HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/15/1942n r July 150 1942 THE hII'±i4PORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION met in regular session in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Newport Beach on July 15, 1942 at -7.30 P.N. Chairman Johnson presiding. Commissioners presents Allen, finch, Hopkins, Campbell, Jobnson, Seeger, Nelson, Patterson and Findlay w absent: None 63 ROLL CALL The Chairman called for consideration of the minutes of the meeting of Jutkl MINUTES 24th, Cam. Nelson moved the minutes be approved as written, motion being seconded by Cam. Finch; carried and so ordered. The Secretary read the following two letters neceived from the City Clerk, Mr. Frank L. Rinehart: Mr. Marcos Johnson, Chr, Newport Beach Planning Commission Newport Beach, California. Dear Mr. Johnson: At the meeting of the City Council. hold June -15, 19420 Oliver M. Camps bell was appointed as a member of the (�ty Planning Commission to succeed J. H. Estus, resigned. very truly yours, (Signed) frank L. Rinehart, City Clerk Mr. Marcos Johnson, Chairman, City Planning Commission Newport leach, California. Dear Mr. Johnson: At the meetint of the City Council hold on July 6, -Dr. Howard N. Saeger was reappointed as a member of the Planning Commission as of July 1, 1948. In this- connection Bradel L. Finch was appointed ss member of the City Plan- ning Commission as of April 21, 1942 to ensceed Clyan H. Hall, resigned as, of that date* very truly yours, (Signed) Frank L. Rinehart, City Clock Cam. Patterson moved the letters be accepted and filed. Cam. Allen seconded. Motion carried and so ordered. Chr. Johnson asked the Sery if the matter had been properly advertised for! second hearing. Secretary advised it had been as prescribed by Ord. No. 449. At this point be further advised no written protests had been received. Mr. frank S. Iemepbert, 1010 Coast Highway, Newport Beach, Calif. who was present, handed a letter adddessed to the City Council to the Commission. He advised he did not object to the rezoning for the duration but that he did not want a permanent rezoning of this properly as there was a terrific amount of noise emanating from the Peyton- Company which was injvrioss to his business. Secretary Seeger read the protest, which follews:- SECOND HEARING ON J.W. PEYTON CO. APPLICATION 64 LAMBERT c3 HOM Hotel Service 1010 Coast Highway City Council of Newport Beach, Calif. Phone 1222 Newport Beach, Calif. Dear Gentleman: - I herein protest the zoning of the lot used by the Payton Boat Compsey for building boats for this reason. I am the owner of the Lampertle Notel, 125 ft. east Af this lot. I do not object to the use of this let for the duration but the permanent zoning of this lot will drive most of Rqr busi was into a more quiet place. have tried to build a place that will be an asset to Newport Beach and a rezoning of this lot will stop all future improvements by me and will make the "Miracle Mile" a squatting place for future manufacturing eapiriments. I also can 200 ft. of adjoianng .boulevard frontage. Respectfully. yours, (Signed) Frank S. Lampert Cam. Patterson moved the adoption of Res. No. 200 recommending to the City Council the Peyton Company be granted a conditional permit for the duration of the war and a period of time thereafter sufficient for them to complete any boats for the use of the United States Navy and other governmental aub- dtvisione which may be under construction at the ti.mm of the conclusion of the period of the war and that the same be transmitted to the City Council by the Secretary and a copy filed as part of the minutes of this meeting. Seconded by Cam. Nelson. Chr. Johnson called for a Roll Call Vote. ROLL CALL. Ayes Allen, Findlay, Finch„ Hopkins, Campbell, Johnson, Seeger, Nelson, Patterson _Noels None Motion carried and so ordered. SECOP:D MUP.- Secretary advised the matter had been properly advertised and no other IN ON LIDO SEAwritten protests had been received than the one from the Soverlo; Oil Co., FOOD COY. st PAI'Y signed by Mr. D. Drank,. Agent which was read at the pr"iwiseeting. we APPLICATION one present desired to speak on the matter so the Chairman called for opin- ions from the commissioners..Com. Patterson stated he did not believe it would be -wise to open a new zone as it would lead to the expansion of the fishing canneries in the area. No more canneries were needed, he added, nor would the area accommodate more as far as space.was concerned. His believe was that it was far better to have the existing canneries make a comfortable living for the fishermen rather than have more canneries allowing a less comfortable livimg.for the local fisherman. Com. Finch concurred in Cam. Patterson's remarks Cam. Hopkins pointed out that the question was net the matter of this pafticular cannery but that the whole zone would be open to other canneries and would invite other businesses of similar nature. Cam. Finch moved the adoption of Resolution No. 201 recommending the application of the lido Sea Food Company be denied and same be transmitted to the City Council by the Secretary and a copy filed as part of the mimrtso of this meeting. Boa. Hopkins seconded. ROLL CALL$ Ayes$ Ablon, Findlay, Finch, Hopkins, Campbell, Johnson, Seeger, Nelson & Patterson Noess None. REORGi"ITIZ.ATIONChr. Johnson passed the gavel to Com. Hopkins advising he would be glad to OF COPdG,ISS-- N lay down the burdens of office. He requested Cam. Hopkins conduct the elect,. C' 65 ion of the offices of Chairman and Secretary. Cam. Hopkins, taking the Cheri , de- clared the office of Chairman open. Cam. Pinch moved Cam. Hopkins be namina for the ensuing year, as Chairman. Motion seconded by Chr. Campbell. Cem, Allen Coved the nominations be closed which motion was seconded by Cam. Findlay. Chairman Hop.. king handed the gavel to Cam. Findlsyy who invited all in favor of Cam. Hopkins PROPGAITIZA as Chairman for the ensuing year signify by the usual "Ayes vote. All being in TION OF favor, Cam. Findlay declared Cam. Hopkins elected as new Chairman for the coming THE CU'MISSIO year. At this point, Cam. Finch made a motion that Ex- Chairman be thanked for his ef- 'fsrts in behalf of the commission and that a letter be written by the Secretary to Cam. Johnson to that effect. Motion seconded by Cm. Allen. Motion carried and so ordered. The Chairman declared the office of Secretary open. Cam. Find- lay moved Secretary Seager be relected Secretary for the coming year. Seconded by Casa. Allen. Chairman requested the commissioners express their desires by either an "Aye" or pesos vote to which all responded with "Aye". Chairman Hop- kins declared the motion carried and Secretary Seager re- elected Secretary for the ensuing year. The Secretary read an application handed by Cam. Patterson. Letter was from the City Clerk enclosing proposed drilling and operating contract submitted by Mpr, D. W. Elliott of Long Beach. The contract was with the City of Newport Beau, for the erection of oil well derricks outside of the city limits, westerly of 50th Street for the purpose of slant drilling for oil into tide lands owned by the City of Newport Beach, within the City Limits. Attached also, was a_copy of report of a committee appointed by the City_ Council to look into the matter which report was signed by William A. Kirk, L. L. Isbell and H. L. Patterson. Cam. Patterson advised that City Attorney Thompson ruled the matter mp&t come through the Planning Commission, adding that there is an ordinance that pro-, hibits drilling wells inside the city limits. Cam. Hopkins stated that the point of legality entered his mind as to whether or not slant drilling would permit surface drilling and he would like to see a casmittes appointed to must with the City Attorney to discuss the matter thoronghly. Beers 047 Seeger moved the Chairman appoint a committee of three members to confer with the City At:ter- ne and to obtain his written opinion as to the legal gaeetion covering any drilling, either subdltrean or surface. Motion seconded by Cam. Allen. Motion carried and so ordered. APPLICATION OF D.W. ELLIO IN PE: SLANT OIL DRILLING Com. Patterson stated that Mr. Elliott was present and suggested he Bey a few words. Mr. Elliott stated he =a aware when he spoke of oil in Newport Beach, he wag "walking into the lien's dens and that he bad been a State Engineer at the time of the city's previous experience with oil wells and knew what a fur- ore had been caused at that time, He added if any trouble would be caused, he would withdraw his application at this time, He advised there would be no drainage into the bay and that the derricks would be set back north of the knig�a- wsy. He stated he bad told the City Council he would agree to anything within reason. Mr. Elliott told the cosmission that he had done sea@ geological work with a man who was very prominent in the government servicet near the Santa Ana River and he believed that there is an offshoot on the west side of NevPwt Beach, Mr. Elliott gave the commissioners the background of the oil business in relation to Newport Beach. The matter rested there with the nest action up to the Committee that is to be appointed to meet with the City Attorney and report! their findings. AW OURNMENT Cam. Findlay moved the meeting be adjourned; Cum. Allen seconding. Motion carried and so ordered. Be ctfa]ly,srubmit d, HOWARD W. SUGEH, S .