HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/21/1940AUGUST 21, 1940 THE NEWPORT.BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION met In regular session Wednesday, August 21, 1940, 7 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall; Chairman Hopkins presiding. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Hopkins, Seeger, Allen, Estus, Findlay, Johnson, Nelson, Patterson, Williams. Commissioners absent: None. The Secretary was in possession of the following communication from the City Clerk: Dr. Howard W. Seager, Secretary, Newport Beach City Planning Commission Balboa Ieland, California. Play Dear Doctor: At a meeting of the City Council of this City held on August 5, 1940, Mayor Gordon made the following appointments to the Newport Beach City Planning Commission: Gordon B. Findlay, i:Srs, Della Williams, J. H. Estus and Marcus Johnson, the latter to fill the unexpired term of Fred W. Briggs, resigned. A. M. Nelson, Building Inspector was also appointed to succeed Rowland H. Hodgkinson as an ex- officio member of the Planning Commission. The above appointments were all confirmed by the City Council. Sincerely yours, FRANK L. RINEHART, City Clerk.' ANNUAL RE- ORGANIZATION OF THE COM11aISSION- Chairman Hopkins stated that the first order of business for the evening wa.s the annual re- organization of the commission. He declared that nominations for Chairman were in order and that, before receiving nominations, he would like to state that he has served several years as chairman and would rather that he not be considered for the office again. Com. Estus nominated Com. Johnson Chairman. Seconded by Cot. Allen. Com. Estus moved the nominations the Secretary be instructed to cast a ballot for Com: Johnson for the office Seconded by Com. Allen. Motion carried. for be closed and unanimous of Chairman. • I • The Chairman instructed the Secretary to east a, unanimous ballot for Marcus Johnson for Chairman of the Commission. The Secretary then cast the unanimous ballot of the Commission for Marcus Johnson and Chairman then declared Marcus Johnson unanimously elected Chairman for the ensuing term. Chairman declared nominations open for the office of Secretary. Com. Allen nominated Com. Seager for the office of Secretary. Com. Findlay nominated Com. Patterson for the office of Secretary. Com. Seager stated that, although he might be misunderstood, yet he felt it should be stated that since Com. Patterson is an ex- officio member of the Commission, he is not eligible to hold an office. Com. Patterson withdrew. Com. Allen moved the nominations be closed and the Secretary instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Com. Seager for the office of Secretary. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried. The Chairman instructed the Secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for Com. Seager for Secretary of the Commission. The Secretary then cast the unanimous ballot of the Commission for Howard W. Seager and Chairman then declared Howard W. Seager unanimously elected Secretary for the ensuing term. Com. Johnson reauested Cora. Hopkins to continue as Chairman pro tem during the hearings scheduled since he was not familiar with the usual procedure. Com. Estus moved that Com. Hopkins continue in the chair as Chairman pro tem. Seconded by Com. Allen. Motion carried.. MINUTES - Com. Estus moved that the minutes of the regular meeting held July 17 and the adjourned meeting held July 19 be approved as written. Seconded by Com. Allen. Motion carried, HEARINGS - Chairman called for first hearing the matter of the petition of John A. Harvey and Edith G. Harvey for the rezoning of Lots 17 and 18, Blk 1, Sec 4, Balboa Island, from R -2 to C -1. Secretary read the petition for rezoning which was referred to the Planning Commission by the City Council for hearing and recommenda- tion and stated that the hearing had been ad- 10 vortised, notices sent to surrounding property owners and all other requirements of the ordinance complied with. Written protests to the rezoning of this property were received from the following and were read by the Secretary: Ona C. Field, Ruby L. Lucas, J. E. Coberly, M. A. Cox, Loenard L. Thompson, LaVerne Norton, F. P. Brackett, Stanley W. Williams, Anna A. Phelps, Helen Dixon, Frank D. Hatch, John M. Allen, Paul S. McKibben Alice Dodds, Lila V. Ackerman, Helen PA. Smith, bonald B. Wooster, Burke L. Chapman, Jettie B. ChsLpman, Walter J. Cole, Eliza Willing Train, Yates Owsley, Helen Robers Owsley. Chairman declared the hearing open for dis- cussion and inquired if there was anyone present who wished to speak on this matter. Mrs. Hal Will Smith entered a verbal protest to the rezoning of this property for business as a property owner on Onyx Ave. and also because . she and Mr. Smith had sold many of the properties on Onyx to the present owners and had represented them as residential property. Others present who had sent protests were Mrs. Train, Mrs. Owsley, Mrs. Phelps, Dr. Me Kibben and Walter J. Cole. Mr. Harvey, owner of Lots 17 and 18 was present and stated that he had nothing to say at this time but would reserve his remarks until the second hearing after analyzing the protests received. He inquired if these letters were public records and could be examined at any time. Chairman Hopkins assured him that they were. No further discussion. Com. Allen moved the pet3tion for rezoning of John A. and Edith G. Harvey for rezoning Lots 17 and 18, Blk 1, See 4, Balboa Island be passed to second hearing and that a special meeeting be called for that purpose Wednesday, August 28, 1940 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City 'Hall. Seconded by Com. Johnson. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. VARIANCE APPLICATION of Ralph P Came Chairman called for hearing the application of Ralph P. Camp for a 50% front yard setback and a 20% rear yard setback variance on Lot 4, Blk 4, East Newport Tract. Secretary stated that the hearing had been advertised, plans posted, notices sent to surrounding property owners and all other requirements of the ordinance complied with. He read a protest signed by the following property owners in the neighborhood: C. S. Underwood, Emma W. Conklin, Stella M. Penington, Carl A. Danielson and I. Wiener. Chairman declared the hearing open for dis- cussion. Mr. Weiner and Mr. Danielson, owners of the property adjoining were present and entered verbal protests against the front yard.variance. They stated that they had been required to setback 10 feet by deed restriction. After further discussion by the commission, Com. Estus moved that the hearing on this matter be continued to the special meeting to be August 28 to allow Mr. Camp the opportunity to appear and explain his request for variance. Seconded by Com. Alien. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman.' CORRESPONDENCE - • Street re- naming. Secretary informed the commission that, at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce street renaming was discussed and that the Board of Directors had referred the matter to the planning Commission by le'tteE. om. Patterson said that he had started to prepare an ordinance changing some of the names of the streets where conflictions occur and that he had presented it to the City Council. It was tabled and has never been brought up again. Com. Estus moved that the letter from the Chamber of Commerce be filed and the City Engineer be instructed to bring in a list of the street names that are similar for discussion by the Com - mission. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried. Com. Seager suggested that the City Engineer consult with the committee from the Chamber of Commerce. • Letter on Rezoning. Secretary read a letter from Charles Dennison recommending a change of zoning on that triangular piece of property lying between 30th St., Central Avenue and the S. P. right -of -way. om. Patterson stated that this property is not yet subdivided and there is no need to change the zoning until there is some call for it. Com. Estus moved that this matter be referred to the District Map Committee working on the West Newport District. Seconded by Com. Allen. Motion carried. Secretary referred the letter to Com. Findlay as Chairman of the West Newport Committee. Notice of County Meeting Secretary read a postcard notice of the second joint meeting of the Orange County Planning Com- missions to be held in the Anaheim City Hall, 7;30 P.M. September 4th. All members of the Planning Commissions of the County were invited._ Com. Allen moved that the card of notice be filed and that the Secretary be instructed to inform the commissioners by letter of the time and place of the meeting when final word is received urging, all members to attend and also to inform the Orange County Com, how many will be present. Seconded by Com. Johnson. om. Seeger discussed the Coast -line Planning Association, stating that each county on the Coast is given representation in this association. It is formed for the purpose of getting protection for the beaches and also for formulating a master plan of the entire coastline. It is up to us to assert ourselves in the preparation of this plan and to submit a plan for our coast, otherwise it will be planned for us to the advantage of other distr acts. It is of importance that we be represented at such meetings. Question called for. Motion carried and so ordered. REVISED TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT 1061. Secretary presented for consideration of the Commission a revised map of Tract 1061 referred to the Planning Commission by the City Council for approval. Com. Estus explained the changes made in the • map and it was discussed by members of the com- mission. Com. Seeger moved that the revised tentative map of Tract 1061 be approved. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried and so ordered. SETBACKS ON BALBOA ISLAND - Mr. Grainger Hyer, speaking from the floor, informed the commission that 90 days have elapsed since the first hearing on the matter of establish- ing a 5 ft. setback on Balboa Island and Channel Island. Therefore he requested that this matter, together with his letter requesting such change re referred to the City Council. Com. Seager moved that the Secretary be in- structed to forward Mr. Hyer's request with his communication to the City Council. Com. Allen felt that some explanation should be given the City Council of the delay in taking action upon this matter. Motion lost, for want of a second. Com. Estus moved that Mr. Hyer's request be sent to the City Council accompanied by .a com- munication stating that no action has been taken on this matter for the reason that the commission is going through the procedure of redrafting the ordinance at this time and that this matter will be taken care of at the same time as other changes to be made in the ordinance. Seconded by Com. Allen. Motion carried and so ordered. LETTERS OF APPRECIATION - Com. Williams thought that the commission should express to Com. Hopkins its appreciation for the fine manner in which he has presided for the past three years. Com. Sea,ger suggested that letters of ap- preciation be sent to Com. Hopkins and to Fred W. Briggs, retiring member of the commission for their services rendered on the commission. Com. Johnson so moved. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried. Com. Hopkins then turned the gavel over to the new Chairman, Marcus Johnson. Com. Hopkins informed the commission that the special meeting ordered in connection with the John A. Harvey and Edith G. Harvey petition for rezoning set for August 28 will not allow sufficient time for advertising; therefore he moved that the former action taken in connection with the special call for meeting one week hence be recinded. is I• T Seconded by Com. Allen. Motion carried. Com. Allen moved that a special meeting of the Planning Oommission be held at 7:30 P.M. Friday, August 30, 1940 in the Council Chambers, City Hall for the purpose of holding a second hearing upon the petition of John A. Harvey and Edith G. Harvey for rezoning of Lots 17 and 18, Blk 1, Section 4, Balboa Island and also the continued hearing upon the application of Ralph P. Camp for a 50% front yard and 20% rear yard setback variance on Lot 4, Blk 4, East Newport Tract. Seconded by Com. Findlay. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman Com. Allen moved that Mr. and Mrs. Harvey be informed by letter of the change of meeting date. Seconded by Com. Hopkins. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT - On motion of Com. Allen, seconded by Com. Findlay and carried the meeting adjourned. ctfully submitted, secrezary 1