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M2024-0035 - Permits
"EWvogpm City of Newport Beach^ll�III�uIRI���WINllll��llt`Jii�Y�e �l II Harbor Permit :M2024-0035 '� 9 Community Development Department- Building Division +1'. 'D 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 " < s ;, Plan Check No: PC2024-1088 u .e = Permit Counter Phone: (949) 718-1888 •"^ " " '"' '" Issued Date: 07108/2024 Foe�.r newportbeachca.9ov/civic Final Date: Work Class - Other , Permit Status: Issued Inspection Area :2 PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION. Construction Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. No work on Sundays or Holidays. Job Address : 235 VIA LIDO SOUD Legal Desc : N TR 907 BLK LOT 899 TR 907 LOT 899 SELY 22 FT THE Description: SFR REDECK FLOATING DOCK AND GANAGWAY W/ TREX COMPOSITE DECKING, REPLACE 1 CRACKED PILE (HD23-0839) Owner: EDROSKI Contractor: SWIFT SLIP DOCK & PIER BUILDERS, Architect: INC. Address : 235 VIA LIDO SOLD NEWPORT BEACH, CA Address : 6351 INDUSTRY WY WESTMINSTER, CA Address: 92663 92683 Phone: (949)631-3121 Phone: (949)631-3121 Phone: Con State Lic : 797052 State Lic: Applicant : SWIFT SLIP DOCK & PIER BUILDERS, INC. Lic Expire: 07/31/2025 Address : 6351 INDUSTRY WY WESTMINSTER, CA 9268c Bus Lie : BT01122734 Engineer Phone: (949) 631-3121 Bus Lic Expire: 11/30/2024 Address The Longshore and Harbor Workers' Insurance Carrier: GREAT AMERICAN ALLIANCE INSURANCE Policy NoOOMR4(5 r73816805 Policy Expire : 12/31/2024 Code Edition : 2022 Fire Sprinklers : NO Type of Construction : Fire Hazard Zone : NO Occupancy Groups: U Building Setbacks : Front: 10, Front: 4, Side: 3, Side: 3 Flood Zone: AE, 8 FT; X Use Zone: R-1 - Single -Unit Residential Processed By: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Phone Designer: Address Phone: PLAMEN BORRISOV PETROV 28161 CASITAS CT LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 (714)717-7542 Construction Valuation : $36,000.00 \� 3031VJ73l1F13� 011n01N3O0350dO ��/—� Z Z Z 7VNli 1JWJJ3d 0137GM7ddV ION SI NOLLV]L4uoN SOLS39SV OWbv ❑ 030N31X31)W213d Vd3 ❑ 037737NVD.VM3d :01 NOI1VJIdLLON sois3esv 0311IWBns I ❑ 03iRdX31411i9d '£OVt 37I1L QWbV ONVO1111� . t9 ^iJVd SNOLLV7lJ93,I 7.y309n AD live n NOUM Sasod)nd uoll]adsul Jol AlJadwd peglluag-doge a4lJalua, of aa,Jo431JeI ugUnytsuo3 6ulDlnq of 6uUelaJ sMel alels pue saaueupJo A4uno3 we All] alge311dde Ile Ulm lldwo] of aaJ6e I 13aJJo3 s1 papinold aneU I U0geU1J0lUI a41Pue uoge31dde s41 peal ane4 I leUaq sjaumo Auadwd a41 uo 13e of pazpoUlne Jo Jaumo ApadoJd DOI we I :BulNlupol a4l io 40e0 ol. 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