HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/18/1946255 The Newport Beach City Planning Commission held a regular meeting, Thurs- day, July 18, 1946s at 7;80 p.m., in the Council Chamber, City Hall, New- , port Beach, with Chairman Allen presiding. Commissioners presents Allen, Baltz, Copelin, Ellerbrosk, Longmoor, Ple- ROLL CALL ger, and Rudd. Also A. M. Nelson and J. B. Webb. Commissioners absent: Johnson and White. Commissioner Pleger made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Baltz that MINUTES Lhe minutes of the June 200 19469, be approved as read. Motion carried and so ordered. Secretary Ellerbroek read a letter from Stanley C. Meston, requesting COMMUNICATIONS that permission be given to remodel a dwelling on.Abalone Street, Balboa Island, owned by the Richard Stewarts, consisting of living quarters above a garage, into a three story building. Mr. Meston (as well as Mr. and Mrs. Stewart) present for the meeting, explained the proposed plans. Commissioner Longmoor stated that the matter seemed "an area problem rather than a lot problem" and that he felt the plans could be worked out satisfactorily into a two story structure. Chairman Allen emphasized that the Commission must be interested in the "over all picture ". Com- missioner Longmoor suggested that a survey be made of the whole island, and/or the city, and then amend the Ordinance accordingly, rather than make adjustments for only one lot. Commissioner Cogelin expressed the thought that Mr. Meston Is plan would make a nice improvement, but doubted that the variance could or would be granted. Commissioner Ellerbrosk's opinion was that he felt that the granting of it would set a precident, and Commissioner Pleger, that he personally felt that a 35 foot height limit out of line, "too much difference between 35 feet and two stories." Chairman Allen explained that "this is not a personal issue, by:t a pro- blem that affects 12000 perple." Mrs. Crowell, next door neighbor of the Stewarts, was present, and spoke in favor of the application and stated that she felt people in and in the vicinity sould be considered. No action was taken as the letter was not a proper application and not see - ompanied by the filing fee, so Mr. Meston and the Richard Stewarts were advised to so present the application if they wished to request a public hearing. Secretary Ellerbroek also read a letter from T. J. Strnley, regarding Lots 1, 20 3, and 4, Block 337, Canal Section, which he stated he owned, and not being aware of setback re uirements, has changed the lots around, making three instead of four, and facing east instead of south and now requesting the Commission to reverse the setbacks —i.e. 30 feet setback on east and 31 setback on the si -uth. Building Inspector Nelson reported on the matter stating that he didn't "see how the change could be made, sewers are all in on the street so would have to be changed". Chairman Allen advised Mis'Stra- ley, present for the meeting, that the matter would have to be advertised and plans poiesented and City Engineer Webb suggested that a 3 foot easement be made at the back of the lots. Application of Ida Naylor for rezoning of Lots ld, 119 12, and a portion PUBLIC HERRINGS of 13, Block 130, Lake Tract from R -2 to C -1 was declared, same having been tabled from the meeting.of June 20, 1946, and in as much as no decis- ion had been reached on the matter of the widening of Coast Highway, Com- mis.ioner Baltz made the motion, seconded by Commissioner that the matter be tabled for further study. Motion carried and so ordered. Application of Claude Sweetman for rezoning of Lots 19, and 20, Block 23, from R -2 to C -1, also tabled from last meeting for final action, was de- clared, and being in the same general area as the previous hearing, Com- 256 missioner Boltz made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Copelin that the matter be tabled for further study. Motion carried and so ordered. Mr. Sweetman, present, contested this action, stressing that he felt he has waited long enough and wanted action and a decision, to which Com- mission explained that a meeting with the Pacific Electric Company was scheduled for the following week,.after which definite plans eoule be better considered. NEW BUSINESS Mr. C. S. Rasmussen presented plans for the proposed dwelling on Block 2, Lot 9, Tract 919, Newport Heights, requesting the establishment of a setback line for same and was advised to make proper application for a 50 % setback. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chairman Allen announced the annual election of officers, a chairman and a secretary, and appointed Commissioner Ellerbroek as Chairman Pro Tom, after which Commissioner Longmoor nominated Commissioner Allen for re- election, seconded by Commissioner Boltz. Commissioner Boltz made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Rudd that the nominations be closed and that the secretary cast a unanimous vote for Commissioner Alien for re- election as Chairman. For the office of secretary, the Commissioners were unanimous in wishing to re -elect Commissioner =Ellerbreekr and Com- missioner Longmoor made the motion, seconded by Commissioner-Baltz that Chairman Allen assume the office of Secretary for the casting of the vote, after which Commissioner Boltz made the motion, seconded by Com- missioner Rudd that the secretary cast a unanimous ballot for Commiss- ioner Ellerbroek for re- election as Secretary. Both motions carried abd so ordered. Both Chairman )(lien and Secretary Ellerbroek expressed their sincere appreciation, and Chairman Allen expressed the widh that a vote of thanks be given City Engineer Webb and Building Inspector Nel- son for their help and cooperation, and explained that under their pres- ent status as non voting members of the Commission that they will att- end meetins in an adbisory capacity and without prejudice. Commissioner Longmoor made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Boltz that the Com- mission go on record in a vote of thanks to Mr. ?ebb and Mr. Nelson. Motion carried and so ordered. Commissioner Allen expressed a vote of thanks to the two local papers for their assistance and publicity in matters regarding the Commission after which Commissioner Boltz made the motion, seconded by Commission- er Longmoor for a vote of thanks to the papers for their support in the past year. Motion carried and so ordered. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Ellerbroek made the motion for adjournment,.aeconded by Commissioner Boltz. Motion carried and so ordered. Respectfully submitted, Q "&. . - . b Philmer J. lerbroek, Secretary.