HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/1939I• • APRIL 19, 1939 T THE NEWPORT BBACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION met in regular session Wednesday, April 19, 1939. 7 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall; Chairman Hopkins presiding. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. ROLL CALL - Commissioners present: Hopkins, Seeger, Estus Findlay, Patterson, Whitson. Commissioners absent: Williams, Briggs, Hodgkinson.' Attny. Thompson and Bldg. Insp. Nelson attended. MINUTES - Com, Hstus moved that the reading of the minutes of meetings held February 14, 24 and March 6 be dispensed with, as all members had received copies thereof, and ha V t M ti they be approved as written. Seconded by Com. Findlay. o on carried and so ordered by the Chairman.. COMMITTEE REPORTS - Subdivision Ordinance Committee Committee members Eetus, Patterson and Findlay) reported that the committee felt the San Diego County Ordinance submitted to them for a guide was too elaborate for this city's needs and that the committee is waiting until the Orange County Ordinance, which is being prepared by their Planning Commission is revised and they will then use that as a model; Chairman Estus thought the com- mittee would have the ordinance in - outline -form by the neat meeting. CORRESPONDENCE - Secretaryiresented the bill for 1939 dues of the com- mission to the American Society of Planning Officials. He stated that this bill had been presented to the City Council previously but it had not been paid._ He read a letter which he had prepared to the City Council accom- panied by a demand for $5, the amount of the bill, re- questing that this bill be paid. Chairman Hopkins inquired if the Council had been advised as to the value of this membership. He felt that the members of the Council may not realize the value to the commission ofthe bulletins, News Letter and other material furnished with this membership. Com. Seeger moved that the letter to the City Council be endorsed and that the Secretary be instructed to forward same to the City Council. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. , Secretary read a letter to Com. Williams from the Commission wishing her speedy recovery from her injury. , He stated that he had also sent flowers. Secretary also read a letter from.Com. Williams thanking the commissioners for the flowers and their letter of sympathy. Secretary reported having attended a meeting of the • Huntington Beach City Council at which he presented a copy of the "three mile zone map ". He explained to them that this j mile zone encroaches within the city limits of' Huntington °Beach and suggested that, as soon as their Planning Commission is appointed, they have a joint meet- ing with Newport Beach Planning Commission to establish a line between the two cities. He stated that the Hunt - ington Beach Planning Commission has now been appointed and presented a clipping giving the personnel of the commission. Secretary read a letter from Grain or Byer, attorney, in which he suggested an amendment to Ordinance 440 pro - viding a basic area requirement for multiple residence dis- tricts or the elimination of area requirements in R -1 and R -2 districts. Com. Patterson moved that these communications be Piled. Seconded by Com. Whitson. Motion carried and so _ordered by the Chairman. PETiTION FOR AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 440 BE: YACHT cums Secretary read a letter from Attny. Thompson enclosing a petition from property owners requesting an amendment to Ordinance 440 to exclude yacht clubs from E -1 and R -2 zones; also a copy of the proposed amendment. Mr. Thompson's letter stated that this matter had been referred to the Planning Commission by the City Council. Secretary read the petition and the proposed amendment. Com- Seeger stated that this amendment refers to the Balboa Yacht Club on Balboa Island, as it is the only yacht club it will affect. The presence of the Club In that location interferes with a quiet and peaceful life for surrounding property owners. He favored the amendment as proposed, but remarked that there are other conditions ex- isting on the Island which should also be corrected at this time, such as - the small lots on Channel Island whose owners must apply for a variance in order to build, water front setbacks on the Island, etc. He suggested that a study of those conditions be made and desirable changes, be included in the amendment. • Attny. Thompson stated that if exceptions of certain lots are made which are not applicable to all lots in the City, it would void the ordinance. Com, $eager moved that the amendment to Ordinance 440 referring to yacht clubs be re- written to include those points which palpably should be included in the re- written amendment and that the same be set for hearing. Seconded by Com. Patterson. Discussion: Attny, Grainger Hyer, speaking from the floor, stated that he agreed with Dr. Seeger that other amendments should be made to correct conditions on the Island, however, such corrective amendments will require study. The pro - posed amendment should be passed immediately so that the Yacht Club will be unable to improve adjoining, lots which they control andwhich it is rumored they intend to improvel The Balboa Island. people will appreciate earl y action on this amendment. Com. Seeger, speaking on the motion, explained that his reason for making the motion was this - It has been remarked that the City has outgrown this ordinance, that it is a source of annoyance. Members of this commission - have expressed the opinion that it should be amended. This Is a way of getting this matter before the commission'arA doing something to help our citizens. We should go to work and bring Ordinance 440 down to date. Attny. Thompson said he would like to see all amend - ments made at onetime as a matter of economy. Chairman Hopkins stated that those changes which do not require study, such as prohibiting junk yards in the • city, could be made at this time. Mr. Hyar expressed the opinion that the Yacht 'club mutter is a clean cut issue and.should not be be- clouded by other amendments on unrelated matters, Com. Patterson agreed that the ordinance should be revamped, but thought more study should be given to other amendments. Attnyi Thompson stated that this particular amendment has been referred to this commission by the City Council' for hearing. This commission might recommend certain other amendments to the City Council which they would consider and return to this Body for hearing. Question called for. Motion lost. Com. Findlay moved that the amendment to Ordinance 440, as written, be set for hearing, first hearing to be held May 3rd and second hearing to be held May lath, 1939• Seconded by Com. Estus. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Mr. Hyer suggested that notices of these hearings be •sent to Balboa Yacht Club, Balboa Island Yacht Club, Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Los Angeles Athletic Club, Frank Garbutt and Title Insurance and Trust Co. Com. Patterson moved that notices of hearings be sent to the parties suggested by Mr. Byer. Seconded by Com. Whitson. Motion carried and so ordered. Fr � tG ADJOURMAINT: On motion of Com. Patterson seconded by Com.'Estus and carried the meeting adjourned to May 3rd, 1939, 7 :30 p.m., Council Chambers, City Hall. ReApectfully submitted, Howard W. Seager, SECRETARY. •