HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/17/1951147 MIINUTES OF THE PLANNING COLMJIISSION MEETING FOR THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1951 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE. COUNCIL CHAMBER OF THE NEWPCRT BEACH CITY HALL ROLL CALL:. Commissioners Present: Briggs, Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and'Wightman. Commissioners Absent: Pleger and Smith. MINUTES: Upon motion of Commissioner Reed, seconded.by Commissioner Rudd,, the minutes of the meeting of April 19, 1951 were approved as submitted to the Commission. Motion carried. PUBLIC Second hearing on application of Gladys Sidler to amend Ordinance #635 so HEARINGS: that Lot 1, Block 13, Balboa Tract (9011E Bay Pve) will fall within a C -1 Dis- trict instead of present R -3 zoning. Mr. Greeley was present and requested postponement until next regular meeting in June. Commissioner Copelin made a motion that the hearing be continued to the next meeting, seconded by Commis- sioner Rudd and carried. Use Permit #8 on application of Helene P. Simpson to install kiln for manu- facturing of ceramics at 2819 Newport Blvd, Newport`Beach. (Lot 16, Block 227, Newport Beach Tract). Commissioner Rudd made a'motion that_ application be set . over to the next meeting in order that applicant furnish plans and specifications for Commission's inspection. Motion seconded by Ellerbrok and carried.. Variance application #16 of certain property owners for Lots 1- 2 -3 -40 Block 436, Canal Section for a 30' front yard setback instead of present 40' setback. The Commission was familiar with the application and Commissioner Ellerbroek moved hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Wightman and carried. Commis- sioner Ellerbroek then moved the application for variance on Lots 1 -2 -3 -4 be granted, seconded by Commissioner Copelin and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES: Briggs, Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. NOES: None ABSENT': Pleger and Smith Application #17 of Joe V. Casala for a variance on Lot 24, Block 7, East New- port to allow a 10 inch setback from rear property line instead of required five feet. Commissioner Briggs was chairman of the investigating committee and sub- mitted his report recommending denial of the application. Commissioner Copelin said that he and Mr. Nelson had been out to look the property over and that they would concur with his recommendation. Commissioner Wightman moved the hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried. Commissioner Wightman then moved that the application be denied, seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Briggs, Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Tightman. NOES: None ABSENT: Pleger and Smith Variance application #18 of certain property owners to change the present . 30 foot setback to 20 feet on Lots 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8 -9 -10, Block 537, Canal Section. ' Maskey concurred with application. Mrs. N. A. Wagner, 3711 Channel Place spoke for and Commissioner Cppelin stated he was in agreement with the change in set- back. Moved by Commissioner Reed that the hearing be closed, seconded by Commis- sioner Wightman.an3 carried. Commissioner Copelin then made a motion that appli- cation be granted, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: 148 AYES: Briggs., Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. NOES: None ABSENT: Pleger and Smith. Application #19 of C. G. Williams for a variance on Lot 46, Tract 71,2, Balboa Island (1601 Abalone Place) to setback..116" along West lire of Lot and 1' along South line of lot. Sketch presented by Hub Powers, lots only 28' x 601. Request for curb cutting needed., Copelin suggested since curb cutting is involved they should get per- mission for that first. However, the point was brought up that the city is not in favor of cutting the curb where access can be gained from the alley. Commissioner Copelin moved the hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried. Com- missioner Briggs made a motion to deny the application, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES: Briggs, Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. NOES: None ABSENT: Pleger and Smith. Secondzhearing on application of E. Morris Smith to rezone Lot 3, Block 436, CDM from present zoning of R -2 to C -1 -H and change Lots 1 and 2, Block H, Tract 323, CDM from C -1 to C -1 -H. H. J. Wood was again present representing Mr. Smith. Upon motion of Commissioner Ellerbroek, seconded by Commissoner Briggs, and carried, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Briggs then made a motion that the.anplication for rezoning be approved,.seconded by Commissioner Plightman and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES: Briggs, Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. NOES: None ABSENT: Pleger and Smith. Second hearing on application of Lido Isle Community Association to amend Sec - tion 9102.2 of :Municipal Code of City of Newport Beach so that Sheet #6 of the dis- tricting map Lots 977 to 982.inc., Tract 907.(Lido Isle) be rezoned from R -1 to R-3 and so that certain yard setbacks be changed on Sheets #6 and #7 of The Districting Map Tract 907 Lido Isle. The individual applicationsof Paul A. Palmer, Hubert A. Bevins, Dean W. Henry, and the Griffith Company as the particular owners of said prop- erty were attached to the original petition. Commissioner Rudd moved hearing be closed seconded by Copelin and carried. Mr.. Wise suggested approval of the parts that were not controversial and either let the part on rezoning of the property be held over to the next meeting or deny it. Commissioner Briggs moved that that portion of application relating to.yard setbacks on Sheets #6 and #7 be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Wightmand and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES: Briggs, Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. NCES: None ABSENT: Pleger and Smith Commissioner Briggs moved that the application for rezoning of Lots 977 to 982 inc.0 be denied, seconded by Commissioner Ellerbroek and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES: Briggs, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. NOES: Copelin ABSENT: Pleger and Smith 1 I 1' 49 Second hearing on Resolution of Intention #443 amending Ordinance #635 so that. in the area comprised of certain lots in Tract 907 on Lido Isle, more fully described as lots: 96 to 181 inc., 219 to 282 inc., 364 to 415 inc., 537 to 641 inc., 698 to 753 inc., and 994 to 1080 inc., structures on said lots shall not be erected nearer to the 24 foot frontage than four feet and not nearer to the 10 foot walk than 10 feet, and that the setbacks be indi- cated on Sheets #7 and #8 of the Districting Map. Mr. Rudd explained that the action is just to correct the maps and bring them up-to- date. Commissioner Copelin moved the hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Ellerbroek and carried. Chairman asked what action they wished to take. .Commissioner Briggs made a motion that Resolution #443 be approved, seconded by Commissioner. Wight - man and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES:. Briggs, Ellerbroek, Copelin, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. NOES: None ABSENT: Pleger and Smith Second hearing on Resolution of Intention #444 initiated by Planning Commission to amend Section 9102.2 of municipal code of City of Newport Beach as follows: that certain lands south of Highway #101 more particularly known as the Stanley Tract shown on,Sheet #4 of the districting map be rezoned from R -3 to C -1 -H district. Chairman Longmoor mpened the secondchearing and there was considerable discussion from the floor. -Ned Newcomb, operator of the Mo-Bo -Tel, spoke for the change of zoning.. Gerald Sparks, 37 Balboa Coves, and.Packard, 4020 Channel Place spoke against. Mostly in opposition of the operation of the commercial boats through the channels. Chairman f Longmoor brought out the point that regardless if they leave it R -3 or change it back to C-1 -H, we can't stop the operation of the boats- -they can't.expand, but the Com- mission cant stop them from using them. Mr. Wise said there were two possibilities (1) leave it R-3 and leave the man con- tinue operating his business as he's now operating it, or (2) putting it into C -1 or C -1 -H and he would still have to get permission from the Planning Commission to expand his operations and at that time you could impose certain conditions on his entire operations which might alleviate some of the conditions that are oecuring at the present time. Mr. Longmoor: If it was changed back to C -1 -H and they applied for Use Permit to inereasescope of operation of boat rental, the Planning Commission could impose restrictions: Wise: Yes, if he did not accept these conditions, he would have to operate as he is now. If he has plans to expand he has to accept those conditions on the entire op- eration. Longmoor: If it remains R -3, he can continue with no restrictions? Wise: That is right. You could impose certain conditions which you think beneficial to that neighborhood and protect the adjoining porperty. If the Council decided R -3 is the proper zone, he will be able to operate as he has in the past, unless he be- comes a nuisance. 150 - -W. W. Charles: Claimed he has developed a policing system. Complaints of boats speeding unfounddd. -- Spielberger, 3712 Channel Pl. Spoke against. -- Kramer, #7 Balboa Coves '" " Lavagnanino, #67 Balboa Coves -- Robson, #2 Balboa Coves. -- Weedon, Channel Place, spoke against additional channel traffic of boats, noise at 6 a.m. - -Les Holbrook, 36th St, against added traffic. - -Dr. Jones, #13 Balboa Coves, against more slips - -J. W. Schripp representing Mr. Nutt, Mr. Fisher and Mr. Edwards, 3900 Channel P1, Mills, #43 Balboa Coves, Mr. Horvath all spoke in opposition of the change in zoning. Commissioner Briggs made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Commissioner Wight - man and carried. Commissioner Copelin said that he thought they had better control over the property as C -1 -H and suggested that. Copelin made a motion to change the zoning from R -3 to C -1 -H, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried by the following roll call vote, to- wit AYES: Commissioners: Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, and Wightman ALOES: Commissioner Briggs ABSENT: Commissioners Pleger and Smith DECLINED TO VOTE: Commissioner Rudd Second hearing on Resolution of Intention #445 initiated by Planning Commission to amend Section No. 9102.2 of Municipal code of City of Newport Beach as follows: 1. That certain lands north of highway #101 shown on sheet #7 of the Districting Map be rezoned from a "U" district to a C-1 -H district. 2. That the area known as Bayshore Camp be rezoned from "U" District to R -4. district and C -1 -H district. 3. That Tracts 1014- 1102 -1140 and adjacent areas be rezoned from "U" district to Rrl district. 4. That other areas adjacent to the Beacon Bay Subdivision, now zoned "U" dis- trict be precisely zoned as shown on Sheet #24 of the districting map. The Commission was familiar with the resolution and upon motion of Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Commissioner Copelin and carried, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Reed then made a motion for the adoption of the above resolution, seconded by Commis- sioner Wightman and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES: Biggs, Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. NOES: None ABSENT: Pleger and Smith First hearing upon Resolution of Intention #455 of the Planning Commission to initiate adoption of subdivision ordinance as a precise section of the Community Design Section of the Master Plan which will set up standards and principles govern- ing the subdivision of land. After discussion, Commissioner Copelin moved the hearing be closed and set over to the second hearing, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried. 151 NEW BUSINESS: Application of Mrs. B. Ruth Hansen for Use Permit ( #10) to manufacture and sell ceramic products, supplies, and equipment at 604 Coast Blvd, Corona del Mar. ' Upon motion of Commissioner Wightman, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried, application was set over to the nedt regular meeting in order to secure more in- formation on the extent of the business. George Penney presented petitions to change Lots 1 to 11 inc., in Tract 1026 to R -2 from R -1. Commissioner Ellerbroek moved to set hearings for June and July regular meetings, seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried. J. M. Duignan: Petition on community canning kitchen, 220 Garnet, Balboa Island. Communication from City Council with a copy of Res. No. 3882, a Resolution of Intention.of the City Council to amend the Zoning Law of the City and in accord- ance with Section 9106.51 of the Municipal Code,.the proposed amendment was referred to the Planning Commission for consideration and hearings. The amendment would allow non - commercial canning of sport fish caught by sport fishermen for their own use. Upon motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Commissioner Rudd, hearings were set for June and July regular meetings. Motion carried. Application of Joseph V. Calli, Sr., for a Use Permit 49) requesting permis- sion to erect a 6' x 10' real estate sign on four lots on Balboa Blvd. between 15th and 16th Streets. Commissioner Rudd moved, seconded by Commissioner Wightman that the sign be allowed, subject to sketch and position of same to be erected until sale of property but not to exceed six months. Minimum of 201 setback from street. Motion carried. COMMUNI- CATIONS: Letter to the Commission from the Chairman of the Planning Commission, W. M. Longmoor, suggesting the appointment of J. B. Webb, City Engineer, and Richard Pleger and Philmer Ellerbroek as a Architectural Committee to carry out the provisions of Section 9105.6 of Zoning Ordinance #635. It was moved by Commissioner Briggs that the appointments as recommended by approved, seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried. ALL - AMERICAN '..L iKET: Upon motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Commissioner Copelin a Resolution of Intention #466 was passed to hold hearings on the rezoning of Lots 3, 4, 5, Block H, Tract 323 from C1 to C -1 -H. Motion carried. Upon motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Commissioner Rudd, dates for hear- ings were set as June 21st, and July 19th, 1951. Motion carried. ADJOURN- MENT: There being no further business, Commissioner Copelin made a motion for adjourn- ment, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried. Re etfdlly submitted, ' Copelin, Secretary GJ