HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1951152 L?INUT. -S OF THE PLANTING C01;::.ISSION ;MEETING FCR THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1951 f:T 7:30 P.idi. IN THE COUNCIL BHAPMBERS OF THE NE 7PORT BEACH CITY BALL ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: . Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, & Wightman. Commissioners t.bsent: Pleger, Briggs, and Smith. MINUTE S: Upon motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Commissioner Ellerbroek, the minutes of the meeting of May 17th, 1951 were approved as transmitted to the commission. .Motion carried. PUBLIC Use Permit #8 application of Helene P. Simpson to install kiln for manu- HEARINGS: facturing of ceramics at 2819 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. (Lot 16, Block 227, Newport Beach Tract) This application was held over from the May meeting for maps, specifications, etc. Secretary Copelin had a drawing of the kiln and stated to the Commission that he could see no reason.why the application could not be approved. Commissioner Copelin moved the hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried. Commissioner Copelin then made a motion that application be granted, seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried by the follow- ing roll call vote, to -wit: AYES: Commissioners: Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Pleger, and Smith. Use Permit #10 application of B. Ruth Hansen to go into the business of manu- facturing and selling ceramic products, ceramic supplies & equipment at 604 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. (Lot 5, Block 323, C. D. M) This was also held over far maps and further information. The applicant ^was:goingnin where the same kind of ' business had been and was not planning to enlarge or alter the building. Com- missioner Ellerbroek made a motion that the hearing be closed, seconded by Cot - missioner Reed and carried. Commissioner Ellerbroek then made a motion that the Use Permit be granted, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES: Commissioners: Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd,' and Wightman. NCES: None ABSENT: Commiissioners; Briggs, Pleger, and Smith. The Chairman opened the second hearing on application of Gladys Sidler to amend Ordinance #635 so that Lot 1, Block 13, Balboa Tract (901 E. Bay Ave) will fall within a C -1 District instead of present R -3 zoning. This second hearing had been set over from the May meeting. Secretary Copelin read a petition of the applicants and certain property owners in the block to have the application set over indefinitely. Roger B. Van Pelt, 905 -00.7 E. Bay Front, was present and said that he was a prop >rty owner in the involved block and was in favor of going ahead with the hearings, but after realizing that if the hearing was postponed indefinitely, the property would have to stay in a Rr3 zone until the matter carte up again, he was in support of the petition. Commissioner Rudd made a motion that the hearing be post -poned indefinitely and that at such time as'the matter is brazght before the Commission again, public notice will be published and the property posted. Motion seconded by Commissioner ,Nightman'and carried. Application #20 for Variance of Mrs. George Holstein for the Assistance ' League on the Ely 50' of Lot 6, Tract 1117 for a deviation from the stiict ap- plication of parking requirements as under Sec. 9104.21(a). Mr. Lagerlof was present representing the applicant and said that the lot was 50' x 90' and the proposed building will cover the whole lot, and in view of that, it will be impossible to have the required off - street parking on the property. Commissioner Reed moved the hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Wightman and carried. 153: Commissioner Reed then made a motion that the application be approved, seconded by Commissioner Ellerbroek and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES: Commissioners: Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. NOES: None ABSE,'Sr: Commissioners: Briggs, Pleger, and Smith. Application #21 for Variance.of Robert S. Butler on Lot 50' x 90' Wly of 9th St., Bd Nly by Bay Ave and Lot 50' x 90' in 25" Ely of Tract 1061 bd Nly by Bay Ave., to permit lots less than 4000 square feet minimum and less than 40' wide. Chairman declared the hearing open and asked if anyone wished to speak for or against. E. L. Williams, 915 W. 'Bay Avenue, also representing C. H. Hopkins, 900 W, Ave, L. G. Arena, 904 l'+. Bay Ave., R. L. Chesebro and asked that the matter be laid over. Declared it was not a' hardship case and was damaging to their property. C. S. Kinsman, representing Mr. Butler, stated that the block in which the applicant's property is located are practically all 30 and 35 foot lots except for one corner which is 40 feet. Applicant just wants to develop lots in conforming with size d'other lots there. People who are objecting are all on Bay frontage and have their garages facing Bay Avenue. Commissioner Wightman moved the hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Copelin and carried. Commissioner Reed then made a motion the application be tabled and considered at the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission., Motion seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried.. ' Application #22 for Variance of Robert S. Pridham on Lot 16, Block 7, Section Two, Balboa Island (204 Coral Ave) for a 4z" rear yard setback. .Commissioner Cope - lin stated that 1Ar. Nelson and he had looked at it and Commissioner Ellerbroek of the Architectural Committee proposed that the application be denied and Mr. Pridham could gain relief by turning the garage around and attaching it to the house. Mr. Pridham was ;resent and agreed to try and work it out with Mr. Nelson. Commissioner Rudd moved the hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Wightman and carried. Commissioner Rudd then made a motion that application for setback be denied, seconded by Commissioner Copelin and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES: Commissioners: Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. :TOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Smith, and Pleger. Variance application #23 of St. James Church on Lots 1197, 1198, 1199, and 1200, of Tract 907 (3209 Via Lido) to permit deviation from strict requirements of Section 9104.21 (a) of Ordinance #635. William Holstein was present to speak for the appli- cation. Lots were all purchased before requirements were placed on property. Wish to build a church school for children now and would need all the property available. Entrance on 32nd Street so as not to add to the traffic situation on the church side. Commissioner Copelin moved the hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Reed act carried. Commissioner Reed then made a motion that application be granted, seconded ' by Commissioner Ellerbroek and carried. 1st hearing on application for amendment of Ordinance #635 by certain property owners so as to cause Lots 1 to 11 inc., Tract 1026 to be rezoned from R-1 to Rr2. Chairman opened hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak for. or against. 154 - -W. W. Woods, 610 Ocean Blvd. Objected change in zoning to R -2: Have plenty of R -2 and 3 in town anyway. Discussion on access road to property and Tr. Penney assured the Commission that the bank would let them use the lower road and that no homes would be built above the curb level on Ocean Blvd. Reason for wanting change of zoning is that directly across from the properties there is now a black topped parking lot and public rest rooms which makes the property useless as R -1. Property owners will wiite into deed restirctions or draw up necessary legal papers agreeing to keep all buildings below the curb level on Ocean Blvd and using a lower access road. B. Z. McKinney spoke for himself and Mr. Woods then and said that if such agreement was made, they would withdraw any protest to the change of zoning. Commissioner Reed made a motion to close the first hearing and set over to second hearing at the next regular meeting of the Commissions Motion seconded by Commis- sioner Ellerbroek and carried. 1st hearing - Resolution of Intention ( #466) of Planning Commission to initiate amendment of Section 9102.0 of the Municipal Code of the City so that the area comprised by certain lots in Tract.323, Block H, more fully described as Lots 3, 4, and 5, be rezoned from C -1 to C -1 -H district. This is in connection with the All- American property and the final step of completing the zoning in this block and making it uniform. Commissioner Reed made a motion that the hearing be closed and set over to the second hearing at the next regular meeting of the Plan- ning Commission. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried. let hearing - Resolution of Intention ( #465) of Planning Commission'to amend zoning law by adding Section 9103.73 (b) to the Municipal Code, excepting ' from the provisions of 9103.73 (a) the non - commercial canning of sport fish. Object of amendment is to permit the canning of sport fish caught. Will be marked 'Not for Sale'. Will not be an exchange of fish but exactly same fish that:.are caught and brought in will be canned and returned to the fisherman for a fee. Lo- cation of plant at 505 29th Street. Cleaning of fish will not be done at.the can- ning plant. Lee Jonas, Costa Mesa, Secretary of Balboa Angling Club, Dr. R. H. Hoffman, Seely - Treas, of Pacific Anglers and. Harold Stewart, 107 8th at, all spoke in support of the project. Commissioner Ellerbroek moved the hearing be closed and set over to the second hear- ing at the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried. 2nd hearing - Resolution of Intention #455 of the Planning Commission to adopt the Subdivision Ordinance as a precise section of the Community Design Section of the Master Plan which will set up standards and pminciples governing the subdiv- ision of land. Mr. Webb. the City Engineer, spoke and said that there were no further suggestions on the plan and that it was alright to submit to the City Council as written. Commissioner Reed made a motion to close the second hearing, seconded by Commissioner ' Wightman and carried. 155 Commissioner Reed then made a motion that the Subdivision Ordinance be adopted by the Commission and recommendation for ito adoption be sent to the Council. ' Motion seconded by Commissioner Rudd and carried by the following roll call vote, to -wit: AYES: Commissioners: Copelin, Ellerbroek, Longmoor, Reed, Rudd, and Wightman. :TOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Briggs, Smith, and Pleger. OLD BUSINESS• None COM1jUNI- Secretary Copelin read a letter from the City Council referring to the Commission CATIONS: the petition of Lots 1 - 6, Block 20, lst Addition to Newport Beach to vacate the property between the lot line and the sidewalk: It was suggested that this be set over to the next meeting and .have the Engineers office draw a map in re- lation to adjointig- blocks. NEW -- Clark, 209 Opal, Balboa Island. Building home and would like to have overhang BUSINESS: into alley of 50 °. Commission said there was no provision in ordinance for this and they would have to apply for a variance. -- Property owners of Blocks know how to go about filing R -2. -- Lucille Bailey, owner of R -1 house. Commission said zoning. 138 and 139, Corona del Mar present and wanted to for an amendment to get the zone changed from R-1 to ;ilette House on the point, asked.fmr relief on her there was nothing they could do to help her. No spot ADJOURN- There being no further business, Commissioner Copelin made a motion for adjourn - DJENT: :Went, seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried. , GJ Respectfully submitted, . Copelin, Secretary