JULY 25, 1957 8:00 PM
Smith Rudd, Hayton,
Copelin, Reed & Keene
1. Mc KINNEY, Jr, Mace R. 4108 River Ave. Newport Beach
2. Lot 5 Block 241 Canal Section Zone R -2
3. Posted July 17, 1957 Published July 15, 1957
4. Waiver of off - street parking for dwelling unit.
5. I purchased this home about three years ago and at the time of
purchase, the garage had been made into a bedroom with built -in
bunk beds, clothes closet, cupboards, toilet and shower. We
have used this room for our son's room and as the needed third
bedroom. This door is completely deteriorated and needs to be
replaced to make the room weatherproof and the front of the
house presentable and conform to the surrounding homes in the
6. Discussion: Note findings
7. The Committee upon their investigation of this property found
the garage converted into living quarters and the garage door
sealed without a Building Permit being secured for the alter-
ation. The Commission does not favor legalizing a violation
such as this. It was found in this particular neighborhood
that approximately six other garages had been converted into
living quarters.
8. On motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Comm. Lind,
Variance #381 was DENIED by the following roll call vote, to
witz ALL AYES.
1. KING, F. E. 507 - 36th Street Newport Beach
2. Lot 4 Block 536 Canal Section Zone R -2
3. Posted July 17, 1957 Published July 15, 1957
4. Encroachment of awning 7' into front yard setback instead of
the 2 *' allowed.
I ..
Page 2
5. Awning needed for sun protection.,.
6. DISCUSSION: Note findings
7. FINDINGS: In the report of the Committee it was set forth
that the blocks along the channel upon which this
house faces has staggered setbacks with the house
in question requiring a setback of 30'. The
awning extension would not jeopardize the view of
any adjoining neighbors., therefore, the Committee.
recommended approval, subject to the condition
that at no time the sides or°end of awning:be
8. On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Comm. Mudd,
Variance #382 was APPROVED subject to the above condition by
the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Reed, Copelin, Keene, Longmoor, Smith,
Rudd, Lind
NOES: Briggs, Hayton
1. MACCO CORP. 1840 Marapata Drive Corona del Mar
2, Lot 33 Tract 2813 Zone R -1
3, Posted July 179 1957 Published July 15, 1957
4. Construction of detached garage on front half of lot.
5. Subdivider wishes to maintain architectural design of development.
61 DISCUSSION: Note findings
79 FINDINGS: The Committee reported this variance request to
be in keeping with other similar requests
approved in this area and recommended APPROVAL.
8. On motion of Commissioner Reed, seconded by Comm. Hayton,
Variance Application No. 383 was APPROVED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES.
Page 3
1. MACCO CORP. 1607 Bayadere Terrace Corona del Mar
2. Lot 157 Tract 2813 Zone R -1
3. Posted July 17, 1957 Published July 15, 1957
4. Construction of detached garage on front half of lot.
5. Subdivider desires to maintain architectural design of
6. DISCUSSION,: Note Findings
7. FINDINGS: In keeping with architectural design adopted by
the subdividers and to provide varied building
plans, the Committee recommended that this
variance request for a detached garage on front
half of lot be approved.
8. On motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Comm. Hayton,
Variance Application No. 386 was APPROVED by the following
roll call to vote, to wit: ALL AYES.
1. McKEE, George R. 1936 Commodore Road Newport Beacti
2. Lot 42 Tract 3082
3. Posted July 17, 1957
Published July 15, 1957
Zone R -1 -B'
4. Encroachment of 6' into required rear yard setback of 22'.'.
5. Need the extra footage to build a 2,100 square foot home plus
3 -car garage.
6. DISCUSSION: Note findings
7. FINDINGS: Policy established by the Commission permits in
an R -1 -B District encroachments up'to a minimum "
of 15' for a rear yard setback. Similar variances'
having been approved by the Commission, the.
Committee recommended approval.
8. On motion of Commissioner Lind, seconded by.Comm. Keene, 1.
Variance Application No..385 was APPROVED by the following roll
call, to wit: ALL AYES:.
HIMON, Robert M. & Nina
2. Lot 9 Block 3
• -?age
113 Qgvneo haltsa island
TTacw BaMva Tplard Zone R,-2
Posted July
IV, 1957
4ul 15: 1957
of 2:0 into
2squ red 5;
year yar? setback for
second floo2
o7=Aang salT.
'. To facilitate best use if p27psoty,
6. DISCUSSIM Nota findings
7. FINDINGS: Policy aiweau"- "An Commission permits
an snovoRwo 2 1 1" into Y=2 yard setbacks of
51 for second fLair c7erhang inly in an R•2 district.
S. On motion of Commissic
M E60 'W8Q Commissioner Reed..
Variance Application F3. h3o was AW"772 by the following roll
call, to Witt &IT A107�
W loth 8, 9, 16, 21, M 45: 54 1 5v TT:;A 301 Zone RA -B
3, Posted July Q, 1957 PUMMA juls V 1957
a. Construction of datachad garages on tront half of 100
5. To maintain architecture=_ design ndaptv" b7y=blivider.
6. DISCUSSION; Note findings
7. FINDINGSi in keeping with archn-sataral Qsign adopted by
the subdi7ldaYS. Lt w2 '.):- the
Committee that this nsjuss� for detached garages
cn the front ha!Z of asrtpi" 10s 0a npprored.
S. On motion of Commissioner ReRQ. nsconsaj "y jomm. Lind.,
Variance Application No, 357 whs A72ROM )y the following
roll call, to wit:. All AY?�
Page 5
1. HECK, Paul & Floy 1814 W. Ocean Front Newport Beach
2. Lot 8 Block 18 Section B Zone R -3
3. Posted July 17, 1957 Published July 17, 1957
4. Encroachment of 21. into required 3' side yard'setback to allow
garage to come within.l' of side property line.
5. It is impossible to provide on a 30' lot with only a`24'
building width, a three -car garage.
6. DISCUSSION: The applicant was present and in a discussion with
the Commission advised that the only possible
way to place three garages on this 30' lot would
be to have a variance of 21. She was.advised by
the Commission that side yard.violations already
existed on property adjacent to hers and in
order to maintain light and air circulation, it
would be necessary that the required setbacks be
• 7. FINDINGS: The Committee reported that in this immediate area
a similar request was.denied a few years ago and
further .found that in view of the existing vio-
lations as set forth above, the application
should be denied.
8. On motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Comm. Copelin,
Variance Application No. 388 was DENIED by.the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. CAMPBM1e9 George W 226 Marine Balboa Island
2. Lot 14 Block 11 Balboa Island Tract Zone C -1
3. Posted July 179 1957 Published July 17, 1957
4. Waiver of off- street parking for 2 dwelling units.
5. Property useless and nearly a total loss to the owner if he
cannot use the upper half of the building.
6. DISCUSSION: The applicant was present and stated to the
Commission that he purchased this building for
• the purpose of utilizing two dwelling units
which are located above the ground floor, now
being used for commercial purposes, but dis-
covered at a later date that the garages for
these apartments had been closed in and were
being used as a part of a restaurant which
Page 6
#x,389 (don't)
existed prior to the purchase. He further
stated that he had been requested.by -the City Attorney
not to use the apartments for dwelling purposes
because of the lack of garage spaces. He complied
with the instructions of the City Attorney's office
but has found it impossible to rent the second
floor area for professional offices or -other uses.
which do not require parking spaces.
7. FINDINGS:. The Committee in their report to the Commission
set forth that the double garage which was for the
purpose of parking spaces for the dwelling units
in this building had been e*closed some time during
1948 without a building permit. The Commission
does not wish to go on record as legalizing a
violation of the zoning code and further, because
of the critical parking situation on Balboa Island'
it was felt that the application should be denied.
8.. On motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Comm. Hayton,
Variance Application No. 389 was DENIED by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. REBER, George T. & Ruth
2. Lots 4, 51 6, & &
3. Posted July 17, 1957
2010 11. Ocean Front Newport Beach
Block 20 lst.Addition to Newport
Beach Zone C -1
Published July 17, 1957
4. A zero front yard setback instead of required 20'; a 3' side
yard setback instead of required 41g a zero setback on side
property line to allow extension of garage only.
5. Best economic use of the property in developing a needed and
desirable apartment project. Nothing is requested that would
not be allowed without variance if a.commercial project rather
than a residential project were proposed.
6. DISCUSSION: Note findings
7. FINDINGS: The Committee stated that the proposed project
for this area was desirable in view of the fact
that the old jail house would be removed. This
new development would be an improvement to the
area. A recommendation of approval of the
variance request was made subject to the con-
dition that the final working plans be approved
by the Architectural Control Committee.
8. On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Comm. Rudd,
Variance Application No. 390 was APPROVED subject to the
above condition by the following roll call vote, to wit:. ALL AYES
Page 7
On advice of legal.counsel the Planning Commission held
the hearing on Use Permit h38 and Variance #391 simultaneously.
U,5B,PERMIT #338
1. ROBERTS AND SONS, H. Cedric 2519 Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar
2. Portion of Lot C Resubdivision of Corona del Mar
3. Posted July 159 1957 Zone R -3
4. Construction of 32 units in an R -3 District.
1. ROBERTS AND SONS, H. Cedric . 2519 Ocean Blvd. Corona del Mar
2. Portion of Lot C. Resubdivision;of Corona del Mar Zone R -3
3. Posted July 17, 1957 Published July 17, 1957
4. Height limit variance of 55' with ar elevator shaft approx-
imately 17' above the top of the building. The new structure,
with the exception of the elevator sjhaft, will not exceed the
.height of the present existing struc',ture.
5. Due to the terrain of the property,it is necessary that over -all
building height exceed the required ;height of 35'.
DISCUSSION - #338 and #391
There were present at
100 persons protesting
applications of Robert
the construction of 32
on a portion of Block
speaking against these
Attorney, B. Z. Mc
2714 Ocean Blvd.
Richard Reese
1001 North Bay Fr(
Balboa Island
Allen C. Stelle
212 Dahlia Ave.
0. W. Hudson
CDM Fernleaf Ave.
he hearing approximately
the use permit and variance
, H..Cedric and Sons for
units.and a height increase
, Corona del Mar. Those
applications were:
Page .8
Use Permit #338 &
Variance #381 (cant)
The protestors stated, among other things, the following:
1. The proposed apartment house will either destroy or
seriously impair the view of_ property owners on both -
sides of streets from two blocks West of Fernleaf. along.
Ocean Blvd. and Bayview to Heliotrope Avenue and on
both sides of Ocean Blvd. from two blocks West of Dahlia
to Heliotrope.
2. We believe the height limit of buildings was inserted in
the zoning ordinance for the protection of all the
people and should not be waived just because it would be
to the advantage, financial or otherwise;, of some
individual property owner or builder.
3. The waiving of the height limit in this matter would set
a precedent along the ocean front. Other persons could or
would apply for waivers and why should they not be given
the same consideration.
4. The slope up Fernleaf Avenue from Bayside Drive is
inadequate for the present traffic. Every teenager who
owns a car seems to consider it a cha:llenge. This new
building will bound to increase this.
On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Comm. Reed, and
carried, the hearings on these two applications were closed.
FINDINGS Under Section 9106.31 of the Zoning Ordinance, a
variance request may be submitted to the Planning
Commission if it is shown that there are exceptional
or extraordinary circumstances applying to the land .
which do not apply generally to the land area in
the vicinity.
This lot is of unusual size and shape composed of
some 5+,000 square feet, bounded by buffs or cliffs
on three sides. The topography and contour of the
land present a difficult building problem.
Under the Zoning Ordinance, which requires 17000
sq. ft. of building site area per living unit in an
R -3 District, the applicant could apply for 54 units.;
The proposed dwelling will have approximately 19700
sq. ft. of building site area for each unit, two
parking spaces for each unit, and 19 spaces for
guest parking.
Under the Subdivision Ordinance,, this parcel could
be legally subdivided into 10 lots with three units
being permitted on each lot.
i Page 9
Use Permit #338 &
Variance #391 (con't)
After careful consideration of the oral and written
evidence presented by the applicant and protestors and
for the aforesaid reasons as previously set forth,
the Planning Commission finds and determines that,
1. There are exceptional or extraordinary.circumstances
applying to the land and proposed building which
circumstances or conditions do not apply gener-
ally to land or buildings in the same district.
2. The granting of the application is necessary
for preservation and enjoyment of substantial
property rights of the petitioner.
3. The granting of this Use Permit and Variance
Application would not adversely affect or be
detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals,
comfort and general welfare of persons residing
in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be
detrimental or injurious to the property and
improvements in the neighborhood or to the
general welfare of the City.
On motion of Commissioner Lind, seconded by Comm. Reed, Use
• Permit #338 was APPROVED by the following roll call vote, to
wit-. ALL AYES
On motion of Commissioner Lind, seconded by Comm. Deed, Variance
Application #391 was APPROVED by the following roll call vote,
to witz AYES: Reed, Copelin, Keene, Longmoor, Smith, Briggs,
Rudd, Lind
NOES% Hayton
CM01 . ABSENT: None
Commissioner Hayton stated
variance application for a
although variances usually
in this particular case it
1. LOWERY, Dorgan ?d. 52
that he was voting against the
height increase for the reason that
do not set a precedent, he believed
LO Neptune Ave. Newport Beach
2. Lot 7 Block 52 River Section Zone R -2
3. Posted July 17, 1957
4. The applicant desires a resubdivision of this property so as
to provide two R -2 lots.
Page 10
RESUB. if 54 (cont)
5. The dimensions of the lot as supplemented by accretion shown
as "Parcel 2" cannot be economically used as one lot.
6. DISCUSSION Note findings
7. FINDINGS: Due to the exceptional depth of this lot having
street frontage on Neptune and River Avenues, the
Committee recommended approval of this application.
8. On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Comm. Hayton,
Resubdivision Application #54 was APPROVED and the filing of
the final map was waived by.the following roll call vote, to
wit: ffLL AYES
1. CITY OF NU.JPORT BEACH 1348 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach
2. Portion of Lot 53 Irvine's Subdivision Zone "U"
3. Posted July 15, 1957
4. Construction of a fire station in an unclassified district.
5. DISCUSSION,. Note findings
6. FINDINGS: Under Section 9105.1(f) public utility buildings
may be permitted in any district subject to first
securing a use permit.
7. On motion of Commissioner Lind, seconded by Comm. Hayton,
Use Permit x`339 was APPROVED by the following roll call vote,
to wit: ALL AYES
1. BANE, Harry R. 3000 Ocean Front Balboa
2. Lots 1 & 2 Block 30 Newport Beach Tract Zone R -2
3. Posted July 15, 1957
4. Alteration and relocation of garage and remodelling of non-
conforming dwelling.
Note: This dwelling is non - conforming due to violation of
. 5. DISCUSSION: The applicant advised the Commission that this
dwelling is non - conforming due to,a violation of
the rear yard setback. The dwelling is now
within 3' of the rear property line, however,
a 10' setback is required.
Page 11
#340 (cont)
6. FINDINGS: The Committee in their report to the Commission
stated that the living conditions would be improved
and that an additional car could be placed off the
street if this application were approved.
7. On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Commissioner
Rudd, Use Permit #340 was APPROVED by the following roll tally
to wit: ALL AYES
1. JAYRED, Robert 810 W. Bay Ave. Newport Beach
2. Lot 34 . Tract 884 Zone R -1
3. Posted July 15, 1957
4. Add.ition to garage of non - conforming dwelling.
Note: Dwelling is non - conforming due to violation of side
yard setback.
. 5. On motion of Commissioner Copelin, seconded by Comm. Reed,
and carried, the hearing on this application was set over
until the next regular meeting due to the applicant not being
present at this hearing.
1. STANLEY, Earl W. 4401 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach
2. Portion of Section 28 T6S R10W SBBM
3. Posted July 15, 1957
4. Change and upgrading of mooring facilities.
5. DISCUSSION: Note findings
6. FINDINGS: After considerable discussion with the applicant
regarding plans for moorings. on this property,
the Commission recommended approval of this
application subject to the following conditions:
1. One off - street parking space must be provided
for every two moorings.
2. There shall be no boat rentals or charter boats.
Note: Dwelling is non - conforming due to violation of
5. DISCUSSION: Note findings
6. FINDINGS: The Committee in their report to the Commission
stated that upon investigation of this property,
the -: found many violations of setback require -.
ments and that the dwelling was in very poor
condition. In their opinion, it would be poor
planning to recommend a new addition to this
house, which should be removed.
7. On motion of Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Comm. Lind,
Use Permit ; =343 was DENIED by the following.roll call vote,
to slit: ALL AYES
Page 12
Sapphire Ave.
#342 (con' t)
B.I. Zone R -2
3. There shall be no boat launching.
4. Sanitary facilities must be provided in
accordance with the specifications of the
City Engineer.
5. The final plans for this project must be
approved by the City Engineer.
On motion of Commissioner Rudd, seconded by Comm. Smith, Use
Permit #342 was APPROVED by the following roll call vote, to
LINNARD, Mrs. Leroy 1302 S. Bay Front Balboa Island
Lot 2 Block 1 Section 4 Balboa Island Tract
Posted July 15,1957
Addition of garage to a non - conforming dwelling.
Note: Dwelling is non - conforming due to violation of
5. DISCUSSION: Note findings
6. FINDINGS: The Committee in their report to the Commission
stated that upon investigation of this property,
the -: found many violations of setback require -.
ments and that the dwelling was in very poor
condition. In their opinion, it would be poor
planning to recommend a new addition to this
house, which should be removed.
7. On motion of Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Comm. Lind,
Use Permit ; =343 was DENIED by the following.roll call vote,
to slit: ALL AYES
Glenn G.
Sapphire Ave.
Lot 13
Section 3
B.I. Zone R -2
• 3. Posted July 15, 1957
4. Interior alteration to non - conforming dwelling.
Page 13
#344 Cont
5. DISCUSSION. Note findings
6. FINDINGS: The applicant desires to enclose an existing
porch and add to his present dwelling an _.
additional bathroom and living quarters. [This
new addition will not violate any yard setbacks,
therefore, the Committee recommended approval.
7. A motion of Commissioner Reed, seconded by Comm. Hayton, Use
Permit #344 was APPROVED by the following roll call vote, to
1. WETHERALL, Charles L. 500 E. Ocean Front, Balboa
2. Lot 9 Block 6 Balboa Tract Zone C -1
3. Posted July 157 1957
• 4. Addition of a porch cover to a non - conforming dwelling.
Note: Dwelling is non - conforming due to violation of
setbacks and the absence of any garage facilities.
5. DISCUSSION. Note findings
6. FINDINGS: After considerable discussion with the represent-
ative of the applicant, the Committee recommended
to the Commission that the application be
approved subject to the condition that when the
final working plans are presented, they must be
approved by the Architectural Control Committee.
7. On motion of Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Comm. Lind, Use
Permit #'345 was APPROVED subject to the above condition by
the following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
1. ISRAELSON, Earl E. 321 Catalina Dr. Newport Beach
2. Lot 69 Tract 1136 Zone R -1
3. Posted July 15, 1957
• 4. Addition of a bathroom & dressing room to a non- conforming
Note: The existing structure is beyond the maximum setback
of 35'.
Page 14
#f346 (con't)
5. DISCUSSION: Note findings
6. FINDINGS- This dwelling is non - conforming due to the fact:
th�At the front yard setback is in .excess of 35f..
The new structure will conform to all yard set -
backs, therefore, the Committee recommended
7. On motion of Commissioner Keene, seconded by Comm. Hayton,
Use Permit #`346 was APPROVED by the following roll call vote,
to wit: ALL AYES
1. EASTMAN, Clinton 505 St. Andrews Rd., Newport Beach
2. Lot 21 Tract 1718 Zone R -3
3. Posted July 17, 1957
4. Operation of a private school in a R -3 district.
• 5. DISCUSSION: Attorney Donald Harwood, representing the applicant,
addressed the Commission and stated that the
existing dwelling on this property, which is a
very large buildingy would be used for a private
school for children from the kindergarten
through the fourth grade. The enrollment will
consist of 25 pupils and the school would be
in session each day from 9:00 A.M. to 3 -'00 P.M.
and would observe regular vacation periods and
holidays. No student will remain overnight.
6. FINDINGS: The Committee in their report to the Commission
s'.ated that't his property is located in a
neighborhood where other schools exist with the
St. Andrews Presbyterian church school being
located directly across the street. It was
further noted that this "property is located on
the fringe of.an apartment unit area.! -A
recommendation of approval was made, s`iibject to
the condition that the use of the property be
terminated upon,the expiration of the.business
license which will be. issued to Mrs. Grace M.
Mac Monnies.
7. On motion of Commissioner Keene, seconded by Comm. Rudd, Use
• Permit ;347 was APPROVED subject to the above condition.by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Reed
NOES: Hayton
1. SMITH, Robert G.
2. Portion of Lot F
2902 Coast Highway
Tract 919
Page 15
#11+7 (con' t)
Newport Beach
Zone C -2 -H
3. Permission to sell cars and to have an auto repair and service
4. DISCUSSION: Note findings
5. FINDINGS: Section 9103.52 of Ordinance 635 requires a Use
Permit for the sale and service of automobiles
in a C -1 district. This request for the sale,
auto repairs, and service department would be
compatible to-other uses in this area, therefore,
the Commission recommended approval, subject
to condition that it be granted for a period of
one year only.
6. On motion of Commissioner Keene, seconded by Comm. Lind, Use
Permit 1248 was APPROVED subject to the above condition by
the following roll call vote, to exit: ALL AYES
1. PLEGER, Alfred C. 407 Dahlia Corona del Iviar
2. Portion of Lots 3, 5, 7 Blcok 331 Tract CMD Zone R -2
3. Construction of an apartment.to an existing single family
residence. Dwelling is non - conforming as it exceeds 35'
maximum front yard setback.
. 4. DISCUSSION; The applicant was present and advised the
Commission that his property was legally sub-
divided and is in an R -2 Zone. The present
dwelling exceeds the maximum.front setback of
35' creating a non- conforming condition.
• Page 16
#11+9 (coat)
5. FINDINGS: The Commission recommended that this request be
approved due to the fact that it would be
impossible to build within the required front
yard setback. The new structure would not
violate any additional setbacks.
6. On motion of Commissioner Reed, seconded by Comm. Copelin, Use
Permit # 4 was APPROVED by the following.roll call vote, to
wit: A AYES
1. Third hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 609 to Amend
Article IX, Chapter IV of the Municipal Code by adding
Section 9253.44 to establish a fee for each lot in a new
2. On motion of Commissioner Reed, seconded by Gomm. Rudd,
Amendment No. 35 was set over for another hearing, by the
following roll call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
• 1. Third hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 610 to amend
Article IX, Chapter V of the Municipal Code by adding Section
9105.4(h) to establish regulations governing SWIMMING POOLS.
2. On motion of Commissioner Hayton, seconded by Comm. Copelin,
the Commission recommended that the proposed Swimming Pool
Ordinance be submitted to the City Council for adoption by the
following roll call vote,to wit: ALL AYES
1. Third hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 612 to
establish setbacks on the property adjacent to the aband-
onded Bay Avenue.
2. Blocks O- P -Q -R -S East Side Addition
3. On motion of Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Comm. Reed,
the Commission recommended that the setback requirements
prepared by the Director of Public Works on the abandoned
property along Bay Avenue be submitted to the City Council
in the form of an ordinance for adoption by the following roll
call vote, to wit: ALL AYES
40 1. First hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 616 to hold
public hearings on the zoning of the area known as "Superior
Avenue Annexation."
2. On motion of Commissioner Hayton, seconded by Comm. Copelin,.
Amendment No. 42 was set over for a second hearing on 8- 15 -57. =>
Page 17
1. Presented to the Commission were tentative maps of Tracts 3283
being a subdivision of portions of Section 26 and 35 in
T6S R1011 SBBM. This tract contains 20 lots and will be for
single family residential use.
2. On motion of Commissioner Lind, seconded by Comm. Copelin and
carried, the tentative map of 3283 was APPROVED.
The Commission stated that the recommendation of the Parks,
Beaches & Recreation Commission regarding subdivision fees and
tree planting would be considered at the time the final map
is submitted.
1. Presented to the Commission by the Director of Public Works
was the final map of' Tract 3232 being a subdivision.of a
portion of Block 94 of Irvine Subdivision.
• 2. On motion of Commissioner Briggs, seconded by Comm. Hayton,
Tract 3232 was APPROVED subject to the conditions listed
below by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Keene
NOES: Reed
1. All utilities must be installed underground.
2. Subdividers to provide tree planting within tract
in accordance with recommendations of Park, Beaches
& Recreation Commission re its letter of May 21, 19579
or any changes mutually agreed u_oon.
1. Presented to the Commission was the final map of Tract 3145
being a subdivision of Lots 814 and 914 First Addition to
• Newport Mesa Tract as recorded in Book A, Page 61, Miscellaneous
Maps,Records of Orange County, California'.
Page 18
14 (con, t)
2. On motion of Commissioner Lind, seconded by Comm. Smith, the
final map of 3145 was APPROVED, subject to the conditions
listed below by the following roll call vote, to wit. ALL AYES
1. That an additional 10' from lots 1 and 32 be
deeded to the City for Street purposes.
2. Suggested to the Subdivider that the planting
in parkways recommended by the Parks, Beaches
& Recreation Commission be followed which will be
reviewed by the Architectural Control Committee
when the applicant or builder submits plans for
buildings and landscaping front yard setback area
as required in an M -1 -A District.
3. Suggested that the Director of Public Works endeavor
to have subdivider install utilities underground.
C 0 M M U N I C A T I O N S
Referred to the Planning Commission was a letter dated
July 59 1957, signed by Max R. 1;Jalter in which he requested
that his Resubdivision Application No. 48 be withdrawn and
if in order that his filing fee of p25.00 be refunded.
The Commission stated that his application was considered
at two meetings and had been processed through the office of
the Planning Staff involving time and work by them. In view
of this, on motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Comm.
Copelin and carried, the request of Mr. Walter to have his
monies refunded were DENIED.
The Department of Public Works referred to the Commission a
request of lair. Bob Dalton to have awning over structure on
bay side of property. On motion of Comm. Hayton, seconded by
Commissioner Smith and carried, the Commission advised
Mr: Webb that there would be no objections of Mr. Dalton to
have the awning as requested.
The Commission has considered applications for the past
several meetings requesting waiver of off - street parking by
reason of garages having been enclosed for the purpose of
living quarters.
• Page 19
• additional Business - Con't
Upon investigation by the Commission of these variance
requests, it taas found that there are many existing violations
throughout the city.
Action of the Col:;mission has consistently denied the requests
for waiver of off - street parking, and it was believed that
the City Administration should be requested to initiate a
thorough investigation into this matter.
The Planning Staff was instructed to advise the City Manager
of the Commission's feelings in this matter.
I 1
Business at hand be ing declAred completed, :the meeting. was
adjourned on motion of Commissioner Hayton9 seconded by
Comm, Smith and carried.
Ray Y Copelin