Carson <kadycarson@yahoo.com>; Leland Berggren <lberggren23@gmail.com>; Marlene Hester <marlenehester@cox.net>; Cass Carrie Spence <cspence@road runner.com>; Christina <dcmcreynolds@yahoo.com>; Curtis Murrell <curtism@pcwservices.com>; Patricia Delgado <pdelgadol5@gmail.com>; Diane Rinker <dianerinker@me.com>; Peggy Kerr <peggykerr22@hotmail.com>; Beth Darling <bdarling001@road run ner.com>; David Doyle <ddovle@avcity.org>; Andrea Dunn <apronkdunn@vahoo.com>; John Chapman <iohn.chapman@wpwm.com>; Stephanie Simpson <kersteph@aol.com>; Heather Proud <hproud949@gmail.com>; Taylor Felix <taylorfelix90@gmail.com>; Ted Farry <tedfarrv@gmail.com>; Troy Johnson <trov@troyiohnsonstudios.com>; Julie Cook <0uliecook838@yahoo.com>; Ray Kang <raykang10@gmail.com>; Brett Fowler <pbfowler@yahoo.com>; Kimberly Wright <kimberlycabo09@gmail.com>; Todd Wilson <toddmwca@aol.com>; Matt Clark <milclark@road runner.com>; Jackie Land <iackieland@sbcglobal.net>; Brett Mullinax <brettmullinax3@gmail.com>; Max Gonzales <mgonzales@geometricre.com>; Drew Mcallister <drewmcallister19@gmail.com>; Nick Kerr <nkerr22@hotmail.com>; Laura Caputo <caputogirls@vahoo.com>; Maureen & Pat Peters <mo@gsainfo.com>; Jim Panetta <ipanetta24@gmail.com>; Allisonpanettal7@gmail.com; ioepennino@gmail.com; mollyimagnuson@gmail.com; legitsound@vahoo.com; lacable@gmail.com; brad@matchgradeinsurance.com; Joe Travers <i.travers.design@gmail.com>; bpoundersl9@gmail.com; lucianicolai@me.com; k9carrie@yahoo.com; devonwortmann@yahoo.com; Imiller2411@gmail.com; jordanpaigefelix@gmail.com; nm.gallogly@gmail.com; brynnedunn@gmail.com; mboltlones@gmail.com; robert@onetrustlegacy.com; ighall@fea.net; bha11949@gmail.com; annchat@sbcgloba1.net; Hugh Stevenson <hstevenson@mindspring.com>; mauicat40@gmail.com; Richard Abramson <rpabramson@gmail.com>; pdunn5000@aol.com; Tim Stoaks <timstoaks@sbcgloba1.net>; cello1933@gmail.com; I.escalera@columbiasinks.com; helevak@gmail.com; spdemille@roadrunner.com; selmersax55@gmail.com; sbkim213@gmail.com; heimalrl@gmail.com; isalvo2105@aol.com; anu Bona@hotmail.com; savannahoehn@vahoo.com; Jayne Jones <cakenpie@mac.com>; eigoodl@hotmail.com; blueberriekids@gmail.com; ana lucia long <analong.nb@gmail.com>; mzmegan02@yahoo.com; cyia@mac.com; Julie Davis Dill <iulie2668@att.net>; tdwinc@att.net; sarateag@hotmail.com; istuckhardt@gmail.com; Jeff Staneart <nonobaddog@rocketmail.com>; marlenahamilton@bhhscal.com; Janine Mariano <ianinemariano@earthlink.net>; Linda Giedt <Iclemensgiedt@gmail.com> Subject: Re: District 3 Councilman Weigand's conflict of interest [ A EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Report phish using the Phish Alert Button above. Well said, Christy. I also don't want my email included in emails to city officials. But I love the level of engagement on local issues, discussion, different opinions, etc from this Bayview Heights community. I've learned a lot and appreciate you guys. Matt Nestlerode 2432 Azure Ave Greenlaw Partners On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 10:05 AM Christy Walker <cityroofing1357 gmail.com> wrote: Good morning Neighbors, Please refrain from including my email in letters to the City officials and representatives. I included my email to be used to communicate with my neighbors and the neighborhood watch team. I do agree with some of your opinions and observations but not all in their entirety. Therefore, when you say "...we do ask that you resign" you are inferring that 100% of us agree. When you write letters to city officials and include all our emails, that is inferring we are all in agreement. I highly doubt that is the case, perhaps I am wrong and am the only HO in Bayview Heights that feels as such. I appreciate the emails and communication within our community. It has been very beneficial to community safety and unity. When I have an issue with a City decision or issue I go directly to them. Thank you and Bayview Heights is one of the best neighborhoods/villages in NB. I strive to preserve the uniqueness and beauty she offers all of us. Best, Chrity Walker On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 8:50 AM Laurie Kelly <laurie@silverliningrealty.com> wrote: I concur with Mr. Auster's assessment. If you cannot represent the interest of your district in one the most important issues facing this area, then we do ask that you resign. Laurie Kelly Sent from my iPhone On Aug 26, 2024, at 8:27 PM, Jim Auster <iimauster@hotmail.com> wrote: Dear Mr Weigand, Last year you recused yourself for "conflict of interest" from votes related to Element Housing development on Newport Beach Golf Course, noise map revision, etc. Do you still have this conflict? Can you disclose what your conflict is and why we are not being represented on this most important issue to our neighborhood?. If not, should we assume you have a personal financial interest in this golf course housing development and if so, please consider your resignation from City Council. Thanks Jim Auster FYI Community Development Manager Seimone Jurgis said tomorrow's vote is to approve $277,000 EIR environment review contract for Surf Farm's application and does not exempt that application from EIR environmental review. The confusing language about exemption from EIR review is just for exemption of the issuing of the EIR contract from environmental review, go figure!? I responded by still opposing approval of EIR and instead to reject the Surf Farm application because it intentionally submitted false and misleading information about the future of NBGC. Hi Jim, Item 12 is approval of the EIR contract. The EIR contract is exempt from environmental review not the surf farm. Seimone Jurjis Assistant City Manager / Director of Community Development Community Development Department Office: 949-644-3282 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 On Aug 26, 2024, at 8:55 PM, Linda Giedt <lclemensgiedt@gmail.com> wrote: Hi Guys, The Surf Farm is listed as #12 on the Regular Session agenda, which begins at 6:00 PM I really think we need some professional help to combat what is happening with the golf course and ultimately the 690 units on Mesa Dr. Have you seen the report for the Surf Farm dated 8/15? This project is massive. Please read it if you can. Unfortunately, I think we need an attorney to help with all this technical/legal stuff. The city could care less about us. Newport Golf LLC owns the center parcel and the southern parcel (Mesa Dr). The northern parcel by the 73 freeway is owned by the County of Orange. The main building is 49,000 sq ft and 48 ft tall so 3 stories. The second building (for overnight facilities for athletes (if you can believe that one)) is over 9,000 sq ft and 38 ft tall so 2 stories. 50 employees 6 am to 11 pm 7 days a week 12 events per year. So basically once a month they have some kind of event which most likely brings more people to the site. They want a driveway/parking on Mesa Dr. as well as Irvine Ave which they claim will support "golf operations" 18 months to complete! Thus, construction employees and equipment clogging Irvine Ave and Mesa Dr for a year and a half - most likely longer The project is requesting an amendment to the General Plan because of the square footage of the project - see page 8 This report specifically mentions the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan - bottom of page 8 They are looking for a bunch of waivers so they can build these buildings because they are over 20,000 sq ft - page 9 Surf is tricky because they are aware of the requirement for a vote by the people and reference it in the report a few times. It will require review from the Planning Commision, ALUC and FAA because of its proximity to JWA - page 9 Additionally, the report references a few times that the golf course has three parts. Thus, it is hard to say that building this project will not affect the rest of the golf course (north and south parcels). ill require a major Site Development Review (SDR) permit because the proposed building is greater than 20,000 square feet. maing will be a three-story building, approximately 49,000 square feet in size and 48 feet in height, The main building will be a three-story building, approximately 49,000 square feet in size and 48 feet in height, You can see all the plans for the Surf Farm on the link below. Just zoom on the area and click on the dot. Attached is the 8/15 report. https://nbgis.newportbeachca.gov/gispub/Dashboards/PlanningCasesDa sh.htm Thanks, Linda CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. DO NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. When in doubt, call the contact directly! <image001.png> <image.png> <image.png> <01 Snug Harbor Project Description 8-15-2024.pdf> Christy Walker City Roofing and Maintenance Inc. 3857 Birch Street #472 Newport Beach CA 92660 949-500-3648