HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Arts Commission Meeting 09-12-2024 Agenda PacketCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA Newport Beach Public Library - Central 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach CA 92660 Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 5:00 PM City Arts Commission Members: Melissa Kandel, Chair John Blom, Vice Chair Heather Ignatin, Secretary Maureen Flanagan, Commissioner Barbara George, Commissioner Wayan Kaufman, Commissioner Vanessa Moore, Commissioner Staff Members: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant The City Arts Commission meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the City Arts Commission agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Commission and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Arts Commission. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. The public can submit questions and comments in writing for the City Arts Commission to consider. Please send them by email to the Library Services Department at ArtsCommission@newportbeachca.gov by Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. to give the City Arts Commissioners time to consider your comments. All emails will be made part of the record. The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 717-3801 or mhartson@newportbeachca.gov. NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the Library Services Department 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV.NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The City provides a yellow sign-in card to assist in the preparation of the minutes. The completion of the card is not required in order to address the City Arts Commission. If the optional sign-in card has been completed, it should be placed in the tray provided. The City Arts Commission of Newport Beach welcomes and encourages community participation. Public comments are generally limited to three (3) minutes per person to allow everyone to speak. Written comments are encouraged as well. The City Arts Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the time limit on agenda or non-agenda items. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. September 12, 2024 Page 2 City Arts Commission Meeting V.PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are invited on agenda items. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The City Arts Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. VI.CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. City Arts Commissioners have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending an action. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the City Arts Commission votes on the motion unless members of the City Arts Commission request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward to the lectern upon invitation by the Chair. A.Approval of Minutes of the August 8, 2024, City Arts Commission Meeting Draft of 08/08/2024 Minutes1. Draft of 08/08/2024 Meeting Minutes B.Consent Calendar Items Financial Report2. Review of financial information. Financial Report Cultural Arts Activities3. Monthly review of cultural arts activities from the Library Administrative Office for upcoming Library and City arts events and services. Cultural Arts Activities VII.CURRENT BUSINESS A.Items for Review and Possible Action Halloween Spooktacular4. The Music and Live Entertainment Ad Hoc Subcommittee will present a proposal for the City Arts Commission to host a booth at the 7th Annual Halloween Spooktacular event. Halloween Spooktacular Staff Report September 12, 2024 Page 3 City Arts Commission Meeting Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Phase X Proposal5. The Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee will present a Sculpture Exhibition proposal that introduces a 3-year rotating exhibit of 10 sculptures in Civic Center Park. Sculpture Exhibition Proposal Staff Report Attachment A - Sculpture Exhibition 3-Year Rotation Proposal B.Monthly Reports Art in Public Places Ad Hoc Subcommittee6. Vice Chair Blom, Commissioner Flanagan, Commissioner Moore Music and Live Entertainment Ad Hoc Subcommittee7. Chair Kandel, Secretary Ignatin, Commissioner Flanagan Cultural Arts Grants Ad Hoc Subcommittee8. Vice Chair Blom, Commissioner Kaufman, Commissioner Moore Newport Beach Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee9. Commissioner George, Commissioner Kaufman, Commissioner Moore Public Relations and Marketing Ad Hoc Subcommittee10. Chair Kandel, Vice Chair Blom, Secretary Ignatin Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee11. Chair Kandel, Vice Chair Blom, Secretary Ignatin Student Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee12. Commissioner Kaufman Newport Beach Arts Foundation Liaison13. Commissioner Moore Historical Resources Liaison14. Vice Chair Blom VIII.CITY ARTS COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) September 12, 2024 Page 4 City Arts Commission Meeting IX.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited on non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Arts Commission. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The City Arts Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. X.ADJOURNMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Newport Beach Public Library 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Thursday, August 8, 2024 – Regular Meeting City Arts Commission Members: Melissa Kandel, Chair John Blom, Vice Chair Heather Ignatin, Secretary Maureen Flanagan, Commissioner Barbara George, Commissioner Wayan Kaufman, Commissioner Vanessa Moore, Commissioner Staff Members: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant DRAFT I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Melissa Kandel called the City Arts Commission Regular Meeting to order at5:00 P.M. II.ROLL CALL Commissioners Present:Chair Melissa Kandel Vice Chair John Blom Secretary Heather Ignatin Commissioner Maureen Flanagan Commissioner Vanessa Moore Commissioner Barbara George Commissioner Wayan Kaufman (arrived late) Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant III.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Kandel led the Pledge of Allegiance. IV.NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived V.PUBLIC COMMENTS None 55 City Arts Commission Meeting August 8, 2024 Page 2 VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of the July 11, 2024, City Arts Commission Meeting 1. Draft of 7/11/24 Minutes Chair Melissa Kandel requested edits, changes, or deletions of the minutes, there were none. B. Consent Calendar Items 2. Financial Report Review of financial information. Commissioner Maureen Flanagan noted there was $8,676 funds left available from the prior year’s budget and asked if there were any bills left to pay. Library Services Director Melissa Hartson explained there was $5,000 that was not awarded in grants and $3,000 that came in at the end of the year for special events for the Arts Exhibition. 3. Cultural Arts Activities Monthly review of cultural arts activities from the Library Administrative Office for upcoming Library and City arts events and services. Chair Kandel opened the Consent Calendar for public comment, there were none. Motion made by Vice Chair John Blom, seconded by Secretary Heather Ignatin, and carried 6-0-0-1 (with Commissioner Wayan Kaufman absent) to accept the Consent Calendar. VIII. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review and Possible Action 4. Ad Hoc Subcommittee and Liaison Appointments Chair Kandel to assign City Arts Commission Ad Hoc Subcommittees and Liaison Appointments for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25. Chair Kandel explained the structure of subcommittees, how they work, and shared her goals and focus for each subcommittee as listed in the staff report. In addition, she said, the CAC should commit to accountability and clarity in its subcommittee work. Specifically, each subcommittee will appoint a chair, who will be responsible for sending staff updates from that subcommittee meeting, which will then be shared during the CAC meeting for discussion and review. She’d like the Commission to have updates from each subcommittee regardless of whether or not it met. Chair Kandel made the following appointments for the Ad Hoc Subcommittees and Liaisons: Ad Hoc Subcommittees: Art in Public Places: Vice Chair Blom, Commissioners Flanagan, Moore 66 City Arts Commission Meeting August 8, 2024 Page 3 Music and Live Entertainment (Changed from Concerts on the Green): Chair Kandel, Commissioners Flanagan, Secretary Ignatin Cultural Arts Grants: Vice Chair Blom, Commissioners Kaufman, Moore Newport Beach Art Exhibition: Commissioners George, Kaufman, Moore Public Relations and Marketing: Chair Kandel, Vice Chair Blom, Secretary Ignatin Sculpture Exhibition: Chair Kandel, Vice Chair Blom, Secretary Ignatin Student Art Exhibition: Commissioners Flanagan, George, Kaufman Liaison Appointments: Newport Beach Arts Foundation: Commissioner Moore Historical Resources: Vice Chair Blom Commissioner Barbara George declined the appointment to the Student Art Exhibition Subcommittee. Commissioner Wayan Kaufman said she would email Chair Kandel. Chair Kandel opened the item for public comment. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, commented that he noticed in the staff report that it states an ad hoc subcommittee is a temporary advisory committee and pointed out that their purpose is to advise the full City Arts Commission and not other subcommittees. 5. Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Budget Update Staff to present a budget update of the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park for Phases VII, VIII, and IX. Library Services Director Hartson reported what was spent on an annual basis for Phases VII, VIII, and IX of the Sculpture Exhibition and explained that Arts Orange County (ArtsOC) provided public art coordination and site management services for each Phase for $119,000, which included installation, deinstallation, contingency costs and project management of each phase. Additionally, each phase budgeted $50,000 for artist honorariums, plus sculpture plaques, brochures, and advertising of $4,000 bringing the total to $173,000 annually. Director Hartson noted the staff report stated $175,000, which was a typo. Library Services Director Hartson continued, stating that funding has consisted of both public and private contributions. City Council allocated $135,000 from the General Fund each FY, and supplemental funding has been received from the Cultural Arts Division Programming and Professional Services budgets. The Newport Beach Arts Foundation has contributed funding to support a portion of the artist honorariums, giving $20,000 for Phase VII and $10,000 for Phases VIII and IX. The reallocation of funding from the Cultural Arts Division Programming and Professional Services Budgets has had an impact on event programming, art maintenance, and various responsibilities that fall under the purview of the Cultural Arts Division. Proper maintenance of City-owned art is an important responsibility of the Cultural Arts Division. Several bronze sculptures have had basic wash and wax cleanings for the past three years and need more thorough maintenance to remove red oxide and related corrosion and restore the patina finishes. Programming has managed to maintain its current status; however, the City has not had the funds to further expand Cultural Arts programs such as bringing in higher profile cover bands for the summer concert series. Staff have taken on the event management for the Newport Beach Art Exhibition, which takes away from their ability to take on more projects. 77 City Arts Commission Meeting August 8, 2024 Page 4 Commissioner Vanessa Moore inquired about the project management expenses and requested a detailed breakdown of those costs. Library Services Director Hartson responded staff would need to request that information from ArtsOC as a more formal breakdown of all the services and listed some such as the call for entries, managing artist applications, Arts Commission ranking process, public poll and survey, contracts, installation and deinstallation of the pieces, and continuous monitoring of the pieces. Secretary Heather Ignatin requested staff bring back the report for the next meeting, and if possible, break it down by sculpture. Chair Kandel suggested that the report should be reviewed by the Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee. Vice Chair John Blom inquired about the unused portion of the budget for Phase VII, and why that phase was not reflected on the Year End fiscal report. Library Services Director Hartson explained the funds were encumbered from three years prior and staff has requested those remainder funds be rolled into Phase X. Generally, remainder funds are rolled back into the General Fund. Additionally, the budget for Phase IX on Attachment A shows an administrative error, the installation project management was charged the full $35,000, not $30,000 as shown on the document, which brings the total for Phase IX to $160,115.97. Each year’s budget only reflects one Phase of expenses for that year. Secretary Ignatin commented there are a lot of great things the Commission can do. But it is imperative the CAC be fiscally responsible and demonstrate they can manage the limited resources appropriately and stay within budget. She said it is not acceptable to put the City in a position to re-allocate money from basic city services, such as restorative cleaning on city owned statues. The CAC needs to find a way to fix the Sculpture Exhibition financials — and that makes the work of the subcommittee very important. Once the CAC does that, it will have a stable financial platform to build upon Chair Kandel commented she was at the July 21 Concert on the Green; it was a fantastic turnout and an amazing time. One of the spectators shared that they felt their tax dollars that contributed to cultural arts programming had been put to good use for the event. Another expressed gratitude. These comments help show there’s value to the Summer Concerts on the Green program and indicates that live performance and entertainment are aspects of cultural arts programming that residents appreciate and want to see; and echoed the sentiments of Secretary Ignatin on the importance of fixing the problem of having to shuffle funds to the Sculpture Exhibition. Commissioner Moore mentioned she also attended, heard similar community input, and felt a stage would have helped make the band seen by the audience. Chair Kandel opened the item for Public Comment, there were none. B.Monthly Reports 6.Newport Beach Art Foundation LiaisonCommissioner Vanessa Moore 88 City Arts Commission Meeting August 8, 2024 Page 5 Chair Kandel was not able to attend the meeting, Newport Beach Arts Foundation (NBAF) President Arlene Greer provided an update. Arlene Greer, NBAF President, reported NBAF is fully prepared for Art in the Park and are expecting between 120 and 130 artists total, the band has been selected, two food trucks are planned and there will be a pop-up dessert display that was donated by Dessert Company for pastries and coffee. Set up begins at 7 A.M. and opens to the public from 10 A.M. until 5 P.M. Nicole Hickey is managing the event and manages events for the LibraryFoundation. Sponsorship has been increased, and President Greer suggested theCommission consider augmenting the Sculpture Exhibition’s funding with sponsorshipsthrough the Arts Foundation. The community has shared great input and is excited aboutthe event. President Greer thanked the Commission for the advertisement in the fall issueof the City’s Navigator and shared a copy. There are artists and artisans that attend the event, and the live music helps to keep people there longer to buy art. NBAF is looking tomake a contribution from what’s made to help augment the Sculpture Exhibition funds andlook forward to the support of each of the Commissioners in the way of volunteering the day before the event between 3-6 P.M. and during set up the following morning. PresidentGreer then passed around a volunteer sheet for sign up. Those who aren’t yet sure of theircalendars can reach her through Library Services Director Hartson or by calling her personally. Chair Kandel opened the item for Public Comment, there were none. IX.CITY ARTS COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERSWOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION, ORREPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Chair Kandel explained a proposal for and conducted a straw poll for the Commission’sinterested in starting a new poet laureate program. The Commissioners in favor wereKandel, Blom, Ignatin, Flanagan, Kaufman and Moore. Commissioner George abstained. X.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Arlene Greer, NBAF President, requested her phone number not be recorded in the minutes. XI.ADJOURNMENT – 5:32 P.M. Chair Kandel adjourned the meeting with a reminder of the upcoming Concert on the Green on September 22 featuring AbSOULute. 99 As of September 1, 2024 ACCT NAME BUDGET DATE VENDOR EXPENSES AVAILABLE NOTES Programming 60,500.00$ 07/11 DJE Sound and Lighting 4,337.67 56,162.33 COTG Sound -07-21-2024 (Radio Rebels) 07/11 Rebel Music Entertainment 3,250.00 52,912.33 COTG Band - 07-21-2024 (Radio Rebels)07/25 Mr. Rock N' Roll Inc.3,250.00 49,662.33 COTG Band - 08-11-2024 (Wilbury Super Grou 07/25 DJE Sound and Lighting 4,337.67 45,324.66 COTG Sound - 08-11-2024 (Wilbury Super Gro 07/31 Paul's Flowers 258.60 45,066.06 2024 Art Exhibition - Flowers 07/31 FEDEX Office 90.47 44,975.59 Concerts on the Green signs 08/01 Alliant Insurance Services 2,506.00 42,469.59 Insurance for Concerts on the Green 08/01 Tracy Kiggen (ARTovator)958.00 41,511.59 Children's Activities - 07-21-2024 (Radio Rebels) & Business License Fee 08/01 Tracy Kiggen (ARTovator)615.00 40,896.59 Children's Activities - 08-11-2024 (Wilbury Super Group)08/08 Amazon.com 26.93 40,869.66 Concerts on the Green supplies 08/08 Amazon.com 19.66 40,850.00 Concerts on the Green supplies 08/23 WESTAF (CallforEntry.org)525.00 40,325.00 CallforEntry.org 2024 Art Exhibition Processing Fee 08/23 Tracy Kiggen (ARTovator)615.00 39,710.00 Children's Activities - 09-22-2024 (AbSOULute)08/30 DJE Sound and Lighting 4,337.67 35,372.33 COTG Sound -09-22-2024 (AbSOULute) 08/30 Leon Chalnick 3,250.00 32,122.33 COTG Band - 09-22-2024 (AbSOULute) TOTAL $60,500.00 $28,377.67 $32,122.33 City Grants 30,000.00$ TOTAL $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 Professional Services 23,000.00$ 08/15 TAVD Virtual Assistant 159.75 22,840.25 Transcription of Minutes (07/11) 08/23 Svartifoss Corp 75.00 22,765.25 Art Installation (Indivisible - Sister City Artwork) 08/23 Svartifoss Corp 400.00 22,365.25 Art Installation (Christopher Evans exhibit) 08/30 Crown Building Services 825.00 21,540.25 Sculpture MaintenanceTOTAL23,000.00$ $1,459.75 21,540.25$ Sculpture Exhibition 135,000.00$ Phase X TOTAL $135,000.00 $0.00 $135,000.00 Advertising $ 1,340.00 07/31 Gotprint.com 181.41 1,158.59 COTG rack card 07/31 Gotprint.com 120.78 1,037.81 COTG banners TOTAL $1,340.00 $302.19 $1,037.81 REVENUES Special Events (NBAE)$0.00 TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 BUDGET EXPENSES AVAILABLECultural Arts Totals $249,840.00 $30,139.61 $219,700.39 FY 2024-25Cultural Arts Division 09/05/2024 1 of 1 10 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ARTS COMMISSION STAFF REPORT September 12, 2024 Agenda Item No. 3 CONCERTS ON THE GREEN: WILBURY SUPER GROUP The Newport Beach Summer Concerts on the Civic Green continued with classic rock cover band, Wilbury Super Group. This cover band played hits by Tom Petty, Roy Orbison, George Harrison, Bob Dylan and Jeff Lynne and were well-received by concert goers, with around 3,000 attendees gathering on the Civic Green. Children’s activities, provided by ARTovator, included face painting and balloon animals and rounded out this family-fun event. The next concert will be on September 22, featuring funk and soul band AbSOULute. PHASE IX SCULPTURE EXHIBITION - HEAVY LANDING In August, “Heavy Landing” by artist Vojtech Blazejovsky was temporarily deinstalled from Civic Center Park. After receiving reports of damage to the work of art, Arts Orange County assessed the sculpture, communicated with artist Blazejovsky to coordinate repair, and had the piece removed for the repair to take place. Artist Blazejovsky is currently repairing his work of art and a re-installation date is forthcoming. TO: CITY ARTS COMMISSION FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949) 717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant TITLE: Cultural Arts Activities for August 2024 11 Cultural Arts Activities for August 2024 09/12/2024 Page 2 CENTRAL LIBRARY GALLERY EXHIBITS C.M. Evans was born and raised in Northern California and has lived in Southern California since 1999. Evans graduated from San Francisco State University with a BFA in Conceptual Design in 1991. He’s also spent a few years in Chicago, and some years in Minnesota where his works have been exhibited in various galleries and art shows. Currently he lives in Laguna Beach. When not making art, he works in the computer and technology field, testing cameras and helping develop video games. Evans has been creating art in a variety of mediums (writing, painting, drawing and sculpting) since he could pick up a pencil or crayon. His primary influences are Dada, Action Painting, and recycled materials. He takes particular inspiration from Ernst, Miro and Calder. “I create work with someone in mind, and though I do not know them, they are integral to the finished piece.” Evans states. “If you see my work, I hope you take from it an impression or experience, and later if you see the work again, something is different. Then the art is yours, it has gone beyond me. “ Artwork will be on display until September 20, 2024. UPCOMING CENTRAL LIBRARY GALLERY EXHIBITS: 2024: •Shant Beudjekian (Oil paintings): September 23 – November 15 •Faro Mojahedi (Photography): November 18 – January 10 2025: •Tianyi Wang (Photography): January 13 – March 7 •Liberty Dickinson (Acrylic paintings): March 10 – May 2 •Joan Gladstone (Giclées): May 5 – June 27 •Kathy Kehoe Bambeck (Puzzle Paintings): June 30 – August 22 •Joe Cladis (Lithographs): August 25 – October 27 CULTURAL ARTS CALENDER OF EVENTS: City Arts Commission (CAC) meetings are held at 5 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month. •Next meeting – Thursday, October 10, 2024 CONCERTS ON THE GREEN •September 22 – AbSOULute (6-7:30 p.m.) CONCERT AT MARINA PARK •October 13 – Gotham City Swingers (4-5:30 p.m.)  CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ARTS COMMISSION STAFF REPORT September 12, 2024 Agenda Item No. 4 ABSTRACT: The Music and Live Entertainment Ad Hoc Subcommittee will present a proposal for the City Arts Commission to host a booth at the 7th Annual Halloween Spooktacular event. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Arts Commission review and approve the Music and Live Entertainment Ad Hoc Subcommittee’s proposal to have the City Arts Commission host a booth at the Halloween Spooktacular event. DISCUSSION: The City of Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services (RSS) Department organizes an annual Halloween Spooktacular fall event. This event hosts a variety of carnival games, costume contests, and other family-friendly activities such as crafts and trunk-or-treating. The 7th Annual Halloween Spooktacular will take place on Saturday, October 26, 2024, from 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. at Mariners Park. The Music and Live Entertainment Ad Hoc Subcommittee proposes that the City Arts Commission (CAC) reserve a booth for the Halloween Spooktacular event and provide a small art activity for attendees. The activity will consist of painting miniature pumpkins for children to take home. Art activity supplies include pumpkins, paint, brushes, and paper plates. In addition, a booth banner will be produced and candy to giveaway will be purchased. This event will provide an opportunity for the CAC to connect with the Newport Beach community and bring further awareness to cultural arts programs and events. Staff recommends that the CAC approve the proposal. If approved, staff will coordinate with RSS to reserve a booth space at the event. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Pumpkins, paint, brushes, and additional supplies is estimated at approximately $1,000, to be expensed from the FY 2024-25 Cultural Arts Division Programming Budget. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Arts Commission considers the item). TO: CITY ARTS COMMISSION FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949)717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant TITLE: Halloween Spooktacular 13 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ARTS COMMISSION STAFF REPORT September 12, 2024 Agenda Item No. 5 ABSTRACT: The Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee will present a Sculpture Exhibition proposal that introduces a 3-year rotating exhibit of 10 sculptures in Civic Center Park. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Arts Commission review and approve the Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee’s 3-year Sculpture Exhibition proposal to present to City Council. DISCUSSION: Background The Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park is an ongoing rotational public art display that is an integral feature of the Newport Beach Civic Center. Civic Center Park, which turned nearly half a million square feet of undeveloped land into a new public park, was designed by renowned landscape architectural firm Peter Walker and Partners (PWP). PWP developed a master plan for art in the park, and identified various spots in the park where art, particularly sculpture, may be exhibited. The City Arts Commission determined that a rotating exhibition was an optimal approach to bring sculpture to Newport Beach in a cost-efficient manner. In August 2013, the Newport Beach City Council authorized the City Arts Commission to implement an inaugural rotational sculpture exhibit in Civic Center Park. The City has exhibited nine sculpture phases in Civic Center Park with Phases VIII and IX currently on display in the park. Arts Orange County (ArtsOC) has provided public art coordination and site management services for all nine phases of the Sculpture Exhibition. Annually, ArtsOC’s proposed budget for managing each phase is $119,000. In addition, artist honorariums totaling $50,000, and sculpture plaques, brochures, and advertising of $4,000 brings the current total per phase to $173,000. Funding has consisted of both public and private contributions. For phases VII, VIII, and IX, the City has allocated $135,000 from the General Fund for each phase and additional funding from the Cultural Arts Division Programming and Professional Services budgets supplement the project costs. Lastly, the Newport Beach Arts Foundation has contributed funding to support a portion of the artist honorariums, giving $20,000 for Phase VII and $10,000 for Phases VIII and IX. At the 2024 City Council Special Meeting Planning Session, City Council directed the City Arts Commission to determine and present alternate options for the Sculpture Exhibition program. The City Arts TO: CITY ARTS COMMISSION FROM: Library Services Department Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director (949)717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director TITLE: Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Recommendation 14 Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Recommendation September 12, 2024 Page 2 Commission formed a Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee to meet, discuss, and propose alternative recommendations for future phases of the Sculpture Exhibition. Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee Report Summary This Subcommittee believes it is critical that the City’s Sculpture Exhibition be managed in a fiscally responsible manner and within the budget allocated to it by the City. As a result, the Subcommittee recommends that the Sculpture Exhibition move from a 2-year rotation cycle to a 3-year rotation cycle, as set forth below. Background The City’s Sculpture Exhibition located in Civic Center Park contains room for displaying 20 sculptures at a time, with each sculpture resting on its own concrete pad. Each sculpture is displayed for a limited period of time, after which it is replaced by another sculpture. In other words, each year, half of the sculptures are replaced. As a result, every year, there is de- installation of 10 sculptures and subsequent installation of 10 new sculptures. Analysis The rapid installation and de-installation of sculptures on an annual cadence has brought with it significant yearly costs such as the following: •Locating and curating potential new sculptures •Executing an online public poll to select new sculptures •Renting equipment such as heavy machinery to install and de-install new sculptures; and •Labor for installation and de-installation The Subcommittee’s determination after reviewing the data is that the bulk of the annual cost of the Sculpture Exhibition is not the cost of having 20 sculptures on display for the public to enjoy — rather, it is the cost of annually changing those sculptures. As a result, the Subcommittee believes that costs can be significantly reduced — even while keeping 20 sculptures on display — simply by reducing the cadence of replacement of sculptures. Recommendation The Subcommittee recommends the following: •Going forward, the City selects all sculptures with the intent to display them for three years •The City moves to a 3-year cadence wherein: o No sculptures are replaced in Year 1 o 10 sculptures are replaced in Year 2 o 10 sculptures are replaced in Year 3 Specifically, the City will work with Arts Orange County (ArtsOC) and the artists of the existing sculptures in Phases VIII and IX to extend their current contracts by one year so that the City may immediately move to the recommended 3-year cadence. Currently, Phases VIII and IX are scheduled to be de-installed in 2025 and 2026 respectively. The proposal would extend Phase VIII to 2026 and Phase IX to 2027. In addition, the Subcommittee recommends Phase X be installed in 2026 for three years. 15 Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Recommendation September 12, 2024 Page 3 The Subcommittee is also recommending City Council to consider further cost-saving options by lowering the cost of the honorarium per artist per year. Current cost of the artist honorarium per year is $2,500 and would result in a $7,500 total honorarium over three years (total cost $75,000). Should City Council consider a lower honorarium amount, the cost savings to the Sculpture Exhibition program are as follows: •Option #1 — $6,000 artist honorarium per sculpture allocated over the 3-year period, which would cost $60,000 and save $15,000. •Option #2 — $4,500 artist honorarium per sculpture allocated over the 3-year period, which would cost $45,000 and save $30,000. Expected Impact The recommended plan would result in an estimated savings of $66,500 by eliminating installation and de-installation services in each “Year 1” of the 3-year rotation. The cost would remain roughly at current levels in “Year 2” and “Year 3” of the rotation. The Subcommittee recommends that the City allocate a portion of the savings from “Year 1” to help fund the project costs of “Year 2” and “Year 3.” In addition, if City Council establishes a lower honorarium of $6,000 per artist or $4,500 per artist over three years, this could result in further cost savings of $15,000 or $30,000 respectively. The recommended plan would result in new sculptures installed every two out of three years going forward. The public would be able to enjoy each new sculpture for a longer period of time, and the City Arts Commission would no longer incur the steeper cost of a 2-year rotation cycle. The transition of the current sculptures on display to the 3-year cadence would need to be negotiated with ArtsOC, which in turn would execute the contract extensions for the individual artists. The Subcommittee expects that this can be done without incurring significant material cost. In the event that it cannot, the Subcommittee will return to the City Arts Commission with recommendations on alternate arrangements to present to City Council. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the Board of Library Trustees considers the item). ATTACHMENT: Attachment A – Sculpture Exhibition 3-Year Rotation Options 16 EXTENDING PHASE 8 & 9 CONTRACT SCHEDULE June 2025 (Year 1)June 2026 (Year 2)June 2027 (Year 3)June 2028 (Year 4)June 2029 (Year 5)June 2030 (Year 6)June 2031 (Year 7)June 2032 (Year 8)June 2033 (Year 9) Phase 8 - Extend Phase 8 - Deinstall Phase 9 - Stays Phase 9 - Extend Phase 9 - Deinstall Phase 10 - Install Phase 10 - Stays Phase 10 - Stays Phase 10 - Deinstall Phase 11 - Install Phase 11 - Stays Phase 11 - Stays Phase 11 - Deinstall Phase 12 - Install Phase 12 - Stays Phase 12 - Stays Phase 12 - Deinstall Phase 13 - Install Phase 13 - Stays Phase 13 - Stays Phase 13 - Deinstall Phase 14 - Install Phase 14 - Stays Phase 15 - Install Partial Funding Need Partial Funding Need Full Funding Need No Funding Need Full Funding Need Full Funding Need No Funding Need Full Funding Need Funding Need (Phase 8 Extensions)(Phase 9 Extensions)(Phase 11)(Phase 12)(Phase 13)(Phase 14)(Phase 15) AND Full Funding Need (Phase 10) On Exhibit - 8 & 9 On Exhibit - 9 & 10 On Exhibit - 10 & 11 On Exhibit - 10 & 11 On Exhibit - 11 & 12 On Exhibit - 12 & 13 On Exhibit - 12 & 13 On Exhibit - 13 & 14 On Exhibit - 14 & 15 $35,000 $9,500 $46,500 $20,000 Artist Honorariums $50,000 Project Contractor $119,000 $8,000 Plaques & Brochures $4,000 Additional Costs $54,000 $119,000 TOTAL $54,000 PROJECT TOTAL $173,000 Project Contractor*$119,000 Project Contractor*$119,000 Project Contractor*$119,000 Artist Honorariums $75,000 Artist Honorariums $60,000 Artist Honorariums $45,000 Plaques & Brochures $4,000 Plaques & Brochures $4,000 Plaques & Brochures $4,000 TOTAL $198,000 TOTAL $183,000 TOTAL $168,000 *Project Contractor cost based on 2-year schedule of billing rates Budget Allocation $7,500 Honorarium $6,000 Honorarium $4,500 Honorarium FY 2024-25 (Year 1)$135,000 **$25,000 **$25,000 **$25,000 FY 2025-26 (Year 2)$135,000 ***$223,000 ***$208,000 ***$193,000 FY 2026-27 (Year 3)$135,000 ****$198,000 ****$183,000 ****$168,000 FY 2027-28 (Year 4)$135,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $540,000 $446,000 $416,000 $386,000 **Phase 8 contract extension costs only account for artist honorariums ***Phase 9 contract extension costs only account for artist honorariums; Project Contractor cost based on 2-year schedule of billing rates ****Project Contractor cost based on 2-year schedule of billing rates TOTAL 3-YEAR $4,500 HONORARIUM OPTION3-YEAR $6,000 HONORARIUM OPTION Deinstallation Services Project Contingency 3-YEAR $7,500 HONORARIUM OPTION 10 SCULPTURES - 3-YEAR ROTATION OPTIONS EXISTING 2-YEAR PROJECT CONTRACTOR SCHEDULE OF BILLING RATES Project Management - Installation Project Management - Deinstallation Installation Services EXISTING 2-YEAR PROJECT TOTALEXISTING 2-YEAR PROJECT ADDITIONAL 17 SCULPTURE EXHIBITION STAFF REPORT - ATTACHMENT A