HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/30/1940AUGUST 30, 1940 THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION met • in special session, Friday, August 30th, 1940, 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall; Chairman Johnson presiding. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. ROLL CALL - Commissioners present: Johnson, Seager, Allen, Estus, Findlay, Nelson, Patterson, Williams. Commissioners absent: Hookins. Chairman stated that this special meeting was called for the purpose of holding the second hear- ing upon the application'of John A. and Edith G. Harvey for rezoning of Lots 17 and 18, Blk 1, Sec 4, Balboa Island and for the continued hear - in upon the application of Ralph P. Camp for a 50fo front and 20% rear yard setback variance upon Lot 4, Blk 4, East Newport Tract. HEARINGS - SECOND HEARING On Application of John A. and Edith G. Harvey for Rezoning. Chairman Johnson called for the second and final hearing on the matter of the application of John A. and Edith G. Harvey for the rezoning of Lots 17 and 18, Blk 1, Sec 4, Balboa Island from R -2 to C -1. Secretary read a petition protesting the rezoning which was signed by 36 people and 8 letters of protest which had been received since the first hearing. Chairman declared the hearing open for verbal comments for and against the proposed change in zoning. Mr. Mark Healy of 1304 So. Bay Front stated that he is a year around resident and in his opinion this rezoning is unnecessary. He comment- ed that people had built nice homes on the Island with the thought in mind that they would be pro- tected by the zoning ordinance and that it would be unfair to change it. Mrs. Hal Will Smith of 108 Onyx Ave. stated • that she had made an analysis of the Island. There are 63 lots zoned for business and of these 16 are vacant. Seven of them have small residences on them, most of them being{ on the rear, which lots can later be utilized for business. There also is the vacant store in the 200 block on Marine Ave. Mr. H. A. Wallace objected to putting business property on a street on which are some • of the nicest Island homes. He believed it would hurt all of the proerty on the Island. Frances E. Baue pr of 127 Apolena objected to the proposed change. Virginia Hess of 1206 Park Ave. said that in her opinion there is no reason for such a change. William P. Durkee of 109 Onyx Ave. said he employed local labor in the erection of his home in 1932, during the depression. He has an in- vestment in excess of $25,000 at that address and very definitely protested this rezoning. He further stated that if the rezoning went through, he would not be a year round resident. Mr. James Durkee of 113 Onyx Ave. built his home under the same circumstances in 1932 and feels that Balboa Island has a, very definite and unique appeal in Southern California. He would dispose of his property should the existing zoning be changed. Mr. Del Thompson of 125 Onyx lives directly across the street from the property in question. He said that he acouired his property on May let, 1940 and since that time has spent over $600 im- proving it and making it rentable. He stated that this property would be practically a total lose for residential property should business property be erected across the street. Clarence Stanyer of 124 Apolena and 200 Apolena stated that if the matter is not carefully considered, the commission will be faced with other requests for rezoning on Park Avenue. His opinion is that there is plenty of business pro- perty on the Island if all the lots were built on. He also advanced the thought that it is unfair to prospective business people if this is encouraged. A business that is not a thriving business is not healthy for the community, and in the winter time no doubt the five grocery stores on the Island find it "tough sledding ". He does not believe that the total population offers enough possibil- ity for additional business. Mr. Hal Will Smith of 109 Onyx Ave. stated that he believed that all in the room were in favor of killing this matter. Mr. John Harvey stated that he wanted to clear up what appeared to be some misunderstand- ing. He stated that he is a. pioneer of the Island, having purchased 150 lots there 18 years ago. After this length of time he figures the lots have cost him all together between $2500 and $3000 each. He pays taxes on t. rate of $75.00 per year to the to the county. He has had them of the real estate brokers duri years and has had no offers at stated that this zoning; ordinan before he was aware it was even He explained that there is an o of the lots now and that it is up a building comparable with a now - a concrete, re- enforced o building. In his opinion , the would be affected would be the aese 1oLs au Quo city and $20.00 listed with all ng the last ten all. He further ce had been passed . being considered. ld shack on one his plan to put ny on the Island ne or two story only lot that dey lot in back of his. 1.1r. Harvey explained his analysis of the letters of protest received at the previous meet- ing and stated that the reasons for protest were mostly selfish. He further stated that he believ- ed that 11. of these letters were written on the same typewriter, on the same water marked paper and that they would never have been written if they had not been solicited by someone. Per. Harvey explained that three building and loan companies and one bank had refused to loan on the grounds that the property is unsuit- able for residential property and that if this ordinance is not changed, it would leave him with property that would be practically useless. It said he was aware that an organization had existed for three years which was against such a move on his part. Also that he had a tenant for a. first class drug store and that a year ago he was contacted by a firm desiring to put in a 5¢ and 1N store. At the present time he owns $40,000 or $50,000 worth of property on Balboa Island. Mr. Harvey's analysis of the protesting letters shows him no legitimate grounds for a protest and he stated that the only legitimate • grounds for a protest on this change would be if the change would hurtthe Island. Since the pro - posed building will face Park Ave., he does not believe it would injure anyone's property. He asked people to be generous in his behalf in this instance Miss Lela V. Ackerman of Claremont stated ; that she owns property at 121 Onyx. She took exception to Mr. Harvey's remark that her letter' was sent to her for her signature and stated that she had written it herself. Miss Ackerman said she knew something of city planning and the reasons for protest were her own. She contended' that spot zoning would be a bad mistake and felt that all the people on the Island owning property would be affected by such a change. She suggested that the people asking Mr. Harvey for store space could build on Marine Ave. Dr. McKibben of 122 Onyx Ave. stated that he owns Lot 19 which is next to Yr. Harvey's lots. He said that he will be more hurt than anyone else and that, while Hr. Harvey is a good citizen and is entitled to his rights, there are dozens of people who live and have their homes on Onyx Ave. Per. Harvey's interests are important but the interests of the people who live on Onyx Ave. are more important. Mr. 0. Z. Robertson of Rob's Market stated that like John Allen being afraid of another drug store, he is afraid of having another grocery store on the Island. Cdr. Robertson stated that the rooms over the cocktail bar are always rented as he found when trying to rent for his summer help. Mr. over the for this lots in years. Smith stated- that Mr. Harvey was crying -loss of one or two lots and has no reason attitude particularly when one of the question was secured within the last two Mr. Harvey said ting a grocery store Com. Allen moved Seconded by Com. Motion carried. he had no intention of put - into his premises. that the hearing be closed. Patterson. Com. Allen moved the adoption of Resolution No. 175 recommending to the City Council that the application of John A. and Edith G. Harvey for the rezoning of Lots 17 and 18, Blk 1, Section 4, • Balboa Island be denied and that the same be trans - mitted to the City Council by the Secretary and a copy filed as part of the minutes of this meeting. Seconded by Com. Patterson. 0 Roll Call: Ayes: Johnson, Seeger, Findlay, Nelson, Noes: None. IZotion carried and so ordered Allen, Estus Patterson, Williams. by the Chairman. ation of Ralph P Chairman called for the continued hearing on the matter of the application of Ralph P. Camp for a. 50p front and 20% rear yard setback variance on Lot 4, Blk 4, East Newport Tract. He declared the hearing open for discussion. Mr. Camp explained that the matter in quest - ion involves getting a "building consisting of three units on a lot that is 70 ft. long. The building is 61 ft, long. There are no garages. Com. Nelson explained, to Mr. Camp how he could accomplish what he has in mind. Com. Findlay moved that the application of Ralph P. Camp for a 50% front yard setback variance be denied and that Resolution No. 176 be adopted recommending to the City Council that a 100% rear yard setback variance be granted to Ralph P. Camp on Lot 4, Blk 4, East Newport Tract and that the same be transmitted to the City Council by the Secretary and a copy filed as part of the minutes of this meeting. Seconded by Com. Nelson. Roll Call: Ayes: Johnson, Seager, Allen, Estus, Findlay, Nelson, Williams. Noes: 'Patterson. Motion carried and so ordered by the Chairman. ADJOURNMENT - On motion of Com. Nelson, seconded by Com. Williams and carried the meeting adjourned. After adjournment, there was an informal meeting held at which Mr. Patterson offered the final drawing of the map of Tract 1061. Com.. Findlay moved that the final map of Tract 1061 be approved. Seconded by Com. Seager. Uotion carried and so ordered by the Chair- man. Sectional maps of the city were considered and the revision of Ordinance 440 was discussed. Respectfully submitted, D-WG1�L.�l�LJ � til,. HOWARD W. SEALER, Secretary