HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1937THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION met in regular
session July 21,1937 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers
City Hall, Newport Beach, California.
NEW MEMBERS: As the term of two of the members had expired,
newly Secretary L.W.Briggs and Commissioner P.A:Palmer,
the City Council had appointed the following persons to
fill these and other vacancies on the Commission.
Mrs..E.M.Williams, C.Harold Hopkins, Dr. H.W.Seager
and Gordon Findlay.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman pro tam Schnitker.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Commissioner Whitson moved that Mr.
Hopkins be nominated President of the City Planning Com-
mission. Patterson seconded the motion and moved nomina-
tions be closed. Motion unamimously carried.
Chairman Hopkins stated nominations were in order for Sec-
retary of the Commission. It was moved by Whitson, seconded
by F.W.Briggs, Dr. Seeger be appointed Secretary. This
motion duly seconded and nnemimously carried.
Attorney Thompson called attention to Mr. F.G.Hauson hav-
ing been helping the Commission under Secretary Briggs in
the past as Asst.Secretary in taking notes and transcrib-
ing minutes of the meetings. It was duly moved and second-
ed that Mr. Hanson continue in this capacity as Asst.Sec-
retary. Motion carried.
ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present - R.L.Patterson, E.B.Whitson,
J.J.Schnitker, F.W. Briggs, C.Harold Hopkins, Dr.H.W.Seager,
Gordon Findlay. City Attorney Thompson, Consultant L.
Deming Tilton, B1dg.Inspector A.P.Nelson.
Commissioners Absent - Mrs. E.M.Williams ( It was explained
that Mrs. Williams when accepting the position on the Com-
mission explained to the City Council she would be unable
to attend any meetings until in September)
MINUTES: Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as
Mr. Louis W. Briggs, former Secretary of the Commission
was present and explained the unfinished business. Stated
that the application of Mr. Rohrbecker for a front yard
variance in connection with the dwelling being erected on
Lot 15, Block 1, Section 2, had been withdrawn and that he
had made provision for moving the structure in question
back in line.
Also that Mr. Palmer's reqne et for a public hearing
on Amendment to Ordinance No. 440 had been withdrawn as
there would be too much trouble and it would take too mach
time to have this acted on. It was his intention to handle
• the individual applications for variances, as they came up,
for the people on Lido Isle and present them to the Com-
mission when necessary.
Mr. Whitson recommended the Secretary be instructed to
draft a letter of appreciation to the retiring members for
their services on the Commission. This was put in form of
a motion and seconded by Commissioner Patterson. Motion
COMMUNICATIONS: - A letter from the Bay District Lumber Co.,
Mr. Spicer, Owner, requesting the Commission.to amend the
Zoning Ordinance Ho.440 changing certain district in which
his plant was located from a 0-1 to M -1 district, in order
that his lumber company might make improvements in their .
yards, such as erection of an incinerator and other im-
provements in keeping with the growth of the company and
Mr. Spicer was present and asked to talk on this subject.
He said that in order to keep up with the building that is
going on in this community a certain amount of expansion
is necessary and he wanted to grow with the community.
'Under the present zoning, he has been prohibited from doing
this, and now wants to make arrangements for improvements
to keep up with the trend.
City Attorney Thompson stated it was necessary to file
a petition and come before the commission requesting a
hearing as provided in the ordinance if he wanted to ask
for an amendment.
Mr. Patterson moved that the Secretary be instructed to
prepare notice of public hearing for the change as request-
ed by letter and also include that part of his property in
the R -1 district, namely change of frontage of 320 feet on
State Highway extending N.E.ly to Santa Ana and 10th Sts.
This motion was seconded by Commissioner Whitson. Motion
The Chairman asked Consultant Tilton to explain why this
particular part was made a C-1 district and not an M -1
district when drawing up the Ordinance. Mr. Tilton explained
that on account of this territory being water front prop-
erty and as long as the Bay District Lumber Company was in
there at the time, it would be a nonconforming use. It was
• not at the time of drawing the ordinance taken into con-
sideration the possibility of the Company's expansion.
By classifying this district as 04 it would prevent indus-
try from coming in and making some type of development that
might be objectionable to the property up on the hill. Mr.
Tilton further stated he wondered if it would be necessary 6
• change the Ordinance.
Mr. Spicer stated if there was some other way of handling
his problem without changing the ordinance he was for it.
Mr. Tilton stated if the ordinance was amended to change
this district to M -1 it might cause quite a large number of
industries to come in and some might be very objectionable
and would kill this district to 'a lot of others who might
have wanted to come in.
Mr. Thompson stated in his opinion the proposed improve-
ments may be allowed without emending the ordinance and
referred to Section 11 thereof - "City Council after receipt
of a report of and the recommendation of thePlanning Com-
mission in each case .... "(Par.6). Thompson therefore sug-
gested that Mr. Spicer withdraw his application and make
up one to conform with that outlined in Section 11 of the
Ordinance. This he agreed to do..
Mr. Schnitker moved that the motion of Mr. Patterson be
rescinded. Seconded by Whitson. Therefore upon the reading
of Mr. Patterson's motion a second time, it was unamimous-
ly defeated.
• Mr. Spicer was instructed to make an application and sub-
mit plans and drawings of the proposed improvements and
installation of an incinerator in the manner prescribed and
to tender his check for $10.00 along with his request. The
Commission could then consider his application for a vari-
ance and post same and hold hearing thereon and make recom-
mendation to the City Council in due form. Mr. Spicer's
letter was withdrawn.
MOTIONMr. Patterson moved that the Secretary be instructed to
send out notices required by ordinance for a hearing on said
variance - that the public hearing be hold as required by
ordinance for theerection of incinerator and other improve-
ments in accordance with request. Seconded by Whitson. Motion
PROTEST: Mr. R.E.McAllister owner of property at 127 Ruby St.,
Lot 16, Block 1, Sec.2 had written under date of dune 26,137
to the Planning Commission protesting the proposed variance
on building at 125 Ruby St.,Lot 15,Block It Section 2. As
this matter had been disposed of, the letter was ordered
• CITY COUNCIL: Mr. Whitson acting on behalf of the City Council
explained two letters to the Planning Commission from them.
These letters were in connection with abandonment of a
certain alley in Block One, Newport Heights and the open-
ing of an alley by owner of Lot 3, Block 10, Fast Newport
The latter wants to get alley straight through and will
• deed 101 strip doing through Lot 3 if the City will vacate
101 extending North to Central Avenue. Mr. Patterson sug-
gested that a committee be appointed to investigate and
report thereon at next meeting. This matter was referred
to the Planning Commission IV the City Council as a matter
of form. As far as the city is concerned, the alley in
Block 10 will be a benefit to the city.
MOTION Mr. F.W.Briggs moved that this Commission recommend to
the Council that this property be used as an alley and rec-
ommend the deeding of said strip to the city, namely 101
strip of Lot 3, Block 10, Fast Newport Tract. Seconded by
Whitson. Motion carried.
Upon Mr. Patterson's suggestion that a committee be
appointed to study the abandonment of alley in Block 1,
Newport Heights, Chairman Hopkins appointed Dr.Seager,
City Ehginser Patterson and Commissioner F.W.Briggs to
make investigation and report at next meeting.
Mr. Whitson brought before the Commission a proposed
change in the Ordinance No.440 at the request of the City
. Council regarding the change in Zones from 18th to 19th
Streets on Bay Pront. From an R -3 to C -2 District.
Mr. Patterson stated he would like to hear from Mr. Tilton
on the advisability of this as this was city property.
Mr. Whitson explained how this matter had come up, namely
due to the Commissions' denying the request of the install-
ation of a Bai& and Tackle store on this property at the
last meeting. The property in.question is city owned and
is intended for camp grounds. It has only been used as
such at times of overflow of the regular established grounds.
Mr. Tilton explained that if the city wishes to change
the Zoning Ordinance, it would have to be by amendment
and that the city would have to go through the same pro-
cedure as anyone else. Hold hearings, etc. There is noth-
ing to prevent holding a hearing and making recommendations
to the City Council and then it will be up to them . to
act further. No action taken.
VARIANCES: None on file or presented.
Mr. Tilton again brought up the matter of his work with
• the Commission and thought by the next regular meeting
he would be in a position to know more definitely whether
or not he could continue to act as Consultant. As it now
looks, if the Commission can continue to hold their meet-
Inge the 4th Wednesday of the month he probably can be
The Chairman stated it would be a fine thing if he could
continue and was sure the Commission would be glad to
arrange their meetings accordingly.
• As there was no other business before the Commission,
Mr. Schnitker moved for adjournment. Seconded by Patterson.
Motion carried.
Next regular meeting the 4th Wednesday in August.
Be ectfvlly��s/ub�mitted$
H.W.Seaga SecP y