HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/24/1939• FEBRUARY 24, 1939• THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION met in adjourned regular session Friday, February 24, 1939, 7:30 p.m, in the Council Chambers, City Hall; Chairman Hopkins presiding. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. ROLL CALL - Commissioners present: Hopkins, Seager, Williams, Briggs, Estus, Patterson. Commissioners absent: Findlay, Whitson, Hodgkinson. Chairman stated that, since this was an adjourned meeting, the regular order of business would be dispensed with if there were no objections. Com. Patterson moved that the regular order of business be dispensed with. Seconded by Com. Briggs. Motion carried and so ordered. Secretary stated that this meeting was called for the purpose of holding the first.hearing on the application of P. G. Balaton for a rezoning of his property. FIRST HEARING ON APPLICATION OF P. G. BALATON FOR REZONING LOT 5, BL& 5, SEASHORE COLONY FROM R -3 to C-1. Secretary read the application of Mr. Balaton referred ` to this commission by the City Council as of February 6, 1939. He stated that the hearing had been advertised Feb. 16 and notices sent to 14 surrounding property owners representing 32 lots in the vicinity. He also read a written protest from W. E. and Ruth Cleveland, owners of 206 No. Walnut St. Chairman ddcl.ared the hearing open for discussion and suggested that the matter be discussed by the Commission before hearing from the floor. Com. Patterson moved that the matter of the application of P. G. Balaton for rezoning of Lot 5, Blk 5. Seashore Colony from R -3'to C -1 be passed to second hearing to be'rheld March 6, 1939, 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. Seconded by Com. Fetus. Chairman inquired if anyone present wished to discuss this matterr. No discussion. Chairman informed Mr. Balaton that it would be necessary for the commission to have a more accurate plot plan showing the exact location of the proposed buildings at the second- hearing.' The one submitted with the application does not show the lot lines and is not drawn to scale. It will also be necessary to have the plans of the proposed buildings for approval at that time. .,.p., - i .. Secretary stated that the minutes show that Mr. Balaton was so informed at the previous meeting. No further discussion. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. PROTEST AGAINST JUNK YARD ON COAST HIGHWAY - Mr. Huston Hager, Jr, and Charles Peyton appeared before the commission to protest the opening of a junk yard on Coast Highway neat door to the Peyton Boat Company: Mr. Hager stated that the building has been sub- leased by a- Sunk company for the establishment of a junk yard. They asked the assistance of the commission in preventing such a business being allowed in this section of the city, as it would be detrimental to their business as well as un- sightly on a main highway leading into the city. Com. Estus was of the opinion that it was a problem for the City Council and the City Attorney. Secretary Seeger stated that he had advised Mr. Dittman that they petition the City Council to approve the Major Traffic Thoroughfare Map which was submitted to the Council by the Planning Commission some time ago. If that is done then this Body can control what type of buildings go in on that Highway. Mr. Hyer stated that the only way to keep out junk yards is to amend Ordinance 440 so as to prohibit them in C-2 son@. Com. Patterson moved that this matter be referred to a committee of three to investigate and report at the neat meeting. Seconded by Com. Estue: Motion carried and so ordered. Chairman appointed Com. Patterson, Fetus ' and Briggste serve on this committee. Mr. Peyton called the attention of the commission to the fact that more sports fishermen are coming into Newport Harbor all the time. The land around the bay is limited and should not be taken up with unsightly business of the type of junk yards which are unrelated to the activities of the harbor. The Highway and the Bay are our most im- portant assets. Com. Williams moved that the Secretary be instructed to write a letter to the City Council calling their atten- tion to the Major Traffic Thoroughfare Map and requesti:g that they approve as=. Com. Briggs said that he wished to second the motion if re- stated, and with the consent of Com. Williams, amended it to read as follows: "that the Secretary be instructed to write to the City Council calling their attention to the Major Traffic Thoroughfare map and asking if they could give it their early attention for the reasons that have arisen this evening". Motion carried and so ordered. AWOU8HMW- On motion of Coos. Estus seconded by Com. Briggs and carried the meeting adjourned to March 6, 1939, 7 =00 p.m. is the Council Chambers, City Hall. Beeps tfully submitted, w Howard W. Seeger, SECRETARY.