1,1 ET I.N SPECIAL SESSION Wednesday, June 23,
19372 at 7 :30 P. ,I,i.< in the Council Chambers
of the City Hall, Ne�rport Beach, California.
!vIr. Schnitker, Chairman Pro tem presiding.
• aCLL CALL: Present Thompson, Schnitker, 'Fnitson,
F. W. Brig; , L. W. B i >s5.s, Palmer, 'City
Engineer Patterson and Consultant Tilton.
Absent - BlO.g. Ii m*ector Nelson.
MINUTES: ttinutes of previous meeting; approved
as read.
ROH.'iBACKER: 1.1r. Rohrbacker, a Contractor, asked
per;ni.sion to ':ring up a matter before the
Commission. Stated he is building a home
for L. E. Rocsiter on Lot 15, Block 1, Sac.
2. In staking out the building his foreman
overlooked an overhang on the second story
of the banding and consequently this is 32-'
over the front line.
Considerable construction has been done on the
building and the Buil-..i ng Inspector has now
issued a stop o, °der: thereon Vr. Rohrbacker
• exolained ho:=„ it is aln:icst i npossible. to
remedy this situation and ,!anted to know if
the Co:araiselon could grant him permission to
complete the '_ou ^e. He was advised the
Commission :-:d no authority: to grant this
request, but could suggest tn.r:t he apply for
a front yard variance to cover the amount of
cverhra.ng. Mint if there were no "orotests at
the -public hearing thereof he would be within
his rights to complete the building P:Ir.
aohrba.cker therefore m�-de formal application
for a 3;'' front v.ard variance and arranged
a;ith the Secretary for th" deposit of the
regvired '$10.00. It vas oved by iYhit con,
secon".,aed by Palmer that a hearin; be held on
t%is request at next m�etinlg of the
Co;uml —slon, July 217 1937. L.^tion carried.
F. A. Andrews - "Ap_ "1icant for 50;1 front yard
varia.nce on Lot §, Block 4, �,ec. 5, Balboa
• Island. As Vn „ =ra.s the date f or hearing
on this request, Chairman announced hearing
in order. As there v,ere no irotests or
- corm —unications the was closed. corn.
Patterson movod application be denied. Second -
ed by Palmer. TIo votes. Cite Attorney
Thompson advised ths;t no vote motion eras the
same as carried.
• After considerable discussion on advisability`
of setback variance on front yards water
front lots 3�-.lboa Island, Coma Patterson
asked for oermiv =.ion +.o !:love to rescind: -his
previous :notion and recornciend the granting of
this permit. Seconded b -i Palmer. notion
F. F. Scribner - Application for 5' variance
on front yard of Lot 26:, Tr. 742, Balboa
Island, for purpose bringing up front of build-
inc). This being the date of- nearing on this
request, Cnairm;ar: declared public hearing
open. No LLorotests <+.nd no co rnunica.tions.
Foa.rir,; _' ?.eclar'ed closed. F. 71. Briggs moved
that t'-is a ?)";lication for variance be granted.
Seconr ed br ` hAtson. TSotion carried.
Dorothy 3oss - As:jlicr.ticn of Dorothy Ross
for a 5o% variance on front ;,yard of Lot 272
Tract 742, Balboa I lan.0 for purpose of build-
ing single r .;nily o",elling. Chairman declared
public hearins; open. As. the-re were no
Protests or co--T unicat on,$) hearing was
cl,j -ed. IZ *:'d ':y ;'dilitsor.., seconded
by F. 11 11. 31i -s *h -t the co:v;lission recomimend
the Erantin o-;' this perrlit. 11otion carried.
D;Ir. Palmer; reprerentinE, the Lido Isle _Develop-
!!ient r'O- Oa ��� i-:.in 1'r''.:. -: It av) for disc'. osion
his "pclica:tion .: pl')lie hearing on A-1end -meet
tc; Crdin;.nce 440 re:srardin:; certain corner
lots on cross streets on Lico Isle. This ras
'CUS . e ' t last iileetiiq� 'Out Secretary e7as
n.-,1t f a rl.�,hed with Jroper information to set
det3 for he^:rin£ . It su,t,. -ested that a
ioli Aa E, — ; ., ar " ty
ion o _ to £ th s :7'.U.,._ to
Attorney Tho:;,pson to ;k ep 7 the nee ssFxy
raft for t1— a:;lelcmr It propo7ed, and this
to be subum'ttc-C, to t`:E` Col :fission at its
nF?Yt '1FFtill�, �T�i1 2�_,. 12:,7.
• Tt ^a .- alsD ;ropocea to make under cgnsideratiol
a o- oposed - '-ianu —e in the Ordinance regarding,
ceiu-b- cls o' - +.6r front lots- in Tract 742, B ^.1-
I)oa I :. Nlit o ; ?:._ved th-t Buildin
InF,ne Ctnr Ne? SOn ,et u.) par) of ti"operty in
'pl�.e �ti011.
Pal .me.- 3,:'Conded iio *ion. :- Motion
Palmer Is letter re r,:.in e certain
lots on Lido Isle lsas turned over to City
En- V.neer Patterson for study:
A - ett,�E from 'li. d roe; ler of the Fo'rrlere
- T1c' le - tore e w -1 rrm], the - Secretary.
nts to esta b7 i sh a bait and
tackle store on _oroperty at the entrance of
1C t':; St. As tn., s woula be on City aroperty,
it ._ rove , by Whitson, seconded by E lgc s
t'' ^t this ~ecaest be denied u..: it was not
l _o ;ed vm .er thF, c)r. idinance of the City.
carri -d.
JUDGE 11 'R ,r ^:rued to cor l"ient on 1q-2 Section of
ZcnirM Ordinarce. Ooverin e question as to
heft er tiro b,-,Aldi.ng^ could be put on one
lot. Drew a. diag+ _, on borrd. question is
�r,he`hsr ti is ian o;ms this lot and sells one
half to one Darty -.nd t'ie other half to
i.i_ot' -r party, can they both- build - on each
lot? It is ray cO +ter_ti.on they Can and that
It :anl;eS re--) ifference w1la>.t the situation is
ent' re lot zoned ; or trio family
and "'.S a lot of 1'ecord before the
orclirares, ;re-r.t into effect, t`;erefore e ?.ch.
rl,o e the ril,sht to a t`:;^. fn7nily dirielling
cn his lot.
T' !ton si ,.tai° tll, ^,t any lot th2.t was of
record €': the tine this ordlnarce ,.•rent into
effect, may be uiea as a bui1C'.inc, site -- Ref.
Page °J., Sec. - 5 a' - C "caotions in Sec.. 17 . and
il of `'. Crdlnia1Ce. �1?S recorded ao one lot
not t,-c I ever; if the lot in - ,uestion is
in an 11-2 District -Yo:.-, build. t,ro single
sire li- c,s provided. ou have 1000 sr,.
ft: area per di ,,relling e.¢c3 com'oly ,r;ith (g)
Sec. ii. C':Z;;..irman st ^..t;e B;iildirt; ',Ispect,)r
sho i.ld u instructed rea= rdinr V.-Is and if he
hae a- .11c. ?.'ions O-?il�ing permits on
lots of t :is characte r he sr�o�ld inspect
pre- ,.1ses or -iaJ. v ^iri an stated this should
be Introduced Into :,'nut?s and ul.,ilding
In-- pector Instructed to +rct accordingly.
TILTOA; ^+a:nted t ^i t'• dra ^ fro: active trforr with
• thy- >>F t ort Brach Planrinc Com; ission on
ac co .r,t of r dut1 e= the State Planning
3o .rC-, .n,. the NJational` R?soArcee Co!=glssion
are ,i.r.f' to + ^-..': P, '.ip of hi r. time.
Fe "I +,pl_, ntr;,nCe at se Jerin� his
I cOnnPCtI0-9 aC+ ivel' Fes: Cf .J,A_/ lot, 19,1+
7,. as
he his enjoyed wo- ^kin.- with this Comml,! ion
&i'Z. .,,recia ted the'r coopers: *.ion anc rr Zlt° ,-
nes:s to serve as "e!nbers of the Planning
Commission for t7h.e City of T e,7port Beach.
FugC -ested if the m miission -:!anted to continuF
ttze s ,rvices of a Consul ant he might re-
co-,::end a Mr. SaLipcon of Los An=;eles. If the
Co,a,-nission ever needed 1-'s help that they
7hould feel free to call on him.
Oo.i. Falmer told'Vr. Tilton that he felt the
e?-oort Be, ^..c» Plsnnin Commission would feel
the loss but i,,anted to wish him success in
b.i c nee, endeavors. 7r. Pn.lner and L. IV.'
Brig, :,-r; su' {rested the C Airxaan ask that a
resolution ue passed extending a vote of
th,n'> t- .ir. T_lton: and expressing the
Commissions a.)reciatlon_of the valuable help
^rr_ -nce lie ,.s £riven. Co_a% of said
a;. cl iticn to bc: sent Mr. Tilton.
Tl,s,,'.rnEcn1 2.J instra„to! `. the Secretary. Motion
de by P ^.1 er andl. seconded 'h F. W. BrIC; s.
PATTERSON :.0,' F0.1 ADJC'RN - "ENT, seconded by
F. a. Brl—s. .,lotion carried. 'F�xt meeting
regru ar meet' "F;, n' ;ht July 21, 1937.
L. ',`J. 3ri.gs, Secretary