HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/16/194985 The Newport Beach City ?lanning Commission held a regular meeting, Thursday, June 16, 1949, in =the Council Chamber,.City Hall, with Com- missioner Copelin as chairman protempore, in the absence of Chairman Longmoor. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Copelin, Daniell, Ellerbroek Johnson, Loagmoor. Commissioners absent: Baltz, Pleger, Rudd, and Wightman. . ;:MINUTES Commissioner Johnson made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Ellerbroek for the approval of the minutes of the meeting of May 19, 1949, as read. Motion carried. PUBLIC Hearing upon the application of Charles W. Larabee for a 50% setback vari- HEARINGS ante on the alley df Lot 15, Block 11, Section 42 Balboa Island (227 Grand Canal), in order to build a two-story addition to the ,existing residence, was declared, same having been duly filed and advertised. Secretary Cope- lin stated that he and Mr. Weiss, Planning Consultant, had investigated the property, and were in favor of approving same, to which Commissioner Johnson agreed, as he stated that he also had investigated the matter. Commissioner Daniell made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, for closing the hearing, which carried, and Commissioner Ellerbroek made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Copelin that the Commission recommend the approval of the granting of Mr. Larabee's application, which carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Copelin, Daniell, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Longmoor. NOES: None ABSENT: Baltz, Pleger, Rudd, Wightman. - Hearing upon the application of Anne E.'Oliver. for a 10' front yard setback on Lots 4 and 5, Block L, Seashore Colony Tract, for the purpose of build- ing a wall and greenhouse, was declared, same having been duly filed and advertised. Mr. Ted Oliver was present stating his reasons for the request, and he and Mrs. Oliver stated that the .application had.been incorrectly ' advertised, that the application specified 5' which is a 50% setback and within the jurisdiction of the Commission. Secretary Copelin stated that he and Mr. Nelson had gone over the property and agreed that they were in favor of approving the granting of the 50% variance. Commissioner Copelin made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Daniell for closing the hearing, which carried, and Commissioner Copelin then made the motion that the Com- mission recommend the approval of the granting of a 5' or 50% front yard setback on said lots 4 & 5, Block L, Seashore Colony Tract, which carried by the following roll call vote:. AYES: Copelin, Daniell, Ellerbroek, Johnson, Longmoor. NOES: None ABSEfIT: Baltz, Pleger, Rudd, Wightman. First hearing upon the me.tter of petitions of a group of property owners of Block. 1310 Resubdivision of Corona del Mar, for rezoning of said Block 131, from its present mixed zoning of R -1 and.R -2, to R -3, as follows: Harold E. Wilson, Lot 8 and half of Lot 7, R -1 to R -3; Raymond and Mar- guerite Greisser, Lot 14, half of Lot 12 and-101 of Lot 16, R -2 to R -3; Mrs. Katherine Van Sooy, Lot 18 and 20' of Lot 16, R -2 to.Rr3; Miss 0. Russell, easterly half of Lot 17, R -2 to R -3, and Roy E. West, Lot 11, R -2 to R -3, was declared, same having been duly filed and advertised,.,and cards sent. Chairman Longmoor explained that these hearings 'ban only consider the applications of property owners, and it does not apply to lots that are not mentioned in the application ". Secretary Copelin stated that the Commission was in receipt of petitions and letters with a total of 26 names in protest. Present in protest was Mr. Allen C. Stelle, 212 Dahlia, who displayed and explained a large'.map of the area, which he had prepared, which showed the ' zonings of the lilts, and gave several reasons for th6 protests against R -3 zoning for Block 131: (1) would create a traffic hazard and congestion, especially on Sundays, when the children are crossing and recrossing Ocean Boulevard to get to China Cove, and the Council and the Commission "has gone on record for China Cove", and "i£ we are successful in getting China Cove we will have less area than now ", (2) R -3 zoning would create additional 86 fire hazards, (3) the "1936 authorities established the law which provided for the zoning, and 1943 saw the present zoning ordinance, and those.of us in Block 132 have the right to maintain what was established ", and further; "if this application or a 'similar application were to come up in Los Angeles with less than 51% of the names in the block affected, the L. A. Commission would probably not consider it, or would advise that the chances were very slim ". Also present in. protest was Mir. Erwin , Spicer, sho stated, "we. people who invested our.money in that area did it with the idea that we were going to be protected, all we ask is a fair deal ". Other present, in protest were Mr. L. L. Lev, attorney for Mr., Rhenberg, who stated that Mr. Rhenberg is very opposed, as he has just spent $40,000 on a new home there, and does not want to live in an apartment area -- "these people all have homes and investments at stake and look to the Council and Commission for pro- tection", and "went over the area this afternoon, and apparently those who are interested in the zone change to R -3 are those who have their .lots for sale ". Those appearing in favor, included Mr. Wilson, one -of the petitioners,.who argued for the rezoning on the basis that at present there is "spot zoning ", and there is already one apartment in the near area; and. "you will have more ". Also speaking very strongly in favor, was Mrs. Robert Lynne who answered Mr. Stelle's arguments by pointing out that she didn't think the traffic hazards .would be any greater, that any additional fire hazards would be taken care of by the new Fire Department, soon under construction in Corona del Mar, and further that most of the protests seem to be from Block 132, "which is all built up, so naturally, could not profit ". Commissioner Copelin made the motion seconded by Commissioner Johnson that the matter be set to thenext meeting for final hearing. Motion carried. First hearing was declared upon the application of the .Union Oil Company on the matter of proposed amendments to Ordinance 525, Paragraph 2, Section 7, and Paragraph 2, Section 8, to permit storage of Class "A" and other petroleum products in excess of the limits now placed by those paragraphs, same having been duly .filed and advertised. Present, as spokesman, in favor of the propo- sition, was Mr. John Payne, of the Western Oil and Gas Association, stating that the Union Oil Marine Dock, on Balboa island, has been handicapped by in- edequate storage, and the Standard Oil Company applied last year for increased storage at its Marine Dock at Balboa, stressing that the Western Oil and Gas Association is in favor of a movement-for increased storage, that "underground storage is a matter for fire regulations., and is not a matter of zoning, in- .dressed storage does not present an additional fire hazard -the hazard is present in the loading and unloading process, and our Association is supporting the Union Oil Company in this application." Secretary Copelin suggested that Mr. Weiss, Planning Consultant, consider this on the basis that it be taken out of the Zoning Ordinance and put into the Fire Ordinances, to which Mr. Weiss answered that he is so recommending, that "regulations on gasoline be not placed in a Land Use Ordinance ". Secretary Copelin made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Daniell that this matter be set to final hearing at the next meeting. Motion carried and so ordered. First hearing upon the matter of a proposed Ordinance 593, an, ordinance de- fining "Two - Family Dwellings ", i.e., amendment to Ordinance 525, SECTION 1, Section 2, was declared, same having been properly advertised. Mrs. Lynn spoke wishing to go on record, as being Apposed, "on the matter of.principle ",,and "danger of making areas too crowded ". Miss Kate Mc Kann, also present, sug- gested that this matter be considered in conjunction with the new zoning ordi- nance, now under consideration, instead of separately at this time. Commissioner Johnson made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Copelin.that this 'matter be ' set for final hearing at the next regular meeting. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS The matter of rezoning Tract 1026, for which two public hearings were held, with final 'hearing on May 190 1949, at which time no action was taken, but same was tabled for further study, was brought up, and Commissioner Johnson made the motion that the Commission recommend that action on this be tabled for further study and consideration in conjunction with the matter of the lower road on the easterly bluff section. Motion carried by the following roll call vote, AYES: Copelin, Daniell, Ellerbroek, Johnson, and Longmoor, 'NOES: None. ABSENT: Baltz, Pleger, Rudd and Wightman.. NEW BUSINESS Secretary Copelin read a letter, addressed to and referred by the Council, signed by Harold E. Wilson, owner of Lot 8, and 'z of Lot 71.Block 131, Corona del Mar, and Marguerite and Robert A. Greisser, owners of 55' on Carnation Avenue, Lots 10, 12,.and T of 16, Block 131, Oorona del Mar, requesting the rezoning of Block 131, as. a whole, in connection with the present individual petitions now under consideration. Secretary Copelin made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Ellerbroek, that the matter be set for hearings. Motion carried and so ordered. ADJOURNMENT Secretary Copelin made the motion for adjournment, seconded by Commissioner Ellerbroek, which carried, and so ordered. Respectfubly submitted, Ray Y Copelin, Secretary 7