HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Arts Commission 12-12-2024 Monthly Meeting AgendaCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH
Newport Beach Central Library - Small Conference Room
1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach CA 92660
Thursday, December 12, 2024 - 5:00 PM
City Arts Commission Members:
Melissa Kandel, Chair
John Blom, Vice Chair
Heather Ignatin, Secretary
Maureen Flanagan, Commissioner
Barbara George, Commissioner
Wayan Kaufman, Commissioner
Vanessa Moore, Commissioner
Staff Members:
Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director
Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant
The City Arts Commission meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires
that the City Arts Commission agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and
that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Commission and items not on the agenda but are
within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Arts Commission. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable
amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person.
The public can submit questions and comments in writing for the City Arts Commission to consider. Please send them
by email to the Library Services Department at ArtsCommission@newportbeachca.gov by Wednesday, December 11,
2024, at 5:00 p.m. to give the City Arts Commissioners time to consider your comments. All emails will be made part of
the record.
The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an
attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will
attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director, at
least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation
is feasible at (949) 717-3801 or mhartson@newportbeachca.gov.
Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the Library Services
Department 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
The City provides a yellow sign-in card to assist in the preparation of the minutes. The
completion of the card is not required in order to address the City Arts Commission. If the
optional sign-in card has been completed, it should be placed in the tray provided.
The City Arts Commission of Newport Beach welcomes and encourages community
participation. Public comments are generally limited to three (3) minutes per person to allow
everyone to speak. Written comments are encouraged as well. The City Arts Commission has
the discretion to extend or shorten the time limit on agenda or non-agenda items. As a
courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode.
December 12, 2024
Page 2
City Arts Commission Meeting
Public comments are invited on agenda items. Speakers must limit comments to three (3)
minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record.
The City Arts Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on
agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a
courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode.
All matters listed under CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine and will all be
enacted by one motion in the form listed below. City Arts Commissioners have received
detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending an action. There will be no separate
discussion of these items prior to the time the City Arts Commission votes on the motion
unless members of the City Arts Commission request specific items to be discussed and/or
removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to
discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward to the lectern upon invitation by the
A.Approval of Minutes of the November 14, 2024, City Arts Commission Meeting
Draft of 11/14/2024 Meeting Minutes1.
Draft of City Arts Commission 11-14-2024 Meeting Minutes
B.Consent Calendar Items
Financial Report2.
Review of financial information.
Financial Report
Cultural Arts Activities3.
Monthly review of cultural arts activities from the Library Administrative Office for
upcoming Library and City arts events and services.
Cultural Arts Activities
Attachment A
Attachment B
A.Items for Review and Possible Action
Proposal for a Poet Laureate Pilot Program in Newport Beach4.
The City Arts Commission will review and discuss the Music and Live Entertainment
Ad Hoc Subcommittee suggestions for creating a Poet Laureate Pilot Program.
Poet Laureate Pilot Program Staff Report
December 12, 2024
Page 3
City Arts Commission Meeting
B.Monthly Reports
Monthly reports will be provided by active ad hoc subcommittees.
Art in Public Places Ad Hoc Subcommittee5.
Vice Chair Blom, Commissioner Flanagan, Commissioner Moore
Music and Live Entertainment Ad Hoc Subcommittee6.
Chair Kandel, Secretary Ignatin, Commissioner Flanagan
Cultural Arts Grants Ad Hoc Subcommittee7.
Vice Chair Blom, Commissioner Kaufman, Commissioner Moore
Newport Beach Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee8.
Commissioner George, Commissioner Kaufman, Commissioner Moore
Public Relations and Marketing Ad Hoc Subcommittee9.
Chair Kandel, Vice Chair Blom, Secretary Ignatin
Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee10.
Chair Kandel, Vice Chair Blom, Secretary Ignatin
Student Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee11.
Commissioner Kaufman
Newport Beach Arts Foundation Liaison12.
Commissioner Moore
Historical Resources Liaison13.
Vice Chair Blom
December 12, 2024
Page 4
City Arts Commission Meeting
Public comments are invited on non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject
matter jurisdiction of the City Arts Commission. Speakers must limit comments to three (3)
minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record.
The City Arts Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on
agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all
speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode.
Newport Beach Public Library
1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Thursday, November 14, 2024 – Regular Meeting
City Arts Commission Members:
Melissa Kandel, Chair
John Blom, Vice Chair
Heather Ignatin, Secretary
Maureen Flanagan, Commissioner
Barbara George, Commissioner
Wayan Kaufman, Commissioner
Vanessa Moore, Commissioner
Staff Members:
Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director
Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant
I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Chair Melissa Kandel called the City Arts Commission Regular Meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Chair Melissa Kandel Vice Chair John Blom Secretary Heather Ignatin Commissioner Vanessa Moore
Commissioner Maureen Flanagan Commissioner Barbara George
Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Wayan Kaufman (excused) Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director
Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Melissa Kandel led the Pledge of Allegiance. IV. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived V. PUBLIC COMMENTS None
VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of October 10, 2024, City Arts Commission Meeting
City Arts Commission Meeting November 14, 2024
Page 2 1. Draft of 10/10/24 Minutes Chair Melissa Kandel requested edits, changes, or deletions of the minutes. B. Consent Calendar Items 2. Financial Report Review of financial information. 3. Cultural Arts Activities Monthly review of cultural arts activities from the Library Administrative Office for upcoming Library and City arts events and services. Chair Kandel provided a summary of the inaugural pumpkin painting program at the 7th annual Halloween “Spooktacular” event in October at Mariners Park. She said it was an
incredible success – hundreds of families and children participated, and that in the first 11 minutes of the event, more than 200 pumpkins were given out. She stated that members of City Council had stopped by the booth and had also mentioned the program at their
City Council meeting. She thanked staff for the beautiful Arts Commission banner. The booth also featured massive, custom hand-carved pumpkins on display by an award-winning Disney artist, and that after the event the pumpkins were put on display at the Central Library and City Hall. Chair Kandel thanked staff, all the volunteers, the city’s Recreation Department and Secretary Heather Ignatin. Commissioner Flanagan inquired how the CAC acquired the pumpkin carver. Chair Kandel responded that it was a generous donation. Secretary Ignatin stated the event was a team effort and thanked the Rec staff and volunteers, Cultural Arts staff, and the Commissioners who volunteered for the event. Chair Kandel opened the Consent Calendar for public comment.
Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, commented on the Financial Report and the issue he noted at the last meeting - the adopted budget by the Finance Committee that shows the CAC has a larger budget. He stated two items were missing: Professional Service
budget and Publications and Dues. Motion made by Chair Melissa Kandel, seconded by Secretary Heather Ignatin, to accept the Consent Calendar and carried 6-0-0-1 (with Commissioner Wayan Kaufman absent) VII. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review and Possible Action 4. Proposal for Symphony in the Cities in Newport Beach The City Arts Commission will review and discuss a proposal by Pacific Symphony for a symphony concert on the Civic Green. Director Hartson read the staff report and funding requirements for a proposal by Pacific Symphony for a 3-year contract for the City to host a symphony concert on the Civic Green. She stated that the year one concert would cost $30,000 with year two costing
City Arts Commission Meeting November 14, 2024
Page 3 $45,000 and year three totaling $60,000. This year, the Cultural Arts Department received $30,000 from a Variance and Coastal Development Permit application, which could cover
the year one concert fee. She noted that there are other expenses to run an event of this scale that the City would be responsible for such as event insurance, parking attendants, and offsite parking to name a few. The year one concert could take place in August 2025, with funds normally used for the cover band in August to be used to cover the extra expenses. Pacific Symphony had played at the Civic Green back in 2016 and 2017 and staff would work with the Symphony to see if the venue could accommodate the event requirements. Other costs would include parking attendants on a large scale, security, police presence. Additionally, there are costs that the symphony requested the City cover. The Commission discussed the possibility of hosting the symphony concert, with some expressing concerns about the funding requirements for year two and year three.
Chair Kandel said the Arts Commission has an exciting and incredible opportunity this year and proposed they move forward with year one as the funding was already secured
by a coastal variance and development application. She felt the Commission should set a goal to fund year two and three but not commit to them unless funding can be acquired. She proposed working with the Newport Beach Arts Foundation and making a fund
request to help cover expenses for year two and year three. Chair Kandel added that part of the goal of the Arts Commission is to expand programing and felt this concert proposal does that in a smart way. Secretary Ignatin said the Pacific Symphony Concert is a fantastic opportunity, and said she agrees the Commission should commit to year one, then evaluate the program going forward. Several Commissioners brought up their concerns about fundraising and asked staff questions about how the sound, staging, lighting, insurance and special event permit process works.
Chair Kandel opened the item to public comment.
John Forsyte, President and CEO of Pacific Symphony introduced himself and spoke on his previous experience regarding working with the City for a performance back in 2016. He mentioned the use of corporate sponsorship at the last concert and was happy to work
with the Arts Commission or any other organization they work with for fundraising. He noted that 2025 would be the final season for renowned conductor Carl St. Clair, and that the new conductor for Pacific Symphony moving forward had been announced in the OC Register. He also noted that the CAC doesn’t have to sign a three-year contract and went over the state grant the Symphony received that funded the Symphony in the Cities program to help build relationships with cities in Orange County. Jim Mosher, Newport Beach resident, commented that he only remembered one concert at the Civic Green, and that the cost in 2016 was also $60,000, he found that the cost remained the same surprising with inflation. He noted that when the CAC was planning to fund the event, the proposal was to try and assist the NBAF in hiring a professional
manager to help them, with the City providing an interim person until the NBAF could hire their own, though City Council rejected the proposal. He also believed that Pacific Symphony had another program of a smaller scale for symphony concerts and wondered
if other cities paid for these smaller programs. Mr. Forsyte responded that the smaller concerts were created during the height of COVID and were called Symphony on the Go,
City Arts Commission Meeting November 14, 2024
Page 4 which used a mobile stage and about 4-6 musicians per concert. Those concerts cost about $7,000-$8,000 per concert and could seat between 300-500 people.
5. Timeline for the FY2024-25 Cultural Arts Grants The Cultural Arts Grants Ad Hoc Subcommittee proposes a timeline for the cultural arts grants process for FY 2024-25. Director Hartson read the staff report and the proposed timeline for FY 2024-25 Cultural Arts Grants that was presented in the staff report. City Council recently passed the revisions to the Cultural Arts Grants policy, the finalized version was included as an additional handout. Chair Kandel asked how the grants are publicized and if it would be possible to provide a
one-page summary for those who solicit cultural arts groups in the public. Cultural Arts Assistant Escareal-Garcia responded that she had a draft letter that is an invitation for organizations who would like to apply for the grants; typically, they include the application.
Once the timeline is finalized, she will distribute the draft letter to the Ad Hoc Subcommittee for review.
Chair Kandel also inquired if the full CAC could reach out to arts organizations. Library Services Director Hartson confirmed that they could. Cultural Arts Assistant Escareal-Garcia would distribute it to the full Commission once the timeline has been finalized. Chair Kandel opened the item for public comment. Bernie Svalstad, Newport Beach Historical Society President, inquired if there was a historic element to the grants. Motion made by Vice Chair John Blom, seconded by Commissioner Vanessa Moore, and carried 6-0-0-1 (with Commissioner Wayan Kaufman absent) to approve the timeline
recommended by the Cultural Arts Grants Ad Hoc Subcommittee. 6. Central Library Gallery Exhibits
The Art in Public Places Ad Hoc Subcommittee recommends that the City Arts Commission approve exhibitions by Susan Neas and Hugo Zhang in the Central Library lobby gallery space.
Library Services Director Hartson explained that the Art in Public Places Ad Hoc Subcommittee met, reviewed and recommended that the City Arts Commission approve exhibitions by Susan Neas and Hugo Zhang in the Central Library lobby gallery space. Samples of each artist were included in the staff report. Vice Chair Blom noted that the photos of Hugo Zhang’s work did not do the exhibit justice, he found it to be quite exquisite. Commissioner Moore stated that Mr. Zhang dropped his prints off and they got to see them in person.
Motion made by Chair Melissa Kandel, seconded by Commissioner Maureen Flanagan, and carried 6-0-0-1 (with Commissioner Wayan Kaufman absent) to approve the timeline
recommended by the Cultural Arts Grants Ad Hoc Subcommittee
City Arts Commission Meeting November 14, 2024
Page 5 7. Date for the 58th Annual Newport Beach Art Exhibit The Newport Beach Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee proposes a date for the
58th Annual Newport Beach Art Exhibition for Saturday, June 28, 2025. Library Services Director Hartson read the staff report and read the proposed date for the annual Newport Beach Art Exhibit. Chair Kandel opened the item for public comment, there was none. Motion made by Chair Melissa Kandel, seconded by Vice Chair Blom, and carried 6-0-0-1 (with Commissioner Wayan Kaufman absent) to approve the timeline recommended by the Newport Beach Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee with Saturday, June 28, 2025 as the date for the 58th Annual Newport Beach Art Exhibition. B. Monthly Reports
8. Art in Public Places Ad Hoc Subcommittee Vice Chair Blom, Commissioner Flanagan, Commissioner Moore
Commissioner Moore stated the Subcommittee met and selected two out of seven artist applications, as reflected in the agenda packet, who were just approved. 9. Music and Live Entertainment Ad Hoc Subcommittee Chair Kandel, Secretary Ignatin, Commissioner Flanagan Secretary Ignatin stated they met and discussed and selected genres for the 2025 Summer Concerts. 10. Cultural Arts Grants Ad Hoc Subcommittee Vice Chair Blom, Commissioner Kaufman, Commissioner Moore Commissioner Moore stated that the Subcommittee met and selected a recommended timeline, as reflected in the agenda packet and approved by the Commission.
11. Newport Beach Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee Commissioner George, Commissioner Kaufman, Commissioner Moore
Commissioner Moore stated that the Subcommittee met and selected a recommended date for the 2025 Art Exhibition, as reflected in the agenda packet and approved by the
Commission. 12. Public Relations and Marketing Ad Hoc Subcommittee Chair Kandel, Vice Chair Blom, Secretary Ignatin Secretary Ignatin stated they did not meet this month. 13. Sculpture Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee Chair Kandel, Vice Chair Blom, Secretary Ignatin Secretary Ignatin stated they did not meet; however, two Arts Commissioners attended
the City Council Meeting on Tuesday November 12 and reported that the City Arts Commission’s 3-year proposal for the Sculpture Exhibition had been approved by Council.
City Arts Commission Meeting November 14, 2024
Page 6 14. Student Exhibition Art Ad Hoc Subcommittee
Commissioner Kaufman Commissioner Kaufman was not in attendance at the meeting due to an excused absence. 15. Newport Beach Arts Foundation (NBAF) Liaison Commissioner Moore Vice Chair Blom attended the NBAF meeting and reported that the Foundation discussed Art in the Park and estimated a net profit of $12,600. The new date for the next Art in the Park will be September 20, 2025. He also reported that he brought Chair Kandel’s notes
about the Foundation website to them and noted that the Foundation is currently looking for a membership chairman. Lastly, he noted that one of the members, Sunny Kim, is putting together a Korean Art Festival.
16. Historical Resources Liaison Vice Chair Blom
Vice Chair Blom did not attend any meetings and did not have a report. Chair Kandel opened the item for Public Comment and there were none. IX. CITY ARTS COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION, OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Chair Kandel noted that she and Commissioner Flanagan attended the Park Avenue Mural Opening and spoke highly of the new artwork on Balboa Island. It was funded by Balboa residents and painted by a Balboa Island artist. The work was produced into tiles that were individually installed on the mural by a robot. The art is also weather proof.
Commissioner Flanagan stated they sparkle in the sun, and it’s located across from the fire station on Park Avenue.
Vice Chair Blom stated it was a wonderful addition to the community. X. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS
XI. ADJOURNMENT – 5:57 P.M. Chair Kandel adjourned the meeting.
As of December 1, 2024
Programming 60,500.00$
07/11 DJE Sound and Lighting 4,337.67 56,162.33 COTG Sound -07-21-2024 (Radio Rebels)
07/11 Rebel Music Entertainment 3,250.00 52,912.33 COTG Band - 07-21-2024 (Radio Rebels)
07/25 Mr. Rock N' Roll Inc.3,250.00 49,662.33 COTG Band - 08-11-2024 (Wilbury Super Group)
07/25 DJE Sound and Lighting 4,337.67 45,324.66 COTG Sound - 08-11-2024 (Wilbury Super Group)
07/31 Paul's Flowers 258.60 45,066.06 2024 Art Exhibition - Flowers
07/31 FEDEX Office 90.47 44,975.59 Concerts on the Green signs
08/01 Alliant Insurance Services 2,506.00 42,469.59 Insurance for Concerts on the Green
08/01 Tracy Kiggen (ARTovator)958.00 41,511.59 Children's Activities - 07-21-2024 (Radio
Rebels) & Business License Fee
08/01 Tracy Kiggen (ARTovator)615.00 40,896.59 Children's Activities - 08-11-2024 (Wilbury Super Group)08/08 Amazon.com 26.93 40,869.66 Concerts on the Green supplies
08/08 Amazon.com 19.66 40,850.00 Concerts on the Green supplies
08/23 WESTAF (CallforEntry.org)525.00 40,325.00 CallforEntry.org 2024 Art Exhibition Processing Fee08/23 Tracy Kiggen (ARTovator)615.00 39,710.00 Children's Activities - 09-22-2024 (AbSOULute)08/30 DJE Sound and Lighting 4,337.67 35,372.33 COTG Sound -09-22-2024 (AbSOULute)
08/30 Leon Chalnick 3,250.00 32,122.33 COTG Band - 09-22-2024 (AbSOULute)
10/03 Kleenway Services Inc.134.70 31,987.63 COTG Dayporters 07-21-2024 (Radio Rebels)
10/03 Kleenway Services Inc.134.70 31,852.93 COTG Dayporters 08-11-2024 (Wilbury Super Group)10/03 Kleenway Services Inc.134.70 31,718.23 COTG Dayporters 09-22-2024 (AbSOULute)
10/17 Amazon.com 14.97 31,703.26 Halloween Spooktacular supplies
10/17 Amazon.com 37.60 31,665.66 Halloween Spooktacular supplies
10/17 Amazon.com 34.90 31,630.76 Halloween Spooktacular supplies
10/17 Amazon.com 114.20 31,516.56 Halloween Spooktacular supplies
10/17 Amazon.com 23.97 31,492.59 Halloween Spooktacular supplies
10/24 Amazon.com 63.88 31,428.71 Halloween Spooktacular supplies
10/24 Amazon.com 28.00 31,400.71 Halloween Spooktacular supplies
10/31 Amazon.com 10.71 31,390.00 Halloween Spooktacular supplies
10/31 Creative West 60.00 31,330.00 CallforEntry.org Account RenewalTOTAL$60,500.00 $29,170.00 $31,330.00
City Grants 30,000.00$
TOTAL $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00
Professional Services 23,000.00$
08/15 TAVD Virtual Assistant 159.75 22,840.25 Transcription of Minutes (07/11)08/23 Svartifoss Corp 75.00 22,765.25 Art Installation (Indivisible - Sister City Artwork)
08/23 Svartifoss Corp 400.00 22,365.25 Art Installation (Christopher Evans exhibit)08/30 Crown Building Services 825.00 21,540.25 Sculpture Maintenance
09/13 TAVD Virtual Assistant 76.50 21,463.75 Transcription of Minutes (08/08)09/27 Svartifoss Corp 350.00 21,113.75 Art Installation (Shant Beudjekian)
10/17 TAVD Virtual Assistant 85.50 21,028.25 Transcription of Minutes (09/12)11/22 TAVD Virtual Assistant 85.50 20,942.75 Transcription of Minutes (10/10)
11/29 Svartifoss Corp 250.00 20,692.75 Art Installation (Faro Mohajedi exhibit)TOTAL 23,000.00$ $2,307.25 20,692.75$
Sculpture Exhibition 135,000.00$
TOTAL $135,000.00 $0.00 $135,000.00
Advertising $ 1,340.00
07/31 Gotprint.com 181.41 1,158.59 COTG rack card
07/31 Gotprint.com 120.78 1,037.81 COTG banners
08/31 Gotprint.com 67.38 970.43 Large Concerts on the Green banner
09/30 Gotprint.com 115.56 854.87 Marina Park rack cards
09/30 Gotprint.com 85.59 769.28 Marina Park banners
09/30 Gotprint.com 74.34 694.94 Large Marina Park banner
TOTAL $1,340.00 $645.06 $694.94
REVENUESSpecial Events (NBAE)$0.00
TOTAL $0.00 $0.00
BUDGET EXPENSES AVAILABLECultural Arts Totals $249,840.00 $32,122.31 $217,717.69
FY 2024-25Cultural Arts Division
12/04/2024 1 of 1 11
December 12, 2024
Agenda Item No. 3
At the November 19, 2024 City Council Regular
Monthly Meeting, City Council approved the loan
of Craig Gray’s A Novel Idea, a sculpture that had
been exhibited during Phase VII of the Sculpture
Exhibition in Civic Center Park. Former Mayor
Nancy Gardner acquired the art piece and offered
to loan the sculpture to the City for a 20-year
period. City Council voted unanimously to accept
the loan, as well as to accept the City Arts
Commission’s and Board of Library Trustees’ recommendation for the piece to be exhibited at the
renovated Balboa Branch Library and Fire Station No. 1 upon completion of construction.
“In the last eight years that I’ve been on Council, this was one of my favorite pieces (in the Sculpture
Exhibition),“ current Mayor Will O’Neill said during the November 19 meeting. “...And the fact that this
one is being preserved with the idea of putting it over at the library on Balboa is really cool, and it’s one
that I really look forward to seeing. So, I just wanted to say thank you.”
Both the Daily Pilot and Stu News Newport featured City Council’s acceptance of A Novel Idea, with both
news agencies detailing the significance of the sculpture’s donation and exhibition to the City.
Faro Mojahedi is an Iranian American
photographer and multi-disciplinary artist
whose career has spanned well over 30 years in
architecture, portraits, landscape, fine arts, and
most recently advertising photography.
The seeds for his love of the visual arts were
planted during his childhood years in Iran. He
FROM: Library Services Department
Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director
(949) 717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov
PREPARED BY: Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant
TITLE: Cultural Arts Activities for November 2024
Cultural Arts Activities for November 2024
Page 2
took this passion with him when he packed his bags and left his home country of Iran in 1967 to attend
Pasadena City College. While initially studying physics, his passion for the visual arts eventually led to his
decision to switch studies to photography and fine arts at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena.
“I have dedicated most of my creative life to honing my unique style in photography, which embodies the
influence of the old masters, understanding of the nuanced attributes of light and optics, along with a
deep appreciation for beauty seen and unseen,” Mojahedi explains. “I fuse my creative talent and
technical skills with the ability to capture both the moment and the essence of the subject matter.”
Artwork will be on display until January 10, 2025.
• Tianyi Wang (Photography): January 13 – March 7
• Liberty Dickinson (Acrylic paintings): March 10 – May 2
• Joan Gladstone (Giclées): May 5 – June 27
• Kathy Kehoe Bambeck (Puzzle Paintings): June 30 – August 22
• Joe Cladis (Lithographs): August 25 – October 27
• Susan Neas (Watercolor Mosaics): October 20 – December 12
• Hugo Zhang (Photography): December 15 – February 6
City Arts Commission (CAC) meetings are held at 5 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month.
• 2025 CAC Regular Monthly Meetings:
o January 9, 2025
o February 13, 2025
o March 13, 2025
o April 10, 2025
o May 8, 2025
o June 12, 2025
o July 10, 2025
o August 14, 2025
o September 11, 2025
o October 9, 2025
o November 13, 2025
o December 11, 2025
• Cultural Arts Grants Applications Due: Friday, January 10, 2025
• 58th Annual Newport Beach Art Exhibition: Saturday, June 28, 2025
ATTACHMENT A: Daily Pilot article about Craig Gray’s A Novel Idea
ATTACHMENT B: Stu News Newport article about Craig Gray’s A Novel Idea
Former mayor loans sculpture celebrating joy of reading for
display at Balboa Branch Library
“A Novel Idea,” by Florida artist Craig Gray, will appear at the Balboa Branch Library. (courtesy of the city of Newport
By Eric Licas
Nov. 25, 2024 4:39 PM PT
A former mayor of Newport Beach who acquired a sculpture celebrating the joy of
reading agreed to loan it last week for display at the city’s Balboa Branch Library once
the remodel of the public building is complete.
“A Novel Idea” is one of a series of concrete benches that resemble a pile of books
created by Craig Gray. The binding of the tome-shaped block that serves as its seat bears
the title and surname “The Grapes of Wrath — Steinbeck.” One of its legs is a
representation of C.S. Lewis’s “The Chronicles of Narnia.” Other referenced in the piece
include “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest
Hemingway and “The Art of Body Surfing” by Judge Robert Gardner.
For the record:
5:29 p.m. Dec. 2, 2024 An older version of this story description of the sculpture “A
Novel Idea” in a story in the Saturday, Nov. 28 edition of the Daily Pilot was based on a
photo of an older version of the piece, which made reference to a different collection of
books and authors referenced. Titles listed in the piece exhibited in Newport Beach include
“Newport!” by Lenard Davis, “The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck, “Pride and
Prejudice” by Jane Austen, “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway and “The Art
of Body Surfing” by Judge Robert Gardner.
The piece had previously been on display at the Newport Beach Civic Center Park. It
later came into the possession of former Mayor Nancy Gardner.
She offered to loan it to the city for a period of 20 years. The City Council unanimously
agreed to accept her offer as part of the consent calendar at their meeting Tuesday, Nov.
“In the last eight years that I’ve been on council, this was one of my favorite pieces,”
current Mayor Will O’Neill said. “...And the fact that this one is being preserved with the
idea of putting it over at the library on Balboa is really cool, and it’s one that I really look
forward to seeing. So, I just wanted to say thank you.”
Officials plan on placing the sculpture in the renovated library’s entry plaza. The city
plans to break ground on that building as well as an adjacent fire station in 2025. Those
facilities were built in 1929 and 1962, respectively.
The Balboa Branch Library was built in the 1920s and is scheduled for replacement in 2025. (Don Leach / Sta
Eric Licas
Eric Licas covers Newport Beach for the Daily Pilot. He previously was a crime and
public safety reporter and, before that, spent four years as a staff writer with the
Orange County Register and the Southern California News Group. He has been on the
ground to cover active wildfires, civil unrest and mass shootings. He was born in the
Philippines, raised in the San Fernando Valley and is a Cal State Northridge alumnus.
December 12, 2024
Agenda Item No. 4
Review and discuss the Music and Live Entertainment Ad Hoc Subcommittee suggestions for creating a
one-year pilot program to determine the long-term feasibility of a Poet Laureate for the City of Newport
Local poet Gianna D’Egidio has proposed starting a Poet Laureate program in the City of Newport Beach.
The Music and Live Entertainment Ad Hoc subcommittee reviewed the proposal and have supplied the
following suggestions for introducing a Poet Laureate program:
• Performances: Read a poem at a City Arts Commission event, with prior written request. The
entire text of the poem will be submitted to the Music and Live Entertainment Ad Hoc
Subcommittee, who will bring it to the City Arts Commission for approval;
• Student Contest: Promote a poetry contest for students in grades K-12, select the five best poems
in the following categories, grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12, for the Music and Live Entertainment
Ad Hoc Subcommittee to recommend a winner for each category. Winning poem
recommendations will be reviewed and approved by the City Arts Commission. Winners will
receive a ribbon and have an opportunity to read their poems at a City Arts Commission meeting.
The Ad Hoc subcommittee will meet with staff to develop a comprehensive proposal based on the City
Arts Commission’s input to implement a Poet Laureate pilot program.
Costs would be minimal for the pilot program. Funding would be required for marketing and supplies for
the student poetry contest.
This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at
which the Board of Library Trustees considers the item).
FROM: Library Services Department
Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director
(949) 717-3801, mhartson@newportbeachca.gov
PREPARED BY: Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager
TITLE: Poet Laureate Pilot Program