HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/1945199 ' The Newport Beach City Planning Commission held a regular mestsng os.Thars- day,.February 15, 1945, at 7 :50 p.m., in the Council Chamber, City Hall, New- port Beach, California., with Chairman.Hopkins presiding. Commissioners presents Allen, Baits, Campbell, Hopkins, Isbell, Sohnson, Ro Nelson, Patterson, and Seeger. Commissioners absent: None. Commissioner. Johnson made the.motion, and Commissioner Isbell seconded that IFS_ the minutes of the meeting of January 15, 1946s, be approved as read. Carried. In view of the meeting being a joint meeting with the members of the,City GUFST. Council, all of whom were present, namelys Robert Allen, Clyan Hail, L.L. IGHITFCTS Isbell, 0. B. Reed, and Earl Stanley; for the purpose of meeting with an architect, Mr. William Allen, "of the firm of Allen and Lutsi, of.Los Angel- es, on the mater of Civic Planning, Commissioner Seager moved, and Commission- er Allen seconded that the regular order of business be changed In order to first hear Mr'. Allen. Motion carried and so ordered, and Secretary Seeger presented Mr. Allen, who discussed and presented brochures of plans of the Civic Centers of South Cate, and Burbank, explaining that his firm Was well equipped.to design, plan, and supervise; having done this work for the cities of Oxnard, Bell,and Inglewood, as well as South Gate, and.Burbank. The broch- ures of the latter two were discussed and compered as to area, costs, etc., and the possibilities for a future Civic Center for the City of Newport Beach. ' Upon completion of his talk, Commissioner Allen expressed the appreciation of the Commission to Mr. Allen. Secretary Seeger read a letter from Mr. Truman Lattin, of San Marino, Cal- CCU6UNICATIONS iforaia, requesting a variance for Lots 11, and 12, Tract Section 5,.Blockv for 11 rather than 81, so as..to be able to build a garage 101 wide, which-the present variance does not permit. Secretary Seeger explained that the request had been answerad.by him, as secretary, directing Mr. Lattin to present a form- al petition for the said request, together with fee, maps, etc.., for hearing. In consequence no action was necessary by the Commission, Chairmen Hopkins.ex- plaining.that ths.Secretaryss letter was adequate. Proposed Amendment to Ordinance No. 525(pigs, swine, shoate, etc.). In as PUBLIG much as this was considered the. first hearing upon this matter, Commission- NGS or Patterson moved and.Commissioner Isbell seconded that the.matter.be car- ried to the next meeting for.final hearing. Motion carried and so .ordered. Application of the Congregational Church (Corona Del. Mar Community Church, Congregational) for a penditional permit for Lots 9, 31, and 15, Tract N on Heliotrope Avenue, Corona Del Mar, California, together with maps, floor pie, ana'filing. fee. Sams .having been posted,..and the.matter.duly adkettis- ad according to the Secretary. Present for the hearing were Mr. Grupe and Reverend Perry Shoupe, who explained the plans for the proposed church. No protests were heard or presented, and Commissioner. Seeger moved, and Commiss- ioner Baits seconded that the Commission recommend.the.granting.of the appli- cation, Chairman Hopkins called for a roll can vote. Ayess Commissioners Allen, Balta, Campbell,. Hopkins, Isbell, Sohaaon, Nel- ROLL CALL. son, Patterson, and Seeger. VOTE Noess. None. Motion carried and so ordered 200 PUBLIC Approval or rejection of . "Site 40 for a Civic Center for the City of New- ' HEARINGS port Beach. This hearing was called alma the.request'of the City Council that the Commission approve or reject that site known as. "Site 4" as a Civic Center. Discussion of the Commissioners was held prior to the open meeting, during which Commissioner Patterson described the site, at the request of Chairman Hopkins, stating that it comprised approximately..4i acres, net area of 157, 550 square feet, or a total area of 250,400 square feet, all city owned. About sixty citizens were present for the hearing, which when declared open by the Chairman.for.pretests or agreements for said "Site.40, first heard Braden Finely, president of the Chamber of.Commerce, and 0. Z. Robert- son, of Corona Del Mar, who both not only protested the approval of the site, but went into discussion of the site known as "Site 70, and its approval, so'�that it was apparent to the Commission that even though hear- ings had already been held.on all sites considered, that the meeting be thrown open.for discussions for all sites again; whereupon.0ommissioner Seager moved, and Commissioner Allan.seconded that bhe Commission hear anyone wishing to be heard. Motion carried. For over two hours "Site 4" versus "Site 7" were discussed by all those present and wishing to be heard. Entering protests against "Site 4" were Braden Finch, 0. Z. Robert- son, Commissioner Xilen,.H. E. Christler, Louis Briggs, Rayne Hsrper,:Nel son Stafford, Roger Watson, eird Rent Hitchook. 'Favoring "Site.4" was Lew Wallace.. Mr. H. M. Lane favored rebuilging on the present City Hall site. Plot plans of the Griffith Company for post -war development of.Lido Isle property adjacent to the property of "Site 4" were presented by Commission- er Seeger. When the lengthy discussion and arguments were finished and all ' had been heard, Commissioner Patterson moved and Commissioner Allen second- ed that the hearing be closed. Motion carried. The matter was then fur- Cher discussed by the Commission, with the motion finally being made by Commissioner Allen, and seconded by Commissioner Belts, that the Commission recommend the rejection of wSite 4 ". Chair called for a roll call vote. R�OLL.CALL VOTE Ayes: Commissioners Allen, Balta, Campbell, and Patterson. Noes% Commissioners Hopkins, Isbells Johnson, Nelson, and Seeger. Motion lost and so ordered. The next motion.before the Commission was made by Commissioner Johnson that the Commission recommend to the City Council the approval of "Site 4" as the designated.sits for the Civic Center of Newport Beach. .Motion.sec- onded by Commissioner Seeger, and a roll call vote called by the Chairman. ROLL „CALL.VOTE.,, ..Ayes: Commissioners Hopkins,.Isball, Johnson, Nelson, and Seager. Noes: Commissioners Alleni.Bilts, Campbell, and Patterson. Motion carried and so ordered. At this point Commissioner.Patterson moved for adjourn"Ut, and Commission- er.Campbell seconded the motion, which did not carry, and further business was brought forth. Commissioner Allen left the meeting,. Secretary Seeger stated that a petition from property owners adjacent to the.John:C. Elliott property which came up. for Public Hearing for a variance for hots 16, 16, 18, and 41, Block 140 Tract 141, Balboa(denied by the Commission) had been presented, requesting recommendation for Amendment to Ordinance No. 525 for ' a 5w set-back foam a 10f for that block, and that the alley be abandoned. Commissioner Seeger moved, Commissioner Johnson seconded that the matter,be set for Public Hearing. Motion.carried. 201 The Secretarial Committee report called for could tot be given as the FJ;FMTS OAP, chairman of the committee, Commissioner Allen had already left the COMMITTEES meeting. Commissioner Balts made the motion for adjournment, seconded by Com— ADJOUREMM . missioner Isbell. Notion carried and the meeting was adjourned to March 15, 1845. i� Respectfully subnittedo HOWARD W. SEAGER, Secretary.