HomeMy WebLinkAboutXR2023-0028 - Permits�4^ �WpCity Of Development B patmeCOMB Permit : XR2®23-®®28 Communitynt-Building Division I II I{III�II2II�I I�IIIIiII III II II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII -" 1D0-Civic-Center-Drive,-Newport-Beach,-CA-92660-- - -- - - --Plan-Check-NO:2-963-202-1 - r Permit Counter Phone: 949 644-3288 ( ) Issued Date : 01/04/2023 o « Inspection Requests Phone: (949) 644-3255 Inspection Area : 3 �t.newportbeachca.gov/inspections 'n Combination Type - SFP Work Class - Other PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION, BUT NO LATER THAN 3 YEARS FROM ORIGINAL ISSUANCE DATE NO CONSTRUCTION RELATED NOISE ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY IN HIGH DENSITY AREAS AND NO WORK ON SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS IN ALL AREAS Job Address : 1710 KINGS RD Legal Dese Description: SFR RETAINING WALL 6' HIGH X 75 LF INSIDE P/L(MARKERS ON SITE) Owner: JEFFREY OVERALL Contractor R J MURPHY CONSTRUCTION. IN Address : 1710 KINGS RD Address : 6781 DEFIANCE DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 Phone: Phone : (714) 596-3500 Con State Lie : 781346 Lie Expire ; 07/31/2024 Applicant: ERIC AUST Bus Lie : BT30076770 Address : 62 BALBOA COVES Bus Lie Expire: 10/31/2023 NB, CA 92663 Phone, (949) 637-5220 Owner/Builder : Address : Phone: Code Edition : 2022 Type of. Construction : V-B Occupancy Groups : U Bldg Height: Building Setbacks : Front: 20, Side: 4, Side: 4, Rear: 10 Flood Zone : C Architect : ERIC AUST Address : 62 BALBOA COVES NB, CA 92663 Phone: (949) 637-5220 State Lie: Engineer: ALLEN THOMAS CHRISTOPHER Address : 2 VENTURE #400 IRVINE, CA 92618 Phone : (949) 477-4001 Designer: Address Phone Construction Valuation : Added/New/TI sq. ft. Bldg Alteration sq. ft. Bldg : Added/New sq. ft. Garage: TOTAL sq. ft. : Use Zone: R-1 - Single -Unit Residential PROCESSED BY.: 0 000 0 0 000 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 U O O U 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: REV2023-0017 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 O 0 O O 0- O 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 U U U U 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 U U O $7,500.00 0 0 0 „ 1 hasrrtby affiran under ponaIty of perfury.that l �afrt:oxernipt-from thel Contractors'-, Iate.L.loen e Law,for tfaa� reas�ar�(s) lnr icatr d below low by the a:heckaTaark(s). ll��ve planed next to the ppitcadfe item(5) (Section 703#. ,' usiness a�nrt Professlons bode: Any ratty or county that rartulros ra permit to construct, alter, lrmprovo, rtaranolish, or repair any structure, prior'ta its Issuance, plso ra quires the applicant.for the pertrtit to file a tslyndd statasment that tfn or aho s; Ildonsad pursuahtto the provisions of thrr or�tret tpr�" tea#s: Lice Lnw (�hraptdr 9 (c6ii1 tgr1clhg• with SWIM moo) oP 6i i>slon 3,of the Stisinsts. and Professions ode or that he or efts is exce pt from iic nsur anti flap: bosis orthe allsbod exemption, Any violation of entlora 7ti . r by an 40fIcant forty permit subjects theeppllt Mt to a rivii pemlty of U 1, as owner Of the property, or my employees with wages: as their sole, compensation, will dta'Utall tat or �) portions of:tha work; and the struoture is not Intended or rafferett tier sele'(�ectlr}ra 7rf4�; Business and Profesilonp ilode, Tho4ontmaators' State License Law does tint apply to an owner Of property who, through employees` or pemonat effort, builds or improves tfia property, provided that the Inaprovemonts are not Intended or'affored for Sala. If, however, the building :or Improvement Is sold within one-year of completion, the Ownar-Sul)dor will have the burden of proving tha3 It was not built Or irra roved for the purpose of Sala), t, as owner of the property, arm exclusively contracting with Iicansod Gontraotor°s to construct the prpject ( action 7044, Suslness And ProfessiOrls.0ods The Oor traotors' state L loonsa Lew doss. not a u ly to an owner of property who builds or IntprovesAhereoa, and who contracts fear the projects with a lioonsed Contractor pursuant to the Contractors"State License,. Law), I am exempt front Ilcensure under t#te 0-ontractom' State License Law for the following reason:, <..�,. r, ,.»�»,»,_,..» lky my signalure below t :acknowledge 11'aat, except for racy personal re ldsnce In which l -trust bave resIdlod for at least.arrp y0ar prlor to completion of the improvements covered by this -permit, l cannot legally tell wstructure that I have bullt,aa all owner�bulldor� if It hits riot boori constructed in its -Wit sty by Hoonaod contrt dtors< I underatat d that . -a oppy of'fho-.applicfable law, ectioal_7A4� of tltc gustnasa an l Professiono Codo, ls..ova:llabie upon request when this application is •strt mlItod oar at the toilowiti.9 Web siteihilp,.iJv, ANvv leglAf,6.64.gravlualave btml. Signature of Property ibwner or ALA110fizedAgent __,,,.,,....... Date. I hereby affirm under penalty- of porfury that I ent"lIdonsed under provisions of hafater g;, (commencing witf=t Seollon 7 J.of f)°vl an 3•of the BusInass and Professl< r~'s rt l��and nr�nsa.is t uit force Land effect. Manse Class License.,N > laatp. 2 Contraotor Signsturo. WORKERS'COMIPENSATION DECLARATION VVARNIN+G; FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVER.AOE IS UNLAYV'FUL,, At#V $HALL. SUBJECT AN EEMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PEP{AILTM AND CIuiL LINES Sid+ TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (S 00,000), IN ADDITION TO THU COST OF COMPRNSATIOIK'i DAMAOSS AR PROVIDED FOR IN UC -ION 3746OF TH LAVOR COM INTER "aT, ANO A` TOMY"'S PRESI I heroby'affirm under ponslty gf perjury- one oaf the following doclarations; IJ i have and will malntain a eortiflrata of consent to salt>insure ter workers' componsation, 1€asuetl.by tho Director°of Industrial Relations as provided tor'by Section 3700 of the Labor rode; toe IN eformance of the work for which this permit is Issued, Policy No, Mve and will maintain workors' compensation lnsuranco, its roqulrod by Section r tilt ref tho Labor Code; for the perforrnanoe of the work for which this permit is Issued, My workers"-componsatior Insurance carrier Gnat poppy aumb r are;: tar policy Number explrra#Ion hate ae ciTAgent,_ �Phore certify that, In the f armanoo of the work for which this permit 'is Issued; I shall -not employ any person in any manner so as to, become subject to the If l'ahc>uld becorrt cll feet tr�the workors", orrrpensation provls:lrans of SecI] n 3700 of the Labor bode, I strati fort#twittt comply With these provi ions, I aria" tht? property. Owner or l have read tills -:application I agroo tra caroply with ail a I authorize ropresentatives lending agenpy for the ornioncp of the, work for which this perinit Is:issued (Section 3097, Addresa pplicabte.oft y and u.ra ordinances find stateJ'asys relating to building ertnstralarticra, of ills salty br cotanty enter: alaovt%1/rtlenlifled�prespat}+ for lnpaction purposes, V �j �r� �/�Authori7nd tic ohl _1/ �✓' 1 @rout Pr6nr4rtyC3wtyAr'*.nr:Aiitianti),tq t Anar�t'� txinn)t,+ h+vU 1 Va I Y ► uv-,0 4-, FOR �> � ✓ 1409 LA"C1�3JJ ltAFti 6 t. C?F` iITLC.tftlAL�p AC2�-lt� ltUi �-y pp,��}}��^^'' ��yy.qq�� ((gi�pp)) ��yy F'ERMIP .C�-iPYC�iUED .F3�w..w0...�b+...y»�w�{:.�. wwy+w,,.ywv..,pyro�.�.+..« �- -,per .�....�>.) .awn.•,®w»mm.:J��«..a'Jm.«..U,...........��e�� ..v....�.................:.....:......................... ............ ............ ...... ... .. .*tea. 6,,....,.. ......., ..,........ ...........,. .,..,,..,. PFRa f17 1r1At A,SUSTM NOTIFICATIONJS NO APPLICABLE T CEATIFICAMOF � l�t�t�PC�S�tt�et5lft�lt3LlltC�ii J J J occuPANCYI SUED / SONAJ OKE: J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J of California, and