HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/1935The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hB'bd its monthly meeting on March 20th I935. On Roll call the following members were found to be present. Chairman Perks, Hal Will Smith, John Vogel, Mrs W.I.Williams, F.C.Brookings Associate members, Mrs Dyson, Harry Rider, Donald Kirby L.Deming Tilton Advisor the minutes of prior meetings were read and stood approved as read. Chairman Parks advised that The chamber of Commerce were anxious to cooperate with the Commissionm in any way they could to expedite the formulation of proper zoning facilities for the community. The meeting was then turned over to Mts Williams as chairman of the Beutification committee which was the subject for consideration by the Commission. Mrs Williams presented to the meeting a program full of suggestions that would add to the appearance of our community. The speaker suggested that we might concentrate on some one feature that would attract visitors and which at the same time would add be and lend attractiveness to our many natural advantagesf such as improving the entrance to our city on the west, palms along the Bay and Ocean fronts. Wild flowers could be sown on the bluffs and at Corona Del Mar a.Bowl could be built. In fast it was the thought of the speaker that all of our Parks could be improved and others established. On motion of Hal Will Smith with second the Chairman was authorized to appoint a committee from the Commission to meet with City Parit Commission to work out plans for more beautification to meet the needs of our community. The Chairman appointed Mrs Williams and Hal Will Smith as members of this committee. On motion of John Vogel which was seconded the Secretary was requested to write the City Council and, ascertain why the Palisades road at Corona Del Mat was closed and if available w'tat the prb�,ep� legal status'�as