Held at Newport Harbor Yacht Club) 6;30 P -M-s Jan-7,1929
Present; Briggs, Johnson, Fenelon, Patterson, Thompson, Wilit-
inson, E. G. Sherman, and H. L. Sherman, the last three attend-
ing as new members their first meeting of the Commission.
Mr. - Briggs, President of the Commission, stated the time had
arrived for a reorganization of the Commission, and that his
own personal affairs made it impossible for him to continue
longer ittthe )osition of president, which office he had filled
since the creation of the Commission in May, 1926.
mr. Wilkinson stated that civic duties f�e *ntly overpowered
personal inclinations, and that he woj�u&Mmience his service
upon the Commission, for the time being at least, under the
Presidency of +:r. Briggs.
irir. Briggs reiterated that it would be out of the question for
him to consider retaining the office of president, whereupon
E. G. Sherman nominated H. L. Sherman for that office, to which
he was duly elected.
Mr. Febelon then nominated E. G.- .:Sherman -to -the :office of sec-
tary, the second of the two Commission offices created by -
Statute. idr. Sherman said it would be inpossible for him to
serve in a secretarial capacity, as he had disposed of all his
office equipment, typewriters included, whereupon Mr. Fenelon
withdrew his nomination.
E. G. S'german then nominated Harry Williamson, the incumbent
of that of fice, to the position of secretary, and Mr. 'William-
son was duly elected. .
,'s. Briggs read the minutes of the last previous meeting of the
Commission, and they were duly approved.
A letter was read from H. M. Worcester, on behalf of the Bal-
boa Yacht Club, asrin -; that the property of the club in Block
4, Section V, of Balboa Island, be so zoned that the club could"
replace its present structure with a better building �rt.en the
occasion warranted.
It was brought outin the ensuing; discussion that the proposed
zoning map had been placed in the hands of the city council,
and a public hearing would be held on possible changes the fell—
owing evening, so that no further changes could be directly'"
effected by the Commission itself. _'Mr. Briggs stated that it
been the intention of the ®ommmission and its consultants to
approve the change sugsested by 14r. Worcester.
In connection with the discussion of Block 4 E. G. Sherman stat-
ed that lots 19, 20, and 21 of that block, forming the apex of
a very acute angle, could never be used for any purpose other
than the single dwelling usage After some further. discussion
Mr. Sherman moved, seconded by Mr. Briggs, that it be the desire
of the Commission that lots 19, 20) and 21, of Block 42 Section'
.0, Balboa Island be restricted to the simple dwellin,; zone, and
the motion ivas duly carried.
A letter from Wm. H. Burnham, Jr., representing the owners of
Tract 518, co*mnonly known as the Peninsula Tract, asked that
Block J of that tract be zoned for hotels, apartments, duplex
houses, and bungalow courts. He stated there was already one
apartment building in Block J; that <tre majority of the lots
therein ad been sold with such restrictions, and were the only
lots in the entire tract which were not restricted by deed to
single family dwellings; and that tiie depth of the lots was par-
ticularly favorable to such usage. Mr. Briggs stated that it
been the intention of the CowAssion to zone < Block "J for multi
ple dwellings, and it was thra error that the block had not been
indicated in green on the zoning map. This error could be reined —
iea by the city council on the following evening, cmd the chair-
man was duly authorized to attend to the same.
Upon .notion of Mr. Briggs, seconded by fir. Johnson, it was voted
to hold_ a re;ular monthly Meeting of the CoLmfission at 5 :30
on the First ,4onday of every month.
Upon lotion of :sir. Briggs the meetings adjoarned.