HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Arts Commission 08-08-2024 Approved Meeting MinutesCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Newport Beach Public Library 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Thursday, August 8, 2024 – Regular Meeting City Arts Commission Members: Melissa Kandel, Chair John Blom, Vice Chair Heather Ignatin, Secretary Maureen Flanagan, Commissioner Barbara George, Commissioner Wayan Kaufman, Commissioner Vanessa Moore, Commissioner Staff Members: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Melissa Kandel called the City Arts Commission Regular Meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Chair Melissa Kandel Vice Chair John Blom Secretary Heather Ignatin Commissioner Maureen Flanagan Commissioner Vanessa Moore Commissioner Barbara George Commissioner Wayan Kaufman (arrived late) Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Kandel led the Pledge of Allegiance. IV. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived V. PUBLIC COMMENTS None City Arts Commission Meeting August 8, 2024 Page 2 VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of the July 11, 2024, City Arts Commission Meeting 1. Draft of 7/11/24 Minutes Chair Melissa Kandel requested edits, changes, or deletions of the minutes, there were none. B. Consent Calendar Items 2. Financial Report Review of financial information. Commissioner Maureen Flanagan noted there was $8,676 funds left available from the prior year’s budget and asked if there were any bills left to pay. Library Services Director Melissa Hartson explained there was $5,000 that was not awarded in grants and $3,000 that came in at the end of the year for special events for the Arts Exhibition. 3. Cultural Arts Activities Monthly review of cultural arts activities from the Library Administrative Office for upcoming Library and City arts events and services. Chair Kandel opened the Consent Calendar for public comment, there were none. Motion made by Vice Chair John Blom, seconded by Secretary Heather Ignatin, and carried 6-0-0-1 (with Commissioner Wayan Kaufman absent) to accept the Consent Calendar. VIII. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review and Possible Action 4. Ad Hoc Subcommittee and Liaison Appointments Chair Kandel to assign City Arts Commission Ad Hoc Subcommittees and Liaison Appointments for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25. Chair Kandel explained the structure of subcommittees, how they work, and shared her goals and focus for each subcommittee as listed in the staff report. In addition, she said, the CAC should commit to accountability and clarity in its subcommittee work. Specifically, each subcommittee will appoint a chair, who will be responsible for sending staff updates from that subcommittee meeting, which will then be shared during the CAC meeting for discussion and review. She’d like the Commission to have updates from each subcommittee regardless of whether or not it met. Chair Kandel made the following appointments for the Ad Hoc Subcommittees and Liaisons: Ad Hoc Subcommittees: Art in Public Places: Vice Chair Blom, Commissioners Flanagan, Moore City Arts Commission Meeting August 8, 2024 Page 3 Music and Live Entertainment (Changed from Concerts on the Green): Chair Kandel, Commissioners Flanagan, Secretary Ignatin Cultural Arts Grants: Vice Chair Blom, Commissioners Kaufman, Moore Newport Beach Art Exhibition: Commissioners George, Kaufman, Moore Public Relations and Marketing: Chair Kandel, Vice Chair Blom, Secretary Ignatin Sculpture Exhibition: Chair Kandel, Vice Chair Blom, Secretary Ignatin Student Art Exhibition: Commissioners Flanagan, George, Kaufman Liaison Appointments: Newport Beach Arts Foundation: Commissioner Moore Historical Resources: Vice Chair Blom Commissioner Barbara George declined the appointment to the Student Art Exhibition Subcommittee. Commissioner Wayan Kaufman said she would email Chair Kandel. Chair Kandel opened the item for public comment. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, commented that he noticed in the staff report that it states an ad hoc subcommittee is a temporary advisory committee and pointed out that their purpose is to advise the full City Arts Commission and not other subcommittees. 5. Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Budget Update Staff to present a budget update of the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park for Phases VII, VIII, and IX. Library Services Director Hartson reported what was spent on an annual basis for Phases VII, VIII, and IX of the Sculpture Exhibition and explained that Arts Orange County (ArtsOC) provided public art coordination and site management services for each Phase for $119,000, which included installation, deinstallation, contingency costs and project management of each phase. Additionally, each phase budgeted $50,000 for artist honorariums, plus sculpture plaques, brochures, and advertising of $4,000 bringing the total to $173,000 annually. Director Hartson noted the staff report stated $175,000, which was a typo. Library Services Director Hartson continued, stating that funding has consisted of both public and private contributions. City Council allocated $135,000 from the General Fund each FY, and supplemental funding has been received from the Cultural Arts Division Programming and Professional Services budgets. The Newport Beach Arts Foundation has contributed funding to support a portion of the artist honorariums, giving $20,000 for Phase VII and $10,000 for Phases VIII and IX. The reallocation of funding from the Cultural Arts Division Programming and Professional Services Budgets has had an impact on event programming, art maintenance, and various responsibilities that fall under the purview of the Cultural Arts Division. Proper maintenance of City-owned art is an important responsibility of the Cultural Arts Division. Several bronze sculptures have had basic wash and wax cleanings for the past three years and need more thorough maintenance to remove red oxide and related corrosion and restore the patina finishes. Programming has managed to maintain its current status; however, the City has not had the funds to further expand Cultural Arts programs such as bringing in higher profile cover bands for the summer concert series. Staff have taken on the event management for the Newport Beach Art Exhibition, which takes away from their ability to take on more projects. City Arts Commission Meeting August 8, 2024 Page 4 Commissioner Vanessa Moore inquired about the project management expenses and requested a detailed breakdown of those costs. Library Services Director Hartson responded staff would need to request that information from ArtsOC as a more formal breakdown of all the services and listed some such as the call for entries, managing artist applications, Arts Commission ranking process, public poll and survey, contracts, installation and deinstallation of the pieces, and continuous monitoring of the pieces. Secretary Heather Ignatin requested staff bring back the report for the next meeting, and if possible, break it down by sculpture. Chair Kandel suggested that the report should be reviewed by the Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee. Vice Chair John Blom inquired about the unused portion of the budget for Phase VII, and why that phase was not reflected on the Year End fiscal report. Library Services Director Hartson explained the funds were encumbered from three years prior and staff has requested those remainder funds be rolled into Phase X. Generally, remainder funds are rolled back into the General Fund. Additionally, the budget for Phase IX on Attachment A shows an administrative error, the installation project management was charged the full $35,000, not $30,000 as shown on the document, which brings the total for Phase IX to $160,115.97. Each year’s budget only reflects one Phase of expenses for that year. Secretary Ignatin commented there are a lot of great things the Commission can do. But it is imperative the CAC be fiscally responsible and demonstrate they can manage the limited resources appropriately and stay within budget. She said it is not acceptable to put the City in a position to re-allocate money from basic city services, such as restorative cleaning on city owned statues. The CAC needs to find a way to fix the Sculpture Exhibition financials — and that makes the work of the subcommittee very important. Once the CAC does that, it will have a stable financial platform to build upon Chair Kandel commented she was at the July 21 Concert on the Green; it was a fantastic turnout and an amazing time. One of the spectators shared that they felt their tax dollars that contributed to cultural arts programming had been put to good use for the event. Another expressed gratitude. These comments help show there’s value to the Summer Concerts on the Green program and indicates that live performance and entertainment are aspects of cultural arts programming that residents appreciate and want to see; and echoed the sentiments of Secretary Ignatin on the importance of fixing the problem of having to shuffle funds to the Sculpture Exhibition. Commissioner Moore mentioned she also attended, heard similar community input, and felt a stage would have helped make the band seen by the audience. Chair Kandel opened the item for Public Comment, there were none. B. Monthly Reports 6. Newport Beach Art Foundation Liaison Commissioner Vanessa Moore City Arts Commission Meeting August 8, 2024 Page 5 Chair Kandel was not able to attend the meeting, Newport Beach Arts Foundation (NBAF) President Arlene Greer provided an update. Arlene Greer, NBAF President, reported NBAF is fully prepared for Art in the Park and are expecting between 120 and 130 artists total, the band has been selected, two food trucks are planned and there will be a pop-up dessert display that was donated by Dessert Company for pastries and coffee. Set up begins at 7 A.M. and opens to the public from 10 A.M. until 5 P.M. Nicole Hickey is managing the event and manages events for the Library Foundation. Sponsorship has been increased, and President Greer suggested the Commission consider augmenting the Sculpture Exhibition’s funding with sponsorships through the Arts Foundation. The community has shared great input and is excited about the event. President Greer thanked the Commission for the advertisement in the fall issue of the City’s Navigator and shared a copy. There are artists and artisans that attend the event, and the live music helps to keep people there longer to buy art. NBAF is looking to make a contribution from what’s made to help augment the Sculpture Exhibition funds and look forward to the support of each of the Commissioners in the way of volunteering the day before the event between 3-6 P.M. and during set up the following morning. President Greer then passed around a volunteer sheet for sign up. Those who aren’t yet sure of their calendars can reach her through Library Services Director Hartson or by calling her personally. Chair Kandel opened the item for Public Comment, there were none. IX. CITY ARTS COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION, OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Chair Kandel explained a proposal for and conducted a straw poll for the Commission’s interested in starting a new poet laureate program. The Commissioners in favor were Kandel, Blom, Ignatin, Flanagan, Kaufman and Moore. Commissioner George abstained. X. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Arlene Greer, NBAF President, requested her phone number not be recorded in the minutes. XI. ADJOURNMENT – 5:32 P.M. Chair Kandel adjourned the meeting with a reminder of the upcoming Concert on the Green on September 22 featuring AbSOULute. Approved by: Melissa Kandel