HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/1940i " a a .fix -a%r"f ,•4 *' C APRIL 17, 194o THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION met in regular session Wednesday, April 17, 1940, 7:30 p.m. in the . Council Chambers, City Hall. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. ROLL CALL - Commissioners present: Hopkins, Briggs, Williams, Findlay. Estus, Patterson. Commissioners absent: Seeger, Whitson, Hodgkinson. Building Inspector Nelson attended.' MINUTES - Com. Briggs moved that the minutes of the regular meet- ing held March 20, 1940 be approved as written. Seconded by Cam. Findlay, Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Minutes of the special meeting held April 4, 3940 were read and approved. HEARINGS - SECOND HEARING ON REZONTNG APPLICATION OF MACCULLOCH POSTPONED. Chairman Hopkins called for the second hearing on the application of Marguerite MacCulloch for the rezoning of Lot 15, Blk 26, Balboa Rastside`Addition from R -1 to R -2. Assistant Secretary read a letter from Misa MacCulloch requesting that the hearing on this matter be postponed. Cam. Williams moved that the second hearing on the ap- plication of Marguerite MacCulloch for the rezoning of Lot 15, Blk 26, Balboa Eastside Addition be continued until may let, 1940. Seconded. by Cam. Briggs. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. SECOND HEARING ON REZONING APPLICATION OF FRANK AND BESSIE RIDDLE. Assistant Secretary read.tne application of Frank and Bessie Riddle for rezoning of Lots 11 and 12, Blk 6, Sea- shore Colony from R -3 to C -1. She stated that this hearing had been regularly advertised and that no written protests or communications on this matter had been received. Chairman declared the hearing open for discussion and inquired if anyone present wished to protest this rezoning. There was no response, Cam. Estus .moved the adoption of Resolution No. 168 recommending to the City Council that the application of Frank and Bessie 0 Riddle be approved and that Lots 11 • and 12, Blk 6, Seashore Colony be rezoned from R-3 to C -1. Seconded by Cam. Findlay. Roll Call: Ayes: Hopkins, Briggs, Williams, Findlay, Estus, Patterson. Noes: None. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. • • FIRST HEARING ON APPLICATION OF GLEE W. GRAY AND MARY GARD JAMESON FOR REZONING. Assistant Secretary read the application of Glee W. Gray and Nary Gard Jameson for the rezoning of Lots 2, 4 and + 6, Blk 133, Re- subdivision of Corona del Mar from R -1 to ' R-2. She stated that the hearing had been advertised and notice of hearing sent to 13 surrounding property owners represent- ing 29 logs in the neighborhood. Chairman declared the hearing open for discussion. Four written protests to the change of zoning were received and read by the asst. Secretary. These protests were signed by Mrs. Myrtle E. Cook, Eda P. Wenden, Karoiine Droege and Marian 0. Hooker. Mrs. Gray, one of the applicants was present and stated that she considered her lot to be spot zoned now, since most of the surrounding property is now R -2. Fernleaf Avenue is a busy thoroughfare and she considered it a business rather than a residential district She stated that she did not intend to alter the outside appearance of her residence in changing it to a 2 family dwelling, Mrs. Gray presented three letters in favor of the change in zoning signed by 8 property owners in the neighborhood. Chairman Honkins ordered these letters filed. Com. Patterson pointed. out that Lot 8, which is also R -1 should be included in the rezoning, the commission cannot recommend rezoning of Lots 2, 4 and 6 to R -2 and - leave Lot 8 spot zoned as R -1. This should have been included in the advertisement for hearing. Com. Briggs moved that the first hearing on this matter be continued to the.next meeting and that the Secretary be instructed to contact the owner of Lot 8 to , find. if he is willing to request rezoning of Lot 8 which will bring all four lots into an R -2 zone. After further discussion, Com. Bri`°gs withdrew his motion. Com. Fetus moved that the matter of the rezoning of Lots 2,_4 and 6, Blk 133, re- subdivision of Corona del Mar from R -1 to R - ^c -be passed to second hearing, said hearing to be held at an adjourned meeting May 1, 1940. Seconded by Com. Patterson. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. After a general discussion concerning the situation which involves Lot 8 of Blk 133; it was felt that the commission should not wait upon the action of the owner of that lot but should initiate a move to rezone and to that end Com. Fetus moved that the Secretary be Instructed to advertise the first hearing on the rezoning of Lot 8, Blk 133, re- subdivision of Corona del Mar from R -1 To R -2 for May 1, 1940 and to notify the owner of this lot of the intention to rezone same, Seconded by Com. Briggs.' Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. COASTLINE PLAN Asst. Secretary, stated that Secretary Seeger wished to r report his attendance at a conference called by the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County April 10th at which regional plans and particularly coastline planning was discussed and, after a conference with L. Deming Tilton, and in accordance with the sentiment of the conference, it was deemed advisable that the Planning Commissions of the coastal cities in Orange County cooperate in the forma- tion of a coastline plan. He submitted the following motion for the consideration of the commission: "I move that the Chairman appoint a committee of three; commissioners to confer and cooperate with similar committees from the Planning Commissions of Huntington Beach. and Laguna il Beach with the object in view of submitting to the Orange County Planning Commission a coastline plan." Com. Patterson stated that he had attended meetings on ` beach erosion. This study has now developed to include planning of the coastline with the 'object in view of pro -`` tecting the beaches and also acquisition of public beaches and parks along the coast. Com. Estus moved the motion as submitted by the Secretary.:! Seconded by Com._ Williams. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. COASTLINE ?UK COMMITTEE Chairman Hopkins appointed Com. Seager, Estue and Pattered to serve on this committee, Com. Seeger to be chairman. TREES ON COAST HIGHWAY Com. Williams called attention to the fact that the trees on Coast Highway have not been replaced and asked what further steps could be taken to get action, from the Highway department. Com. Patterson moved that the Secretary be instructed to write another letter to the Highway Commission calling their attention to the trees on Coast Highway. Seconded by Com. Estus. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. PLAN FOR WEST NEWPORT POOL Mrs. Harriett Potter presented to the commission for their consideration a plan for the reclamation of the pool in West Newport. This tentative plan was prepared by the - engineering department. Mrs. Potter asked the commission to recommend to the City Council the adoption of this .plan for reclamation of the pool so that the unsightly and unsanitary condition now existing may be eliminated. By planting the center parkway with different varieties of most similar to the magic carpet at the San Francisco fair; 5 a beauty spot could be created in this section at little coat. The owners of adjacent property do not want 'trees or playgrounds, Mr. H. M. Lane stated that he, as well as the property owners surrounding the pool would object to filling, in the pool leaving an expanse of sand in its place. He felt however, that they would not object if they could be assured that planting and beautifying of this plot would be carried through. He also discussed the practicability of properly draining the pool to eliminate the stagnant condition now existing. It was Com. Patterson's opinion that this was not possible. Com. Briggs moved that this map be transmitted to the City Council approved as a tentative plan with the re- commendation that this pool be transformed into a park area. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. DISTRICT NAPS Mr.,Grainger Byer called attention to the fact that the commission has just recommended an amendment to Ordinance 440 establishing setbacks in El Bayo Tract. He urged that similar action be taken on Tract 742 and Section 5 of Balboa Island. He was informed that district maps have been prepared by the engineering department upon which the setbacks in each district will be established. This will constitute a revamping of Ordinance 440 and is now in the process of formation. Mr. %yer suggested that the commission start work on Tract 742 and Section 5 of Balboa Island. Com. Estue moved that the Chairman appoint a committee to go over Section 5 and Tract 742 and report as soon as possible. Seconded by Com. Patterson. Motion carried and so ordered. DISTRICT MAP COMMITTEE FOR BALBOA ISLAND, LIDO`ISLE AND NEWPORT HEIGHTS Chairman Hopkins appointed Com. Briggs, Chairman and Coms. Seeger and Patterson to serve on the district map committee for the Balboa Island, J,ido Isle and Newport Heights sections. The Chairman suggested that others outside the commission might work with the committee and submit suggestions to them. • ADJOURNMENT - Com. Briggs moved that the meeting adjourn to May 1, 1940, 7:30 p.m. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion, carried. Res tfully submitted, x, Howard . Seeger, r ary..