HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/21/1946237 The Newport Beach City Planning Commission held a regular meeting Thtrs- day.. February.il, 1946, in the Council Chamber, City FAI , Newport,Beach, with Chairman Allen presiding. ' Commissioners present: Allen, Baltz, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Nelson, Pat- ROLL CALL terson, and White. Commissioners absent: Isbell, and Longmoor. Commissioner Ellerbroek made the motion seconded by Commissioner Baltz MINUTES that the minutes of the meeting of December 20, 19459 be approved.as read. Motion carried, and Commissioner Ellerbroek made the motion, sew - onded by Commissioner Johnson that the minutes of the special meeting of January 3, 19460 be approved as read. This motion also carried, and so ordered. Due to the regular meeting scheduled for January 17, 1946, not being held for lack of a quorum, with only'Commissioners Johnson, Longmoor, and Patterson present.-the action of these minutes was of necessity held up until this meeting. No official communications. COMMUNICATIONS The public hearing for the application of Max Re Fann for a change of PUBLIC BEARINGS front yard setback from 201 to 11 *1 for Lots 10 5, and 5. Block 251, Cor- ona Del Mar, tabled from the last meeting was declared and heard; the Secretary stating that same had been advertised and cards sent to all ad- jacent property owners, as per instructions of the Commission at the first public hearing. No one was present, nor were any communications received objecting to the application, so after discussion, Commissioner Johnson made the moton, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, that the application be approved and Chairman Allen called for a roll call vote. ROLL CALL VOTE Ayes: Commissioners Allen, Baltz, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Nelson, and White. (Patterson not yet present.) Noest None.' Motion carried and so ordered. The public hearing upon the matter of the application of We G. Cartter, for a change of front yard setback from 201 to 1121 for Lots 21 4, and 6, Block 231, Corona Del Mar,(property adjacent to the.Max Re Hann lots in the previous hearing), tabled from the last meeting, with the same instruc- tions for cards to be sent to adjacent property owners, was declared and heard] the.Secretary stating that cards had been sent, and the application properly advertised. No protests were heard or received, and Commissioner Johnson made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Belson, that the applica- tion be approved. Roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioners Allen, Baltz, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Nelson, and ROLL CATS, VOTE White. Noes- None, Motion carried, and so ordered. Public hearing upon the matter of the land use of the 22001 of City owned property on Highway 101, tabled from the meeting of January 3, 1946, was declared and heard. No property owners or citizens were present, nor had any communications regarding this been received, Even though same had been properly advertised, and also given publicity by the press. The Commies- ion discussed the matter again and carefully considered it, with Seere- inry Ellerbroek reading the motion made by Commissioner Longmoor at the 1 January 3, 1546 meeting, to wit. "The Commission recommend that the water frontage of the property be used for yacht moorings and /or slips, and the land contiguous to the water frontage, and fronting on Highway 101 be utilited for pses complimentary to and accessory to the said yacht moor- ings, and/or slips, but not for industrial uses, and subject to the appro- val of the Commission; and further recommend that this land use be made on a revenue producing basis for the City of Newport; and further that the 238 Commission does notrecommend any particular application or applicant for this land use." Commissioner Johnson then made the motion, sec- onded by Commissioner Ellerbroek that this previous motion of Commis- sioner Longmoor be submitted to the City Council as the recommends - tion of the Commission, and be entered as the action of the Commiss- ion as a whole. Chairman Allen . called for a roll call vote. ROLL CALL VOTE Ayes. Commissioners Allen, Baltzs Ellerbroek, Johnson, Nelson, and White. Noes: Hone. Motion carried, end so ordered. Public hearing upon the matter of the application of A. K. Trieten for the rezoning from R -3 to 0-1 of the N'I 25' of the SE. 601 of the N l of Lot 3, and the 1W 25' of the NE 60' of Lot 4, and the NE 25' of the SE 600 of Lot 5, Block 2, Sea Shore Colony Tract, Newport Beach, was declared as the first hearing, and heard. The Secretary stated that this had been duly advertised, and cards sent to adjac- ent property owners. Commissioner Johnson made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Boltz, that the hearing be passed to the final hear- ing at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Motion carried, anc Chairman Allen appointed a committee of Commissioners Johnson, Baltz, and Nelson, to check on the property and report their find- ings at the next meeting. Public hearing upon the matter of the application of H. R. Parsball, for a change of setback variance from 8' to 5' for Lot 502 Tract 444, Newport Heights, was declared and heard; Secretary Ellerbroek stating that the matter had been duly advertised, and reading the letter of Mr. Parshall to Commission explaining his application. After care - ful discussion and consideration by the Commission, Commissioner Pat- terson made the motion, seconded '..y Commissioner Baltz, that the application be approved and recommended. Roll call vote. CALL VOTE Ayes; Commissioners Allen, Baltz, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Nelson, Pat- terson, and white. Noes; None. Motion carried, and so ordered. Public hearing upon the matter of the application of John F. Vogels Balboa, for a change of zone from R -1 to 0-1, for Lots 2, and 3, Block P, Balboa, was declared, and heard as the first hearing, with Secretary Ellerbroek stating that same had been duly advertised and cards sent to all adjacent property owners. Secretary 81lerbroek also read the letter of application from Mr. Vogel, giving his reasons for the request as "(a) on adjoining Lot 1 of Block P an industrial use which makes the adjoining lots worthless for R -1 zone use, (b) the U. S. Army Air Forces have used Lot 1 and also adjoining City park property as a boat house for the furation of the war and for six months after the end of the war emergency and all present evidence points to the possibility of it being a permanent installation, (c) gasoline powered motor - generators run continuously day and night, rendering the neighborhood unfit for resiuential purposes, (d) sev- eral large boats are tied up in front of the writer's property, isen- dering the-frontage worthless, although assessed the highest in your city and taxed a total of p488.20 per year for a 85' lot and a 20 year old house, (e) several unsightly structures have been erected both on Lot 1, and on city property, all non - conforming and detri- mental to surrounding property values, (f) large groups of men and army trucks are stationed here, congesting the area, (g) the public pier erected at theend of Cnetral is no longer available to those assessed for the improvement." Mr. Vogel was present for the.meet- ing, explaining his application, and that he proposed using the pro- perty for hotel purposed, if rezoned, however, also stating tjat since . 1 239 the writing of the letter and filing the application, that the Army Rescue Station.had apparently vacated, and the boats and men had left. Mrs. Newman, owner of the property just across the street from that ' iii question, was alos present, and objected to the application for re- zoning to C -1. Commissioner Johnson made the motion, seconded by Com- missioner Ellerbroek that the matter be passed to the second hearing, at the next meeting. Motion carried, and so ordered, and Chairman Alien appointed a committee of Commissioners White, Nelson, and Allen to check on the property and report their findings at the next meeting. Public hearing upon the matter of the application of H. Robert Adams for a change of setback variance from 10, to 51 for Lot 6,..Block.A. Tract 518, was declared and heard. After discussion, Commissioner John- son made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Boltz, that the matter be tabled bo the next meeting, and that the committee of Commissioners Bhite, Nelson, and Allen, check on the property before the next meet- ing. Motion carried, and so ordered. A request by Earl and Mildred Stanley, dated February 4, 1946, and NEW BUSINESS referred to hhe Commission by the City Council, for establishing a C-2 zoning classification for a parcel of property contiguous to the city(and applying for annexation to the City), was read and carefully considared. This property was described as commonly known as the "Strobridge Property ". Chairman Allen stated that he would recommend the prop Tty.be zoned C -1. Mr. Maskey, also present, stated that he objected to anything commercial in the area khich a C -2 zoning would permit. Commissioner Patterson made the motion, seconded by Commiss- ioner Ellerbroek that if and when the property be annexed to the City that the zoning be C -1. Roll call vote. ROLL CALL VOTE Ayes: Commissioners Allen,. Baltz, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Nelson, Pat- terson, and White. Noes: None. Motion carried and so ordered. Tentative map No. 1140, for review and recommendation by the Commission was considered carefully, having been referred by the orange County. Planning Commission. The property shown on this may adjoinN the City of Newport Beach, and is owned by Irvine, being a:'coatinuation of Bay - shores Tract. Commissioner Patterson made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Baltz, that the Commission recommend to the Orange County Planning Commission the approval of tentative map No. 1140. HALL CALL VOTE Ayes: Commissioners Allen, Baltz, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Nelson, Pat- terson, and White. Noes: None. Motion carried and so ordered• Also referred by the Orange County Planning Commission were tentative maps No.1145 and 1148. After consideration by the Commission, Com- missioner Patterson made the motion, seconded by.Commissioner Eller - broek that the Commission recommend to the County Commission the appro- val of tentative map 1148. ROLL CALL VOTE Ayes: -Commissioners Allen, Boltz, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Nelson, Pat- terson, and White. Noes: None. Motion carried and so ordered. Commissioner Patterson made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Boltz for the ap roval to the County Commission of tentative map 1093. ROLL CALL VOTE Ayes: Commissioners Allen, Belts, Ellarbroek, Johnson, Nelson, Pat- terson, and White. Noest Nona. Motion carried, and so ordered. Chairman Allen announced that with the Council's acceptance of De. H. W. Seeger's resignaion, and his consequent resignation as chairman of 24M ROLL CALL VOTE OLD BUSINESS ROLL CALL, VOTE ADJOUMEN-T the Master Plan Committee, that Vaux White had been appointed as the new Commissioner to fill this vacancy on the Commission, and the app- ointment of Commissioner Longmoor as Chairman of the Master Plan Committee. Commissioner Johnson made the motion, seconded by Com- missioner Ellerbroek that this appointment of Commissioner Longsoor be approved. Motion efrried and so ordered. Considered informally was the request of Dale Wood for permission to extend his building out 21 from the street(Fernando- Street), but Com- missioners Allen and Ellerbroek bot stated that they felt that the.3t setback should be followed. Also considered informally as the request of Mr. Summers, of 1705 E. Bay Front, Balboa, for permission to convert his present garage to a room, the garage setback line being now non - conforming. Mr. Sommers was advised that such a request could not be considered. Tentative map 1136, property owned by George C. Pickering, Carolyn K. Pickering, L. L. Mennes, C. A. Padfield, Louise Padfield, and Harbor Investment Company, and contiguous to the City, and pending annexation to the City, was considered, and presented by Mr. Hender- son, of the Harbor Investment Company. Much careful discussion was given the plans, especially sewage disposal, which according to the plans was to be septic tanks. Commissioner Johnson stated that it was unwise to accept sewer installations, and that he could not vote for its approval without this. Commissioner Ellerbroek stated that from the building angle that the awwers are.:essential, but from the subdividers standpoint, that septic tanks would be acceptable. Chairman Allen took a definite stand in favor of sewer installation for the proposed tract, stating that the Commission should consider the matter from the angle of future development, and that the ulti- mate costs to property owners would be less, for eventually sewers will have to be installed. Commissioner Baltz agreed, but brought out the problem of getting materials at present for the sewers. Com- missioner Baltz made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Ellerbroek that tentative map 1136 be accepted as regards zoning,.street lay- outs, with the stipulation that sewers be installed. Ayes: Commissioners Allen, Baltz, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Nelson, Pat- terson, and White. Noes: None. Motion carried, and so ordered. A request from Mr. Phipps for dividing three lots in Corona Del Mar in such manner as to permit certain buildings and placements of same, contrary to present regulations, was considered.informally, and Commissioner Johnson made the motion that the matter be tabled to next meeting, at which time Mr. Phipps will present sketches and plans for better consideration; Commissioner Ellerbroek seconded this. Tentative map of Tract 1133 was ;presented for final consideration, and signature by the Secretary. Commissioner Baltz made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Ellerbroek, that this map be recommended for approval, and the Secretary be instructed to sign same. Ayes; Commissioners Allen, Baltz, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Nelson, Pat- terson, and ++ its. Noes: None. Motion carrie , and so ordered. Commissioner Ellerbroek made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Nelson for adjournment. Motion carried. spectfully submitted, Philmer J. erbrodk, Secretdry k rr y I.