HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/16/1939• •` AUGUST 16, 1939 THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION met in regular session Wednesday, August 16. 1939. 7:30 P -m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. In the absence of Chairman Hopkins, Com. Patterson moved that Com. Briggs act as temporary Chairman. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried. ROLL CALL - Commissioners presents Briggs, Seager, Findlay. Williams, Patterson. Commissioners absent: Hopkins, Estus, Whitson, Hodgkinson. Building Inspector Nelson attended. MINUTES - Com. Seeger moved that the reading of the minutes of the meeting held August 2. 1939 be dispensed with. nom. Patterson moved that thw motion be amended by adding "and that they be approved as written ". Com. Seeger accepted the amendment. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. CORRESPONDENCE Secretary read a letter received from the Irvine Co- in regard to the subdivision ordinance being drafted by the Planning Commission and making formal protest to the same.` He also read his reply to the Irvine Co. ;stating that he would notify them of the time of hearings on this matter. Secretary stated that he considered their protest a routine matter, made only because they do not know what the ordinance contains. Com. Briggs thought the ordinance would be a pro- tective measure for the Irvine Co. Secretary read replies he had made to letters read at the last meeting from the Pacific Electric Railway go. and the City of Huntington Beach Planning Commission. These letters were filed. GOOD OF THE 'CITY - Com. Seeger moved that this Body enter into an in- formal discussion of Master Planning. He stated that Master Planning is the most important thing we can do for this city. We must plan for the future growth of the city so that it will develop along some carefully thought out plan. Recreational centers, civic center and parks must be provided for and sites selected. If this is not done, we are not functioning in the true sense as a planning commission. • Seconded by Com. Williams. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. The commission then discussed features of the master plan informally. Subjects discussed were: 1. Location of Recreation Center in Corona del Mar. 2. Setting aside some area to accommodate the holiday crowds. 3. Balboa perking and recreational area. k. Recreational center on Balboa Island. 5. Recreational planning for the entire city. 6. Incorporating some of the plans of the proposed municipal improvements program in the Master plan, It.was mutually agreed that the recreational phase of the Master plan should be worked out first. Com. Patterson suggested the commission should have something concrete to work from.. A map showing City pro- perty available at this time as possible recreational sites would be helpful. Com. Findlay moved that the Chairman appoint a com- mittee of three to submit at the neat regular meeting of the commission a definite recreational plan. Seconded by Uom. Williams. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. Chairman Briggs appointed as the Recreational Plan Committee - Commissioners Patterson, Findlay and Williams. It was Com. Seeger's opinion that the commission should be informed concerning the proposed Orange County Water Park adjacent to the city; whether the plan has been abandoned or whether the Orange County Supervisors plan to complete this project. It is in such close proximity to the city that it should be considered in our recreational plan. Com. Seeger moved that the Secretary be instructed to write to the Orange County Board of Supervisors requesting information upon the present status of the proposed Orange County Water Park. Seconded by Com. Patterson. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Com. Seager., seconded by Com. 'Findlay, and carried the meeting adjourned. • Respectfully submitted, IJZt/'D¢itiGL L'tr�rai Lit..► HOWARD W, , Seca t y,