HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/20/1938• APRIL 20, 1939 THE NE®PORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION met in regular session Wednesday, April 20, 1938 at 7 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Ball; Chairman Hopkins presiding. Meeting 'called to order by the Chairman. BOLL CALL Commissioners present. Hopkins, $eager, Schnitker, Findlay, Patterson. Commissioners absent: Williams, Whitson. City Attny, Thompson, Bldg. Inap. Nelson and Consultant Tilton attended. MINUTES Chairman asked the pleasure of the commission regarding the minutes of the.previous meeting. Com. Briggs moved that the minutes of the meeting held April 6, 1938 by approved as written as all members had received copies thereof. Second- ed by Com.Schnitker. Motion carried. So ordered. HEARINGS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Application of C.F.Baxter, owner of Lot 161, Blk A, Tract of East Newport, located at 314 Buena Vista Boulevard, Bal- boa for a 100% rear yard variance was read by the Secretary. He stated that the application had been published, plans post - ed, cards sent to the surrounding property owners and all oth- er requirements of the ordinance complied with. No protests had been received. No one was present to protest the grant - ing of this variance. Plans and plot plan were examined by the commission. The plans showed a 2j ft. setback at the rear of the building. Mr. Baxter was present and explained that his original plan was to set the garage back 2} ft, but he found that it would not allow enough room for his garage, therefore, he had applied for the variance. Mr. Thomp- son said that if the plans do not conform to the application the public are mislead, the plans are posted for the inform- ation of the public as to the proposed construction. Mr. Nelson explained that nearly all the buildings in this section' are built to the rear property line. Coma Briggs stated that as this building included living quarters which will be brought right up to the alley, the sanitary conditions and light and ventilation mout be considered. Chairman asked if any of the commissioners could verify the conditions exist- ing in this locality. Mr. Nelson and Com.Schnitker said they' were familiar with the neighborhood and that nearly all the existing buildings were built on the rear property line. The question whether the amendment regarding 100% rear yard variances applies to buildings other than garage& was raised. Chairman Hopkins read the amendment and it was found that it <. applies to any building. After further discussion, the opin- ion of the commission was that the request could be granted as there were no protests and as the other buildings in the block were set to the property line. Is Com. Seeger moved that Resolution No. 124 be adopted re- commending to the City Council that a 100% rear yard variance be granted to C.F.Baxter on Lot 161, Blk A, Tract of East ` Newport and that the same be transmitted to the City Council • by the 'Secretary and a copy filed as a part of the minutes` of this meeting. Seconded by Com.Schnitker. Passed by the following Roll Call vote: . Ayes: Hopkins, Stager, Briggs, Schnitker, Findlay, Patterson Noes: none. So ordered by the Chairman. Chairman Hopkins suggested that in the future Mr.Nelson inspect the drawings and make sure they conform with the application. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES Application of Holland Hambleton, owner of Lot 39, Tract 742, Balboa Island, for a 100% variance in side and rear yard' requirements was read by the Secretary. The application stated that the size and shape of the lot made the variance necessary and that the alley upon which the variance is reques ted is a blind one and not useable for the collection of garbage or other public service, and that the garage directly' across the alley is built upon the property line with no set back. Secretary stated that all the requirements of the ordinance had been complied with; hearing advertised, plans posted and cards sent to the surrounding property owners.` • The plane submitted with the application were examined by the commission. Dr. Hambleton was not present. Bldg. Insp.Nelson and Dr.Seager had inspected the property and varified the statement as to existing conditions. They explained that the alley serves only three houses.. The pro- posed garage will be entered from the street side. Chairman Hopkins said that as there are not 50% of the ex- isting buildings built to the lot line in the rear, the commission is limited to a 50% variance; a 100%i variance could not be granted; the amendment allowing 100%+ rear yard variances does not apply in this case. He inquired if there ` was anyone present who wished to speak on this variance. No response. Com. Briggs moved the adoption of Resolution No. 125 re- commending to the City Council that a 50%i. 2j ft rear yard variance, a 100% side yard variance on the inside lot line and a 509 side yard variance on the Abalone St. side be 'grant- ed to Holland Hambleton on Lot 39, Tract 742, Balboa Island and that the same be transmitted to the City Council by the secretary, and a copy filed as part of the minutes of this meeting. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Passed by the following Roll Call vote: Ayes: Hopkins, Seager, Briggs, Schnitker, Findlay, Patterson Noes: None. So ordered by the Chairman, SECOND HEARING (ON MOVING PARCELS "A" AND pH ", CITY PROPERTY) PARCEL "B". Chairman stated that this is a continuation of the second • hearing from last meeting. He inquired if any of the members of the commission had viewed the property known as Parcel B. Com.Hopkins, Briggs, and Seeger said that they had. Com. Patterson stated that Mr.Mines does not think it.de sirable to rezone the property on the bluff for business; however, he would leave it to the discression of the City Council. Mr. Patterson said that 400 ft. back from the Highway could be rezoned without including the bluff. Mr. Thompson informed the commission that the tentative sale covers the whole tract; the prospective purchaser intends to use the land for one purpose, namely a trailer. camp. He asked that the commission grant the request in its entirety as it will not injure the surrounding property owners in any way; it will only injure the prospective sale which the city3. has pending if not rezoned for business. If the commission does disapprove the rezoning, the Council can overrule their decision. Chairman Hopkins felt that the present property owners may not feel that the rezoning injures them but future owners may feel differently; We are creating a business zone in the Newport Heights area which I feel will be undesirable. V• Com.Seager thought it would be good planning to extend the park onto the bluff to correspond with the parkway on the other side of the Newport Highway. He felt it was poor plan- ning to rezone all this property for business. He suggested.. that Mr.Tilton express his opinion as to the proper solution of this problem., Mr. Tilton recommended that as there seems to be a need for change in zoning in this area it would be better to do it as a comprehensive thing and rezone the entire area but carry; the 0-1 zone only to the foot of the bluff. The slope has no value as business property and it might prevent the erect- ion of unsightly signboards. He recommended keeping the line low enough to allow an alley or street to serve the business dote thus created. Mr.Patterson also felt that an alley was necessary, and would be wise planning to provide for one at this time. Com.Seager moved that the Planning Commission request the City Engineer to make a drawing of this entire area from Newport Boulevard to San Bernardino St. showing a line a sufficient distance from the base of the bluff for a street or right -of -way and that provision be made for the location • of an adequate alley to serve such business area and that this hearing be continued until such drawing is submitted. Seconded by Com. Briggs. Further discussion followed the motion as to the desirability' of securing commitments from the other property owners for a 20 ft. alley. Mr. Tilton said that the time to plan an alley I% now while the property is vacant. , Mr. Thompson thought there would be difficulty is getting commitments for an alley. - Chairman Hopkins reminded the commission that in rezoning the entire area for business they are opening it up for com- • mercial purposes, gasoline storage, etc. Question called for. Motion carried and so ordered. Hearing on Parcel "B" continued. PARCEL A. Com. Patterson stated that the reason the city are asking rezoning of this land is to erect a public comfort station and ticket office for the fishing boats. Com. Schnitker moved that Resolution No. 126 be adopted, disapproving the request of the City for the rezoning of Parcel A, City Property from R -j to C -1 and that the same be transmitted to the City Council by the Secretary and a cow filed as a part of the minutes of this meeting. Seconded by Com. Patterson. Mr.Patterson explained that his reasons for seconding the motion were these: The area is of considerable size and we whould not zone any more area for business than is necessary; second, that other property owners in Newport would undoubted- ly be opposed to such rezoning; third, the 19th at. pier is now being used by the fishing boats to handle their passenger and they are deriving income from it, why should the city furnish them with a ticket office. Dr.Seager said he would favor the motion because there is a feeling among the fishermen that partisanship is being shown and he considered it a misuse of public property. Mr. Thompson stated that the commission is anticipating the use of the land without any grounds. Plans for any public building to be erected on this property must be submitted to this commission for approval. The Council felt that it was necessary to place the handling of the fishing business in the hands of a reliable party who pays for the priviledge of so using the pier. The rezoning should be considered on its own merits and not the antisipated use of the land. Dr. Seeger stated that the Council has not replied to the letter written them asking for information as to the proposed; use of this land; considering it on its own merits, we have too much business property now. Com.Briggs said he would favor the rezoning if the commis- sion could be assured that a comfort station was to be erect- ed as there is need for one in this district. Chairman Hopkins said he would be glad to favor the reson- ing'of this land if a statement had been presented as to the • proposed use of said land; otherwise, he opposed it. The motion of Com.Schnitker disapproving the rezoning of Parcel A was passed by the following Roll Call vote: Ayes: Hopkins, Seeger, Briggs, Schnitker, Findlay, Patterson. Noes: None. So ordered by the Chairman. This terminated the hearing as concerns Parcel "A ". f - . ri, FIRST HEARING (ON AMENDMENT TO ALLOW FISH-SMOKING AS A ROME INDUSTRY) The hearing ordered on motion of Com. Patterson at the last meeting had not been advertised for this meeting. • , Therefore, the Chairman ruled that it could not be held at this meeting. The amendment was briefly discussed. Mr. Tilton stated that the ordinance provides for home occupations, why is it necessary to amend the ordinance? Mr.Thompson said the amendment is necessary because fish smoking is a non - conforming business. Com. Patterson moved that the Secretary and the City Attorn- ey confer and frome an amendment to be presented for hearing` at the next meeting, May 4, 1938. Seconded by Com.Briggs. Motion carried. So ordered. Mrs. "Corderio, one of the residents in this area appeared and spoke in favor of the amendment. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A MUSEUM Application of R.G.Blake for permission to erect a Wild West Museum on his property in Corona del Mar was read by the Sec- retary. It was decided that the application was not in order' as the erection of such a building will require an applicatim for variance. Com. Patterson moved to send this matter to hearing provided it is put in the proper form. Seconded by Com.Briggs. Motion carried. So ordered. Mr. Blake was informed by the Secretary that he would assist him is preparing his application. PLAN OF PROPOSED PARKING AREA ON OCEAN FRONT Secretary read -'.a letter from Mr. Storey, president of the Balboa Business Men's Association which follows: (COPY) Dr. Howard W.Seager, Sect. City Planning Commission Newport Beach, Calif ornia Dear Sir: For some time the Balboa Business Men and Property Owners Association have proposed on the ocean front & plan that would relieve the traffic congestion in the Balboa area by a circular drive on the ocean front from Palm Street to "B" Street and extending southerly approximately 200 ft. from the present ocean front walk. We also proposed to use the area within the circular drive west of the ocean pier for parking facilities. It would be impossible to complete in full this program in time to be of benefit this summer. We • hereby ask that this board approve at this meeting, mechadom izing of the ocean front property being in front of or upon the 'property now owned by Mr. Allen and Mr. Burlingame. This property is to be deeded or easement given to the city for such purpose. A map herewith will describe the area suggeste< for parking facilities. Yours very truly, il Balboa Business Men &Property Owners Assn. (Signed) Fred A. Storey, president. Chairman asked Mr. Tilton for his opinion regarding this ` proposal. Mr. Tilton said that if the proposal is to pave an expanse of sand on the ocean front just to allow for the parking of a few cars, he would be very much opposed to the project. If '. this commission does anything toward the development to the ocean front, it should be with a very carefully, prepared plan as such a development is going to be a great feature in the future development of the city. No plan that is not carefully worked out as to beautifying the ocean front, safe- ty of pedestrians, permanency and a credit to the city should be considered. With such a plan carefully worked out, there should be no difficulty in securing funds from the government` to at least partially finance it. It has always been my contention that this city has failed to make the most of its opportunities in developing its natural attractions. First work out the plan carefully, then work toward the com- pletion of the plan by steps, if necessary, but have the _com- pleted project always in mind. With such a plan prepared by the City Engineer, the property owners will have an idea whati you are working toward and their cooperation will be more easily secured. You will have no more difficulty in securing; funds for a good project than a half -baked one. Mr. Storey said that they had a plan which he did not say was the right one, but only a suggestion. he submitted the drawings for Mr.. Tilton and the commission to look over.. He explained that the thought was to start on the parking unit of the plan first, thus giving some relief to the parking sit- uation for summer amd work on the other fearuree, later. Mr. Day spoke for the 'property owners on the ocean front. He said they were agreeable to the plan if they could be assured that it would not extend beyond a certain point on the front. Mr. Tilton asked Mr. Day if he was interested in how the development will look. Mr. Day said he was interested in the looks of it but prim -; arily in how far it will extend down the beach. He would be opposed to any street being put in on the oceanfront. Mr. Morrow, a Bay front property owner stated that he be- lieved_Mr.Tilton's idea of a carefully worked out plan was t one to follow. Mr. Storey inquired if the parking area could not be re- commended tonight as the first ,step in the plan. Mr. Tilton advised the commission against a recommendation " of any kind until the plan is complete.' Com.Seager expressed his opinion by saying that he may be accused of being visionary, but he is impressed by the al -- most inlimited possibilities of Newport Beach and feels that we have arrived at the cross roads. We are going ahead and should make our city attractive to the kind of people we want here. He can see the advantage of planning this ` thing well, it will be easier to accomplish if well planned. The plan must be practical as well as of esthetic value, the rights of the property owners must be considered. Some • assurance must be given the water front owners that the prod, will be limited to a certain area. For these reasons, Dr. Seager moved that the consultant be engaged to make a study and analysis of the traffic, parking and property value con - ditions in the Balboa area and in conjuction with the City Engineer, hold conferences with the Balboa Business Men and Property Owners on the water front, prepare plane for this proposed improvement to be submitted to this commission for approval and consideration at the meeting to be held May 18, 1938, Seconded by Com. Schnitker. Motion carried So ordered by the Chairman. Mr. Tilton remarked that if this project is made eatrsordin- arily attractive, it will pay dividends in usefulness. COMMITTEE REPORTS Com. Findlay reported for the Architectural Committee that he had been able to help the builders of the Bait and Tackle stand to be erected on Coast Highway in working out a plan y for their stand. He could not get in touch with other members of the committee so had handled it himself. APPLICATIONS FOR VARIANCE • Application of LeRoy Wolfe for a variance was presented by the Secretary. Com.Brigge moved to send this matter to hearing May 4. Seconded by Com. Schnitker. Motion carried and so ordered. Application of Mr.J.MeLauchlan for a variance was presented' by the Secretary. Com. Findlay moved to send this matter to hearing May 4. Seconded by Com.Briggs. Motion carried. So ordered. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Com. Findlay, seconded by Com.Schnitker and duly carried, the meeting adjourned. Nextmeeting, May 4, 1938 at 7 :30 p.m., Council Chambers, City Hall. Respectfully submitted, !/U �si. L(/1 HOW W. SEAGER,SECRLTAR . NEWPORT CH CITY PLANNING MMISSION