HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1939JUNE 21, 1939 THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION stet in regular '• session Wednesday, Jane 21, 1939, 7 :30 P.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall; Chairman Hopkins presidia& Meeting called to order by the Chairman. ROLL CALL - Uommissioners present; Hopkins, Seeger,,'Williame, Briggs, lotus, Findlay, Patterson, Whitson. Commissioners absent: Hodgkinson. Building Inspector Nelson Attended. MINUTES - Com. Whitson moved that the minutes ofthe meeting held' May 2T. 1939 be approved as written. Seconded by Com. gams. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. PETITION$ - COK1MICATIONS - Secretary read a communication from the City Clerk re- ferring to the Planning Commission a request from the Pacific - Electric Railway Company for amendment to Ordinance 440 establishing a set -back of 25 ft. from the front property line on all waterfront lots in the E1 Bayo Tract in order to make permanent the present existing deed restrictions which expire in 1940. The Secretary road from the Agreement • of Sale which accompanied the request showing the restriction mentioned in the request. Com. Whitson stated that this matter was presented at this time in order to allow time for adoption of such am- endment before the time of expiration. He did not consider it as emergency to be acted upon immediately and thought it might be held over until other amendments to the Ordinance are prepared. Chairman Hopkins, suggested creating a folder where pro- posed amendments to' rdiaaace 440 may be kept for reference:: when the re- vamping work is started. Com. Batas moved that the request of the Pacific Electric Railway Company be filed in this folder. Seconded by tom/ Whitson. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT 1045. Secretary read a communication from the City Clerk re- ferring to the Planning Commission for approval the tentative map of Tract 1045. The nap was accompanied by a letter of explanation from City Engineer Patterson. Con. Patterson explained that this re- subdivision Is • necessary due to the widening of the State Highway right -of- way through Corona del Mar and is a re- subdivision of Block "R" Tract 323 and a portion of Block 438. The map was examined and discussed by the Commissioners. Com. Patterson stated that, although there are 6 lots in the re- subdivision instead of 5 as in the original tract, he considered 25 z 100 sufficient area for business lots, The right -of -way representative of the Highway Division worked it out that way with the owners of the various lots' Involved. Part of the property must be re -zoned for business • before the final map is recorded, which will require an amendment to Ordinance 410. Chairman Hopkins stated that the matter before the commis -'" sion now is the approval or disapproval of this tentative map. Com. Estes moved that the tentative map of Tract 1045 be approved as submitted sod that the Secretary be instructed to to endorse the map. Seconded by Com. Whitson. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Secretary announced receipt of the monthly News Letter from the American Society of Planning Officials; also a report from the U. S. Government of W. P. A. projects. COMMITTEE REPORTS subdivision Ordinance Committee Com. Patterson presented the ordinance in tentative form and explained that the committee had used the Orange County, San Diego County and Los Angeles Subdivision Ordinances as a guide in preparing this tentative draft, using the features most applicable to the needs ofthis community from each or • dinanee. Re explained that this is a draft to work by and must be submitted to the attorney for approval of the legal side. lie discussed different sections of the ordinance ex- plaining each to the commission. He assured the commission' that the County will cooperate and try ,to conform to our standards in the approval of any new subdivisions immediately adjacent to the City. Com. Estes suggested that the commissioners read this draft of the ordinance and be prepared to make suggestions for any changes at the next meeting. Chairman Hopkins stated that this ordinance will be valuable to the commission in that it will set up a standard by which to consider all subdivision amps submitted to this Body. Re suggested, that, after the commission has completed " the draft, it be submitted to Attorney Thompson so that he may clear u the legal points involved._ It should not con - fliet with Ordinance 440. TREE PLANTING OH COAST HIGHWAY - Com. Williams called attention to the fact that the trees along Coast Highway 101 between Newport and Corona del Mar have not yet been replaced, although she bad written to the District Engineer calling his attention to the unsightly condition and had received a reply from him stating that it would be attended to. Com. Yattdrson was ofi�g opinion that the Highway Dept., would not replace these tree$, He stated that the City of Newport Beach planted the ',trees alongthe Highway and maintained them for 3 years,: 4fter that time they were turned over to the State., Com. Williams moved that the Secretary be instructed to write a letter to Mr. Courtelyev., District Engineer of the Division of State Highways calltz� kie attention to the condition of the trees along 6" Higkfty between Newport and Corona del Mar and suggesting that the damaged trees be replaced immediately. Seconded by Lois, Patterson. Motion carried and so ordered by'%he Chairman. ADJOURNMENT - ®n motion of Com. Briggs, seconded by Com. &stun and carried, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted4i