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HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-2024-BLT-APPROVED MINUTESCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Board of Library Trustees Civic Center Council Chambers 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA Meeting Minutes Monday, October 21, 2024 – 5:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Chase Rief called to order the Board of Library Trustees meeting for October 21, 2024.
Trustees Present: Chair Chase Rief, Trustee Lauren Kramer, Trustee Meghan Murray
Trustees Absent: Vice Chair Antonella Castro, Secretary Dorothy Larson (excused) Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director
Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist Annika Helmuth, Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Andrew Kachaturian, Circulation/Technical Processing Coordinator Alex Johnkins, Mariners Branch Librarian III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Rief introduced Milly Rief, a third grade student, who led the Pledge of Allegiance IV. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived
V. CONSENT CALENDAR Administrative Support Specialist Francine Jacome read the Consent Calendar Notice to the public. Chair Rief inquired whether any Trustees had requests to pull an item from the Consent Calendar. 1. Minutes of September 16, 2024 Board of Library Trustees Meeting 2. Patron Comments Monthly review of evaluations of library services through suggestions and requests received from patrons.
3. Patron’s Request for Evaluation of Library Resources Monthly review of evaluations of library resources as requested by patrons with corresponding staff responses.
4. Expenditure Status Report Monthly expenditure status of the library’s operating expenses, services, salaries, and benefits by department.
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5. Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the Board of Library Trustees.
Chair Rief opened the item for public comments.
Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, commented on Item 3 regarding a patron’s request for evaluation of the book “How Do You Make A Baby?”, located at the Central Library, and the decision to remove the book from the Library. He found it odd it was removed
entirely, and before the appeal period had expired, as the request was for the book to be moved to the adult section where it could potentially be found helpful by adults. Mr. Mosher questioned if removing it was within the Policy guidelines for removing a book. Chair Rief closed Public Comments. Motion made by Trustee Lauren Kramer, seconded by Trustee Meghan Murray, and carried 3-0-0-2 (Absent: Castro, Larson) to approve the Consent Calendar Items 1-4 of the August 19, 2024 draft minutes. AYES: Rief, Kramer, Murray
VI. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review 6. Mariners Branch Update
Mariners Branch Librarian Alex Johnkins provides the annual overview of Mariners Branch operations. Mariners Branch Librarian Alex Johnkins reported about the personnel, programs, seed library, and recent building maintenance updates. During a facility maintenance closure, Mariners Branch (Mariners) offered curbside delivery as well as telephone and email reference services. Mariners is utilized by the neighboring elementary school, and part of the branch is closed off during school hours to provide a safe and uninterrupted experience. Branch Librarian Johnkins commented on staff and patron frustration with the removal of children’s books from the branch. He looked forward to the upcoming year with anticipation of increased patron usage and the continued expansion of library services.
Chair Rief opened the item for public comments.
Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, commented he uses the Mariners branch frequently and suggested replacing the frosted windows would provide better light and would allow the staff to monitor the parking lot. It would also be aesthetically improved; private rooms
would be beneficial to patrons who use the internet service for Zoom meetings. Trustee Lauren Kramer commented that she didn’t appreciate the hostile comment about staff removing the book from the Library. The Board seeks and receives community input, they make the final decision on an appeal, and staff carry that decision through.
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Chair Rief closed Public Comments.
Chair Rief received and filed the report. 7. Youth Services Update
Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth will provide an annual overview of Youth Services.
Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth provided the Youth Services annual update. Youth Services provided a variety of services, resources, and materials for children ages 0-12 at the Central Library (Central), Mariners Branch (Mariners), Balboa Branch (Balboa), and Corona del Mar Branch (CdM). At each location, Youth Services is responsible for planning, preparing, and hosting children's programs including author visits and special events; performing storytimes; selecting and de-selecting materials from the Children's Collection (Collection); providing reference services and readers' advisory; and presenting at community outreach events throughout the year. This year, the primary focus included increasing early literacy and elementary academic achievement by offering access to a wide variety of materials in the Collection; expanding educational program offerings both for early learning and after-school age groups (Programs); and expanding
outreach efforts to engage a broader community audience and increase patron usage (Outreach). The Youth Services department is comprised of 10 staff members across the four locations. Recruitment for a part-time Library Assistant at Balboa recently reopened
after a resignation in September 2024. The Collection totals approximately 82,260 titles across all four locations, which is a 1.6% decrease over the previous year but remains consistent with routine selection and deselection processes. Staff continually review and
shift materials to ensure adequate room for new items, replacements, and patron requested titles. This review process also ensures quality titles are available and the collection is meeting the needs of our patrons. The Collection sees high and consistent use with 79,461 items circulating a total 484,488 times. CollectionHQ, a data analytics tool, captures the circulation and turnover rate over five points in time. Ninety-six percent of the collection is checked out annually. The Youth Services program continues to expand to meet patron demand. In addition to ongoing weekly storytimes, Youth Services offers several monthly after-school programs and special events such as the annual National Library Week celebrations and Summer Reading Program. In the last year, Youth Services increased the number of programs offered to patrons by 47% with staff hosting 892 youth programs compared to last year's 608 programs. The current early learning program
schedule includes nine weekly storytimes, Sensory Play at CdM, Toy Train Thursdays at Balboa, and daily Stay & Play at all locations. Stay & Play offers patrons meaningful open-ended play opportunities that supports early literacy development, creates a sense of
community, and builds caregiver-child relationships. This year a method for tracking Stay & Play activities was developed. The new data gives staff a quantitative framework for on-going maintenance and needs of the program. Library outreach is an important
component of Youth Services. It allows staff to connect with the community while expanding services beyond traditional library spaces. As Youth Services looks towards the upcoming year, the team is focused on prioritizing sustainable growth that meets the interests and demands of the community. By embracing innovation while elevating traditional services, Youth Services seek to ensure access to essential resources, advance lifelong learning skills, and create spaces where young patrons can continue to explore, grow, and succeed.
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Chair Rief commented regarding the robust children’s collections and inquired how the check-out rate for the children’s collection compares to the rest of the Library’s collection. Library Services Director Hartson answered she didn’t have that figure on hand, but they
have a high rate of circulation for all materials in part due to the CollectionHQ program. Trustee Kramer commented that she utilizes the Children’s Collection the most with her
family and thanked Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth for the professional and informative report.
Chair Rief opened the item for public comments. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, commented that he agreed that 96% check out rate is impressive and indicates that staff have selected material that is popular with the children; and inquired about the turnover rate compared to the number of titles available; Mr. Mosher also noted the list of Top Ten Books in Stu News Newport and asked about the non-circulating items. Chair Rief closed Public Comments. Chair Rief received and filed the report.
8. Grant Acceptance from California Library Literacy Services Staff recommends the Board of Library Trustees approve the acceptance of a grant
from California Library Literacy Services to support the Newport Beach Public
Library’s Project Adult Literacy program.
Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot reported that the Library's Project Adult Literacy program (PAL) offers one-on-one tutoring and small group classes to patrons with low literacy skills. PAL is partially funded by the City's general fund and partially funded through grants, donations, and the fund raising efforts of Pals4pal. One of the major funding resources is through the California State Library Literacy Services' annual grant program. A grant of $46,594 has been awarded to the Library to support our high-quality literacy program. The grant funds will be used towards staffing for the program. This
portion of the award, $41,935, represents the first distribution from California Library Literacy Services for FY 2024-25. The Library will receive the rest of the grant funds, $4,659, in spring 2025. Staff recommend the acceptance of this grant by the Board of
Library Trustees. If accepted, the funds will be allocated into Library Services Literacy accounts. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, inquired if the City had received any state funding other than this grant as State funding is tied into the new Assembly Bill about the collection development policies. Chair Rief closed Public Comments.
Motion made by Trustee Lauren Kramer, seconded by Trustee Meghan Murray, and carried 3-0-0-2 (Absent: Castro, Larson) to approve the acceptance of a grant from
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California Library Literacy Services to support the Newport Beach Public Library’s Project Adult Literacy program.
AYES: Rief, Kramer, Murray NOES: ABSTENTIONS:
ABSENCES: Castro, Larson 9. Acceptance of Donations
Staff recommends the Board of Library Trustees approve the acceptance of
donations from the Dorothy Arens Ressel Trust and patron Patricia Steinmann to
enhance the Library’s materials collection.
Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot reported Newport Beach resident Dorothy Arens Ressel left a share of her estate to the Library. A gift in the amount of $15,737.06 will be used to augment the Library's collections at all locations, in all formats, and for all
age groups. Patricia Steinmann has donated a gift in the amount of $300. If accepted, the donations will be allocated into Library Materials operating account. Staff recommends the Board of Library Trustees approve the acceptance of donations from the Dorothy Arens
Ressel Trust and patron Patricia Steinmann to enhance the Library's materials collection. Chair Rief opened the item to public comments, there were none. Motion made by Trustee Lauren Kramer, seconded by Chair Chase Reif, to approve the acceptance of donations from the Dorothy Arens Ressel Trust and patron Patricia
Steinmann to enhance the Library’s materials collection. AYES: Rief, Kramer, Murray NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: Castro, Larson 10. Library Activities
Monthly update of library events, services, and statistics.
Library Services Director Melissa Hartson reported that September was Library card sign up month, and they had a great push for adding patrons. There was a 27% increase from the prior year. In addition to the normal focus on schools, they invited City Hall employees
to tour the Library and explore the resources and programs available, including Library-related apps. Author Chris Epting hosted a “Meet the Author” event for his new book “When One Hears the Rain” and was involved in launching the first memoir-writing
workshop, which has shown a very high demand. The Library received special acknowledgement in the book.
Chair Rief opened the item to public comments, there were none. Chair Rief received and filed the report. B. Monthly Reports
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11. Library Foundation Liaison Reports Trustee update on the most recently attended Library Foundation Board meeting.
Chair Rief stated he attended the most recent Foundation Board meeting, and the update from Jerry included in the agenda was robust, and he offered congratulations to Jerry and the Foundation on the well-attended Bonnie Garmus event. The lectures all seem to be
outperforming expectations. Chair Rief opened the item to public comments, there were none.
12. Friends of the Library Liaison Report Trustee update on the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting. Trustee Murray stated everything is going smoothly and the main focus right now is raising the fee for a lifetime membership to $250, increasing attendance, and increasing revenue. Chair Rief opened the item to public comments, there were none. 13. Pals4pal Liaison Report
Trustee update of the Pals4pal Board meeting. Chair Rief opened the monthly reports to public comments.
Chair Rief received and filed all the reports. XI. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – Three Minutes per speaker Jim Mosher, Newport Beach Resident, commented about a possible change coming to
the Library based on the upcoming Council Agenda in the Consent Calendar, the City is reviewing State required changes with removal of waste. The Library will be required to separate their waste into three categories: Landfill Waste, Recyclables, and Organics. The patrons of the library will have to get their waste into the proper bins, which indicates there will be three containers outside of the libraries starting next year. XII. BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) None
All future meetings will be held at the Civic Center campus.
Submitted by: Chase Rief
Chair Approval of Minutes