HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/21/1970CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMISSIONERS Minutes of: Regular Meeting of Planning Commission Date: May 21, 1970 Ah Time: 8^OO� PM. h�mtio ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: X x x Commissioners Absent: x x x EX-OFFICIC MEMBERS Laurence Wilson, Planning Director Dennis O'Neil, Asst. City Attorney Benjamin B. Nolan, City Engineer STAFF MEM ERS James D. Hewicker, Principal Planner James E. Nuzum, Associate Planner William R. Foley, Zoning Inspector Helen Herrmann On motion of Commissioner Dosh, seconded by Commissioner Martin,,and carried, the minutes of May 7, 1970 were approved. Item 1. VARIANCE Request to permit a reduction in the number of parking spaces required for the Newport Arches NO. 988 Marina property in order to provide drive -up CONTINUED television banking facilities for the Centinela Bank in the parking lot. UNTIL JUNE 18th Location: Portion of Lot.170, Block 2, Irvine's Subdivision, located at 3333 West Coast Highway, on the south side of West Coast Highway, between Newport.Boulevard and Riverside Drive. Zone: C -2 Applicant: Centinela.Bank,. Inglewood Owner: City of Newport Beach and County of Orange. Planning Director Wilson explained the status • of this application to the Commission and suggested that it be continued until June 18th, by which time it is hoped a solution can be worked out regarding the parking problem. In Page 1. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH dak ,. _.. 7, ,lf I COMMISSIONERS v AM-4�0 ri ay 4 1, 1 J/ V 4 the meantime, the bank is going ahead with the interior arrangements and expects to open without T -V banking facilities,`sometime during the first week in June. The application was continued until June 18, Motion x 1970. Second x All Ayes Item 2. USE PERMIl Request for waiver of the off - street parking. requirements for a.91 seat restaurant and further, request to permit alcoholic beverages N . 1476 CONTINUED to be served within 200 feet of a residential UN-7 U_ district. JUNE 78th Location: Portion of Lots 9; 10 and 11 of Block 12, Balboa Tract, located at 100 Main Street, Balboa, on the northeasterly corner of Main Street and Ocean Front Boulevard. • Zone: C -1 Applicant: Harry Alexon, Newport Beach Owner: Same as applicant Planning Director Wilson read into the record a letter from Dennis W. Harwood of'Harwood, Soden & Adkinson, Attorneys at Law, in which he advised that he had been engaged by the applicant to represent him,in this matter and Was requesting a continuance of not less than 30 days in order to evaluate the staff analysis and investigate possible alternative uses for the subject property. The application was continued until June 18, Motion x 1970. Second x All Ayes Commissioner Watson joined the meeting during discussion of the following item and was ad- vised by the Assistant City Attorney that he could vote on the matter as he had been present at all previous discussions. ItAm 3. F UPERMIT Request extension of time permitted for com- pletion of conditions of approval relative to this use permit: 0. 1285 Page 2. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Akk M.. 91 107A COMMISSIONERS s + Location: Portion of Lot 169, Block 2, of Irvine's Subdivision, located at 393 Hospital Road, north side of Hospital Road, between Newport Boulevard and Placentia Avenue. Zone: R -3 Applicant: Kenneth W. McCulloch Owner: Central Newport Healthcare Corp.; c/o Mission Convalescent Hospita San Gabriel, California Planning Director Wilson read into the record a letter dated May 19, 1970 from Mr. McCulloch regarding this application and requesting another extension of time due to the fact that he has not received an encroachment permit from the State Division of Highways but is expecting to receive it momentarily. The applicant was not present at the meeting; • however the Commission discussed the applicati n and felt they had been very lenient regarding this matter. After further discussion, the applicant was given until June 18, 1970 to complete all con- Motion x ditions of Use Permit 1285, otherwise revoca- Second x tion proceedings will be instituted. All Ayes Item 4. I AMENDMENT Request to permit expansion of an existing private school. 0`� USE PERMIT 1137 Location: Portion of Lot 1014 of the First APPROVED Addition to Newport Mesa Tract, located at 1541 Monrovia•Avenue on the west side of Monrovia Avenue between 15th Street and 16th Street. Zone: M -1 -A Applicant: Corelco, Newport Beach • Owner: Same as applicant. Page 3. I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMISSIONERS Mme., 71 lo7n � _ N�1.. \\ nq � 1 oiv P P 1 1 0 01 1 l�1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Ah Mav 21, 1970 COMMISSIONERS 9 3 N flying in Santa Claus, and also co- operate wit the police. The helicopter is flown by Mr. Rodeffer who has almost 2000 hours in heli- copters and 2000 hours in fixed wing aircraft, and by a navy pilot who.has 3,000 or 4,000 hours in fixed wing aircraft; neither pilot holds a commercial license. Commissioner Martin stated he felt the'applica tion should be held over since the homeowner's associations in the area were not aware of this hearing until today, even though the hear ing had been published and the property posted Mr. Sam Keyes of 1121 Ebbtide Road, _Corona del Mar, President of.the Harbor View Hills Commun ity Association stated he had not had an oppor tunity to discuss this with members of.the association as they were not aware of this app i -. cation. He stated further that because of the close proximity.to.the Orange County Airport, that that would be the proper location for . this helicopter operation. Mr. Rodeffer stated that he would be willing t have a.demonstration flight for the adjacent homeowner's groups. Mr. Keyes agreed to notif the other homeowner's associations and work out a date for this demonstration with them. After further discussion, the application was Motion x continued until June 4, 1970 to give the appli Second x cant and the homeowners an opportunity to work All Ayes out a solution. Item 6. MODIFICA- Request to permit additions to a nonconforming building and further, requesting a zero foot TION N0. 178 setback off Jo Anne Way. REMOVED Location: Lot 82, Tract 3167, located at FROM 5409 Bruce Crescent, on the south- G�fDA easterly corner of Bruce Crescent and Jo Anne Way. Zone: C -1 -H • Applicant: Ann Dobson Rankin, Newport Beach Owner: Same as applicant. Page 5. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Ah Mau 91 107n COMMISSIONERS d� The applicant was present at the meeting and stated that since filing this application she had married and her name now was Ann Dobson Schmitz. She presented petitions from neighbors in Lido Sands who supported her request for a 0' setback on Jo Anne Way, and stated further that this same condition now exists on three corner lots. Mr..Mike Johnson,.the owner of one of these corner lots spoke in favor of the application. ! The Commission had a lengthy discussion re- garding Mrs. Schmitz request and felt that she did not.have a hardship and that the problem could be resolved in another manner:. However, the Commission did express an opinion that the entire tract should be zoned R -1, the manner in which it is developed, rather than C -1 -H. At the time of a zone change, a change in set- backs could also be requested, however,.the Commission did not commit themselves to approval of a 0' setback on Jo Anne Way., The Commission suggested that Mrs. Schmitz contact the Community Association and their representatives, as well as other property .owners.in the area, to determine if they would be in favor of a zone change to R -1. The City had initiated a rezoning petition in July of 1961 and after conducting two public- hearings, took no action due to the'protests`of -the resi- dents in the tract. The Commission moved that the-application be Motion x removed from the agenda until such'time as the Second x applicant notifies the Planning Department -to All Ayes reactivate the application. Item 7. VARIANCE Request for extension of previously approved N-0-7-9-67— variance permitting the construction of a tri -. plex in an R-2 District. EXTENSION PPR O_V D� Location: Lots 10 and 11, Block 532, Canal Section located at 524 Clubhouse Avenue on the east side of Club- . house Avenue between Finley Avenue and Short Street. Zone: R -2 Page 6. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ift Mav 21. 197n COMMISSIONERS V 1-tt \ ^J 1 1 V 1 Applicant: M. E. Kofford, Jr., Newport Beach Owner: Same as applicant. After discussion, the application was extended Motion x for eighteen months. Second x All Aye Planning Director Wilson reminded the Commis- sion of the League of California Cities Insti- tute for Planning Commissioners at the Disney] nd Hotel, Anaheim, June 3 - 5 and said he hoped a many as possible would attend as much as.possi le of the sessions. Mr. Wilson is one of the Committee that has been putting the conference together and is chairman of a group which is supposed to organize discussion leaders, etc., for the breakfast session on June 4 and would like to know if any of the Commissioners are interested. The Committee would very.much like full participation by Planning Commission rs and not make this a production by Planning Directors, Consultants, City Managers, etc. Mr. Wilson asked that the Commissioners let him know as soon as possible if they are able to attend any of the luncheon sessions. Commissioner Glass suggested that perhaps more Commissioners could attend these workshops if . they were held on week ends instead of during the week and Planning Director Wilson said he would apprise the Committee of this recommends tion. Due to this conference being on a Planning Com- mission meeting date, the Commission decided n t to have a study session on June 4, 1970 but, instead, to have one on June 2, 1970 at 3:00 P.M. The Planning Commission meeting will be held at 8:00 P.M. on June 4, 1970 as scheduled. ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** On motion of Commissioner Watson, seconded by Commissioner Glass, and carried, the meeting was adjourned to June 4, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Don R. Adkinson, ecretary Planning Commission Page 7.