HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/1967CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMISSIONERS Minutes of: Adjourned Meeting of Planning Commission Date: July 6, 1967 Time: 8:00 P.M. o 0 A Plara. rnunril rhnmknrc 9 ROLL CALL Commissioners Present .. x x xx x xx EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Present: Ernest Mayer, Jr., Planning Director Tully H. Seymour:, City Attorney Michael J. Anderson, Associate Civil Engineer STAFF MEMBERS Present: Willis C. Warner Helen Herrmann ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 - 1968 . Nominations for Chairman were opened. Commis - sioner David W. Curtis was nominated by Commis- sioner Jakosky, seconded by Commissioner Clemence. Commissioner William B. Clark was nominated by Commissioner Curtis, seconded by • Commissioner Copelin. Commissioner Clark stated that Commissioner Curtis.had done such a good job as Chairman that he felt he should serve another year. Commissioner Copelin Withdrew his motion and the nominations were closed on motion of Commissioner Clark. On motion of Commissioner Clemence, seconded by Commissioner Clark, and carried, David,W. Curtis was unanimously.elected Chairman for. the fiscal year 1967 -68. Nominations for 1st Vice Chairman were opened.. Commissioner William B. Clark was nominated by Commissioner, Jakosky, seconded by Commissione Copelin. There being no further nominations, the nominations were closed on motion of Commissioner Copelin. On motion of Commissioner Clemence, seconded by Commissioner Copelin, an carried, William B. Clark was unanimously elected lst Vice Chairman for the fiscal year 1967 -68. Nominations for 2nd Vice Chairman were opened. Commissioner John J. Jakosky, Jr, was nominate by Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Commis- sioner Clark. There being no further nomina- tions, the nominations were closed on motion of Commissioner Copelin; On motion of Commis - sioner Clemence, seconded by Commissioner Copelin; and carried, John J. Jakosky, Jr. was unanimously elected 2nd Vice Chairman for the Page. 1. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1..1... G I a A 7 COMMISSIONERS n £ UUI y v +v fiscal year 1967 -68. Nominations for Secretary were opened. Commis- sioner Ray Y. Copelin -was nominated.by Commis- sioner Clemence, seconded:by Commissioner Clark. There being no - further nominations; the nominations were closed on motion of Commissioner Dosh. On motion of Commissioner. Clemente, seconded by Commissioner Clark, and; carried, Ray Y. Copelin was unanimously elected Secretary for the fiscal year 1967 -68. Chairman Curtis introduced John S. Watson, the new member of the Planning.Commission to the Commission, the staff membersand to the public attending the meeting." MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of June 15, 1967 were approved on motion of Commissioner Copeli seconded by Commissioner Dosh, and carried. , USE PERMI S THE IRVINE COMPANY Mac Arthur Blvd. and UP -1261 University Drive APPROVED Por. Block 57 Irvine's Subdivision Zone.Unclassified Applicant requests approval of the erection of a single -faced community directional sign on. Mac Arthur Blvd. north of University Drive. Approved, subject to the following conditions: Motion x Second x 1; The sign shall be approved by the All Ayes Building Department as to materials and support. 2, The sign shall.be approved by-the Traffic Engineer as to sight clearances UP -1281 HELD OVER COPRE, Inc. 105 Main St..., Balboa. Lots 12 -16 and Block 10 Balboa Tract J -20 Por, Lot D Zone C -1 -Z and "U" Applicant requests approval of the establish- Page 2'. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 6. 1967 COMMISSIONERS U A', G fD� (- UP 71282 APPROVED ment of a private school. The application was held over until July 20, 1967 -in order that Mrs. Wayne Weber who will be in charge of the academic program of the school may attend and clarify some'of.,the questions raised by the Commission. COMMUNITY YOUTH CENTER 5th and Iris OF NEWPORT HARBOR Corona del Mar Metes & Bounds Desc. Zone' "U" Applicant requests approval of ,,the landing and Motion Second All Ayes. x -. x take -off of a,,helicopter from the Harbor View School during the 5th Annual Youth Center Carnival. Approved,.subject to the following conditions:. Motion x Second x 1. This permit shall be valid on July 22 All Ayes and;23', 1967 only. 2. Helicopter flights shall.be made only . between the,hours of 12:30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. 3. Approval of this location as a.temporar helistop and the proposed flight patter shall be obtained from the Federal Aviation Authority. Any substantial change of the flight pattern from that shown on the plan accompanying this application shall be submitted, for approval by the Planning.Commission. 4; The touchdown pad•,shall be fenced and adequately guarded to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. 5. Adequate;fire.fighting devices as re- quired by the Fire Department shall be maintained at the,helistop. 6. The applicant shall deposit with the Planning Department the two letters of approval, one from the Federal Aviation Authority and the other from the school district: • Page 3. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Allk July 6. 1967 COMMISSIONERS n w � � F V � m UP -1283 DENIED UP -1284 APPROVED BENIGNI, Pierino 2920 Newport:Blvd. (Karam's Restaurant) Lot 24. Block 230 Lancaster's Addn. Zone C -1 Applicant requests approval of the erection of an off -site sign at 2920 Newport Blvd: for Karam's Restaurant.. The application was denied because the Commis - sion determined that it is totally inappro- priate to advertise individual businesses in this manner and that the introduction of such uses in the area will be detrimental. NOSENZO, L. 330 Marguerite Ave-. Corona del Mar Lots 26,28,30,32 B1. 239 Corona del Mar Trac Zone R -3 Motion Second All Aye x x Applicant requests approval of the addition of an office to an:existing non- conforming motel Approved, subject to the following conditions: Motion x Second x • 1. The addition to be substantially as All Ayes shown on the plot plan. 2. The addition to blend architecturally with the existing building; 3: The area between the addition and the sidewalk to be landscaped as part.of the project. UP -1285 VILLA MONTEREY 393 Hospital Road Por. Lot 169 Bl. 2 Irvine's Subdivision HELD OVER Zone R -3 and C -O -H' U IfT L Applicant requests approval of.the construction JUDY-20 of a 200 bed convalescent hospital with.park.in for 67 cars. The application was held over until July 20, Motion, x 1967 in order that the applicant may revise Second x his plans so as to provide more parking area All Ayes and greater setbacks, and for Commission re- view of the conditions of approval of Resubdi- vision No. 214. Page 4. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 30v 6_. 1967 COMMISSIONERS n p � N J UP -1286 RUFENER,.Mr. & Mrs. Jules E. 545 Hazel Drive, Corona del Mar HELD OVER Lot 15 Block B Tract 673 -B Zone R -1 U TTr- Applicant requests approval to construct an UUL 220 addition to.an existing non-conforming,dwell- ing. The application was held over until July 20, Motion x 1967 because the applicant was not present; Second x All Ayes, UP -1287 DOUG'S OAR - BUFFETS 2807 Newport Blvd. Lot 10 B1. 227 Section A Zone C -1 DENIED Applicant requests approval of,an off-site advertising sign. The application was denied and:the applicant Motion x was directed to remove subject sign within Second x 15 days based on the determination that the All Ayes sign is a detriment to the area, both in appearance and location. 1288 PLACE, Charles 512 Larkspur, CdM Lots 14 & 1/2 of 16 Block. 538 DENIED Corona del,Mar Tract Zone R -2 Applicant requests approval,of the remodeling and structural alterations to an existing non- conforming building. The application was denied because -the Commis- Motion x sion felt that the work was sufficiently major Second x in scope so that the rear portion should be All Ayes redesigned to conform to Code requirements. EXCEPTION PERMITS BACHELOR, Robert W. 3334 W. Coast Highway EXCEPTION PP R�RT77- Lot 170 B1, 2 Irvine's Subdivision. Zone C -2 Applicant requests approval of a sign in exces H DENIED of the 25 ft. height limit•in the C -24 District: The application was denied and the applicant Motion x was directed to lower the height of the sign Second x to 25 feet within.,15 days because the Commis- All Ayes sion felt there was a lack of conflict with other signs and no hindrance to visibility, therefore there was no justification for • exceeding the height limit provided in the Coda. Page. 5. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH .� .11] 1v.A 1Q0;7 COMMISSIONERS G � N fp N \_5g � N N n EXCEPTION P RMI 'J BANK OF AMERICA 3300 E. Coast Hwy.,, Cd Lot 1 Block 5 Tract 323 Zone C -1 Applicant requests approval to replace exist - DENiED ing neon sign in.,excess of the 25 ft..height limit. The application was denied and the applicant Motion x was directed to lower the height of the sign Second x to 25 feet within 15 days because the Commis - All Ayes sion felt there was no justification for exceeding the height,limit and,that. the sign could be located elsewhere on the property where it would be more visible. COMMUNICA IONS The Commission . considered a communication from 1. Robert S..Rosenast, 1207 Somerset Lane, Newport Beach, requesting street name changes. affecting Somerset Lane,.Cambridge Lane and; Oxford Lane and recommended the following, change to the City Council: "Extend Somerset Motion Lane to Highland Drive at both ends ". Second x • All Ayes - 2. A letter from the Beacon Bay Community.Asso- ciation requesting a street name change to Beacon Bay for that portion of Rudder Road alljacent to Lots.l - 5, was held over until Motion x July 20, 1967. Second x All Ayes 3. A request signed by B. Warren Turner for an extension until June.30 ", 1968 of Use Permit No. 662 which permits boat.launching and_ storage on Lots 3 and 4, Block 224, Section A, Newport Beach Tract and Lots l through 12,. Motion x Block 324; Lancasters Addition was approved. Second x All Ayes 4. The Commission considered a request signed by A. B. Leverenz, Area.Supervisor, Property Management, Great Western Savings and.Loan Association requesting an extension of Use Permit No. 1219 which permits a 3,x.,4 direc- tional sign on the roof.at 404 E. Balboa Blvd. for the Caribe apartments. The request was denied and the Commission. Motion x • di.rec.t.ed:that.the sign be removed.within 15. Second x days. All'Ayes Page 6. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 6, 1967 COMMISSIONERS n n 5. The Commission.considered a request signed by- Francis M. Delaney, Vice President, Delaney Bros. Frozen Foods for an indefinite extension of Use Permit No. 1212 which permits the opera- tion of a cold storage plant at 426 — 30th St.,. Newport Beach. The Commission approved a 2 year-.extension Motion x subject to the following conditions: Second x All Ayes 1: That the use comply with all regula- tions of the Orange County Health Department. 2. That all work be done within the building,and that all waste and refuse be disposed of-immediately and kept within the structure until removed from the site. On motion of.Commissioner Clemence, seconded • by Commissioner Jakosky, and carried, the meeting was adjourned: Ray , opelin, Secretary Planning Commission • Page 7.