Place: City Council Chambers
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Date: September 4, 1980
lifffil City of . Newport Beach
Present X X X YK * X *Commissioner Balalis arrived at 3:10 P.M.
* * *
James D. Hewicker, Planning Director
Robert Burnham,•Assistant City Attorney
* *
Robert Lenard, Advance Planning Administrator
Patricia. Temple, Senior 'Planner
Donald Webb, Assistant City Engineer
Pamela Woods, Secretary
* * *
Consideration of proposed Land Use Plan and
Development Policies for the Local Coastal
INITIATED BY: . The City of Newport Beach
Commissioner Beek stated that he would not be.
participating in the discussion or voting on
public property leaseholds because of a personal
financial interest.
Mr. Robert Burnham, Assistant City Attorney state
that an informal written opinion was received fro
the Fair Political Practice Commission (FPPC) wit
respect to the disqualification of Commissioner
Balalis and Commissioner Beek in certain areas
of deliberati.on. He stated.that the Commissioner
concerned have been made aware of this. He state
that the only change in the opinion from the FPPC
since the last meeting, is that Commissioner Beek
would be prohibited from participating in deli-
berations relating to coastal use policies..
After a short discussion with staff on the
September 4th staff report, Chairman Haidinger
• stated that the discussion today would be using
the August 21st staff report as '-d guide,
beginning with Public Property Leaseholds,
September 4, 1980 - 2:00 P.m- MINUTES:
Commissioner Thomas asked staff to comment on the PROPERTY
feasibility of the creation of a fund based on
fair market returns. Mr. Lenard stated that
current revenues from the leases are in most
respects, general fund revenues. Any funds that
are earmarked specifically for another use, would
take that many dollars out of the budget. Based
on existing land uses, fair market values are
difficult. to evaluate and calculate in many.cases.'
He added. that most of the leases are handled
directly at the City Council level.
Commissioner Allen asked staff to comment on Page
13, Paragraph 2, wherein it states that any new
lease will return to the City of Newport Beach
lease rates to reflect the market value of the
properties. Mr. Lenard stated that when a lease
is negotiated, a.full appraisal report is presented
to the Council. The appraisal report contains
information on fair market value, growth factors
and projected future use. It would be difficult
if it were proposed to call in all existing
leases to be renegotiated at fair market value.
He stated that the older the lease, the harder
it would be to implement, because the lease would
be so far below market value. Commissioner. Allen
commented that approximately four percent of the
general fund is affected by this issue. .
Commissioner Thomas stated that the problem the
leaseholders face is that they can either work
with this arrangement, which affectively guaran-
tees the continued types of uses on the public
property currently, or they can proceed to deal
with the Coastal Commission.
Chairman Haidinger clarified that as the leases
are renewed, the revenues from the leases, or
possibly the difference between the current rent
and the revised rent, would be put in a fund.
The fund would then be used to buy waterfront
property which would then be available to the
public. He stated that the fund proposal would
not have an affect on the property holder because
the money would have to be paid out anyway. He
added that this seems more like a City budget pro lem.
4MISSIONERS September 4, 1980 - 2:00 p.m. MINUTES
19 City of Newport Beach
Commi.ssioner Thomas stated that this would be a
fund transfer which would allow for conformance
with the Coastal Act as well as allowing the
exis,ting leaseholders to maintain their existing
types of uses.
Chairman - Haidinger asked if anyone in the audien
had any input on this ma.tter. No. one came'forth
at this time.
Motion X Motion was made that-when-the leases expire or
as soon as it is feasible to renegotiate, they
shall be renegotiat.ed at fair market value, re-
cognizing 'that this is the current City policy. .
The funds shall be used for acquisition and
development of coastal properties to provide uses
consistent with the Coastal Act such as smal.l boat
launching facilities, acquisition of environmental
ly sensitive habitat areas and other uses which
may be consistent with the tidelands trust
• Commissioner Cokas.asked if the total revenue froir
these leases would go into the fund, or just the
increase. He also asked if this will have a
significant effect on the City's general fund.
Commissioner Thomas stated that all of the
revenues would be placed in this fund. Chairman.
Haid.inger stated that this would affect four to
five percent of the City's total budget. Com-
missioner McLaughlin suggested that only a per-
centage of the revenue should go into the fund,
rather than to shock the City's budget.
Commissioner Cokas sta.ted -that the effect would
be gradual in that the renegotiations will occur
over a period of time, not all in one year.
Commissioner Thomas added that .some of the leases
do not expire until the year 2000.
Commissioner. Thomas suggested that if the motion
passes, he would request a report from the City
Manager's Office indicating the impact this may
Mr. Lenard asked if the intent of the funds are
for land acquisition or development of existing
COMMISSIONERS September 4, 1980 2:00 p.m. MINUTES
3 city Newport of N ort Beach
facilities.. Commissioner Thomas stated that his
intent was for either or. He stated that he has
built inflexibility for the staff and the City
Manager's Office to determine how the funds would
be used. He added that his personal preference
would be for emphasis on acquisition.
Motion X Motion by Commissioner Thomas was then voted,
Absents X
At this time Mr. Dave Dmohowski, representing- BEACON
The Irvine Company, appeared before the Commission BAY .
with regard to the la -nd use designations for
Beacon Bay. Mr. Dmohowski stated that The Irvine
Company is one of the leasees in the Beacon Bay
area. He suggested that.redevelopment of the
area should include all of the existing uses,
such'as residential; boat maintenance facilities,
restaurant, marine /commercial related uses and
• the continuation of existing rental units..
Commissioner Allen stated that preservi.ng the
existing land use pattern seems to be the intent
of this section in the LCP. Mr. Dmohowski added
that it may suffice to have a note in.the text
stating that residential uses could be considered
as part of the marine and visitor serving facili-
ties-in the future, rather than showing a.com-
bination of uses on the..map designation.itself.
Commissioner McLaughlin suggested the deletion of
the wording "particularly th.e marine commercial
uses in the Balboa Yacht Basin .Area" from the
Beacon Bay portion of the LCP on Page 53, to re-
solve this problem.
Mr. William Blurock appeared before; the Commission
and stated that rather.than zoning at this time
for a long term use in.the future, it should be.
designated as public land. He stated that is.
seems more appropriate to designate the land as
public land with its present uses.. He stated that
when the lease .comes up_for lease or release, it
could be determined at that time if the best in`
terest would be for public use or continue
its p.resent use.
-1 w
September 4, 1980 - 2:00 p.m
Gtv of Newaort Beach
ROLL CALL I 111 Jill I INDEX > .
Mr. Lenard stated that the LCP Committee.consider
ed this, but decided to use.designations which
would reflect the existing uses, as opposed to
making the decision at a later date.
Planning Director Hewicker stated that the Beacon
Bay lease is due to expire relatively soon. One
of the problems the owners of residential units
are having is obtaining financing for new con-
struction or extensive remodelling. It would
seem by designating the area with residential
use, the lending and financial institutions would
then be aware of the City's intent.
Mr. Hightower, President of the Balboa Bay Club,
appeared before the Commission with regard to the
blank public use designation. He asked if a
business would be permitted to rebuild in the
event a major catastrophe occurred. Planning
Director Hewicker stated that.the intent of the
implementation phase would be that the current
rules and regulations of the City with respect
to zoning and non - conforming uses would apply.
This would allow the rebuilding of non - conforming
buildings and structures which would be lost as
the result of a fire, for example. He stated
that there are specific provisions in the Zoning
Ordinance which address the .question of legal
non - conforming uses. Planning Director Hewicker
clarified that'in the event the Balboa Bay Club
elected to expand or substantially change their
use, a use permit would then be required outright
Mr. John Curci appeared before the Commission and
spoke with regard to the public lands in Newport
Beach. Mr. Curci stated that as the leases ex-
pire, the City should then establish what should
be done withAhe property, but for now, we should
leave the options open on this land..
Chairman Haidinger stated that t
should determine whether a broad
nation or a specific designation
sidered. Mr. Lenard stated that
be certifiable if a blanket land
is decided upon.
• 11111111
ie Commission
land use desig-
should be con -
the LCP may not
use designation
September 4, 1980 - 2:00 p.m.
Mr. Lenard stated that it would-be difficult to
devise a designation for-mixed uses. Chairman
Haidinger stated that the Commission will not
apply a blanket d.esignation, but may determine
to use a mixed designation on individual cases
as they arise.
Motion X Motion was made to approve the wording for Beacon
Ayes X X YX X Bay as.follows: "The Beacon Bay area is a City
Abstain X owned parcel which is currently leased and used
Absent * for both.residential and marine commercial uses.
The Local Coastal Plan Land Use Plan designations
reflect existing uses. It is the intent.of the
land use designations.to preserve the existing
land use patterns ", which MOT,ION.CARRIED.
Commissioner Thomas asked how the slip rentals
are tied into the American Legion Hall lease:
Ms..Temple stated that the slips were developed
by the American Legion Post. During the period
of time they were paying for the construction, th
• received all revenues from the slips. Now that
the construction has been paid for, the City re-
ceives 40 percent of the gross revenues from the
3 � D
GtX of Newport Beach
Motion was made that the Commission support a
specific land use designation, which MOTION
Mr. Lenard stated that this would not preclude th
Commission from designating those sites for some
type of public use which would make the existing
uses non - conforming, but still able to continue.
After -the leases are r'enegotiate.d, consideration
could be given to changing a specific land use
as a holding designation, or.provisions for al-
ternate -uses, such as primary and secondary uses.
Commissioner Thomas stated that primary and
secondary use policies are difficult to control.
Chairman Haidinger stated.that his objective is
to create a certifiable CCP which is also general
enough to give flexibility. Commissioner Cokas
stated that he voted No on the specific desig-
nation, because it will not give us the flexi-
bility we are looking for.
Mr. Lenard stated that it would-be difficult to
devise a designation for-mixed uses. Chairman
Haidinger stated that the Commission will not
apply a blanket d.esignation, but may determine
to use a mixed designation on individual cases
as they arise.
Motion X Motion was made to approve the wording for Beacon
Ayes X X YX X Bay as.follows: "The Beacon Bay area is a City
Abstain X owned parcel which is currently leased and used
Absent * for both.residential and marine commercial uses.
The Local Coastal Plan Land Use Plan designations
reflect existing uses. It is the intent.of the
land use designations.to preserve the existing
land use patterns ", which MOT,ION.CARRIED.
Commissioner Thomas asked how the slip rentals
are tied into the American Legion Hall lease:
Ms..Temple stated that the slips were developed
by the American Legion Post. During the period
of time they were paying for the construction, th
• received all revenues from the slips. Now that
the construction has been paid for, the City re-
ceives 40 percent of the gross revenues from the
COMMISSIONERS September 4, 1980 - 2:00 p.m. MINUTES
i i 7195s)
City of Newport Beach
marina slips and the remaining 60 percent goes to
the American Legion Post. She added that the
slips are totally operated by the.American Legion
Post as they maintain and lease the slips
Mr. Burnham stated that this would be within
the tideland trust.
Motion X Motion was made to accept the wording of the
Ayes X X X X X Local Coastal Plan with respect to the American
Abstain Legion Hall site on Page 44 of the draft Local
Absent * Coastal Plan, which MOTION CARRIED.
Mr. Burnham, Assistant City Attorney, summarized LIDO
for .the Commission a memo from the City Attorney's ISLE
Office dated September 4, 1980, on the Lido Isle
leases and the proposed signing program to identify
the public beaches and the public access easements..
He stated that there are specific areas where the
• public has access.over property leased by the City
to the Association. Signs to be erected should be
erected at those points and should indicate the
nature.of the property.. Boat launching across
the public access would be permissible only if the
City Council designated, by resolution, any of
those areas as launching /hauling sites.
Chairman Hai.dinger noted at 3:10 p.m. that Com
missioner Balalis was now present at today's
After a discussion with Mr. Burnham on his pre -
sentation, Chairman Haidinger asked for.the public's
input on this matter.
Mr. Robert Sangster, a member of the Board of
Directors of the Lido Isle Community Association,
appeared before the Commission. Mr. Sangster
urged the Commission to delete the language con -
tained on Pages 46 and 47 of the draft LCP, namely,
"The City will establish a signing program to
identify the public beaches and the public access
easements." He stated that the Association spends
approximately $30,000 per year maintaining and
. improving the leased properties. He stated that
it would be inappropriate to designate the beaches
as public because they are leased to the Associa-
tion. He also stated that the use of the access
September 4, 1980 2:00 p.m.
y y City of Newport Beach
easements is quite limited to access for swimming,
fishing and view purposes. He added that where
there are beaches, the sand below the high tide
. dine is mossy, wet and of little use for beach
purposes. He.also added that the Newport Beach
Municipal Code expressly prohibits boat launching
and hauling over these access areas. Mr.. Sangster
stated that his views were expressed in a letter
to the Commission dated August 22, 1980.
Mr.. Lenard stated that the staff did have the
benefit of seeing each of the beach areas, and
the amount of beach sand that is beyond the bulk-
head line, which would be available to the public
is extremely minimal.
Mr. Tony Turner of Newport Heights appeared befor
the Commission and stated that he had several
suggested changes for the leasehold section of
the LCP.. Mr. Turner stated that the Lido Isl.e
situation is unique and should be identified as
• unique in the LCP. He stated that he would like.
to see the fifth sentence on Page 7 of the draft
LCP changed to read as follows: "The following
lease hold policies are established to guide the.
use of present'leasing and re- leasing of public
property." He stated that this wo.uld be eliminat
the idea that it is not reasonable to renegotiate
these leases now. He stated that these leases
should be renegotiated, as the Lido Isle lease
does not expire until 2001. He added that he fel
that the Coastal Commission plan was to make thes
beaches available. He stated that he is interest
in access to the water and boat launching, not
sunbathing on the sand.
Mr. Turner also recommended that Policy No. 1 on .
Page 7 of the draft.LCP be revised to read as
follows: .. "Any presently held leasehold leases
being-renegotiated-or renewed and new leases of
publically owned land for private use shall be
consistent with policies of the California Coastal
Act and shall be subject to voter approval." He
stated that these leases need to.be renegotiated
and subject to voter approval. The fact that a
law was established in 1929, does not mean that
• the beaches should not be made more accessible to
the general public now.
September 4, 1980 - 2:00 p.m.
of Newport Beach
Mr. Turner.stated that this document must be ac-
ceptable to the City Council as well as the
Regional and State Coastal Commission. He stated
that the maps.and the public accesses must be
made clearer as to what Newport Beach is doing
for the public at large. Mr. Turner stated that
he has prepared a letter covering the changes he
has suggested.
Commissioner Balalis stated that it seems that th
main concern of Mr. Turner, is access to the
moorings off the island. 'Mr. Turner stated that
there are approximately 50 moorings which are lo-
cated on the westerly and southerly portion of
the island. Commissioner Balalis stated that the
problems connected with the moorings adjacent to
Lido Isle need to be addressed. Mr. Turner state
that the accesses are marked as being private.
Commissioner Balalis asked Mr. Turner if it would
be acceptable to the mooring owners if they had
permission to use a specific access. Mr. Turner
stated that the mooring owners are confused on
their legiti.mate access rights and where .these
rights exist. He stated that he has personally .
been threatened to be arrested by security guards
for trespassing.
Chairmah Haidinger asked staff who owns the moor-
ings. Staff replied that these were City owned.
Mr. Lenard stated that the current section of the
Municipal Code does not authorize boat launching
in this area. He stated that many of the people
launch their boats at the public piers on 15th
Street and 19th Street.
Mr. Earl Hardage, resident of Lido Isle, appeare
before the Commiss- ion. Mr. Hardage explained the
original concept of the Lido isle beaches. He
stated that the beaches were man -made and were
always private beaches. He stated that the ori-
ginal intention of the beaches is that they be-
longed to the public of Lido, not the public of
Newport Beach. He stated that many of the houses
on Lido do hot have water frontage and that there
are not enough beaches on Lido to take care of
the residents on Lido itself.
3 vrn
September 4, 1980
2:00 P.M.
i • ti
Mr. Hardage also discussed the history of the
leases relating to the City of Mewport Beach.
He also addressed the fact that there is not
ample parking on Lido Isle, along with the fact
that there are no public facilities available.
Commissioner Allen asked Mr. Hardage if, at the
time the City Council was considering development
for Lido Isle, the City's concern was to provide
the °beaches for the interior residents of Lido.
Mr'. Hardage. stated that this was correct. He
stated that the City Council at that time, de-
cided to take title and hold it in trust for the
new residents of Lido Isle. He stated that every
25 years it would come up for renewal. Commission-
er Allen stated that esentially, in the absence
of a homeowner's association, the City stepped
into that role on behalf of the non- existent
homeowners. Mr: Hardage stated that they are
in agreement that the bay of water belongs to
. the public, but not the beaches. He added that
this is why there are the six 4 foot easements,
so that the public can get to the water's edge.
I Motion
X Motion was made to eliminate the last sentence
on Page 46 of the draft LCP wherein it states,
"The City will establish a signing program to
identify the public beaches and the public.access
Chairman Haidinger stated that the City Council
should determine if the policy should be changed
allowing boat launching or hauling at these sites
If so, the people who own the moorings should be
adequately notified. .
Commissioner Thomas suggested taking down the
signs on the easements that are public. He state
that rather than signing the area, there would be
no signing one way or the other.
Commissioner Balalis suggested that the sign should
state that is a private association beach, but that
one has the right to pass on the four foot easement.
Chairman Haidinger stated that there would be
• terrible enforcement problems with a sign of this
C MISSIONERS1 September 4, 1980 - 2:00 p.m. MINUTES
N x N City Of Newport Beach
Mr. Randolph Croner appeared before the Commission.
Mr. Croner stated that none of the signs say
"Private", the signs say "community beach ".
Commissioner Cokas suggested that possibly the las
sentence on Page 46 of the draft LCP be modified
with the deletion of "the public beaches and ".
He stated that establishing a signing program
may determine that no signs will be used ad-
versely or positively.
Mr. Lenard clarified.that the signs state,
"Community beaches for use of Lido Isle Community
Association only ".
Commissioner Allen stated that she agreed with
the suggestion of Commissioner Thomas that the
areas should be unsigned. Mr. Burnham stated
that the Association has the exclusive right to
use the beach areas. He stated that the Commis-
sion would not have the authority to direct the
Association to take the signs down, unless the
Association was willing,to do so.
Chairman.Haidinger withdrew his previous motion
to make the following motion:
Motion X Motion was made to revise the wording of the
Ayes X X X X X X area description for Lido Isle, (Page 46 of the
Abstain X draft Local Coastal Plan) as follows: "No changes
in the Lido Isle land use pattern are proposed.
All City- owned beaches have been shown as "Re-
creational and Environmental Open Space" as well
as have the access lots currently leased back to
the Lido Isle Community.Association. The City.
will establish a program to identify the public
access easements." MOTION CARRIED.
The Planning Commission recessed at 4 :00 p.m. and
reconvened at 4:10 p.m.
Mr. Ross Spurgeon, President of Marinapark Home-
owners Association appeared before the Commission
with an aerial map of the facility.
September 4, 1980 - 2:00 p.m. MINUTES:
City of Newport Beach
Mr.Spurgeon stated that they are opposed to the
draft LCP theory that Marinapark be phased out
and eventually used for public recreational uses.
He stated that a major portion of the Marinapark
complex is already devoted to public recreation,
including a tot lot, four tennis courts, a girl
scout house, voluntary action center, and 23
new public parking spaces. He added that beach
access has been improved substantially in past
years. There is access from either end of the
park as the City;has.opened the entire concrete
walkway across the front of the Park, providing
a good lateral. access along with the vertical
access.. He stated that mobile homes come the
closest to affordable housing to be found in New-
port Beach. Marinapark is the only mobile home
park on the Peninsula, and the draft LCP as it
stands; would eliminate 58 moderate priced housing
units from the City. He.stated that it would be
unreasonable to replace a dependable, revenue
producing facility with a traffic generating,
expensive use. He added that the draft LCP should
be amended to read: "The mobile home park shall
be preserved as a means of providing a variety of
housing uses within the City."
Mr. Don Porter of the Newport Beach Chamber of
Commerce, submitted to the Commission copies of
the letter from the Marine Division, which asked .
to consider Marinapark, not as o.pen space, but
leave the. options open for all uses in the future.
Commissioner Thomas stated that at the LCP hearing
there was conversation that Marinapark would be
the natural place for a public boat yard.
Mr. Porter stated that this may be a possiblity,
but that designating it as open space may lock it in
too tightly. He added that they would like to
see the options left open for consideration of
other uses.
Commissioner Allen stated that mobile home.use may
not be a long term answer to the housing problem,
but that this area of the Peninsula is currently
so impacted with traffic and beach use that it
may not be in the best public interest to recom-
mend phasing this facility out and replacing it
with a higher intensity use.
COMMISSIONERS September 4, 1980 - 2:00 p.m.
5, y City of Newport Beach
Commissioner Thomas expressed his concerns with
regard to the present,access. He stated that a
bicycle rider can barely get through the poles
and that the.path is practically in the resident'
front yards. He also stated that there is no
through access at the other end. He suggested
that the signs be taken down, the fence be placed
on the other side of the sidewalk to provide the
residents with some security, and to cut the trai
through to the parkingg lot of the' American Legion
Hall. He added that 6y collecting fees for the*
fund we have set up, the.units would be allowed.
to.stay as .a viable use.
Chairman Haidinger asked Commissioner Thomas for
clarification. Commissioner Thomas stated that
he is attempting to improve public access in the
area and allowing the units to stay. He stated
that by doing as he suggested, the sidewalk would
become a through access between the American
• Legion and 19th Street. He also stated that the
fair market fees would be utilized in the Park.
Mr. Bergon stated that the posts have been placed
at these locations to keep motor vehicles out,
but that bicycles can get through.
Mr. Lenard stated that there may be security pro-
blems with cutting the trail through the American
Legion lot, because this is a dry boat storage
area with a boat launching facility.
Commissioner Thomas stated that he is attempting
to increase the public use along the easement
and at the same time keep the units in tact. Mr.
Bergon stated that it would be possible to make
bicycle access easier. He added that the Bicycle
Trails Association expressed that they were not
interested in this segment for part of the bicycl
trails system.
Commissioner Thomas suggested that possibly the
wording, "free and clear public access . in the
most direct route possible along the bayside"
may resolve this problem.
September 4, 1980 - 2:00 p.m. MINUTES
51 R w
City of N t Beach
Motion was made to delete the wording of the last
sentence and revise the wording of the area de-
scription of Marinapark on P.age 44, draft Local
Coastal Plan as follows: Marinapark consists of
the City - owned property on Newport Bay between
15th Street and 19th Street and is designated as
"Recreational and Environmental. Open Space." The
existing uses include a large public beach and
boat launching area, buildings used by the Girl
Scouts Voluntary Action Center and American Legio
public tennis courts, and a mobile home park.
Proposed for this area is the addition of a rest -
room facility. The City shall provide free a-nd
clear public access in the most direct route alon
the bayside, dedicate the fair market rental to
acquisition of other property and establish a
signing program informing the public of the avail-
able uses, which MOTION CARRIED.
Motion to redesignate the land use to a specific
mobile home park designation to preserve the
mobile home uses in the areas only where there
are currently mobile homes.
Commissioner Thomas stated that the mobile home
park designation would not be spot zoning because
the clear public purpose of the housing element
is to provide a diversity of housing stock.
Commissioner Balalis stated that in designating
this area now, it would clearly eliminate any
options.the City may have available in the future
Commissioner Allen concurred and stated that the
mobile home issue should be handled separately.
X Motion by Commissioner Thomas was then voted on,
* * * BALB
Mr. Tom O'Keefe, Secretary of the Balboa Bay
Club, .appeared before the Commission. Mr. O'Keef
stated that the Balboa Bay Club is a valuable
September 4, 1980 - 2:00 p.m.
6 6 0 �W
City asset and produces a substantial amount of
revenue for the City. He stated that the proposed
designations of Recreational and Marine Commercial.
creates a potential problem because it delegates
many of the committed uses of the Club to a
second priority. He stated that this could im-
pair the ability to continue the financing of
the property or impair further utilization of the
site. He suggested that an alternative would be
to revise the wording of the Recreational and
Marine Commercial designation to include yacht
clubs as a first priority on waterfront building
sites. Other alternatives would be to reinstate
the visitor serving commercial definition which
has been deleted in the draft LCP, as this is
what the site is mainly used for, or to designate
the site.for Retail and, Service•.Commercial, in
which'hotels,,motels, restaurants, and commercial
recreation would be all included.
• Mr. O'Keefe also stated that.with regard to the
racket club, they would like to revise the wording
under the Recreational and Environmental Open
Space designation to include tennis clubs. He
stated that this is part of the Coastal Zone.
Mr. Lenard stated that yacht clubs were formerly
one of the primary permitted.uses, but at the last .
LCP Advisory Committee meeting, it was moved fro
a first priority item to a second priority. item.
Commissioner Thomas stated that possibly yacht
clubs were considered to be a secondary use.becaL
a yacht club is generally considered a private
club, whereas Recreational and Marine Commericial
are publicly accessible because of the nature of
the commercial enterprise. He also added that
tennis clubs, which * *are paved surfaces, can not
be considered envirnmental open space.
Motion X Motion was made to revise the wording of the
Ayes X X X X X "Recreational and Marine Commercial Designation"
Abstain K X to include ".yacht clubs" as a first priority use
on waterfront building sites; Page 39 of the
draft Local Coastal Plan, which MOTION CARRIED.
September 4, 1980 - 2:00 p.m. MINUTES;
�iG �D
' w w
City of Newport Beach
In response to a question by.Commissioner Allen,
Mr. Lenard stated that with regard to Recreational
and Environmental Open Space designation, the
LCP Committee and the staff took the position
that the integrity of the existing general plan,
be maintained with the same definitions wherever
possible. In this particular case, this is the
definition as used in the general. He also state
that there is a zoning designation of open space
which includes tennis clubs.
Chairman Haidinger stated that.by including tennis
courts under the Recreational and Environmental
Open Space designation would be inconsistent with
the General Plan.
Mr. O'Keefe expressed his concern if the tennis
club were to.be destroyed and how the building
codes would affect its rebuilding. He stated that
the Recreational and Environmental Open Space
designation is where tennis clubs would apply.
Motion was made to leave the wording as it is
for Recreational and Environmental Open Space as
proposed in the draft Local Coastal Plan, which
Commissioner Allen stated that she was in support
of the idea as presented by the Positive Action
Team that the LCP include a preamble containing
the City's history in terms of its visitor
serving character.
Motion was made to approve excused absences as
All Ayes
follows: Commissioner Allen to be excused from
the 7:30 p.m. September 4, 1980 meeting and the
September 18, 1980 meeting; Commissioner Mc-
Laughlin to be excused from the September 18, 198
meeting; and, Commissioner Cokas to be excused
from the September 18,1980 meeting, which
At 5:10 p.m. the Commission voted to adjourn the
All Ayes
meeting to the 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission meeting,