HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/20/1939JULY 20, 1939 THE NEWPORT BEACH 'CITY PLANNING COMMISSION rat in continued session Thursday, July, 20, 1939, 10:30 A. M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. In the absence of Chairman Hopkins, Cam. Briggs acted as temporary Chairman. ROIL CALL - Commissioners present: Briggs, Seeger, Findlay, lotus, Patterson, Whitson, Hodgkinsen. Commissioners absent: Hopkins, Williams. Building Inspector Nelson attended. MINUTES Cam. Findlay moved that the minutes of the regular mooting held June 21, 1939 be accepted as written. Seconded by Cam. lotus. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. NEARINGS - VARIANCE APPLICATION OF JOSEPHINE BEVAN Application of Josephine Bevan for a 50%, 5 ft. front yard variance on Lot 12, Blk 9, Sec 1, Balboa Island was read by the Aset. Secretary, who stated that it had been regularly advertised and posted. Chairman Briggs declared the hearing open for discussion and requested the reading of protests made at the informal meeting held July 19. Asst. Secretary read the protests made by Chas. G. Schweitzer, D. C. Hammell and W. D. Gilmore. Mrs. Bevan, applicant, stated that of the four houses in the block, 2 have 10 ft. setbacks, the other two have not. She felt that Mr. Rammells and Mr. Gilmore's protests were un- warrented, as both of "their houses have less than 10 ft, setbacks. She did not feel that she had made an un reasonable request. Mr. Schwietser was present and again made for mal protest to the granting of this variance. Com. Patterson did not see where the Planning Com- mission could grant a variance according to the ordinance in this case and over the protest of the next door neighbor whose house complies with the ordinance. Com. Fetus thought the commission should work out a ' compromise if possible between the applicant and the protest- ant. _nom. Patterson suggested that a variance on Lot 12 be computed by drawing a diagonal line from the 10 ft. setback` of Lot 13 and 3 ft. inside the north property line to the 3 ft. setback on Lot it which is the setback on the existing building on Lot 11. This will give Lot 12 a 6j ft. setback on the south half of the lot. This would be a 3}; ft. variance. In this manner the house could not extend out within more than 6j ft. from the sidewalk. t; Mr. Schweitzer suggested grantingthe variance on the south half of the lot. He stated that this compromise would be satisfactory to. him. Com. Findlay moved the adoption of Resolution No. 157 recommending_ to the City Council that a front yard variance of A ft, on the south half of the lot be granted to Josephine' Bevan on Lot 12, Blk y, Sec 1, Balboa Island and that the same be transmitted to the City Council by the Secretary and a copy filed as part of the minutes of this meeting. Secondsd by Com. lotus. Boll Calls Ayes: Briggs, Seager, Findlay, lotus, Patterson, Whitson, Hodgkinson. loess None. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Com. Seeger moved that the commission recommend to the City Council that the Building Inspector be instructed not to issue a permit for construction of this building until complete, correct and satisfactory plans are.submitted. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. lLEOTIOH OF OFFICERS - Secretary Seeger called the attention of the commission to the fact that the commission should elect new officers for the ensuing year at the first meeting in July. Chairman Briggs declared the nominations open for the office of Chairman, Com. Findlay nominated Com. Hopkins for the office of chairman of the Commission. Seconded by Com. Rstus. Com. Whitson moved that the nominations be closed and that the Asst. Secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Com. Hopkins for Chairman for the ensuing year. Seconded by Com. Patterson. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Asst._ Secretary did cast a unanimous ballot for Com. Hopkins for Chairman for the ensuing year. Chairman Briggs declared nominations open for the office of Secretary for the ensuing year. Um. lotus nominated Com. Seeger for the office of Secretary for the ensuing year. Seconded by Com. Patterson. Com. Whitson moved that the nominations be closed and that the Aset. Secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Com. Sanger for the office of Secretary for the ensuing year. Seconded by Gom. Patterson. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. The Asst. Secretary did cast a unanimous ballot for Com. Seeger for the office of Secretary for the ensuing year. I . s - r 7 AWOURNMUT Cam. Patterson moved that the meeting adjourn to Augast 8, 1939. 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers oY the City Hall. Seconded by Cam. Esters. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Respectfully submitted, HOAAED A. SEAGER, Sear y. ,