HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-24-2025-BLT-APPROVED MINUTES    CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Board of Library Trustees Civic Center Council Chambers 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA Meeting Minutes Monday, February 24, 2025 – 5:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Chase Rief called to order the Board of Library Trustees meeting for February 24, 2025. II. ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Chair Chase Rief, Vice Chair Antonella Castro (arrived at 5:08 p.m.), Secretary Dorothy Larson, Trustee Lauren Kramer, Trustee Meghan Murray Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Melissa Hartson, Library Services Director Rebecca Lightfoot, Library Services Manager Andrew Kachaturian, Adult Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth, Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant Staff Absent: Francine Jacome, Administrative Support Specialist III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Secretary Dorothy Larson led the Pledge of Allegiance. IV. COMMENTS BY CHAIR Chair Rief welcomed back all in attendance. V. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Waived VI. CONSENT CALENDAR Cultural Arts Assistant Camille Escareal-Garcia read the Consent Calendar Notice to the public. Chair Rief inquired whether any Trustees had requests to pull an item from the Consent Calendar. There were none. A. Consent Calendar Items 1. Minutes of the January 21, 2025 Board of Library Trustees Meeting Board of Library Trustees Meeting February 24, 2025 Page 2     2. Patron Comments Monthly review of evaluations of library services through suggestions and requests received from patrons. 3. Expenditure Status Report Monthly expenditure status of the library’s operating expenses, services, salaries, and benefits by department. 4. Board of Library Trustees Monitoring List List of agenda items and dates for monthly review of projects by the Board of Library Trustees. Chair Rief opened the item to public comments, there were none. Motion made by Secretary Dorothy Larson, seconded by Trustee Meghan Murray, and carried 4-0-0-1 to approve the Consent Calendar Items 1-4. AYES: Rief, Kramer, Larson, Murray NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: Castro VII. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review 5. Display and Distribution of Materials Policy (NBPL 8) Staff recommends the Board of Library Trustees review Library Policy NBPL 8, Display and Distribution of Materials. Chair Rief reported there are no proposed changes and there is no need for the staff report. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments, there were none. Motion made by Trustee Lauren Kramer, seconded by Chair Chase Rief, and carried 4-0-0-1 to approve staff recommendations on Item 5. AYES: Rief, Kramer, Larson, Murray NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: Castro Board of Library Trustees Meeting February 24, 2025 Page 3     6. Annual Budget – Preliminary Review Staff requests that the Board of Library Trustees review and approve the preliminary operating budget for Fiscal Year 2025-26. Trustee Kramer requested the staff report due to the overarching importance of the subject matter. Library Services Manager Rebecca Lightfoot reported the Public Works Department will be taking over the day-to-day maintenance of the four library locations for Fiscal Year 2025-26, leading to a reallocation of the Library’s Facilities Maintenance Technician position. She stated this move would leave the libraries short-handed in covering the non-facility related duties of the previous technician, such as handling library materials deliveries, so staff is requesting two part-time Library Clerk II positions to make up the difference. She noted that the Library is also requesting the reclassification of a Librarian III position to a paraprofessional position to serve as a Circulation Coordinator. She explained that this reclassification would create a better pool of candidates. She advised that staff has requested the savings in this position be transferred to the facilities and maintenance budget to cover costs not being transferred to Public Works. Library Services Manager Lightfoot reported that in November 2024, the City Council approved a three-year exhibition period for the Sculpture Exhibition changing the budgetary figures that were originally calculated using a two-year exhibition period. She reported the Library is seeing its passport and test proctoring services continue to grow but is requesting to end its notary services due to infrequent use. Chair Rief noted that the notary program generated only $45 in revenue. In response to Secretary Larson’s inquiry, Library Services Manager Lightfoot confirmed the Library’s revenue projection is only what they expect to receive directly in exchange for services offered and does not include any unanticipated grant or donation funds. In response to Trustee Kramer’s inquiry, Library Services Manager Lightfoot clarified the Library receives about $50,000 in annual funding from the State. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments, there were none. Motion made by Trustee Lauren Kramer, seconded by Secretary Dorothy Larson, and carried 5-0-0-0 to approve staff recommendations. AYES: Rief, Castro, Kramer, Larson, Murray NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENCES: 7. Arts and Culture Update Board of Library Trustees Meeting February 24, 2025 Page 4     Staff will present the annual report on the activities of the Cultural Arts Division. Library Services Director Melissa Hartson reported the Cultural Arts Division’s programming in 2024 included a series of Concerts on the Green, a concert in Marina Park, and the Newport Beach Art Exhibition. She reported on the work of the Newport Beach Arts Foundation which raises money to help support the arts in the community. In response to Vice Chair Castro’s inquiry, Library Services Director Hartson stated the City has nothing to do with the art displayed at John Wayne Airport. Trustee Kramer noted that the airport has its own Arts Commission. In response to Secretary Larson’s inquiries, Library Services Director Hartson confirmed Backhausdance has again been awarded a Cultural Arts Grant as approved by the City Arts Commission and it only needs to be approved by the City Council before being finalized. She explained that her understanding is that Backhausdance intends to put on a similar program this year as it did last year. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments, there were none. Chair Rief received and filed the report. 8. Children’s Summer Reading Program Update Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth will provide an update of the Summer Reading Program for summer 2025. Chair Rief noted there was no need for a staff report. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments, there were none. Chair Rief received and filed the report. 9. Children’s Library Special Section Update The Children’s Library Special Section Ad Hoc Subcommittee will provide an update regarding their recommendations for creating a special section in the Children’s Library for sensitive materials. Chair Rief reported this is an Ad Hoc Subcommittee consisting of Secretary Larson and Trustee Murray established at last month’s meeting. Trustee Murray reported they discussed adding a special section for Caregiver Support where caregivers can find special subject materials covering sensitive subjects like cancer to specifically read with children. She advised that materials for situations like these that do not have their own area can get lost in the general volumes. In response to Secretary Larson’s inquiry, Library Services Director Hartson reported staff has proactively researched special collections at libraries across Orange County. She noted that staff likes the concept of a caregiver’s collection for parents, grandparents, Board of Library Trustees Meeting February 24, 2025 Page 5     teachers, and others. She stated they are children’s books to be kept in the Children’s Room and intended to be read together with a caregiver to help children better understand difficult life situations. She reported that the collection the Library aims to build will cover topics of health, development, life changes, behavior, interpersonal relationships, safety, and school readiness. She noted that Newport Beach’s collection will be in line with similar collections in the libraries of six other public library systems in Orange County. Chair Rief commended the idea. He reported seeing a similar section in the City of Beverly Hills but theirs was more extensive including children’s books about bereavement and losing a parent or pet. He agreed these books are not ones parents would want on a general shelf but are important resources in unfortunate situations. He lauded the creation of a special section. Trustee Murray advised that many of these books can also help in schools with Emotional Social Learning programs as they cover mental health issues and subjects like Attention- Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), suicide, eating disorders, depression, and others. In response to Secretary Larson’s inquiry, Trustee Murray clarified that she is referring to Emotional Social Learning and not English as a Second Language in her use of the ESL abbreviation. In response to Trustee Kramer’s inquiries, Library Services Director Hartson stated the Orange County Public Library has such a section along with the City of Yorba Linda, the City of Huntington Beach, and others. Branch and Youth Services Coordinator Annika Helmuth confirmed they could return with a full list. She could not confirm how long each city has had its special sections. Library Services Director Hartson clarified there have been past iterations of parental resources within the Children’s Room, but they are planning to view this as the start of a new collection. She confirmed staff will follow the Library’s collection policies in selecting materials, reclassifying current materials, and ordering future materials. She confirmed it will be in the Children’s Room at all four locations. Trustee Kramer stated she prefers to avoid creating new rules, which make things more complicated, creating larger issues while attempting to solve a simpler one. She stated she is currently leaning against this concept but would like to hear more about it acknowledging her opinion could be swayed. Secretary Larson noted only two trustees can serve on the ad hoc subcommittee. She commended Library Services Director Hartson’s comments to the ad hoc subcommittee about staff acting proactively on this matter. She stated when she was a parent to young children she would have appreciated knowing books like these were available. She noted that she does have trepidation about the relocation of some books. She noted public emails have been against the idea but acknowledged that the public did not have the benefit of a factual presentation. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments. Darla Magaña inquired if there would be any access boundaries to the collection adding it would concern her if this material was relatively inaccessible to idly browsing young readers. She expressed interest in hearing more about the potential book subjects. She Board of Library Trustees Meeting February 24, 2025 Page 6     expressed concerns about an inability for serendipitous access if the books are too far away from where someone may be naturally browsing. Patty Gwin, a Newport Beach resident, stated books should remain where the American Library Association has recommended they be shelved, adding it inhibits intellectual freedom if certain books are removed from the children’s section. She called for the books to be available for free access. Joni Nichols stated books dealing with issues like gender and race are the truly sensitive ones and not those dealing with bereavement. She echoed the written public comments of Gialisa Gaffaney, Jim Mosher, and others expressing concerns about the direction of the Library and not making materials available to all. Linda Benner expressed her appreciation for the discussion. She noted that she loves the idea of having a way for caregivers to deal with difficult subjects and inquired if there is a list of online titles searchable by category as opposed to moving the physical books to a special place. Ann Lopour questioned if the use of the term “caregiver” is covering up an unseen motive allowing for subjects like gender and race to be stuck in this area with topics like cancer and bereavement. She stated the library should not restrict access by designating books as sensitive in an Orwellian manner. She explained that having all books in the mainstream implies every person can be respected. Chair Rief closed public comments. Chair Rief stated no policy is being presented tonight. In response to Chair Rief’s inquiry, Secretary Larson stated the ad hoc subcommittee needs to further consider public comment. Trustee Murray explained that they need some clarification on the comments, noting they are attempting to make the books more prominent. Chair Rief noted this process opens the opportunity to bring even more books on wider topics to the Library. He agreed to maintain the ad hoc subcommittee, continuing its work, and present again to the Board in March if there is an update. Chair Rief received and filed the report. 10. Library Activities Monthly update of library events, services, and statistics. Library Services Director Hartson reported there was a City-organized Welcome to the Neighborhood outreach event for people relocating to Newport Beach. She reported that the Library’s website has added a link for the “Newport Beach in the Rearview Mirror” podcast for residents to learn more about the City’s history. She announced that there will be an upcoming modernization of both elevators, noting they will be updated one at a time so there is always one operational for patrons. Board of Library Trustees Meeting February 24, 2025 Page 7     She reported the building’s 30-year-old Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning units are set to be replaced. She noted that it will require a temporary closure of the building and staff is working with Public Works on a schedule for late August or early September. In response to Vice Chair Castro’s inquiry, Library Services Director Hartson clarified the website links to the Newport Beach in the Rearview Mirror podcast files as opposed to hosting the files on the Library’s website per the advice of the City’s Information Technology staff because the City does not host the podcaster’s website. Chair Reif stated he would rather add the material to the Library’s collection as opposed to hosting the website and requested reaching out to see if this donation is feasible. He compared it to adding past editions of The Daily Pilot to the Library’s archive so the podcast remains even if the self-hosting does not. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments, there were none. Chair Rief received and filed the report. B. Monthly Reports 11. Library Foundation Liaison Report Trustee update of the most recently attended Library Foundation Board meeting. Secretary Larson reported attending the February meeting. She explained that they are somewhat between seasons for speakers but recently had an excellent event with USA Today sports columnist Christine Brennan. She previewed an upcoming Spotlight on Science event with seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones. Chair Rief reported the Foundation also has an item on the next City Council meeting Agenda to upgrade their screen size with a proposal for the City to split the cost. He reported that both he and Secretary Larson will be attending the Council meeting. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments, there were none. Chair Rief received and filed the report. 12. Friends of the Library Liaison Report Trustee update of the most recently attended Friends of the Library Board meeting. Trustee Murray reported she was unable to attend the meeting. Chair Rief noted the organization did have a recent book sale. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments, there were none. Board of Library Trustees Meeting February 24, 2025 Page 8     Chair Rief received and filed the report. 13. Pals4pal Liaison Report Trustee update of the most recently attended Pals4pal Board meeting. Vice Chair Castro reported the organization has been approved to dissolve. Chair Rief reported that they have been absorbed by the Library Foundation. He stated Vice Chair Castro will remain as the liaison for consistency as it transitions. Vice Chair Castro agreed and noted that the Foundation is looking at forming a Literacy Committee. Jerold D. Kappel, Chief Executive Officer of the Library Foundation, reported that the Literacy Committee will be formally established at the next Board meeting and led by Paul Watkins. He noted that the existing Pals4pal funds will be transferred to a holding account this week before being transferred to a separate account subject to the Foundation’s Investment Management Policy. He reported that approximately $490,000 will be held in perpetuity to continually serve the needs of Pals4pal. Chair Rief opened the item for public comments, there were none. Chair Rief received and filed the report. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – THREE MINUTES PER SPEAKER None IX. BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) None X. ADJOURNMENT – 5:45 P.M. The next meeting will be March 17, 2025. Submitted by: Chase Rief                Chair Approval of Minutes