regular session Wednesday May 19, 1937, at 7 :30
P. M. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall.
Chairman Parks presiding.
4D PRESENT: Parks, Schnitker, Palmer, Whitson, Thomp-
son, F. W. Briggs, L. W. Briggs and
In.s,jector Nelson.
ABSENT: Lind and Consultant Tilton.
MINUTES: The minutes of the Special Meeting of
April 24, 1937, were approved as written.
on Lot 13, Block 2, Section 1 of Balboa
Island was read and upon motion by Com.
Witson, seconded by Com. F. W. Briggs, a
hearing v,,as refused as the drawing showed
reouired windows less than 3 feet from the
side lot line which is contrary to state
law; Could not be considered and the check
was ordered returned.
variances on Lot 13 of Tract 742 was read
and upon motion b;;, Com. Whitson, seconded
by Com. Schnitker and carried, a public
hearing was ordered upon the. a_- olication at
the next meeting.
1.ACCULLOCH PUBLIC HEARING: The Chairman declared
the meeting open and asked if any person
o -esent desired to be heard.
i1r. L. S. B. RITCHIE, of the firm of Winterer
>. Ritchie, Attorneys, Suite 1106 -10 Pacific
Southwest Building, 215 W. 6th St., Los
Anl-eles, Phone 14u. 7238, representing the
petitioner, asked that the "hearing be had
without prejudice to a further application
or a renewal of this application insofar as
the westerly portion of the said lot is
concerned, being that portion used for non -
conforming uses.
1.4R. ',. W. BLODGETT, speaking in behalf of
a number of citizens in the neighborhood,
stated those persons whom he represented were
not objecting to the front yard variance
applied for, but vrere objecting to the non-
conforming use referred to by Mr. Ritchie.
There being no others present desiring to be
heard and no communications on the subject,
the hearing was declared closed.
MOTION: Com. Palmer moved that a 50% variance,
Prom 10 feet to 5 feet, from the front yard
reouirement on Lot 15; Block 26, Eastside
Addition to the Balboa Tract, which front on
"J °Street, be recornmended; seconded by Com.
• Whitson and carried.
WESTERN CANIIERS, INC. - Mr. Findlay. and 'Mr. Rupp
appeared before the Commission with a n
elevation drawing and pencil plot plan show-
ing certain proposed additional construction
of this fish cannery, eaith the statement
that additional toilet and dressing room
facilities were required by state law, and
the enclosing of boilers and retorts now in
use but outside the building was desired.
;:'r. Thompson stated it would be necessary
for the commission to first approve detailed
plans and specifications ant the applicant
to obtain a certificate of use and occupation.
MOTION: Com. WM tson -moved the commission recommend
favorably, subject to approval of detailed
plans and specifications by the Building
Inspector and the obtaining of a Use and
Occupancy Permit. Seconded by Com. Schnitker
and carried.
TRICT to permit business of conducting
Shooting Galleries.
Considerable discussion was had on this
matter, particular reference being made to
the eight C -2 Districts shown on the
districting map and to the large amount of
surrounding residential property affected.
MOTION: Unon motion by Com. F. W. Briggs, seconded
by Com. Palmer and carried, this matter was
ordered tabled until the next meeting for
the benefit of the Consultant's advice.
MR. RITCHIE, representing; the owner of Lot 15,
Block 26, Ea.stside Addition to the Balboa
Tract, filed a letter requ< sting a "permit
authorizing the completion of construction
and remodeling of the said nonconforming
building, according to the plans above mention-
ed, for the reasons hereinbefore set forth,
• and in accordance with the terms and conditions
of said zoning ordinance ".
City Attorney Roland Thompson explained that
construction was ordered stopped by the
building inspector under instructions by
Mr. Blodgett stated that, in his opinion, a
nonconforming use must be continuous, that
part of the building was torn down without
having applied for a permit to reconstruct a
nonconforming use, that demolition (See Sec.
• 8) is actual construction which indicated an
election by the owner to abandon such portion
of the nonconforming use; further, subsequent-
ly a permit was taken out for a structure with
-- a pitched roof.and a flat roof was built. He
contended therefore the only portion of the
lot having nonconforming use classifications
or privileges is the remaining portion of the
old buildings and as that portion remaining
has been structurally altered without per -
mission he further cla17-1ed the entire non-
conforming use has been actually abandoned.
That on March 9th the owner took out a permit
for a conforming use on the said lot and is
therefore bound by her own action to use the
lot for conforming uses, as the ordinance
provides a lot may not be devoted to both the
use provided for in the district and to non -
conforming use also, as every lot in an R-1
district shall be devoted to one purpose only.
He contended that the commission has no power
to receive an application to alter, repair or
reconstruct a nonconforming use on this lot
as the owner, has by her own acts, elected
to abandon the nonconforming use. He protest-
ed against the issuance of a use and occupancy
permit for other than residential use.
Mr. Ritchie considered Mr. Blodgett's state-
ments as to the law out of order and
ouestioned some of his statements of fact.
Offered the opinion that it was the plain
duty of the commission to set a date for a
hearing on the application in the regular way;
recited that the portion of said lot in
business use at the time of adoption of Ord.
##440 was therefore net in R -1 and the
remainder was; that there was nothing in the
said ordinance prohibiting more than one use
on a single lot.
:fir. Blodgett: Since by her own acts the
owner of said lot has abandoned the non
ccnforming use, it would be improper for the
• commission to cal'_ a hearing on the matter
connected with such nonconforming use and
the eby risk a waiver.
Thompson: The application of the petitioner,
as filed by counsel, is out of order in my
opinion. The matter should be presented to
the Consultant for advice. The acts of the
commission are not conclusive. A hearing
might be granted without prejudicing the city's
position as the Comnission is acting in an
advisory capacity only.
Chairman Parks: I am going to do an unprece-
dented thing and. rule this application can
not be received, as in my opinion it is
entirely within the discretion of the
commission to refuse a hearing in this
Ritchie: I appeal from the ruling of the
chair, etc.
Thompson: My statement in re. granting
a hearing, although the application is not in
order, was only for the purpose of affording
counsel for the applicant opportunity for
study of the ordinance. The applicant has,
In my opinion, abandoned the non- conforming
use of this property.
H er: As a private citizen may I ask the
Chairman to quote the Section of the
Ordinance under which he refuses to grant a
Thompson:. Mr.. Parks was correct in his
previous statement.
• MOTION: I move this application be laid on the
table for one week in order that the Consultant
advice in the matter may be available (Palmer).
Seconded by Com. F.W.Brigga and carried,
Mr. Kirby spoke on the Whittemore- McNeely
variance matter.
Mr. Palmer brought up for discussion the
possibility of a. ruling or amendment to allow
all of the lots inside of and adjacent to.
Via Lido, both Nord and Soud,.to be relieved
from all side yard requirements on the side
of azch lots contiguous with the said Via Lido.
Mr. Blodgett filed with the commission a peti-
tion bearing about 53 names of property owners,
in the neighborhood petitioning the city
coum:il and the Planning Commission to take
such steps as may to necessary to eliminate
the non - conforming buildinE and use thereof
. located on Lot 15, Block 26, Eastside Addition
to the Balboa Tract.
On motion the c5immi ssIon adjourned until Wed-
nesday May 26t 1937, 7:�O P.M. in the
usual meeting
By B o , ecr a y.