HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/1971COMMISSIONERS It,., An -s � f A�' a CALL > Present Absent • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Regular Planning'Commission Meeting, Place: Council Chambers Time: 8:00 P.M. Date: March 18, 1971 MINUTES INDEX x x x x x x EX- OFFICIO MEMBERS Laurence Wilson, Asst. Community Development Direct )r Dennis O'Neil, Asst. City.Attorney Benjamin B. Nolan;'City.Engineer STAFF MEMBERS James D. Hewicker, Zoning Administrator Helen Herrmann The Minutes of February 18, 1971 were approved, as corrected,on motion of Commissioner Martin, seconde by Commissioner Dosh, and carried. Chairman Jakosky informed the audience that Items 2 9 and 10 were being continued at the request of the applicants and would not be considered this evening Item 1. Proposed amendments to Section 20.08.190 of the AMEND - Newport Beach Municipal Code pertaining: to off - MM NT street parking requirements. NO. 281 Zoning Administrator Hewicker explained..the propose CONT'D. amendment to the Commission. The following letters UNTIL were received and entered into the record: TCPRTT 1 Letter dated March 4, 1971 from Donald S. Reddington. Letter dated March 15, 1971 from the Newport Harbor. Costa Mesa Board of Realtors. Letter dated March 16, 1971 from the Balbda Island Improvement Association. Letter dated March 16, 1971 from the.Irvine Company. Mr. Samuel H. Downing presented a letter from the Cliff Community Association authorizing.him' .Haven to speak in their behalf.. Mr. Downing stated thAt Page 1. M COMMISSIONERS N N 'n N u 0 0 g n OLL CALL > 3 March CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 18, 1971 MINUTES INDEX tandem parking would be impractical. It was noted that their group is in agreement.with the proposed parking requirements as.they apply to the R -1 zone. However, they feel that in their area, the existing units in the R -2 and R -3 zones should not be made to conform when adding additional units and that the proposed parking requirement should apply only to new development.. Mr. George C. Woods, Jr., was.present and spoke on behalf of the Balboa Island Improvement Association. It was stated that the ordinance as drafted would, in essence, rezone their properties from R -2 to R -1 and create many nonconforming uses. It was also felt that tandem parking would be impractical. Mr. W: E. Hall of Corona del Mar noted that people use their garages for many purposes other than parking cars. Since it appears that existing re- i quirements are not being enforced, the question was raised as to how the hew legislation would be en- forced. It also was stated the ordinance as propos d would devalue existing R =2 property and that the property owners on Balboa Island, Corona del Mar and West Newport should be exempted. Mr. Joe Casala of Balboa stated that the ordinance as,proposed is too rigid for the lots on Balboa Boulevard which are zoned R -3. It was also noted t at he does not believe that tandem parking would be good for the area. Mr.,G. D. Dunscomb of Balboa stated that his R -2 lot is 28' x 82' and a requirement for 4 parking spaces would make it difficult for him to.build. Mr. M. Hamill of Newport Beach explained that he ha 3 lots on the Peninsula where he intended to tear down three old apartments and rebuild six new ones. He,felt.that exceptions should be made for lots 28 feet in width. Mr. Frank Russ a property owner and builder address (d the Commission regarding the problems of combining . lots in the R -2 zone. It was noted that when two lots are combined in the R -2 zone only one.duplex;i permitted. In contract, the combining of lots,in` the R -3 District is encouraged because development is based upon density rather than type of unit. Commissioner Adkinson stated he felt people should be allowed to combine smaller lots: He also stated Page 2. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �0 � J S N �'n 3 £N &L CALL 0 3'" . March 18, 1971 MINUTES INDEX that some method should be found to enforce the use of garages for parking purposes. Zoning Administrator Hewicker explained that.there is only one man working-full time on enforcement problems and that the City-will continue to try and take care: of the garage p.roblem...- H.owe..ver,. i.t wa noted that a person cannot be forced to park in is garage, even if it is cleared. Mr. Jim Stouder of 110 -36th Street stated he feels the proposal is only a stop gap measure and that. there is not only a parking problem but a vehicblar' access problem as well and the two are_interlinked. It was stated that the proposal is a step in the right direction but serious consideration should. also be given to ,providing both parkingand a trans portation system for people coming to the area to take advantage of what the-merchants have'to offer. Mr..Bill Watt of the Irvine Company was;.present and asked if there were any comments or questions re-,.' e- ' . garding the letter previously read to the Commissio . Upon being asked, he stated that the Irvine Company has never used tandem parking on any of their proje ts. Upon being questioned as to-the density of their,' projects, Mr'. Watt stated that in the family units they estimate a population of 3.3 persons per unit or a total of 59.4 persons.per acre. In the adult units they have an occupancy of less than.two people per unit, thus creating a population of:3$ to 40 people per acre at a density of 20 units per acre. He stated that on the basis of research.and actual experience on.their projects that the parking ratio as proposed in their letter (bachelors and 1- be4roo units - 1; spaces per unit;-2-bedroom units - li3/4 spaces per unit; 3 or more bedroom unity - 2 spaces per unit) was adequate. He-stated further that no matter how many spaces are required, they are not always used for the parking of cars. Mr. J. Matt.Osborn of 325 E. Bayfront stated that. Newport Beach has a unique problem and because of this, the property owners should not be persecuted.. It was suggested that it would be better to look into the future and provide a type of transportation which would limit the number of cars coming to the beach. It was stated that traffic will not go away by providing more garages, and bedrooms ,.per se, do not control the number of cars. Mr, Tom Houston, President of the Balboa Island Page 3. COMMISSIONERS U O• O \2:�Ln FO OL CALL ° N Motion Second All Aye • Motion Second All Aye CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES March 18, 1971 INDEX Improvement'Association addressed the Commission and stated that many of the older properties on Balboa Island have restricted garage access because fences have been constructed on the property lines. Many people.now have no turning radius whatever and if these obstructions were removed, it might improve the situation. The Commission discussed this proposed ordinance, at length and in view of the suggestions contained in the letters received, as well as the opinions expressed by the audience, it was felt that this x x ordinance should receive further study. Amendment No. 281 was therefore continued until April 1, 1971. Item 2. Request to permit a 16th Century galleon to be moored adjacent to Delaney's Sea Shanty and to be used as a floating cocktail lounge and oyster bar. USE PERMIT T07 Location: Lots 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of CONT'D.. Tract 815, located at 630 Lido Park UNTIL Drive. MTY-70 Zone: M -1 Applicant: Francis M. Delaney, Newport Beach Owners: Earl King and Phil Tozier, Newport Beach x This application was continued until May 20, 1971 x at the request of the applicant.. Commissioner Adkinson stepped down during discussion of the following item in order to avoid a conflict of interest. Item 3. Request to permit a two unit second -story apart - ment over a commercial use in a C -1 District. Further request for a reduction in the required USE PERMIT NO. 1519 off - street parking. APPROVED Location: Lot 15, Block 14, Balboa- Island,; located at 337 Marine Avenue on the east side of Marine Avenue between Balboa Avenue and North Bay Front. Applicant: Land.Evolution, Inc., Santa Ana Owner: Same as applicant. Page 4. COMMISSIONERS VAz$N A O 40 CALL Motion Second All Ayes • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES March 18, 1971 INDEX Zoning Administrator Hewicker presented the applica tion to the'Commissi.on and noted that this request is presented as a result of the action taken by.the Planning Commission on February 4, 1971, . Mr. Jerry Barto, one of the owners of Land Evolu- tion, was present. It was noted that they have tried to cooperate and appreciate the help given them by the Department. X After a discussion, the application was approved, xsubject to the following conditions: 1. That construction shall be in conformance with the plans as submitted, except for minor modifications as may be required by the Division of Building Administra- tion and Plan Review. 2. That there be two single,garages for the dwelling units pl u.s two-open covered spaces for the commercial use. Commissioner Adkinson returned to the dais. Chairman Jakosky stepped down during discussion of the following item inasmuch as he-owns property in the Civic District. The discussion was conducted by 2nd Vice Chairman Dosh. Item 4. Request to permit the resubdivision of one parcel RESUBDI- into two parcels. I07'_ NO. 300 Location: Lots 3, 12, 13 and the eas erly ten feet of Lot 11, Block 20 st Additio APPROVED to Newport Beach, locate at 2001, 2003 Court Street and 2004: West Ocean Front, between Court Street and West Ocean Front and between 20th Street and 21st Street. Zone: C -1 Applicant: Verne E. Strang, Laguna Hills Owners:. Bob Walker, borothy M. Hutchins,. Verne E. and Lorene C. Strang Zoning Administrator Hewicker,.explained the applica- tion to the Commission. Neither the applicant, nor his representative, were present at the meeting: Page 5. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH .w�' w .SlK O u N CALL � w Motion Second Ayes Abstain • ion and All Ayes MINUTES March 18, 1971 INDEX The Commission expressed concern regarding the con - figuration of the parcel which would have a 10 foot wide driveway 75 feet long: A discussion followed during which it was pointed out that this parcel is vehicularly land locked and this would be the only means of vehicular access: It was also noted that since the property is located in a commercial district, a residential use would require a use permit, giving the Commission control over any residential construction that would take place. X After further discussion, the application was x approved, subject to the following conditions: X X x x x 1. That a parcel map be filed. 2. That a sanitary sewer easement be provided in a manner meeting the approval of the City Engineer. Chairman Jakosky returned to the dais. There was a short discussion as to when it is necessary for Commission members to disqualify themselves and it was the opinion of the Assistant City Attorney that with respect to the Civic District, it is only nec- essary when the property owned by a Commissioner is in the same vicinity as that under discussion. Item 5. Request to permit the construction of a gatehouse AMEND - and manager's office and a pergola as a part of the expansion of the Balboa Bay Club Racquet Club. M T =E PERMIT Location: Portion of Block 93 of Irvine's Sub- N0. 1492 division, located westerly of Newport Center'Drive and southerly of Granvill APPROVED Drive. Zone: Unclassified Applicant: Balboa Bay Club, Newport Beach Zoning Administrator Hewicker explained the applica- tion to the Commission. The applicant was not repr - sented at the meeting. After a short discussion, the application was approved x subject to the condition that all construction com- ply with the submitted plans. Page 6. COMMISSIONERS F Q' 00 - F0 O N �,f � � Re CALL � � 3 0 Motion Second Al Ayes • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES March 18, 1971 INDEX Item 6. Request.to permit a professional office building in an M -1 District. USE PMMIT N0. T518 Location: Lot 22, Block 225 of Lancaster's. Addition, located at 2815 Villa Way APPROVED on the westerly side of Villa Way between 28th Street and 29th Street. Zone: M -1 Applicant: Donald R. Adkins, Costa Mesa Owner: Alice Emmes, Fallbrook Zoning Administrator Hewicker presented the applica tion to the Commission. It was noted that the staff recommendation of denial was based primarily on the lack of off - street parking. Mr. Donald Adkins, the applicant, was present and explained the request. Letters from three neighbor in the 2800 block on Villa Way favoring the applica tion were presented to the Commission. Mr. Adkins noted that he has six exployees and believes he could provide 3 parking spaces to the rear of the building. The Commission was of the opinion that this was a good "in between" use for the property but expresse concern regarding the parking situation. After a further discussion, the application was approved x subject to the condition that the applicant provide x a total of eight spaces, on and off -site, to the satisfaction of the City staff. Chairman Jakosky called a five minute recess and th Commission reconvened at 10:30 with all members present. Item 7. Request to permit the subdivision of 111.4 acres 232 residential lots and two open space lots.. L TENTA- Tfli-E MA_P_ Location: Portion of Blocks 92, 93, 96, 97 and TEACT 129 of Irvine's Subdivision, located NT7786 northerly of San Joaquin Hills Road and easterly of Marguerite Avenue. APPROVEI Zone: P -C Page 7. 4 COMMISSIONERS o � O N N N h N y LL CALL r S A N CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH March 18, 1971 MINUTES INDEX Applicant: Raub, Bein, Frost & Associates, Costa Mesa Developers: John D. Lusk & Sons,.Newport Beach Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach Zoning Administrator Hewicker presented the tenta- tive map to the Commission, and explained its re- lationship to the proposed "paseo system ". He also commented on the two residual parcels which will be created between this tract and Pacific View Memorial Cemetery on the west and the existing City boundary on the east. Mr. Robert Bein of Raub, Bein, Frost & Associates was present and answered questions of the Commis- sion. After a further discussion, the Tentative Map of Motion x Tract 7386 was recommended to the City Council for Second x approval, subject to the following conditions: �11 Ayes 1. That all improvements be constructed as required by ordinance and the Public Works Department. 2. That Section 19.16.030 of the Subdivision Ordinance regarding map scale be waived provided maps drawn accurately to a scale of 1" = 100' are furnished to the Public Works Department immediately after approval of the final map. Such maps to be refer- enced and tied into the California Coordinate System as well as the Irvine blocks. 3. That the boundary of the final tract map be checked by the County Surveyor before being submitted to the City.for approval. 4. That all grading be done in accordance with grading plans and reports approved by the Public Works Director and a qualified Soils Engineer. Upon completion of the grading, the Civil Engineer and the Soils Engineer shall certify that the grading has been completed in accordance with the plans and the requirements of the grading ordinance. Reproducible copies of the grading plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished to the Public Works Department. Page 8. COMMISSIONERS s OLL CALL s March CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 18, 1971 MINUTES INDEX In developing the grading plan, special attention shall be directed to an interim protection.plan to prevent erosion and siltation problems prior to completion of the work. 5. That all vehicular access rights to San Joaquin Hills Road, Spyglass Hill Road and Street "A ", except at street intersec- tions, be dedicated to the City of Newport Beach. 6. That the full width of San Joaquin Hills Road adjacent to the tract be dedicated and graded, and all drainage improvements com- pleted; and that the requirement for con- struction of surface improvements be waived, with the Developer's obligations under the Capital Improvement Policy used to offset improvements constructed by the Developer on other arterial streets which are assigned to the City under the Policy. 7. That the widths of Street "I'", Street "M" and Street "Y" be increased from 52' to 56'. 8. That further study be given to the paved width of Spyglass Hill Road, with the width subject to revision prior to recordation of a final map. 9. That public utility easements.be a minimum of 10' wide, with wider easements provided where required by the Public Works Depart- ment. 10. That the requirement for a maximum street grade of 7% be waived and a grade of approx- imately 8 %.be approved for San Joaquin Hills Road and at several locations on interior streets where made necessary by the topo- graphy. 11. That existing easements to Southern California Edison Company, American Telephone and Tele- graph Company and Community Cablevision be realigned. 12. That the types and locations of street trees be provided to the specifications of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director and that the standard.tree inspection fee be paid. Page 9. COMMISSIONERS V £ 6 N N N o w S •LL CALL '< 5 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH March 18. 1971 MINUTES INDEX 13. That storage capacity of one day's demand in`San Joaquin Reservoir-be deafcated to the City. 14. That the Water Capital Improvement acreage fee be paid, including-any increases found to be'necessary as a result of current studies. 15. That the location of Lot B, the reservoir site, be subject to further study and possible relocation. 16. That the subdivider advance the funds for construction of the master plan water facil- ities for Pressure Zone IV including the 16" A.C.P. water main from Big Canyon Reservoir and the Zone IV Reservoir. These costs to be reimbursed by the City from acreage.fees. 17. That appropriate deannexations from Irvine Ranch. Water District and annexations to Orange County Sanitation District No. 5 be processed prior to recordation of any final map in the areas involved in such district boundary changes. 18. That the subdivision ordinance requirement for a minimum local street width of sixty feet of right -of -way and forty feet of pavement be waived and reduced widths approv d as shown on the tentative map. 19. All slope banks shall be landscaped and im- proved in compliance with a plan approved by the Director of Parks, Beaches.and Recrea tion; such landscaping and .improvements, in - cluding a watering system, shall be instal le , or an agreement shall be entered into, and financial security guaranteeing the installa- tion of the landscaping and improvements shall be posted, prior to the recordation of any portion of the final map. 20. A binding agreement specifying a method of procedure for the maintenance of all slope banks shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of Community.Development,and as to legal enforceability, by the City Attorney.. Such method or procedure shall be recorded prior to or concurrently with the recorda- tion of any portion of any final map. Any Page 10. COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ° 1 s w p N N J £ y S tp 5 4OLL CALL K ' o � � > Harch 13, 1971 4 4 MINUTES INDEX subsequent modification or amendment to such method or procedure regarding the maintenance and improvement on said slope banks shall also be approved by the Dir- ector of Community Development and the City Attorney, and shall be recorded prior to the effective date of the modification or amendment. All lot sales shall be made subject to said recorded agreement. 21.. The developer shall install the landscaping and improvements required by Condition No. 19 and maintain them in a neat and orderly manner until such time as maintenance is transferred to a homeowners' association or other organization responsible for permanent maintenance. The methods required by Condi- tion No. 20 above shall include a provision to assure compliance with this requirement. 22. The landscaping within the right -of -way of Spyglass Hill Road and Street "A" shall be installed in compliance with a plan approved by the Director of Parks, Beaches and Recrea tion. Such landscaping shall be installed or an agreement shall be entered into, and financial security guaranteeing the installa tion of such improvements shall be posted prior to the recordation of any portion of any final map. 23. Lots "A" and "C" shall be landscaped and im- proved in compliance with a plan approved by the Director of Parks, Beaches and Recrea- tion. Such landscaping and improvements, including a watering system, shall be instal led, or an agreement shall be entered into and financial security guaranteeing the in- stallation of the landscaping and improve- ments shall be posted prior to the recorda- tion of any portion of the final map. 24. The landscaping required by Condition No. 23 above, shall be maintained by the developer n a neat and orderly manner until such time as it may be accepted for maintenance as re -. quired by Condition No..25. r25. Prior to the recordation of any portion of the final map, a method for the permenent maintenance of the landscaping and improve- ments required by Condition No. 23 above Page 11. COMMISSIONERS L CALL v �' 171 Motion Second Al Aye: • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MINUTES March 18, 1971 INDEX shall be approved by the City of Newport Beach. 26. That front, side and rear yard setback lines on all panhandle lots shall be illustrated on the final map. 27. In the event the "paseo concept" of City- maintained parkway areas is not approved by the City Council along Spyglass Hill Road and /or Street "A" and /or San Joaquin Hills Road, as shown on this tentative map,. the final subdivision map may be adjusted to reduce the right -of -way width of Spyglass Hilt Road and/or Street "A" by elimination of extra -width parkways, and to change the configuration of Lot "A" along the north side of San Joaquin Hills Road to eliminate the view -point area east of Lot 203. These changes, if made, shall not require recon- sideration of the tentative map by the Planning Commission or City'Council. Item B. EXTENSION Request for a one -year extension of a previously approved tentative map. OF 7YNTATIV Location: Portion of Block 51, Irvine's Sub- division, located at the northwest TRACT 7TU7 corner of Eastbluff Dirve and Vista del Oro. APPROVED Zone: R -3 -13 Applicant: I.D.H., a Joint Venture (Holstein Co.), Costa Mesa Owner: The Irvine Company, Newport Beach x Zoning Administrator Hewicker explained the re -. quested extension to the Commission. Following a short discussion, the Commission recommended that x the City Council approve a one year extension for the filing of the final map for this tract. Item 9. USE PER K Request to permit the construction of a Boys' Club. Location: Portion of Block 52 of Block 52 of 077503 Irvine's Subdivision, located at CONT'D. Page 12. t1 WTI1_ APhIC 1 COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH wo�� SV N p N N S V OL CALL c -:$ o ° > Motion Second All Aye Motion Second All Ayes 0 MINUTES March 18, 1971 INDEX 2555 Vista del Oro, on the westerly side of Vista del Oro, approximately 240' northerly of the intersection of Vista del Sol and Vista del Oro. Zone: R- 4- B -2 -UL Applicant: City.of Newport Beach Owner: Same as applicant. x x At the request of the Boys' Club, this application was continued until April 1, 1971 Item 10 Request to create one parcel of land, 15,189 sq.ft..RESUBDI in area, for use as site for a Boys' Club. VISION NUT= Location: Portion of Block 52 of Irvine's Sub - division, located at 2555,Vista del CONT'D. Oro, on the westerly side`of Vista UNT= del Oro, approximately 240' northerly AT�RIT 1 of the intersection of Vista del Sol and Vista del Oro. Zone: R- 4- 13-2 -UL Applicant: City of Newport Beach Owner: Same as applicant X At the request of the Boys' Club, this application x was continued until April 1, 1971. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** The majority of the Commissioners stated they would not be present for the meeting on May 6, 1971 because of the Ensenada race, therefore, it was decided to hold an extra meeting in April, on April 29, 1971. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** On motion of Commissioner Adkinson, seconded by Commissioner Glass, and carried, the meeting was adjourned until April 1, 1971 at 8:00 P.M., in the Ci.ty Council Chambers. Don R. Adkinson, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission